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Preview Metal‐Catalyzed Direct Difluoromethylation Reactions

DOI: 10.1002/ajoc.201600509 Focus Review Synthetic Methods Metal-Catalyzed Direct Difluoromethylation Reactions Jian Rong, Chuanfa Ni, and Jinbo Hu*[a] AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 1 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & & These are not the final page numbers! (cid:2)(cid:2) Focus Review Abstract:Owingtotheexcellentperformance offluorinated (especially trifluoromethylation) reactions has been made compounds in the areas of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, over the past few decades. However, methods for incorpo- and materials chemistry, organic chemists have made great rating lightly fluorinated groups (such as(cid:2)CFH) are still un- 2 efforts towards the selective incorporation of fluorine or flu- derdeveloped, in spite of their important applications in orinated moieties into organic molecules through nucleo- pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. This Focus Review sum- philic, electrophilic, radical, and metal-catalyzed pathways. marizes recent developments in metal-catalyzed direct di- Impressive progress in fluorination and perfluoroalkylation fluoromethylationreactions. 1. Introduction Because of the unique intrinsic properties of fluorine, such as high electronegativity and small atomic radius, the incorpora- tion of fluorine or fluorinated moieties into biologically active compounds can enhance their lipophilicity and resistance to- wards oxidation, thereby improving their membrane permea- bility, metabolic stability, and bioavailability.[1] Among the vari- ous fluorinated moieties (especially lightly fluorinated groups), the difluoromethyl group ((cid:2)CFH) is of great importance be- 2 cause it can act as a more-lipophilic isostere of carbinol, thiol, hydroxamic acid, or amide groups.[2] The CFH group is weakly 2 acidic and is capable of hydrogen-bonding interactions to im- prove the binding selectivity of biologically active com- pounds.[2] As a consequence, the difluoromethyl group has been widely utilized in the design of various pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals (Figure1).[2b,3] Compared to the highly de- veloped methods for trifluoromethylation,[4] difluoromethyla- Figure1.Representativepharmaceuticalsandagrochemicalsthatcontain adifluoromethylgroup. tionisstillunderdeveloped,probablyowingtothelackofeffi- cient sources of the difluoromethyl group and stable difluoro- methyl(cid:2)metal complexes. Conventionally, difluoromethylated compounds are prepared through the deoxyfluorination of al- sition-metal photoredox catalysts), and facilitating the forma- dehydes with sulfur tetrafluoride, N,N-diethylaminosulfur tri- tion of HFC(cid:2)C and HFC(cid:2)X bonds (through the reductive 2 2 fluoride (DAST), bis(2-methoxyethyl)aminosulfur trifluoride eliminationofdifluoromethyl(cid:2)metalcomplexes). (Deoxo-Fluor), and other related reagents.[1] However, the limi- During the pursuit of efficient methods for difluoromethyla- tations of these methods are apparent, such as the need for tion, some readily available difluoromethyl synthons, such as harshreactionconditions andpoorfunctional-group tolerance, HCFCOPh, TMSCFCOOEt, EtSiCFCOOEt, BrCFCOOEt, 2 2 3 2 2 and these limitations have restricted their wide utilization. On FSOCFCOOH,TMSCFSOPh, BrCFSOPh, and ICFSOPh, have 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the other hand, metal-catalyzed direct difluoromethylation re- been developed and used in metal-mediated difluoromethyla- actions have many advantages, such as fewer synthetic steps, tion reactions. These reactions proceed through theincorpora- milderreactionconditions,andbroadersubstratescope,which tion of difluoromethyl synthons into the target compounds, make them suitable for late-stage difluoromethylation reac- followed by the removal of the activating groups tions. This Focus Review summarizes the direct difluoromethy- (Scheme1).