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Mesoscopic transport of fermions through an engineered optical lattice connecting two reservoirs M. Bruderer and W. Belzig Fachbereich Physik, Universita¨t Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany (Dated: January 24, 2012) We study transport of fermions in a system composed of a short optical lattice connecting two finite atomic reservoirs at different filling levels. The average equilibration current through the 2 opticallattice, forstronglattice-reservoir couplingandfinitetemperatures, iscalculated within the 1 Landauer formalism using a nonequilibrium Green’s functions approach. We moreover determine 0 quantumandthermalfluctuationsinthetransportandfindsignificantshot-to-shotdeviationsfrom 2 theaverageequilibrationcurrent. Weshowhowtocontroltheatomiccurrentbyengineeringspecific n opticallattice potentials without requiringsite-by-sitemanipulationsand suggest therealization of a a single level model. Based on this model we discuss the blocking effect on the atomic current J resulting from weak interactions between thefermions. 2 2 PACSnumbers: 05.60.Gg, 67.85.-d,72.10.-d ] s I. INTRODUCTION scribetimeevolutionofthesystem,therebyinpartelim- a inating the coherent evolution of the reservoir. g - Ultracold atoms in optical lattices have been proven Here we consider the evolution of a one-dimensional t n to be perfectly suited for implementing physical mod- Fermi gas loaded into an optical lattice which is parti- a els of interest to the field of atomic and condensed mat- tioned into two large incoherent reservoirsL and R con- u ter physics [1, 2]. Specifically, an important part of the nected by a short coherent region C, as illustrated in q Fig.1. Inthissetupthedifferenceinthechemicalpoten- related experimental efforts have improved and are still . at extendingourunderstandingofnonequilibriumquantum tials µL andµR of reservoirsL andR drives a currentof m transport. These efforts have resulted in the observa- fermionic atoms through the coherent region C. tion of fundamentally interesting quantum mechanical - d processes such as Bloch oscillations [3], Landau-Zener n tunneling [4], and interaction-controlled transport [5]. o Studyingnonequilibriumtransportinopticallatticeshas c several advantages over conventional condensed matter [ systems: Ultracold atoms exhibit slow coherent quan- 2 tum dynamics (with kilohertz tunneling rates) and are v FIG. 1. (Color online) Fermions confined to an optical lat- detectableinsmallnumbersonmicroscopicscales. Inad- 2 tice hop from the left reservoir L through a short coherent dition,theabilitytotunetheinteractionsbetweenatoms 9 partC (sites1tom)intotherightreservoirR. Thehopping 7 via Feshbach resonances makes it possible to investigate parametersJi,j,theon-siteenergies εj,andthecouplings JL 4 transport of interacting and noninteracting particles. and JR may take arbitrarily engineered values, whereas the 7. While many transport-related experiments employed hoppingparameter in thereservoirs J0 is held constant. 0 tilted lattice potentials, alternative setups for study- 1 ing nonequilibrium phenomena have been suggested, in 1 which a current of particles flows between two atomic In contrast to previous theoretical works, we take a v: reservoirs. Micheli et al. [6–8] pointed out that, analo- mesoscopic perspective on nonequilibrium transport be- i gous to a transistor, an impurity atom may be utilized tween the atomic reservoirs: We analyze the evolution X to control the flow of a one-dimensional Bose or Fermi ofthe Fermi gaswithin the Landauerformalism[12, 13], r gas. They considered the full time-dependent coherent where transport is described as a transmission process a dynamics of the ultracoldgas in a closed system and de- throughthecoherentregionC withfermionsemittedand terminedtheparticlecurrentbyusinganalyticalapprox- absorbedby the reservoirsL and R, respectively. In this imations [7] and time-dependent density matrix renor- vein, we understand reservoirs to be finite containments malization group (DMRG) calculations [8]. filled with noninteracting fermions in the ground