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Metacercariae of trematodes (Plathelminthes: Trematoda) of Garra dembecha (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Lake Tana, Ethiopia PDF

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Preview Metacercariae of trematodes (Plathelminthes: Trematoda) of Garra dembecha (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Lake Tana, Ethiopia

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 21(2): 193–203 25 DECEMBER 2012 Metacercariae of trematodes (Plathelminthes: Trematoda) of Garra dembecha (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Lake Tana, Ethiopia Метацеркарии трематод (Plathelminthes: Trematoda) карповой рыбы Garra dembecha (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) из оз. Тана, Эфиопия А.Е. ZHOKHOV А.Е. ЖОХОВ A.E. Zhokhov, Papanin I.D. Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok 152742, Yaroslavl, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] The paper presents a study of metacercariae collected from Garra dembecha Stiassny et Ge- tahun, 2007 in Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Metacercariae of five unidentified species are described, namely: Diplostomulum sp. 1, Diplostomulum sp. 2, Diplostomulum sp. 3 (Diplostomidae), Ich- thyocotylurus sp. 1, Ichthyocotylurus sp. 2 (Strigeidae) and Posthodiplostomum nanum Dubois, 1937. The most striking feature of the Diplostomulum sp. 2 metacercaria is thickening of muscle fascicles at the base of the pseudosuckers. The most characteristic feature of the Diplostomulum sp. 3 is division of a body into the anterior and posterior parts mismatching the anterior and posterior segments of body. This is the first record of Ichthyocotylurus metacercariae from fish in Africa. Detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations of species are presented. Статья представляет собой изучение метацеркарий, собранных от Garra dembecha Stiassny et Getahun, 2007 в оз. Тана, Эфиопия. Описаны метацеркарии пяти неиденти- фицированных видов трематод: Diplostomulum sp. 1, Diplostomulum sp. 2, Diplostomulum sp. 3 (Diplostomidae), Ichthyocotylurus sp. 1, Ichthyocotylurus sp. 2 (Strigeidae) и Posthodiplostomum nanum Dubois, 1937. Наиболее отличительной особенностью метацер- карии Diplostomulum sp. 2 служит наличие мощных пучков мышц в основании псевдо- присосок. Характерная особенность метацеркарий Diplostomulum sp. 3 – деление тела на переднюю и заднюю части, несоответствующие переднему и заднему сегментам тела. Это первая регистрация метацеркарий рода Ichthyocotylurus от рыб Африки. Приведены под- робные морфологические описания, рисунки и фотографии. Key words: parasites, Africa, Lake Tana, Trematoda, metacercariae, Diplostomidae, Strigei- dae, Diplostomulum, Ichthyocotylurus, undescribed species Ключевые слова: паразиты, Африка, озеро Тана, Trematoda, метацеркарии, Diplostomidae, Strigeidae, Diplostomulum, Ichthyocotylurus, неописанные виды INTRODUCTION et Getahun, 2007. However, the Lake Tana bottom-dwelling Garra might be a mini- The cyprinid fish genus Garra Ham- species flock with at least two more endem- ilton, 1822 consists of approximately 70 ic species, G. regressus Stiassny et Getahun, species distributed from Borneo to West 2007 and G. tana Stiassny et Getahun, 2007, Africa through southern China, South and and may be even more (Stiassny & Geta- Southeast Asia, the Middle East, the Ara- hun, 2007). Most species of Garra occur in bian Peninsula, and East Africa. Seventeen fast flowing water of rivers and mountain species were recognised in Africa (Getahun, streams, where they commonly adhere to 2000). In Lake Tana, Garra is represented the surface of the underwater gravel and by a single