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Meta-Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Applications PDF

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META-LEARNING THE ELSEVIER AND MICCAI SOCIETY BOOK SERIES Advisory Board NicholasAyache JamesS.Duncan AlexFrangi HayitGreenspan PierreJannin AnneMartel XavierPennec TerryPeters DanielRueckert MilanSonka JayTian S.KevinZhou Titles Balocco,A.,etal.,ComputingandVisualizationforIntravascularImagingand ComputerAssistedStenting,9780128110188. Dalca,A.V.,etal.,ImagingGenetics,9780128139684. Depeursinge,A.,etal.,BiomedicalTextureAnalysis,9780128121337. Munsell,B.,etal.,Connectomics,9780128138380. Pennec,X.,etal.,RiemannianGeometricStatisticsinMedical ImageAnalysis,9780128147252. Trucco,E.,etal.,ComputationalRetinalImageAnalysis,9780081028162. Wu,G.,andSabuncu,M.,MachineLearningandMedicalImaging,9780128040768. ZhouS.K.,MedicalImageRecognition,SegmentationandParsing,9780128025819. Zhou,S.K.,etal.,DeepLearningforMedicalImageAnalysis,9780128104088. Zhou,S.K.,etal.,HandbookofMedicalImageComputingandComputer AssistedIntervention,9780128161760. JieTian,etal.,RadiomicsandItsClinicalApplication ArtificialIntelligenceandMedicalBigData,978012818101 HaofuLiao,etal.,DeepNetworkDesignforMedicalImageComputing PrinciplesandApplications,9780128243831 META-LEARNING Theory, Algorithms and Applications Edited by L Z AN OU AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 125LondonWall,LondonEC2Y5AS,UnitedKingdom 525BStreet,Suite1650,SanDiego,CA92101,UnitedStates 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom Copyright©2023ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 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This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface ix 4. Optimization-based meta-learning Acknowledgments xi approaches 4.1 Introduction 61 1. Meta-learning basics and background 4.2 LSTMmeta-learner 62 4.3 Model-agnosticmeta-learning 68 1.1 Introduction 1 4.4 Reptile 76 1.2 Meta-learning 2 1.3 Machinelearning 5 4.5 Summary 85 References 85 1.4 Deeplearning 9 1.5 Transferlearning 12 1.6 Few-shotlearning 13 II 1.7 Probabilisticmodeling 14 1.8 Bayesianinference 15 Applications References 18 5. Meta-learning for computer vision I 5.1 Introduction 91 5.2 Imageclassification 96 Theory & mechanisms 5.3 Facerecognitionandfacepresentation attack 123 2. Model-based meta-learning approaches 5.4 Objectdetection 131 5.5 Fine-grainedimagerecognition 137 2.1 Introduction 25 5.6 Imagesegmentation 143 2.2 Memory-augmentedneuralnetworks 26 5.7 Objecttracking 147 2.3 Meta-networks 32 5.8 Labelnoise 157 2.4 Summary 36 5.9 Superresolution 171 References 36 5.10 Multimodallearning 178 5.11 Otheremergingtopics 182 5.12 Summary 194 3. Metric-based meta-learning References 195 approaches 6. Meta-learning for natural language 3.1 Introduction 39 processing 3.2 ConvolutionalSiameseneuralnetworks 41 3.3 Matchingnetworks 44 6.1 Introduction 209 3.4 Prototypicalnetworks 48 6.2 Semanticparsing 212 3.5 Relationnetwork 53 6.3 Machinetranslation 218 3.6 Summary 56 6.4 Dialoguesystem 224 References 56 6.5 Knowledgegraph 230 vii viii Contents 6.6 Relationextraction 239 PartII:Electronichealthrecordsanalysis 312 6.7 Sentimentanalysis 243 8.6 Electronichealthrecords 312 6.8 Emergingtopics 246 6.9 Summary 255 PartIII:Applicationareas 317 References 255 8.7 Cardiology 318 8.8 Diseasediagnostics 321 8.9 Datamodality 324 7. Meta-reinforcement learning 8.10 Futurework 325 References 326 7.1 Backgroundknowledge 267 7.2 Meta-reinforcementlearning 9. Meta-learning for emerging applications: introduction 270 Finance, building materials, graph neural 7.3 Memory 273 7.4 Meta-reinforcementlearning networks,programsynthesis,transportation, methods 274 recommendation systems, and climate 7.5 Rewardsignalsandenvironments 285 science 7.6 Benchmark 286 7.7 Visualnavigation 288 9.1 Introduction 331 7.8 Summary 293 9.2 Financeandeconomics 334 References 294 9.3 Buildingmaterials 339 9.4 Graphneuralnetwork 340 9.5 Programsynthesis 349 8. Meta-learning for healthcare 9.6 Transportation 350 9.7 Cold-startproblemsinrecommendation 8.1 Introduction 299 systems 356 PartI:Medicalimagingcomputing 301 9.8 Climatescience 366 8.2 Imageclassification 302 9.9 Summary 368 8.3 Lesionclassification 304 References 369 8.4 Imagesegmentation 310 8.5 Imagereconstruction 311 Index 375 Preface The idea for this book arrived 1 day rate.” In contrast to AGI, narrow AI means when I was walking on the street, taking a the artificial agent can only tackle one spe- break after a long-lasting experiment with cific task; otherwise, transfer learning or my deep learning computer vision model. I retraining is needed in regimes of varying saw my neighbor’s small public library—an or dissimilar tasks. AGI, on the other hand, old bookshelf standing in his yard with a executes the ability of an artificial agent to sign that said, “Enjoy.” This was my “spark learn or analyze intelligent tasks as human moment” to write this book 4 years ago, beings do; even transcending what they and Ihave appreciated this long journey. can achieve. With the support of deep learning tech- Meta-learning used with deep neural nology, many practical solutions reach networks delivers artificial agents with the remarkable performance in various real- ability to solve diverse tasks, even unseen worldscenarios.In2016,AlphaGoachieved orunknowntasks(orenvironments),relying incredible results in chess-playing with onaverysmallamountofdata(suchaszero humanbeings;however,quicklearningwith to five samples) within only a couple of few samples remains one of the most com- gradientsteps.Examplesofthisarecovered plex and common questions in AI research in Chapter 7, which discusses how meta- and applications. Meta-learning can solve reinforcementlearninghelpsartificialagents these issues. Tracing back to 1987, the achievevisualnavigationinunseentasks(or € “FatherofmodernAI”JurgenSchmidhuber environments), and in Chapter 6, which and 1991 Turing Award recipient Yoshua shows how agents accomplish multilingual Bengiobegantoexploremeta-learning.Since neural machine translation tasks with five 2015, meta-learning has become the most different target languages in low-source attractiveresearch area in AI communities. situations. TalkingattheBBCaboutthefutureofAI, This book reviews and explores 191 StephenHawking,thefamousphysicist,said state-of-the-art meta-learning algorithms, “it would take off on its own and re-design involved in more than 450 crucial research. itself at an ever-increasing rate” (Cellan- Itprovidesasystematicanddetailedinvesti- Jones, R. (2014, December 2). Stephen gationofnineessentialstate-of-the-artmeta- Hawking warns artificial intelligence could learningmechanismsand11real-worldfield end mankind. BBC News. Retrieved from applications. This book attempts to solve https://www.bbc.com/news/technology- common problems from deep learning or 30290540 (Retrieved 7 October 2022).)—this machine learning and presents the basis for concepthasbecomeknownasartificialgen- researching meta-learning on a more com- eral intelligence (AGI). Meta-learning is an plex level.Itoffers answersto the following essential technique to achieve the capacity questions: to “re-design itself at an ever-increasing What ismeta-learning? ix

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