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METALLQGRAPHY- A LACITCARP TOOL ROF GNITALERROC EHT ERUTCURTS AND SEITREPORP FO SLAIRETAM A symposium detneserp at the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS Philadelphia, Pa., 25-26 June 1973 ASTM SPECIAL TECHNICAL PUBLICATION 557 Halle Abrams dna .G N. Maniar, symposium cochairmen 82-000755-40 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, .aP 19103 (cid:14)9 by AMERICAN SOCIETY for TESTING and MATERIALS 1974 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 74-77096 ETON The Society is not responsible, as a body, for the statements and opinions advanced in this publication. Printed in Tallahassee, Fla. July 1974 Second Printing May 1981 Baltimore, Md. droweroF The symposium on Metallography-A Practical Tool for Correlating the Structure and Properties of Materials, saw given at the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials held in Philadel- phia, Pa., 25-26 June 1973. Committee 4-E on Metallography sponsored the symposium. Halle Abrams, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, and G.N. Maniar, Carpenter Technology Corporation, presided sa symposium cochairmen. detaleR ASTM snoitacilbuP Electron Beam Microanalysis, STP 506 (1972), $3.75 (04-506000-28) Stereology and Quantitative Metallography, STP 504 (1972), $9.75 (04-504000-28) Manual on Electron Metallography, STP 547 (1973), $5.25 (04-547000-28) stnetnoC Introduction 1 Structure-Sensitive Properties of Materials Disclosed by a Combination of X-Ray Topography, X-Ray Diffraction Analysis, and Electron Microscopy Methods--SIGMUND NNAMSSIEW 4 Combination Method Based on X-Ray Divergent Beam Techniques 5 Contribution of the Back-Reflection Patterns to Precision Measure- ments of Interplanar Spacings 6 Computation of Stress-Strain Configuration of Strained Crystal; Applications and Limitations 7 X-Ray Line Profile Analysis. Selected Area X-Ray Topography Based on Transmission Patterns 8 Lattice Distortions and Fracture in Brittle Crystals Disclosed by Anomalous Transmission of X-Rays (Borrmann Effect) 10 Instrumentation of X-Ray Divergent Beam Combination Method 14 Study of Fracture Mechanism in Crystals by a Combination Method Based on X-Ray Pendello'sung Fringes, Double-Crystal Diffract- ometry, TEM, and MES 16 Discussion-Interplay of Component Techniques in Combination Methods 20 Conclusions 21 X-Ray Diffraction-A Versatile, Quantitative, dna Rapid Technique of Metallography--LEO LLEWZ 23 Specimen Preparation 24 Elemental Analysis 25 Phase Identification 29 Other Structural Characteristics 34 Conclusion 40 The Use of Hot-Stage Microscopy in the Study of Phase Transforma- tions-a. .L ,TTIFMARB .A .O ,RETOCSNEB J. .R ,KCIRTAPLIK DNA .A a. REDRAM 43 Experimental Technique 43 Heating Stage 44 Applications 54 Examination of Materials by Coherent Light Techniques-R. .J ,REFEAHCS J. .A ,TTEGDOLB DNA .M .E NAMSKCILG 71 Coherence 72 Optical Transforms 72 Holography 75 Optical Correlation 84 Summary 84 The Electron Microprobe sa a cihpargollateM Tool-J. .I NIETSDLOG 86 Electron Microprobe 87 Elemental Analysis 94 Scanning Electron Probe 103 Characterization of Phases 108 EMP Analysis of Phases 115 Extension of Instrument Capability 120 Transmission Electron Microscopy in slairetaM Research-M. .G .H SLLEW DNA .J .M SONEPAC 137 Instrument Design Improvements 141 New Observation Techniques 141 Use of TEM in Structure-Property Relationships 144 High Voltage Electron Metallography-Achievements dna Prospects- A. SZIRMAE AND R. M. FISHER 169 Characteristics of High Voltage Microscopy 171 Applications 184 Future Developments 196 Microstructure Approach to Property Optimization in Wrought Super- alloys--D. .R AKYZUM DNA .G .N RAINAM 198 Alloys 199 Primary Manufacturing Steps 201 Phases in Wrought Superalloys and Metallographic Techniques 203 Microstructures and Properties 205 Recent Developments 206 Micrograin Processing 206 Structure Control Heat Treating 208 Minigrain Processing 210 Thermomechanical Processing 212 Summary 217 Phase Separation as a Technique for the Characterization of Superalloys --0. .H EGEIRK 220 Specific Techniques for Phase Separation 221 Analysis of Separated Phases 225 Application of Phase Separation to Metallurgical Studies 227 Summary 233 STP557-EB/Jul. 1974 noitcudortnI In the last several years the characterization of materials by metallographic techniques has been paralleled by a remarkable improvement in material capabilities. The ability to measure and characterize those material parameters that provide improved mechanical and physical properties has led directly to the development of new and better materials. Well known metallographic techniques such as hot-stage microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray analysis, as well as the more recent techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and automatic quantitative metallography have provided the means to measure, characterize, statistically interpret, and, final- ly, predict the properties of materials. The successful correlation of the structure and properties of materials, whether on a theoretical or empirical level, has been one of the primary forces in the current materials revolution. Accordingly, the objective of this sympo- sium was to present both review and original papers that demonstrated, on a practical level, the application of an expanded range of metallographic tech- niques to the measurement, characterization, statistical interpretation, and prediction of the behavior of materials. The papers presented have been prepared by authorities in their fields and include almost all phases of modern metallographic techniques. The opening session dealt with electron optical metallography covering the