Mesoscopic Kinetic Basis of Macroscopic Chemical Thermodynamics: A Mathematical 6 1 0 Theory 2 n a Hao Ge1∗and Hong Qian2† J 3 1 1Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR) Biodynamic Optical Imaging Center (BIOPIC) ] h Peking University, Beijing 100871, P.R.C. p - m 2Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington e Seattle, WA 98195-3925, U.S.A h c . s c January 14, 2016 i s y h p [ Abstract 1 v From a mathematical model that describes a complex chemical kinetic 9 system of N species and M elementrary reactions in a rapidly stirred ves- 5 1 sel of size V as a Markov process, we show that a macroscopic chemical 3 thermodynamics emerges as V → ∞. The theory is applicable to linear 0 and nonlinear reactions, closed systems reaching chemical equilibrium, or . 1 open, driven systems approaching to nonequilibrium steady states. A gen- 0 6 eralized mesoscopic free energy gives rise to a macroscopic chemical en- 1 ergy function ϕss(x) where x = (x ,··· ,x ) are the concentrations of 1 N v: theN chemical species. Themacroscopic chemicaldynamics x(t)satisfies Xi two emergent laws: (1) (d/dt)ϕss[x(t)] ≤ 0; and (2) (d/dt)ϕss[x(t)] = cmf(x) − σ(x) where entropy production rate σ ≥ 0 represents the sink r a for the chemical energy, and chemical motive force cmf ≥ 0 is non-zero if the system is driven under a sustained nonequilibrium chemostat. For systems with detailed balance cmf = 0; and if one assumes the law of mass action, ϕss(x) is precisely the Gibbs’ function N x µo + lnx i=1 i i i P (cid:2) (cid:3) ∗[email protected] †[email protected] 1 for ideal solutions. For aclass of kinetic systems called complex balanced, whichincludemanynonlinear systemsaswellasmanysimpleopen,driven chemical systems, the ϕss(x), with global minimum at x∗, has the generic form N x ln(x /x∗)−x +x∗ ,whichhasbeenknowninchemicalki- i=1 i i i i i neticlPiterature(cid:2). Macroscopicemerg(cid:3)ent“laws”areindependentofthedetails of the underlying kinetics. This theory provides a concrete example from chemistry showing how a dynamic macroscopic law can emerge from the kinetics atalevelbelow. Ever since the work of J. W. Gibbs and the influential treatise of Lewis and Randall [1], chemical thermodynamics has been one of the most important the- oretical cornerstones of chemical science. While temperature is one of the key concepts in the theory, its origin resides in the mechanical movement of atoms and molecules, as already clearly articulated by L. Boltzmann in his mechanical theory of heat [2]. The notion of chemical potential, however, can not be under- stoodfrom Newtonianmechanics. Thisisbest illustratedthroughits definitionin Gibbs’equation: n dU = TdS −pdV + dµ N , (1) i i Xi=1 in which ∂U ∂U ∂U T = , p = − , µ = . (2) i (cid:18)∂S(cid:19) (cid:18)∂V (cid:19) (cid:18)∂N (cid:19) V,{Ni} S,{Ni} i S,V,{Nj,j6=i} In graduate texts on Newtonian mechanics, there is a demonstration of that [3] ∂U/∂S is the mean kinetic energy if one identifies the S ≡ k lnΩ as the phase B volume of a Hamiltonian dynamics; and −∂U/∂V as the momentum transfer on the wall of a box that contains gas particles. While these demonstrations are not general,theyhaveprovideddefinitivemechanicalinterpretationsofthetwoemer- gent thermodynamicquantities. On the contrary, there is no mechanical interpre- tationforthe∂U/∂N in(2). Itiswidelyfeltthata“mechanistic”interpretationof the chemical potentialµ has to bea probabilisticone. We hasten to mentionthat i a living organism is sustained as a nonequilibriumsystem neither by a difference in T nor p, rather it is a phenomenon driven by ∆µ. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of the irreversibility of life requires a deeper understanding of µ, which isstilllackingarigoroussub-macroscopicfoundation. Thedescriptionofthe mathematicalmodel. We report inthisnotearecently discovered mathematical result that provides the chemical potential µ, as a emer- gent macroscopic quantity, an origin in a mesoscopic description of chemical ki- netics. The mesoscopic description of a chemical kinetics is based on a system of elementary chemical reactions with arbitrary complexity; reactions occur one 2 at a time in a stochastic fashion, as now clearly demonstrated in single-molecule studies[4]. ThegeneralsettinghasN chemicalspeciesandM reactionsinafixed volumeofV [5]: ν+X +ν+X +···ν+ X FGGkGG+GGBGℓG ν−X +ν−X +···ν− X , (3) ℓ1 1 ℓ2 2 ℓN N ℓ1 1 ℓ2 2 ℓN N k−ℓ in which1 ≤ ℓ ≤ M. ν = (ν− −ν+) are thestoichiometriccoefficientsrelating ij ij ij species to reactions. In a reaction vessel with rapidly stirred chemical solutions, thenumbersofspecies iat timetisdenotedby n (t). Ourtheory assumesthat i (i) Each reaction is microscopically reversible, with forward rate r (n(t)) +ℓ andbackwardrater (n(t))wheren = (n ,··· ,n )denotingthecopynumbers −ℓ 1 N of all the species. Both r are mathematically non-negative; but their depen- ±ℓ dences on n are essentailly arbitrary (with some minor mathematical assump- tions). (ii) As an elementrary reaction, each occurs as a Markov process with expo- nentialwaitingtimefollowingthedistributionr(n)e−r(n)t. (iii) The mesoscopic rate r (n) is the number of occurrences of the ℓth for- +ℓ wardreactionperunittimeinthevolumeV. Therefore,foramacroscopicsystem with extremely large n and V: (x ,··· ,x ) ≡ x = n/V are the concentrations, 1 N and R (x) = r (Vx)/V are theconcentration-based rates ofthereactions. ±ℓ ±ℓ (iv) The chemical reaction system can be either closed or open. A closed system has no exchange of matter with its surrounding; an open system can ex- change various chemical species with its surrounding, which are kept at constant concentrations. If all the “externally buffered” species are themselves at a chem- ical equilibrium, the situation is like a dialysis system, which ultimately reach a chemical equilibrium both within and with its surrounding. If, however, there are at least two species that are sustained at a nonequilibrium condition, then the system eventually settles in a nonequilibrium state with stationary concentration fluctuations. This last scenario is the biochemical kinetic setup for modeling a livingcells underacontinuouslychemostat. Withtheserathergeneralassumptions,T.G.Kurtzhasshownin1972[6]that in the limit of V → ∞, the mesoscopic stochastic description of the system of chemical reactions becomes the following set of rate equations for the macro- scopickinetics: M dx (t) i = ν R (x)−R (x) , (4) ℓi +ℓ −ℓ dt X (cid:16) (cid:17) ℓ=1 1 ≤ i ≤ N. Kurtz’s theorem paves the way for a unified mathematical theory of chemical kineticsinarapidlystirred vesselofbothsmallandlarge size. BasedonsuchMarkovprocesses,amesoscopicstatistical(orstochastic)ther- modynamic theory has been developed in recent years in the field of nonequi- 3 librium statistical physics. The most celebrated results from this theory is the Jarzynski-Crooks equality [7, 8]. The mesoscopic theory also, for the first time, demonstrated a free energy blanace equation: One can introduce a generalized, nonequilibriumfreeenergyF(meso)foranychemicalreactionsystemsatthemeso- scopic level. Then it can be mathematically shown that this F(meso) satisfied an instantaneousbalancerelation[9, 10, 11]: dF(meso) = E −e , (5) in p dt in which both E and e are non-negative, and dF(meso)/dt is never positive. in p When applied to the chemomechanics of a single ATPase motor protein, the E in istheamountofchemicalenergyinputperunittime,e.g.,ATPhydrolysis,ande p istheminimalamountofheatdissipation[12]. Ifthemotorisactuallyperforming mechanical work against an external elastic force fext and moving with velocity v, thenbothE ande