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Method and apparatus for efficient three-dimensional contouring of medical images PDF

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Preview Method and apparatus for efficient three-dimensional contouring of medical images

US008577107B2 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,577,107 B2 Hibbard et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 5, 2013 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR EFFICIENT 6,112,109 A 8/2000 D’UISO THREE-DIMENSIONAL CONTOURING OF Q1 1 genchimtttilet at a a Osman e . MEDICAL IMAGES 6,262,739 B1* 7/2001 Migdalet a1. ............... .. 345/423 6,343,936 B1 2/2002 K f t l. (75) Inventors: Lyndon S. Hibbard, St. Louis, MO 6,606,091 B2 g/2()()3 Lflalrlléngnai a (US); Xiao Han, Chester?eld, MO (US) 6,683,933 B2 1/2004 Saito et al. 6,947,584 B1 9/2005 Avila et al. (73) Assignee: IS MPAC 1M edCiAca l SSy stems, Inc., 77,,101100,,518634 BB22 93//22000066 YWaemeasuec ehtl unnyva 6, (U ) 7,167,172 B2 1/2007 Kaus et a1. _ _ _ _ _ 7,333,644 B2 2/2008 Jerebko et a1. ( * ) Not1ce: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofth1s 7,428,334 B2 * 9/2()()g Schoisswohl et a1, ,,,,,, ,, 332/173 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,620,224 B2 11/2009 Matsumoto U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 0 days_ 8,098,909 B2 1/2012 Hibbard et a1. 2005/0168461 A1 8/2005 Acosta et al. _ 2005/0231530 A1 10/2005 Liang et al. (21) APP1-N°-- 13/295,525 2005/0276455 A1* 12/2005 Fidrich et a1. ............... .. 382/128 (22) Filed: Nov. 14, 2011 (Continued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (65) Prior Publication Data Stefanescu, “Parallel Nonlinear Registration of Medical Images With Us 2012/0057769 A1 Mar’ 8’ 2012 a Priori Information on Anatomy and Pathology”, PhD Thesis. Sophia-Antipolis: University of Nice, 2005, 140 pages. Related US. Application Data (Continued) (62) Division of application No. 11/848,624, ?led on Aug. 31, 2007, noW Pat. No. 8,098,909. Primary Examiner * Anand Bhatnagar (51) I Cl (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Thompson Coburn LLP nt. . G06K 9/00 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (52) US‘ Cl‘ A technique is disclosed for generating a neW contour and/or US_ PC ..........._. ........_. ......... .. 382/128; 128/922; 378/4 a 3D surface such as a var1- at1- onal 1- mpl1-c 1-t surface from con (58) Fleld of Classl?catlon Search _ tour data. In one embodiment, a point reduction operation is USPC """""""" " 382/109’ 128’ 122130’ 131’ 132’ performed on data sets corresponding to any combination of 128/922’ 378/4T27’ 334455 /2 1585162575’ transverse, sagittal, or coronal contour data prior to process _ _ _ ing those data sets to generate a 3D surface such as a varia See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory' tional implicit surface. A neW contour can also be generated (56) References Cited by the 1ntersect1on of this surface W1th an appropnately placed and oriented plane. In this manner, the computation of the variational implicit surface becomes suf?ciently ef?cient U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS to make its use for neW contour generation practical. 5,859,891 A 1/1999 Hibbard 6,075,538 A 6/2000 Shu et al. 24 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets 1402. Receive a plurality of input points. the input points comprising a plurality of different initial sets of input points, wherein each initial point set is representative of a contour in any plane (e.g., a T, S, or C contour) 1404: For each initial point set. reduce the number of points therein to generate a plurality of different reduced sets of input points i 1406; Generate a variational implicit surface from the reduced sets of input points i 1408: Clip the variational implicit surface at a desired plane to generate a contour in the desired plane (e.g., a T contour) l 1410: Does the generated contour match the image? 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Patent Nov. 5, 2013 Sheet 5 0f 23 US 8,577,107 B2 Figure 4 Processor (502) W M Input Points for Output T Contours Contou?s) (500) (504) Figure 5(a) Processor (502) ............................ ..> ......................> Input Poi ms for Output 3 D Contours Surface (500) (506) Figure 5(b) US. Patent Nov. 5, 2013 Sheet 6 0f 23 US 8,577,107 B2 602: Receive a plurality of input points, the input points comprising a plurality of different initial sets of input points, wherein each initial point set is representative of a an S contour or a C contour V 604: For each initial point set, reduce the number of points therein to generate a plurality of different reduced sets of input points T 606: Re-order the points within each reduced set with respect to a frame of reference and a direction of rotation 608: Find the points of intersection in a T plane for the re-ordered points Within each reduced set 610: Generate a contour in the T plane by interpolating through the points of intersection using B-spline interpolation t 612: Does the generated T contour match the image? Yes No v 614: Archive the generated contour Figure 6 US. Patent Nov. 5, 2013 Sheet 7 0f 23 US 8,577,107 B2 700 2352230 453B Arc Length Figure 7

_. 2005/0231530 A1. 10/2005 Liang et al. (21) APP1-N°-- 13/295,525. 2005/0276455 A1* 12/2005 Fidrich et a1. .. 382/128. (22) Filed: Nov. 14, 2011. (Continued) a Priori Information on Anatomy and Pathology”, PhD Thesis. Sophia-Antipolis: University of Nice, 2005, 140 pages. Related US.
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