TheISMEJournal(2018)12:756–775 ARTICLE Metabolic versatility of small archaea Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota Lin-Xing Chen 1 ● Celia Méndez-García 2,3 ● Nina Dombrowski 4 ● Luis E. Servín-Garcidueñas5 ● Emiley A. Eloe-Fadrosh6 ● Bao-Zhu Fang1 ● Zhen-Hao Luo1 ● Sha Tan1 ● Xiao-Yang Zhi7 ● Zheng-Shuang Hua1 ● Esperanza Martinez-Romero8 ● Tanja Woyke6 ● Li-Nan Huang1 ● Jesús Sánchez2 ● Ana Isabel Peláez2 ● Manuel Ferrer9 ● Brett J. Baker4 ● Wen-Sheng Shu10 Received:5April2017/Revised:26August2017/Accepted:9October2017/Publishedonline:8December2017 ©TheAuthor(s)2018.Thisarticleispublishedwithopenaccess Abstract Smallacidophilicarchaea belongingtoMicrarchaeota andParvarchaeota phyla areknowntophysically interact with some Thermoplasmatales members in nature. However, due to a lack of cultivation and limited genomes on hand, their biodiversity, metabolisms, and physiologies remain largely unresolved. Here, we obtained 39 genomes from acid mine 1234567890 dwroarinlda.ge16(ASMrDR)NaAndgheontespbraisnegdenavniarloynsmesenrtesvaeraoleudndththaet ElectronicsupplementarymaterialTheonlineversionofthisarticle Parvarchaeota were only detected in AMD and hot spring ( habitats, while Micrarchaeota were also detected in others material,whichisavailabletoauthorizedusers. including soil, peat, hypersaline mat, and freshwater, * BrettJ.Baker suggestingaconsiderablehigherdiversityandbroaderthan [email protected] expected habitat distribution for this phylum. Despite their * Wen-ShengShu small genomes (0.64–1.08Mb), these archaea may con- [email protected] tributetocarbonandnitrogencyclingbydegradingmultiple saccharides and proteins, and produce ATP via aerobic 1 StateKeyLaboratoryofBiocontrol,GuangdongKeyLaboratory respiration and fermentation. Additionally, we identified ofPlantResources,CollegeofEcologyandEvolution,SunYat- several syntenic genes with homology to those involved in SenUniversity,Guangzhou510275,People’sRepublicofChina iron oxidation in six Parvarchaeota genomes, suggesting 2 DepartamentodeBiologíaFuncional-IUBA,Universidadde their potential role in iron cycling. However, both phyla Oviedo,Oviedo,Spain lackbiosyntheticpathwaysforaminoacidsandnucleotides, 3 CarlR.WoeseInstituteforGenomicBiology,Universityof suggesting that they likely scavenge these biomolecules IllinoisatUrbana-Champaign,Urbana,USA from the environment and/or other community members. 4 DepartmentofMarineScience,UniversityofTexasAustin, Moreover,low-oxygenenrichmentsinlaboratoryconfirmed MarineScienceInstitute,PortAransas,TX78373,USA our speculationthat both phyla are microaerobic/anaerobic, 5 LaboratoryofMicrobiomics,NationalSchoolofHigherStudies based on several specific genes identified in them. Morelia,NationalUniversityofMexico,Morelia,Michoacan 58190,Mexico Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses provide insights into the close evolutionary history of energy related functional- 6 DepartmentofEnergyJointGenomeInstitute,WalnutCreek,CA 94598,USA ities between both phyla with Thermoplasmatales. These results expand our understanding of these elusive archaea 7 YunnanInstituteofMicrobiology,YunnanUniversity, Kunming650091,People’sRepublicofChina byrevealingtheirinvolvementincarbon,nitrogen,andiron cycling, and suggest their potential interactions with 8 DepartmentofEcologicalGenomics,CenterforGenomic Sciences,NationalUniversityofMexico,Cuernavaca, Thermoplasmatales on genomic scale. Morelos62210,Mexico 9 InstituteofCatalysis,ConsejoSuperiordeInvestigaciones Científicas(CSIC),Madrid,Spain 10 SchoolofLifeSciences,SouthChinaNormalUniversity, Guangzhou510631,People’sRepublicofChina MetabolicversatilityofARMAN 757 Introduction anaerobic, thus enrichments with inoculum from AMD systems were performed for these elusive archaea (Sup- Archaea constitute a considerable portion of microbial plementary Fig. 1). diversity,andplaysignificantrolesinmanybiogeochemical cyclesonEarth[1].However,comparedtobacteriatheyare much less understood and fewer genomes have been Materials and methods sequenced [2]. The recently delineated superphylum DPANN includes several phyla of archaea with small cell ARMAN genomes and related metagenomes in and genome sizes and limited metabolic capabilities [3–6]. public database To date, 48 DPANN draft genomes are available (Supple- mentary Table 1; see references therein) and only two In NCBI database, there are two Micrarchaeota and two symbiotic Nanoarchaeota co-cultures have been obtained Parvarchaeota genomes reported from Iron Mountain: [5, 7]. ARMAN-1 (NCBI accession number, PRJNA349044), TwoDPANNphyla,MicrarchaeotaandParvarchaeota, ARMAN-2 (PRJNA38565), ARMAN-4 (PRJNA38567), referred to as Archaeal Richmond Mine Acidophilic and ARMAN-5 (PRJNA38569), which were included for Nanoorganisms (ARMAN), were first reported in acid analyses in this study. mine drainage (AMD) biofilms of Iron mountain (Rich- A metagenomic data set sampled from the Fankou mine mond, CA, USA) and are among the smallest micro- tailings AMD outflow in 2010 (sample abbreviation: organisms described to date [8, 9]. The AMD biofilms in FK_AMD_2010), which was published previously [15], Iron Mountain have been comprehensively studied for was included in this study to retrieve ARMAN genomes microbial ecology and evolution [10]. Four genomes of from newly assembled contigs. The ultra-small cells were ARMAN have been obtained from this site, including collected by filtering the