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Preview Messerschmitt Bf 109E (Walk Around No. 34)

5534 Messerschmitt 8f 109E - a r o u n Messerschmitt 8f 109E By Hans-Heiri Stapfer Color by Don Greer Illustrated by Darren Glenn and David Gebhardt -.... . ~® Walk Around Number 34 , squadron/signal publications Introduction COPYRIGHT2004SQUADRON/SIGNALPUBLICATIONS,INC. The Messerschmitt Bf l09E was the backbone of the Luftwaffe fighter force during the IllSCROWLEYDRIVE CARROLLTON,TEXAS75011-5010 Blitzkrieg(LightningWar)campaignsbetween 1939and 1941.ThistypesawcombatinSpain Allrights reserved. Nopartofthis publication may be reproduced, stored inaretrievalsystemortrans with theLegion Condorduring theSpanishCivilWar, participatedin the invasion ofPoland mitted in anyform by meanselectrical,mechanicalorotherwise, withoutwrittenpermissionofthepub- intheFallof1939,andwassuccessfulovertheFrenchskiesinthe 1940WesternEuropecam lisher. ' paign.DuringtheBattleofBritain in thesummerof1940,theEmil(Ein theGermanphonet ISBN0-89747-474-0 ic alphabet) clashedwith theSupermarineSpitfire- the first enemy opponentthat wasequal orsuperiorinperformance.TheBf109EalsosawserviceinNorthAfricaandtheBalkansand Ifyouhaveanyphotographsofaircraft,armor,soldiersorshipsofanynation,particularlywartime participatedinOperationBARBAROSSA,theGermanattackagainsttheSovietUnioninJune snapshots,whynotsharethemwithusandhelpmakeSquadron/Signal'sbooksaUthemoreinter of1941.Bf109Esservedinthefighter-bomberroleontheEasternFrontuntilearly 1944.The esting and complete in the future. Any photograph sent to us will be copied and the original few survivingEmils assignedto trainingunits servedwellintolate 1944. returned.Thedonorwillbefullycreditedforanyphotosused.Pleasesendthemto: The Emil was the first Bf 109 variantpowered by the DB 60lA powerplantdeveloped by Daimler-Benz AG at Stuttgart-Untertiirkheim in Southern Germany. The DB 60lA inverted Squadron/SignalPublications,Inc. 1115CrowleyDrive 12-cylinder,liquid-cooled,inlineenginehadatakeoffratingof1175 HP. Carrollton,TX75011-5010 Thefirst tenpre-seriesBfl09E-Oaircraft weremanufacturedat theMesserschmittplantat Augsburgin Bavaria. Theseaircraft made their initialflights during the secondhalfof1938. ECJIH YBac eCTb <pOTOrpa<pHH CaMOJIeTOB, Boopy)KeHHSI, COJInaT HJIH Thefirst twoproductionBfl09E-ls (WerkNummernlFactory Numbers 1791 and 1792)were manufacturedatAugsburg, whiletheother12Emilsoftheinitialproductionbatchwereman Kopa6JIeH JIl060H cTpaHbI, oc06eHHo, CHHMKH BpeMeH BOHHbI, ufactured at other sub contractors. The Bf 109E-I was armed by four 7.92MM Rheinmetall rrOneJIHTeCb CHaMH H rrOMonITe CneJIaTb HOBbIe KHHrH H3naTeJIbCTBa BorsigMG 17 machineguns: two mounted in the upperfuselage and oneineach wing. The ~CKaJl:POH/CHrHaJIeme HHTepeCHee. Mbl rrepeCHHMeM BallIH Bfl09E-1/BJagdbomber(Fighter-Bomber)carriedone500KG (1102pound)bomb,one250 <pOTorpa<pHH H BepHeM opHrHHaJIbI. J1MeHa rrpHCJIaBIIIHX CHHMKH 6ynyT COrrpOBO)KnaTb Bce orry6JIHKOBaHHble <pOTorpa<pHH. Dedication: Ilo)KaJIyHcTa, rrpHCblJIaHTe <pOTorpa<pHH rro anpecy: This bookisrespectfullydedicated toBavaria, the mostbeautifulpartofGermany. Onlyin Bavaria are hungry tourists served with plenty offood like Knodel (dumplings) and Eisbein Squadron/SignalPublications,Inc. (pig'sknuckles)onhugeplateswithanever-endingflowofbeer.Paradiseonearthhasaname 1115CrowleyDrive - Bavaria. Carrollton,TX75011-5010 Acknowledgements '!ll'Jijt~L ~f'Il.!l!jiljL ~±. '!ll'Mi~c(1)¥1iz.FJTf.'TLl i::i~h.Qj)l;l:~'~"'JL~~'i 1t~i)' ? c(1)l!I(1) b(1)-Cbf:liWil'T. tF~'*'1:~Jj~ht.: t (1)iPI~I:~~'(1)l·T. Squadron/Signal:f!:(1)t!JJi&T.QflJ:rr~ Anumberoffellow friends andorganizationscontributedto thisWalkAround. Myspecial l:i::i~'l. .::(1).,):-3~¥1iI;l:I*J~ z.