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Messages from the hollow earth PDF

106 Pages·2003·1.772 MB·English
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Copyright 2003 by Dianne Robbins ISBN# Library of Congress Catalog Card Number I CLAIM EARTH(cid:146)S COPYRIGHT for these messages in the name of Mikos. The channeled messages in this book contain Spiritual Truths For the elevation of human consciousness. SPIRITUAL TRUTH IS FREE. It is our birthright! You are encouraged to reprint in publications or copy and disseminate these messages without permission, provided they are not altered, and the title and author are included. Messages from the Hollow Earth Is published and distributed by: Dianne Robbins Box 10945 Rochester, NY 14610-0945 USA 585.442.4437 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] http://www.onelight.com $18 Postage: $4 USA, $4 Canada, $7 international Dedication In deepest Love and Gratitude I dedicate this book to my Eternal Friend Mikos from the Library of Porthologos inside the HOLLOW EARTH. In Appreciation Eric Karagounis, who also channels Mikos, and assists me with the distribution of my Telos book. San Francisco, CA [email protected] Noelle and Masaru Takahashi, originators of the (cid:147)Patterns of Light(cid:148) tools and techniques for transformation for the New Era. Salinas, CA 831.449.2467 [email protected] Martin L. K., for assistance with my Telos book. Sausalito, California. Edward Rice, Multidimensional Healer & 21st Century Shaman. Santa Fe, NM, www.edwardrice.com 505.989.4131 Richard Bryant, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Geomancer and Teacher. Founder of the Freeman School in Portland, Oregon, www.adinfinitum.org 503.493.4245 Rakesh Maniktala, Haridwar, India, on the foothills of the Himalayas. www.geocities.com/ancientscience Acknowledgements A very special thanks to Lawrence Frank Who has come forth to assist me in the publication of my books. His immense support has made these messages from the world below available to the world above. To Suzanne Mattes Bennett For the Welcoming message from Mikos. To Eric Karagounis For contributing his message from Mikos. To Tim Swartz For designing the front cover of this book. To Greg Gavin For his artistic, graphic and technical skills in helping me design the back cover of this book, and for creating our website: ONELIGHT.com To my mother Selma A rare combination of wisdom, love and graciousness that overflows abundantly to all. To my grandson Ryan The center of my universe. To Patricia Mannix For her help in formatting this book. (cid:148)Open yourselves up to the existence of other life existing beside you on your home planet and you will be able to explore all the wonders that truly do exist inside this globe you call Earth.(cid:148) Mikos (cid:147)These messages are(cid:160)from people actually living inside the Hollow Earth, and they bring to life all the research I(cid:146)ve done and the books I(cid:146)ve published.(cid:148)(cid:160) Timothy Green Beckley, Presi- dent, Global Communications. (cid:147)There is more to this planet than meets the eye.(cid:160) This book contains a description of a world within a world that has been spoken of by writers such as John Uri Lloyd, Raymond Bernard, John Cleves Symmes, and Edgar Rice Burroughs.(cid:160) In the messages in this book, the description of this world comes from those who would know the most(cid:133)those who actually live there.(cid:148) BRANTON, Hollow Earth Researcher. (cid:147)This book offers a personal insight into the realm of the Inner Earth.(cid:160) In my own experiences with the Inner Earth, I saw myself in a vast library, which contained among other sources, the entire contents of the ancient Library of Alexandria. In this book, Dianne also talks about an inner earth library called (cid:147)Porthologos(cid:148), which Mikos said contained the contents of the Li- brary of Alexandria.(cid:160) This certainly is a touch point we share in our experience of the Inner Earth.(cid:148) Rev. Maia Christianne+, Akashic Translator and Digital Spirit Artist. Spirit Heart Sanc- tuary. (cid:147)Explore at depth the lifestyle and society of another advanced civilization that already reached the ascended state of consciousness that is our human destiny.