AMD outflow through 0.22μm ARMAN-1 and ARMAN-2 from Micrarchaeota, and pore size filters, which were preserved for DNA extraction ARMAN-4 and ARMAN-5 from Parvarchaeota. The [15]. metabolicfunctionsofARMAN-2,-4and-5intheAMD The available ARMAN genomes were also used as biofilms have been speculated based on metaproteomic references to search for additional ARMAN sequences in analyses [11], while ARMAN-1 was published recently publiclyavailable contigs/scaffolds of >3000 metagenomic onlytoreportitsCRISPR–Cassystem[12].Interestingly, data sets deposited in the IMG/M system (alignment ARMAN cells were observed having interactions with length≥250bp, similarity≥75%). This analysis retrieved Thermoplasmatales cells via pili-like structures [11], and oneadditionalmetagenomicdatasetfromObsidianPoolin this phenomenon was further documented using cryo- the Yellowstone National Park (SRA accession, genic transmission electron microscope technology [13], SRP099390; IMG genome ID, 3300002966) with while the ecological significance of such interactions ARMAN-related genomic sequences (sample abbreviation: remains unclear. Moreover, ARMAN-specific PCR pri- YNP_OP). Obsidian Pool (N44.36°, W110.26°) was mersandmetagenomicshaverevealedtheiroccurrencein reported as a mesothermal hot spring (56°C; Supplemen- many other AMD-related environments [14–17], indi- tary Table 2) [18]. cating wide distributions of related microorganisms in nature. Study sites, sampling, DNA extraction, and Despite these investigations described above, we know sequencing littleabouttheirbiodiversity,environmentaldistribution(in other acidic and non-acidic environments), physiologies, Metagenomic data sets from two AMD and two hot spring androlesinbiogeochemicalcycling.Toaddressthesegaps, environments were collected and analyzed in this study we assembled and binned 39 new genomes from metage- (SupplementaryFig.2andSupplementaryTable2);thesite nomic datasets obtained from two AMD and three hot descriptions and experimental procedures (e.g., sampling, spring related environments around the world, and the DNA extraction and sequencing) are detailed below. environmental distribution of Micrarchaeota and Parvarch- aeota taxa were evaluated by analyzing 16S rRNA gene (1) Fankou AMD outflow (FK_AMD_2014). Fankou sequencesfromthosenewgenomesandNCBIandIMG/M mine is located in north Guangdong province of databases. Metabolic potentials of Micrarchaeota and Par- China (N25.05°, E113.67°), and the microbial ecol- varchaeotawerepredictedbasedonfunctionalannotationof ogy of this site was deeply studied previously, to theirgenes,torevealtheirmetabolicfunctionsandpotential reveal the microbial diversity and composition at roles in nature. Additionally, genomic information likely spatial and temporal scales of the mine tailings [19], suggested that ARMAN spp. are microaerobic and/or the shifts of microbial composition and function 758 L-XChenetal. across the tailings acidification processes [20], and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2000 platform with also the metatranscriptomic activities in the related a PE 100bp kit. AMD systems [14, 15]. Microorganisms in AMD (4) Tengchong geothermal area (TC_Endo). The Teng- outflow were collected in September, 2014, using chong geothermal area is located in the south of filters with different pore sizes (i.e., 1.6, 0.45, and Yunnan province of China (N24.95°, E98.44°), 0.22μm). A total of 20L AMD outflow was representing the largest geothermal area in China. successively filtered through the abovementioned Endolithic communities were detected in the surface three filters, then the 0.22μm filters with ultra-small ofarocknearahotspringfumarole(referredtoasthe cells on them were packaged in 50mL sterile tubes samplingsiteof“Drty”in[22]).Endolithiccommunity and preserved in liquid nitrogen when transporting to sampleswerecollectedwithasterileironspoon(~0.5 the lab, and stored at −80°C until DNA extraction cm from the outside) in December, 2014, and stored within24h.CommunitygenomicDNAwasextracted inaniceboxwhentransportingtothelabwithin24h, fromthefiltersasdescribedpreviously[14].Thetotal and stored at 4°C until DNA extraction within 24h. genomic DNA was sequenced using Illumina paired- DNA extraction methods were the same as used for end (PE) 125 and 250bp kits on a HiSeq2500 AMD outflow filters, except that no liquid nitrogen platform with an insert length of ~400bp. It should was used for breaking the cells. The total genomic bepointedoutthat,thissamplingapproach(alsoused DNA was sequenced using Illumina paired-end (PE) for FK_AMD_2010) may miss some smaller mem- 125and250bpkitsonaHiSeq2500platformwithan bersofthepopulation,forsomemicrobialcommunity insert length of ~400bp. members could pass through 0.22μm pore size filters (5) Los Azufres National Park (Me_Mat). The Los [8, 21]. Azufres National Park is located in the west of (2) Fankou AMD sediment (FK_Sedi). A core was Mexico, 65km east of the city of Morelia (N19.47°, sampled from the Fankou AMD pond using a W100.39°). Microbial layer samples were collected sediment-sampling collector in March, 2015. The duringApril2013attheLosAzufresgeothermalfield sediment core was divided into five layers based on in a rocky area full of cracks from which hot their different colors, which generally reflect their fumaroles emerge, just in front of the muddy lagoon oxidativestatus.Eachofthefivelayerswerecollected known as