-I!!I1C~ L. ~1J;fci*<T.Q'::i:: ;/),-l'~ iT. ~j)l:i::imI)11I~'t.: thanks to Andrea Lareida and Roland KUng of the Swiss Air Force Museum at DUbendorf, ¥1iI;l:, :fi¥(1)f.&i::i~L~'t.:LiT. t!JJi&~'*'I:¥1iz.M!JijLt.::tjJ,.g.I;l:.~·TfRof:!li~(1)i::i~j]rjz.8Jj~c Switzerland for assisting me on matters with the Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 on exhibit there. ~1tll1l~iT. i::i¥;!!W"Hcl:,::'ml1<t!~~'o WalterHodeltookmanydetailpicturesthatIwas unabletotake. Iexpress mysincerethanks to anumberofpeoplewho assistedmeinwritingthisvolume: Squadron/SignalPublications,Inc. DanAntoniu OdonHorvath HeinzRiediger 1115CrowleyDrive HeinzBirkholz ZdenekHurt SHAA Carrollton,TX75011-5010 StephanBoshniakov ImperialWarMuseumLondon HaroldThiele (FrontCover) Hauptmann(Captain)JoachimMunchenberg'sBf109E-7(White 12)shoots JozefAnd'al WernerHeinzerling IvoZetik downaYugoslavBf109E-3(L-26)on6April 1941.TheGermanfighterwas assignedto7 RuediBUhler ViktorKulikov HansObert Staffel (Squadron) of JG 26 (Jagdgeschwader, Fighter Wing) 'Schlageter' during the German invasionofYugoslavia(Operation MARITA). PhilButler Jean-Yves Lorant Bundesarchiv, Germany BeritCachay Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm SmithsonianInstitution (Previous Page) Switzerland was the first and the largest Bf 109E-3 export customer, DeutschesMuseum (MBB) SwissFederalArchives receiving 80aircraft in 1939and 1940.The near Bf109E-3(J-326; WerkNummertFactory MUnchen(Munich) MilanMicevski Milan Krajci Number2174)wasassignedtothe SchweizerFliegertruppe(SwissAirForce)between27 June1939and28December1948.TheGermansdeliveredtheadjoining Bf109E-3(J-350; Hans Holzer DusanMikolas StanislavBursa WerkNummer2407) on26 October1939.This Messerschmittwas written off in an emer ECPA Andrzej Morgala Boris Sudny gency landing on 1 October 1946 after 365 flying hours. (Swiss Air Force Museum via ManfredGriehl National ArchivesWashington Roland Kung) GeorgHoch Willy Radinger (Back Cover) MajorAdolf Galland climbs out of his Bf 109E-4/N(WerkNummer5819) in Author's Note: Federal Standard (FS) color numbers were developed afterWorld WarTwo Francein mid-1940.GallandcommandedIII. Gruppe(Group)ofJG26duringtheBattleof and theirusehereissolelyan approximation. Britain. The Bf 109E was the most important German fighter in the Blitzkrieg (LightningWar)campaignsinPolandand the West. The Emilalso saw action dur ingtheBattleofBritain,overtheBalkans, and as a fighter-bomber over the Soviet Union. This Regensburg-built Bf 109E-4 (WerkNummer1785) belongstotheStab (Staff) of JG 27 (Jagdgeschwader; Fighter Wing), whose insignia is painted on the forward fuselage. The Black and White Geschwader Adjutant (Wing Second-in-Command) marking painted on the engine cowling usually appeared onthemid-fuselage. (ECPA) KG(551 pound)bomb,orfour50KG (110pound) bombsonafuselage mountedbombrack.In dard. The Germans allocated 15 Bf109E-4s to the Vz (Slovak Air Arm), where they served Augustof1940, mostofthe remaining Bf109E-1s were upgraded to eitherE-3, E-4, orE-7 until 1944.AfewBf109E-4sweredeliveredtotheAeronauticaRegalaRomana(ARR;Royal