state, Pepino et al. [9, 10] generalized this idea by replac- characterized by a Fermi distribution with finite tem- ing the single impurity with an optical lattice coupled perature and well-defined (but not necessarily constant) to separate bosonic reservoirs in order to emulate the chemical potential. The transmission is determined by behavior of semiconductor electronic circuits (see also anonequilibriumGreen’sfunctions (NEGF)approachin [11]). In Refs. [9, 10] reservoirs were introduced and the tight-binding picture [14, 15]. This approach allows specified as large sources or sinks of particles at zero us to consider a wide range of experimentally relevant temperaturewithaFermi-sea-likeenergeticdistribution, parameters. Moreover,weexpressourresultsintermsof constant chemical potential, and fast-decaying system- thenumberofatomsaccumulatedinthereservoirs,which reservoir correlations. A quantum master equation, re- (in particularfor small currents)may be more accessible lying on weaksystem-reservoircoupling, was usedto de- in experiments than the current. 2 Accordingly, we complement and significantly extend andJ ,respectively,andε areon-siteenergies. Thecou- 0 j the results in Refs. [9, 10] in several directions for the plings J and J connect the central part to the reser- L R caseoffermionicatoms: First, wetakeinto accountthat voirs which are each composed of M sites. experimental ultracold systems are finite and therefore The Hamiltonian Hˆ , not specified explicitly, repre- S we describe notonly instantaneoussteady-state currents sents interactions of the reservoirs with an engineered atconstantchemicalpotentials butthe full equilibration environment, e.g., with an atomic gas or optical radi- process between the reservoirs. Second, our analysis is ation that is not necessarily far detuned. The interac- valid for arbitrarily engineered configurations of the co- tions introduced by Hˆ add dissipative and incoherent S herentregionC andforstrongcouplingtothereservoirs, processesto the reservoirsso thatthey actas semiclassi- thereby going beyond the weak-coupling expansion in calsystems equivalentto metallic electrodes. These pro- Refs. [9, 10]. Strong coupling indeed corresponds to the cessesareassumedto destroycoherenceandto relaxthe most elementary setup with the parts L, R and C con- fermionstothegroundstateonatimescaleshorterthan sistingofasinglehomogeneousopticallattice. Third,by ~/J ,makingitpossibletoattributeaFermidistribution 0 using the tools of full counting statistics [13] andconsid- with well-defined temperature and chemical potential to ering intrinsic damping mechanisms we explicitly evalu- the reservoirs. An explicit scheme suggested in Ref. [16] atetheevolutionofthefluctuationsinthecurrent. These achievesthisaimthroughacombinationofcoherentlaser fluctuations indicate large shot-to-shot deviations from excitations and dissipation into an ambient superfluid. the averagevalue in repeated measurements of the num- First,fermionswithhighmomentumaretransferredinto ber of particles in the reservoirs. Our approach includes the first excited band of the optical lattice via a Raman finite-temperature effects relevant to both the average process. Subsequently, the excited states decay into the current and the fluctuations. For instance, thermal fluc- lowest Bloch band due to emission of phonons into the tuations are shown to build up during the equilibration superfluid. An iteration of this procedure results in a processuntil they reacha constantvalue proportionalto stable Fermi distribution of the atoms in the reservoirs. the temperature of the Fermi gas. To apply the Landauer formalismmodified to account Inthe firstpartofthis paper weanalyze the evolution forthefinitesizeofthereservoirs,weintroducethenum- of the Fermi gas within the NEGF-Landauer formalism. ber operatorsNˆ , with α=L or R, measuringthe num- α Inthisframeworkwediscussthepropertiesofthesystem beroffermionsinthe reservoirsandthe expectationval- in terms of the average current, the filling levels of the ueshNˆ i. Wespecifythestateofthesystembytheaver- α reservoirs, and fluctuations of these quantities. In the