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56ooking'Wror/ ^pudentLife SoakingUo£7fi&{Julioi#-.page32 Academics 56oo^^^^. <z>/6lose* .pageSO Imlag 5600k cAow .pageSO Activities tf/ou’oe^T/olS/ke^ooA._page84 People //nstr/e56ook page142 Personalitp 56ook 6/n57n 7A/j6t/e page1S2 Sports 5600k'Ground Ads A Look Different 1994 MERRILLVUE Merrillville High School 276 East 68th Place Merrillville, IN 46410 Volume 69 THEPIRATEMASCOT, EugeneVivo,'97,gets thecrowdpumpedup priortoahomebasket- ballgame. EvansPhoto PAT Farabaugh, '95,readiesthe You've probably heard the pigTom Herbert, assistant complaintthatthere's nothing to do in topkriisnscwiphaelnhahde won,orinhis opinion,lost Merrillville. That point can certainly be thekissthepig contest, debated,butnotwhenitcomestoMHS. CheerVlAeRaSdIeTrY MonicaOrigel, '94,revsthe From athletic contests to after school duringcraowhdomuep footballgame. Thecheer- activities, ourschool is busy with action leaderswere instrumentalin keepingthe from sun up to sun down. Maybe since footbfaalnlsainntdo basketball games. you're involved directly with MHS you don'treally realize everything going on. Now here's your chance. Take A DIFFERENT LOOK, and take in the sightsofMHS,frombeforeschool'speriod zeroclassestoeveryotherWednesday's Student Government meeting. 2•Opening RowePhoto KirnPhoto MEMBERSOF themarching bandperform Eatinglunchwithyourfriendsduringthe SptahnegSlteadr Bannerbefore ahome renovatedlunchschedule,cheeringfor footballgame. BROADCAST the basketball team in the record cold journBarlyisatnstTaernrdy GregBachich, both'94,trek winter, and dancing the night away at throughMHS videotaping theguests prom werejust a few events you could dedduirciantgiotnh.e have participated in throughout the year. Youdidn'tstopthere,though-and who would blame you? In a town with nearly everything, you did your best to makethemostofeverysituation. Having fun was your number one priority, and you were LOOKING GOOD. 4‘StudentLifeDivision SUMMERTIME PASSES •studentsparticipatein numeroussummertimeactivities. Summersunshinesurroundedasea WalbridgeSectionLeadercampatIllinios of students as they shipped UniversityatChampagne/Urbana. They themselvesofftosummercamp. werethereforfourdays. Theyworkedon This wasn't the ordinary summer camp “marching,tuninginstruments,directing wheretheguysinbunkthreedecidetoput songs,leadership,drillcharting,perform- frogsinyourshoes,stealyourclothesand ingsongs,howtoteachotherpeoplethings, yourtowelwhileyouwereintheshower, problem solving, and how to get fuller and short sheet your bed. These were soundsoutofourinstruments,”saidWest. camps like Pom-Pon camp, journalism Althoughtherewerenocontestsorawards, camp, marching band camp, and band theylearnedbothwhistleandverbalcom- camp. mands,andshowmanship. Jenniferwon MichelleMayers‘94, alongwiththe aDrumMajorFirstClassawardinCorps restofthePom-Ponsquad,attendedPom- Stylemarching,whichrequiredthepass- PoncampthissummeratPurdue. Mayers ingoffourmajorphasesofintensewritten met“alotofpeoplefromdifferentschools examsinwhichyoucouldnotmissmore inIndiana,andlearneddifferentpompon thanthreetofivequestions. routines. Wecompetedinvariouscompe- Ontheacademicsideofcamp,Cathy titionstoearneitheraribbonoratrophy. NavarroandDinaWeis,both'94,attended Wealsolearneddifferentstuntsandcom- journalismworkshopsatIndianaUniver- mands.” sityduringthesummer.NavarroandWeis Musicwasintheairforsomeofour weretwooftenjournalismstudentswho MHSbandmembers.KristaWest,‘94,and traveled to I.U. or Ball State for such Tommy Gasperson, ‘95 attended Smith- workshops.•byTinaYurechko DURINGTHEANNUAL FourthofJulyparade downBroadwaythe cheerleadersperforin oneoftheirmany routines. Besides marchinginthepa- rade,thecheerleaders alsoattendedsummer camps. MayersPhoto 6•Summertime

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