areas of electron microprobe analysis, SEM, and high voltage and conventional electron metal- lography. The second session covered hot-stage microscopy, microhardness techniques, and the new laser techniques of evaluating metallographic struc- tures. The final session included a complete review of the techniques and applications of X-ray metallography and two application papers in the field of superalloys. This special technical publication includes all the papers presented at the symposium, with the exception of the SEN and microhardness papers, which are not included due to publication deadlines. Professor Weissman's paper is an excellent and concise summary of the X-ray metallographic techniques that he and his colleagues have developed to a high degree of sophistication over the past several years. In his paper, he describes various applications where combination X-ray methods are used to correlate lattice defects with structure-sensitive properties. In particular, his description of the use of X-ray Pendell6sung fringes to analyze the distribu- thgirypoC (cid:14)9 4791 by MTSA Intemational www.astm.org 2 METALLOGRAPHY tion of microplastic and elastic strains in crack propagation would be of special interest to researchers working with low dislocation-density materials. In contrast to the more specialized techniques discussed by Weissman, Zwell's paper deals with practical applications of the more common X-ray metaUo- graphic techniques such as phase identification, residual-stress analysis, and texture determinations. The author demonstrates the usefulness of these tech- niques in failure analysis as well as in the development of new alloys. In their paper, Bramfitt et aL, summarize the experimental techniques used in hot-stage light microscopy and the application of these techniques to the study of ferrous transformations. The paper provides a description of all the transformations occurring in low-alloy steels and includes an excellent bibliog- raphy. Of particular merit is the authors' work on the austenite to pearlite transformation emphasizing the advantage of in situ measurements on a single specimen to determine pearlite-nodule growth rates and transformation kinet- ics. Another innovative technique in light microscopy is described by Schaefer et aL Their paper discusses the basic concepts involved in the analysis of metallographic structures using optical transforms, holography, and other coherent-light methods. For the materials scientists, the most useful applica- tions of holography employ interferometry to study transient events that occur at unpredictable locations, for example, the solidification of transparent analogs of metals. The following three papers relate to the use of electron optics for character- izing and correlating the structure and properties of materials. In his paper, Professor Goldstein discusses the resolution and types of information that can be obtained from the various X-ray, secondary electron, and backscattered electron signals measured in the electron microprobe. The paper demonstrates the versatility of the microprobe as a metallurgical tool in the characterization of phases, diffusion studies, trace-element analysis, and quantitative metallog- raphy. The paper also contains an up-to-date and extensive bibliography. The review paper by Wells and Capenos describes applications of TEM in materials research. In covering selective papers from the literature, the authors provide several practical examples of the role of TEM in the study and understanding of materials system. The scope of applications of electron metallography has been expanded considerably with the advent of high-voltage instruments capable of operating at 1 MeV or more. In the area of high voltage electron metallography, the contributions of Szirmae and Fisher are well known, and their present paper presents a broad review of their work and a look toward the future of high voltage electron metallography (HVEM). The paper by Muzyka and Maniar demonstrates the application of various metaUography methods in optimizing properties of superalloys on the basis of a microstructural approach. The authors illustrate the value of microstructural studies in conjunction with phase relationships in improving hot working, heat-treat response, and the property optimization of iron and iron.nickel base superalloys. The contribution of analytical chemistry in support of micro- structure studies is exemplified by Kriege's paper on phase separation as a INTRODUCTION 3 technique for the characterization of superalloys. Although the paper deals with superalloys, the technique is equally applicable to other material systems. These introductory comments on the papers contained in this volume illustrate the significant role that metallography plays in the development and characterization of materials. It was our objective in organizing this sympo- sium to show, through both original studies and state-of-the-art reviews, how the metaUographic disciplines within the scope of Committee E-4 on MetaUog- raphy validate the premise that metallography is a practical tool for correlat- ing the structure and properties of materials. We hope that this publication has contributed to the achievement of our objective. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the program chairmen wish to thank the authors for their excellent contributions to the symposium and this volume. Halle Abrams Homer Research Laboratories, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, .aP 18015; symposium .namriahcoc Gunvant N. Maniar ,reganaM Research and Development Center, Carpenter Technology Corp., Reading, .aP 19603; symposium coehairman.

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