standard. TheBf109E-1 was manufactured atMesserschmittAG's Regensburg plant, Arado Romanian AirForce) and the Vazdushni Voyski (VV; Royal Bulgarian Air Force). Germany Flugzeugwerke GmbH at Warnemtinde, Gerhard Fieseler Werke GmbH at Kassel shipped 12Bf109E-4s toJapanbetween 1940and 1941. Bettenhausen,andAktienGesellschajtOtto(AGO)atOschersleben.AGOwasasubsidiaryof TheBfl09E-5 was ashort-rangereconnaissanceversionand the 29examplesbuiltdeleted theconglomerateAllgemeineElektricitiits-Gesellschajt(AEG).Thefourfactoriescombinedto thetwowingcannonandhadaCarlZeissRb21/18camerawith300exposuresoffilm mount produceapproximately 1183Bf109E-1s.GermanydeliveredthreeBf109E-1stotheVzdusne edin therearfuselage. ThenineBfl09E-6s weremakeshiftreconnaissanceaircraftbasedon zbrane (Vz;SlovakAirArm) inJulyof1942 theBf109E-3. TheE-6 wasequipped with a 1275 HPDB 601Nengine,four 7.92MMMG 17 Jagdgeschwader 54 (JG 54; Fighter Wing) was the first Luftwaffe unit to receive the machineguns(twointhefuselageandoneineachwing),andanRb 12,517hand-heldcamera. MesserschmittBfl09E-3 in the fall of1939. Two 20MM MG FFcannon replaced.the wing TheBfl09E-7 sub-variant was identical to the E-4, with the added capabilityfor eithera mounted MG 17 machine guns. This cannon was developed by the Swiss company 300L (79 gallon)fuel drop tankorbombs on an ETC 50orETC 500bomb rack. Its spinner WerkzeugmaschinenfabrikOerlikonatZurichandbuiltunderlicensebyRheinmetall-Borsig. usuallyhadapointedtipinsteadofhavingtheMGFFcannonapertureonearliervariants.The Installation ofthis cannon and theT-60 FF60-roundammunition drum required alargeblis Bf109E-7wasequippedwiththreeoxygenbottlesinsteadofonlytwoasonpreviousversions. teron the lower wing surface. While the entire wing mounted MG 17s wereenclosedwithin The ARR, VV, and the Vz were the sole export customers for the Bf 109E-7. The the wing, theOerlikonweapon's barrels protrudedfrom theleadingedge.Thefuselage struc Bfl09E-7/Nhadanadditionaloxygenbottleandotherequipmentforhigh-altitudeoperations. turewasalsostrengthened.TheBf109E-3becamebyfarthemostproducedEmilvariant,with TheBf109E-7/ZwaspoweredbyaDB 601NwithaGM-1 'Mona' boostersystem.Thissys approximately 1246aircraft built by six plants. WienerNeustiidterFlugzeugwerke (WNF) at tem increased engine power by approximately 280HPat altitudes exceeding 8000 M(26,247 Wiener Neustadt, Austria and Erla Maschinenwerk GmbH at Leipzig-Heiterb1ick, Saxony, feet), which resulted in approximately 100KMH (62 MPH) greaterspeed. Approximately 1735 Germanyjoinedthefourfactories thatproducedtheearlierBf109E-l onE-3production.The Bf109E-7swereeitherbuiltorconvertedfrom earlierE-lsandE-3s. Bf 109E-3 was the first variant of this Messerschrnitt fighter to be exported. Switzerland Approximately 60Bf109E-1s wereconverted to Bfl09E-8s, with a300L drop tank. The became the first and largest customer, with 80 aircraft delivered in 1939 and 1940. Other Bf l09E-9 was a long-range, high-altitude reconnaissance version developed from the Bf109E-3sweresenttoRomania, Slovakia, theSovietUnion, Spain,and Yugoslavia. Bf 109E-7. This varianthad aCarl Zeiss Rb 50130 camerawithfilm for 380 exposures. The The Bf l09E-4 followed the E-3 version into production in late 1940. This new variant Bf109E-9becamethelastEmilsub-variantbuilt. included aredesigned canopy with heavierframing, which was simpler to produce. An 8MM Approximately4722Bf109Eswerebuiltbetween 1938andMarch 1941.