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Preview Metallicity Calibrations and the Mass-Metallicity Relation for Star-Forming Galaxies

Draftversion February2,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 METALLICITY CALIBRATIONS AND THE MASS-METALLICITY RELATION FOR STAR-FORMING GALAXIES Lisa J. Kewley1 Institute ofAstronomy,UniversityofHawaii Sara L. Ellison UniversityofVictoria Draft versionFebruary 2, 2008 8 0 ABSTRACT 0 We investigate the effect of metallicity calibrations,AGN classification,and aperture coveringfrac- 2 tion on the local mass-metallicity relation using 27,730 star-forming galaxies from the Sloan Digital n Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 4. We analyse the SDSS mass-metallicity relation with 10 metallic- a ity calibrations, including theoretical and empirical methods. We show that the choice of metallicity J calibrationhasasignificanteffectontheshapeandy-intercept(12+log(O/H))ofthemass-metallicity 1 relation. The absolute metallicity scale (y-intercept) varies up to ∆[log(O/H)] = 0.7 dex, depend- 1 ing on the calibration used, and the change in shape is substantial. These results indicate that it is critical to use the same metallicity calibration when comparing different luminosity-metallicity or ] mass-metallicity relations. We present new metallicity conversions that allow metallicities that have h been derived using different strong-line calibrations to be converted to the same base calibration. p Theseconversionsfacilitatecomparisonsbetweendifferentsamples,particularlycomparisonsbetween - o galaxies at different redshifts for which different suites of emission-lines are available. Our new con- r versions successfully remove the large 0.7 dex discrepancies between the metallicity calibrations, and t s we reach agreement in the mass-metallicity relation to within 0.03 dex on average. We investigate a the effect of AGN classification and aperture covering fraction on the mass-metallicity relation. We [ find that different AGN classification methods have negligible effect on the SDSS MZ-relation. We 1 compare the SDSS mass-metallicity relation with nuclear and global relations from the Nearby Field v Galaxy Survey (NFGS). The turn over of the mass-metallicity relation at M∗ ∼1010 M⊙ depends on 9 aperture covering fraction. We find that a lower redshift limit of z < 0.04 is insufficient for avoiding 4 aperture effects in fiber spectra of the highest stellar mass (M∗ >1010 M⊙) galaxies. 8 Subject headings: galaxies: starburst—galaxies: abundances—galaxies: fundamental parameters— 1 galaxies: spiral—techniques: spectroscopic . 1 0 8 1. INTRODUCTION Kinman & Davidson 1981). In subsequent work, lu- 0 The relationship between metallicity and stellar mass minosity was often used as a surrogate for mass be- : provides crucial insight into galaxy formation and evo- cause obtaining reliable mass estimates for galaxies was v non-trivial. Rubin et al. (1984) provided the first evi- i lution. Theory predicts that as time progresses, the X mean stellar metallicity of galaxies increases with age dence that metallicity is correlated with luminosity in disk galaxies. Further investigations solidified the cor- r as galaxies undergo chemical enrichment, while the stel- a relation between luminosity and metallicity in nearby lar mass of a galaxy will increase with time as galax- disk galaxies (Bothun et al. 1984; Wyse & Silk 1985; ies are built through merging processes (e.g., Pei & Fall Skillman et al. 1989; Vila-Costas & Edmunds 1992; 1995;Somerville & Primack1999;Somerville et al.2000; Zaritsky et al.1994;Garnett2002). However,opticallu- Nagamine et al. 2001; Calura et al. 2004, and references minosity may not be a reliable surrogate for the stel- therein). A correlation between mass and metallic- lar mass of a galaxy because optical luminosities are ity arises if low mass galaxies have larger gas frac- sensitive to the level of current star formation and are tions than higher mass galaxies, as is observed in lo- extinguished by dust. Near infrared luminosities can cal galaxies (McGaugh & de Blok 1997; Bell & de Jong be influenced by the age of the stellar population of 2000; Boselli et al. 2001). The detailed relationship be- a galaxy. Fortunately, reliable stellar mass estimates tween metallicity and mass may depend critically on are now possible, thanks to new state-of-the-art stel- galactic-scale outflows driven by supernovae and stellar lar evolutionary synthesis models (e.g., Silva et al. 1998; winds(seee.g.,Garnett2002;Pettini2002,forareview). Leitherer et al. 1999; Fioc & Rocca-Volmerange 1999; Thus,robustmeasurementsofthemass-metallicity(MZ) Bruzual & Charlot 2003). relation may provide important clues into the impact of Key insight into the mass-metallicity relation has galactic-scale winds on the chemical history of galaxies. recently been obtained with large spectroscopic sur- The MZ relation was first observed in irregu- veys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) lar and blue compact galaxies (Lequeux et al. 1979; and the 2 degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dF- Electronicaddress: [email protected] GRS) (e.g., Baldry et al. 2002; Schulte-Ladbeck et al. 1HubbleFellow 2 2003; Lamareille et al. 2004; Tremonti et al. 2004; perature metallicities produce discrepant metallicities Gallazzi et al. 2005). Using the SDSS stellar masses, when compared with calibrations based on photoioniza- Tremonti et al. (2004, ; hereafter T04) characterizedthe tion models. Yin et al. (2007b) compared the theoreti- local MZ relation for ∼ 53,000 local galaxies. The MZ calmetallicities derivedby T04 with T -basedmetallici- e relation is steep for masses . 