Los Azufres Natural Spa. DNA was in 50mL sterile tubes, stored in an icebox and extracted using the MOBIO Mega Prep Soil DNA transported to the lab within 4h after sampling, and extraction kit, and sequenced on an Illumina Miseq storedat4°CuntilDNAextractionwithin24h.DNA platform using a PE 250bp kit. of the AMD sediment was extracted using the FastDNA SPIN kit (MP Biomedicals, Irvine, CA, USA) according the manufacturer’s instructions. The Metagenome assembly and genome binning extracted DNA was individually amplified using multiple displacement amplification (MDA) with the All the raw data of the metagenomic data sets were filtered GenomiPhi DNA amplification kit (v3) (Amersham to remove low quality bases/reads using Sickle software Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ), and purified for library (version1.33;[23]),withtheparameterssetto“-q=15and construction and sequenced on an Illumina −l=50”(SupplementaryTable3).Afterwards,oneormore HiSeq2500 platform with PE 150bp kits. quality datasets of each sampling site were assembled (or (3) Los Rueldos (LR_AMD). This sampling site is co-assembled for the five AMD sediments, and for the two located in the Morgao stream, 2km northeast of the Los Rueldos AMD streamers) using SPADES (version town of Mieres and 20km southeast of Oviedo, the 3.7.1; [24]) with a proper kmer set (Supplementary capital city of Asturias, NW Spain (N43.27°, Table 3), under the “--meta” model. To calculate scaffold W5.77°). Previous analyses have revealed the exis- coverage, all high-quality reads were mapped to the tence of ARMAN taxa in the AMD of this site [16]. assembled scaffolds using BBMap, with the parameters set Twomacroscopicstreamersamples(oneoxicandone as “minid=0.97, local=t”. The coverage of each scaffold anoxic) thriving along an AMD outflow were was determined based on the mapping results using Meta- collected, and filtered with 0.45μm filters. The BAT [25]. For scaffolds assembled from co-assembled genomicDNAwasextractedfromthefiltrationwithin quality datasets, each metagenomic dataset was separately 2h as previously described [16], and amplified using mapped to the scaffolds, and the coverage of each dataset the GenomiPhi DNA amplification kit (v3) (Amer- was calculated. The scaffolds were binned using MetaBAT sham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ). The DNA with default parameters, considering both tetranucleotide samples were used for library construction, and frequencies and coverage of the scaffolds (multiple MetabolicversatilityofARMAN 759 coverages for co-assembled AMD sediments and Los set as “minid=0.97, local=t”. The mapped quality Rueldos AMD streamers). reads of each genome bin were assembled using SPADES (version 3.7.1) with the k-mer set the same Identification of ARMAN associated genomic bins as during the metagenomic assembly, under the “--careful” model. The bins obtained from MetaBAT were evaluated for (4) removal of contaminations from the reassembled taxonomic assignment, genome completeness and potential genome bins. This step was performed as stated contamination, using the “lineage_wf” pipeline in CheckM above in step (2). The optimized genome bins were [26].TodeterminewhichofthebinsbelongtotheARMAN visualizedusingESOM(SupplementaryFig.3).After phylum, all bins that were assigned to the lineage of genome optimization, a set of 54 conserved archaeal “Archaea” by CheckM were further assessed using the fol- single-copy genes (SCGs) [3] were retrieved to lowing procedures: estimate genome completeness (Supplementary Table4).Additionally,thegenomebinswereassessed (1) comparing their predicted genes (amino acid using CheckM (Packs et al. 2015) to estimate the sequences, which were received from the individual degree of contamination (Supplementary Table 5). scaffoldsusingProdigalincludedinCheckM)against the NCBI-nr database using the DIAMOND software [27] under the BLASTp model. Genome bins analyses (2) comparing the scaffolds against the SILVA 16S/18S dataset using BLASTn. All genomic bins with >50% The optimized genome bins were submitted to the IMG/ of genes having a besthit to ARMAN spp. from Iron MER system for gene calling and annotation (Supplemen- Mountain (ARMAN-1, −2, −4, and −5; see above), tary Table 5). Protein-coding genes were also assigned to and/or with a 16S rRNA gene sequence closely functionalorthologsoftheKEGGOrthologydatabaseusing related to ARMAN spp. (sequence identify >75%), KAAS [29] (parameters: GHOSTX, Genes dataset, SBH were considered as ARMAN genome bins for further assignment method). Carbohydrate-active enzymes were evaluation. identified using the carbohydrate-active enZYmes (CAZy) databaseonthedbCANwebserver [30].Asubset ofCAZy genes, which were shown to be involved in specific car- Genome bins optimization bohydrate degradation pathways [31], was selected for further analysis. Peptidases wereidentifiedusingMEROPS TheARMANgenomebinswerefurtheroptimizedtoobtain [32]. All the genome bins were also uploaded to RAST high-quality genomes as follows: (Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology) [33, 34] (1) combination of genome bins. The automatic binning for gene prediction and annotation, using the Network- tool MetaBAT may separate a “true” genome bin into Based SEED API using the command svr_submi- two ormore smaller, separate bins. Tocombinethese t_RAST_job, selecting the domain Archaea and the RAST smaller ARMAN genome bins