(Exactproduction armorplate was added to the canopy aft ofthe pilot's seatfor head and shoulderprotection. totalsareunknown,sincetheirrecords weredestroyedduringthewar.)TheLuftwaffeaccept This modification was introduced based on lessons from the Polish and French campaigns. ed thelastEmilintoserviceinJune of1941.Theyremained infighter-bomberserviceon the Several Bf 109E-1s and E-3s were retrofitted with the cockpit section armor plate. The Eastern Frontthrough thefall of1944. Many survivingEmits were assigned to pilotschools, improved performance 20MM MG FF/M cannon replaced the similar MG FF on the E-4. where they servedwell intothelatestagesofGermany'scollapseand defeatin Mayof1945. Approximately496Bf109E-4swerebuilt,notincludingearlieraircraftretrofittedtothisstan- 3 A Bf109E-3(Black3)restsonanairstripinFranceduringtheBattleofBritaininthesum (Above) This Aeronautica Regalii Romanii (ARR; Royal Romanian Air Force) Bf 109E-3 merof1940.This Emilis painted inthestandard Luftwaffefightercamouflage ofRLM70 (64; WerkNummer704)hadanadditional8MMarmorplatefitted intherearcanopyframe. Schwarzgriin (Black Green; FS34050) and RLM 71 Dunkelgriin (Dark Green; FS34079) Thisadditionalarmorwas installedasafrontline modification. MostARR Emilswerefor above RLM 65 Hellblau (Light Blue; FS35352). The height of the upper and lower color mer Luftwaffeaircraftrefurbished bythe Amme LutherSeckCompanybeforedeliveryto demarcation linewas typical for a III. Gruppe(3rd Group)JG 26 Emil. Flags of Luftwaffe Romania.ThisBf109E-3wasassignedto Grupul7vaniitoare(7thFighterGroup). Nellais flying units were predominantly Golden Yellow, which was the arm-of-service color for painted inWhite ontheenginecowling.TheMichael'sCrossnational insigniawasintro such units.A spotting periscopestands intheforeground. (MBB) ducedonall ARR aircraft in mid-Mayof1941.Thisconsisted offourwhite-bordered blue 'Ms' arranged in a cross pattern and filled with Yellow. A roundel in (from center) Blue, Yellow, and Red was located in the center. The 'M' stood for Mihai (Michael), the King of Romania. RLM 04 Gelb (Yellow; FS33538) engine cowlings,wingtips,and rearfuselagebandsidentifiedAxisaircraftoperat ing on the Eastern Front. Donald Duck- this Group's unofficial insignia is painted on the rear fuselage. This Bf 109E-3 was flown to the IAR (industria AeronauticiiRomanii; Romanian Aeronautical Industry) factory at Brasov(Kronstadt)for repairsinJulyof1942.Itlaterparticipated inthe battle of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in 1942-43. The tail of the sole IAR-47 reconnaissance aircraft prototype built at Brasov appears in the background.(Dan Antoniu) (Left) Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant) Werner Schroer flies his Bf109E-7/Trop(Black8) overthe Libyan coast in April of 1941. This par ticularEmilbelongedtoI. GruppeofJG27.TheWing'semblemwaspaint edontheenginecowling.ThisBf109E-7/TropisfinishedintheLuftwaffe's NorthAfricancamouflageofRLM79Sandgelb(SandYellow; FS30215)and RLM 80 Olivgriin(OliveGreen; FS34052)overRLM78Hellblau(LightBlue; FS35414). A tropical sand filterwas mounted in front ofthe supercharger airintake.TheRLM21 Weiss(White; FS37886)aftfuselagebandappeared on AxisaircraftoperatingovertheMediterranean and NorthAfrica.