1010.5 M⊙ and flattens ties from Pilyugin (2001) and Pilyugin & Thuan (2005). at higher masses. T04 use chemical evolution models They found a discrepancy of ∆[log(O/H)]=0.2 dex be- to interpret this flattening in terms of efficient galactic tween the two T -based metallicities, and a larger dis- e scale winds that remove metals from low mass galaxies crepancyof∆[log(O/H)]=0.6dexbetweentheT -based e (M .1010.5 M⊙). Hierarchicalgalaxyformationmodels methods and the theoretical method. Similar results that include chemical evolution and feedback processes were obtained by Yin et al. (2007a) who extended the canreproducethe observedMZrelation(De Lucia et al. Liang et al. (2006) work to low metallicities typical of 2004;De Rossi et al.2006;Finlator & Dave2007). How- low mass galaxies. ever, these models rely on free parameters,such as feed- The cause of the metallicity calibration discrepancies back efficiency, that are relatively unconstrained by ob- remains unclear. The discrepancy has been attributed servations. Alternative scenarios proposed to explain to either an unknown problem with the photoionization the MZ relation include low star formation efficien- models(Kennicutt et al.2003),ortotemperaturegradi- cies in low-mass galaxies caused by supernova feedback entsorfluctuationsthatmaycausemetallicitiesbasedon (Brooks et al.2007),andavariableintegratedstellarini- the electron temperature method to underestimate the tial mass function (K¨oppen et al. 2007). true metallicities (Stasin´ska 2002,2005;Bresolin2006a). The advent of large 8-10 m telescopes and effi- Until this discrepancy is resolved, the absolute metallic- cient multi-object spectrographs enables the luminosity- ity scale is uncertain. metallicity (LZ) and, in some cases, the mass- The metallicity discrepancy issue highlights the need metallicity relation to be characterized to high red- foranin-depthstudyintotheeffectofmetallicitycalibra- shifts (Kobulnicky et al. 1999; Carollo & Lilly 2001; tion discrepancies and other effects on the MZ relation. Pettini et al. 2001; Lilly et al. 2003; Kobulnicky et al. In this paper, we investigate the robustness of the lo- 2003; Kobulnicky & Kewley 2004; Shapley et al. 2004; cal MZ relation for star-forming galaxies. We focus on Maier et al. 2004; Liang et al. 2004; Maier et al. 2005; three important factors that may influence the shape, Hoyos et al. 2005; Savaglio et al. 2005; Mouhcine et al. y-intercept, and scatter of the mass-metallicity relation: 2006; Erb et al. 2006; Maier et al. 2006; Liang et al. choice of metallicity calibration, aperture covering frac- 2006). Evolution in the LZ and MZ relations tion,andAGNremovalmethod. Oursampleselectionis are now predicted by semi-analytic models of galaxy describedinSection2. Wedescribethestellarmassesti- formation within the Λ cold dark matter frame- matesandmetallicitiesinSections3and 4,respectively. work that include chemical hydrodynamic simulations We compare the mass-metallicity relation derived using (De Lucia et al.2004;Tissera et al.2005;De Rossi et al. 10different,popularmetallicitycalibrationsinSection5. 2006;Dav´e & Oppenheimer2007). Thereforereliableob- We find larger discrepancies between the MZ relations servational estimates of the LZ and MZ relations may derived with different metallicity calibrations than pre- provide important constraints on galaxy evolution the- viously found. We calibrate the discrepancies between ory. the different calibrations using robust fits, and we pro- Reliable MZ relations require a robust metallicity cal- vide conversion relations for removing these discrepan- ibration. Common metallicity calibrations are based on cies in Section 6. We show that our new conversions metallicity-sensitive optical emission-line ratios. These successfullyremovethe largemetallicitydiscrepanciesin calibrations include theoretical methods based on pho- the MZ relation. We investigate the effect of different toionizationmodels (seee.g.,Kewley & Dopita2002,for schemesforAGNremovalinSection7,andwedetermine a review), empirical methods based on measurements the effect of fiber covering fraction in Section 8. We dis- of the electron-temperature of the gas, (e.g., Pilyugin cusstheimpactofourresultsonthemass-metallicityand 2001; Pettini & Pagel 2004), or a combination of the luminosity-metallicityrelationsinSection9. Ourconclu- two (e.g., Denicolo´ et al. 2002). Comparisons among sions are given in Section 10. In the Appendix, we pro- the metallicities estimated using these methods reveal vide detailed descriptions of the metallicity calibrations large discrepancies (e.g., Pilyugin 2001; Bresolin et al. usedinthisstudyandworkedexamplesoftheapplication 2004; Garnett et al. 2004b). These discrepancies usu- ofourconversions. Throughoutthispaper,weadoptthe ally manifest as a systematic offset in metallicity esti- flatΛ-dominatedcosmologyas measuredby the WMAP mates, with high values estimated by theoretical cali- experiment (h=0.72, Ω =0.29; Spergel et al. 2003)). m brations and lower metallicities estimated by electron- temperature metallicities. Such offsets are found to be 2. SAMPLESELECTION as large as 0.6 dex in log(O/H) units (Liang et al. 2006; Weselectedoursamplefromthe SDSSDataRelease4 Yin et al. 2007b) and may significantly affect the shape (DR4) according to the following criteria: and zero-point of the mass-metallicity or luminosity- metallicity relations. 1. Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of at least 8 in Initial investigations into the extent of these dis- the strong emission-lines [O II] λλ3726,9, crepancies have recently been made by Liang et al. Hβ, [O III] λ5007, Hα, [N II] λ6584, and (2006); Yin et al. (2007b,a), and Nagao et al. (2006). [S II] λλ6717,31. A S/N> 8 is required for reli- Liang et al. (2006) applied the metallicity calibrations able metallicity estimates using established metal- from four authors to ∼ 40,000 galaxies from the SDSS. licity calibrations (Kobulnicky et al. 1999). For They showed that calibrations based on electron tem- each line, we define the S/N as the ratio of the 3 statisticalerroronthe flux to the total flux, where decrement for case B recombination at T= 104K and the statistical errors are calculated by the SDSS n ∼ 102−104cm−3; Osterbrock 1989). A total of 539 e pipeline described in Tremonti et al. (2004). (2%) of galaxies in our sample have Balmer decrements less thanthe theoreticalvalue. A Balmerdecrementless 2. Fiber covering fraction > 20% of the total photo- thanthetheoreticalvaluecanresultfromanintrinsically metricg’-bandlight. WeusetherawDR4fiberand lowreddeningcombinedwitherrorsinthestellarabsorp- Petrosian magnitudes to calculate the fiber cover- tion correction and/or errors in the line flux calibration ingfraction. Kewley et al.