[6–21] However, these metal-mediated stepwise (indi- lation reactions that use transition metals in both stoichiomet- rect) difluoromethylation reactions are beyond the scope of ric and catalytic amounts.[5] The transition metals in difluoro- thisreview.ThisFocusReviewfocusesonrecentdevelopments methylation reactions play various roles, including stabilizing in metal-catalyzed direct difluoromethylation reactions, that is, the difluoromethyl anion (as difluoromethyl carriers), promot- reactionsthatinvolvethedirecttransferofaCFHgroup. 2 ing the formation of difluoromethyl free radicals (such as tran- [a] J.Rong,Dr.C.Ni,Prof.Dr.J.Hu KeyLaboratoryofOrganofluorineChemistry ShanghaiInstituteofOrganicChemistry ChineseAcademyofSciences 345Ling-LingRoad Shanghai,200032(P.R.China) E-mail:[email protected] Scheme1.Metal-mediatedstepwisedifluoromethylationreactions.TMS=tri- Homepage:http://hujinbo.sioc.ac.cn/en/ methylsilyl. & AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 2 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & (cid:3)(cid:3) These are not the final page numbers! Focus Review 2. Metal-Catalyzed Difluoromethylation a CFH group onto an organic compound (Scheme2).[22c,e] 2 Burton and Hartgraves reported that the reaction of metallic cadmiumwithCFHIinDMFproducedamixtureof[Cd(CFH)] 2.1.Difluoromethyl(cid:2)MetalComplexes 2 2 2 and [Cd(CFH)I] in a 25:75 ratio and 91% overall yield (based 2 The first example of a difluoromethyl(cid:2)transition-metal com- on 19FNMR spectroscopic analysis). They found that this mix- plex, [(CO)Mn(CFH)], was reported by Calderazzo’s group in turecouldbeusedforthedifluoromethylationofallylbromide 5 2 1967.[22a]Eisenbergandco-workersalsoreportedthestructural- and 3-chlorobut-1-yne (Scheme2a).[22e] (Difluoromethyl)zinc ly well-defined complexes [IrCl(OCOCFCl)(CFH)(CO)(PPh)] could be prepared in a similar manner to (difluoromethyl)cad- 2 2 32 and [IrCl(CFH)(CO)(PPh)].[22j–l] Since these reports, there has mium, but it required a much longer reaction time (Sche- 2 2 32 been a long-standing interest in the preparation of [M(cid:2)CFH] me2b).[22e](Difluoromethyl)coppercouldbepreparedbytrans- 2 complexes to explore the capability of the difluoromethyl metalation between (difluoromethyl)cadmium and copper(I) group in coordinating with transition metals.[22b–s] It has been bromideorchloride(Scheme2c).[22e]Theas-prepared(difluoro- found that the difluoromethyl ligand can exhibit a rich coordi- methyl)copper species was highly reactive, and it readily de- nation chemistry that allows the ligation of different transition composedattemperaturesabove(cid:2)308C. metals;somerepresentative[M(cid:2)CFH]complexesareshownin Interestingly, these difluoromethyl(cid:2)metal (metal=Cd, Zn, 2 Figure2. However, most of these complexes were not stable Cu) species exhibited significant differences in reactivity in di- enough to be isolated and fully characterized. Compared to their corresponding [M(cid:2)CF] complexes, the M(cid:2)C bonds in 3 [M(cid:2)CFH] complexes are typically weaker and more reactive. 2 For example, the [CuCF2H] complex is much more reactive Jian Rong was born in Yichang, Hubei prov- thanthe[CuCF]complexanddecomposesmorereadily.[22d,e] ince, China, in 1990 and obtained a double 3 BSc degree in chemistry and biology from Central China Normal University, where he workedwithProfessorWen-JingXiao.In2012, 2.2.Metal-MediatedCross-CouplingDifluoromethylation hecontinuedhisstudyasaPhDcandidateat the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Investigations of these difluoromethyl(cid:2)transition-metal com- Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIOC, CAS), plexes found that they could be used to directly transfer with Professor Jinbo Hu. His current research interestsincludeselectivefluoroalkylationand photoredoxcatalysis. Chuanfa Ni obtained his BSc degree in chemistry from Shandong Normal University in 2003. After graduate work (2003–2009) at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) under the supervision of Professor Jinbo Huand postdoctoral work(2009–2012) attheUniversityofSouthernCaliforniaunder the