ageparticlenumberhNˆ iandthecurrent∂ hNˆ ithrough α t α second part we first apply the formalism to the case of the central part. To obtain the current in the Landauer constant transmission between the reservoirs and subse- formalism we treat the connecting optical lattice as a quently discuss more complex situations. In particular, scatteringpotentialwiththeenergy-dependenttransmis- we show how to control the current by modulating the sionT(ε). Hencetheaveragecurrent∂ hNˆ i=−∂ hNˆ i t R t L connecting opticallattice with the help of additionalop- isthesumofallpossiblescatteringtransfersbetweenthe tical potentials. Finally, we suggest a way to realize a two reservoirs single-level model and demonstrate that in this model dε even weak interactions between the fermions are suffi- ∂ hNˆ (t)i= T(ε)[f (ε,t)−f (ε,t)] . (2) cient to reduce the atomic current. t R Z 2π~ L R The Fermi functions of the reservoirs are f (ε,t) = α II. NEGF-LANDAUER MODEL [e(ε−µα)/kBT + 1]−1, with the Boltzmann constant k , B thetemperatureT,andthetime-dependentchemicalpo- tential µ (t). Note that Eq. (2) is approximately valid We start with the theoretical framework required to α providedthatf (ε,t),orequivalentlyµ (t),variesslowly determine the average equilibration current through the α α on the microscopic time scale ~/J . This can readily be lattice andthe fillinglevelsofthe reservoirs. The Hamil- 0 achieved by either increasing the size of the reservoirs tonianofthesystemwithinthelowestBlochbandandin the tight-binding approximationis Hˆ +Hˆ +Hˆ +Hˆ M or decreasing the transmission through the central C L R I part C. with The chemical potential µ is related to the particle α HˆC =− Ji,jcˆ†icˆj + εjcˆ†jcˆj i,j ∈1..m number hNˆαi since the reservoirsare finite and the total hXi,ji Xj number of fermions in the system is fixed. The implicit relation between µ and the particle number hNˆ i is Hˆ =Hˆ =−J cˆ†cˆ +Hˆ i,j ∈/ 1..m (1) α α L R 0 i j S X hi,ji hNˆ i=M dερ(ε)f (ε), (3) Hˆ =−J (cˆ†cˆ +cˆ†cˆ )−J (cˆ† cˆ +cˆ† cˆ ), α Z α I L 1 0 0 1 R m m+1 m+1 m wherethecentralpartC isformedbythesites1tomand withthedensityofstatesofthereservoirgivenbyρ(ε)= hi,ji denotes the sum over nearest neighbors. The oper- 1/π (2J )2−(ε−2J )2 for0≤ε≤4J andzeroother- 0 0 0 ators cˆ†j (cˆj) create (annihilate) a spin-polarized fermion wisep. Upon solving Eq. (3) for µα(t), either analytically in a Wannier state localized at site j. The hopping pa- ornumerically,onefindsthechemicalpotentialµα(t)asa rametersinthe centralpartandinthe reservoirsareJ functionofhNˆ (t)i. Thus,asaconsequenceofthefinite- i,j α 3 size reservoirs the Landauer formula in Eq. (2) becomes a closed (integro-differential) equation for hNˆ (t)i. α The transmissionT(ε) is efficiently determined by use oftheNEGFapproach[14,15]. IntermsofGreen’sfunc- tions we have T(ε)=|G (ε)|2Γ (ε)Γ (ε), (4) 1,m L R where G (ε) is the full retarded Green’s function for i,j the central part and Γ (ε) = 2πJ2ρ (ε) describes the α α α coupling to the reservoirs. Here, ρ (ε) and ρ (ε) are, L R respectively,thelocaldensityofstatesatsites0andm+1 (see Fig. 1). Consequently T(ε) encodes the coherent evolutionof the centralpart, governedby Hˆ , as well as C the coupling to the reservoirs. To calculatethe full Green’s function G (ε) fromHˆ FIG. 2. (Color online) Filling level and fluctuations in i,j C the right reservoir (initially empty) for a constant transmis- we start with the bare Green’s function g (ε) whose i,j components obey the equation sion T0. The average filling level hNR(t)i/M (solid line) in- creaseswithtimet/teq andsaturatesattheequilibriumvalue (ε−εi)gi,j + Ji,kgk,j =δi,j 1/2. ThestandarddeviationphδNR2(t)i/M fromtheaverage, duetothermalfluctuations,isindicatedbytheorange(gray) Xk band. The Fano factor F = hδNR2(t)i/hNR(t)i (dashed line) orequivalentlyg(ε)=1/(ε−H ),withboththeGreen’s decreases with time and approaches a constant value in the C function and HC in matrix notation. The bare Green’s regime t/teq ≫1. The parameters are kBT/J0M =1/10 for function g (ε) with poles at the energy levels of H thefilling level and kBT/J0 =1 for theFano factor. i,j C would be sufficient to determine