(2005)foundthataflux and measurement. For the S/N of our data, the lowest coveringfraction>20%isrequiredformetallicities E(B-V) measurable is 0.01. We therefore assign these to begin to approximate global values. Lower cov- 539 galaxies an upper limit of E(B-V)<0.01. ering fractions can produce significant discrepan- To investigate aperture effects (Section 8), we com- ciesbetweenfixed-sizedapertureandglobalmetal- pare the SDSS mass-metallicity relation with the licity estimates. A covering fraction of > 20% mass-metallicity relation derived from the Nearby corresponds to a lower redshift limit of z > 0.04 Field Galaxy Survey (NFGS) (Jansen et al. 2000a,b). for normal star-forming galaxies observed through Jansen et al. (2000b) selected the NFGS objectively the 3” SDSS fibers. Large, luminous star-forming from the CfA1 redshift survey (Davis & Peebles 1983; galaxieslargerredshiftstosatisfythecoveringfrac- Huchra et al. 1983) to approximate the local galaxy lu- tion > 20% requiremend. We investigate residual minosity function (e.g., Marzke et al. 1994). The 198- aperture effects in Section 8. galaxy NFGS sample contains the full range in Hubble typeandabsolutemagnitudepresentintheCfA1galaxy 3. Upper redshift limit z < 0.1. The SDSS star- survey. forming sample becomes incomplete at redshifts Jansen et al. (2000a) provide integrated and nuclear above z > 0.1 (see e.g., Kewley et al. 2006). With spectrophotometry for almost all galaxies in the NFGS thisupperredshiftlimit,themedianredshiftofour sample. The covering fraction and metallicities of the sample is z ∼0.068. nuclear and global spectra for the NFGS are described 4. Stellar mass estimates must be available. Stellar in Kewley et al. (2005). The nuclear B26 covering frac- masses were derived by Kauffmann et al. (2003) tion ranges between 0.4 - 72%, with an average nuclear and Tremonti et al. (2004). covering fraction of 10±11%1. The covering fraction of the integrated (global) spectra is between 52-97%of the We remove galaxies containing AGN from our sam- B-band light, with an averageof is 82±7%. ple using the optical classification criteria given in We apply the same extinction correctionand AGN re- Kewley et al. (2006). This classification scheme utilizes movalschemetoourNFGSsupplementarysampleasap- optical strong line ratios to segregate galaxies contain- pliedtotheSDSSsample. IntheNFGSsample,121/198 ing AGN from galaxies dominated by star-formation. galaxies can be classified using their narrow emission- A total of 84% of the SDSS sample satisfying our se- lines according to the Kewley et al. (2006) classification lection criteria are star-forming according. This frac- scheme. Ofthese,106/121(88%)aredominatedbytheir tion of star-forming galaxies differs from the fraction in star-formation. The NFGS integrated metallicities have Kewley et al. (2006) because we apply a more stringent beenpublishedbyKewley et al.(2004)forseveralmetal- S/NcutwhichremovesmanyLINERspriortoclassifica- licity calibrations. tion. In Section 7, we investigate different AGN classifi- cation schemes and their effect on the shape of the MZ 3. STELLARMASSESTIMATES relation. The SDSS stellar masses were derived by The resulting sample contains 27,730 star-forming Tremonti et al. (2004) and Kauffmann et al. (2003) galaxies and does not include duplicates found in the using a combination of z-band luminosities and Monte originalDR4catalog. Wenotethatoursampleissmaller Carlo stellar population synthesis fits to the 4000˚A than the Tremonti et al. (2004) sample because we ap- break and the stellar Balmer absorption line Hδ . The plyamorestringentS/Ncriterionandastricterredshift modelfits tothe 4000˚AbreakandHδ providepAowerful range (T04 apply a redshift range of 0.005<z <0.25). A constraintsonthe starformationhistoryandmetallicity We use the publically available emission-line fluxes of each galaxy, thus providing a more reliable indicator thatwerecalculatedbytheMPA/JHUgroup. (described ofmassthanassumingasimplemass-to-lightratioanda inTremonti et al.2004). Theseemission-linefluxeswere Kroupa(2001)InitialMassFunction(IMF).Drory et al. calculated using a sophistcated code that is optimized (2004) recently comparedthese spectroscopic masses for for use with the SDSS galaxyspectra. This code applies ∼ 17000 SDSS galaxies with (a) masses derived from a least-squares fit of the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) stel- population synthesis fits to the broadband SDSS and lar population synthesis models and dust attenuation to 2MASS colors, and (b) masses calculated from SDSS the stellar continuum. Once the continuum has been re- velocity dispersions and effective radii. They concluded moved, the emission-line fluxes are fit with Gaussians, that the three methods for estimating mass agree to constraining the width and velocity separation of the within ∼0.2 dex over the 108−1012 M⊙ range. Balmer lines together, and similarly for the forbidden An alternative method for estimating mass was pro- lines. posed by Bell & de Jong (2001). Bell et al. used stel- We correct the emission-line fluxes for extinction us- larpopulationsynthesismodelstocomputeprescriptions ing the Balmer decrement and the Cardelli et al. (1989) reddening curve. We assume an RV =Av/E(B−V) = 1Theerrorquotedonthecoveringfractionisthestandarderror 3.1 and an intrinsic Hα/Hβ ratio of 2.85 (the Balmer ofthemean 4 for converting optical colors and photometry into stel- 1. The Ø4363 line is very weak, even in metal-poor lar masses assuming a scaled Salpeter (1955) IMF. This environments, and cannot be observed in higher method is useful when near-IR colors are not available metallicity galaxies without very sensitive, high and spectral S/N is insufficient for reliable 4000˚A break S/N spectra (e..g., Garnett et al. 2004b). and Hδ measurements. We calculate masses for the A 2. Temperature fluctuations or gradients within high NFGSgalaxiesbycombining2MASSJ-bandmagnitudes metallicity H II regions may cause electron tem- with the B −R colors (R. Jansen, 2005, private com- perature metallicities to be underestimated by as munication). For all filters, we use ’total’ magnitudes, much as ∼0.4 dex (Stasin´ska 2002, 2005; Bresolin i.e. the integrated light based on extrapolated radial 2006a). Inthepresenceoftemperaturefluctuations surface brightness fits. We apply a search radius of 5 or gradients, [O III] is emitted predominantly in arcsec in the 2MASS database, resulting in matches for hightemperature zones where O++ is presentonly 85/106star-forminggalaxies. Wecalculatestellarmasses in small amounts. In this scenario, the high elec- using the models of Bell & de Jong (2001), as param- tron temperatures estimated from the Ø4363 line eterised by Rosenberg et al. (2005). For the compari- are not representative of the true electron temper- son between the SDSS and NFGS stellar masses (Sec- ature in the H II region, leading to systematically tion 8), we assume a Salpeter IMF, and apply factors of low metallicity estimates (see reviews by Stasin´ska 1.82 and 1.43 to the SDSS (Kroupa) and NFGS (scaled 2005; Bresolin 2006a). Salpeter) stellar masses respectively Kauffmann et al. (2003); Bell & de Jong (2001). 