US 20120124905A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0124905 A1 Harder (43) Pub. Date: May 24, 2012 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR GROWING Publication Classi?cation PLANTS (51) Int. Cl. A01G 9/02 (2006.01) (76) Inventor: Scott Harder, Olathe, KS (US) A01 G 1/00 (2006-01) (52) US. Cl. ....... .. 47/66.1; 47/87; 47/79; 47/86; 47/66.7 (21) Appl. No.: 13/363,985 (57) ABSTRACT A plant growing assembly is con?gured to groW a plurality of (22) Filed: Feb. 1, 2012 plants in multiple directions above a ground surface. The assembly includes a groWing container and a support struc _ _ ture for elevating the container above the ground surface. The Related U's' Apphcatlon Data container presents a generally holloW body to retain a plant (63) Continuation of application No. 12/841,733, ?led on growlélg lmedlum and the plurahty 9f P1811155- lfihe bqdy Jul 22 2010 HOW Pat NO 8 122 643 exten s a~ong an axis to present opposlte ax1a en margins ' ’ ’ ' ' ’ ’ ' and a radial peripheral Wall. The Wall de?nes a plurality of discrete plant-receiving ports extending therethrough, and _ _ _ _ disposed generally radially about the Wall.A method of groW (60) PIN/151011211 aPPllCaUOI1 N0~ 61/271,553, ?led 011 1111- ing plants above ground in substantially opposite directions 22, 2009. from one another is also disclosed. Patent Application Publication May 24, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 8 US 2012/0124905 A1 Patent Application Publication May 24, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 8 US 2012/0124905 A1 Patent Application Publication May 24, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 8 US 2012/0124905 A1 Patent Application Publication May 24, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 8 US 2012/0124905 A1 Patent Application Publication May 24, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 8 US 2012/0124905 A1 FIG]? Patent Application Publication May 24, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 8 US 2012/0124905 A1 FY6178° Patent Application Publication May 24, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 8 US 2012/0124905 A1 US 2012/0124905 A1 May 24, 2012 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR GROWING etation. Moreover, the generally exposed ground surface PLANTS leaves plants vulnerable to pests (such as ground-borne insects) and Weeds, and can also subject necessary Water CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED (either from rain or irrigation) to undesirable loss through APPLICATIONS often rapid evaporation. Particularly When groWing vegetable plants directly in the ground, even the picking or other col [0001] The present application is a continuation of US. lecting of edible portions of the plants can involve uncom patent application Ser. No. 12/841,733, ?led Jul. 22, 2010, fortable Work to access often relatively loW-lying plants. Which claims the bene?t of and priority from US. Provisional [0009] As is generally knoWn in the art, conventional con Patent Application Ser. No. 61/271,553, ?led Jul. 22, 2009, tainer systems have been essentially modeled after replicat the entire disclosures of Which are hereby incorporated by ing groWing plants directly in the ground. For example, reference herein. knoWn open top containers can expose the soil to environ mental conditions and provide for plants to groW out of the BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION container in a single, generally upWard direction. Thus, tra [0002] 1. Field of the Invention ditional container systems have also been subject to many of [0003] The present invention relates generally to a plant the same draWbacks as groWing directly in the ground, includ growing assembly for use in groWing a plurality of plants ing space constraints, exposure to pests and Weeds, and Water above a ground surface. More speci?cally, the present inven loss through rapid evaporation. tion concerns a plant groWing assembly that includes a plant [0010] Accordingly, such knoWn plant groWing systems groWing container With a generally holloW body, With a plu require considerable lateral space adequate for the number of rality of spaced apart plant-receiving ports de?ned in portions plants desired, and can involve intensive maintenance in the of the body, such that plant stalks groW outWardly from the form of Watering, Weeding, and the like. Especially in the body through the ports in generally opposite directions. groWing of vegetables for food, these and other draWbacks of [0004] 2. Discussion of RelatedArt knoWn systems form an appreciable barrier to the groWing of [0005] Those of ordinary skill in the art Will appreciate that additional plants in a given amount of space and hinder it is often desirable for a variety of reasons to groW plants, increased production. such as decorative ?oWers or edible vegetables, for either commercial use, personal use, or both. As is generally knoWn, SUMMARY the groWing of plants is a business or a hobby for many people. In the United States, for example, gardening is Widely [0011] According to an aspect of the present invention, an recogniZed as one of the most popular of hobbies, and is inventive plant groWing assembly is con?gured to groW a consistently undertaken by a signi?cant portion of the popu plurality of plants in multiple directions above a ground sur lation. Commercial farming is also important. face. The unique assembly can be used With a great variety of [0006] The groWing of plants and vegetation requires, plants, including decorative ?oWers, herbs, or vegetable among other things, physical space for root systems and plant plants. The assembly includes a groWing container and a stalks. Traditionally, plants are groWn in a single direction, support structure for elevating the container above the ground namely, generally upWardly out from a ground surface. An surface, such that the container can be disposed at a conve overWhelmingly common system for groWing plants involves nient height for maintaining the plants (e.g., Watering the simply placing bulbs, seeds, or seedlings, directly into pre plants or picking vegetables therefrom). pared soil on the ground surface, such as in a garden or a [0012] The container presents a generally holloW body to landscaping application. The amount of land dedicated to the retain a plant-groWing medium (e.g., a blend of top soil and groWing of plants therein, therefore, is a limiting factor in the peat compost) and the plurality of plants. The plant-groWing number of plants that can be groWn in such a manner. medium, being substantially enclosed by the container, is [0007] Another conventional system for groWing plants generally protected from the sun, such that the neW assembly involves placing soil into a dedicated container in Which a requires less Water than conventional methods of groWing plant can be groWn. Examples of suitable containers include plants along a traditional ground surface. Advantageously, starter cups or pots (for housing individual plants Within the saturation and drainage of the plant-groWing medium can container) and ?oWer boxes or the like (for housing multiple easily controlled to avoid over-saturation. Enclosing the plants Within the container). Such containers may be advan plant-groWing medium Within a cavity of the assembly can tageously placed and/or moved to maximiZe exposure to also reduce the number of Weeds or Weed seeds that may resources of sunlight and Water, or to minimize exposure to otherWise come into contact With the medium, signi?cantly pests. For example, such containers may be placed in a green lessening the amount of Work required to maintain the plant house and disposed on shelves or tables in order to increase assembly. Generally isolating the plants above the ground the space available for groWing plants. surface also protects the plants disposed in the inventive [0008] While traditional plant groWing systems have been assembly from pests (such as ground-borne insects). satisfactory in some respects, they have also presented draW [0013] The body also includes a plurality of discrete plant backs. For example, When plants are groWn directly in the receiving ports disposed generally radially about the body ground, it is necessary to dedicate additional square footage Wall, such that some of the plant-receiving ports may be to increase the number of plants that can be groWn in an area. de?ned substantially opposite from one another. In this Way, In addition, it can be dif?cult to control drainage and satura plants may groW in a variety of directions (rather than having tion of the ground depending upon Weather patterns and thus, all of the plants groW in the same, generally upWard, direc plants groWn in the ground are susceptible to under- or over tion). The novel assembly, Wherein plants may be groWn in Watering. For example, during extended periods of rain, the multiple directions from above the ground surface, alloWs ground can become over-saturated, resulting in a loss of veg more plants to be groWn in a smaller area of square footage