International and Cultural Psychology Series Editor: Anthony J. Marsella, Ph.D. Harry Minas Milton Lewis Editors Mental Health in Asia and the Pacific Historical and Cultural Perspectives International and Cultural Psychology Series editor Anthony J. Marsella, Alpharetta, Georgia, USA Exploresproblemsandchallengestomentalhealth,psychosocialwellbeing,human growth and development, and human welfare that are emerging from our contemporary global context. It advances in psychological knowledge regarding the nature and consequences of the many social, cultural, economic, political, and environmentaleventsandforcesthataffectindividualsandcommunitiesthroughout the world. The series covers areas like therapy, assessment, organizational psychology, community psychology, gender, child development, and specific disorders. In addition,itaddressesmajorglobalchallengessuchaspoverty,peace,urbanization, modernization, refugees, and migration. The series acknowledges the multidisci- plinary, multisectoral, and multicultural nature of the global context of our lives, and publishes books that reflect this reality. Publish your next book in this series! Send your manuscript to Series Editor: Anthony J. Marsella, [email protected]. More information about this series at Harry Minas Milton Lewis (cid:129) Editors Mental Health in Asia fi and the Paci c Historical and Cultural Perspectives 123 Editors Harry Minas MiltonLewis GlobalandCultural Mental Health Unit, TheMenzies Centrefor HealthPolicy, The Centrefor Mental Health CharlesPerkins Centre MelbourneSchoolofPopulationandGlobal TheUniversity of Sydney Health,The University of Melbourne Sydney Parkville Australia Australia ISSN 1574-0455 ISSN 2197-7984 (electronic) International andCultural Psychology ISBN978-1-4899-7997-1 ISBN978-1-4899-7999-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-7999-5 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016957493 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaNewYork2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerScience+BusinessMediaLLC Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:233SpringStreet,NewYork,NY10013,U.S.A. Contents 1 Why Historical, Cultural, Social, Economic and Political Perspectives on Mental Health Matter... .... .... .... ..... .... 1 Milton Lewis and Harry Minas 2 Mental Health in Pakistan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ........ 17 Safdar A. Sohail, Akhtar A. Syed and Atif Rahman 3 Psychiatry in India: Historical Roots, Development as a Discipline and Contemporary Context... .... .... ..... .... 39 Sanjeev Jain, Alok Sarin, Nadja van Ginneken, Pratima Murthy, Christopher Harding and Sudipto Chatterjee 4 Mental Health System Development in Sri Lanka . .... ..... .... 59 Harry Minas, Jayan Mendis and Teresa Hall 5 Mental Health in Korea: Past and Present ... .... .... ..... .... 79 Min Sung-kil and Yeo In-sok 6 Mental Health System in Japan After the Meiji Restoration: Historical Observations.. ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 93 Naotaka Shinfuku 7 A History of Mental Healthcare in Taiwan... .... .... ..... .... 107 Harry Yi-Jui Wu and Andrew Tai-Ann Cheng 8 Mental Health in Thailand: Historical and Cultural Perspectives ... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 123 Apichai Mongkol 9 Mental Health in Cambodia... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 135 Sotheara Chhim 10 Mental Health in Vietnam .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 145 Harry Minas, Claire Edington, Nhan La and Ritsuko Kakuma v vi Contents 11 Historical and Cultural Perspectives from the Philippines.... .... 163 Lourdes Ladrido-Ignacio,MichaelTanandJoffreySebastianQuiring 12 From Centralized to Decentralized Service: Mental Health and Psychiatry in Malaysia . .... .... .... .... ..... .... 175 Heong Hong Por and Mohamed Hatta Shaharom 13 Mental Health and Psychiatry in Singapore: From Asylum to Community Care.. .... .... .... .... ..... .... 193 Kah Seng Loh, Ee Heok Kua and Rathi Mahendran 14 Psychiatry and Mental Health Care in Indonesia from Colonial to Modern Times.... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 205 Hans Pols and Sasanto Wibisono 15 The History of Mental Health in Papua New Guinea... ..... .... 223 Graham J. Roberts 16 The History of Mental Health in Fiji.... .... .... .... ..... .... 