3. The T method may underestimate global spectra e Recently, Kannappan & Gawiser (2007) compared of galaxies. Kobulnicky & Zaritsky (1999) found stellar masses derived using stellar population synthesis that for low metallicity galaxies, the T method e fits to the NFGS spectra with masses derived using sev- systematically underestimates the global oxygen eralmethods,includingtheBelletal. method. Kannap- abundance of ensembles of HII regions. pan&Gawiserfindthatthe Belletal. 2001stellarmass prescriptiongivesstellarmassesthatare∼1.5×thepop- High S/N ratio spectra can overcome the weakness ulation synthesis approach (see Kannappan & Gawiser of the Ø4363 line, and alternative auroral lines such figure 1h). In the SDSS MZ relation, where stellar mass as the [N II] λ5755, [S III] λ6312, and [O II] λ7325 isinlogspace,afactorof∼1.5wouldresultinashiftof lines are observable at higher metallicities than the ∼ 0.17 dex. We consider this shift when comparing the Ø4363 line (Kennicutt et al. 2003; Bresolin et al. 2004; NFGS and SDSS MZ relations (Section 8). Garnett et al. 2004b). The theoretical investigation by (Stasin´ska2005)predictsthattheselinescanprovidero- 4. METALLICITYESTIMATES bust metallicities up to ∼ solar (12 + log(O/H)= 8.7; Metallicity calibrations have been developed over > 3 Allende Prietoetal. 2001),but they mayunderestimate decades from either theoretical models, empirical cali- theabundanceatmetallicitiesabovesolariftemperature brations, or a combination of the two. We apply 10 dif- fluctuations or gradients exist in the nebula. ferentmetallicitycalibrationsto the SDSS toinvestigate the impact of the metallicity calibration on the MZ re- 4.2. Empirical Metallicity Calibrations lation. We divide the 10 calibrations into four classes; Because Ø4363 is weak, empirical metallicity calibra- (1) direct, (2) empirical, (3) theoretical, and (4) calibra- tions were developed by fitting the relationship between tionsthatareacombinationofempiricalandtheoretical direct T metallicities and strong-line ratios for H II e methods. The empirical, theoretical and combined cal- regions. Typical calibrations are based on the opti- ibrations all use ratios of strong emission-lines, and are cal line ratios [N II] λ6584/Hα (Pettini & Pagel 2004), often referredto collectivelyas ”strong-linemethods” to ([O III]/Hβ)/([N II]/Hα), (Pettini & Pagel 2004, ; here- distinguishthem fromthe “direct”method basedonthe after PP04), or the “R ” ratio (([O II] λ3727 +[O III] 23 weak Ø4363 auroralline. λλ4959,5007)/Hβ (Pilyugin 2001; Pilyugin & Thuan In this paper, we investigate the direct method, five 2005; Liang et al. 2007; Yin et al. 2007b)). PP04 theoreticalcalibrations,threeempiricalcalibrations,and fit the observed relationships between [N II]/Hα, one”combined”calibration. Webrieflydiscusseachclass [OIII]/Hβ/[NII]/Hαandmetallicity forasample of137 of calibration below. The equations, assumptions, and HIIregions. We refertothe Pettini&Pagelmethods as detaileddescription ofeachmethod that we use arepro- empirical because 97% of their sample has T metallici- e vided in Appendix A, and summarized in Table 1. ties. Pilyugin (; hereafter P01 2001) derived an empirical 4.1. Direct Metallicities calibrationforR basedonT -metallicitiesforasample 23 e The most direct method for determining metallicities of H II regions. This calibration has been updated by is to measure the ratio of the Ø4363 auroral line to a Pilyugin & Thuan(2005, ; hereafterP05),usinga larger lower excitation line such as [O III] λ5007. This ratio sample of HII regions. provides an estimate of the electron temperature of the We refer to strong-line metallicity calibrations that gas,assumingaclassicalHII-regionmodel. Theelectron have been calibrated empirically from T metallicities e temperature is then converted into a metallicity, after in H II regions as ”empirical methods”. In this paper, correctingforunseenstagesofionization. Thismethodis weapplythecommonly-usedempiricalcalibrationsfrom sometimesreferredtoastheIonizationCorrectionFactor P01 (revised in P05), and PP04. These calibrations are (ICF), or more commonly, the ”direct” method, or the described in detail in Appendix A, and summarized in “T ” method. Determining metallicity from the auroral Table 1. These empirical calibrations are subject to the e Ø4363 line is subject to a number of caveats: same caveats as the T -method described above. e 5 4.3. Theoretical Metallicity calibrations the same metallicity calibration is used. We test this hypothesis in Section 9. Thelackofelectrontemperaturemeasurementsathigh Many theoretical calibrations have been developed metallicityledtothedevelopmentoftheoreticalmetallic- to convert metallicity-sensitive emission-line ratios into itycalibrationsofstrong-lineratiosusingphotoionization metallicityestimates. Commonlyusedlineratiosinclude models. These theoretical calibrations are commonly [NII]λ6584/[OII]λ3727(Kewley & Dopita2002,;here- andconfusinglyreferredtoas”empiricalmethods”. The afterKD02)and([OII]λ3727+[OIII]λλ4959,5007)/Hβ use of photoionization models to derive metallicity cal- (Pagel et al. 1979; McGaugh 1991; Zaritsky et al. 1994; ibrations is purely theoretical, and the use of the term Kobulnicky & Kewley 2004, ; hereafter M91, Z94, and ”empirical” is a misnomer. We refer to photoionization KK04respectively). Inadditiontotheuseofspecificline model-based calibrations as ”theoretical methods”. We ratios to derive metallicities, theoretical models can be refer to all calibrations that are based on strong line ra- used to simultaneously fit all observed optical emission- tios (i.e. including empirical and theoretical methods, lines to derive a metallicity probability distribution, as but excluding the T method) as “strong-line”methods. e in Tremonti et al. (2004, ; hereafter T04). T04 esti- Current state-of-the-art photoionization models matedthemetallicityforSDSSstar-forminggalaxiessta- such as MAPPINGS (Sutherland & Dopita 1993; tistically based on theoretical model fits to the strong Groves et al. 2004, 2006) and CLOUDY (Ferland et al. emission-lines [OII], Hβ, [OIII], Hα, [NII], [SII]. 