supervision of Professor G.K. Surya Pra- kash, he joined the Hu group at SIOC as an AssociateResearchProfessorin2012. Jinbo Hu was born in Zhejiang, China, in 1973. After he completed his BS (Hangzhou University) and MS (Chinese Academy of Sci- ences) degrees, he undertook his PhD work from1997to2002attheUniversityofSouth- ernCaliforniawithProfessorsG.K.S.Prakash and G.A. Olah. After postdoctoral work at USC,heacceptedaResearchProfessorshipat the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIOC, CAS) in early2005,whereheiscurrentlytheHeadof the CAS Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry. He was the recipient of the RSC FluorinePrize2009andtheNovartisChemis- try Lectureship 2015–2016. His current research interests include synthetic methodsforselectivefluorination,defluorination,andfluoroalkylation,andflu- orinatedmaterials. Figure2.Representative[M(cid:2)CFH]complexes.Tf=trifluoromethanesulfonyl. 2 AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 3 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & & These are not the final page numbers! (cid:2)(cid:2) Focus Review Scheme2.Preparationofdifluoromethylcadmium,zinc,andcopperre- agents. fluoromethylation reactions (Scheme3).[22e] For example, in the reaction with cinnamyl halide, [HCFZnX] was much less reac- 2 tive than [HCFCdX]. After heating [HCFZnX] with cinnamyl 2 2 bromide in DMF for 19hours at 458Cand then for 28hours at Scheme4.Copper-mediateddifluoromethylationofarylandvinylhalides. EWG=electron-withdrawinggroup,NMP=N-methylpyrrolidone,DMA=di- methylacetamide,Phen=phenanthroline. strates that contained a carbonyl group. In the reaction, an excessamountofTMSCFH(5equiv)wasrequired,presumably 2 to facilitate the formation of the [Cu(CFH)](cid:2) intermediate, 2 2 which acted as a stable “reservoir” of reactive [Cu(CFH)]. In 2 the same year, Prakash and co-workers developed a copper- mediated difluoromethylation of (hetero)aryl iodides and b- styryl halides by employing tributyl(difluoromethyl)stannane (BuSnCFH) as the difluoromethyl source (Scheme4b).[25] One 3 2 advantage associated with the use of BuSnCFH was the im- 3 2 provement of the difluoromethylation reaction with electron- Scheme3.Reactivityofdifluoromethylcadmium,zinc,andcopperreagents. deficient(hetero)arylandvinyliodidesandsubstratesthatcon- tainedacarbonylgroup.DFTcalculationsrevealedthatDMFas 558C, 18% of [HCFZnX] still remained. [HCFZnX] is a less- thereactionsolventstronglystabilizedthe[CuCFH]species.In 2 2 2 toxic difluoromethylating reagent and so is more attractive for 2014, Qing and co-workers reported the copper-mediated di- synthetic applications, even though it is less reactive than fluoromethylation of electron-poor aryl iodides with TMSCFH 2 [HCFCdX].Notably,the[CuCFH]speciesthatwaspreparedby atroomtemperature(Scheme4c).[26]InQing’sreactionsystem, 2 2 transmetalation between [HCFCdX] and CuX (X=Br, Cl) was a more-soluble activator (tBuOK) and an extra ligand (phenan- 2 even more reactive than [HCFCdX] and [HCFZnX], with high throline) were used, which not only decreased the amount of 2 2 regioselectivity for the linear product, presumably owing to its TMSCFH required (to 2.4equiv), but also dramatically lowered 2 aggregationinsolution(andthushighersterichindrance)than the reaction temperature (to room temperature). As a conse- [HCFCdX]. Despite the relatively low stability of [CuCFH], it is quence, electron-deficient (hetero)aryl and vinyl iodides were 2 2 ausefuldifluoromethyl-transferreagentforallylhalides.[22e] smoothlydifluoromethylatedingood-to-excellentyields,there- Because of the high toxicity of the (difluoromethyl)cadmium byconstitutinganimportantcomplementtoHartwig’swork. reagent and the low reactivity of the (difluoromethyl)zinc re- In 2014, Goossen and co-workers reported a Sandmeyer di- agent, the less-toxic and relatively reactive (difluoromethyl)- fluoromethylation reaction of (hetero)arenediazonium salts in copperreagenthadattractedmuchattentionincouplingreac- whichTMSCFHwasusedasthereagent(Scheme5).