INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON S P TRUCTURE-ROPERTY RELATIONSHIPS S S M IN OLID TATE ATERIALS NANTES Crédit photo : Le voyage à Nantes - SPSSMfrom (cid:996)Jul(cid:994)y (cid:995)st (cid:995)to(cid:1000) (cid:1000)th Ins(cid:415)tut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (cid:996) rue de la Houssinière - BP (cid:997)(cid:996)(cid:996)(cid:996)(cid:1003) (cid:998)(cid:998)(cid:997)(cid:996)(cid:996) NANTES cedex (cid:997) - FRANCE PPrrooggrraamm ooff oorraall pprreesseennttaattiioonnss th Thursday 30 17:00 RReeggiissttrraattiioonn st Friday 1 Chairperson : SESSION 1 Material prediction 1 Antoine VILLESUZANNE IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Understanding and designing novel materials for energy 09:00 INV1 Silvana BOTTI, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Germany Defect structure-property relationships in complex functional materials 09:35 INV2 Khang HOANG, North Dakota State University, USA 10:10 CCOOFFFFEEEE BBRREEAAKK Chairperson : SESSION 2 New materials (mixed anions) Florent BOUCHER IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss New developments in the chemistry of oxynitride materials 10:40 INV3 Amparo FUERTES, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Novel Oxyhydrides and Oxynitrides via High Pressure Synthesis 11:15 O1 Cédric TASSEL, Kyoto University, Japan Perovskite-related Oxynitride Materials for Visible-light Photocatalysis 11:35 O2 François CHEVIRE, Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, France Evidence of electrically charged crystal structures, balanced by pair 11:55 O3 Olivier MENTRE, Université Nord de France, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France 12:15 LLUUNNCCHH Topological insulators and Chairperson : SESSION 3 Metal-insulator transition Roser VALENTI IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Topology – from the materials perspective 14:00 INV4 Claudia FELSER, Max Planck Institute of Chemical Physics for Solids, Germany OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss New topological insulators in bismuth-halide systems 14:35 O4 Anna ISAEVA, Dresden University of Technology, Germany Metal-insulator transition of quadruple perovskite EuCu Fe O . Optical spectroscopy and 3 4 12 14:55 O5 ab-initio calculations Benjamin BRIERE, Université F. Rabelais, France Topological Property of Structure at Atomic and Electronic Length-scale 15:15 O6 Shuiquan DENG, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Southwest Jiaotong University, China Interplay between localized and itinerant magnetism in EU-containing pnictides of the ThCr Si 2 2 15:35 O7 structure type Michaël SHATRUK, Florida State University, USA 15:55 CCOOFFFFEEEE BBRREEAAKK Chairperson : SESSION 4 Chalcogenides Stéphane JOBIC IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Optical and excitonic properties of 2D materials based on transition metal dichalcogenides 16:25 INV5 Xavier MARIE, Université de Toulouse, France OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Phase Change of SnTe Extreme Nano-Wires Encapsulated in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube 17:00 O8 Andrij VASYLENKO, University of Warwick, UK Chemical bonding and reactivity of the layered intergrowth compound Ba F S 17:20 O9 2 2 2 Dalel DRISS, Université de Nantes, France A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Ge-Te-Se glasses by means of Solid-State NMR 17:40 O10 Lila BOUESSEL DU BOURG, Université de Rennes 1, France Electronic structures of in-plane two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides heterostructures 18:00 O11 Wei WEI, Shandong University, China. 