1998) calculate the thermal balance at steps through In this paper, we apply the M91, Z94, KK04, KD02, a dusty spherical or plane parallel nebula. The ion- and T04 theoretical calibrations, described in detail in izing radiation field is usually derived from detailed the Appendix A. Many empirical and theoretical metal- stellar population synthesis models such as Starburst99 licitycalibrationsrelyonthedouble-valued([OII]λ3727 (Leitherer et al. 1999). The combination of population +[OIII]λλ4959,5007)/Hβlineratio,knownas“R ”. In synthesis plus photoionization models allows one to 23 Appendix A.1, we derive the [NII]/Hα and [NII]/[OII] predict the theoretical emission-line ratios produced at values that can be used to break the R degeneracy in various input metallicities. 23 a model-independent way. Photoionizationmodelsovercomethetemperaturegra- dient problems that may affect T calibrations at high e 4.4. Combined Calibration metallicities because photoionization models include de- tailed calculations of the temperature structure of the Some metallicity calibrations are based on fits to the nebula. However,photoionizationmodelshavetheirown relationship between strong-line ratios and H II region unique set of problems: metallicities, where the H II region metallicities are de- rivedfromacombinationoftheoretical,empiricaland/or 1. Photoionization models are limited to spherical or the direct Te method. For example, the Denicolo´ et al. plane parallel geometries. (2002, ; hereafter D02) calibration is based on a fit to the relationship between the T metallicities and the e 2. The depletion of metals out of the gas phase and [N II]/Hα line ratio for ∼ 155 H II regions. Of these onto dust grains is not well constrained observa- 155 H II regions, ∼ 100 have metallicities derived us- tionally ing the Te method, and 55 H II have metallicities esti- mated using either the theoretical M91 R method, or 23 3. The density distribution of dust and gas may be anempiricalmethodproposedbyD´ıaz & P´erez-Montero clumpy. This effect is not taken into account with (2000)methodbasedonthesulfurlines. We refertocal- current photoionization models. ibrations that are based on a combination of methods as “combined” calibrations. In this paper, we apply the Because of these problems, discrepancies of up D02 combined calibration (described in Appendix A). to ∼ 0.2 dex exist among the various strong-line calibrations based on photoionization models (e.g., 5. THEMZRELATION:METALLICITYCALIBRATIONS Kewley & Dopita2002;Kobulnicky & Kewley2004,and In Figure 1 we show the mass-metallicity relation references therein). Systematic errors introduced by obtained using each of the 10 metallicity calibra- modelling inaccuracies are usually estimated to be ∼ tions. There are insufficient galaxies in the SDSS with 0.1−0.15 dex (McGaugh 1991; Kewley & Dopita 2002). [O III] λ4363 detections to determine an MZ relation These error estimates are calculated by generating large using the T metallicities. For the strong-line methods e grids of models that cover as many HII region scenar- (i.e. all methods except the direct T method), the red e ios as possible, including varying star formation histo- line shows the robust best-fitting 3rd-order polynomial ries, stellar atmosphere models, electron densities, and to the data. The blue circles give the median metal- geometries. Differences between the model assumptions licity within masses of log(M) = 0.2 M⊙, centered at and the true HII region ensemble that is observed in a log(M) = 8.6,8.8,...,11 M⊙. Both methods of charac- galaxyspectrumare likely to be systematic,affecting all terizing the shape of the MZ relations produce similar derived metallicities in a similar manner. results. The parameters of the best-fit polynomials and Since systematic errors affect all of the direct, empiri- the rms residuals of the fit are given in Table 2. cal and theoretical methods for deriving metallicities in The different strong-line calibrations produce MZ re- high metallicity (12+log(O/H)>8.6) environments, we lations with different shapes, y-axis offsets, and scatter. do not know which method (if any) produces the true T04interprettheflatteningintheMZrelationabovestel- metallicity of an object. Fortunately, because the errors lar masses log(M)>10.5 M⊙ in terms of efficient galac- introduced are likely to be systematic, relative metallic- ticscalewindsthatremovemetalsfromthegalaxieswith ities between galaxies are probably reliable, as long as masses below log(M)<10.5 M⊙. A similar flattening is 6 observed for the majority of the theoretical techniques. However, the MZ relations calculated using metallicity calibrations based on [N II]/Hα (D02 and PP04 N2) flatten at lower stellar masses log(M) ∼ 10 because the [N II]/Hα line ratio becomes insensitive to metallicities for log([N II]/Hα)& −1 (or 12+log(O/H)& 8.8 in the D02 or PP04 [N II]/Hα-based metallicity scale). The [N II]/Hα calibrations cannot give metallicity estimates above12+log(O/H)&8.8,even if the true metallicity is higher than 12+log(O/H)>8.8. The P05 empirical method (Pilyugin & Thuan 2005) is relatively flat for all stellar masses; between 8.5 ≤ log(M/M⊙)≤11,themetallicityrisesonly∼0.2dexon average. The majority of the H II regions used by P05 have T metallicities that are based on the [OIII] λ4363 e line. Because the [O III] λ4363 line may be insensitive to (or saturate at) a metallicity 12 + log(O/H)∼ 8.6, the P05calibrationmay give a weak MZ relationfor the SDSS. Interestingly, the original P01 calibration (green line in panel (9) of Figure 1) gives a steeper MZ rela- tion than the updated calibration (P05; red and blue lines). TheupdatedP05relationalsoproduceslowerab- solutemetallicitiesby∼0.2dexcomparedwiththeorig- inalP01method, aspointedoutbyYin et al.(2007b)in their comparison between P01, P05, and T04 metallici- ties. This change may be caused by the different H II- region abundance sets that were used to calibrate the original P01 method and the updated version in P05. The direct T method is available for only 546/27,730 e (2%) of the galaxies in our SDSS sample. The [O III] λ4363 line is weak and is usually only observed in metal-poor galaxies. The SDSS catalog contains very few metal-poor galaxies because they are intrinsi- cally rare,compact and faint (e.g., Terlevich et al. 1991; Masegosa et al. 1994; van Zee 2000). Panel 10 of Fig- ure (1 shows that a total of 477 T metallicities is in- e sufficient to obtain a clear MZ relation. Because we are Fig. 1.