[27]Mecha- 2 tions. In 2012, Fier and Hartwig reported the copper-mediated nistic investigation through radical-inhibition experiments and difluoromethylation of aryl and vinyl iodides (Scheme4a).[23] radical-trapping experiments confirmed that the reaction pro- TMSCFH, which could be prepared by the reduction of ceeded through a radical pathway. This method provided 2 TMSCF with NaBH on a large scale, was used as the difluoro- anewsyntheticalternativetodifluoromethylarenesfromread- 3 4 methyl source.[24] This procedure was applicable to the difluor- ily available aryl amines. In 2015, the same group developed omethylation of electron-rich and electron-neutral aryl and a copper-mediated difluoromethylthiolation of alkyl bromides/ vinyl iodides in high yields. However, it was not suitable for mesylates and arenediazonium salts with TMSCFH 2 electron-deficient aryl iodides and was incompatible with sub- (Scheme6).[28]Thisreactionprovidednewopportunitiesforthe & AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 4 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & (cid:3)(cid:3) These are not the final page numbers! Focus Review Scheme5.Sandmeyerdifluoromethylationof(hetero)arenediazoniumsalts andproposedreactionmechanism.SET=single-electrontransfer. Scheme6.Copper-mediateddifluoromethylationofalkylbromides,mesy- lates,andarenediazoniumsaltswithTMSCFH.Ms=methanesulfonyl. 2 synthesis of difluoromethyl thioethers from widely available starting materials, such as alkyl halides, alcohols, and aryl Scheme8.Acooperativedualpalladium/silvercatalystsystemforthedirect amines. difluoromethylationofarylbromidesandiodidesandproposedreaction mechanism.dba=dibenzylideneacetone. In 2015, Qing and co-workers reported a copper-mediated oxidative difluoromethylation of terminal alkynes with TMSCFH in the presence of 9,10-phenanthraquinone as the effect of palladium and silver, two key intermediates, [(SI- 2 oxidant (Scheme7).[29] This method efficiently allowed the syn- Pr)Ag(CFH)] and [(DPPF)Pd(Ph)(CFH)], were prepared and 2 2 thesis of difluoromethylated alkynes. Notably, the amounts of their corresponding elemental steps were studied. Notably, re- both CuI (2.0equiv) and tBuOK (3.0equiv) were crucial to the ductive elimination from a (difluoromethyl)palladium complex successofthisreaction. was much faster than that from the analogous (trifluorome- thyl)palladiumcomplex. As a logical extension of this work, in 2015, Shen and co- workersdevelopedthePd-catalyzeddifluoromethylationofdi-, tri-,andtetrasubstitutedvinylbromides,triflates,tosylates,and nonaflates by using the isolated [(SIPr)Ag(CFH)] (Figure3) as 2 adifluoromethyl source at roomtemperature (Scheme9).[30] To avoid activation of the allylic C(cid:2)F bond in the difluoromethy- Scheme7.Copper-mediatedoxidativedifluoromethylationofterminalal- lated alkene products under basic conditions, well-defined,air- kyneswithTMSCFH. 2 stable [(SIPr)Ag(CFH)] was used instead of the (SIPr)AgCl/ 2 TMSCFH/tBuONa system. The bromo group in the vinyl bro- 2 mideandvinyltriflatesubstratesremainedunaffected,thusin- 2.3.Metal-CatalyzedCross-CouplingDifluoromethylation dicating that vinyl bromides and vinyl triflates were much The above-mentioned examples are all non-catalytic methods for difluoromethylation that require stoichiometric amounts of the metals. In this regard, metal-catalyzed difluoromethylation reactionsareclearlymoreattractive. In 2014, Shen and co-workers reported a cooperative dual palladium/silver catalyst for the direct difluoromethylation of aryl bromides and iodides with TMSCFH (Scheme8).[22p] This 2 bimetallic catalytic system consisted of two cooperative trans- metalation reactions, Si-to-Ag transmetalation and then Ag-to- Pd transmetalation, both of which proceeded faster than the direct Si-to-Pd transmetalation. To confirm the cooperative Figure3.Preparationof[(SIPr)AgCl]. AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 5 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & & These are not the final page numbers! (cid:2)(cid:2) Focus Review (Scheme10a–c).