(MBB) A formation of Bf 109E-3s assigned to Flieger Staffel 8 (8th Flying Squadron) cruise over the Alps. It is believed that this photograph was taken on the last flight of an Emil in Swiss Air Force operational service in 1949. Switzerland's air force was called the Fliegertruppe before 1946, when it was renamed the Flugwaffe. The near Bf 109E-3 (J-397) was built by Doflug at Altenrhein,Switzerlandfromsparepartsfound in FliegertruppearsenalsaftertheendofWorldWar Two. The Swiss did not assign Werk Nummern (Factory Numbers) to the Emilsthey assembled fromspareparts.TheFliegertruppeacceptedthis particular Bf 109E-3 on 7 December 1945. The Red and White neutrality stripes were painted onlyonthe wings. Thesestripesandthe nation al insignia were removed from the rear fuselage afterthe conflict. J-397was withdrawn from ser vice on 28 December 1949. (Max Brenneisen via Roland Kung) A Fliegertruppe Bf 109E-3 (J-326; Werk Nummer2174) is parked during the summer of 1940.TheSwissacceptedthis Emilfrom Germanyon 27June1939.Itwas in atwotone This Bf 109E-3 (J-350; Werk Nummer 2407) belonged to the second series of Emils green upper surface camouflage of RLM 70 Black Green and RLM 71 Dark Green. This MesserschmittbuiltatitsRegensburgplantfortheSwissAirForce.TheseBf109E-3were originalGermancamouflagewassoonreplacedbytheSwissKW2color,whichwassim deliveredwith RLM70BlackGreenuppersurfacesand RLM65LightBlueundersurfaces. ilarto RLM 70. The White cross was painted on a Red disc on the wing uppersurfaces, The Fliegertruppeaccepted J-350on 26 October1939.Itwas photographed during exer whilethissamecrosswasplacedonaRedsquareonthefuselagesidesandwingunder cisesinWesternSwitzerlandinthesummerof1940.(SwissAirForceMuseumviaRoland surfaces.TheFliegertrupperemoved'J-326fromserviceon28December1948.(SwissAir Kling) Force Museumvia Roland Kling) Bf109E-1sareassembled atthe Messerschmitt plantat Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany. SeveralLegionCondorBf109E-3s,including6-112(front)and6-121,areparkedlateinthe Nocamouflage was applied, butthe Balkenkreuz(Beam Cross) national insigniaandthe Spanish Civil War in early 1939. The Zylinderhut (top hat) insignia denoted 2. Staffel firsttwo lettersofthefour-letter Stammkennzeichen(Root Markings)codeweresprayed (Squadron) of the Legion's JIBB (Jagdgruppe; Fighter Group). This Emirs scheme con onthefuselage ofmanyaircraft.(MBB) sisted of RLM 62 Griin(Green; FS36165) upper surfaces and RLM 65 Light Blue under surfaces.Thewingtips and rudderareWhite, thelatterwith aBlackdiagonal cross. The Black lowerfuselage trim for covering exhauststains was typical for Emilsdeployed to AmechanicoverhaulsaBf109E-1 ofanunknownwing's5.Staffel,II.Gruppe(2ndGroup). Spain.(HaroldThiele) AWhite-outlined RLM 23 Rot(Red; FS31140) horizontal barispainted aftofthefuselage Balkenkreuz.ThisEmilwaspaintedwith RLM70BlackGreen uppersurfacesand RLM65 This Bf 109E-1 was assigned to a Werkschutzstaffel (Factory Protection Squadron) Light Blueundersurfaces.TheLuftwaffeemployedthisstyleofBalkenkreuz, with narrow defending the Gerhard Fieseler Werke GmbH production plant at Kassel, Germany. White outlines on upperand lowerwing surfaces until late September of 1939.(Manfred Fieseler builtthe Emilunderlicensefrom MesserschmittAG. This unit remained in exis Griehl) tencebetween16October1939and7August1940.TheMesserschmittinsigniawaspaint ed onthe enginecowling, while the nearby Rstood forthis Emirs pilot, Anton Riediger. HelaterbecameanacceptancepilotfortheLuftwaffe, handingovernewlymanufactured Bf109s.