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Mesozoic alkaline volcanism and mantle evolution of the Southwestern Sao Francisco Craton,Brazil. PDF

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) ------ L MESOZOIC ALKALINE VOLCANISM AND MANTLE EVOLUTION OF THE - . SOUTHWESTERN SAO FRANCISCO CRATON, BRAZIL. n w o T e p a C f o Luiz Augusto Bizzi y t i s r e v i n U Thesis presented for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the Department of Geological Sciences University of Cape Town 1995. n w The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No o T quotation from it or information derived from it is to be published without full acknowledgeement of the source. p The thesis is to be used for private study or non- a C commercial research purposes only. f o Published by the Universit y of Cape Town (UCT) in terms y t of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. i s r e v i n U To my brother, Serginho. Table of Contents Abstract Preface lV Acknowledgements viii Chapter I - Aspects of the geologic evolution of the SW Sao Francisco craton 001 1.1 Introduction 001 1.2 Regional geology, tectonic setting and isotopic ages 003 1.2.1 The southern Sao Francisco craton 005 1.2.2 The Tocantins Province 010 1.3 Isotope systematics of selected areas 016 1.3.1 The Congonhas Lineament 016 1.3.2 The Brasilia orogenic and foreland thrust belt 021 1.3.3 The Niquelandia mafic-ultramafic complex 025 1.4 A preliminary model for the evolution of the craton margin 027 1.5 Concluding remarks 031 Chapter II - Kimberlites and alkalic rocks of the southwestern Sao Francisco craton 034 11.1 Introduction 034 ll.1.1 Geological setting 036 ll.1.2 Remote sensing and GIS 039 ll.1.3 Selection and sampling of occurrences 047 ll.2 Geology of selected occurrences 047 ll.2.1 Terminology and classification 047 ll.2.2 Brazilian kimberlites 050 ll.2.3 Alkalic rocks of kimberlitic affinity 053 ll.2.4 Rift-related alkalic rocks 056 11.2.5 Carbonatite complexes 059 11.3 Whole-rock geochemistry 060 11.3.1 Contamination 060 11.3.2 Major elements and compatible trace elements 061 11.3.3 Incompatible trace elements 066 11.3.4 Platinum-group-elements and gold 077 ll.4 lsotope geochemistry 081 11.4.1 Emplacement ages 081 11.4.2 Whole rock isotope geochemistry 084 11.5 Discussion 091 11.6 Concluding remarks 093 Chapter ill - Evidence for interaction of discrete mantle reservoirs beneath the craton margin 101 m.1 Introduction 101 m.2 Evidence for mantle heterogeneity 102 m.2.1 Source characteristics 102 m.2.2 Further evidence from PGE for source heterogeneity 106 m.2.3 Use of PGE and isotope data in mixing and addition models 108 m.3 Component characterization 116 m.3.1 The "shallow-derived" mantle component, EMI and LTPGE 116 m.3.2 The "deep-derived" mantle component, LoNd, HIMU and HTPGE 117 m.3.3 The mixing process 118 m.4 Time-integrated Nd isotope evolution 120 m.4.1 Remobilization or recycling of continental and oceanic lithosphere 123 m.4.2 Entrainment by lower mantle materials 125 m.4.3 Contamination by granulites, C0 metasomatism and delamination 126 2 m.5 Concluding remarks 128 Chapter IV - The kimberlitic and rift-related magmatiSm in a regional perspective 131 IV.l Introduction 131 IV.2 The tectonic framework of west Gondwana 134 IV.3 The Break-up of southwestern Gondwana 139 IV.3.1 Prolonged South Atlantic sedimentation and rifting precursors to the igneous activity in Brazil 139 IV.3.2 Continental flood basalts, dike swarms and alkali volcanism 146 IV.4 Large-scale mantle heterogeneities of southwestern Gondwana 150 IV.5 Geochemical heterogeneities and volcanism along the southwestern Sao Francisco craton margin 155 IV.6 Concluding Remarks 162 Chapter V - Summary and conclusions 165 References 171 Appendix: Analytical methods 206 Sample Preparation 206 X-Ray Fluorescence 207 Neutron Activation Analysis 207 Solid-source mass spectrometry 208 List of Figures 1.1 Tectonic framework of the Sao Francisco craton and the Tocantins Province. 