�T� Mosby An AffiliaotfeE lsevSiceire nce 1183W0e stliInned ustDrriiavle S1L.o uiMsi.s sour6i3 146 MERRILL'AST LASO F RADiOORAPHICPO SITIONSA ND ISBN( Set0)- 323-01604-9 RADIOLOOICP ROCEDURES.E D \0 (VolumTew o)0 -323-01607-3 Copyrighet 20 03,M osby, IAnlclri. g htresesrv ed. No parto ft hipsu blicamtaiyobe n reproducoerdt ransmiitnta endyf ormo rb y anym eanse.l ectroornm iecc haniicanlc.l udpihnogt ocopyirnegc.o rdionrag n.y informasttioorna agnedr etriesvyaslt ewmi.t hopeurtm issiionwn r iting tfhreo m publisPheerrm.i ssimoanybes soughdti recftrloymE lseviHeera'lst h Sciences RightDesp artmeinntP hiladelphiUaS.A :p PhAo.n e(:+ 12)1 52 387 869f.a x: (+12)1 52382239e.- maihle:a lthpermissions@elYsoeuvm iaeyra .lcsoom . compleytoeu rreq uesotn -livnieathe ElseviSecri enhcoem ep age (http://www.elsevbiysee lrec.ctoimn')gC. u stomSeurp porta'n dt he'nO btaining Permissio.n s' Previoeudsi ticoonpsy rig1h9ted4 91.9 591.9 671.9 751.9 821.9 861.99 1.1 995.1 999 InternationSaltand ard Book Number( Set)0 -323-01604-9 (VolumeI I0)- 323-01607-3 PublishAenrd:r eAwl len ExecutiEvdei toJre:a nnWei lke DevelopmeEdnittaolr Jse:n niGfeenre tMtoo rheadC.a rolKyrnu se PublishSienng' icMeansa gePra:t riTcainan ian SenioPrro jecMta nageMre:l isMsraa zL astarria BookD esigMna nageGra:i Mlo reyH udson MediclalllustraJteoarn:n Reo bertson CoveDre signJ:e nB rockett PrintienUd n iteSdt atoefsA merica Lasdti giistt hep rinnutm ber:9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 25 PAULAP ATE·&'CJllODER OUTLINE , ANATOMY -'>::�f Barin Fodre scrpiuprtpiotvshecee es n,tn rearl Ad eeceplf cta,l tlhleeod n gitsuudlinal voussy st(eemN Sis)d ievdii don ttwToh ber aiicsno mpoosfe odau ntp eorr ticousn(n iteermshiphefrsiiscu rsee)p,a rates par(t)Ist :hb er aiwnh iocchc utphieeo sfg ramya tctaellreth dec ortaenaxd ni nthcee rebirtnuormg i hat ndlfte hemi *, cranciatavylia, n (d2 t)h sep incaodlr, nepro irotonfw h imtaet tTehrbe.r acionn spherewsh,i acrhce l osceolnyn ebcyt ed whiicssh u spewnidtethdhi vene rtesbirosafttl sh c ee rebtrhuceme ,r ebealnldub ma,n odfns e rfvieb oercr osm,m isTshuer es. caanl. thber aienms,wt hiicsch o ntiwniutolhura sg ecsotm miesb seutrwtehecene rebral thsep icnoar(ldiF g2.5 -T1h)be.r ainshteesmmpi heirste hsce o rpcuasl loTshuem . conss oifst thmeid brianp,o nsa,n dc orpcuasl lioassm uimd els itnruei cntur *Maniyt aleidwc oirzdasr ed efinaedtt heen d tohfe chapter. meduolbllao ngata. freiotro ltohneg itsuudlicEnuaascl.h Thcee rebirsu lmtra hgeep sator ftt hec erehberimpashle croen taaf uilinds- filled braini srae nfdet roar set dhf eore braicna.v itya l cataelvrelaneltd rA ittc hldeei . Itssru faicsec onveodbl yus tulacnid e ncepoharsl eocnop,no rdt oifto hbner ain, grootvhedasiti v dieit tn ol obaensld o bthteh alami tshtuehr dir vroeunntrdi cle. uelsT.h ese tmleip okrttihocanot n neIcnetfrsit ootr hd eei ncepihtsah lpeio tnu itary thcee rebtrotu hpmeo nasn cde reelblugml antdh;me a steenrd ocgrlniadn eto hfe iste rmtehmdei dbiranT.h e ceelrleubbmo,dT yh.pe i tarugyil tarneds iidne st he hy ponasn,md e dlaulo blonmgaakutepta h ep ophyfssoesoaaftl h selea lt urcica. hindbrain. Thcee reelbltuhmle,a rpgaesrtt of the hnidbriassie np,a rfartotemhcd ee rebrum bya deetpr vaenrscslee Tfhteh. e mi spheorfe sct ehrele lbueamrce o nnected bya m edicaonn setdr iaccrtaelatl heed vermTihsse.u f raoceft hcee rlelbcueomn tainnusm ertoruasn ssvueltrcshieaa ct coufnotr c ailflutiosw aeprp earTahnec e. tisbseutewste hecenu rvseudla crceia lled foliTah. e pwohnisfc,roh m tsh uep per paorftt h heid nbraitishn ce,o mmsiusorre bridge tbhecete wreebecrneu rmleu,lbm e, anmde dlulTah.me e dlaul,w hiecxht ends betwtehepeno nasn sdp icnoarlfd ro,m s thleo weri oopnfto hrhetid nbrnaA.il tlh e fibterrab cettsw tehebenr aainnsd p inal cord pastsh meted hulrlao.u gh Lateral sulcus ������-- Cerebrum Corpcuasl losum ( ) ..,.. ..... ; Cerebellum .../ ... Fi2g5.- 1L atesruarlfa ancdme i dsecotfbi ronan.i 2 SpinCaoldr Menniges The outsehremacotalshlet,td h deu ra Thes pincaodlr i s selan deeorln,g atTehdbe r aainnsd p icnoaraldr e en ocsleidn m ate(arL ti"nh,am rodt hefrro"m)ts,h e struecc otnusriosfat nii nennrgg, r acye,l thrceoen tinpurootutisevmc,ee m brasnterso finbgr,oc uosv eorfit nhbger aainnd lurls uabstwahnichceaha,s n shaopne c allemde nnigeTsh.ei nnsehre actalhle,ds picnoarlTd h.ed uria s eparfarmto ed H transsveteciroasnnea,d no uetrw,h iftiet,h pei maa t(eaLrt i"tne,n mdoetrh) ei,rs "t haerc ahnobiytd hs eu bdusrpaalac en d brosuusb st(aiFngc2se5. - a2n d2 5-3h)i.g hvalsyc aunlda r closeltoy f raodtmhh evere ernttep berrailo sbtyte huem Thceo redx tefnrmdo tsh ber awihne,ir tet huen derblryaaiinnncdg o rsdt ructeupried.us rpaalcT eh.es spea dcoen soc to m icso encntetdh mete odl uloab lonagta tTah dee alticece ntsrhaeilas t hlc etadhl em untiewc iatthhve e ntrsiycsutTlehamer. thlee vetlh feroo afm meang nutmot, h ea archdn.oT ihimse mbriassn eep aradtuaer mda tiesrc omopseodf tlwaoy ers appiramotxlee voeftl h sep abceet wefermno thpei a mbayat c eorm ptairvaetlhyr ouigthcsor uatnp iotariloT nh.eo uter thfier asntsd e colmnubda vre rteTbhreaw edi.es pacceal letdh seu baacrhnoliady lneierts h cer anbioantlehs su,es r ving spicnoarled n disna p oinetxeetdmry i tspacweh,i icwshi deinne dc earrteaaaisspn. e riotsott ehueimine rnrs ruafcTeh.e caltlheceod n muesd ullTahrfieilsut.me rTheasree aisn ecoarfsw eidd atrhce a lliendnl earyp erro ttehcet sab nrsdapu ipno rts minail eal c itadefie,b rosutsrt ahneadxt subarachcniositdTe rhwnesi .d aerseitas t he bvleososTdeh llesa .y erh afa uolrs o tenfdrsot mh tee rmtiinapan lad t tacthhecessi termnaag n(act iesrcnear lebpeatrittihopanrtsio dvseu ppaonrpdtr otec thceo rtdo utphpece orc cysgeegamle nlto.dm eurli)lTs.ah itsr iancgauvilissati ryt tifoonr vtahreip oaurostft s hb er aOinne. Thsep icnoarildcs o nnectto3e 1dp airusa tietndh e lpoowstefersor sibaoe rt weoeftn h eep atriiotntshf,eal xc ererburin,s ofs pinnearlv eeasca,hr i in fgr otmw ot hbea soef ctehreeel blaunmtd h deo rstahlr otuhgiehen rthemisfipshseeau rnridc rooattt hsei detsh seop fic noarlTd h.e s rufaocfet hmee dulolbal ongatpar.o vTiuhdpeep sof rrot th cee rehbermail neravretesr anstmhirtotueigdnh vt eetrrhsebu arhancosipdai ccseo ntiwniuttohhue ss pheTrheetse .n toirsiau enmt-t shaedp tebarnasdla cfroaarml ina.n eSrpvivene anlt rsiycsutoleftam hrb e r aainncd o mflodo fd ura setphaatrt ahcteee rse brum belowt etrhmeio nfta htseip oicnno areldx muincawtiheti stt h rotuhfgeroh ma iano f ancde rleulbmeC.h anigents h neo rmal tenidne rfitohrrloyu vgehr ttcehabenr aatllh .e fvoeunrttTrhhi vece lnet.r oiftc hlepe oss iotfti hoenssste r uecsot futirenndt iec a Thenseer vreeessm balh eo rsteaa'insld b raainntd h seu bcahrnaosipadcc oen tapiant hoTlhodegu ayrm .a teexrt ebnedlso w arree ferretdhc eat uode aqa usiT nhae.c erepbirnofasllu( iCdS CFS)F.i tsh tei sthsep icnoar(ldt t ohl ee voeftl hs ee cond pinal cnoerrdvw eoasrtn kod g ettoh seurfe ul iodft hber aainnsd p icnoarlid t;s acrsaelg metnoet n)c ltohsseep inal tranasnmrdie tc esiesvnoer myo,t oarn,ds urroaunncddu ss htihosent sr uecsot fu nrervwehsi,ca rhpe r oloinnegfreido rly refmleesxs atgoae nfsdr m o thber na.i thcee ntnrearlvs oyusst em. frmo thceo rtdot heriesrtp ieevcxeiT thse. lowpeorr toifto hnde ua rm atiecsra l led thdeu ral Thsaecc a.u edquai niase n clsoebdyt hdeu rsaalc . Pons �.h'�'--- Meduolbllao ngata Spicnoarld Antenreirrovoreo t Whistueb stance Fi2g5.- T2r ansvseercstoeifs o pni cnoarld . Fig. S2a5g-i3t tals hsoewcsitpniigo nna l cord. 3 VentcruilSayrs tem Eaclha tveernatlcr oincsloiefas c tesn Thet hdi vrentriisc sllaei e tc alviikty Thvee ntrsiycsutleamr b roafi nt htecr opanolr tcialolend botdhoyeft hcea viwtiyta.s h o mewqhuaatad treisrlhaalIp ites . sitsso ff uori rraergfl,uu dli-ocntnnaigi Thbeo diyps r ongleoda nterpioosrtlesyri,itt euidatn h mejd sagpiltatjnauteils n ef cavitthicaetos m miucnawtieto hn e aonrlayni,d ne frioitrnohl oylr einp kotrionrsit ootr h lee voeftl hb eo doifte hsle a teral other ctohnrnoeuccghthai nn(ngiFe glsst. h agti vteh vee ntrainac plopexrm iatev ent.rT ihcilse ecxatveiantndyts ee roinf 254-t o2 5-T6h)te.w uop pcearv iatriee ss hapTeh.ep rolopnogtreidoa nrser iofrrlotymh pei ngelanaldw ,h ipcrho U ani denptaiaicnrad l s airmecp alllyet dh ek noawsnt haen tieoprr,o stearniidfon er, ducaer se cess in wailltt,sot hpeo sterior rigahntld e lfat tevreanlt rTihcelaeyrs e.r iohro rnsE.a clha tveernatlir scio cnloep tcihci awshmi,pc rho duarc eecsie ns s ituaotneeod ne, a cshi doeft hmei dnecttoet dht ehd iv rentbryi ccahl aen nietls antewralol.i nferior sagiptltaainlnte h,ie ne frimoerd ipaarlct a lletdh ien tervenftorraimceounrl