237 Graham J. Roberts, Jacqueline Leckie and Odille Chang 17 Mental Health in the Smaller Pacific States .. .... .... ..... .... 253 Jacqueline Leckie and Frances Hughes 18 Grafting and Crafting New Zealand’s Mental Health Policy.. .... 273 Warwick Brunton and Peter McGeorge 19 Mental Health in Australia, 1788–2015: A History of Responses to Cultural and Social Challenges ... .... ..... .... 289 Milton Lewis and Stephen Garton Index .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 315 Editors and Contributors About the Editors HarryMinasisheadoftheGlobalandCulturalMentalHealthUnit,CentreforMentalHealth, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, and director of the Melbourne Refugee StudiesProgramme,bothatTheUniversityofMelbourne.Heisapsychiatristwhohasworkedin transcultural and global mental health over the past three decades. His mental health research, educationandservice development work hasbeenin development ofmental health services for multiculturalcommunitiesinAustraliaandmentalhealthsystemdevelopmentinlow-incomeand middle-incomecountries,andpost-conflictandpost-disastersettingsinSouth-EastEurope,Asia andthePacific.Hehashadaparticularfocusonmentalhealthandhumanrights,workingwith academicandgovernmentcolleaguesinseveralcountriesonimprovinghumanrightsprotections forpersonswithmentalillnessandpsychosocialdisabilities.AttheUniversityofMelbourne,he has developed graduate diploma and master-level programmes in transcultural psychiatry and global mental health and, through the International Mental Health Leadership Programme, has trainedseveralhundredmentalhealthleadersinmorethan20countriesinAsiaandthePacific. He has written on transcultural psychiatry and global mental health, including more than 250 peer-reviewedjournalpapers,books,bookchapters,reportsandmultimediateachingproducts.Among thebooks,hehasauthoredoreditedareasfollows:MinasH(ed.)ASEANmentalhealthsystemsJakarta: ASEANSecretariat,2016;PatelV,MinasH.CohenA,PrinceM.(eds.)GlobalMentalHealth:Principle andPracticeNewYork,OxfordUniversityPress,2014;HungPM,MinasIH,LiuY,DahlgrenG& Hsiao WC. (eds.) Efficient, equity-oriented strategies for health: International perspectives, focus on VietnamMelbourne,CentreforInternationalMentalHealth,2000.(ChamSocSucKhoeNhanDanTheo Dinh Huong Cong Bang Va Hieu Qua, Hanoi, Hanoi Medical Publishing Company, 2001); and MinasIH,LambertT,KostovS,BorangaG,Mentalhealthservicesforimmigrants:Transformingpolicy intopractice,Canberra,AustralianGovernmentPublishingService,1996. Between 1988 and 2015, he was founding director ofthe Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unitduringwhichtimeheestablished,in1996,theCentreforInternationalMentalHealthatthe University of Melbourne. He has been a consultant to Australian Commonwealth and State Departments of Health, successive Australian Ministers for Immigration and Citizenship, the International Organization for Migration and the World Health Organization. He was co-chair of the Victorian Migration Mental Health Taskforce and chair of the executive of the Commonwealth-fundedMentalHealthinMulticulturalAustraliaprogramme.Heisco-directorof a WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health and Substance Abuse and is a member of the WHODirector-General’sInternationalExpertPanelonMentalHealth.Hewasfoundingeditorof Australasian Psychiatry: Journal of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (1993–2000) and, since 2007, has been founding editor-in-chief of International vii viii EditorsandContributors Journal of Mental Health Systems. Between 2011 and 2013, he was head of the Movement for GlobalMentalHealthSecretariatandwasamemberoftheLancetGlobalMentalHealthGroup thatpreparedtheLancetSeriesonGlobalMentalHealthin2007and2011. Milton Lewis is an historian of medicine, public health and health policy; and is currently an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Menzies Centre for Health Policy, the Charles Perkins Centre,TheUniversityofSydney. Asthebooktitlesbelowshow,hehaswrittenonaverywiderangeofaspectsofmedicineand public health, across the life cycle from infants to the dying and across a variety of medical specialtiesandhealthproblems. Hehasalong-terminterestinthecontributionhistorythatcanmaketounderstandingbetter health problems and health policy