— The mass-metallicity relation using the 10 differ- ent metallicity calibrations listed in Table 1. The red line shows unable to fit an MZ relation using T metallicities, we e the robust best-fitting 3rd-order polynomial to the data. The do not consider the T method further in this work. e blue circles give the median metallicity within stellar mass bins The scatter inthe MZ relationis largefor allmetallic- of ∆log(M/M⊙) = 0.2, centered at log(M/M⊙) = 8.6,8.8,...,11. ity calibrations; the rms residual about the line of best- WeusetheupdatedcalibrationofP05givenbyPilyugin&Thuan (2005)inpanel9. TheoriginalP01calibrationisshownasasolid fit is 0.08 - 0.13. The cause of the scatter in the MZ greenlineinpanel 9. relation is unknown. Our comparison between the dif- ferent metallicity calibrations shows that differing ion- Comparisonsbetweenmetallicitiescalculatedusingthese izationparameteramonggalaxiesdoesnotcauseorcon- consistentmethods,suchasKD02andM91,arelikelyto tributetothescatter. Theionizationparameterisexplic- be reliable to within 0.1 dex. However, comparisons be- itlycalculatedandtakenintoaccountinsomemetallicity tween methods that show large disagreement (such as diagnostics(KD02,KK04,M91),butwe donotsee are- KK04 and P05) will be contaminated by the large sys- ductioninscatterforthesemethods. Afullinvestigation tematic discrepancy between the calibrations. into the scatter in the MZ relation will be presented in The lowestcurvesin Figure2 arethe MZ relationsde- Ellison et al. (in prep). rived using the empirical methods (i.e. P01, P05, and We directly compare the best-fit MZ curves for the the two PP04 methods). These empirical methods are 9 strong-line calibrations in Figure 2, including both calibrated predominantly via fits of the relationship be- P01 and P05. The top panel shows the rms scatter tween strong-line ratios and HII region T metallicities. e in metallicity about the mean in mass bins of width There is considerable variation among the y-intercept ∆log(M/M⊙) = 0.2. The major difference between of these Te-based MZ relations; the P05 method gives the MZ curves is their position along the y-axis. The metallicities that are ∼ 0.4 dex below the PP04 meth- curves with the largest y-intercept are all photoioniza- ods at the highest masses, despite the fact that both tionmodelbased(KK04,Z94,KD02,T04,M91). Among methods are predominantly based on H II regions with these photoionizationmodelmetallicities,the agreement T -metallicities. At the lowest stellar masses, this dif- e is∼0.2dex. Thisagreementiswithinthemarginoferror ferencedisappears. Thedifferencebetweentheempirical typicallycitedforthesecalibrations(∼0.1−0.15dexfor methods may be attributed to the different H II-region each calibration). Some calibrations consistently agree samples used to derive the calibrations. At the highest to within 0.1 dex (e.g.,KK04and Z94;KD02and M91). metallicities, the PP04 methods utilize four HII-regions 7 culated using the same metallicity calibration. In the followingsection,wederiveconversionsthatcanbe used toconvertmetallicitiesfromonecalibrationintoanother. 6. METALLICITYCALIBRATIONCONVERSIONS Comparisons between MZ relations for galaxies in dif- ferent redshift ranges are non-trivial. Different suites of emission-lines are available at different redshifts, neces- sitating the use of different metallicity calibrations. Be- cause of the strong discrepancy in absolute metallicities between different calibrations, the application of differ- ent calibrations for galaxies at different redshifts may mimicorhideevolutionintheMZrelationwithredshift, depending on which calibrations are used. Because the metallicitydiscrepanciesaresystematic,wecanfitthere- lationship between the different metallicity calibrations in order to remove the systematic discrepancies and ob- tain comparable metallicity measurements for different redshift intervals. We calculate conversion relations between the strong- line metallicity calibrations by plotting each calibra- tion against the remaining 8 calibrations and fitting the resulting metallicity-metallicity distribution with a robust polynomial fit. We refer to these metallicity- metallicity plots as Z-Z plots. Rows 1-3 of Figure 3 give six representative examples of SDSS Z-Z plots for the strong-line calibrations. The Z-Z plots between all nine strong-linecalibrationsforvariousS/Ncutsareavailable at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/∼kewley/Metallicity. The blue dashed 1:1 line shows where the Z-Z distribution would lie if the two calibrations agree. The robust best- fit polynomial is shown in red, and ρ gives the robust r equivalent to the standard deviation of the fit. Small values of ρ indicate a reliable fit to the data. Fig. 2.—Therobustbest-fitmass-metallicityrelationscalculated r usingthedifferentmetallicitycalibrationslistedinTable1,except ThemajorityoftheZ-Zrelationsareclosetolinearand the Te-method. Thetop panel shows the rms scatter inmetallic- are easily fit by a 1st, 2nd or 3rd order robust polyno- ity about the best-fit relation for each calibration in 0.1 dex bins mial. However,theP05calibrationproducesaverynon- of stellar mass. The y-axis offset, shape, and scatter of the MZ linear relation with a large scatter when plotted against relation differs substantially, depending on which metallicity cali- brationisused. all other metallicity calibrations. These non-linear re- lations are not easily fit even with a robust 3rd order with detailed theoretical metallicities. These detailed polynomial and we cannot provide conversions that will theoretical metallicities may overcome the saturation at reliably convert to/from the P05 method. For compar- 12+log(O/H)∼ 8.6 suffered by [O III] λ4363 Te metal- ison, the bottom row of Figure 3 shows the same plots licities. The P05 calibration includes some H II regions calculated with the original P01 calibration. Although with metallicities estimated with the alternative auro- the scatter is less severe in these plots, the relations be- ral [N II] λ5755 line from Kennicutt et al. (2003). The tween P01 and other diagnostics remain non-linear and inclusion of these [N II] λ5755 metallicities may over- are not easily fit with a robust 3rd order polynomial. come the [O III] λ4363 saturation problem. However, For all other