containsthemechanicalpowerf(ext)v. in p Foraclosedchemicalreactionsystem,oranopensystemincontactwithasin- gleexternalchemicalpotentialµext,itcanbeshownthatE = 0. Inthiscase,the in F(meso) isindeedthefree energy ofthemolecularsystem[13, 14]. Actually,with the help of detailed balance, the stochastic Markov theory and Gibbs’ canonical and grand canonical emsembletheories areprovenequivalent. The kinetic theory of macroscopic chemical (free) energy. We summarize the new mathematical results [15, 16]. So far, the equation is only establised in the mesoscopic setting. So all three non-negative quantities, entropy production e , energy input E , and free energy dissipation −dF(meso)/dt are functions of p in the volume parameter V. Furthermore, they are functions of the probability dis- tribution of the number of each species at time t, p (n,t), which itself is also a V functionofV. Now if we perform the limit of V → ∞, Kurtz’s theorem tells us that x(t) = n(t)/V is the solution to the nonlinear rate equation (4). Furthermore, the prob- ability theory also suggests that for a wide class of models, p (Vx,t) can be V written as exp −Vϕ(x,t) , and in thestationary statea ϕss(x) emerges, which satisfies thefol(cid:0)lowingequat(cid:1)ion,derivedindependentlyby Kurtzin 1978[17]and G. Hu in1986[18] M ν ν R (x) 1−e ℓ·∇xϕss(x) +R (x) 1−e− ℓ·∇xϕss(x) = 0, (6) +ℓ −ℓ Xℓ=1 h i h i where ν = (ν ,··· ,ν ). We have shown that in the “macroscopic limit”, as 1 M intensivequantities V−1F(meso) → ϕss(x), (7a) 4 dϕss(x) = cmf(x)−σ(x), (7b) dt M R (x) V−1e → σ(x) = R (x)−R (x) ln +ℓ , (7c) p +ℓ −ℓ (cid:18)R (x)(cid:19) Xℓ=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) −ℓ M R (x) ν V−1E → cmf(x) = R (x)−R (x) ln +ℓ e ·∇xϕss(x) . (7d) in +ℓ −ℓ (cid:18)R (x) (cid:19) Xℓ=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) −ℓ Amacroscopicchemicalenergyfunctionϕss(x)emerges. Forthestationarystate with large but finite V, the probability distribution for concentration fluctuations attainsa universalexpression Ω(x)e−Vϕss(x) f(x|V) = , where Ξ(V) = Ω(x)e−Vϕss(x)dx, (8) Ξ(V) Z inwhichΩ(x)isanalogoustothe“degeneracy”inapartitionfunctioncalculation. As a part of the mathematical theory of large deviations in a probability distribu- tion, Eq. 8 and alike have been considered as the mathematical foundation of equilibrium statistical thermodynamics [19]. Our present work is an application ofadynamicversionofsuch mathematics. What is the mechanistic force corresponding to the emergent energy function ϕss(x)? Morespecifically,howdoesthis“force”affectthemacroscopickinetics? First, one needs to consciously recognize the vast separation of timescales in the mesoscopic and macroscopic kinetics. That is why the dynamics of the latter is partially dictated by the stationary behavior of the former, in the form of ϕss(x). It is clear that ϕss(x) is a consequence of a global, infinitely long time behavior ofthemesoscopicsystem. Eq. 7b isamacroscopicchemical(free) energy balanceequation,in whichan theemergentchemicalmotiveforce(cmf)characterizestheforcetheenvironment puts upon the kinetic system, and entropy production rate σ(x) characterized the amountoffree energy thatis dissipatedfrom thesystem. Detailed balance and chemical equilibrium. If this global dynamic conse- quence is in completeconsistencywith thelocal kineticln R (x)/R (x) , we +ℓ −ℓ say thechemicalkineticsisin “equilibrium”: (cid:2) (cid:3) R (x) ln(cid:18)R+ℓ(x)(cid:19) = exp −νℓ ·∇xϕexq(x) , ∀x. (9) −ℓ (cid:16) (cid:17) Thencmf(x) = 0forallx,andviceversa. Eq. (9)formalizesthefundamentalin- sightsofG.N.Lewisontheimportantaceofdetailedbalanceinchemicalkinetics [20]. Inthiscasethereisachemicalequilibriumbetweenthelocalkineticsandits environmentthatiscreatedbytheotherreactionsinthesamekineticsystem. Ifwe 5 furtherassumetheLawofMassAction,thenitcanbeprovenmathematicallythat ϕ(x) is actually the Gibbs function G(x)/k T = N x µo +k T lnx , fur- B i=1 i i B i thermoreEq. 