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MEN PORTRAYED BY BROW ING A T hesis Presented to the Faculty of th e School of E nglish The U niversity of Southern C aliforn ia In P artial F ulfillm en t o f the Requirements for the Degree M aster of Arts in English by Esther R itter Davis June 1950 UMI Number: EP44263 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP44263 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 £ '«T0 O 3 ^ / This thesis, written by [email protected]: under the guidance of h.&JZ.. Faculty Committee, and approved by all its members, has been presented to and accepted by the Council on Graduate Study and Research in partial fulfill­ ment of the requirements for the degree of M aster of A rts Ju n e............................................................................................. Dean Date.... Jlima...l95.0._______ Faculty Committee Chairman TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 C ontradictory in te rp re ta tio n s of Brovming’s ch aracter p o rtray a ls ..................... 6 Browning’s alleg ed purpose in h is p o r t r a y a l s ........................................................................ 1 0 Types of men p r e s e n t e d ..................................................14 I BROWNING'S PORTRAYAL OF MEN WHO LIVED ACCORDING TO AND OPENLY JUSTIFIED A NEGATIVE PHILOSOPHY OF L I F E .............................................20 The unscrupulous type''of m a n ........................................21 Count Guido Franceschini in "The Ring and the B o o k " ................................................... 22 The e ld e r man in "The Inn A lb u m " .................25 The Duke of F errara in "My Last Duchess" . 29 The Duke in "The F lig h t of the Duchess" . . 30 A husband in "A F o r g i v e n e s s " ...................................32 The Lover in "Porphyria’s Lover" .................... 35 The Greek in "P ietro o f A b a n o " ......................36 The King in "Instans T y r a n n u s " ......................39 Count G authier in "Count Gismond" ..................... 41 The Doctor in "Doctor— ”■ .............................................44 The Pope in "The Pope and theN et" . . . . 46 iii CHAPTER PAGE The s p ir itu a lly warped type of m a n ........................47 Donald in "Donald” ............................................................49 Bishop Blougram in "Bishop Blougram’s Apology" ............................................................................51 Mr. Sludge in "Mr. Sludge, ’th e Medium’" . 54 Djabal in "The Return of the Druses" . . . 56 Chiappino in "A S o u l's Tragedy" ............................ 5$ The Leader in "The Lost L e a d e r " ..............................64 The Bishop in "The Bishop Orders his Tomb ' a t Saint Praxed’s Church" ...................................... 65 The despicable type of m a n ...................................... 67 The Monk in "Soliloquy of the Spanish C lo ister" .................................................... . . . . . 6B Johannes Agricola in "Johannes A gricola in M e d i t a t i o n " ..................................................................70 Paul Desforges Mai H ard in "The Two Poets of C r o i s i c " ............................................................72 Hob in "Halbert and H o b " ...........................................75 George Bubb Dodington in "George Bubb D o d in g to n " ...................................................... 77 The type of man lured by the f l e s h ...............79 Don Juan in "F ifine at the F a i r " ......................$0 Fra Lippo Lippi in "Fra Lippo Lippi" . . . S3 CHAFrER PAGE Francesco Romanelli In ’’B eatrice S i g n o r i n i " ......................................................................34 Solomon in ’’Solomon and B alk is” .......................36 II BROWNING’S PORTRAYAL OF MEN WHO WERE CONSCIOUS OF A POSITIVE PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE, BUT CHOSE. TO LIVE ACCORDING TO THE NEGATIVE...........................................................................33 The v in d ic tiv e type of m a n ........................................ 33 The Farmer and Lodovico Buti in ’’F ilippo B aldinucci on th e P riv ileg e of B u ria l” ......................................................................89 De Lorge in ’’The Glove” ................................................91 The Pied Piper in the ’’Pied Piper of Hamel in ” ......................................................................93 The type of man who chose a seeming good and lo s t the b e s t .....................................................94 Cleon in "Cleon” ......................... 