(cid:148) Mikos Table of Contents 1. Introduction 10 Preface 11 A Word from the Author 13 Explanation of our Hollow Earth 16 Drawing of Hollow Earth, by Max Fyfield 17 Introduction from Adama 19 Welcome (through Suzanne Mattes Bennett) 21 You Have Waited Thousands of Years 2. The Library of Porthologos 23 Holds the Records of the Universe 23 Guides the Evolution of the Planet 24 Purpose of Library of Porthologos 26 Inter-Dimensional Portal 3. Our Galactic Connection 30 Story of the Hollow Earth Inhabitants 31 We Once Lived on Another Solar System 33 All Planets Have Openings 34 Adama Talks About Inner Earth Beings 4. Space Portals and Travel 36 We Travel Through Our Portals 36 Spaceports Inside the Earth 37 We Travel Freely Inside our Globe 38 We Come and Go Through the Poles 40 Our Portals Lead to All Star Systems 42 Portal to the Sun 5. Free Energy and Abundance 44 Earth Provides Free Sources of Energy 45 Harmony Restores the Flow of Abundance 6. Technology 47 Our Technology Advances our Civilization 48 Electrons Remain Intact in our Water 49 We Store Our Records on Telonium Plates 7. Uncovering Our Existence 50 We Are The Diamonds and You are the Miners 51 Library is in a Huge, Carved Out Cavity 52 Our Haven Underground 8. Time, Telepathy, and Consciousness 58 Time is Determined by Level of Consciousness 60 You Have More than Five Senses 62 There is No Delay in Telepathic Transmissions 64 Telepathy 65 You Are the Knower of All 9. Cures for Pollution and Diseases 66 Once Your Pollution is Cleared Up 67 Cure for All Diseases is Already Known 68 Protect Your Newborn 69 A Great Dispensation Has Just Been Granted 10. Evolution is the Solution, 9-11-2001 72 911 Was Call for Help 73 Inner Planes Electoral Vote 76 We Monitor the Milky Way Galaxy 77 Sleeping Giants of Yore 79 European Euro 80 Confusion and Turmoil on the Surface 81 Peace Is the Answer 11. Our Immortality 83 We Don(cid:146)t Age 85 We Have the Eyes of Falcons 85 Frequently Asked Questions 12. Our Oceans and Beaches 88 Our Water is Alive with Consciousness 89 Our Water Talks 91 Inner Earth Sanctuaries to all Marine Life 13. Food and Elements of Nature 93 Earth Gives All Life a Home to Evolve On 95 Food Takes on the Mass Consciousness 99 Our Fields of Grains 14. Our Environment and Weather 101 How do you Control the Weather? 103 Oceans and Mountains 104 Our Weather, Tunnels and Spaceports 106 Tunnel Map 15. Our Homes 107 Our Buildings are Round 107 Jewels, Diamonds, and Crystals 109 We Live Inside Caverns 111 Inner Earth Caverns - Humanity(cid:146)s New Home 16. DNA and Inner Doors of Consciousness 113 All People are from the Same DNA Blueprint 115 Feel Your Heart As It Beats 115 Living Library of Knowledge is Within You 17. Synchronicity, Imagination, and Rebirth 119 Synchronicity and Unity Consciousness 122 Your Internal Light 123 Imagination is the Substance of the Universe 125 Spring of Rebirth 126 A New Golden Age 128 Return of Christ Consciousness 18. The Earth and Crystals 130 Our Earth Herself is a Crystal 132 Everything is Constructed of Crystals 137 Earth is Showcase of Milky Way Galaxy 19. Confederation of Planets 140 We Are an Arm of the Creator 141 The Great Rebirthing 142 Are All Planets Hollow? 142 Our Computer System Links Us 143 We Trees are the Ground Crew 20. Ascension 145 Earth Shifting into Higher Dimensions 146 All Life Forms Opting for Ascension 147 Timelines for Earth(cid:146)s Ascension 148 Solar Flares 148 Critical Mass 151 Quickening the Soul 152 Love is the Key 21. Reunion-A Journey in Consciousness 154 Your Journey Home 155 Drama in Optical Illusion 156 Message to Dianne 158 Crossing Over Dimensions 22. How To Connect With Us 159 Universal Linkage 159 We Have Established a Link 160 Points of Emergence 163 We Hope You Will Hasten to Our Call 23. Earth(cid:146)s Glorious Future 165 Stick Around (through Eric Karagounis) 24. Addendum 167 About the City of Telos 169 Secrets of the Subterranean Cities 175 The Ashtar Galactic Command 179 The Smoky God 180 Admiral Richard Byrd(cid:146)s Flight 184 Telos: Hollow Earth & Underground Cities 186 The Call Goes Out: Earth(cid:146)s Cetaceans 188 About the Author 25. Resources 190 Hollow Earth Researchers 190 Hollow Earth Books 192 Hollow Earth Websites 194 Maia(cid:146)s Image of Mikos 195 Spirit-Art 196 Greg(cid:146)s Drawing of Mikos 197 Portrait of Adama 1. Introduction Preface Not too long ago humanity believed that the world was flat and that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Humanity was so sure of this that it became an established (cid:145)fact(cid:146). When Galileo presented evidence that proved the Earth revolved around the Sun, he was not only ridiculed but he was imprisoned because his findings were such a radical(cid:160)departure from accepted thought. A similar situation exists today with the new revelation that the Earth is