[22q]Astoichiometricamountofcopperwasre- quired for the difluoromethylation of diaryliodonium salts and vinyl(aryl)iodonium salts (Scheme10a and b). In the cases of unsymmetrical diaryliodonium salts, less-hindered aryl groups were slightly favored over hindered substituents, whereas, in the cases of vinyl(aryl)iodonium salts, the difluoromethylation reactionoccurredselectivelyatthevinylgroupstogivethedi- fluoromethylated alkenes. Acid chlorides were more reactive than iodonium salts, and only a catalytic amount of copper was required for the reaction (Scheme10c). Nevertheless, the difluoromethylation of aryldiazonium salts was quite different (Scheme10d).[22q] When copper salts were used as promoters, the expected Sandmeyer difluoromethylation product was ob- tained in less than 40% yield. Interestingly, when the reaction was performed in the absence of the copper salt, the forma- Scheme9.Pd-catalyzeddifluoromethylationofdi-,tri-,ortetrasubstituted tion of difluoromethylated azo compounds without extruding vinylbromides,triflates,tosylates,andnonaflateswith[(SIPr)Ag(CFH)]. 2 N was much faster than the denitrogenative Sandmeyer reac- Boc=tert-butyloxycarbonyl. 2 tion, and stable azo compounds were obtained in high yields. In early 2016, Xu and Vicic developed a Ni-catalyzed difluor- more reactive than aryl bromides in this reaction. In the cases omethylation of aryl halides and triflates by using a stable (di- of triflates, tosylates, and nonaflates, the addition of KBr could fluoromethyl)zinc reagent (Scheme11).[22r] [(DMPU)Zn(CFH)] 2 2 2 improve the reaction, presumably because the bromide anion could promote the conversion of [(DPPF)Pd(vinyl)(OTf)] into [(DPPF)Pd(vinyl)Br], thereby accelerating the transmetalation stepinthecatalyticcycle. Shortly afterwards, Shen’s group reported the difluorome- thylation of iodonium salts and acid chlorides with [(SI- Pr)Ag(CFH)] in the presence of CuI at room temperature 2 Scheme11.Ni-catalyzeddifluoromethylationofaryliodides,bromides,and triflateswitha(difluoromethyl)zincreagent.cod=1,5-cyclooctadiene. wasisolatedinhighyieldasafree-flowingsolidfromthereac- tion between diethylzinc and ICFH in the presence of 1,3-di- 2 methyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyrimidinone (DMPU; Figure4). This (difluoromethyl)zinc reagent was stable for months in the solid state under an inert atmosphere. By using the known Scheme10.Difluoromethylationofdiaryliodoniumsalts,vinyl(aryl)iodonium salts,aryldiazoniumsalts,andacidchlorides. Figure4.Preparationof[(DMPU)Zn(CFH)]. 2 2 2 & AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 6 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & (cid:3)(cid:3) These are not the final page numbers! Focus Review [(DPPF)Ni(cod)] asa precatalyst, thedifluoromethylation of aryl iodides with [(DMPU)Zn(CFH)] could be achieved. Electron- 2 2 2 deficient substrates worked well in this reaction. However, the yields decreased sharply when electron-rich substrates were used. In addition to aryl iodides, aryl bromides and triflates werealsocompatibleinthisreaction. Very recently, Mikami’s group reported a copper-catalyzed Figure5.Preparationof[(TMEDA)Zn(CFH)].TMEDA=tetramethylethylene- 2 2 2 difluoromethylation of aryl iodides by using (difluoromethyl)- diamine. zinc reagent (DMPU)Zn(CFH) (Scheme12).[31] No extra ligand 2 2 2 Scheme13.Palladium-catalyzedNegishicross-couplingreactionofarylhal- ideswith(TMEDA)Zn(CFH).XPhos=2-dicyclohexylphosphino-2’,4’,6’-triiso- 2 2 2 propylbiphenyl. methyl group was highly efficient, even in the absence of an activator. In addition to (difluoromethyl)silane, (difluoromethyl)silver, and (difluoromethyl)zinc reagents, difluorocarbenes, which can be used to form (difluoromethyl)metal complexes after proto- Scheme12.Copper-catalyzeddifluoromethylationofaryliodideswitha(di- fluoromethyl)zincreagentandproposedreactionmechanism.Ac=acetyl. nationofthecorrespondingmetal(cid:2)difluorocarbenecomplexes, have also found application in transition-metal-catalyzed di- fluoromethylation. on the copper catalyst or activator for the (difluoromethyl)zinc In2015,Zhangandco-workersreportedthePd-catalyzeddi- reagent were required. This method was effective for aryl io- fluoromethylationofarylboronicacidswithethylbromodifluor- dides that contained electron-withdrawing substituents, but oacetate (Scheme14).