the transmission if the coherentregionC were coupledweakly to the reservoirs. However, the full propagation of a fermion between the which are found from Eqs. (2) and (3) for a given trans- sitesiandj includesexcursionsintothereservoirsdueto mission T(ε) in Eq. (4). We now turn our attention to the coupling, which leads to the broadening Γ ∼J2/J α α 0 quantumandthermalfluctuationspresentinthesystem. of the energy levels. More precisely, the excursions re- To simplify the problem of determining the fluctuations sult in corrections to g (ε) in terms of self-energies i,j we treatcreationanddamping processesseparatelyand, Σ = J2g˜ and Σ = J2g˜ , where g˜ (ε) de- L L 0,0 R R m+1,m+1 i,j if possible, add their effects together. note the Green’s functions of the reservoirs. Including Fluctuations created during the evolution of the sys- the coupling to the reservoirs to all orders we arrive at tem can be found by using the Levitov formula [13], the Dyson equation for the full Green’s function which yields the full counting statistics of thermal and Gi,j =gi,j +gi,1ΣLG1,j +gi,mΣRGm,j. (5) quantum fluctuations provided hNˆα(t)i and hence µα(t) are known. However, we limit our analysis to the most The relevant matrix element for the transmission G1,m relevantstatisticalparameter,namelythevarianceofthe is then obtained from Eq. (5) by solving a set of simul- number of fermions hδN2i ≡ h(Nˆ −hNˆ i)2i. With ini- α α α taneous equations for G1,1, Gm,m, G1,m and Gm,1. As a tially no fluctuations present we find for the variance result one finds G1,m =g1,m/D with [14] hδNα2(t)i after a time t according to the Levitov formula D =(1−ΣLg1,1)(1−ΣRgm,m)−ΣLΣRg12,m t dε hδN2(t)i= ds T(ε)T¯(ε)[f (ε,s)−f (ε,s)]2 assuming that g1,m =gm,1. α Z0 Z 2π~(cid:8) L R For our specific setup we treat the reservoirs as semi- +T(ε)[f (ε,s)f¯ (ε,s)+f (ε,s)f¯ (ε,s)] , infinite optical lattices, for which the Green’s function L L R R (cid:9) g˜i,j at the end site 0 reads [15] (6) g˜ (ε)= (ε−2J )−i (2J )2−(ε−2J )2 /2J2 where we introduced f¯ (ε,t) = 1−f (ε,t) and T¯(ε) = 0,0 0 0 0 0 α α h p i 1−T(ε). Atzerotemperature,Eq.(6)describesthecre- and g˜m+1,m+1 =g˜0,0; the local density of states is given ationofquantumfluctuationscausedbytheprobabilistic by ρα(ε) = −(1/π)Img˜0,0(ε). These relations allow us natureoftheparticletransferthroughtheopticallattice. to find explicit expressions for the couplings Γα and the Ontheotherhand,atequilibriumbetweenthereservoirs self-energies Σα in Eq. (5). and for T(ε)≡1 the fluctuations are purely thermal. Unlike in conventional mesoscopic systems with infinite-sized electrodes, the fluctuations described by III. FLUCTUATIONS AND DAMPING Eq. (6) are constantly damped out at a rate γ. This intrinsicdamping occursbecausefluctuations inthe cur- So far our analysis was restricted to the average rent immediately lead to fluctuations of the chemical fermion number hNˆ (t)i and the current ∂ hNˆ (t)i, potentials, which drive the system back to the evolu- α t α 4 tion according to the mean-field description hNˆ (t)i. α To find an explicit expression for the intrinsic damp- ing γ we determine the change in the chemical poten- tial δµ caused by an excess of particles δN ≪ hNˆ i α α α with respect to hNˆ i. From Eq. (3) we obtain hNˆ i+ α α δN = M dερ(ε)f (ε,µ +δµ ), which to lowest or- α α α α der in δµαRand δNα results in the linear dependence δµ =δN /Mρ (µ ) with α α T α 1 ε−µ ρ (µ )= dερ(ε)sech2 α . (7) T α 4k T Z (cid:18) 2k T (cid:19) B B Note that ρ (µ ) reduces to ρ(µ ) in the case T = 0 T α α and to k T/4 in the limit of infinite temperature. Sim- B ilarly, we expand the Landauer formula to lowest or- der in δµ and ∂ (δN ) and use the relation δµ = α t α α δN /Mρ (µ )tofindthetimedependenceforsmallfluc- α T α tuations ∂ (δN )=−γδN with the damping factor t α α 1 T (µ ) T (µ ) T L T R γ = + , (8) 2π~M (cid:20)ρ (µ ) ρ (µ )(cid:21) T L T R where T (µ ) is defined in the same way as ρ (µ ) in T α T α Eq. (7). The factor γ depends on the filling level of the reservoirsandisthereforetimedependentingeneral. Im- portantly, γ is always positive and thus fluctuations are indeed damped out. As a result, the