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Patent Nos. 4,274,434, To Fresenius’ Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the 5,326,476, 5,744,027 and 6,284,131. Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5,247,434 and 6,284,131. Opening Expert Witness Report of Mr. Jeff Riley in the Matter of Baxter’s Opposition To Fresenius’ Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5,326,476 Fresenius v. Baxter. Opening Expert Witness Report of Dr. Richard A. Ward Regarding and 5,774,027 ?led Mar. 21, 2006. the Invalidity of Certain Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5,326,476 and Declaration of Dr. Lee W. Henderson In Support of Baxter’s Opposition to Fresenius’ Motion for Summary Judgment of Inval 5,486,286. Expert Report of John Turner. idity of the Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5,326,476 and 5,744,027. Rebuttal Expert Report of Dr. Lee W. Henderson. Declaration of Michael J. Abernathy In Support of Baxter’s Oppo Rebuttal Expert Report of J. Dennis Bruner, Ph.D., P.E. sition to Fresenius’ Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of Expert Report of Lawrence J. Goffney, Jr. the Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5.326,476 and 5,744,027 Expert Report of Richard F. Ferraro Regarding Infringement of US. and attached Exhibits 208, 12, 13 and 15. Patent Nos. 5,247,434; 6,284,131 B1; 5,326,476; 5486,286; and Declaration of Richard F. Ferraro In Support of Baxter’s Opposition 5,774,027. to Fresenius’ Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Rebuttal Expert Report of Richard F. Ferraro Regarding the Validity Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5,326,476 and 5,744,027 and of US. Patent Nos. 5,247,434; 6,284,131 B1; 5,326,476; and attached Exhibit 1. 5,774,027 and attached Addendum A-J. Fresenius’ Notice of Motion and Motion For Summary Judgment of Fresenius’ Motion For Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Invalidity ofthe Asserted Claims ofU.S. Patent Nos. 5,326,476 and Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5,247,434 and 6,284,131 and 5,744,027; Memorandum of Points & Authority in Support Thereof. attached Exhibits 1-35. US 7,303,680 B2 Page 5 District Court Order in response to Fresenius’ Motion For Summary Microelectronic Applications in Intelligent Periphreals and their Judgment of Invalidity of the Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. Interconnection Networks, Hamburg, May 8-12, 1989, (pp. 2-98 5,247,434 and 6,284,131 and Baxter’s Motion for Partial Summary 2-100). Judgment of Validity. Keuchel, M., et al., Fluid-shift during computer-modulated pro?le Declaration of Robert Phares in Support of Fresenius’s Motion for hemodialysis (CMP-HD), The International Journal of Arti?cial Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Asserted Claims of US. Organs, vol. 14, No. 10, 1991, (pp. 631-633). Patent Nos. 5.247,434 and 6,284,121. Klocke, H., et al., “An Anesthesia Information System For Moni Declaration of Thomas S. McClenahan in Support of Fresenius’ toring And Record Keeping During Surgical Anesthesia,” Journal of Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Asserted Claims Clinical Monitoring, vol. 2, No. 4, Jan.-Oct. 1986, (pp. 246-261). of the US. Patent Nos. 5,247,434 and 6,284,131 and attached Morrison, S., et al., “The touch screen system in the pigeon Exhibits 1 through 35. laboratory: An initial evaluation of its utility,” Behavior Research Fresenius’ Opposition to Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Methods, Instruments, & Computers, A Journal of the Psychonomic Judgment of Validity. Society, Inc., vol. 22, No. 2, Apr. 1990, pp. 123-126). Declaration of James Causey in Support of Fresenius’ Opposition to Perrone, B., et al., “Evidence of Fluid Shifts during Dialysis Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Validity. Sessions with Sodium and Ultra?ltration Pro?les,” Improvements in Declaration of Jeff Riley in Support of Frensenius’ Opposition to Dialysis Therapy, Contrib Nephrology, vol. 74, 1989, (pp. 191-199). Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Validity and Brian Petheram, “Enabling stroke victims to interact with a attached Exhibit A. microcomputeria comparison of input devices,” international Dis Declaration of Thomas S. McClenahan in Support of Fresenius’ ability Studies, vol. 10, No. 2, 1988, (pp. 73-80). Opposition to Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Pye, S.D., PhD, et al., “The use of an infrared touch-screen to of Validity and Exhibits A to Z. control the sensitivity of ultrasound scanners in clinical practice,” Declaration of Richard Alan Griewski in Opposition to Defendants’ The British Journal of Radiology, vol. 62, No. 743, 1989, (pp. Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Validity and Exhibit A to 1014-1016). C. Rau, G., et al., “Ergonomic Design Aspects In Interaction Between Fresenius’ Reply Brief in Support of its Motion for Summary Man and Technical Systems in Medicine,” Medical Progress Judgment of Invalidity of the Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. through Technology, vol. 9, 1982, (pp. 153-159). 