all scaffolds were gene caller method. Metabolic pathways were constructed visualized using ESOM [28] and bins that clustered for Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota based on gene anno- together and shared a similar coverage range were tation results. The structural prediction of proteins was combined and evaluated by CheckM. performed by the online tool PRED-SIGNAL with default (2) removal of potential contaminations. Protein-coding parameters [35]. genes from each ARMAN genome bin (also those combined ones) were determined using Prodigal KEGG Orthology based cluster analyses of ARMAN included in CheckM (see above) and the acid amino genomes sequences were compared against the NCBI-nr database using DIAMOND (“blastp” model; [27]). To have a global comparison of metabolisms of the Each scaffold was evaluated for contamination based ARMAN genomes, the occurrence of KEGG Orthology onthetaxonomicalassignmentofitsgenes;andthose (KO) in each Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota genome scaffolds with abnormal coverage and/or GC content were summarized based on KAAS annotation results (see were deleted or moved to another ARMAN bin. above) (Supplementary Table 6), then the data was trans- (3) re-assembly of genome bins. Quality metagenomic ferredto(0,1)data(foragivenKOinagivengenome,ifthe reads were mapped to the scaffolds of each genome count number is 1 or more, then set as 1, if the count bin obtained from the former two processing steps number is 0, then set as 0). Hierarchical clustering analysis described above, using BBMap with the parameters of all the Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota genomes was 760 L-XChenetal. respectively performed based on the (0,1) data, with cor- tree topology was uploaded to iTOL v3 [43] for visualiza- relation distance and complete-linkage method using the R tion and formatting. package of “pheatmap” (version, 0.7.7). Relative abundance and community composition 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieval analyses ARMAN-related 16S rRNA gene sequences were retrieved The single-copy ribosomal protein S3 (rpS3) was used as a from NCBI GenBank (Supplementary Fig. 1). The 16S phylogeneticmarkerfor taxonomicassignmentandrelative rRNA gene sequences of ARMAN-1 and ARMAN-2 abundance analyses as previously reported [3]. For each (Micrarchaeota) and ARMAN-4 (Parvarchaeota), were metagenomic assembly result, all rpS3 sequences were used as query to search for related 16S rRNA gene identified by CheckM [26], and the coverage was deter- sequences in GenBank using BLASTn. Hits with an mined based on the coverage from the corresponding alignment coverage ≥50% and sequence similarity ≥75% scaffold (see above). The relative abundance of each taxa (phylum level threshold as determined using 16S rRNA was calculated by dividing the coverage of its rpS3 by the genesequences;[36])weredownloadedfrom theGenBank total coverage of all rpS3 proteins in the community. datasets. Additionally, 21 Micrarchaeota 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from the IMG/M system, which Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota enrichment were also included in this study [37]. For phylogeny ana- experiment lyses of these retrieved 16S rRNA gene sequences with those from the obtained genome bins (see below for An enrichment attempt of ARMAN cells was performed methods), an initial tree was constructed to remove those under microaerobic/anaerobic conditions in laboratory, to sequences not related to ARMAN, as determined by the illustrate they could grow with low O [11, 17]. We have a 2 phylogenetic topology and sequence similarity between stimulated AMD systemlocated inthecampusofSun Yat- eachother(≥75%).Finally,weobtained176Micrarchaeota sen University, which is a 1×1×1m cement-lined pit and 114 Parvarchaeota related 16S rRNA gene sequences with approximately 5 t natural pyrite particles (from Yunfu with a length ≥800bp (Supplementary Table 7). sulfur/iron mine of Guangdong, China), and purified water was injected into the pit monthly to accelerate the pyrite Phylogenetic analyses acidification processes, and the microbial communities dynamics have been reported previously [44]. Atotalof16ribosomal proteinsequences(i.e.,L2,L3, L4, In August of 2016, the AMD outflow samples collected L5, L6, L14, L15, L16, L18, L22, L24, S3, S8, S10, S17, from thestimulated systemwere filtered throughpore sizes and S19) from the ARMAN genomes and NCBI Archaea of 0.45μm filters, and the filtrate was collected into sterile genomes (including selected genomes from all known tubes and stored at 4°C for enrichment within 24h (the archaeal phyla) were individually aligned using Muscle filtrate will be referred as “inoculum” hereafter). Subse- [38], and filtered by TrimAL [39] to remove columns quently,50mlinoculumwascentrifuged(4°C,12,000×g, comprised of more than 95% gaps, then the 16 filtered 30min) and the supernatant was discarded, and genomic ribosomal protein sequences were concatenated for each DNA was extracted using the FastDNA SPIN kit (MP genome.Alltheconcatenatedsequencesrepresentedatleast Biomedicals, Irvine, CA, USA) according the manu- 50% of the expected alignment columns (29 out of 33 facturer’s instructions, and PCR analyses using ARMAN- genomes spanned >80% of the expected alignment col- specificprimerset(ARM979F/ARM1365R;[11])indicated umns). The concatenated sequences were