species, G. dembecha Stiassny rocky substrates mainly by the mental ad- © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 194 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA hesive disc modified from the lower lip and Site: intercostal muscles. also by horizontally extended paired fins. Material studied: five specimens. The parasite fauna of Garra in African Prevalence and intensity: 2.9% (two waters has not yet been studied. The aim fishes infected / 68 fishes examined), 2–3 was to investigate the metacercariae of (mean 0.07) metacercariae per fish speci- trematodes of Garra for the first time in lit- men of G. dembecha; 2.0% (1/50), two spec- erature. Systematic analysis of the parasites imens in B. humilis. recorded is presented below. Description (based on five whole-mount- ed specimens). Metacercariae in oval, thin- MATERIAL AND METHODS walled cysts of gray color (not measured). Cyst grey due to presence of numerous ex- One hundred seven G. dembecha speci- cretory granules. Body distinctly bipartite, mens were captured and examined for the 0.765–0.945 (0.862) long and 0.315–0.465 presence of metacercaria infections. Dur- (0.402) wide. Anterior segment spatulate, ing September–December (2006–2008) with well developed ventral cavity; poste- and May 2007 fish were sampled using a rior segment conical, 0.288–0.342 (0.317) fish trap in Bahar-Dar Gulf of Lake Tana long. Oral sucker round, terminal, 0.033– (11°33´N 37°22´E). Fish were brought 0.044 × 0.033–0.044 (0.038 × 0.04) in di- alive to the laboratory and immediately ameter, with terminal mouth. Oral sucker dissected. The metacercariae were isolated smaller than ventral one, ventral to oral and excysted mechanically using needles. sucker length ratio varying from 1:1.33 to Worms were killed in hot 4% formaldehyde 1:1.25 (1.32). Ventral sucker round, post- and preserved in 70% ethanol, subsequent- equatorial, 0.044–0.055 × 0.044–0.055 ly stained in alum carmine, dehydrated in (0.05 × 0.049) in diameter. Pseudosuckers ascending concentrations of ethanol and absent. Brandes’ organ oval, 0.11–0.161 × mounted in Canada balsam as permanent 0.092–0.11 (0.138 × 0.102), with medial slides. All slides are deposited in the Para- longitudinal slit, situated immediately pos- sitological Collection of the Institute for terior to ventral sucker; proteolytic gland Biology of Inland Waters RAS (Russia, in shape of two lateral glandular masses at Borok). Measurements (mm) are given as a base of Brandes’ organ. Prepharynx absent, range with the mean in parentheses; two-di- pharynx longitudinal oval, 0.033–0.044 × mensional measurements are length (first) 0.022–0.033 (0.04 × 0.029). Oesophagus and width (second). very short or absent; intestine caeca narrow, long, reaching primordia of genital atrium. RESULTS Genital primordial situated in posterior segment in form of groups of darkly stained Superfamily DIPLOSTOMOIDEA cells. Two testis, diagonal, anterior testis Poirier, 1886 (0.04 × 0.035) and, posterior testis (0.045 × Family DIPLOSTOMIDAE Poirier, 1886 0.041); ovary 0.045 × 0.071. Primordia of genital atrium round or oval, 0.114 × 0.072. Subfamily CRASSIPHIALINAE One specimen characterised by everted Sudarikov, 1960 genital cone 0.077 long (Fig. 1). Posthodiplostomum Dubois, 1936 Remarks. The morphology of the meta- cercariae well corresponds to that in Posth- Posthodiplostomum nanum Dubois, 1937 odiplostomum nanum as described by Wil- (Figs 1, 9) liams (1967). In Africa, Williams and Chay- Host: Garra dembecha. tor (1966) reported P. nanum metacercariae Other hosts: Barbus humilis Boulenger, from the liver and muscles of the cyprini- 1902. form Epiplatys sexfasciatus Gill, 1862 and © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA 195 Fig. 1–4. Posthodiplostomum nanum, specimen with everted genital cone (1); Diplostomulum sp. 1 (2); Diplostomulum sp. 2, ventral (3) and lateral view (4). Scale bars: 0.5 mm. © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 196 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA Table 1. Size of metacercariae of Posthodiplostomum nanum from different fish species. Fish species Characters Epiplatys sexfasciatus, Garra dembecha, E. senegalensis Barbus humilis (Williams, 1967) (our data) Body length 0.71–1.4 (0.96) 0.765–0.945 (0.862) Body width 0.62–1.76 (0.67) 0.315–0.465(0.402) Posterior segment, length 0.18–0.39 (0.31 × 0.25) 0.288–0.342 (0.317 × 0.24) Oral sucker, length 0.04–0.07 (0.05) 0.033–0.044 (0.038) Oral sucker, width 0.04–0.06 (0.05) 0.033–0.044 (0.04) Ventral sucker, length 0.05–0.06 (0.06) 0.044–0.055 (0.05) Ventral sucker, width 0.04–0.08 (0.06) 0.044–0.055 (0.049) Brandes’ organ, length 0.08–0.11 (0.09) 0.11–0.161 (0.138) Brandes’ organ, width 0.09–0.14 (0.11) 0.092–0.11 (0.102) Pharynx, length 0.04–0.06 (0.05) 0.033–0.044 (0.04) Pharynx, width 0.02–0.03 (0.03) 0.022–0.033 (0.029) E. senegalensis Steindachner, 1870 from 0.738 long and 0.36–0.465 wide, indistinctly Sierra-Leone. Development of the adult bipartite, tegument smooth. Posterior seg- trematodes was followed in experimen- ment conical, 0.077–0.11 long. Oral sucker tal hosts (chicken and heron) (Williams, terminal, 0.055–0.057 × 0.044–0.053. Pseu- 1967). An adult P. nanum Dubois, 1937 was dosuckers not developed, small fosses in described from a heron Butorides virescens shape, 0.044–0.077 long and 0.022–0.029 Linnaeus, 1758 in Brazil, however, this spe- wide, situated lateral to oral sucker. Ventral cies as adult have not been fou nd in Africa. sucker rounded, 0.055–0.059 × 0.057–0.066, The larvae studied differ from those found almost equal in size to oral sucker. Suckers in cypriniform fishes from Sierra-Leone by length ratio 1:1–1:1.04. Prepharynx absent, a smaller size and an aspinose anterior seg- pharynx narrow, 0.033–0.044 × 0.022– ment (Table 1). 0.033; oesophagus short, 0.013–0.018. Intes- tinal caeca wide, passing Brandes’ organ and Family DIPLOSTOMIDAE Poirier, 1886 reaching near posterior extremity. Brandes’ Diplostomulum Brandes, 1892 organ large, 0.22–0.222 × 0.132–0.136, el- liptical with median longitudinal slit, imme- Diplostomulum sp. 1 diately posterior to ventral sucker; ventral (Figs 2, 10) sucker overlapping with anterior margin Host: Garra dembecha. of Brandes’ organ. Associated proteolytic Site: muscles. gland large, situated at base of Brandes’ Material studied: two specimens. organ. Genital primordial near posterior Prevalence and intensity: One of twenty margin of posterior part of body in form of six fish examined (3.8 %) were infected, two groups of darkly stained cells. specimens. Remarks. The larvae studied that are Description. Metacercaria free and with- free and without a cyst wall, correspond out cyst wall, body elongated-oval, 0.729– in their morphology (having undeveloped © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA 197 Fig. 5–8. Diplostomulum sp. 3, ventral view (5) and metacercaria in cyst and capsule (6); Ichthyo- cotylurus sp. I (7); Ichthyocotylurus sp. 2 (8). Scale bars: 0.1 mm. © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 198 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA pseudosuckers in the shape of small fosse Black spots under skin of B. humilis speci- and an elongated Brandes’ organ) to the mens clearly visible. Body scoop-shaped, larvae of the subfamily Alariinae (e.g. gen- distinctly bipartite, spineless, with maxi- era Paralaria Krause, 1914 and Procyotre- mum width at level of anterior margin of ma Harkema et Miller, 1959) (Sudarikov, ventral sucker. Total length 1.908–2.376 1971). However, members of these genera (2.206), width 0.828–1.08 (0.909). Anteri- have been reported from otters and racoons or segment big, 0.488–0.535 × 0.311–0.334 in North and South America only; their (0.611 × 0.322), rectangular, covered by metacercariae develop during trans-entero- fine spines; posterior segment small, coni- pulmonary migration in a definitive host. cal, strongly folded dorsally under blunt or Of eleven genera belonging to the subfam- right angle, 0.72–0.99 (0.812) long, tegu- ily Alariinae, metacercariae of only two ment aspinose. Ventral cavity shallow. Oral genera are not known – of Podospathalium sucker 0.153–0.21 × 0.156–0.198 (0.177 × Dubois, 1932 (in Didelphiidae, Brazil) and 0.181), terminal or subterminal, spheri- Prudhoella Beverly-Burton, 1960 (in otters, cal, protruding strongly from anterior end Africa) (Niewiadomska, 2002). The meta- of body. Pseudosuckers not developed, as cercariae of the subfamily Alariinae para- small fossa in shape. Two fascicles of longi- sitise in mammal (final hosts) and amphib- tudinal muscle attached at base of pseudo- ians (accessory hosts) except for the genus suckers and extended to posterior segment. Cynodiplostomum Dubois, 1936 (carnivo- These fascicles of muscle forming powerful rous mammals are final hosts; a Clarias is thickenings 0.495–0.684 long and 0.3–0.33 the second intermediate host, Africa). The wide (0.315 × 0.597). Distance between otter Aonyx capensis Illiger, 1815 occurs in oral sucker and ventral sucker 0.585–1.05 Lake Tana. It is very likely that metacer- (0.809).Ventral sucker transversely oval, cariae of Diplostomulum sp. 1 belong to the post-equatorial, 0.15–0.198 long and 0.216– genus Prudhoella. 0.27 wide (0.184 × 0.257), bigger than oral sucker. Prepharynx absent. Pharynx lon- Diplostomulum sp. 2 gitudinally oval, muscular, 0.09–0.12 × (Figs 3–4, 11) 0.082–0.09 (0.104 × 0.089). Oesophagus narrow, 0.22–0.36, long. Intestine bifurcat- Host: Garra dembecha. ing about halfway between oral and ventral Other hosts: Barbus humilis. suckers; caecae narrow, almost reachi ng Site: subcutaneous muscles of body, sel- posterior margin of body. Brandes’ organ dom in muscles of gill cover. 0.336–0.39 × 0.162–0.204 (0.361 × 0.183), Material studied: 18 specimens. oval, covered by fine spines, situated medi- Prevalence and intensity: 8.5% (five ally in posterior third of anterior segment, fishes infected / 59 fishes examined), 1–3 at some distance from ventral sucker, pro- (mean 0.14) metacercaria per fish for G. truding slightly from ventral surface, with dembecha; 5.9% (4/68), 1–2 (mean 0.07) medial longitudinal slit; proteolytic glands for B. humilis. situated dorsally (no at base) of Brandes’ Description (based on eight whole- organ. Genital rudiments located at middle mounted specimens). Each metacercaria of posterior segment, well developed; testes enclosed in oval, thick-walled and transpar- 0.216–0.42 × 0.06–0.12 (0.27 × 0.098), ob- ent cyst, 1.26–1.368 × 0.612–0.762 (0.72 × long, opposite; ovary 0.078–0.192 × 0.12– 1.308). Cyst wall 0.002–0.004. Encysted 0.15 (0.119 × 0.128), oval, to left of middle metacercaria occuping entire space within line, pretesticular. Genital atrium median, cyst. Metacercariae forming unclearly re- shallow, 0.144–0.39 (0.21). cognisable black spots and small tu bercles Remarks. The met acercariae were iden- under skin of G. dembecha specimens. tified as belonging to the com bined genus © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA 199 Fig. 9–15. Posthodiplostomum nanum, (9); Diplostomulum sp. I (10); Diplostomulum sp. 2 (11); Dip- lostomulum sp. 3, excysted metacercaria (12) and metacercaria in cyst and capsule (13); Ichthyocoty- lurus sp. 1 (14); Ichthyocotylurus sp. II (15). Scale bars: 0.5 mm. © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 200 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA Diplostomulum. These metacercariae show ameter. Ventral sicker round, 0.075–0.11 × no resemblance to any other know species. 0.077–0.099 (0.09 × 0.09) in diameter, larg- Their most striking feature is the strong er than oral sucker and situated near end thickening of mu scle fascicles at the base of anterior part. Pharynx, oesophagus and of pseudosuckers. The arrangement of pro- intestinal bifurcation not easily observed, teolytic glands dorsally of Brandes’ organ intestinal caeca extending almost to pos- (not at base as in other species) is also an terior end. Brandes’ organ large, with sev- unusual feature of the species. This combi- eral lobes, 0.132–0.18 × 0.12–0.18 (0.155 × nation of the characters distinguishes the 0.136), medially in anterior third of poste- new species from metacercariae of all spe- rior part of body. Proteolytic glands at no- cies described earlier. ticeable distance from posterior to Brandes’ organ, with anterior and posterior dor- sal glandular masses; anterior of 2 masses Diplostomulum sp. 3 somewhat “butterfly-like” or rectangular in (Figs 5–6, 12–13) shape, larger or smaller than posterior one; Host: Garra dembecha. posterior mass hemispherical; combined Other hosts: Barbus humilis. masse s 0.06–0.102 long and 0.096–0.144 Site: liver. wide (0.088 × 0.121). Genital primordial in Material studied: 18 specimens. posterior part of body in form of groups of Prevalence and intensity: 6.3% (five darkly stained cells. fishes infected / 80 fishes examined), 3–18 Remarks. The new metacercaria can be (mean 0.6) metacercaria per fish for G. dem- distinguished from all species in the genus becha; 28.0% (14/50), (1–88, 3.2) for B. hu- Diplostomulum by possessing a combination milis. of the following diagnostic characteristics: Description (based on seven whole- division of the body into the anterior and mounted specimens). Metacercaria folded posterior parts mismatching the anterior within transparent, thin-walled, oval cyst and posterior segments of the body; a much 0.63–0.783 × 0.36–0.54 (0.732 × 0.46) larger pseudosucker (approximately two (Figs 6, 13). Cyst surrounded by thin cap- times longer than oral sucker diameter); sule; each capsule having long, coiled “tail”. the most characteristic feature of the lar- Distance between cyst wall and capsule vae is the presence of associated proteolytic wall 0.018–0.096 (0.051). Body bipartite, glands which the situated at a noticeable tegument smooth, anterior part and poste- distance behind the Brandes’ organ. rior part divided by constriction, so body figure-of-eight in shape, but anterior part, Family STRIGEIDAE Railliet, 1919 apparently, not matching up in shape with Subfamily STRIGEINAE Railliet, 1919 anterior segment and posterior part not matc hing up in shape with posterior seg- Ichthyocotylurus Odening, 1969 ment. Margin between anterior segment Ichthyocotylurus sp. 1 and posterior segment invisible. Total body (Figs 7, 14) length 0.957–1.305 (1.13). Anterior part oval, 0.372–0.585 × 0.216–0.369 (0.469 × Host: Garra dembecha. 0.3). Posterior part oval, 0.45–0.72 × 0.27– Site: mesentery. 0.477 (0.577 × 0.352), longer than anterior Material studied: two specimens. part. Oral sucker funnel-shaped, terminal, Prevalence and intensity: One of eighty 0.055–0.077 × 0.055–0.01 (0.066 × 0.068) fish examined (1.3%) were infected, two in diameter, flanked by pseudosuckers. specimens. Pseudosuckers largest, auriculate, 0.099– Description (based on two whole- 0.132 (0.11) long, larger than oral sucker di- mounted specimens). Metacercariae in oval © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA 201 Table 2. Size of metacercariae of Ichthyocotylurus sp. 2 at different sites of fish Muscles of body Mesentery Character Mean Range Mean Range Body length 1.26 0.99–1.4 0.965 0.9–1.06 Body width 0.86 0.81–0.9 0.727 0.61–0.83 Oral sucker, length 0.166 0.144–0.18 0.148 0.14–0.15 Oral sucker, width 0.167 0.15–0.18 0.153 0.15–0.16 Ventral sucker, length 0.206 0.18–0.222 0.179 0.17–0.19 Ventral sucker, width 0.232 0.216–0.258 0.216 0.21–0.23 Brandes’ organ, length 0.182 0.138–0.21 0.173 0.15–0.2 Brandes’ organ, width 0.263 0.24–0.282 0.231 0.19–0.25 or spherical thin-walled and transparent terms of the size of metacercariae, Ichthyo- cyst (not measured). Body roundish, indis- cotylurus sp. 1 is larger than I. erraticus and tinctly bipartite, flattened dorsoventrally, I. pileatus, but smaller than I. variegatus and tegument smooth, 0.468–0.72 long and I. platycephalus. So far, only four species 0.387–0.648 wide. Posterior segment of of the genus Ichthyocotylurus mentioned body small, with blunt end. Ratio of body above have been reported parasitising fishes length/body width 1:1.2–1:1.1. Oral sucker and piscivorous birds and only in the north- around, subterminal, 0.09–0.12 × 0.096– ern hemisphere. No evidence existed that 0.12 in diameter. Pseudosuckers oblong or Ichthyocotylurus species occured in Africa. oval, with short slit-like aperture, 0.048– This is the first record of Ichthyocotylurus 0.09 × 0.015–0.042. Ventral sucker trans- metacercariae from fish in Africa. versely oval, post-equatorial, 0.07–0.15 long and 0.154–0.198 wide. Space around Genus Ichthyocotylurus Odening, 1969 pseudosuckers filled with numerous cellu- Ichthyocotylurus sp. 2 lar glands. Ratio of ventral sucker length to oral sucker 1:0.78–1:1.25. Pharynx small (Figs 8, 15) or appearing as absent, 0.021–0.022 long. Oesophagus short, 0.033–0.034 long. Intes- Host: Garra dembecha. tinal caecae long, 0.33–0.54, almost reach Site: mesentery and muscles of body. posterior margin of body. Brandes’ organ Material studied: 16 specimens. oval or butterfly in shape, 0.101–0.144 × Prevalence and intensity: 9.4% (five 0.143–0.198, immediately posterior to ven- fishes infected / 53 fishes examined), 1–5 tral sucker. (mean 0.3) metacercariae per fish. Remarks. The larvae found in G. dem- Description (based upon 14 whole- becha are morphologically identical with mounted specimens). Metacercariae big, metacercariae of the genus Ichthyocotylurus included in thin-walled, transparent cyst Odening, 1969 that are widespread in fishes (not measured). Body ovoid, strongly con- of the Holarctic Region (I. platycephalus vex, indistinctly bipartite and with aspi- Creplin, 1825, I. variegatus Creplin, 1825, nose tegument, 0.9–1.4 × 0.61–0.9 (1.14 × I. erraticus Rudolphi, 1809, I. pileatus Ru- 0.8), maximum width being at level of body dolphi, 1802) (Sudarikov, 1971, 1984). In midline. Ventral cavity not expressed. Ra- © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203 202 А.Е. ZHOKHOV. METACERCARIAE OF TREMATODES OF GARRA DEMBECHA tio of body length/body wide 1:1.48–1:1.56 et Schlegel, 1846) and Pseudogobio eso- (1.4). Oral sucker round, subterminal, cinus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) from 0.14–0.18 × 0.15–0.18 (0.158 × 0.161). Lake Biwa (Japan); however, it differs from Two pseudosuckers oval, situated later- them by a larger size of the body, the suck- ally to and lower than oral sucker, 0.047 ers and the Brandes’ organ. (0.026–0.092) long. Ventral sucker round- ed or transversely elliptical, larger than ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS oral sucker, 0.17–0.22 × 0.21–0.26 (0.194 × 0.225), situated lower than body midline. The field studies this study is based on were conducted within the framework of the Joint Suckers length ratio 1:1.21–1:1.22 (1.23). Ethio-Russian Biological Expedition (JERBE- Distance between anterior end and center II) financially supported by the Russian Acad- of ventral sucker 0.27–0.73 (0.45) long. emy of Sciences. We thank Dr Andrei Darkov, Brandes’ organ compact, with ventra l and Dr Eshete Dejen and Mr Tadesse Gebre-Selassie dorsal lobes, almost equal in size to ventral for their assistance. sucker, 0.138–0.21 × 0.19–0.282 (0.177 × 0.247), situated immediately posterior to REFERENCES ventral sucker. Proteolytic gland not en- Getahun A. 2000. Systematic studies of the Af- isled. Prepharynx and oesophagus absent, rican species of the genus Garra (Pisces: Cy- pharynx small, (0.023), not easily observed. prinidae). Diss. Doct. Phil., City University Intestinal caecae almost reaching posterior of New York, New York. 384 p. margin of bo dy. At some specimens, excre- Niewiadomska K. 1970. On the validity of tory vesicle being seen. Internal space of Cotylurus platycephalus (Creplin, 1925) and body filled with granules of black colour, C. cuculus (Thoss, 1897) [– C. communis located apparently in ducts or lacunae (Hughes, 1928)] (Trematoda, Strigeidae). of secondary excretory system (Fig. 15). Acta Parasitologica Polonica, 18: 57–70. Metacercariae localising in muscles of fish, Niewiadomska K. 2002. Family Diplostomidae Poirier, 1886. In: Gibson D.I., Jones A. & differ from specimens located in mesentery Bray R.A. (Eds.) Keys to the Trematoda, 1: by having a l arger body size (1.26–0.86 and 167–196. CABI Publishing and the Natural 0.965–0.727 respectively) (Table 2). Num- History Museum, Wallingford. bers of blac k granules in larvae from mus- Stiassny M.L.J. & Getahun A. 2007. An over- cles of fish are more than that of mesentery. view of labeonin relationships and the phy- Remarks. The metacercariae correspond logenetic placement of the Afro-Asian genus in their morphology (having the body in- Garra Hamilton, 1922 (Teleostei: Cyprini- distinctly bipartite, the ventral cavity fee- dae), with the description of five new species of Garra from Ethiopia, and a key to all Afri- bly expressed, and the proteolytic gland can species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean not enisled) to the larvae of the genus Ich- Society, 150: 41–83. thyocotylurus Odening, 1969. The meta- Sudarikov V.E. 1971. [Order Strigeidida (La cercariae of Ichthyocotylurus sp. 2 differ Rue, 1926) Sudarikov, 1959. Suborder di stinctly from Ichthyocotylurus sp. 1 by a Strigeata La Rue, 1926]. In: Skrjabin K.I. larger size and an egg-shaped, strongly con- (Ed.) Trematody zhivotnikh i cheloveka. Os- vex body. The most characteristic feature of novy Trematodologii [Trematodes of animals the larvae is the presence of the granules of and man. Basics of Trematodology], 24: 69– black colour, filling the canals and the la- 272. Nauka, Moscow. (In Russian). Sudarikov V. E. 1974. [Order Strigeidida (La cunae of secondary excretory system. The Rue, 1926) Sudarikov, 1959. Suborder Cy- present form closely resembles I. platyceph- athocotylata Sudarikov, 1959] In: Skrjabin alus (Niewiadomska, 1970) and Tetracotyle K.I. (Ed.) Trematody zhivotnikh i cheloveka. biwaensis Goto et Ozaki, 1930 (Sudarikov, Osnovy Trematodologii [Trematodes of ani- 1974) from the mesentery and liver of fish- mals and man. Basics of Trematodology], 25: es, Sarcocheilichthys variegatus (Temminck 29–247. Nauka, Moscow. (In Russian). © 2012 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 21(2): 193–203

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