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Mensa Mighty Mind Benders Word Puzzles PDF

132 Pages·1996·205.47 MB·English
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MIGHTY MIND BENDERS WORD PUZZLES MENSA WORD PUDILE THIS IS A CARLTON BOOK ‘Text and puzzles copyright © British Mensa Limited 1993 Design and artwork copyright @ Carlton Books Limited 1995 ‘This edition published by Carlton Books Limited 1996 ‘This book is sold subject ro the consfition thot it sholl not, by way of trade cor otherwise, be lant, resold, hited out or otherwise cinculated without the publisher's prior written consent in any form of caver or binding other than that in which ic ig published ond without a similar condition including this condition being imposed upon the subsequent purchaser. All rights reverved ACIP catalogue record for thie hock is available from the British Library ISBN 1 e58e8 214 2 Designed by FRD Printed in aly. INTRODUCTION Porzirs which involve the use of the English lauguage are notorious ly difficult to produce. Unfortunately the differences between the [Engish used in Europe and the nglish used elsewhere are consider able, This hock uses words which, hopefully, mateh the use of English throughout the world. The main sitionaries used are Websters New World Dicticoary andl the Collins Eels Dscturry. ‘Word puzzles are fun, Thishas been proved over and over ageir in {he many puzzle features which have been printed in major news- papersand magezines throughout the world. At the time of waiting the British Rail inst las passenger magazin, Intercity, prints a page af similar puzzles each issue. The Brith newspaper Yoda, cones a purl per day al his nin the prooass of worldwide syndication. Many inflight mayaines from the fae cast the Caribbean use simi Jar putes, My problem is hat Ihave to devise them. Fortunately | have an extremely able helper in Carolyn Skit She checks, eniicizes sud improves on many ofthe puzzles produced. Without Carolyn thisbook would sil be in the making, Helo has also come from other quarters, Joanne Harris sponta great deal of time perfecting the tinted puzzles, Bobby Roikhy worked on tke maay diagrammatic styles, and David Ballbcimer chooked tha proofs. Hut what of Mensa? If yuu ean solve the puzcks can you join the organization? You should have no problem. These are fun pozzles but thoy are by no rmeans easy. Hf you ean work these out, the Mensa test should prove tobeno hurdle and you should easily qualify. Once you have joined you will finda feling of self-satisfaction thal very few experience in a life-time. You will meet people of diferent walks of ife but of simi- Jar brain power. scienlist can meeta poe a composer, an architect The broadening of the intellectual vision is amazing Ue new harizon| is formidable, Butchallenging. | invite you to join this ever expanding ‘gmup of people, whore race, eligion or political persuasion are nat Blocks but keys: keys to opening new doors of understanding, frond ship and considered discussion. There are 40,000 Menss members in the British Isles alone, There are over 50,000‘ the USA, There are 120,000 throughont the world. Write to: Mensa (MWP), Mensa House, StJoln’s Square, Wolverhampton WV2 LAH. We will end you details and 2 ome screening 10 test Hanoi Gaus Executive Director of British Mensa Match, 1998 ‘Take 10 minutes only to 0 Which word of four letters complete the test one ont? canbe added to the front of the following words to create other 1 Ifa cle isone how manyis CAT DOG HAMSTER Linglish words? an actagan? RABBIT ELK CARD BOX CODE BAG 2 Thereare 1.200 elephants ina 7 Which word canbeadded to HASTE herd. Some have pink and blue the end of GRASS and the bogin- stripes, cameareall pinkand ning ef SCAPE to form tseo someareallblue, Of these one other English words? Answers third are pure pink, Isit tru that 400 elephants aredefinitely 8 The 700 has two lions. A ion 8 1 blue? cats three pounds af meat each 2 No. day. Alionesseats two pounds 3. 3 Which vowel comes midway of meateach day and alioneub 4 17. {They aev all prime between Jand T? ‘eats one pound of meat. The numbers] dolivery or today is wo pounds 5, 4 Which number comes nextin of meatand thatisallthemeat ¢ Ek this series of numbers? available for the voo. Must any 7 and, ‘or both of thelions go hungry? 8 No, they could be lion 12387013 cubs. 9 9,Value of Reman 5 Which letter comes next inthis 9 Itsix minus one is worth sine numerals in words, i series of letters? ‘and seven minus five is worth any, either sublracied ‘one, Hovr much is six plus oradded, BACBDCEDF? ten worth? 10 Post Soe Conment Fosse Ww Excellent 10 r Very Good Indeod 155 & ‘Mensa Level 1s z Good 0 6 Above Averaue 18 5 Average 100 4 Belov: Average z a ‘Wall Below Average 2 Poor 65 i Very Poor indved Now try this one: lH you think you have the correct answer send it ‘Your waich was cortect al midnight but hen lo Mensa on a poslcand or lhe back of an envelope began to gain two and a half minutes every hour. and you will recwive a oatifcate of merit, along. lestopped two hours ago showing quarter past with Mensa details. The address lo zeply to is: six in the morning. What should the wateh ‘Mensa House, St John's Square, be showing? Wolverhampton WV2 14H. WORD PUZZLE T Place one letter i the middle ofthis diagram. Tour fiveletter words can now be rearranged from each staigat lin of letters, ‘What is the leter and what are the words? ANSWLK 62 woRD PUZZIR2 “Arrange the tles im this dingram so that they form a aquave, ‘When this is done conectly lau words can be read clowa and ‘across. What aze the wairds? ANSWER 10 AS C1 £3 02 C3 €2 Gd AS ES BL 03 AB C4 DS OL Ce g Dl el Al Ad 89 C2 BS AZ B4 E4 DL AZ ES Ad EL WORD PLZZLB3 Select one ofthe two letters from the grid, im accordance with the reference shown, and place tin the worl frame. When the correct letters have been chosen a sixteen-leter word can be read. ‘What i the word? ANSWER 103 WORD PUZZLES Make. cirle out ofthese shapes. When the camtect ciscle has heen found an English wont ean be ‘eu ackorine, What is he word? ANSWER 5

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