fluctuations in the system depend not only onthe properties ofthe coherentregionbut also on thereservoirsviatheirdensityofstatesρ(ε)evaluatedat FIG. 3. (Color online) The engineered transmission T(ε) as the filling level. Thus by choosing the appropriate reser- a function of the energy ε/J0 for different modulations of an voirs it should be possible to perform experiments in ei- opticallatticewithlengthm=10. (a)Asinglecenteredbeam ther the fluctuation-dominatedorthe mean-fieldregime. withwaistσ=2andincreasingdepthsV/J0 =1,2,4(dotted, This works particularly well for an optical lattice reser- dashed and full line) shifts the energies out of the reservoir voir since its density of states varies considerably over band and reduces the transmission to a peak at the upper band limit. (b) Two beams isolate a few central lattice sites theentirebandwidth4J sothattheintrinsicdampingγ 0 can be tuned over a wide range. and create a single resonant level at ε/J0 ≈1 for sufficiently strongintensities. Thebeamsarepositionedatν1=3,ν2 =8 withwaist σ=1,depthsV2 =1,3,5(dotted,dashedandfull IV. CONSTANT TRANSMISSION line) and V1/V2 =1/2. To gain physical insight into the transport between reservoirs we apply our general results to the impor- satisfies t ≫ ~/J in the relevant parameter regime eq 0 tant special case of constant transmission: T(ε) ≡ T as required for Eq. (2) to be valid. Here, analogous 0 for 0 ≤ ε ≤ 4J and zero otherwise, where the con- to a classical RC circuit, we introduced the resistance 0 stant transmission T takes values 0 ≤ T ≤ 1. In this R = 2π~/T , the capacitance C = M/4πJ , and initial 0 0 0 0 case the Landauer formula for the current reduces to capacitor voltage U =4J . 0 ∂ hNˆ i = T ∆µ/2π~ and hence one only has to deter- We next determine the evolution of the fluctuations t R 0 mine the dependence of ∆µ = µ −µ on the average during the equilibration process. For simplicity we as- L R particle number hNˆ i and the temperature T. sumefromnowonthatT isclosetounity,i.e.,T ≈1,so α 0 0 For concreteness we consider the equilibration process thatpredominantlythermalfluctuationswithhδN2(t)i= α inthelow-temperatureregimek T ≪J ,neglectingcor- 2tk T/R are created during the equilibration process, B 0 B rectionsoftheorder(k T/J )2. Inthiscasethechemical as can be found from the Levitov formula in Eq. (6). B 0 potentialdifferenceis∆µ=4J cos(πhNˆ i/M)assuming Since correlations of thermal fluctuations decay fast on 0 R the initial conditions hNˆ i = M and hNˆ i = 0. Solving the time scale teq, the evolution of the deviations δNR L R the Landauer equation we obtain the evolution of the fromhNˆR(t)i canbe expressedinthe formofaLangevin filling level equation hNˆ (t)i=CUarctan[sinh(t/t )] ∂ (δN )=−γ(t)δN +ξ(t). R eq t R R and the current through the central region ∂ hNˆ (t)i = The time-dependent damping factor resulting from t R (U/R)sech(t/t ). Theequilibrationtimescalet =RC Eq. (8) reads γ(t) = sin[πhNˆ (t)i/M]/RC and thus eq eq R 5 damping increases as the system approaches equilib- rium. The fluctuations are represented by the sto- chastic force ξ(t) and satisfy the condition hξ(t)ξ(t′)i = (2k T/R)δ(t−t′). Using standard techniques for sto- B chastic problems [17] we find the evolution of the fluctu- ations hδN2(t)i=Ck T sech2(t/t )t/t +tanh(t/t ) . R B eq eq eq (cid:2) (cid:3) We see that the fluctuations increase linearly in the regime t/t ≪ 1, where damping is weak according to eq Eq. (8). On the other hand, in the limit t/t ≫ 1 the eq fluctuationsconvergetotheconstantvalueCk T,which B results from the competition between thermal fluctua- tions and the intrinsic damping γ = 1/RC at equilib- rium. Figure2showsthetimeevolutionoftheaveragefilling level hNˆ (t)i/M and the fluctuations in the right reser- R voir. The filling level increases linearly in the regime t/t ≪1 andsaturatesatthe equilibrium value hNˆ i= eq R hNˆ i = M/2. Thermal fluctuations around the aver- L age are limited by damping; however, they indicate sig- nificant shot-to-shot deviations from the average filling level. Of particular interest is the Fano factor defined by F = hδN2(t)i/hNˆ (t)i, which is independent