[32] A wide range of arylboronic acids was ineffective for electron-rich aryl iodides. The oxidative ad- withvarioussubstituents,includingbase-andnucleophile-sen- dition of electron-rich aryl iodides was relatively slow and the sitive functional groups, such as silyl, formyl, and carbinol [CuCFH] species that was formed by transmetalation from groups,wereallcompatiblewiththisreaction.Thedifluorome- 2 (DMPU)Zn(CFH) readily decomposed. It has been found that thylation of an ezetimibe derivative without protecting the 2 2 2 the transmetalation of the CFH group from freehydroxygroupalsoproceededsmoothly.Accordingtothe 2 [(DMPU)Zn(CFH)] was much faster than that from mechanistic study, although no direct or strong evidence was 2 2 2 [(DMPU)Zn(CFH)I]. found to support the involvement of a Pd=CF complex, the 2 2 2 Simultaneously, Mikami and co-workers also reported the proposed PdII-involved difluorocarbene pathway could offer palladium-catalyzed difluoromethylation of (hetero)aryl halides a reasonable explanation for this difluoromethylation reaction. with (TMEDA)Zn(CFH) (Figure5). Aryl halides that contained In 2016, Xiao and co-workers reported the Pd-catalyzed di- 2 2 2 both electron-withdrawing groups and electron-donating fluoromethylation of boronic acids with difluoromethylene groups were compatible with this cross-coupling reaction phosphobetaine reagent PhP+CFCOO(cid:2) (PDFA) to furnish (di- 3 2 (Scheme13).[22s] Besides aryl iodides, other organohalides, in- fluoromethyl)arenes and(difluoromethyl)olefins(Scheme15).[33] cluding aryl bromides, vinyl bromides, and aryl chlorides, were Electron-rich and electron-neutral arylboronic acids gave also compatible in this reaction. The stability and reactivity of much-higher yields than electron-deficient aryl substrates. The the (difluoromethyl)zinc reagent could be tuned by changing difluoromethylation of various vinylboronic acids also worked the ligand, and the Zn-to-Pd transmetalation of the difluoro- well, with the formation of only a single stereoisomer of the AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 7 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & & These are not the final page numbers! (cid:2)(cid:2) Focus Review Figure6.Synthesisof[{Pd(CF)(PPh)}]. 2 3 3 transformation of a [Pd=CF] complex as a key intermediate 2 (Scheme16). Scheme14.Pd-catalyzeddifluoromethylationofarylboronicacidswithbro- Scheme16.ProposedreactionmechanismforthePd-catalyzeddifluorome- modifluoroacetateandproposedreactionmechanism.Xantphos=4,5-bis(di- thylationofboronicacidswithPDFA. phenylphosphino)-9,9-dimethylxanthene,acac=acetylacetone. 2.4.Metal-CatalyzedRadicalDifluoromethylation In 2012, Baran’s group reported the invention of zinc difluoro- methanesulfinate,[Zn(SOCFH)] (DFMS), as anewdifluorome- 2 2 2 thylating reagent for the difluoromethylation of organic sub- stratesthrougharadicalprocess.[34,35][Zn(SOCFH)]wasreadi- 2 2 2 ly prepared through the reduction of difluoromethanesulfonyl chloride (HCFSOCl) by zinc. Heteroaromatic groups could be 2 2 selectively difluoromethylated by using [Zn(SOCFH)] in the 2 2 2 presence of tBuOOH as an oxidant (Scheme17). The authors proposed thatthereactionoccurred througharadicalprocess, Scheme15.Pd-catalyzeddifluoromethylationofboronicacidswith PhP+CFCOO(cid:2)(PDFA). 3 2 desiredproducts.Itwasfoundthat[Pd(PPh)]couldreactwith 34 PDFA directly to give the [{Pd(CF)(PPh)}] complex, which 2 3 3 might be produced by trimerization of the [Pd=CF] monomer 2 (Figure6). The [{Pd(CF)(PPh)}] complex could also be used in 2 3 3 the difluoromethylation of boronic acids, although the yield was low (6%). The detrimerization of the trimer into mono- mers might be difficult, or the trimer may have decomposed into other side products. In their mechanistic study, the au- thors proposed a mechanism that involved the formation and Scheme17.Difluoromethylationwith[Zn(SOCFH)](DFMS). 