(HeinzRiediger) Messerschmitt 8f 109E-1 The Bf 109E-I was the first large-scale production variant powered by the Dairnler Do Benz DB 60lA engine. It was armed with two fuselage-mounted 7.92MM Rheinmetall o 0 Borsig MG 17 machine guns in the fuselage and two wing-mounted MG 17s. Thefirst two Emils left the assembly line in November of 1938. Many Bf 109E-ls were subse quently upgradedto theE-3 standard. Messerschmitt 8f 109E-3 (Early) ThefirstBf109E-3wasdeliveredinthefallof1939andthisbecamethemostproduced Do Emilsub-variant.TheSwiss-developed,German-builtRheinmetall-Borsig20MMMGFF o 0 cannon replaced the wing-mountedMG 17 machineguns. A blisterplacedon the lower wingsurfaceaccommodatedtheweaponand its60-roundTrommelT-60FFammunition drum. Messerschmitt 8f 109E-3 (Modified) Duringits operational service, Bf 109E-3 canopy center sections were field modified Do with an 8MM armor plate mounted behind the pilot's seat. Some Bf109E-3s also had a o 0 58MM bulletproof windshield mounted in front of the standard windshield. These two modifications were performed by frontline modification centers, not on the production line. Messerschmitt 8f 109E-4/Trop The Bf109E-4 received a modified front canopy with heavierframing and an armor Do plate behind the cockpit seaton the production line. Two improved 20MM Rheinmetall o 0 Borsig(Oerlikon)MGFFfMcannonweremountedinthewings,replacingtheearlierMG FFs.Bf109E-4smodifiedfortheNorthAfricantheaterofoperationswereequippedwith asandfilteronthesuperchargerintake.ThefirstBf109E-4/Trops(tropenbestiindig; trop icalized)weredeliveredtoJG27 inAprilof1941. Messerschmitt 8f 109E-7/8 TheBf109E-7'~propellerspinnerusuallyhadapointedtipratherthan havingtheMG Do FFcannon apertureon earliersub-variants. TheBf109E-7/B was afighter-bomber ver o 0 sion, which had oneETC 50 orETC 500 bomb rack mounted under the fuselage. This variantwasalso ableto carrya300L (79gallon)droptankinplaceofordnance. 7 Deutsches Museum Bf 109E-3 TheBf109E-3displayedattheDeutschesMuseum (GermanMuseum)at Munich, Bavaria, Germany is the oldestexistingEmil onexhibit. This air craft (Werk NummeriFactory Number 790) was built at the Erla MaschinenwerkGmbHfactory atLeipzig-Heiterblickin Saxony, Germany in early 1939. Erla Maschinenwerk GmbH was one ofseveral companies thatbuilttheEmilunderlicensefromMesserschrnittAG. TheaircraftwasshippedtoSpain,wheretheEmilsawactionwith2.Staffel (2ndSquadron)ofJ/88 (Jagdgruppe; FighterGroup),LegionCondor. (This Germanair-groundLegionsupportedNationalistforces during theSpanish Civil War of 1936-39.) The code 6·106 was assigned to this particular Bf109E-3.(Thiswasthe106thBf109- typecodenumber6- inNationalist service.) The Germans turned this Bf 109E-3 over to the Ejercito delAire (EdA; Spanish Air Force) at Leon Air Base after the Spanish Civil War endedon29March 1939.This Emilhadonly25flighthours atthetime. TheEdAassignedthenewserialnumberCAE-106tothisBf109E-3.CAE (Caza; Fighter) was the newSpanishdesignationfor theBf109E.Itserved with several EdA Squadrons until it was damaged in a 'belly' (wheels-up) This Bf 109E-3(WerkNummer790) is displayed at the Deutsches Museum (German Museum) at Mu'nich, landingin 1946.Thisfighterwasrepaired,butdidnotflyagain. Itservedas Bavaria, Germany. It is the the oldest existing Emil on exhibit. Erla Maschinenwerk GmbH at Leipzig a ground instructional airframe at Logrogno Air Base until 1959. This Heiterblick, Saxony, Germany builtthis aircraft