United States Patent 1191 [11] Patent Number: 4,807,158 Blanton et al. [45] Date of Patent: Feb. 21, 1989 [54] METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 4,558,438 12/1985 Jones et al 367/71 SAMPLING IMAGES TO SIMULATE galganabe er a1 --- "255x24; , , c 1 .............. .. ACE 4,583,185 4/1986 Heartz . . . . . . . . . .. 364/521 ‘ 4,615,013 9/1986 Yan et al .......................... .. 364/521 [75] Inventors: Keith A. Blanton, Alpharetta; John E. OTHER PUBLICATIONS - Tumblin, Decatur, both of Ga. _ Foley and Van Dam, Chapter 8 of Fundamentals of [73] Ass1gnee: Daleco/Iveir Partners, Ltd., Newport Interactive Computer Graphics, 1982_ Beach’ cahf- Blinn, “Systems Aspects of Computer Image Synthesis L ‘t 5 and Computer Animation”, Notes from’cours‘e ACM [21] App N° 913’ “7 SIGGRAPH 1985, called Image Rendermg Trlcks. [22] Filed: Sep. 30, 1986 Blinn, “A Homogenous Formation for Lines in 3 Space”, Notes from course ACM SIGGRAPH 1984, (3f """"""""""""" called The Mathematics of Computer Graphics. . . . ............................. .. 434;“; 358/104 (List Continued on next page.) [58] Field of Search ............. .. 364/5 125 Prima'y Examiner__Gary V- Harkcom ’ jAssistant Examiner—-H. R. Herndon [56] References Cited Attorney, Agent, or Firm--Jones, Askew & Lunsford U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS [57] ABSTRACT 3,641,260 2/ 1972 Herndon . A method and apparatus for simulating movement 3,697,678 10/1972 Belleson . within a multidimensional space by sampling a pre 3,742,289 6/1973 Koenmans . stored panoramic image. The image formed by sam 5:311:28 - p_l1ng is displayed on a CRT display screen. Each of the 4:163:249 7/1979 Michael et a1. ................. .. 358/21 R Stored images represents the yiew derived from data 4,172,264 10/1979 Taylor et a1. 358/185 Stored as a panoramic PI'OJCCIIOII of a ?at world in an 4,179,823 12/1979 Sullivan et a1. .. 364/521 X imaginary space, selected as a function of an observer’s 4,198,656 4/ 1980 Mathisen ---- -- 358/ 127 position within the imaginary space and orientation 4,208,719 6/1930 L°tz at al 364/521 X ‘with respect to that space. The preferred embodiment 1133,2221? 5°11“! 3‘ ali 364/ selects prestored panoramic image data which has been 4’305’1 31 122981 ‘ B23110“ a a ‘ " "" 4/521 mapped to a geometric projection surface called a “key 4’321’635 3/1982 """ “ 360/721 point”. The apparatus includes a random access video Best ------- n . . FiiSC System storing t'he kcypoint‘data. The method 4,343,037 3/1932 Bolton ‘‘‘‘ __ '_ 364/521 involves mappmg each pixel on the dlsplay screen to the 4,359,223 11/ 1932 B881‘ et a1‘ 273/ 85 G imaginary space and thence to the keypoint projection g?h“1‘:ta1'alm surface in order to retrieve pixel information for dis 4’37l’343 2/1983 Paisley: ‘ 434/29 gplay. Each keypoint projection surface represents an ct ,entil'e 360° panoramic View Of the imaginary World for 4,333,279 5/1983 Kenney, 11 358/341 ‘all possible orientations of the observer with respect to 4,387,406 10/1983 Ott .............. .. 358/310 the closest keypoint. 4,395,740 7/1983 Yuen et a1. 360/722 4,449,198 5/1984 Kroon et al. 364/900 4,475,132 10/1984 Rodesch ........ .. 358/342 4,533,910 8/1985 Sukonick et a1. ............. .. 364/521 X 91 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets / / / . / a .4 / , Mal/wt; fZATWO/PLD / FLAT WORLD SURFACE MAPPING 4,807,158 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Electronics, Oct. 6, 1981. Perrry, Tekla S., “Video Games: the Next Wave”, Blinn, “The Ancient Chinese Art of Chi—Ting”, Notes IEEE Spectrum, Dec. 1983. from course ACM SIGGRAPH 1985, called Image Hashimoto, Yoshitaka, “Digital Decoding and Encod Rendering Tricks. ing of the NTSC Signal at 912 Samples per Line”, Barr, “Decal Projections”, SIGGRAPH 1984 Confer SMPTE Journal, Oct. 1981. ence Proceedings. West, Susan, “The New Realism”, Science 84, J ul./Aug. Dr. Venkat Devarajan & John T. Hooks, In, “Low 1984.‘ Altitude High Speed Flight Simulation Using Video Tucker, Jonathan B., “Computer Graphics Achieves Disc Technology”, LTV Aerospace and Defense Com— New Realism”, High Technology, Jun. 1984. pany; date believed to be subsequent to 1983. Bergheim, et al., “Lasers Enhance Mass Storage”, In J. Robert Lineback, “Flight Simulator Market Soars”, foWorIa', Jun. 25, 1984. US. Patent Feb. 21, 1989 Sheet 1 0f 14 . 4,807,158 , 12x4,5 280x.?/ /“5. /x, \. \ US. Patent Feb. 21, 1989 Sheet 2 of 14 4,807,158 US. Patent Feb. 21, 1989 Sheet 4 0f 14 4,807,158 5 ) %/ HORlZON VMAX I ('20 TlLT I x9: DANW MAX Q0 " “MAX Wk} FIG 6 l 1 NM RAFJTER ORlGlN (0.0) VM FIG 7 US. Patent Feb. 21, 1989 Sheet 5 of 14 4,807,158 US. Patent Feb. 21, 1989 Sheet 7 of 14 4,807,158 . . L . b ‘2b 0 FIG /l/IA FIG /l/l B ' PRIOR ART NTSC MULTIDLEXED ANALOG CDMPDNENTS LINE n LQX’ LINE mi 1211 194 m FIG 42 i??? A“ FIG 42B IIHIEFELEI NENTS ('26 :EI'Q‘ ‘23m: KMY1 \ A" I'ZB m Y2 I / ICI'Z {IKE ;___| 05 // QB‘I I I I IC'Z3 \EIIBQ I—Y8_| \___ 2 I / “IBM ' Y4 I // @2045 no 420 he /l2D