diagnostics, the metallicities or metallic- Stasin´ska (2005) suggestthat the use of the [NII] λ5755 ity relations can be converted into any other calibration lineindustynebulaewillstillcauseTe metallicitiestobe scheme, using underestimated when the true metallicity is above solar. OurSDSSsamplehasameanextinctionofE(B-V)∼0.3, y =a+bx+cx2+dx3 (1) or A ∼ 1. The extinction is a strong function of stel- V lar mass; for the largest stellar masses (M> 1010.5M⊙), whereyisthe”base”orfinalmetallicityin12+log(O/H) the mean extinction is large E(B-V)∼ 0.5, or A ∼ 1.6. units, a−darethe 3rdorderrobustfit coefficients given V Clearly,dust is important in SDSS galaxies,particularly in Table 3, and x is the original metallicity to be con- atthehigheststellarmasseswherethelargestdiscrepan- verted(in12+log(O/H)units). For Z-Zrelationswhere cies exist between the theoretical methods and the P05 a 2nd order polynomial produces a lower ρ than a 3rd r T -methods. order polynomial fit, d is zero. e In addition to the large difference in y-intercept be- The conversion coefficients given in Table 3 are based tween the different metallicity calibrations, Figure 2 on the fit order that produces the lowest ρ value in our r shows that the slope and turn-over of the MZ relation sample. Some R calibrations require two fits; one 2nd 23 depend on which calibration is used. Therefore, it is or 3rd order fit for the upper R branch and one linear 23 essential to compare MZ relations that have been cal- fit for the lowerbranch. Inthese cases,the coefficents of 8 the upper and lower branch fits are listed in Table 3 as left and right columns, respectively. In Table 3, we give the range in x over which our cal- ibrations are valid. Our polynomial fits are only tested within these ranges and may not be suitable for con- verting lower or higher metallicities into another scheme outsidetheselimits. Weprovideworkedexamplesforthe use of our conversions in Appendix B. Figure 4 shows the application of our strong-line con- versionsto the best-fit MZ relations in Figure 2, exclud- ingP05. Thecalibrationshownforeachpanelrepresents the “base” (final) calibration into which all other MZ curves have been converted. The remaining discrepancy between the convertedMZ relation and the base MZ re- lationis anindicatorofboththe scatterinourZ-Zplots andhowwelltheZ-Zrelationsarefitbyarobustpolyno- mial. In Table 4, we give the mean residual discrepancy between the converted MZ relations and the base MZ relation. Our conversions reach agreement between the MZ re- lations to within ∼ 0.03 dex on average. The most reli- ablebasecalibrationsarethosewiththesmallestresidual discrepancies. The residual discrepancies differ because someZ-Zrelationshavelessscatterand/oraremoreeas- ily fit by a simple polynomial. The KK04, M91, PP04 O3N2,andKD02methodshavethesmallestresidualdis- crepancies and are therefore the most reliable base cali- brations to convert other metallicities into. 7. THEMZRELATION:AGNREMOVALMETHODS The nebular emission line spectrum is sensitive to the hardness of the ionizing EUV radiation. Metallicities calculated from spectra that contain a significant con- tribution from an AGN may be spurious because the commonly-usedmetallicity calibrationsare basedon the assumption of a stellar ionizing radiation field. The standard optical diagnostic diagrams for classification were first proposed by Baldwin et al. (1981), based on the line ratios [N II]/Hα vs [O III]/Hβ, [S II]/Hα vs [O III]/Hβ, and [O I]/Hα vs [O III]/Hβ. This classifica- tion scheme was revised by Osterbrock & Pogge (1985) andVeilleux & Osterbrock(1987,;hereafterVO87)who used a combination of AGN and starburst samples with photoionization models to derive a classification line on thediagnosticdiagramstoseparateAGNfromstarburst galaxies. Subsequently, Kewley et al. (2001, ; hereafter Ke01) developed a purely theoretical “maximum star- burstline”lineforAGNclassificationusingthestandard Fig. 3.—Examples ofthe relationshipbetween different metal- licity calibrations. The robust 2nd order polynomial of best fit is diagrams. This theoretical scheme provides an improve- shownas a redsolidline. The 1:1line(blue dashes) shows where mentontheprevioussemi-empiricalclassificationbypro- the metallicities would lie if the calibrations agree. The robust ducingamoreconsistentclassificationlinefromdiagram equivalent to the standard deviation of the fit (ρr) are shown for eachplot. Thisfigureillustratesthetypicalvariationinscatterand to diagramthat significantly reduces the number of am- shape between different metallicity calibrations. Figures showing biguously classified galaxies. The “maximum starburst the relations between all 9 strong-line metallicity calibrations are line”definesthemaximumtheoreticalpositiononthedi- availableathttp://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/∼kewley/Metallicity. agnostic diagramsthat can be attained by pure star for- mation models. According to the Ke01 models, galaxies line onallthree standarddiagnosticdiagramsusing the- lying above the maximum starburst line are dominated oretical galaxy spectra. Our AGN model is based on by AGN activity and objects lying below the line are the 12+log(O/H)= 8.9 dusty radiation-pressure dom- dominated by star formation. inated models by (Groves et al. 2004). We use a typ- Although objects lying below the maximum starburst ical AGN ionization parameter of log(U) = −2 and a line are likely to be dominated by star formation, they power-law index of α = −1.4. We investigate the suite may containa smallcontributionfroman AGN. We cal- of starburst models from Kewley & Dopita (2002) and culatethemaximumAGNcontributionthatwouldallow Dopita et al. (2000). The starburst model that allows a galaxy to be classified as star-forming with the Ke01 the maximum contribution from an AGN while remain- 9 of objects containing AGN, and we recommend its use for metallicities calculated using R . 23 We investigatewhether the AGNclassificationscheme affects the shape of the MZ relation in Figure 5. For eachmetallicitycalibration,weshowthe MZrelationfor thethreeclassificationschemesKe01(blackdottedline), Ke06(redsolidline)andVO87(bluedashedline). These threeclassificationschemesdefine89%,84%,and76%of our SDSS sample as star-forming, respectively. There is negligible difference (< 0.05 dex) among the SDSS MZ relations for the three classification schemes. We note that the contribution from an AGN may be more important for samples that contain a larger fraction of HII-AGNcompositegalaxies,orgalaxiesathighredshift wherelimitedsetsofemission-lineslimitthemethodsfor AGN removal. For these cases, we recommend the use of either the KD02 [N II]/[O II] metallicity calibration (useful for log([NII]/[OII])>−1.2),the PP04[NII]/Hα calibration, or the D02 [N II]/Hα calibration. None of these three calibrations depend on the AGN-sensitive [OIII]/Hβ line ratio. Fig. 4.