USOO7815503B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,815,503 B2 Walker et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 19, 2010 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PLAY OF A (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................. .. 463/ 16, GAME WITH NEGATIVE OUTCOMES 463/20, 25; 273/ 143 R, 236 See application ?le for complete search history. (75) Inventors: Jay S. Walker Ridge?eld CT (US)' . ’ ’ ’ 56 R f C t d James A. Jorasch, Stamford, CT (US); ( ) e erences l 6 Stephen C. Tulley, Fair?eld, CT (US); US. PATENT DOCUMENTS DaV‘d F“ luck“, Wlnnetka’ IL (Us); 4,669,731 A 6/1987 Clarke .................. .. 273/143 R Andrew D- Rogers, Menlo Park, CA 4,718,672 A 1/1988 Okada ....................... .. 463/20 (US); Geoffrey M. Gelman, Stamford, 4,991,848 A 2/1991 Greenwood et al. 273/143 R CT (US); Daniel E. Tedesco, 5,092,598 A 3/1992 Kamille Huntington, CT (US) 5,123,649 A 6/1992 Tiberio (73) Assignee: IGT, Reno, NV (US) (commued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP 1 298 612 AZ 40003 (21) Appl. No.: 10/787,356 OTHER PUBLICATIONS . _ Website: “Press Your Luck (PYL) General Information Page”, (http (22) Flled' Feb“ 26’ 2004 //members fortunecity com/jd83/pylinf0 html), undated. (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2004/0176156 A1 Sep. 9, 2004 Primary ExamineriDmitry Suhol Assistant Examinerilason Pinheiro Related U-S- Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiK&L Gates LLP (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/420,981, ?led on Apr. 22, 2003. (57) ABSTRACT (60) Provisional application No. 60/450,466, ?led on Feb. MethOd and apparatus are described for conducmlg a second 26’ 2003~ ary game at a gaming device. 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Patent 0a. 19, 2010 Sheet 6 0f 12 US 7,815,503 B2 610 ,\ WANT MOST OF YOUR SPINS To BE WINNERS? 600 \ JUST comm“ To MAKING AT LEAsT 20 PULLS. \ BUT WATCH OUT FOR THE THIEF - _ HE CAN STEAL HALF YOUR CREDIT BALANCE! r PAYS LEFI' \ f 1 2 3 w r PAYS RIGHTX TO RIGHT > COIN COINS COINS < TO LEFT 7 7 7 100 200 600 7 7 7 BAR BAR BAR 50 100 150 BAR BAR BAR O O 0 1° 4° 6° é é é ?ggz°ws°QQQ g g BAR 1s 36 54 BAR Q g Q Q BAR 14 28 42 ‘ BAR Q Q Q 6 BAR 10 20 30 ‘ BAR (j (j ANY PAIR @ 5 10 15 ANY PAIR @42 @0 ANY ANY 2 4 6 @9' ANY ANY @@@k ,@@@ -25% -50% -75% f— w— a 650 CREDIT BALANCE SORRY LOSE PULLS REMAINING |NSERT AL \ HALF YOUR ; \D 26 BALANCE 1 8 CARD HERE \_ 620 640 -0 ‘0' -0 \\» m m #6101 630 L 9L2] FIG. 6 US. 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