used to recon- the occurrence of ARMAN cells in the inoculum (data not structaphylogenetictreeusingRAxMLversion8.1.24[40] shown). withtheparameterssetas“-fa-mPROTGAMMALG”.16S The culture medium of the novel and extremely acid- rRNA gene sequences from all ARMAN genomes (see ophilic, cell-wall-deficient archaeon Cuniculiplasma divul- above; deleted insertion with a length ≥10bp) and other gatum (primarily known as G-plasma of archaea [2] were aligned using the SINA alignment algo- Thermoplasmatales),whichwasreportedtoco-culturewith rithm [41] through the SILVA web interface [42], the filterable archaea with reduced genome size [45], was used alignment was filtered by TrimAL to remove columns forARMANenrichment.Theculturemediumwasmodified comprised of more than 95% gaps and a phylogenetic tree by adjusting the pH value to 3.0 with H SO , and addition 2 4 wasconstructedusingRAxMLversion8.1.24[40]withthe of1gNa S O each100ml,thensterilizedat115°Cfor25 2 2 3 parameters set as “-f a -m GTRGAMMA -n boot -c 25 -p min.Toeach100mlofmodifiedandsterilizedmedium,1g 12345 -x 12345”. The resulting newick file with the best of sterilized nutriment was added, that is, (1) yeast extract, (2) beef extract and (3) peptone, additionally, a control MetabolicversatilityofARMAN 761 Table1 Generalfeaturesofthe Newlyreconstructed Previouslypublisheda ARMANgenomesthatnewly reconstructedandpreviously Micrarchaeota Parvarchaeota ARMAN- ARMAN- ARMAN- ARMAN- publishedARMANgenomes 1 2b 4 5 No.ofgenomes 27 12 1 1 1 1 No.ofscaffolds 3–59(22) 7–78(32) 66 1 44 73 Totallength(Mb) 0.66–1.08 0.64–0.96 0.87 1.01 0.79 0.92 (0.85) (0.80) GCcontent(%) 28.3–54.2 32.9–44.5 45.6 48 34.4 34.2 (44.5) (37.4) No.oftRNAgenes 27–48(37) 30–48(42) 36 38 43 45 No.ofprotein-coding 743–1181 701–1095 993 1069 933 1076 genes (912) (897) Genelength(bp) 793–891(843) 767–857(820) 793 859 767 770 Overlappedgenes(%) 7–15(10) 17–20(19) 9 10 18 20 Codingdensity(%) 87.3–92.7 90.4–93.4 89.4 91.3 90.7 90.8 (90.4) (92.2) Estimatedcompletenessc 78–100(94) 78–98(92) 89 100 80 85 Contamination(%)d 0–2.8(0.7) 0–2.9(1.2) 0 0.9 3.3 5.6 aThe previously published ARMAN genomes were analyzed (annotation and others) as for newly reconstructedones bTheclosedgenomeofARMAN-2isreportedinthisstudy cFor54archaealsingle-copygenes(SCGs)previouslyusedforgenomecompletenessevaluationasin[3]. FourMicrarchaeotagenomesweredetectedwithallthe54SCGs(SupplementaryTable4),whilenotclosed dThecontaminationofeachgenomewereevaluatedwithCheckM[26]usingasetof149archaealSCGs. Thoseinbracketsareaveragenumbers.SeeSupplementaryTable5fordetails withoutnutrimentadditionwasincludedinthisexperiment. ng/μl),1μlwasdiluted×10times,and1.2μlofthediluted Afterwards, 1mL of inoculum (see above) was added into DNA(~10ng)wasamplifiedusingMDAintriplicates.The 100mL of each of the four mediums (in 250mL culture three amplified DNA samples and also the raw inoculum bottle).Theculturebottlesweresealedandlocatedinadark DNAsample(non-MDA)weresequencedformetagenomic and non-shaking incubator for growth (37°C). analyses(qualitycontrol,co-assembly,coveragecalculation After 14 days, cells from all four mediums (~100ml) as described above). The relative abundance of taxa in the were individually collected by centrifugation (4°C, non-MDA sample and three MDA samples were evaluated 10,000×g,15min),genomicDNAwasextractedfromthe based on the rpS3 sequences as described above. precipitates [14]. PCR using ARMAN-specific primer set was performed to detect the ARMAN occurrence, the Phylogenetic analyses of interested genes resultsshowedallexceptingthenegativecontrol,contained ARMANcells(SupplementaryFig.4).Duetotherelatively Phylogenetic analyses were performed individually for lowbiomassofthesecommunities,thethreeextractedDNA specificgenesinvolvedintheTCAcycleandtherespiratory samples with ARMAN cells were amplified by MDA chain.Forexample,foragivengene,theproteinsequences (GenomiPhi DNA amplification kit (v3); Amersham Bios- in all available Micrarchaeota genomes (33 in total) and ciences, Piscataway, NJ), and sequenced for metagenomic Parvarchaeota genomes (16 in total) were identified and analyses. De novo assembly (co-assembly) and genome extracted, then compared against the NCBI-nr database for binning was performed, and the community composition theirclosedhomologiesusingBLASP(e-valuethreshold= and relative abundance of taxa were analyzed based on 1e−5). The 20 top hits were extracted and double checked ribosomal protein S3 sequences as described above. for their functional annotation, those ones with correct PreviousstudiesshowedthatMDAtreatmentcouldskew function were retained, and aligned with those from the therelativeabundanceoftaxaandcompromisequantitative abovementioned genomes using Muscle with default para- analysisofmetagenomes[46],wethuscomparedtheresults metres [38], and filtered by TrimAL [39] to remove col- ofnon-MDAandMDAmetagenomesoftheinoculum(see umns comprised of more than 95% gaps, then a above).FortheinoculumDNAsample(concentration=89 phylogenetic tree was built using RAxML version 8.1.24 762 L-XChenetal. [40]withtheparameterssetas“-fa-mPROTGAMMALG” gene length (820bp vs. 843bp), higher coding density (corresponding gene sequences from E.coli strains were (92.2% vs. 90.4%) and higher frequency of overlapping used for outgroup). The resulting newick file with the best genes(19%vs.10%)(Table1andSupplementaryTable5). tree topology was uploaded to iTOL v3 [43] for visualiza- tion and formatting, all the trees were rooted between the Relative abundance and microbial composition outgroup and others. Though25outof39newgenomeswerereconstructedfrom Accession codes metagenomic data sets obtained by filtration for small cells (Materials and methods), 17 out of these 25 genomes All newly constructed Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota showed a relative abundance of <1% (Supplementary genomes reported in this study have been deposited in the Fig. 5). However, one Micrarchaeota genome (FK_Sedi_- IMG/MER system under the accession numbers listed in bin_12_4) was detected with a relative abundance of Supplementary Table 5. 