5,326,476 and 5,744,027. Operator Instructions, Fresinius Hemodialysis Machine 2008BSS, Fresenius’ Reply to Baxter’s Opposition to Fresenius’ Motion for Manual 460001 Rev: B, 1990 and 1993, (56 pgs.). Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Asserted Claims of US. Fresenius USA, A2008 BSS Technical Manual Part #450126 Rev. Patent Nos. 5,247,434 and 6,284,131. B.. 1989 and 1991, (167 pgs.). Declaration of Dr. Ben J. Lipps in Support of Fresenius’ Reply COBE, Centry 2, Centry 2Rx Dialysis Control Units and Centry Regarding Fresenius’ Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity Ultra?ltration Control Module Operator’s Manual, Aug. 1990, (261 PgS~)~ ofthe Asserted Claims ofU.S. Patent Nos. 5,247,434 and 6,284,131. Expert Report of Richard F. Ferraro Regarding Infringement of US. COBE, Centurysystem2, Ultra?ltration Control Module (UFCM) Service Manual, Aug. 1990, (321 pgs.). Patent Nos. 5,247,434;6,284,131,B1; 5,326,476; 5,486,286; and COBE Centrysystem 3, Dialysis Control Unit, Maintenance and 5,774,027. Troubleshooting Service Manual, 1990, (421 pgs.). Rebuttal Expert Report of Richard F. Ferraro Regarding the Validity CMS 08iHandbook, 1998 and the English translation, (117 pgs.). ofU.S. Patents: 5,247,434; 5,284,131 B1; 5,326,476; and 5,774,027 Seratron Dialysis Control System, Technician’s Manual, Catalog and attached Addendum A-J. No. 271-301, Cordis Dow Corp., (269 pgs.), undated. Fresenius’ Motion For Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Speci?cation, Seratron PRSM System Level I, (35 pgs.), undated. Asserted Claims of US. Patent Nos. 5,247,434 and 6,284,131 and Maintenance Manual, 7300 Single Patient Delivery System, Drake attached Exhibits 1-35. Willock, 1984, (236 pgs.). Court entered judgment on the jury’s ?ndings of Jul. 17, 2006. The Museum, HP-150 touch screen computer, Baxter’s motion for judgment as a matter of law to set aside the sold or offered for sale by Hewlett Packard. See http://www.old jury’s ?ndings ?led on Jul. 28, 2006., as of Nov. 19, Direct and cross-examinations from transcripts of Mr. James 2003, (3 pgs.), undated. Causey pp. 829 to 832 and 859 to 874, undated. HP-150 Touchscreen Personal Computer with HP 9121 Dual Direct and cross-examinations from transcripts of Mr. Gunter Gau Drives, Hewlett Packard website; 1983, (5 pgs.). pp. 601 to 611, undated. Memo to Ben Lipps from Wayne Merryman regarding FDS 08 Fresenius’ Opposition to Baxter’s Rule 50(b) Renewed Motion for Development dated Dec. 5, 1986, (2 pgs.). Judgment As a Matter of Law dated Aug. 16, 2006. Operator’s Manual, Drake Willock 480 Ultra?ltration Control, Operator’s Instructions for A2008 Hemodialysis System, Published Single Patent Delivery System, CD Medical, Inc., 1988, (96 pgs.). by Fresenius, pp. 1-116, undated. Letter to Mr. J. James Li from Scott Walker, Vice President, R&D Daugirdas, J., et al., “A Double-Blind Evaluation of Sodium Gra Equipment dated Jul. 2, 2003 enclosing the revision of history of the dient Hemodialysis,” American Journal of Nephrology, vol. 5, (pp. 2008E Operator’s Manual, (117 pgs.). 163-168), undated. SeratronTM Dialysis Control System, Cordis Dow Corp., UF Rate Ebel, H., et al., “In?uence of Computer-Modulated Pro?le Accuracy Intradialytic Measurements Actual vs. Display ml/hr, (20 Haemodialysis on Cardiac Arrhythmias,” Nephrological Dialysis pgs.), undated. and Transplant, Supplement 1, 1990, (1 pg.). Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Erben, J ., et al. “Computer-Supported Risk Analysis of and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Fresenius’ Initial Disclosures, Haemodialysis Patients in Combination with Possible Therapies by undated. the CMS 08,” Improvement in Dialysis Terapy, Contrib Nephrol Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Ind. v. Baxter International Inc. ogy, vol. 74, 1989, (pp. 165-169). and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Fresenius Medical Care Hold Gentles, W., et al., “Programmable machine for dialyser reuse,” ings, Inc.’s and Fresenius USA, Inc.’s Preliminary Invalidity Con Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 18, Nov. tentions Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3-3, undated. 1980, (pp. 765-771). Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Goureau, Y., et al., “Evaluation of Plasma Sodium Concentration and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Fresenius’ Objections and During Hemodialysis by Computerization of Dialysate Conductiv Responses to Baxter’s First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-13). ity,” ASAIO Transactions, vol. 36, No. 3, ISSN 0889-7190, Jul. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Sep. 1990, (pp. M444-M447). and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Fresenius’ Supplemental Gungl, K., et al., “Computer Interface and Touch Sensitive Responses to BaZter’s First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 5, 6, 9, and Screens,” Proceedings VLSI and Computer Peripherals, VLSI and 13). US 7,303,680 B2 Page 6 Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Order Regarding Supplemen and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 4 to Declaration of tal Claim Construction Entered by Judge Armstrong. David J. Silbert4Of?ce Action Dated Sep. 22, 1992 from US. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Appl. No. 07/688,174. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Fresenius’ Opposition to Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Baxter’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Literal Infringe and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 5 to Declaration of ment; Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement. David J. SilbertiKerns Patent. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Declaration of Richard A. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 6 to Declaration of Ward, Ph.D. David J. SilbertiNon-Color Copy of a Screen Shot of the “SVS Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Screen” on the Accused Fresenius 2008K Machine. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit A to Declaration of Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Richard A. Ward, Ph.D.4Copy of Paper that Emerged from Col and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 7 to Declaration of laboration With National Institutes of Health. David J. SilbertiNon-Color Copy of a Screen Shot of the “Kt/V Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Screen” on the Accused Fresenius 2008K Machine. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit B to Declaration of Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Richard A. Ward, Ph.D.iCurriculum J/itae Of Richard A. Ward, and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 8 to Declaration of Ph.D. David J. SilbertiExcerpts from Baxter’s Final Infringement Con Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. tentions Relating to Its Contentions That Fresenius Infringes the and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Declaration of Martin ’l3l and ’434 Patents. Crnkovich. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Fresenius’ Reply in Support of and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit A to Declaration of Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement. Martin CrnkovichiExcerpts from the Seratron Modeling Pro gram Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v Baxter International Inc. mer Operator’s Manual. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Reply Declaration of David J. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit B to Declaration of Silbert. Martin CrnkovichiExcerpts from the English Translation of the Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. 1988 CMS-08 Operator’s Manual. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit A to Supplemental Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Declaration of David J. SilbertiExcerpts From Baxter’s Final and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit C to Declaration of Infringement Contentions (“Baxter FIC”) Relating to Its Conten Martin Crnkovichi“Screen Shot” of a UF Pro?ling Screen on the tions That Fresenius Infringes the ’l3l and ’434 Patents. Accused Fresenius 2008K Hemodialysis System. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit B to Supplemental and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit D to Declaration of Declaration of David J. SilbertiExcerpts From Four Different Martin CrnkovichiExcerpts from the Braun HD-Secura Manual. Versions of Baxter’s Preliminary Infringement Contentions Relat Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. ing to Its Contentions That Fresenius Infringes the ’l3l and ’434 and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit E to Declaration of Patents. Martin CrnkovichiEnlarged Shot of “Dialysis Paused” Screen Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Shot. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit C to Supplemental Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Declaration of David J. SilbertiBaxter’s Responses to Fresenius and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit F to Declaration of Second Set of Interrogatories, Served on Dec. 22, 2004. Martin CrnkovichiEnlarged Copies of Two UF Programs (Nos. 5 Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and 6) Screen Shots. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit D to Supplemental Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Declaration of David J. SilbertiExcerpts from the Deposition of and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit G to Declaration of Martin Crnkovich. Martin CrnkovichiEnlarged Copies of Photographs of 2008D Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Front Panel and 2008E Front Panel. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit E to Supplemental Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Declaration of David J. SilbertiExcerpts from the Deposition of and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit H to Declaration of Dr. Richard A. Ward. Martin Crnkovich4Copy of Excerpts from the Cobe Centry 3 Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Operator’s Manual. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit F to Supplemental Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Declaration of David J. SilbertiExcerpt from the McGraW Hill and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit I to Declaration of Dictionary of Scienti?c and Technical Terms (Fifth Edition). Martin CrnkovichiEnlarged Copies of SVS Programming Screen Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. ing Shots. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit G to Supplemental Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Declaration of David J. Silbert4Order Granting in Part and Deny and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit J to Declaration of ing in Part Motion to Compel Supplemental Disclosures Pursuant to Martin CrnkovichiManual for the Fresenius BPS-08 Device. Patent Local Rules 3-1, Entered on Feb. 4, 2004. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Declaration of David J. Silbert. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit H to Supplemental Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Declaration of David J. SilbertiScreen Shot of the “Home” Screen and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 1 to Declaration of on the Accused 2008K Hemodialysis Machine. David J. Silbert4Of?ce Actions Dated Nov. 24, 1998, Jun. 4, 1999 and Oct. 20, 1999 in US. Appl. No. 09/067,922. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Healthcare Corporation, Baxter’s Initial Disclosures Under Fed. R. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Civ. P. 26(a)(l). David J. SilbertiDecision of the Board of Patent Appeals and Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Interferences Dated Aug. 28, 2003. Healthcare Corporation, Defendants’ Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-7). and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter David J. SilbertiExcerpts from the Deposition of Thomas D. Healthcare Corporation, Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Kelly. Judgment of Infringement. US 7,303,680 B2 Page 7 Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Up and Down Keys to the Left of the Keypad, and a “CONFIRM” Healthcare Corporation, Declaration of Michael J. Abernathy in Button to the Right of the Keypad. Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Infringement. Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 4 to Declaration of Thomas D. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 14 to Declaration of Michael Judgment of InfringementiHome Screen of the Fresenius 2008K J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Sum Touch Screen. mary Judgment of INfringementiPages from Webster’s Ninth Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter New Collegiate Dictionary (1984). Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 4A to Declaration of Thomas Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 15 to Declaration of Michael Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX 4 in Which the Opera J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary tional Parameter and Subscreen Buttons Have Been Highlighted for Judgment of InfringementiFresenius’ Second Supplemental Demonstrative Purposes. Response to Interrogatory Nos. 5 and 12 Dated Nov. 23, 2004. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 4B to Declaration of Thomas Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 16 to Declaration of Michael D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Sum Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX 4 in Which the “Tempera mary Judgment of Infringement4Claim Construction Order Dated ture” Button Has Been Highlighted for Demonstrative Purposes. Nov. 22, 2004. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 4C to Declaration of Thomas Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 17 to Declaration of Michael D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Sum Judgment of InfringementiCopy of DX 4 in Which the “Dialysate mary Judgment of InfringementiJoint Request For Supplemental Flow” Button Has Been Highlighted for Demonstrative Purposes. Claim Construction Hearing and Joint Supplemental Claim Con Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter struction Statement Pursuant To Patent Local Rule 4-3 Dated Dec. Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 4D to Declaration of Thomas 22, 2004. D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX 4 in Which the “Conduc Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 18 to Declaration of Michael tivity” Button Has Been Highlighted for Demonstrative Purposes. J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Sum Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter mary Judgment of InfringementiSupplemental Joint Claim Con Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 4E to Declaration of Thomas struction and Prehearing Statement Under Patent Local Rule 4-3 D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Dated Aug. 17, 2004. Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX 4 in Which the “UE Goal,” Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter “UF Time” and “UP Pro?le” Buttons Have Been Highlighted for Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 19 to Declaration of Michael Demonstrative Purposes. J. Abernathy in Support of Defendant’s Motion for Partial Summary Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Judgment of InfringementiJoint Claim Construction and Prehear Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 4F to Declaration of Thomas ing Statement Under Patent Local Rule 1-3 Dated Jan. 26, 2004. D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX 4 in Which the “UE Rate” Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 20 to Declaration of Michael Button Has Been Highlighted for Demonstrative Purposes. J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Sum Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter mary Judgment of InfringementiDefendants/Counter-Plaintilfs’s Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 5 to Declaration of Thomas D. Supplemental Claim Construction Brief Dated Aug. 31, 2004. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Judgment of Infringementithe Next in the Series of Shots Includ Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 21 to Declaration of Michael ing DX4 that Fairly and Accurately Shows the “Home” Screen of J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary the Fresenius 2008K Touch Screen While the Machine Was Per Judgment of InfringementiPlainti?fs’ Responsive Claim Construc forming an Ultra?ltration Pro?le. The “UF Goal” is still set to 3000 tion Brief Dated Mar. 22, 2004. mL. The “UF time,” however, Has Now Diminished to 2 hours and Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter 45 minutes. Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 22 to Declaration of Michael Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 6 to Declaration of Thomas D. Jugdment of InfringementiJoint Case Management Conference Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Statement and [Proposed] Order Dated Jul. 5, 2004. Judgment of Infringementithe “UF Pro?le” Subscreen of the Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius 2008K Touch Screen. Healthcare Corporation, Declaration of Thomas D. Kelly in Sup Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter port of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 6A to Declaration of Thomas Infringement. D. Kelly in Suppport of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX6 in Which the “UE Goal” Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX l to Declaration of Thomas D. and “UP Time” Buttons Have Been Highlighted for Demonstrative Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Purposes. Judgment of InfringementiFresenius USA 2008K Hemodialysis Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Machine Operator’s Manual. Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 6B to Declaration of Thomas Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Summary Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 2 to Declaration of Thomas D. Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX 6 in Which the Nine Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Buttons that Graphically Represent the Prescribed Manner in Which Judgment of InfringementiFresenius USA 2008K Hemodialysis Ultra?ltration Will Be Carried Out Have Been Highlighted for System Technician’s Manual for the Fresenius 2008K Machine. Demonstrative Purposes. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 3 to Declaration of Thomas D. Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 6C to Declaration of Thomas Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of InfringementiUser/Machine Interface for the Judgment of Infringement4Copy of DX 6 in Which the Enlarged Fresenius 2008K Machine, Including the Touch Screen in the Display of the Selected Pro?le Has Been Highlighted for Demon Center of the Interface, a Numeric Keypad Below the Touch Screen, strative Purposes. US 7,303,680 B2 Page 8 Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 6D to Declaration of Thomas Healthcare Corporation, Defendants’ Reply in Support of Their D. Kelly in Support of Defendants Motion for Partial Summary Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Infringement and Oppo Judgment of InfringementiCopy of DX 6 in Which the “Maximum sition to Plaintiffs’ Cross-Motion. UF Rate” Display Has Been Highlighted for Demonstrative Pur Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter poses. Healthcare Corporation, Supplemental Declaration of Michael J. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Reply in Support of Their Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 6E to Declaration of Thomas Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Infringement and Oppo D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary sition to Plaintiffs’ Cross-Motion. Judgment of InfringementiCopy of DX 6 in Which the Button Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Displaying the Selected Pro?le Graphically Has Been Highlighted Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 18 to Supplemental Declara for Demonstrative Purposes. tion of Michael J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Reply in Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Support of Their Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Infringe Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 7 to Declaration of Thomas D. ment and Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Cross-MotioniAdvanced Power Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Technology’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Leave to Amend Its Judgment of Infringementi“UF Pro?le” Subscreen of the Final Invalidity Contentions from IXYS Corp. v. Advance Power Fresenius 2008K Touch Screen. Technology Inc., No. C-02-3942 MHP (N.D.Cal.). Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 7A to Declaration of Thomas Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 19 to Supplemental Declara D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary tion of Michael J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Reply in Judgment of InfringementiCopy of DX 7 in Which the “UF Goal” Support of Their Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Infringe and “Maximum UF Rate” Displays Have Been Highlighted for ment and Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Cross-MotioniReply in Support Demonstrative Purposes. of Advanced Power Technology’s Inc.’s Motion for Leave to Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Amend Its Final Invalidity Contentions from IXYS Corp. v. Advance Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 8 to Declaration of Thomas D. Power Technology Inc., No. C-02-3942 MHP (N.D. Cal.). Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Judgment of InfringementiSubscreen Used for Creating Custom Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 20 to Supplemental Declara iZed UF Pro?les in the Fresenius 2008K. tion of Michael J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Reply in Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Support of Their Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Infringe Healthcare Corporation, DX 9 to Declaration of Thomas D. Kelly ment and Opposition to Plaintilfs’ Cross-MotioniSlip Opinion in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of dated Feb. 26, 2004 from Immersion Corp. v. Sony Computer Infringementi"Dialysate” Subscreen of the Fresenius 2008K Entertainment Amer Inc., No. C-02-710 CW (WDB) (N.D. Cal.) Touch Screen. (Brazil, Mag.J.). Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 9A to Declaration of Thomas Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 21 to Supplemental Declara D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary tion of Michael J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Reply in Judgment of InfringementiButtons Highlighted for Demonstrative Support of Their Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Infringe Purposes in a Copy of DX 9. ment and Opposition to Plaintilfs’ Cross-MotioniEmail Received Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter by Michael Abernathy from Stuart Gasner Dated Dec. 16, 2004. Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 10 to Declaration of Thomas Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 22 to Supplement Declaration Judgment of Infringementithe Deaeration Pump Located Within of Michael J. Abernathy in Support of Defendants’ Reply in Support the Fresenius 2008K Machine. of Their Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Infringement and Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Cross-MotioniLetter Dated Feb. 20, 2003 Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 10Ato Declaration of Thomas from Joseph P. Reagen to Thomas J. Raubauch. D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary “A World of EMI Solutions for Complex Shielding Demands” Judgment of InfringementiPump Highlighted for Demonstrative brochure, Schlegel Corporation, 1994. Purposes in a Copy of DX 10. “Abstracts form the Second International Symposium on Modeling Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter in Arti?cial Kidney and Plasma Exchange,” Artif. Organs, vol. 8, Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 11 to Declaration of Thomas No. 1, 1984, pp. 116-123. D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary “Apple Lisa” printed from http://oldcomputernet (p. 1 of 4); printed Judgment of Infringement4Concentrate Pumps Located Within the on Jan. 18, 2005. Fresenius 2008K Machine. “Cardiac Surgery in Hemodialysis Patients” printed from WWW. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter printed Feb. 16, 2005. Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 11Ato Declaration of Thomas “dti TechnAlert,” Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary vol. 13, No. 3 (May/Jun. 1989), pp. 204-205. Judgment of InfringementiPumps Highlighted for Demonstrative “Evaluation Report: Dialysis Equipment,” Journal of Medical Engi Purposes in a Copy of DX 11. neering & Technology, vol. 13, No. 3 (May/Jun. 1989), pp. 185-188. Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter International Inc. and Baxter “Infection Control When Servicing Medical and Laboratory Equip Healthcare Corporation, Exhibit DX 12 to Declaration of Thomas ment,” Journal Of Medical Engineering & Technology, vol. 13, No. D. Kelly in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Partial Summary 3 (May/Jun. 1989), pp. 177-180. 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