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US007269591B2 United States Patent (12) (10) Patent N0.: US 7,269,591 B2 Wesinger, Jr. et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 11, 2007 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 4,754,428 A 6/1988 Schultz et a1. ............ .. 364/900 PROVIDING A PAY-FOR-SERVICE WEB 4,799,156 A 1/1989 Shavit et a1. ............. .. 364/401 SITE 4,805,099 A 2/1989 Huber ...................... .. 364/300 4,805,134 A 2/1989 Calo et a1. .......... .. 364/900 (75) IIWBIIIOFSI Ralph E- Weslnger, Jr” San Jose, CA 4,962,475 A 10/1990 Hernandez et a1. 364/900 (Us); ChnsmPher D- Coley’ Morgan 4,989,141 A 1/1991 Lyons et a1. ........ .. 364/408 H111’ CA (Us) 4,992,940 A 2/1991 DWorkin 364/401 (73) AssigneeZ Graphon NES sub, LLC" Santa Cruz’ 5,032,989 A 7/1991 Tornetta ......... .. 364/401 CA (Us) 5,063,507 A 11/1991 Lindsey et a1. ........... .. 364/408 5,107,443 A 4/1992 Smith et a1. .............. .. 395/158 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,136,501 A 8/1992 Silverman et a1. ........ .. 364/408 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,164,897 A 11/1992 Clark et a1. ............... .. 364/401 U-S-C- 154(1)) by 0 days- 5,168,446 A 12/1992 Wiseman .................. .. 364/408 _ 5,189,608 A 2/1993 Lyons et a1. .............. .. 364/408 (21) Appl' NO" 10/844’260 5,197,004 A 3/1993 Sobotka et a1. ........... .. 364/419 (22) Filed: May 11, 2004 5,197,005 A 3/1993 Schwartz et a1. ......... .. 364/419 5,204,947 A 4/1993 Bernstein et a1. ......... .. 395/157 (65) Prior Publication Data US 2005/0144085 A1 Jun. 30, 2005 Related US. Application Data (Commued) (63) Continuation of application No. 10/703,823, ?led on OTHER PUBLICATIONS Nov. 7, 2003, Wh1ch 1s a cont1nuat1on of appl1cat1on Earthlink Launches the world,s First Virtual “Theme” Room with NO~ 09/952,985: ?led on S_eP~ 1_4: 2001: HOW Pat No' Dilbert, Peanuts, and More; Mar. 9, 1998; http://WWWearthlinknet/ 6,850,940, Wh1ch1s a cont1nuat1on of appl1cat1on No. abounpress/prielnmonm 09/110,708, ?led on Jul. 7, 1998, noW Pat. No. 6,324,538, Which is a continuation of application No. (Continued) ?led on Dec. 14, 1995, noW Pat. No. Primary ExamineriAndreW Joseph Rudy ’ ’ ' (74) Attorney, Agent, or F irmiSierra Patent Group, Ltd. (51) Int. Cl. G06F 7/00 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (52) US. Cl. ......................... .. 707/10; 705/26; 709/229 (58) Field of Classi?cation Search "" A Web server for providing a pay-for-service Web site is S 1, _ ?l f 1 h h,’ disclosed con?gured to execute an HTML front-end entry ee app lcanon e or Comp ete Seam lstory' process con?gured for creating and storing a personal home (56) References Cited page for a oWner. The Web server is also con?gured to receive a fee for making the personal homepage accessible US. PATENT DOCUMENTS on a network. 3,581,072 A 5/1971 Nymeyer .................. .. 235/152 3,956,615 A 5/1976 Anderson et a1. ........ .. 235/61.7 22 Claims, 25 Drawing Sheets IUl SERVER SITE PAGE REQUESTS (E.G., URL) PAGES IN PDL (13.6., H l ML) DATABASE FRONT-EN DING TOOLS DATABASE US 7,269,591 B2 Page 2 US. 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FIGURE 2A U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 4 0f 25 US 7,269,591 B2 ICON WebWho’s Whois This is a WWW front end to the United States Whois database Valid Entry Type Example... DomainName Machine Name 209 Registered Handle / Registered Name ’ IP Address IP Network Information to. lookup: <—-—- 211 FIGURE 2B

4/1993 Bernstein et a1. .. 395/157. (65) NO~ 09/952,985: ?led on S_eP~ 1_4: 2001: HOW Pat No' Dilbert, Peanuts, and More; Mar. 9, 1998 Linde, Peter L, HTML and Mosaic: A taste for more, INET 94. Proceedings
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