18:30 PPOOSSTTEERR SSEESSSSIIOONN nd Saturday 2 Chairperson : SESSION 5 Magnetism and frustration Mike WHANGBO IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Prospects for topologically non-trivial electronic and magnetic states in correlated kagome lattice 08:30 INV6 materials : an ab initio investigation Roser VALENTI, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Synthesis and structures of magnetic model systems with competing interactions 09:05 O12 Angela MOLLER, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany Tiny cause with huge impact: polar instability through strong magneto-electric-elastic coupling in 09:25 O13 bulk EuTiO 3 Annette BUSSMANN-HOLDER, Max-Planck-Institute, Germany Magnetic frustration of Kagome lattices in MIIMIIIF (Htaz) weberites 09:45 O14 5 Marjorie ALBINO, Université du Maine, France 10:05 CCOOFFFFEEEE BBRREEAAKK Chairperson : SESSION 6 TCO, optoelectronics Kazushige UEDA IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Transparent conducting materials: insights from hybrid Hartree-Fock density functional 10:35 INV7 calculations Antoine VILLESUZANNE, Univ. Bordeaux, France & University of Bolton, UK OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Theoretical investigation of nitrogen defects in p-type ZnO 11:10 O15 Xavier ROCQUEFELTE, Université de Rennes 1, France Composition induced changes in optical response of Ti Si O from first principles calculations 11:30 O16 1-x x 2 Pavel ONDRACKA, Masaryk University, Czech Republic Structure – physicochemical property relationships in amorphous alumina 11:50 O17 Vanessa RIFFET, IPVF & IRDEP, France A Study by ab-initio calculation of structural and electronic properties of semiconductor 12:10 O18 nanostructures based on ZnSe Abderrahim RACHIDI, Mohammedia University Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco 12:30 LLUUNNCCHH Chairperson : SESSION 7 Emerging solar cells Silvana BOTTI IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Physical properties of hybrid perovskites for photovoltaics and optoelectronics 14:00 INV8 Jacky EVEN, INSA Rennes, France Development of mesoscopic p-type metal oxides for solar cell applications: challenges and 14:35 INV9 opportunities Fabrice ODOBEL, Université de Nantes, France. OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Inorganic Molybdenum Clusters as ligth-harvester in all inorganic solar cells : a proof of concept 15:10 O19 Adèle RENAUD, Université de Rennes 1, France 15:30 CCOOFFFFEEEE BBRREEAAKK Chairperson : SESSION 8 Phosphors Khang HOANG OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Ce3+-doped Gd Sc Al O : a new candidate as phosphor for LED-based lighting ? 16:00 O20 3 2 3 12 Géraldine DANTELLE, Institut Néel, France Preparation and photo-/cathodo-luminescence of Ln doped CaZrO films 16:20 O21 3 Kazushige UEDA, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan Crystallographic localization of rare earth atoms by XRD and CTEM for the understanding of the 16:40 O22 luminescence of AlN:Er (x= 0-6 %) films x Valérie BRIEN, Université de Lorraine, France Structural and luminescence properties of EU3+ and TB3+ rare earth fluorophosphates with 17:00 O23 general formula LiY (PO ) F (x = 2, 3) 1+x 4 x 4 Wahida LTAIEF, Université de Sfax, Tunisie & Université Blaise Pascal, France rd Sunday 3 SSuunnddaayy TToouurr th Monday 4 Material prediction and Chairperson : SESSION 9 New materials Xavier ROCQUEFELTE IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Discovering materials with specific effective masses, band gaps and optical properties 09:00 INV10 Xavier GONZE, NAPS, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Structure and composition of the 200 K-superconducting phase of H S under ultrahigh pressure : 2 09:35 O24 the perovskite (SH-)(H S+) 3 Juergen KOEHLER, Max-Planck-Institut, Germany Towards the real structure of boron-carbide 09:55 O25 Karsten RASIM, Max-Planck-Institut, Germany First spin-glass behavior of a ternary iron nitride: structure-property relationships in the solid 10:15 O26 solution Sn Fe N (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.9) x 4–x Tanja SCHOLZ, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Zigzag antiferromagnetic order and orbitally induced hierarchy of exchange interactions in 10:35 O27 honeycomb compounds A M SbO (A=Li, Na, Ag; M=Ni, Co) 3 2 6 Elena