2 2 2 & AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 8 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & (cid:3)(cid:3) These are not the final page numbers! Focus Review in which the CFH radical possessed nucleophilic character. 2 Zn(SOCFH) could also be used in the difluoromethylation of 2 2 2 thiolsandenones. In 2013, Liu and co-workers reported an iron-catalyzed de- carboxylativedifluoromethylationofa,b-unsaturatedcarboxylic acids with Zn(SOCFH), which proceeded through a radical 2 2 2 mechanism (Scheme18).[37] This approach provided a new Scheme18.Iron-catalyzeddecarboxylativedifluoromethylationofa,b-unsa- turatedcarboxylicacidswith[Zn(SOCFH)].TBHP=tert-butylhydroperox- 2 2 2 ide. strategy for the stereospecific synthesis of HCF-substituted 2 Ealkenes through a radical-addition/elimination process. How- Scheme20.Silver-catalyzedcascadedifluoromethylation/aryl-migration/SO2- extrusionofconjugatedN-arylsulfonylatedamidewithHCFSONa. ever, this method was limited to electron-rich a,b-unsaturated 2 2 carboxylic acids, as electron-deficient aryl-substituted acrylic acids gave very low yields of thedesired products.Inaddition, alkyl-substituted acrylic acids failed to give the desired difluor- omethylated alkene products. In 2014, Tan and co-workers re- ported a silver-catalyzed difluoromethylation/cyclization reac- tion of N-arylacrylamides with Zn(SOCFH) (Scheme19).[38] 2 2 2 This reaction provided an efficient method for synthesizing HCF-substituted oxindoles through a radical-addition/cycliza- 2 tionprocess. Scheme21.Silver-catalyzeddifluoromethylationof(hetero)arylthiolswith HCFSONa. 2 2 (Scheme21).[40] This reaction exhibited good tolerance to vari- Scheme19.Silver-catalyzeddifluoromethylation/cyclizationreactionofN-ar- ousfunctionalgroups,includinghydroxyandamidegroups. ylacrylamideswith[Zn(SOCFH)]. 2 2 2 2.5.DifluoromethylationbyPhotoredoxCatalysiswithTran- In 2015, we developed a new method for the synthesis of sition-MetalComplexes HCFSONa through a concise reduction of the corresponding 2 2 benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl sulfone by using NaBH. This reaction pro- In recent years, by taking advantage of the highly tunable 4 vided asimple andefficientsynthesis ofHCFSONathat could redox potentials of excited transition-metal complexes, visible- 2 2 beperformedonalarge scalewith facilepurification.Byusing light-induced photoredox catalysis has emerged as a powerful HCFSONa as a difluoromethyl radical precursor and KSO as synthetic tool for both bond-activation and construction pro- 2 2 2 2 8 the oxidant, the silver-catalyzed cascade difluoromethylation/ cessesthatareusuallydifficulttorealizebyusingconventional aryl-migration/SO-extrusion of conjugated N-arylsulfonylated methods.[41] In addition, visible-light-induced photoredox catal- 2 amides delivered a-aryl-b-difluoromethyl amides ysis has emergedas an “eco-friendly” approach because it em- (Scheme20).[39] HCFSONa has been shown to be a good re- ploys mild reaction conditions and has a broad functional- 2 2 agent for radical difluoromethylation and may have broad ap- grouptolerance.Inparticular,greatprogresshasbeenmadein plication in the radical difluoromethylation of different sub- photoredox radical fluoroalkylation reactions with transition- stratesinthefuture. metal complexes as catalysts, including difluoromethylation.[42] Recently, Yi and co-workers developed the silver-catalyzed In 2014, Dolbier’s group reported the difluoromethylation/ difluoromethylation of (hetero)aryl thiols with HCFSONa as cyclization reactionof N-arylacrylamides withdifluoromethane- 2 2 a difluoromethyl radical precursor and KSO as an oxidant sulfonyl chloride (HCFSOCl; Scheme22),[43] in which the CFH 2 2 8 2 2 2 AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 9 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & & These are not the final page numbers! (cid:2)(cid:2) Focus Review Scheme22.Visible-light-catalyzedphotoredoxdifluoromethylation/cycliza- tionofN-arylacrylamideswithHCFSOClandproposedreactionmechanism. 