of the R R sizeofthereservoirsM andgivesadirectmeasureofthe temperatureofthesystem. TheFanofactorconvergesto the value F =k T/2πJ as the system equilibrates,i.e., B 0 in the limit t/t ≫ 1. This result even holds for arbi- FIG. 4. (Color online) Filling level and fluctuations in the eq trary constant transmissions T as quantum fluctuations right reservoir (initially empty) for a lattice modulated by a 0 are damped out in this limit. single beam. (a) The average filling level hNR(t)i/M (solid An elementary experimental configuration with con- line) as a function time t/teq (with teq = ~M/2J0) for the modulation strength V/J0 = 2. Different bands indicate the stant transmission, namely T ≈ 1, consists of a sin- 0 standard deviation phδN2(t)i/M due to quantum fluctua- gle homogeneous optical lattice partitioned into a suf- R tions(blueorlightgray)andtotalfluctuations,i.e.,quantum ficiently long coherent part C and the reservoirs L and plus thermal (orange or dark gray). (b) The same quanti- R. Thecorrespondinghoppingparametersandcouplings ties for a stronger modulation strength V/J0 =4. The lower are Ji,j = J0 and Jα = J0, respectively. In fact, the transmission results in a smaller current between the reser- strong couplings J lead to significantbroadening of the voirs and enhanced quantum fluctuations in comparison to α cosine-distributedenergylevelsofthe coherentpart[18]. (a). In both plots damping has not been taken into account As a consequence,the broadenedenergylevels mergeto- and theparameters are kBT/J0 =1, m=10 and M =50. gether in the regime J ≫ 2πJ /m, which results in an α 0 approximately constant transmission. with the potential strength V and width σ measured in V. TRANSMISSION ENGINEERING units of lattice spacings. Depending on the detuning, V may take positive or negative values [19]. We emphasize thatunliketheschemeproposedinRef.[9]suchaconfig- The usefulness of the NEGF-Landauer formalism is urationdoesnotrequiresite-by-sitecontroloftheoptical mostevident if we wantto calculatethe currentthrough lattice, neither of the on-siteenergies ε nor the hopping anengineeredopticallatticewithtailoredparametersJ j i,j parameters J or J . and ε . Since the optical lattice potentials for the reser- i,j α j voirs and the central region would most likely be pro- A specific setup consists of a single laser beam, cen- duced by the same counterpropagating laser beams we tered at ν ≈m/2 and with beam waist σ ∼m/4, acting setJ =J =J andfocus onmodified on-siteenergies as a V-dependent switch for the fermion current. The i,j α 0 εj. A possible experimental configuration with tailored potential shifts the energies εj out of the reservoir band on-site energies ε involves one (or several) laser beams andthusreducesthe transmissionsignificantly,asshown j crossing the central region perpendicular to the optical in Fig. 3(a). This configuration provides the possibility lattice. The optical potential caused by a single beam tostudythedependenceofthefluctuationsonthetrans- centered at position ν shifts the energies as mission T(ε) and the temperature T of the fermions: If we choose the initial conditions hNˆ i = M, hNˆ i = 0 L R ε =V exp[−(j−ν)2/σ2], and stay far from equilibrium then according to Eq. (8) j 6 damping is negligible. As a consequence, thermal and quantumfluctuationsleadtosignificantdeviationsofthe filling levelfromhNˆ (t)i, whicharedetectable by count- R ing the actual number of fermions in the right reservoir. Figure 4 shows the averageparticle number hNˆ (t)i and R the expected fluctuations for modulations of the optical lattice with two different potential strengths V. At zero temperature, only quantum fluctuations caused by the limited transmission contribute, whereas at finite tem- perature fluctuations are further increased. By compar- ingFigs.4(a)and4(b)we seethatquantumfluctuations become more important for reduced transmissions, i.e., for stronger potential strengths V. A paradigmatic system in the context of mesoscopic FIG. 5. (Color online) The effect of interactions on a single physics is the single-level model [15], or in the case of level with original (U = 0) position