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US008630478B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,630,478 B2 Silver (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 14, 2014 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LOCATING (56) References Cited OBJECTS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (71) Applicant: William M. Silver, Nobleboro, ME (US) 4,214,265 A 7/l980 Olesen . . . 4,292,666 A 9/l98l Hill et a1. (72) Inventor: William M. Silver, Nobleboro, ME (US) 4,384,195 A 5/1983 Nosler (73) Assignee: CogneX Technology and Investment (Continued) C t' M t ' V' CA S MP0" 10"’ Oun am leW’ (U ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ( * ) Notice: Subject‘ to any disclaimer, the term of this DE 10007985 9/2000 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 DE 10012715 9 /2000 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (Continued) (21) Appl- NO-I 13/623,387 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed; sep_ 20, 2012 iQ 180 Products, Adaptive Optics Associates 900C0les Road Blackwood, NJ 08012-4683, (Dec. 2003). (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2013/0163847 A1 Jun. 27, 2013 Primary Examiner * Mike Rahmjoo Related UlslApplication Data gil?cAllorney, Agent, or Firm *Loginov & Associates, (60) Division of application No. 11/136,103, ?led on May 24, 2005, noW Pat. No. 8,290,238, which is a (57) ABSTRACT Connnuanon of apphcanon NO- 10/865’155’ ?led on Disclosed are methods and apparatus for automatic optoelec Jun- 9’ 2004- tronic detection and inspection of objects, based on capturing digital images of a two-dimensional ?eld of vieW in Which an (51) Int‘ Cl‘ object to be detected or inspected may be located, analyzing G06K 9/00 (200601) the images, and making and reporting decisions on the status (52) U-s- Cl- of the object. Decisions are based on evidence obtained from USPC ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 382/141; 382/145; 382/153; 382/100; aplurality ofimages for Which the objectis located in the ?eld 382/209; 382/159; 382/190; 382/194; 382/195; of vieW, generally corresponding to a plurality of viewing 382/216; 382/217; 382/170; 382/155 perspectives. Evidence that an object is located in the ?eld of (58) Field Of Classi?catiOIl Search vieW is used for detection, and evidence that the object satis CPC ................. .. G06T 7/0004; G06T 2207/30164; ?es appropriate inspection criteria is used for inspection. G06T 7/001; G06T 7/0006; G06T 2200/24; Methods and apparatus are disclosed for capturing and ana G06T 2207/30108; G06T 7/004 lyzing images at high speed so that multiple viewing perspec USPC ....... .. 382/141,145,153, 100, 209, 159, 190, tives can be obtained for objects in continuous motion. 382/194, 195, 216, 217, 170, 155 See application ?le for complete search history. 13 Claims, 26 Drawing Sheets 124 170 m 114 m 110 . 118 [El *3 [:1 O \mwu 1w System I 400 -—/ US 8,630,478 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited 6,396,517 B1 5/2002 Becket a1. 6,396,949 B1 5/2002 Nichani Us, PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,408,429 B1 6/2002 Marrion etal. 6,446,868 B1 9/2002 Robeitson et a1. 4,647,979 A 3/19g7 Urata 6,483,935 B1 11/2002 Rostamietal. 4,679,075 A 7/1987 Williams et a1. 6,487,304 B1 11/2002 Sz_el1sk1 4,847,772 A 7/1989 Michalopoulos et a1. 6,525,810 B1 2/2003 Klpman 4,916,640 A 4/1990 Gasperi 6,526,156 B1 2/2003 Blacketal. 4,962,538 A 10/1990 Eppleretal‘ 6,539,107 B1 3/2003 Michaeletal. 4,972,494 A 11/1990 White et a1. 6,545,705 B1 4/2003 518919491 5018213 A 5/1991 Sikes 6,549,647 B1 4/2003 Skunes et 31. 530402056 A 8/1991 sageretal, 6,573,929 B1 6/2003 Glier et a1. 5,121,201 A 6/1992 Seki 6,580,810 B1 6/2003 Yangetal. 5,146,510 A 9/1992 Cox etal. 6,587,122 B1 7/2003 King eta1~ 5,164,998 A 11/1992 Reinsch et a1. 6,597,381 B1 7/2003 Eskridge eta1~ 5177420 A 1/1993 Wada 6,608,930 B1 8/2003 Agnihotriet a1. 53184217 A 2/1993 Doering 6,618,074 B1 9/2003 Seeleyet a1. 5,198,650 A 3/1993 Wikeetal‘ 6,621,571 B1 9/2003 Maedaetal. 5210 798 A 5/1993 Ekchian et 31, 6,625,317 B1 9/2003 Gaf?n et a1. ................ .. 382/209 53233541 A @1993 Corwin etal‘ 6,628,805 B1 9/2003 Hansen etal. 5,262,626 A 11/1993 Goren et a1. 6,629,642 B1 10/2003 SWMIZ etal 5,271,703 A 12/1993 Lindqvist et a1. 6646244 B2 11/2003 A98 er 91 5,286,960 A 2/1994 Longacre, Jr. et a1. 6,668,075 B1 12/2003 Nakamura 5,298,697 A 3/1994 Suzuki et a1. 6,677,852 B1 1/2004 Land? 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Patent Jan. 14, 2014 Sheet 1 0f 26 US 8,630,478 B2 encoder Prior Art 162 164 1 180 150 M/ 168 166 16g PLC \w- 140 Fig 1 Prior Art 1633;13 110621 ' capture analyze nod»a l (rupture analyze time Fig 2 US. Patent Jan. 14, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 26 US 8,630,478 B2 315 s 124 30 1 120 . ‘0 {SJ ‘1) l \-"100 39° ...../ 1:3 310 Prior Art 336 164 116 330 168 180 333 FLO 340 Fig 3 H8 Fig 4 US. Patent Jan. 14, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 26 US 8,630,478 B2 53ac0] ac‘ a5c 4 0i c] ac ac ac 54:5 06 1c| ac , o_b i5e0c:05t l i] i! a ? ‘'5 El 3O bject3 2 3] 510 Fig 5 Fig 6 alt alr alr a|r all; alr alr alt all aLr air air air alr alr aIr alr alr a|r alr alr a r 710 720 time Fig 7 US. Patent Jan. 14, 2014 Sheet 4 of 26 US 8,630,478 B2 Automation Equipment L 820 J1 \— 810 Vision Detector 4' " ' ' _ '’ HM] 840 l 800 -/ Fig 8 E memory : 910 g i 960 E 950 \ : \ 974 —1\\ memory a 1 controller : - : MA . lens 'I imager H PPI ;i 3 (LM9630) ; : : i 972 i l. ___________________ __ ; 970 i i 5 H1 interface illumination D51’ 5 . (ADSP-BF531) 940-/ 9i 00 L ________ 982 Fig 9 US. Patent Jan. 14, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 26 US 8,630,478 B2 in g ’ 1230 G‘ is 05 . 0 ’ f g () <>/— 1214 8 00 —$—H m pi 1212 1202 10 H ‘__. /_ 2 -_ ---.----_.<>__, .... juzmnx % Q ‘ 1216- Q 1240 . 2% 0 o o 0 o 0.0 p Frames i ________________________________________________________ .._F_i.g_-.1.2. .........................................................

(71) Applicant: William M. Silver, Nobleboro, ME (US). 4,214,265 A .. “Cognex 3000/4000/5000 Image Processing”, Revision 7.4. 590-0135 Edge Denis, Jolivet “LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision Builder Provide Auto mated Visual Test
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