2 2 ppy=2-phenylpyridine. radical was generated from HCFSOCl by using photoredox 2 2 catalysis with a transition-metal catalyst, fac-Ir(ppy)3, under Scheme23.Visible-light-catalyzedphotoredoxradicaldifluoromethylation mild conditions. Electron-rich and electron-deficient N-arylacry- cascadereactionswithHCFSOCl.dap=2,9-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,10-phe- 2 2 lamides were both tolerated in this transformation. Other fluo- nanthroline,DCE=1,2-dichloroethane. roalkylradicals,suchasCF,CH,CFCOOMe,CHF,andCHCF 3 4 9 2 2 2 3 radicals, could also be introduced into N-arylacrylamides by pressed, and so the difluoromethylated alkane was formed se- using the same method with the corresponding fluoroalkane- lectively. sulfonylchloride(RSOCl). (Difluoromethyl)triphenylphosphonium bromide, which can f 2 The judicious choice of transition-metal photoredox catalyst be prepared from the reaction between PPh, CFBr, THF and 3 2 2 allowed the difluoromethylation reaction with HCFSOCl water, has been used as a precursor of difluoromethylene 2 2 underphotoredoxcatalysistobeappliedtoatom-transferradi- phosphonium ylide.[52] Recently, Qing and co-workers reported cal addition (ATRA) reactions of electron-deficient alkenes its new application as a source of difluoromethyl radicals in (Scheme23a),[44] the hydro-difluoromethylation of electron-de- the bromo-difluoromethylation and difluoromethylation of al- ficient alkenes (Scheme23b),[45] the intramolecular amino-di- kenesbyusingphotoredoxcatalysis(Scheme25).[53]Theuseof fluoromethylation of unactivated alkenes (Scheme23c),[46] the a catalytic amount of the copper salt effectively inhibited the difluoromethylation/cyclization reaction of biphenyl isocya- hydro-difluoromethylation of the alkenes and controlled the nides(Scheme23d),[47]andtheintramoleculardifluoromethyla- selectivegeneration ofbromo-difluoromethylated products, al- tionofN-benzylacrylamides,coupledwithadearomatizingspi- thoughits exact role in the reaction remained unclear.Recent- rocyclization reaction(Scheme23e)[48] among others.[49] Radical ly, the oxydifluoromethylation of styrenes with (difluorome- difluoromethylation cascade reactions by using photoredox thyl)triphenylphosphonium bromide by using visible-light-in- catalysis with a transition-metal catalyst have been considered duced photoredox catalysis was reported by the same group tobeapowerfulapproachfortheconstruction ofcomplex or- (Scheme26).[54] ganicskeletonsthatcontainadifluoromethylgroup. Fluoroalkyl sulfones are air-stable and readily available, and (Bromodifluoromethyl)phosphonium bromide, which can be they have been widely used for the incorporation of diverse readilypreparedfromthereactionbetweenPPh andCFBr,is fluoroalkyl groups into organic molecules.[55] However, the use 3 2 2 typically used as a precursor of difluorocarbene.[50] In early of fluoroalkyl sulfones and their derivatives for radical fluoroal- 2016, Qing and co-workers reported a visible-light-induced kylation through cleavage of the R(cid:2)SO (R=fluoroalkyl) bond f 2 f hydro-difluoromethylation reaction of alkenes with (bromodi- toformC-centeredR radicalsischallenging,owingtothelimi- f fluoromethyl)phosphonium bromide in which they used water tations of conventional radical initiators or single-electron- and THF as hydrogen sources (Scheme24).[51] In the presence transfer (SET) reductants. Recently, our group reported the use ofaniodidesalt,theformationofbromo-bromodifluoromethy- of difluoromethyl sulfone as a new difluoromethyl radical pre- lated and hydro-bromodifluoromethylated products was sup- cursor under visible-light-induced photoredox catalysis. The & AsianJ.Org.Chem.2017,00,0–0 www.AsianJOC.org 10 (cid:2)2017Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim & (cid:3)(cid:3) These are not the final page numbers!

compounds in the areas of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, 2004; c) P. Kirsch, Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry: Synthesis Reactivity,.
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