ε0 = 0 and the relative interacting fermions the Anderson impurity model [20]. chemical potentials µL/J0 = 1 and µR/J0 = −1. The occu- These models may be used, e.g., to study the Kondo ef- pation hni (blue or dark gray) and the energy shift Uhni/J0 fect or to describe transport through a single quantum (orange or light gray) as a function of the interaction U/J0 areplottedforthecouplingsΓ/J0 =0.1(solid)andΓ/J0 =1 dot. Realization of a single-level model can be achieved (dashed). For U >0 the level is depleted and shifted toward bymeansoftwolaserbeamswithdifferentdetuninglead- µL. For U < 0 the level is almost completely occupied and ing to energy shifts shiftedbelowµR forsufficientlystronginteractions. Thecur- rentisblockedifthesinglelevelatε0+Uhnileavestheenergy ε =V exp[−(j−ν )2/σ2]−V exp[−(j−ν )2/σ2]. j 1 1 2 2 window [µL,µR]. If the beams are separated with ν − ν ∼ m/2 and 1 2 narrow σ ∼ m/4 then for sufficiently strong potentials V1,V2 > 0 the transmission exhibits a single peak, as the interactions; e.g., the chemical potential for spin-up showninFig. 3(b). The positionof the peak depends on states is given by µ↑ =µ +Uhnˆ↓i. In the following we α α the ratio V1/V2 and the strength of the potentials deter- will however neglect these trivial changes. mines the width of the peak, i.e., the effective coupling The effect of interactions on the single level is to shift to the reservoirs. itsoriginal(U =0)positionε bytheinteractionenergy; 0 The emergence of the single level can be understood e.g.,forspin-upfermionsthe levelpositionisε +Uhnˆ↓i. 0 in the energy band picture: The first beam shifts the The corresponding Green’s function reads unmodulated band of width 4J upward, while the sec- 0 ond beam shifts the band downward. As a consequence, G↑(ε)=1/[ε−ε −Uhnˆ↓i+iΓ (ε)+iΓ (ε)] (9) 0 L R a small region between the beams is isolated from the reservoirsand acts as a single energy level. The effective with the effective couplings Γ . The occupation of the α couplingsΓ oftheleveltothereservoirs,orequivalently single level is given by α thewidthofthesinglelevel,isreadilycontrollablebythe dε strengthsofthebeamsV1 andV2. Thismakesitpossible hnˆ↑i= |G↑(ε)|2[Γ (ε)f (ε)+Γ (ε)f (ε)], (10) L L R R to accessthe weak-couplingregime consideredinRef. [9] Z 2π aswellasthestrong-couplingregimewithouttherequire- withthetimedependenceoftheFermifunctionsomitted. ment of specific control of the hopping parameters J . α In the case of a spin-balanced mixture with hnˆ↑i = hnˆ↓i the Green’s function G↑(ε) and the occupation hnˆ↑i can VI. EFFECT OF INTERACTIONS be determined self-consistently to obtain the transmis- sionT(ε)∝|G↑(ε)|2,whichisthe sameforbothinternal states. In principle, the averageparticle number hNˆ (t)i Let us now discuss the effect of weak interactions be- α tweenthefermionsonthebasisofthe single-levelmodel. and the current∂thNˆα(t)i are then evaluated as for non- If we consider a spin-balanced mixture of fermions in interacting fermions. two different internal states, denoted by up and down, The effect of interactions on the transmission can be then the total Hamiltonian in Eq. (1) is augmented by qualitativelyunderstoodinthewide-bandlimitwithcon- the interaction term Hˆ = U nˆ↑nˆ↓. Here, U is the stant couplings Γα = Γ. Inserting G↑(ε) into Eq. (10) U j j j then yields the self-consistent equation for the occupa- either positive or negative intePraction strength between the fermions and nˆ↑ (nˆ↓) is the occupation number op- tion [20] j j erator for the up (down) states. For our analysis we use 1 2 µ −ε −Uhnˆi α 0 the mean-field approximationnˆ↑nˆ↓ ≈nˆ↑hnˆ↓i+hnˆ↑inˆ↓− hnˆi= + arctan , (11) j j j j j j 2 π (cid:18) 2Γ (cid:19) hnˆ↑ihnˆ↓iwhichweexpecttobevalidforsufficientlysmall Xα j j reservoirsandlowfilling levels[21]. The chemicalpoten- where the average occupation number applies to both tials of the reservoirs µ are changed accordingly due to spin states; i.e., hnˆi = hnˆ↑i = hnˆ↓i. Figure 5 shows the α 7 averageoccupationhnˆiof the single leveland the energy may therefore be used for thermometry of the system. shiftUhnˆiasafunctionofthe interactionstrengthU ac- On a more fundamental level, we saw that a decrease cording to Eq. (11). For repulsive interactions U >0 we in the current due to a lower transmission of the coher- observeadepletionofthesinglelevelandashifttohigher entregionisnecessarilyaccompaniedbyhigherquantum energies. Thisshiftisboundedbyµ inthelimit ofvan- fluctuations. This correlation allows the experimenter, L ishing coupling Γ, but takes values largerthan µ in the e.g.,todistinguishbetweenchangesineitherthechemical L caseoffinite Γ. ForattractiveinteractionsU <0the oc- potentials or the transmission as the cause of a reduced cupationhnˆiincreasesandmakesanabrupttransitionto current. hnˆi≈1 accompaniedby a shift ofthe levelbelow µ . In We have shown that modulations of a homogeneous R both cases the single level at ε +Uhnˆi eventually leaves latticepotentialcanbe usednotonlyto reducethe equi- 0 the energy window between µ and µ , and hence the libration current, but also to realize a single-level model L R current through the level is strongly suppressed. Thus with full control over the position and the coupling of interactions offer an alternative approach to control the the level. This setup requires neither additional impu- current through the lattice. rity atoms nor site-by-site manipulations of the optical lattice. Moreover,advanced experimental techniques for producing tailor-made optical potentials, by employing VII. CONCLUSIONS eitheracousto-opticaldeflectors[22]orholographicmask techniques[23],areexpectedtofurtherfacilitatethecre- Using the mesoscopic NEGF-Landauer approach we ation of engineered optical lattices. Finally, our mean- have analyzed nonequilibrium transport of fermions field analysis of interaction effects revealed that even through an engineered optical lattice for arbitrarily weakinteractionsbetweenthefermionssuppressthecur- strong coupling to two reservoirs at finite temperatures. rent through a single level, which can be exploited to We have characterized the full equilibration process by control the current. calculating the accumulated number of atoms in the fi- Weconcludewiththeobservationthatourapproachto nite reservoirs, which is a directly accessible quantity in nonequilibrium transport between finite reservoirs may experiments. Considering experimentally relevant sys- beappliedtosimilarultracoldatomicsetups[24]or,more tem parameters we found that the reservoirs equilibrate generally,tomesoscopicsystemssuchaselectronsonliq- on time scales comparable to the duration of typical ul- uid helium [25]. Possible extensions of this work include tracold atom experiments. Our systematic analysis of transport of bosonic atoms, similar to the analysis in created and damped fluctuations in the finite system re- Refs. [7, 26], quantum pumping between reservoirsusing vealed that the mean-field description gives an incom- time-dependent modulations of the optical lattice [27], plete picture of fermion transport since significant shot- and the effect of interactions between fermions on quan- to-shot variations from the average current, partly due tum fluctuations [28]. to thermal effects, are to be expected. This is directly relevanttotheemulationofsemiconductorelectroniccir- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cuits, where preferably single-shot measurements are re- quired to determine the current [10]. The study of fluctuations around the average current M.B. thanks Leticia Tarruell for valuable discussions revealedadditional informationabout the processes tak- onexperimentalaspectsandStephenR.Clarkforprovid- ing place in the system: We found that thermal fluc- ing clarifying numericalresults on nonequilibrium trans- tuations build up on the time scale of the equilibration port. M.B.andW.B.acknowledgefinancialsupportfrom processuntil they reacha constantvalue proportionalto the German Research Foundation (DFG) through SFB the temperature of the Fermi gas. As an aside, we note 767 and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) that thermal fluctuation between equilibrated reservoirs through Project PBSKP2/130366. [1] I. Bloch, J. Dalibard, and W. 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