9isequivalenttoR+ℓ(xeq) = R−ℓ(xePq),∀ℓ,w(cid:0)herexeq istheu(cid:1)nique minimumofG(x). Then Eq. 7b becomes ddGt = −σ(x) ≤ 0; and νℓ ·∇xG(x) = ∆µ (x) = k T ln R (x)/R (x) ,∆µo = N ν µo = k T ln(k /k ). ℓ B −ℓ +ℓ ℓ i=1 ℓi i B −ℓ +ℓ WhenEq. 9isn(cid:2)othold,whichis(cid:3)equivalenPttosaythatcmf 6= 0,thentheopen, driven kineticsystemeventuallysettles into a nonequilibriumsteady state xss (or somemorecomplexbeheviorslikeoscillations,)withcmf(xss) = σ(xss) > 0. Kinetics with complex balance. The emergence of ϕss(x) given in Eq. 6 is highly abstract. One example of this, thanks to the recent work of Anderson et. al [21], is when the kinetic system is complex balanced, a notion introduced by Horn and Jackson in 1972[22]. Thisis a class ofmodelswhich contains detailed balance, all unimolecular reaction networks, as well as many open, driven, non- linear chemical systems. In this case, it can be shown that the kinetics equation (4)has auniquesteady statexss and N x ϕss(x) = x ln i −x +xss, (10) i (cid:18)xss(cid:19) i i Xi=1 i whichisasolutionto(6),andthelimitof−V−1lnpss(Vx)whenV tendsinfinity. V We note that for this large class of chemical kinetics, linear and nonlinear, closedandopen,equilibriumandnonequilibirum,thereisageneric,universalex- pression for the chemical energy ϕss(x), Eq. 10, which has aleady been in the chemical literature. This illustrates the important idea that macroscopic emer- gent behavior, such as thermodynamics,should be independent of the underlying detailsofthekinetics. Discussion. In summary, macroscopic chemical thermodynamics can have a rigous mesoscopic, statistical, reaction kinetic foundation. Chemical free en- ergy, which is a generalization of Gibbs’ equilibrium free energy, is an emergent quantity in the macroscopic limit. It actually has a free energy balance equation which is different from Newtonian mechanical energy conservation as well as Helmholtz-Boltzmann’sderivationoftheFirstLawofThermodynamicsbasedon their mechanical theory of heat. This free energy balance equation is applicable to closed and driven chemical reaction kinetic systems under isothermal condi- tions. This chemical theory of reaction kinetics also provides a concrete example forP.W.Anderson’sstructureofscientificlaws[23]: Macroscopiclawsareemer- gent behaviors from the dynamics of a level below; such laws are insensitive to a large extend the details of the dynamics. It also provides us a tantalizing pos- sibility for high-energy theoretical physics: The universe is made of particles of many kinds and types; the laws that governs their creation, annihilation, trans- formation, and interactions are the fundamental theory of quantum world. Yet, 6 at the macroscopic, cosmological scale, one expects emergent laws that govern its macroscopic dynamics in terms of a “mysterious” force. Such a force should satisfy an equation like our Eq. 6. Currently, there is an active research program in mathematicsthat studies this typeof nonlinearequations [24] that includes (6) as well as Ricci flow,themathematicalstructureofEinstein’sspace-time. Perhaps, chemical science, in addition to providing the livingworld with tan- gible materials and useful energy, can also offer some fundamental insights on howtheuniverseworks. References [1] Lewis, G. N. and Randall, M. (1923)Thermodynamics and theFree Energy of ChemicalSubstances,McGraw-Hill,New York. [2] Campisi,M.(2005)Onthemechanicalfoundationsofthermodynamics: The generalized Helmholtz theorem. Stud. History Philos. Mod. Phys. 36, 275– 290. [3] Gallavotti, G. (1999) Statistical mechanics: A short treatise, Springer, Berlin. [4] Moerner, W. E. 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