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Mesoscopic proximity effect in double barrier Superconductor/Normal Metal junctions D. Quirion, C. Hoffmann, F. Lefloch and M. Sanquer D´epartement de Recherche Fondamentale sur la Mati`ere Condens´ee/SPSMS/LCP CEA Grenoble 2 17, rue des Martyrs 0 38054 Grenoble Cedex, FRANCE. 0 2 Wereport transportmeasurementsdowntoT =60mK ofSININandSNINstructuresinthediffu- n sive limit. Wefabricated Al−AlOx/Cu/AlOx/Cu (SININ)and Al/Cu/AlOx/Cu (SNIN)vertical a J junctions. For the first time, a zero bias anomaly was observed in a metallic SININ structure. We attributethispeakofconductancetocoherentmulti-reflectionsofelectronsbetweenthetwotunnel 8 barriers. This conductance maximum is quantitatively fitted by the relevant theory of mesoscopic ] SININstructures. When thebarrier at theSNinterface is removed (SNINstructure), weobservea ll peak of conductance at finitevoltage accompagnied by an excess of sub-gap conductance. a h - s e Transport through SIN junction is a very long known oriesalsopredictacrossoverfromthiszerobiasanomaly m problem for strong barrier which leads to the spec- toafinitevoltagemaximumconductancewhenthetrans- troscopy of the superconductor [1]. However, when the parencyofthe barrieratthe SINinterfaceishigherthan . t a resistanceofthenormalmetaliscomparabletotheresis- the transparency of the second barrier. This finite bias m tance of the barrier,a novelquantumphenomena, called anomaly is due to the opening of a gap in normal layer - reflectionlesstunneling,takesplace. Experimentally,itis betweenthetwotunnelbarrier. Suchagapwasobserved d measuredasapeakatzerovoltageinthedifferentialcon- in N/S bilayers: Vinet et al. [14] and Moussy et al. [15] n ductance characteristics of the SIN junction. This zero studied diffusive Nb/Au bilayers by STM spectroscopy o voltagemaximumconductancecomesfromcoherentmul- andmeasuredaninduced(mini)gapin the normalmetal c [ tiple Andreev reflectionsproducedby the backscattering due to the proximity effect. Such a behaviour was also of electrons towards the SIN interface induced by disor- observed by Gu´eron et al. [16] with tunnel junctions de- 1 v der in the normal electrode [2–5]. This effect was first posited on a copper wire in good contact with a super- 9 observed by Kastalsky et al. [6] in Nb/InGaAs contact. conductor (aluminum). 8 Since then, reflectionlesstunneling wasmainlymeasured Inthis workwe reportthe firstobservationofthe zero 0 in superconductor/semiconductorjunctions with a mod- voltagemaximumconductanceinametallicSININjunc- 1 eratetransparentinterface due to the annealedSchottky tion, as well as the observation of a finite voltage maxi- 0 2 barrier[7–10]. Veryfewresultswereobtainedinmetallic mum conductance in its SNIN counterpart. 0 SIN junction because a normal metal is not disordered The SININ samples were fabricated by deposit- / enoughto retroreflectelectrontowardsthe SIN interface ing in situ an Al/Cu/Al − AlOx/Cu multilayer in a t a and the oxide barrier is too opaque. DC magnetron sputtering machine with a base pres- m It was proposed to compensate the lack of disorder in sure of 10−7mbar. First, a sequence Al(150nm) − - thenormalmetalbyasecondtunnelbarrieratsomedis- AlOx/Cu(d)/Al(10nm) was sputtered on a Si/SiO2 3’ d tance d from the SIN interface [11–13]. The resulting wafer. Thebaseelectrodeofaluminumwasoxidizedwith n o SININ structure would be the electronic analog of the an exposure of 2mTorr during one minute. To form the c Fabry-Perot effect in optical cavities. Coherent multi- NIN(Cu-AlOx-Cu)barrier,thethinAl(10nm)layerwas : v plereflectionbetweenthetwotunnelbarrierenhancethe oxidizedwithoutbreakingthevacuumunderacontrolled i conductanceatlowenergyandleadtoapeak ofconduc- atmosphere of oxygen (p = 1mbar) during one hour. X ox tance, equivalent to the reflectionless tunneling anomaly Thisaluminumlayerisnotfullyoxidizedbuttheremain- r a in semiconductor/superconductor contacts. The peak of ingbilayer(Cu-Al)isnotsuperconducting[17]. Wewant conductanceisnotsensitivetoelasticdiffusioninsidethe tostressthegreatasymmetryinoxidationconditionsbe- device, because of the electron-hole conjugaison induced tweenthe twobarriers. They areofverydifferentnature by the Andreev mirror[21]. However,if the electronand (thick aluminum electrode oxidized vs thin oxidized alu- theAndreev-reflectedholehavenotthesameenergy(be- minum layerdeposited ontop ofa copper layer). Conse- cause of finite temperature or voltage), or in presence of quently,verydifferentoxidationconditionsareneededto a magnetic flux, a phase accumulates between the two obtain comparable transparencies (see below). The mul- Andreev reflections, breaking the coherent addition of tilayer deposition was completed by a 50nm copper pro- electronic amplitudes: the effect