HOLLOW at its core. Hollow Earth Researchers* have presented evidence, based on their research of how planets are formed, that our Earth is not solid as our textbooks have taught us to believe. This book is about the greatest revelation in history by stating that not only is the Earth(cid:146)s core Hollow, but it is INHABITED by highly evolved human beings who are communicating their existence to us. Will humanity be open to this new revelation about the Earth, or will they ridicule it because it is not in our textbooks? Lawrence Frank March 3, 2003 *Information about Hollow Earth Researchers can be found in chapter 25. A Word from the Author In the early 1990(cid:146)s, I read a newsletter* about a woman named Sharula, who was born in Telos, a Subterranean City located beneath Mt. Shasta, California, and who came to our surface in the 1960(cid:146)s. She now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her husband Shield. In the years before moving to Santa Fe, she was known in the Mt. Shasta area as Bonnie. In Sharula(cid:146)s newsletter, she wrote about life in Telos and about the other Subterranean Cities that exist beneath the Earth(cid:146)s surface*. She wrote about the Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, named Adama. Shortly after my reading about Adama, he contacted me telepathi- cally and asked me if I would take his messages. You see, our thoughts go out into the Uni- verse and instantly connect us to whomever we think about. Adama began to dictate messages to me and some of his messages were about their connec- tion to the Hollow Earth, which created an (cid:145)opening(cid:146) for me to receive messages from Mikos, who lives in the city of Catharia, located beneath the Aegean Sea, inside the Hollow Earth. Those messages from Adama and Mikos were published in 2000, in my second book entitled TELOS: The Call Goes Out from the HOLLOW EARTH and the UNDERGROUND CITIES. After my TELOS book (messages from both Adama in Telos and some messages from Mikos) was published, I was talking to Adama one day, when Mikos got on the line. It was a 3-way conference call. Mikos asked if I would take more messages from him, and publish them in another book of messages exclusively from the Hollow Earth. Messages from the Hollow Earth is the sequel to my TELOS book. It contains all the new messages that I have been receiving from Mikos in the three years since the TELOS publication. It goes down deeper and explores further the cavity of the Earth, illuminating the other civilizations that reside inside our hol- low planet. Its thrust is to bring you the reader, to its innermost core, where you can explore at depth the lifestyle and society of another advanced civilization that already reached the as- cended state of consciousness that is our human destiny. Over the centuries our perception and knowledge have greatly expanded regarding the na- ture of the universe. Modern astronomy has shown our solar system to be (cid:145)just another one(cid:146) in the arms of our Milky Way Galaxy(cid:133)which in turn is just one of the billions of galaxies in this vast and expanding universe. Advent of time, and progress of science have broken many myths. Now is the time for breaking yet another MYTH (cid:150) that of a solid Earth. The information I read about Sharula and Telos in the newsletter is in chapter 24. Explanation of our Hollow Earth Not just our Earth, but all planets are hollow! Planets are formed by hot gases thrown from a sun into an orbit, and the shell of planets is created by gravity and centrifugal forces and the POLES REMAIN OPEN and lead to a hollow interior. This process forms a hollow sphere with an Inner Sun, smoky in color, which gives off soft and pleasant full spectrum sunlight, making the inside surface highly conducive to growth of vegetation and human life(cid:133)with only a long-long day and no nights. The HOLLOW EARTH BEINGS are very spiritually evolved and technologically advanced, and live inside the interior core of our Hollow Earth. These advanced civilizations live in peace and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which contains an Inner Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in their pristine state. The Hollow Earth cavity is still in its pristine state because they don(cid:146)t walk or build upon their land. There are no buildings, shopping malls or highways. They travel in electromagnetic vehicles that levitate a few inches above ground. They walk along streams, rivers, and oceans

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