ZVEREVA, Moscow State University, Russia 10:55 CCOOFFFFEEEE BBRREEAAKK Chairperson : SESSION 10 Information storage Laurent CARIO IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss A chemical (bonding) perspective on phase-change and related materials 11:25 INV11 Richard DRONSKOWSKI, RWTH Aachen University, Germany From the structural characteristics of the Ge-rich GST phase change materials to the high 12:00 INV12 reliability performances of the PCM devices Véronique SOUSA, CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France 12:35 LLUUNNCCHH Magnetism and spin orbit Chairperson : SESSION 11 coupling Silvia PICOZZI IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Novel interplay of spin-orbit coupling and electron correlations in Ir4+ complex oxides 14:00 INV13 Hidenori TAKAGI, Max-Planck-Institute, Germany & University of Tokyo, Japan OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Ba NiOsO : a possible spin-orbit coupling assisted ferromagnetic semiconductor 14:35 O28 2 6 Kazunari YAMAURA, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Thermodynamic properties, optical spectroscopy and underlying model in Franciste – type family 14:55 O29 of compounds Cu RE(SeO ) O Cl 3 3 2 2 Alexander VASILIEV, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University & “MISiS”, Russia Magnetic state changes in the Co Zn TeO spinel family 15:15 O30 5-x x 8 Nicolas BARRIER, ENSICAEN, France Motives of connectivity and spin-orbit interaction in kagome systems 15:35 O31 Peter LEMMENS, TU Braunschweig, Germany 15:55 CCOOFFFFEEEE BBRREEAAKK Ferro and multiferroic Chairperson : SESSION 12 compounds Shuiquan DENG IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Soft Chemical Routes to Multiferroic Materials 16:25 INV14 Mike HAYWARD, University of Oxford, UK OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Emergent chiral spin structure and unconventional electronic states in the stacked-kagomé- 17:00 O32 layered Co Sn In S shandites 3 2‒x x 2 Mohamed A. KASSEM, Kyoto University, Japan Epitaxially-strained GeTe as a prototype material for a microscopic understanding of bulk 17:20 O33 Rashba properties Emilie BRUYER, Université de Rennes 1, France AMnGe O (A = Ca or Sr) : effect of the divalent cation in the pyroxene structure : how to induce 2 6 17:40 O34 multiferroicity ? Céline DARIE, Institut Néel, France Persistent signature of type-II multiferroicity in nanostructured MnWO ceramics prepared via 4 18:00 O35 spark plasma sintering Pascaline PATUREAU, University of Bath, UK & IMN Nantes, France 18:30 PPOOSSTTEERR SSEESSSSIIOONN th Tuesday 5 Chairperson : SESSION 13 Modelling Camille LATOUCHE IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Bridging first-principles calculations to Mössbauer spectra of defects in semiconductors 08:30 INV15 José COUTINHO, University of Aveiro, Portugal OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Describing the magnetic structure and origin of band gap on Ba CuOsO system ; density 2 6 functional theory approach 09:05 O36 Changhoon LEE, North Carolina State University, USA & Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea Equation of state for solids 09:25 O37 Mike WHANGBO, North Carolina State University, USA Structure and properties of mixed cobalt/manganese/iron tin clusters 09:45 O38 Tilo SOHNEL, University of Auckland, New Zealand 10:05 CCOOFFFFEEEE BBRREEAAKK Chairperson : SESSION 14 Exotic electronic phenomena Olivier MENTRE IInnvviitteedd TTaallkkss Relativistic ferroelectrics : a novel class of multifunctional materials 10:35 INV16 Sylvia PICOZZI, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-SPIN, Italy Predicting new materials and their properties from first-principles with supercomputing 11:10 INV17 Kesong YANG, University of California San Diego, USA OOrraall PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss Electronic confinement in materials with artificial periodicity 11:45 O39 Ulrike LUDERS, Ensicaen Université de Caen Normandie, France 12:05 LLUUNNCCHH