and, more broadly, in how to apply what used to be called, especially in nineteenth-century Germany, the “human sciences” (history, anthropology, eco- nomics,politics,sociologyandpsychology)togetherwithhumanbiology,inanintegratedway,to advance understanding of human affairs, a very much more difficult task but one essential to dealingwiththegrowingcomplexityofaworldwhereglobalisationandtheforcesofeconomic “modernisation”interactwithancientculturesand“pre-modern”societies. He has published 15 books (as well as book chapters, special issues of journals and journal articles).Thethreemostrecentbooks,includingthisbook,MentalHealthinAsiaandthePacific: HistoricalandCultural Perspectives,reflecthisconcernwiththeimpactofglobalisationonthe health of the peoples of the diverse polities, economies, societies and cultures of Asia and the Pacific,aregionmanyseeastheemergingcentreofworldaffairs.Thefirsttwobooks—MJLewis and KL MacPherson, eds, Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives (2008; 2011) and MJ Lewis and KL MacPherson, eds, Health Transitions and the DoubleDiseaseBurdeninAsiaandthePacific:HistoriesofResponsestoNoncommunicableand CommunicableDiseases(2013)—covercommunicableandnoncommunicablediseases.Thisthird book, in dealing with mental disorders, completes the coverage of the “total disease burden” of countriesoftheregion. Someofhisotherbooksareasfollows: MJLewis,ManagingMadness:PsychiatryandSocietyinAustralia,1788–1980(1988); RM MacLeod and MJ Lewis, eds, Disease, Medicine and Empire: Perspectives on Western MedicineandtheExperienceofEuropeanExpansion(1988); MJLewis,ARumState:AlcoholandStatePolicyinAustralia,1788–1988(1992); MJLewis,SBamberandMWaugh,eds,Sex,DiseaseandSociety:AComparativeHistoryof SexuallyTransmittedDiseasesandHIV/AIDSinAsiaandthePacific(1997); P Setel, M Lewis and M Lyons, eds, Histories of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Sub-SaharanAfrica(1999); MJLewis,ThornsontheRose:theHistoryofSexuallyTransmittedDiseasesinAustraliain InternationalPerspective(1998); MJLewis,ThePeople’sHealth,Vol1,PublicHealthinAustralia,1788–1950(2003); MJLewis,ThePeople’sHealth,Vol2,PublicHealthinAustralia,1950tothePresent(2003); MJLewis,MedicineandCareoftheDying:AModernHistory(2007). In 2013, he was interviewed for the National Oral History Archive, the National Library of Australia (since 1960, the Archive has recorded interviews with Australians who have distin- guishedthemselvesinthearts,sport,politics,thelaw,media,educationandscience),concerning his“outstandingandpioneeringcareerasanhistorianofmedicineandpublichealth”. EditorsandContributors ix Contributors Warwick Brunton Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Odille Chang Department of Medical Sciences, Fiji National University, Suva, Fiji Sudipto Chatterjee Parivartan Trust, Satara, Maharashtra, India Andrew Tai-Ann Cheng Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Sotheara Chhim Transcultural Psychosocial Organization, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Claire Edington University of California—San Diego, San Diego, USA Stephen Garton Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia Nadja van Ginneken University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Teresa Hall Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit, Centre for Mental Health, MelbourneSchoolofPopulationandGlobalHealth,TheUniversityofMelbourne, Parkville, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Christopher Harding Department of History, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Frances Hughes International Council of Nurses, Geneva, Switzerland Yeo In-sok Department of Medical History, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea Sanjeev Jain Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India Ritsuko Kakuma Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit, Centre for Mental Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Ee Heok Kua Department of Psychological Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Nhan La Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit, Centre for Mental Health, MelbourneSchoolofPopulationandGlobalHealth,TheUniversityofMelbourne, Parkville, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Lourdes Ladrido-Ignacio College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines