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Method and apparatus for managing a large scale network including apparatuses to be managed PDF

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US006243748B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,243,748 B1 Arai (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 5, 2001 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 6,052,722 * 4/2000 Taghadoss .......................... .. 709/223 MANAGING A LARGE SCALE NETWORK 6,112,015 * 8/2000 Planas et a1. ................. .. 395/200.53 INCLUDING APPARATUSES To BE , . . MANAGED cited by examiner Primary Examiner—Viet D. Vu (75) Inventor: Toshlhlko Aral’ kanagawa (JP) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Helfgott & Karas, P C. (73) Assignee: Fujitsu Limited, Kawasaki (JP) (57) ABSTRACT ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this In a large-scale network having a plurality of apparatuses patent is extended or adjusted under 35 to-be-managed, and a managing apparatus Which manages U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. the apparatuses to-be-managed; the apparatus to-be managed comprises a number-of-times-of-status-changes (21) App1_ No; 09/126,246 information update unit Which updates the cumulative num _ ber of times of status changes, and a number-of-times-of (22) Flled: Jul- 30’ 1998 status-changes information storage unit Which stores therein (30) Foreign Application Priority Data the cumulative number of times of status changes as updated by the number-of-times-of-status-changes information Oct. 20, 1997 (JP) ................................................. .. 9-286665 update unit; and the managing apparatus Comprises a (51) Int. c1.7 .................................................... .. G06F 13/00 numbefliofl-timesrof-sfus-chgngesfieformagion acq‘?si?on _ _ unit W 1c acquires t e num er-o -t1mes-o -status-c anges """""" " 709/223’ 709/7221: information from the number-of-times-of-status-changes information storage unit, a status change decision unit Which 709/222, 223, 224, 227, 230, 237, 313 decides Whether any status change is present or absent, in , accordance With the numbers of times of status changes as (56) References Cited acqui- red from the number-of-ti- mes-of-status-changes i- nfor U_S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS mation acquisition unit, and a status information acquisition unit Which acquires status information from the apparatus 5,568,605 * 10/1996 Clouston et a1. ...................... .. 714/4 to_be_managed in a Case Where the presence of the Status 5’703’938 * 12/1997 Lucas et a1’ 379/112 change has been decided by the status change decision unit 5,710,885 * 1/1998 Bondi ........... .. 709/224 ' 5,734,642 * 3/1998 Vaishnavi et a1 370/255 5,842,043 * 11/1998 Nishimura ............................ .. 710/36 16 Claims, 34 Drawing Sheets APPARATUS TO-BE-MANAGED 5 MANAGING APPARATUS 1 NUMBER-OF-T l MES-— NUMBER-OF-Tl MES- NUMBER-OF-T I MES- STATUS OF-STATUS-CHANGES ‘ OF-STATUS-CHANGES ‘ OF-STATUS-CHANGES ‘ STATUS CHANGES ‘ INFORMATION INFORMATION ' INFORMATION ' INFORMATION ' DECISION UNIT ' ACQUISITION UPDATE UNIT STORAGE UNIT ACQUISITION UNIT UNIT 6 4 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 2001 Sheet 1 0f 34 US 6,243,748 B1 .HEE U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 2001 Sheet 3 0f 34 US 6,243,748 B1 F A <NO_n_. o U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 2001 Sheet 4 0f 34 US 6,243,748 B1 1O WAN Q O: NODES [j I NETWORK MANAGING APPARATUS FIG. 2B U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 2001 Sheet 5 0f 34 US 6,243,748 B1 Root CCITT ISO Joint CCITf/ISO Standard Identified organization @ - Int-e rnet -0 - - o l=directory 2=mgmt a e e e 3=experimental 4=private APPARATUS APPARATUS ( 1 ) ( ‘ 6 APPARATUS (N 21m" 0 @/ E) §+2%Us@ -- 0 CONFIGURATION INFORMATION §§f$§§ws FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 2001 Sheet 6 0f 34 US 6,243,748 B1 NETWORK MANAGING WAN NODE APPARATUS GET request(SYs) '1 ~GET SUPERVISION response SEQUENCE FOR GET requestCpoI) ONE NODE GET response ET (FAN f0 n = FAN ._G_____.__.____req)u est 0003500025; fan MODULE GET response GET response GET request(LS#9) 00a0003327a, 00a000%3»::5 0000003&%2;: ‘‘o000$i5t2s; GET response GET reques? LIN #01 GET response sys = SYSTEN CONTROL 2 s MODULE pow = POWER SUPPLY WAN NODE MODULE FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 2001 Sheet 7 0f 34 US 6,243,748 B1 M= MANAGER APPARATUS AH )~ A( n) = AGENT APPARATUSES FIG. 5

sTATUsEs. cNTL I N. 52. STASYS (In) sum 0 1. MODULE sTATUsEs/. 53. STAMOD(m). LINE. STALiINU). sTATUsEs/ 54 STALIN(m). MIB. FIG. 9
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