5.3–21.3% in AMD sediment layers of FK_Sedi_C1_3, C1_4 and C1_5), indicating its potential significance in the corresponding AMD sediments. Results and discussion Interestingly, while the microbial composition of the analyzedcommunitieswereremarkablydifferentfromeach New Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota genomes other (Supplementary Fig. 6), the “alphabet plasmas” (e.g., reconstructed from metagenomes A-, E-, G-, I-plasma; [47]) belonging to the order Ther- moplasmatales (phylum, Euryarchaeota; class, Thermo- A total of 10 unpublished metagenomic datasets were plasmata) were detected in all of them. “Alphabet plasma” obtainedfromtwoAMD(oneAMDoutflowandfiveAMD are abundant inhabitants in AMD ecosystems [47, 48], our sediment metagenomes from Fankou mine tailings of analyses indicated they may also favor acidic hot spring China, and two AMD streamer metagenomes from Los related environments. Rueldos of Spain) and two hot spring related environments (one hot spring endolithic metagenome from Tengchong of Phylogeny and biodiversity of Micrarchaeota and China, one hot spring mat metagenome from Los Azufres Parvarchaeota National Park of Mexico), and another two data sets were retrieved from public databases (one AMD outflow meta- Based on a phylogenetic analysis of 16 concatenated ribo- genome from Fankou mine tailings of China [15]; and one somal protein sequences, both Micrarchaeota and Par- hot spring sediment metagenome from Yellowstone varchaeota branched in the DPANN superphylum of the National Park of USA) (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). archaeal domain (Fig. 1), Micrarchaeota clustered with Similar to the Iron mountain where ARMAN were first Diapherotrites, and Parvarchaeota clustered with reported, all these sampling sites except the Yellowstone Nanoarchaeota, Pacearchaeota, and Woesearchaeota. The National Park Obsidian pool were characterized by low pH 16S rRNA gene sequences based phylogeny showed a values (Supplementary Table 2). different pattern as reported in a previous study [3], with A total of ~200Gbp of raw sequences were obtained Parvarchaeota clustered with Pacearchaeota and Woe- from all these 12 metagenomes (Materials and methods; searchaeota, and then clustered with Micrarchaeota (Sup- SupplementaryTable3).Qualitycontrol,denovoassembly plementary Fig. 7). With the availability of sufficient and subsequent genome binning from these metagenomes genomes obtained in this study, both phylogeny revealed resultedinatotalof27Micrarchaeotaand12Parvarchaeota thatMicrarchaeotaandParvarchaeotaarenotmonophyletic genomes (Supplementary Fig. 3). Based on the occurrence but two distinct phyla, and should not be combined as one of54archaealsingle-copygenes[3],thenewlyconstructed [4]. genomes showed a completeness of 78–100% (93% on Based on similarity thresholds of 16S rRNA gene average), and a very low degree of genomic contamination sequences for taxonomic level definition (genus, 94.5%; estimates (0.8% on average) (Supplementary Table 4). family, 86.5%; [36]), the previously published ARMAN-1 These genomes have a genome size approximating and -2 represent two genera in a single family, as well as 0.64–1.08Mb, and on average encoding 912 genes for ARMAN-4and-5(SupplementaryFig.7).Inthisstudy,the Micrarchaeota, and 897 genes for Parvarchaeota, which newly reconstructed Micrarchaeota genomes represented at were comparable to those of the four published ARMAN least 12 genera within two families, and the Parvarchaeota genomes [11, 12] (Table 1 and Supplementary Table 5). genomesrepresentedatleastthreegenerawithinonefamily, ComparedwiththeMicrarchaeotagenomes(unpairedttest, greatly expanding the phylogenetic and genomic diversity P<0.05), Parvarchaeota have significantly shorter average of these two lesser known phyla. MetabolicversatilityofARMAN 763 Fig.1 Phylogeneticanalysesof 50 Euryarchaeota Micrarchaeotaand ParvarchaeotagenomesThe 3 Heimdallarchaeota phylogenetictreewas 1Odinarchaeota Asgard Hot spring related constructedbasedon16 2 Lokiarchaeota YNP hot spring (public) concatenatedribosomalprotein 4 Thorarchaeota TC endolithic community (this study) sequencesfromeach 1Korarchaeota Mexico microbial mat (this study) Micrarchaeotaand 13 Thaumarchaeota AMD related Parvarchaeotagenomeand FKAMD outflow 2014 (this study) referencearchaealgenomes(or 4 Aigarchaeota FKAMD outflow 2010 (public) scaffoldswiththetarget 2 Geothermarchaeota FKAMD sediment (this study) ribosomalproteinsequences) TACK IMAMD biofilm (public) (Materialsandmethods).The 13 Bathyarchaeota LRAMD streamer (this study) threearchaealsuperphyla 33 Crenarchaeota TACK,AsgardandDPANN, 5 YNPFFA andthenumberofgenomes To Bacteria 3 Verstraetearchaeota includedforeachphylumare shown.Previouslypublished 