— The robust best-fit mass-metallicity relations calcu- latedusingthe8differentmetallicitycalibrationslistedinTable1, converted into the base metallicities shown using our conversions fromTable3. ing classified as star-forming is zero-age instantaneous burstmodel with ionizationparameter q =1×107 cm/s andmetallicity12+log(O/H)=8.9by(Kewley & Dopita 2002;Dopita et al.2000). The AGNcontributioninthis model is ∼15%. Weusethismodeltocalculatetheeffectofa15%AGN contributiontothe metallicity-sensitiveemission-linera- tios. The AGN model contributes substantially to the [O III]/Hβ line ratio but has only a minor effect on the [NII]/[OII] ratio. Therefore, the effect of an AGN con- tribution of 15% is small (≤ 0.04 dex) on metallicities calculatedusingthe[NII]/[OII]ratio(Kewley & Dopita 2002), but larger (0.1−0.2 dex) on metallicities calcu- latedwithcalibrationscontaining[OIII](e.g.,McGaugh 1991; Zaritsky et al. 1994; Kobulnicky & Kewley 2004). Recently, Kewley et al. (2006, ; hereafter Ke06) de- finedanew classificationschemebasedonallthreediag- nosticdiagramsthatseparatespureHIIregion-likegalax- ies from HII-AGN composites, Seyferts, and galaxies Fig. 5.— Comparison between the mass-metallicity relations dominated by low ionization emission line regions (LIN- forthreedifferentmethods ofAGNremoval: Kewleyetal.(2006) (red solid line), Kewleyetal. (2001) (black dotted line), and ERs). This new classificationscheme includes an empir- Veilleux&Osterbrock (1987) (VO87; blue dashed line). The ical shift applied by Kauffmann et al. (2003, ; hereafter methodofAGNremovalhaslittleeffectontheMZrelation,except Ka03) to the Ke01 line for the [N II]/Hα vs [O III]/Hβ atlowstellarmassesheretheVO87methodgivesaflatterslope. diagnostic. This shift provides a more stringent removal 10 8. THEMZRELATION:APERTUREEFFECTS stellar masses (M>1010M⊙). The NFGS global MZ re- lation flattens at a metallicity that is ∼ 0.1−0.15 dex Our SDSS sample was selected with g’-band covering smaller than the metallicity at which the SDSS relation fractions >20% because this value is the minimum cov- flattens. This difference is not caused by metallicity cal- ering fraction required for metallicities to approximate ibration errors because the difference in upper turn-off the global values (Kewley et al. 2005). A covering frac- is observed with all strong-line metallicity calibrations. tionof20%correspondsto amedianredshift ofz ∼0.04 Furthermore, the difference of log(M) = 0.17 dex be- which is the lower redshift limit used by T04 for their tweentheBell & de Jong(2001)stellarmassrelationand SDSS MZ relation work. The median g’-band aperture theSDSSBruzual&Charlotmodelstellarmassescannot covering fraction of our sample is only ∼34%, although account for the difference between the SDSS and global the range of g’-band covering fractions is 20-80% (Fig- NFGS MZ relations. ure 6). Fig. 7.— (Top Panel) Comparison between the robust best- Fig. 6.— The distribution of g’-band fiber covering fractions fit SDSS Mass-Metallicity relation (red solid line) and the best- in our SDSS sample. Our sample was chosen to have covering fit relations to the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey (NFGS) nuclear fractions >20%. Thedotted lineatthe topof the figureindicate (blue dashed line) and global (black dot-dashed line) relations. themedian(34.2)coveringfractionofoursample. Metallicities were calculated using both KD02 (left panel) and M91 (right panel) calibrations, and stellar masses are given as- sumingaSalpeter IMF.(Bottom Panel) Comparisonbetween the Strongmetallicitygradientsexistinmostmassivelate- SDSS Mass-Metallicity relation (red solid line) and the NFGS typespirals;HIIregionmetallicitiesdecreasebyanorder global (filled circle) and NFGS nuclear (unfilled circle) data. At of magnitude from the inner to the outer disk (see e.g., high stellar masses (M∗ > 1010M⊙), the SDSS metallicities are Shields 1990, for a review). These gradients may cause ∼0.1−0.15dexlargerthanNFGSglobalmetallicitiesatthesame stellarmass. substantial differences between the nuclear and global metallicities. Kewley et al. (2005) investigate the effects of a fixed size aperture on spectral properties for a large The difference between the SDSS and NFGS nuclear range of galaxy types and luminosity. They conclude and MZ relations is probably driven by two factors: (1) that minimum covering fractions larger than 20% may fixed-size aperture differences and (2) different surface be needed at high luminosities to avoid aperture effects. brightness profiles. The NFGS nuclear sample has a Therefore the SDSS MZ relation may be affected by the smaller mean covering fraction than the SDSS sample fixed size aperture at the highest luminosities or stellar (∼ 10% c.f. ∼ 34%), giving higher nuclear metallici- masses. ties in the NFGS than for SDSS galaxies with the same To investigate the effect of the small median SDSS stellar mass. In addition, the NFGS and SDSS samples covering fraction on the MZ relation, in Figure 7, we havedifferentsurfacebrightnessprofiles(tracedby their compare the SDSS MZ relation (red solid line) with the half-lightradii). TheNFGSsamplehasaslightlysmaller nuclear (black dot-dashed line) and global (blue dashed meanhalflightradius thanourSDSS sample (∼3.0 kpc line) MZ relations of the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey c.f. ∼ 3.4 kpc respectively). Ellison et al. (in prep.) (NFGS). We show the KD02 metallicity calibration(left showthatfor the SDSS,galaxieswithsmallg’-bandhalf panel) and the M91 calibration (right panel) for all light radii (i.e more concentrated emission) have higher datasets. Similar results are obtained with the other metallicitiesatagivenmassthangalaxieswithlargehalf strong-line methods. The SDSS MZ relation lies in- light radii (more diffuse emission). between the NFGS nuclear and global relations at high Thedifferenceinhalf-lightradiibetweentheSDSSand

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