is then destroyed. The- tectionlayer. Then, thebaseelectrodeandthe junctions 1 were defined in a two steps optical lithography and dry not be explained by thermal excitations, as they are ex- etching procedure. The sides of the junctions were insu- ponentially small. Such a ratio (∼ 10−3) is consistent latedbydepositionandlift-offofsilicondioxide(300nm). with other experimental studies [18,19] and may be due Finally, a copper counter-electrode (500nm thick) was toinhomogeneitiesinthe barrier. Anotherwaytorecon- deposited (see insert of figure 1). The junction areas S ciletheobservedrelativelysmallG /G ratiowith subgap NN range from 2×2 to 30×30µm2. We estimated the dif- theoryistointroduceasmallfinitelifetime forquasipar- fusion coefficient to D = 64cm.s−1 and the mean free ticles in the superconductor Γ ≃ 0.0067∆ [20]. The s path to ℓ = 12nm in copper, so that the copper layer is conductance-voltage characteristics of the SIN junction in the diffusive limit. The SNIN samples werefabricated follows the usual Hamiltonian tunnel behaviour and re- using the same procedure, except the base electrode of produces reasonably the BCS density of states of alu- aluminum was not oxidized. minum (∆ = 205µeV). The critical temperature of the aluminum banks is T =1.5K. 3x10-4 0.8 10-1 0.6 dI/dV(S)000...246 dI/dV(S)1100--32 2x10-4 10-4 S) 0.4 S) 0.0-0.5 0.0V(mV)0.5 0.0 0.2 0.4T (K0).6 0.8 1.0 V( V ( d I- Cu V- d dI/ 0.2 SiO2 CAulOx dI/ 1x10-4 Al substrate I+ V+ 0.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0 V(mV) -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 FIG. 1. Differential conductance versus voltage of a V(mV) 10×10µm2 SIN junction at T=60mK. The sudden drop at FIG. 2. Conductance versus voltage characteristics of V ≃ 0.7V is due to a critical current transition effect in the a 20 × 20µm2 SININ sample at various temperature aluminum bank. No maximum of conductance is seen at low T = 60,90,150,180 and 225mK from bottom to top. The voltage. Inset: Schematic cross section the vertical SININ conductance steadily increases at low voltage (V < 50µeV) structure. below T ≃ 200mK. The solid line represents the the- oretical fit using the following parameters: T = 60mK, ∆=210µeV, ΓSIN =5.10−7, ΓNIN =2.10−6,Γs =4.10−5∆ and GNN = 0.23S. Inset: Temperature dependence of the Before considering SININ or SNIN junctions, we mea- zero voltage conductance of the same sample. The solid line sured a simple 10×10µm2 Al−AlOx/Cu (SIN) junc- is thetheoretical fit with the parameters noted above. tion fabricated with an oxidation of 1mbar during one hour (see figure 1). From the value of the normal con- ductance G = 0.36S, we estimate its transmission NN coefficient Γ = G (λ /2)2/G S ≃ 210−6, with We then measured a 20×20µm2 SININ structure. At SIN NN F Q G = (12885Ω)−1 the quantum conductance and λ = large voltage, its differential conductance-voltage char- Q F 0.45nm the Fermi wave-length in copper. The normal acteristics is close to the expected SIN-like character- conductance is in good agreement with values measured istics (see figure 1). Figure 2 shows the differential byKleinsasseretal.[18]. Theyestimatethebarrierresis- conductance-voltage characteristics of this SININ struc- tanceR asafunctionofexposureE (oxidationduration ture at various temperature at low voltage and the tem- b times oxygen pressure): R (Ω.µm2) ≃ 2[E(Pa.s)]0.4 ≃ perature dependence of the zero voltage conductance. b 330Ω.µm2inourexposureconditions,ingoodagreement We observe a peak of conductance around zero volt- with the barrier resistance 100/0.36 = 280Ω.µm2. Note age we attributed to coherent multiple reflections be- that, due to the largeareaofthe junction, G is much tween the two alumina barriers. This zero voltage max- NN larger than in others measurements [14–16], that limits imum conductance is destroyed at temperature above possible Coulomb blockade effects. T ≃ 200mK, V ≃ 50µV and H ≃ 10−2T (data not As (uncoherent) Andreev reflection is the only trans- shown). We use the theory of Volkov et al. [12] for port process available below the superconducting gap, the diffusive SININ structure to fit our data. We ob- oneexpectstheratiosubgapconductancetonormalcon- tain an excellent agreement using the following param- ductance to be here G /G = 2Γ = 410−6. eters: T = 60mK, ∆ = 210µeV, Γ = 5.10−7, subgap NN SIN SIN However, we measure G /G = 710−3. This can Γ =2.10−6, Γ = 4.10−5∆ and G = 0.23S. This subgap NN NIN s NN 2 normal conductance leads to a effective transparency of ductance: one observes indeed a finite voltage maxi- the structure of Γ =G (λ /2)2/G S ≃410−7, mum conductance as expected. The differential conduc- SININ NN F Q in very good agreement with the obtained transparen- tance shows a dip below 25µV at low temperature. The ciesofthe barriers: (Γ−1 +Γ−1 )−1 ≃410−7. We also low voltage feature decreases with increasing tempera- SIN NIN notethatthetransparenciesofthebarriersaresimilaral- ture and vanishes around T ≃ 140mK. We also ob- though the oxidation conditions are very different. This serve that the maximum conductance is destroyed by a points out the very different nature of the two alumina magnetic field of 10−2T (data not shown). The conduc- barriers. tance peak is around 11µV and does not move signif- icantly with temperature. We note a good agreement between voltage (V = 11µV) and temperature scales c (T = 140mK ≃ 12µeV/k ). This accordance has al- c B 10 ready been noticed in the reentrance context [22,23] or inothermesoscopicdevicesexhibiting coherentphenom- 1 ena [9]. It was explained as heating effect in the normal reservoir. Theories do not predict such an accordance if V 10-1 d an equilibrium distribution function is supposed in the dI/N 10-2 G =3 10-3 normal reservoir, mainly because of the asymmetric role N SIN of voltage and temperature in the Fermi function. Usu- R G =3 10-5 10-3 G SIN=5 10-7 ally, larger voltage scales are expected but not observed. SIN G =3 10-9 10-4 SIN -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 V(mV) 0.39 duFctIaGn.c3e.vTerhsruese tvyoplteasgeo,f baeshapvreiodrisctfeodr tbhye tdhiffeertehnetoirayl c[o1n2-] 0.38 TTT===791002mm0mKKK dI/dV(S)00..3312 for an SININ structure when the transparency ΓNIN of the T=150mK NTI=N6b0amrrKier, dis=va3ri0endm. ,ODth=er6p0acrmam2se−t1erasnadreΓkSeIpNt=co5n.s1t0a−n7t:. V(S) 0.37 0.300.0 0.5 T (K) 1.0 For a small NIN barrier (large transparency ΓNIN), the con- d ductance is flat in voltage (at low voltage) as in figure 1 for dI/ an SIN junction. For comparable barriers ΓNIN ≃ ΓSIN, a 0.36 zerovoltagemaximum conductanceisobtainedasin figure2 (the fit is the same as presented on figure 2). Finally, for a 0.35 small interface barrier SIN (ΓNIN ≪ ΓSIN) a finite voltage -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 maximumconductanceisobtainedasinfigure4fortheSNIN V(mV) case. In this last case nevertheless, the value of the subgap FIG.4. Differential conductance versus voltage at various conductance(inparticulartheexcessofsubgapconductance) temperatures. A finite bias anomaly is measured at 11µV. cannot bereconciled with thetheory. Note the excess of subgap conductance as in mesoscopic SN junctions, contrarily to the predictions of the tunnel theory for SNIN junctions. Inset: temperature dependence of the zero voltage conductance in the SNIN sample. There is a Figure3showstheresultsoftheVolkov’stheoryforan maximum of conductance at T=140 mK, and a decrease of SININdiffusivejunctionwhenthe transparencyΓ of the conductance at lower temperature. We note the good NIN the NIN barrier is varied: if Γ is too large as com- correspondance between voltage and temperature scales. NIN pared to Γ , the zero voltage conductance maximum SIN is not observable. In this limit, the backscattering to- wards the SIN interface is not large enough to produce We cannot obtain a quantitative accordance with the the effect in our experimental conditions. This is what theory, in particular because we observe an excess of weobserveintheSINcase(seefigure1). Onthecontrary subgap-conductance, i.e. the integrated differential con- if ΓNIN is small as compared to ΓSIN, the zero voltage ductanceislargerthanG ×∆,whereG isthenormal NN N maximumevolvesintoafinitevoltagemaximumconduc- conductance above the gap ∆. This is in contradiction tance. In order to observe this crossover between a zero withasimpletunnelspectroscopy,the dipatlowvoltage and a finite voltage maximum, we considered a good SN being the minigap in the N/S bilayer. Such a measure- interface case (large Γ ), i.e. the generic SNIN case. SIN ment would be the product of the densities of states on Figure4showsthedifferentialconductanceversusvolt- eachsidesofthealuminabarrierandwouldobeyanarea age at various temperatures for the SNIN junction and conservation law, corresponding to the conservation of the temperature dependence of the zero voltage con- the number of electrons. On the other hand, this excess 3 is very similar to the reentrance observed by Charlat et [1] I. Giaever, Phys. Rev. Lett. 5, 147 (1960); Phys. Rev. al. [24] in mesoscopic Al/Cu contact, although the sys- Lett. 5, 464 (1960). tem is completely different. [2] B.J. van Wees, P. de Vries, P. Magne, T.M. Klapwijk, A possible explanation to reconcile our observation Phys. Rev.Lett. 69, 510 (1992). [3] S. Yip, Phys.Rev.B 52, 15504 (1995). with the spectroscopy of the minigap could be the pres- [4] A. F. Volkov , Physica B203, 267 (1994). enceofheatingatfinitevoltage. Indeed,thereisnomore [5] F. W. Hekking and Y. Nazarov, Phys. Rev. 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