5 Altiarchaeales (Euryarchaeota) genomesareindicatedby 3 Diapherotrites arrows,andthemetagenomic datasetsof“YNPhotspring”and YNP_OFPK__bAinM_D2_421010_bin_24 “FKAMDoutflow(2010)”were FK_AMD_2014_bin_90 FK_AMD_2014_bin_107 retrievedfrompublicdatabases. FK_AMD_2014_bin_113 Bootstrapvaluesarebasedon FK_Sedi_bin_35 100replicates FK_AMD_2014_bin_115 FK_Sedi_bin_28 TC_Endo_bin_11 FK_AMD_2014_bin_52 FK_AMD_2014_bin_40 FK_Sedi_bin_12_4 Micrarchaeota FK_AMD_2014_bin_97 LR_AMD_bin_1 FK_AMD_2014_bin_20 FK_AMD_2010_bin_7 FK_AMD_2014_bin_88 FK_AMD_2014_bin_31 TC_Endo_bin_32 ARMAN-2 FK_AMD_2010_bin_22 DPANN FK_AMD_2014_bin_121 FK_AMD_2014_bin_73 FK_AMD_2014_bin_50 TC_Endo_bin_6 FK_AMD_2014_bin_108 FK_AMD_2014_bin_36 Me_Mat_bin_1 ARMAN-1 9 Nanohaloarchaeota 5 Aenigmarchaeota 9 Woesearchaeota 10 Pacearchaeota 4 Nanoarchaeota FK_AMD_2014_bin_57 FK_AMD_2014_bin_27 TC_Endo_bin_24 LR_AMD_bin_3 ARMAN-5 TC_Endo_bin_23 ARMAN-4 Parvarchaeota TC_Endo_bin_47 Tree scale: 0.5 FK_AMD_2014_bin_17 FK_AMD_2010_bin_6 Bootstrap ≥ 70% and < 90% FK_AMD_2014_bin_2 FK_AMD_2014_bin_10 Bootstrap ≥ 90% FK_AMD_2010_bin_5 FK_Sedi_bin_55_70 Environmental distribution of Micrarchaeota and environments, including hypersaline mats, soils, peat, Parvarchaeota freshwater lakes, and underground water, indicating their potential highly adaptive capacities and phylogenetic Comparison of Micrarchaeota 16S rRNA gene sequences diversity of at least two classes (Supplementary Fig. 8). In from around the world revealed their considerable biodi- contrast for Parvarchaeota, all the retrieved 16S sequences versity, especially within AMD and hot springs. Micrarch- from NCBI GenBank were from AMD-related environ- aeota were also found in a variety of non-acidic ments, and were affiliated within the same family as found 764 L-XChenetal. withintheTengchongacidicendolithiccommunityreported showed the opposite trend (Supplementary Fig. 5 and in this study (Materials and methods). The limited dis- Supplementary Table 2). tribution of the known Parvarchaeota may be due to their lowerphylogeneticdiversity,indicatingmoreParvarchaeota Comparative genomic analysis based on KEGG clades remain to be discovered, while their low abundance Orthology in nature may hinder this process. For those Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota spp. with To reveal if there are any clade specific metabolisms for genomic information obtained in this study, some of them bothphyla,ahierarchicalclusteringanalysiswasperformed showed clear environmental preference. Micrarchaeota basedontheoccurrenceofKEGGOrthology(KO)patterns genus 12 and Parvarchaeota genus 1 and 2 members in each genome (Fig. 2) (Materials and methods). Com- (Supplementary Fig. 7) were all obtained from environ- paredtothephylogenyanalysesresultsshowninFig.1(left ments with higher temperature (Supplementary Table 2). panels of Figs. 2a, b), different clades in both phyla gen- And the three Micrarchaeota members from Fankou AMD erallyhavetheiruniquegenecontents,indicatingvariations sediment tended to have higher relative abundance in the in metabolic potentials between clades. For Micrarchaeota, lower layers, which were characterized by a higher Fe2+ the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, aspartate- concentration and lower Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio, while the only semialdehyde dehydrogenase, saccharopine dehydrogenase Parvarchaeota member from these layers (FK_Sedi_55_70) and zinc transporter genes were found only in group 1, a Phylogeny cluster KOs cluster YNP_OP_bin_241 FK_AMD_2014_bin_107 FK_AMD_2010_bin_24 FK_AMD_2010_bin_24 FK_AMD_2014_bin_90 FK_AMD_2014_bin_113 FK_AMD_2014_bin_107 Group 1 FK_AMD_2014_bin_90 FK_AMD_2014_bin_113 FK_Sedi_bin_28 FK_Sedi_bin_35 YNP_OP_bin_241 FK_AMD_2014_bin_115 FK_AMD_2014_bin_88 FK_Sedi_bin_28 FK_AMD_2014_bin_115 TC_Endo_bin_11 FK_Sedi_bin_12_4 a FK_AMD_2014_bin_52 Group 2 FK_AMD_2014_bin_97 ot FK_AMD_2014_bin_40 FK_AMD_2014_bin_73 ae FK_Sedi_bin_12_4 FK_AMD_2014_bin_121 ch FK_AMD_2014_bin_97 Group 3 FK_Sedi_bin_35 Micrar FLFLRRKK____AAAAMMMMDDDD____bb22ii00nn11__4411__bbiinn__2200 Group 4 FK_AMD_201A0R_MbiAn_N2-22 FFKK__AAMMDD__22001100__bbiinn__77 TC_Endo_bin_11 FK_AMD_2014_bin_88 FK_AMD_2014_bin_40 FK_AMD_2014_bin_31 Group 5 FK_AMD_2014_bin_52 TC_Endo_bin_32 TC_Endo_bin_6 ARMAN-2 FK_AMD_2014_bin_108 FK_AMD_2010_bin_22 Me_Mat_bin_1 FK_AMD_2014_bin_121 Group 6 ARMAN-1 FK_AMD_2014_bin_73 FK_AMD_2014_bin_36 FK_AMD_2014_bin_50 FK_AMD_2014_bin_50 TC_Endo_bin_6 FK_AMD_2014_bin_20 FK_AMD_2014_bin_108 FK_AMD_2010_bin_7 FK_AMD_2014_bin_36 Group 7 LR_AMD_bin_1 Me_Mat_bin_1 TC_Endo_bin_32 ARMAN-1 FK_AMD_2014_bin_31 b Phylogeny cluster KOs cluster FK_AMD_2014_bin_57 FK_AMD_2014_bin_57 FK_AMD_2014_bin_27 FK_AMD_2014_bin_27 TC_Endo_bin_24 Group 1 TC_Endo_bin_24 LR_AMD_bin_3 TC_Endo_bin_23 a ARMAN-5 ARMAN-4 ot TC_Endo_bin_23 ARMAN-5 e a ARMAN-4 FK_AMD_2014_bin_2 h varc FTKC__AEMndDo__2b0in1_44_7bin_17 Group 2 FK_FAKM_SDe_d2i_0b1i4n__b5i5n__7100 ar FK_AMD_2010_bin_16 FK_AMD_2010_bin_5 P FK_AMD_2014_bin_2 LR_AMD_bin_3 FK_AMD_2014_bin_10 TC_Endo_bin_47 FK_AMD_2010_bin_5 Group 3 FK_AMD_2014_bin_17 FK_Sedi_bin_55_70 FK_AMD_2010_bin_6 Fig. 2 Comparative analyses of gene contents of Micrarchaeota and genome;seeMaterialsandmethods)werecompared,andthegenomes Parvarchaeotagenomes.ForaMicrarchaeotaandbParvarchaeota,the weremanuallyassignedtoseveralclades/groupsbasedonthecluster phylogenyclusterpattern(fromFig.1)andthecorrespondingKEGG patterns.Thesameclade/groupinaphylogenyclusterandgenecon- Orthology clustering pattern (based on occurrence of KOs in each tentsclusterswerelinkedwithasolidline MetabolicversatilityofARMAN 765 Carbon monoxidedehydrogenase CooS andarginasegenes antibiotics, heat shock, heavy metals, and oxidative stress occurredonlyingroup3,andammoniumtransportergenes (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 8). Interestingly, 15 wereonlydetectedingroup 7(Fig. 2a).ForParvarchaeota, Micrarchaeota and 10 Parvarchaeota genomes were detec- glutamine synthetase and L-asparaginase genes were ted with genes encoding resistance protein for fosmido- exclusively found in group 1 and heptose III glucur- mycin,whichisaninhibitorofisoprenoidbiosynthesis[52]. onosyltransferase and inositol transporter genes in group 3 Almost all genomes of both phyla carry a superoxide dis- (Fig.2b).Itisreasonabletospeculatethatthespecificgene mutaseandanalkylhydroperoxidereductaseallowingfora contents of different clades may help them to inhabit dis- quick response to oxidative stress. Notably, Micrarchaeota tinct niches when they coexist with each other. A similar carry a Fe and the Parvarchaeota carry a Mn superoxide trendhasbeenobservedformembersofThermoplasmatales dismutase, likely indicating their distinct evolutionary his- AMD archaea, the “alphabet plasmas”, which were also tories of obtaining this function. Interestingly, evidence of detectedinourmetagenomicsamples.Ithasbeenfoundthat MicrarchaeotaactingasapathogentargetingotherBacteria theThermoplasmatalesAMDarchaeadifferentiatebysubtle was detected in three genomes that encode for a lytic genomic differences that allow their co-existence even if murine transglycosylase [4], which could be transported they share a great number of metabolic capabilities [49]. outside of the cell via the Sec-SRP secretion system (Fig. 3a). Metabolic potentials of Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota Amino acid and nucleotide biosynthesis Inordertoresolvethephysiologicalcapabilitiesencodedin Although Micrarchaeota are able to generate alanine and these genomes (including the four published ARMAN glutamate respectively from pyruvate and aspartate genomes), we used a variety of functional gene database (Fig. 3a), these organisms lack biosynthetic pathways for comparisons for annotation (Materials and methods). other amino acids, and Parvarchaeota lack biosynthetic Though the metabolisms of Micrarchaeota and Parvarch- pathways for all amino acids. However, both phyla encode aeota have been previously predicted based on three gen- for a variety of extracellular (e.g., S16, S53), membrane omes [11]; with a higher number of genomes representing (e.g., M48, M50), and cytoplasmic (e.g., M01, M24) pep- higher phylogenetic diversity, we now have a better tidases and transporters (e.g., amino acid permease) poten- understanding of their metabolic versatility. The metabolic tially allowing them to scavenge amino acids from the potentials of Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota based on all environment and thus to contribute to nitrogen cycling 43 genomes are detailed in the following several sections. (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 8). Both phyla appear to lack genes for de novo biosynthesis of nucleotides from Cell membrane biosynthesis phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP) (Supplementary Fig. 10), albeit some Micrarchaeota might produce PRPP Isoprenoidsareessentialinalllivingorganisms,andvitalforcell from ribose-5-phosphate (Fig. 3a). However, complete wallandmembranebiosynthesis.Asdetectedinotherarchaea, pentose phosphate pathways (for ribose-5-phosphate gen- Micrarchaeotapossessgenesinvolvedinthemevalonatepathway eration) were not detected in these phyla, though some for biosynthesis of isoprenoid precursors (i.e., isopentenyl Micrarchaeota genomes harbored genes for the non- diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate; IPP and DMAPP) oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. To date, complete [50].Additionally,thepresenceofisopentenylphosphatekinase pentosephosphatepathwaysinArchaeahavebeendetected genes indicates that they also have the alternative pathway for in only two Nanohaloarchaea [53, 54] and two Woe- isopentenyl diphosphate synthesis (Supplementary Fig. 9). searchaeota [3]. Consequently, both phyla may acquire Notably,nogenesofthemevalonatepathwayorthemethylery- nucleotides from the environment and/or other community thritol 4-phosphate pathway [51] for IPP and DMAPP bio- members, for survival and cell proliferation, though free synthesisweredetectedinParvarchaeota.However,considering nucleotidesmaybeveryunstableinanacidichabitatwhere theirhighgenomecompleteness(SupplementaryTable4),itis MicrarchaeotaandParvarchaeotaareoftenfound(pHvalue possiblethatthesepathwaysarepresentandtherelatedgenestoo 0.5–4.0; Supplementary Table 2). noveltobeidentifiedviasequencesimilaritycomparison.Alter- natively,theymayobtainisoprenoidsfromtheenvironment. Carbon fixation Stress reponse Noneofthesixknowncarbonfixationpathways/cycleswas detected in the Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota genomes, Many genes related to environmental resistance were likely indicating that both phyla are heterotrophic. How- detected in both phyla, including those for drugs, ever, the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase