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Merriam-Webster’s Elementary Dictionary PDF

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ND EXPANDED EDITION! BOSTON PUBLICLIBRARY u» *\ usually «: a small * Merriam- t£W£ Webster's »ga-t- r a at«* .c Elementary Dictionary in the a Boston Public Liorary 02116 \ Merriam- .. Webster's "fT Elementary Dictionary A wr: Merriam- Webster's Elementary Dictionary MERRIAM-WEBSTER, INCORPORATED SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S. A GENUINE MERRIAM-WEBSTER The name Websteralone is no guarantee of excellence. It is used by a number of publishers and may serve mainly to mislead an unwary buyer. Merriam-Webster™ is the name you should look for when you consider the purchase of dictionaries or other fine reference books. It carries the reputation of a company that has been publishing since 1831 and is your assurance of quality and authority. Copyright © 2009 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Merriam-Webster's elementary dictionary, p. cm. ISBN 978-0-87779-675-6 (alk. paper) — 1. English language Dictionaries, Juvenile. I. Merriam-Webster, Inc. II. Title: Elementary dictionary. PE1628.5M43 2009 423—dc22 2008041753 All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage or retrieval — systems without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 1 23456 7 89CMA/QWV 12 11 10 09 08 8 Contents Preface 6a Key to Using Your Dictionary 8a Using Your Dictionary 10a Greek and Latin Roots in English 22a Abbreviations Used in This Dictionary 23a Pronunciation Symbols 24a A Dictionary of the English Language 1 Signs and Symbols 794 A Guide for Writers 796 Geographical Names 805 Map of the United States 81 Map of the World 820 List of Books Quoted in This Dictionary 822 Credits 824 *. 2> a\ — Preface Merriam-Webster's Elementary Dictionary vocabulary of English has received its proper is specially written and designed to share of attention, while also giving the language — meet the needs of students in elemen- of special subjects such as mathematics, sci- tary school. It is part of a series of dictionaries ence, social studies, grammar, and computers intended for elementary and secondary students. the full coverage that students need today. It is preceded by Merriam-Webster's Primary Additionally, the editors of this dictionary Dictionary and followed by Merriam-Webster's engaged in a special reading program that gath- Intermediate Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's ered citations from more than 100 additional School Dictionary. works of children's literature. These works were Dictionaries have always been a great chosen on the basis of being likely sources of source of knowledge and information for young examples of words that elementary students students, but today, as educational standards in encounter and need to know. The works range many states call for greater achievement in read- from current best-sellers to recent and past ing and language skills, dictionaries have award-winners to time-tested classics, and from become an indispensable tool for students. To works suitable for younger, less advanced read- meet this challenge, this dictionary was created ers to those appropriate for older, more proficient to go beyond simply providing information about readers. With this collection of examples from words and meanings and to include new fea- children's favorite books available, the editors — tures, such as word root paragraphs and quota- enriched the dictionary with a new feature quo- tions from famous works of children's literature, to tations from literature. Nearly 1,300 passages help build language skills and encourage a love and sentences written by favorite authors are of reading. used at entries throughout this dictionary to illus- This dictionary was written and edited by trate in an interesting and lively way how the entry Merriam-Webster's permanent staff of trained lex- word is used in context. icographers. They have included words on the To help develop the student's ability to under- basis of their occurrence in textbooks and other stand unfamiliar words, word root paragraphs are reading materials in all subjects. The editors have included throughout the dictionary to show how had access to the more than 16 million examples Greek and Latin roots are found in families of of English words used in context that form the words. Word root paragraphs assist students in Merriam-Webster citation files and that underlie building vocabulary and in improving spelling the entire family of Merriam-Webster dictionaries, skills. An essay called "Greek and Latin Roots in including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. English" in the front of this dictionary explains Basing their work on this broad body of evidence, why learning Greek and Latin roots is helpful in the editors have ensured that the current general increasing vocabulary. 6a Of course at every entry students will find the served as editor. The reading program was car- basic information of how words are spelled and ried out by llya A. Davidovich, Kathleen M. pronounced and what they mean. Many entries Doherty, Anne Eason, Daniel J. Hopkins, provide additional usage information in the form of Adrienne M. Scholz, and Judy Yeh. Primary edit- Hints. And many are followed by synonym para- ing and defining was the work of Daniel J. graphs, another tool for increasing vocabulary, or Hopkins and of Joan I. Narmontas, who also by word history paragraphs that introduce stu- served as life sciences editor. Daniel B. Brandon dents to the fascinating study of where words edited the physical science entries and handled come from. creation of the electronic manuscript. Latin More than 800 illustrations, photographs, and teacher and former staff member Emily A. Vezina diagrams of plants and animals, geographical created the word root paragraphs, and staff ety- features, vehicles, musical instruments, and many mologist James L. Rader provided the expertise other things are included to supplement and behind the word history paragraphs. Christopher enrich the information given at the entries and to C. Connor was responsible for checking cross- encourage students to browse the dictionary and references. Kathleen Doherty handled verifica- further investigate the information on the page. tion of quotations. Paul S. Wood served as pro- In the back of the dictionary there are sepa- duction editor and contributed to the proofread- rate sections giving information about signs and ing along with editors Hopkins, Narmontas, symbols, writing conventions, and geography. A Davidovich, and Anne P. Bello. Thomas F. list of the works of literature quoted and their Pitoniak handled electronic transmission of the authors is also provided. manuscript. Madeline L. Novak, Director of Because many elementary students have lit- Editorial Operations, provided invaluable assis- tle experience with using dictionaries, an easy-to- tance in tne management of the project. read introductory section called "Using Your Interior design, production, and art direction Dictionary" is found at the front of this dictionary. were provided by Creative Media Applications, Students should read this section carefully and Inc., Dan Oehlsen, Lary Rosenblatt, and Barbara become thoroughly familiar with what it tells them Stewart, principals. Interior design and art direc- about how information is presented in this dictio- tion was the work of Fabia Wargin. Page produc- nary. By doing this, students will be sure to get the tion of the main text of the dictionary was handled most from their dictionary. by Alicia Fox of Alan Barnett Design; production Merriam-Webster's Elementary Dictionary of the front and back matter was by Fabia was created through the combined efforts of a Wargin. Database translation was done by group of staff members. Linda Picard Wood AEIeen Frisch. 7a

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