in early 1939and it sawaction in the Spanish Civil War. A Bf109E-3 was the sole originalMesserschmitt-builtfighter in theEjercito clear plastic panel replaced a section of the port skin to reveal the cockpit interior. A Swiss Air Force delAireinventoryatthetime. Fieseler Fi 156 Storch(A-96; WerkNummer4299)- donatedtothe Museum in 1965- hangsfrom the ceil TheSpanishAirMinistrydonated CAE-106 to theDeutschesMuseum in ing. September of 1960. This was done on the request of Professor Willy The Deutsches Museum loaned their Bf 109E-3 to JG 74 of the Bundesluftwaffe at Neuburg-Donau in Messerschmitt, the Bf109'sdesigner, who worked with Hispano Aviaci6n November of 1973. This was for a ceremony in which this Wing received the traditional name 'Molders.' SA in Sevilla, Spain after World War Two. (This firm built a modified Duringthisoccasion,theformerSpanishAirForceaircraftwaspaintedtorepresentan Emilflown byMajor Bf 109 as the HA 1109 fighter for the EdA between 1945 and 1958.) WernerMolders, KommodoreofJG51 duringthe Battleof Britain inthesummerof1940. HispanoAviaci6nrefurbishedtheBf109E-3 andpainteditin themarkings ofJG26(Jagdgeschwader; FighterWing) 'Schlageter'duringtheBattleof Britainin 1940. AHakenkreuz (swastika) was paintedon both sides ofthe verticalstabilizer,butthiswasoverpaintedandtheStammkennzeichen(ferry marking) AJ+YHapplied beforetheaircraftwasdisplayedinGermany. InNovemberof1973,JG74oftheBundesluftwaffe(FederalGermanAir Force) was christened 'Molders,' after thefamous World WarTwo Bf109 aceWernerMolders.TheDeutschesMuseum'sBf109E-3wasloanedtothe Wing - then equipped with Lockheed F-104G Starfighters - at Neuburg DonauAirBaseforthenamingceremony.Itwaspaintedinthemarkingsof anEmilMajorMOldersflew whileKommodoreofJG51 duringthesummer of1940.Thefalse WerkNummer2804was also paintedon thevertical tail. ThisBf109E-3 wasreturned to theDeutschesMuseum afterthis ceremony and is now on permanent exhibit, still painted in the markings ofWerner MOlders' aircraft. The JG 51 insignia is painted on the engine cowling ofthe Bf109E-3 displayed at Munich. This unit insigniawas applied in Novemberof 1973,when this particularaircraftwas on loantoJG 74's home baseatNeuburg-Donau.JG74flewtheLockheed F-l04GStarfighteratthattime; in2004,theybegan transitioning from McDonnell DouglasF-4FPhantom listoEurofighterTyphoons. The Bf 109E-3's Daimler-Benz DB 601A inline engineturned athree-bladed VDM propeller. This all metal, variable pitch propellerwas3.1 M(10feet2inches) in diameter.The pilotelectricallyadjusted theblades'pitchthroughatwo-wayswitch.Thisswitchsentinputstothepitchgovernorthatchanged each blade's pitch. Oil is discharged through a rectangular opening on the nose undersurface, immediately aft of the propeller spinner. Two drop-shaped fairings for coolant piping flankthe lower nosesides.The DeutschesMuseumremoved partoftheradiatorfairingto reveal its interior.Theopened radiatorexitflap is placed immediately aft of the radiator. Cooling airtunnels in front of the exhauststacksweretypical fortheDaimler-Benz-powered Bf109E-3. 9

The Messerschmitt Bf 109E was the backbone of the Luftwaffes fighter force from the Invasion of Poland, the battle for France and the Low Countries, the Battle of Britain, and the Invasion of Russia. Bf 109Es even took part in the Spanish Civil War with the Condor Legion. This title gives a comprehe
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