1.2 Geological setting of the southern Sao Francisco craton area 1.3 Geological setting of the Arai rhyolites and associated granitoids 1.4 Geological setting of the Western Goias area 1.5 Geological setting of the Congonhas do Campo area. 1.6 Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopes diagrams for the greenstone association and granitoids in the Congonhas do Campo area I. 7 Geological setting of the Western Minas Gerais area 1.8 Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopes diagram for granitoids in Western Minas Gerais 1.9 Rb-Sr isotopes diagram for samples from the Niquelandia Complex 1.10 versus time of emplacement of crustal sequences eNd 11.1 Geological setting of kimberlite-related occurrences within the southwestern Sao Francisco craton area. II.2 Bouguer anomaly map and interpretative structural map of SW Minas Gerais II.3 Set of maps digitized from 1:250000 scale geology maps, remote sensing interpretation both on screen and on 1:100000 hard-copy images, and field data compiled using GIS technology. II.4 Photographs illustrating the use of thematic mapping (TM) imagery in the thesis. II.S Photomicrographs of kimberlitic rocks II.6 Photomicrographs of alkalic rocks of kimberlitic affinity II.7 Photomicrographs of rift-related alkalic rocks II.S Photomicrographs of xenolith materials II.9 Spinel and mica composition of Brazilian kimberlites II.10 Silica contents related to isotopic signatures and total alkalis content II.ll Selected major element variation diagrams II.12 Chondrite-normalized REE IT.13 Mantle-normalized trace element compositions II.14 U and Pb relationship to other trace elements II.15 Nb/La histograms in mantle and crustal rocks ll.16 Chondrite-normalized PGE patterns ll.17 Inter PGE ratios and Pt versus Au contents ll.lS Emplacement ages for kimberlites and kimberlite related rocks obtained by Rb-Sr analysis of phlogopite separates ll.l9 87Sr/86Sr versus 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios of the studied alkaline rocks compared to kimberlites, Walvis Ridge OIB and Parana CFB. ll.20 87Sr/86Sr versus Rb/Sr and 143Ndf144Nd versus Sm/Nd ll.21 Pb isotopic signatures of the alkaline rocks ll.22 87Sr/86Sr versus 207Pbf204Pb and 207Pbf204Pb versus 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios Ill.l 87Sr/86Sr versus 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios of the alkaline rocks m.2 Summary of source depth profiles related to isotopes and PGE characteristics ID.3 Mixing Systematics ID.4 Ba/Nb versus 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios Ill.5 Plots of Pt versus La and Pt versus Th comparing the studied rocks to transitional and Group II kimberlites ID.6 PGE variations with Sr and Nd isotopes m. 7 versus time of emplacement ENd m.s Tectonic zones and a model for cratonic evolution IV.l Photographs illustrating the manipulation of the GO-GEOID relational database using GIS technology IV .2 Cratons and major chrono-tectonic provinces of Gondwana IV .3 GIS generated map for western Gondwana IV .4 Tectonic evolution of Gondwana IV .5 Lithostratigraphy of the southern sector of Gondwana IV .6 Early Aptian reconstruction of the Angolan and Brazilian rifted margins IV. 7 Fission related magmatism and the breakup IV .8 HTZ and LTZ zonation IV .9 Tectonic elements of the Sao Francisco and Kaapvaal cratons at the same scale List of Tables Table 1.1 Isotope compositions of studied crustal rocks Table 11.1 Summary of characteristics of alkalic rocks Table 11.2 XRF data for alkalic rocks Table 11.3 INAA data (REE) for alkalic rocks Table 11.4 INAA data (PGE) for alkalic rocks Table 11.5 Isotope data for alkalic rocks Table 11.6 Isotope data for phlogopites - ~ -·-· '- •••·-~----~-~ •.. ,_ • ••••oO- - -· , •.. -.,. oo• , ___ . ..,._ .-:.• ....__. W<.»OO->>.,. .. ~--~-- --- >o -~--~----~--~~_..,.....•>< > List of Abbreviations AFFZ Agulhas-Falklands/Malvinas Fault Zone BSE Bulk Silicate Earth CFB Continental Flood Basalts CHUR Chondritic Uniform Reservoir DMM Depleted Mantle Material EMI/EMII Enriched Mantle I/II EFZ Equatorial Fault Zone GIS Geographic Information System HIMU High 238Uf204Pb MBL Mechanical Boundary Layer MES Maximum Entropy Scaling Mg# Magnesium Number MORB Mid Ocean Ridge Basalts MSWD Mean Sum of the Weighted Deviates NAA Neutron Activation Analysis OIB Ocean Island Basalts P&T Pressure and Temperature Pers.comm. Personal Communication PGE Platinum Group Elements HTPGE High-temperature Platinum Group Elements LTPGE Low-temperature Platinum Group Elements PREMA Prevalent Mantle REE Rare Earth Elements RGWR Rio Grande-Walvis Ridge Initial Isotopic Ratios Neodymium Model Age Relative to Chondritic Reservoir TcHUR Neodymium Model Age Relative to Depleted Mantle ToM TBL Thermal Boundary Layer Wt% Weight Percent XRF X-Ray Fluorescence

m.4.1 Remobilization or recycling of continental and oceanic lithosphere. 123 m.4.2 Entrainment by lower indicate that widespread crustal recycling and mixing of different isotope reservoirs must have occurred in the Idades de potassio argonia de rochas eruptivas Mesoz6icas do oeste mineiro e
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