a rT hei nertvecnultafrroia rmniaeo,n e oft hceo ersrponhdeimsnpigh eorfte h ef roameonfM onoret,h rowuhgihci htf rmo eaclha tveernatlro ipceinln ett,ho e cerebrum. commiucnadtiersew citttlhhtye h d iv renanterospuopretoriftio hotnerh d iv rentri triacnliden e dcitrwlihytt hoep polsaittcelT eh.ce a viicsto yn tipnousootuieesnr f ervaelni tcrle. riowrilttyhh f euo rtvhe ntbryia pc alse sagken owanst hceee rbrlaa quedourc t aqueduScytl .vo ifu Thfeou trhv enitcrildse i amsohnadp ed anidls o caittne hader oefat hheid nbarin. Bodoyf Iitas n tetroti hoceree rbleml aunpdo ste latevreanlt ricle ritootr h peo nasn tdh uep ppeorr toifo n thmeed ulolbal onTghaet adp.io sitnatle,d Thivredn tricle enodf t hfeuo rtvhe ntirscio cnltei nuous Antehroironr witthhc ee ntcraanolaft l h meed ulolba longCaetrae.b iranolfs ulpid etxhiet s .-._-,..- Posrtiehoorr n fourvtehn tritinoct lhese u bcahrnaoid spavciteah m ee diaapne re(t oufrramoefn Magenadnide l)ta hteearp aelr t(uofrreas Cerebral aqueduct menL ushka). Interventricular foramen Fig. L2a5t-e4ar sapleo cft cerveebnrtarlii nrce lleastt osi uornf oafc aebi rn. Thivredn tricle Antehroironr Bodoyfl ateral venictler .----t,...- Infehroironr Bodoyf lateral Laterreacle ss ventricle _--7- Anterior horn Posrtieor horn '--�'!--I--- Inferior horn Fi2g5.- A5n tearsipoeroc flt a tecrearle bvreanlt riinc leFsi 2g5.- S6u pearsipoeroc fct e rebvreanlt riclest osi unr froaefcl ea tion relattosi uornf oafbc rea in. brain. 4 PlianR adiaopghric Afttehrce r ossl-attarebarldaeil o grRaapdhi ogorfta hspeph issn heo aullawdy s Examniation habse ecnh ecaknecddel arbeyad p hysbieo btabienfeomdry eeg lroapRhoyu.t ine Neourriaodloagssiecs smledbn etg iscnhi oatunhf,elo o lwicnegr vsipcipanrljeo e cimgaeosft hvee rtceoblruamlhn ep lfaurle witnho nnviasiimvaegg pirnocedutrieossnh.so ulodb tbaeia nnAe P,bd :it learailan s sensasrrionwdgei kdss pabceec ause Radiogorfa pcthehsre e abnrvdasi lc erAaPlo bli(qturea tuemcah nmiaqybu ee o fd egeneorfta htdeii ospnko ,s taoitpveer cranainudm v tehret ceoblruamlma ny bnee cesasnaadrn Ay P) ,dt eom sotnrtahtece hanigtneh sse p ineo,s taenodpo eft rosis empyleod detmoo tnrsabtoena yn atodmeyn.As v.e rtaecrbhro,ar ll l paiiram ge, thovfee rtecbourlmanBl.e catuhsceeo n Int rauemdap taitzienCthsa p(5ts)ee,rt e hc ee rvsipcianlep rmioadvayed dititornaaasglte u nstesid nm yoeglrampahyy ob- radiogroabpthasti onad eredet b eocnty i nofrmataibootnuh tpe o steproirotric ounsrsoe m aen omanloine-sc,os nptirnaaslt inrjyus,u bluxoardt ilisoocna,ot fti hoeno ft hcee rvviecratle( bsrCeaheea p8t)e.ir am gecso mpletmhmeeyn etl ogerxaphic vertceoblraualmnt ndod etertmheiexn eA nu prilgahttec rearlvs ipciarnlaei d amniatiaonnodf tperno vaidddei tional teanntsd t laybio itf btohneijy nu ry. ogrampahya lsboer equetsobt eetdt ienorfr mation. Foart raumaptaitziweeidntp tho ssidbelmeo antsaetl rignomfte hnvete rtebrRaoeu tsiknueil mglae ssh oubleod b CNSi nvolvaec mreonstsl-,at taceberlraeal n tdo a sstehsneso rmlaolr dcoutrivcta aiwnheedtn hp eos silibtoiyfa s kluflr ac vicsaplir naed iosghroauplhod b taitnueordfet hsep ine. tureexs it.s tIrna upmaat iae cnrtoss s be t rtuol ef rtoauucortrem isganlmieonft Tomogrampahyby e u setdos upplteablltaee ralu proirlg tahetr kalu ll fir thcee rvsipciAanplepo .rx imattweol tyh miernidtms a goefts hs ep ifnoierin tsicarle ernadiomgursabtpeoh b tationde edm on ofs iginciapfnatt hocloongdiicat ffieocnitsnp gu rpo(sseCeshe a p3t2e)Hr.o wevesrt,ra ai-trfleu liedv ientl hsse p hensoiid intgh sep icnaen d eteocntt ehidin si ttioamlo grhaapsh ylb aeregnre elpylb ayc endu Isnm.a niysn tantcheeassri e-u fillde v be iamgCea.r meu stt akteodn e moantsetc romputed t(oCmTio)mng a rnaiypn hsyte ilmsa yb et hien iitnidailc oafat ion be theen etc ierrvsipciaandlee quiantcelltuyud,t (isoCenhesa p3t3eT)rom. o grampahyyb asislukalfrlr t aucrIena. d ditsuikloln, intghC e7 -IT tairculImatat yi onnec.e bsee mlpoyteod demolnosnctgor,na ttiienam geasrh ee lpifnu gldn ioasriecnatgi ve be sartyoe mpltohyTe wi ni(nSgw iemrmsu)o uasr eoafts h sep iDnsiea.d vanotfa bgoenfsero matiaonngd e nearelartla tiino ns meth(eo edC hap8t)te odr e motnrsattheit so mogrianupcdhley l tahocefks o tfsitu et hsek ursleull gt ifrnvoamr oiafep t ayt ho anatroemigiorcna dipohgircaally.d etaanitdlh dei fficiunpl otsyi tai olnoigncigoc n diitinocnlgsu P,da itgne'dsi s trauemdpa attifizoelrnta ter al tomeoagsrfeai,pb hrdioycus sp ,lh aesmiaangiomas, radiographs. ancdh anigtneh ssel ea lt urcica. 5 Myeloapghry Mosmty eglroaamrspe e rfoomnla end C ONTRASMTE DIA Myeloagprh(yG remeyke,l "omasr,r oowu;t patient barseicso,v eAwr initonhng w -apstaoetlriiueobnndltaiest,e e sdt (eoir thsep icnoadr"l)i st hgee netrearalmp foarp pirmoaxt4e tlo8y h ouartfset rh ep hend[yaPlnattoep] aw)qa uisen otdruced piletdo r adioelxoagmiicn oaftt hieop nr oucereb defobreeir negl etaors eetdu irn1n4 92. Beicta ucnsooebut ela dbs orbed CNSs truecsst uiuatrtweidt thhivene rtheome.m anIpyna rotfts h ceo uyn,ht orwbyt hbeo dtyh,i lpsii da-sbecdo ntt ra brcaaln Tahlie.sx aminiapste irofnor emveemdra ,g nerteisco niamnacge(i MnRgI m)ed iurmeu qierd repmoopsvrtao lc edure. byi tnrdoucaic nogn tmreaidsutimt n ot he( eseC hap3t6eh)ra a sgr elylr eplmayceeFdr equseonmtcelo ynt rreamsatii nnteh de subcahrnaosipda bcyes pipnuanlc tluorger,aM pyhegylr.oa pchoyn titon utbehesec anaanlcd a bnes eeonnn on-cornatrast moscto mmonlLy2 a-otLrL 3 3t 4-hi eLn prefeerxraemdi nmaettihfooondr asdsieoasgpsrhsp aotfi wehnoht astd h mey tersopraa ttc hece it sernmaa gbneat weienng ddieisassikepn ta iesnw tictohn atirndeiolgrapprhoyc ebdeufroterh ieetn rocdu C aIn tdh oec cibpointea.l catitooMn Rsl s ucahsp acemaokre trisoo fnt hnee werd imulemo.p haetned yl meatlcpl oistsepriifnouarsl ri oodns . wauss eidnm yeglroapfhoyr many years Myeglroapihsey m plotyode edm onbuitsn ol oncgoemrm ceiraalvlayi lable. streaxtterc i snpsiicnoarlcd o mpresTshiefo inrw satts eorl-unbolnei,o inoidci, causbeyd h aen riteadd iks,b onfer agnatceodn targaesntt , mewtarsi zianmide, men,to r t umoarsws e,la lss picnoarldt roduicnte hdle a te I 970s. Thereafter, swelinlrgse ulgtf riontmr aumijanutyir.cw atoelru-csbolnett ram eqduiiac kly be Theseen ocarhcmenatpsp eraard icoamteha eg eonfct hso iNcoen.i ownateirc, grhaipcaasld leaoyf r miitnth yse u rbaachsolucbolnetm readspitra o vgiodovedi su nosipda ocre o abns trouftc htpeia osns aagilez atoifno enr rvoeo (tiFsg 2.5 -a7n)d oft hceo luomfcn o natsmrte idmu withgiono edn hancfeomfrelo onlwt- uCpTo f thseu rbaahcnosipda Mcey.eo lgraipsht yh sep inea.d diIttnih eoasnge,e natrse alussoe ifniud le ntifwyiinongfgt h nera edrairalobys orbbye bdto hdeOy n.ed s iad subcahrnaosipdabc yee valutahdteyi nvga ntoafmg eet rizwaamisit tdsee n dency namfliocpw attoeftr hnCesS F. tobe a bsovrebredy lqyTu.hi ecrkerfaore doigrawpehrsre eu qiedr btepo r oduced promapntadlc yc urately. Fi2g5.- M7y elogursaimwn agt -esrolcuobnle tramsetd i(umme trizNaemrivrdeoeo )st.es e n ata rorws, 6 Further rteots heietan rrdcouhc tliPeoRdnEA PRATIOONF E XAMIINNG Thes pinpauln cet aunrdc onatsrt ofi pmrovneodn iwoantiseclor bu lceo nROOM mediuimn jeacrtpeie ornf oirtnmh ereda traasgte nstusca hsi oheixoopldarni,o lO,n eof t hrea diogrraeopsnhpseiirt'biside liso ldoegptyam renUtn.d efrlu oroscopic anido veirnts homeli d18 90sI.mp roviesto p reept ahreex ajmngir noobme foorbes aetrivpolcnae,m eonftt h 2e0 -to2 2- menitnnso nicoonnitcr ashta vraeeg tehnpeta sit enatr'arsli Tv.h er adiogrgaapuhsgipeci nneaeldi lnte hs eu barachnoid sueldit fnwe esri edfeefc tCso.ne que,n etqluyipsmheonubtle cd h eckBeedc.a usspea icse vearnitdfh cieoe nadts,mrt e dium thehya vbee cotmhepe r efecrornetdrt ahspetr oceidnuvroeal sveeptste icch niiqsiuj nee,c tTehdes .t etrriaalnyetd h e non medifao bro tcho nvenatnidCo Tn atlht ea balnoedv erheeqaudi pmmuesbntet s teirtielrmees q ufiortreh idin sii aptlr oce myoeglra(piFhg2y.5 -8). cleaTnhefedo .o tbsohalorbudde a ttacdhueerd s ohulbde r eadfyoc ro nnvieent tot htea balnetd,h p ea ddheodu lsdueprp lacement. porstohsu lbdep alceadn rde afdoyar d jsutmetnott hp ea tiheenitgT'hhstei . m agien tensshiofubielle dor c skoet dh iatt cannaoctcn itdaeclolmyie nc o ntwaictth thsep inneaelad nldes/ tolerfier e ild. Fi2g5.- L8a teral porflo ujmebcsatprii onne myelogursaimwn agt erl-usbcoloen trast mediu(mi ohexol). 7 EXAMINTAIOPNR OCDEURE Scoiumta giensuc,dl ianc gr otsasb lues etdod emotnrsatceo ntmuhesed ullaris. Permedicoaftt hpieao tnfi oemrny toe glralatlemurbaalsr p ipnreo neo,f tarereneF otrh tihspe a tiipsel ncatei dnt hAeP p o phiyrs a lryne ecesTshapera yt.si oheunltqd u tee Sdo.m pehy sincspi raetfoeh ra ves itwiiottnhhc e e nrtarcyae len rtetdTo1 -2 bew ehlyld rahtoewde,bv eecr,aa un soen thpea tpialecneotdn ttahbeil tneh p er onLeI A. 2X4 3 0c m( Olx 1i2n ccha)s sette ionwiact,e lrbu-lsceoo tnramsetd iiusmp osiftoitroh nse p ipnuanlc tMuanrye,.i su seCdr.so st-abllaet erraadli ographs useTdor. e duapcpeer neshainopdnr evehnotw e,vh earvtehp ea tiajeduntste dt hiena re obwtiatgirhn-fi erddoc nats soerat tes alaartum n peecxtmeadn veeudrus rtihnegl atpeorasliw tiittohhns e p iflneex teod s tatriygo rnitadh;em yu sbtec lsolecyo lli procedtuhrreea ,d iogsrhaopeuhxlepdrl awiindt ehnie tn esrpinsopuascf eoesra simeart (eiFdg 2s5.-t 9o2 51-)3. thdeea tiolfms y eglroapthoty h pea tiienrnottd ucotfti hnoeen e dle. Thpe osiotfti hopena tiheenamtdu' sst beftohreeex aminbaetg.iiT onhnpe a tieTnhtep hysiucsilualawnyti hdrCaSwFsb eg uradeadst hceo ntcroalsutnm ena rs houbleid no rfmtehda ta ntghuelo aft fioolrbna o raatnoarlyay nsdi ss ilnojweltcyht cese rvaircetaaopl r evtehnmeted ium theex amitnaibnwlgie rl elp delaatyne da popxrima9t teol1 y2m lo fc otnrafsrto pma ssiinnttghoc e e revbernatlr icles. acultcyeh anTghepe.a i tesnhto aullsdo mbedei uAmft.e cro mpltehtieijn negc tiAocneu,e t xtenosfti hohene acdo mpresses towlhdty h hee amdut maintiaani ntehde phryesmioctviheasesnp innealeled .t hcesi temrangaan natd h purse vfeunrts be fluleyx tenpdoesdiw thieotnnh t ea bleT raiovsef tl hc eo ntmreadsitcu oml uimsnt hears coefntt hm eed iuBme.c atuhsee tiedlt tot hTeer ndeulrepgno bsiTthieoo nb.s eravncedod n trflooulrloesidcc loa.ypl csitemrangain ssai tteupdao sitoernrliey, radiogmruaspptrh ioedvrae s surtahnacAten guloaftt hiteoa nba llleo ws gtroat vhifertorwy a nrodlr a tfleerxailot hnhe e oafd thpea tiweinltla fweh etnh tea bilsed ierct ctohnett rota hsaetr eoafi tnerecsotm.p rtehscesie esrstn al cavity. be acutaenlgayln etddh eavte rnygpt ohsisiSbploietam geasrt ea ktehnr outghhpeor uot Aftecro mploeftt ihpoern o cetdhuer e wibledl o nteoa vociadu suinenncge sscaerdyuT rheer. a daipohgoerbrt aiiamngse sp atimeunsbttem ontoirienad na ppropri dic omfort. att hlee voefal n byl ogceok rad sitortaitroeen c oavreerMayo. sp thy sicrieacnosm in otuhitenl oef t hceo ntcroalsutm mne.nt dh tahtpe a tiheenaatdn's dsh oulders Convenrtaidoinoaglsr taupdhwiiiects bh,e e veal3t0e dt doe g4r5e es during recov thcee ntrradayiel rc tveetdri coarhl olryie rBye.rd e st fohro usiresrsve ecroaml zontmaalybl eyp ,e rfoarsrm eeqd uesmteendda endfld uidasr een caoguerTdh.e byt hreai doloTghiceso tnpu.ros j cetiiosnp unces tiutreb eem xuasetmd ib neftohree patiiresen lte farmso tehdre e coavreeray. Fi2g5.- L9u mbmayre log: ArPap mrojecFi2g5.1- 0C ervimcyaell ogArPap mr:o jection tiwoint nho n-w-aostleurbiloed incaotned showisnygm menterrirvcoe o (tasr roawnsda) x il tramsetd iusmh.o wianxgi lploaurcyh es laproyu ch(eaos)n b oth saiswd eelaslss. p inal andc orrespnoenrdrvioeno g(t asrw r).o cord. 8