95 Karshish in ”An E p istle ” ................................................99 The Duke in "Daniel B a rto li” ...................................100 Prince Berthold in "Colombe’s Birthdajr” . . 102 A ristophanes in "A ristophanes’ Apology” . . 104 The type of man who was a s p iritu a l coward » 106 M artin Relph in "M artin Relph" .......................... 106 V CHAPTER PAGE Duke Ferdinand in "The Statue and the Bust" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Andrea d e l Sarto in ’’Andrea d e l Sarto” . . • 112 Lover in ’’Too late" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Henry, Earl Mertoun, in "A B lot in the 'Scutcheon” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 The w ell-in ten tio n ed , but m isguided type of man 116 P acchiarotto in "Pacchiarotto and How He Worked in Distem per” . . . . . . . . . . 116 The Grammarian in "A Grammarian's Funeral” 113 Francis Furini in "Francis Furini" . . . . . 122 Leonce Miranda in "Red Cotton Night-Cap Country" . . . . . • . * • ;. M. . . . . 123 Thorold, Earl Tresham, in "A B lot in the 'Scutcheon” . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Prince H ohenstiel in "Prince E oh en stiel- Schwangau, Savior of Society" . . . . . . . 126 Wentworth, Earl of S trafford , in "Strafford" . . . .............................................................128 The P atriot in "The Patriot" .........................129 Caius O ctavius Caesar the August in "Imperante Augusto Natus E st— " . . . . . . 129 CHAPTER PAGE T heocrite in rfThe Boy and the Angel" . . . 131 The type of man m ystified by l i f e ..............................132 Caliban in "Caliban Upon Setebos" ....................... 132 The Husband in "The Worst of I t " .........................135 The Lover in "St. M artin’s Summer" . . . . 136 Saul in " S a u l " .......................................................................137 P ietro in "P ietro of Abano” ........................................13$ I I I BROWNING’S PORTRAYAL OF MEN-WHO KNEW AND LIVED ACCORDING TO A POSITIVE PHILOSOPHY OF L IF E .................................................................................................140 The type of man whose sense of values, though r e a l, is not th a t commonly held . . 140 Herv^ Riel in "Herve R i e l " ................................ 140 Ivan Ivanovitch in "Ivan Ivanovitch" . . . 143 The P ain ter in "P icto r Ignotus" ......................... 145 Ned B ra tts in "Ned B r a t t s " .............................146 The lover in "In a G o n d o la " ............................. . 147 The poet in "How I t S trik es a Contemporary” 14$ The type of man redeemed by l o v e ..............................149 Admetos in "B alu stio n ’s Adventure" . . . . 149 The Dying man in " C o n f e s s io n s " ..............................151 Valence in "Colombe’s Birthday" ............................ 152 Rosny in " R o s n y " ..................................................................152 vii CHAPTER PAGE Hoseyn in "M ul^ykeh".......................... . . . . . 153 The type o f man -who had the courage of h is con viction s . . . . . . . . .......................... 155 G iuseppi Caponsacchi in "The Ring and the Book" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Horbert in "In a Balcony" .......................... 157 Fust in "Fust and H is Friends" . . . . . . 158 C live in "Clive" . ................................................ 160 John in "A Death in the Desert" 162 Charles Emmanuel in "King V ictor and King Charles" . . . . . . . . 164 Count Gismond in "Count Gismond" . . . . . 166 Pope S ixtu s in "The Bean-Feast" . . . . . 167 The type of man im m ortalized by sublim ation of s e lf ................................... 169 Luria in " L u ria" ................................................ 169, Pheidippides in "Pheidippides" . . . . . . 172 The boy so ld ier in "Incident of the French Camp" .......................... . . . . . . . . 174 The Ita lia n P atriot in "The Ita lia n in E n g la n d " .................................................................. 175 The type of man ennobled by a mere glim pse of in fin ite tru th 176 viii CHAPTER PAGE Abt Vogler in "Abt V o g l e r " ........................................177 P aracelsus in "P aracelsus” ......................... 178 S ordello in ”Sordello" .............................................. 1$1 Rene Gentilhomme in "The Two Poets of C r o i s i c " .................................... 1$3 Lazarus in "An E p i s t l e " .................................... IS4 Ixion in " I x i o n " ..................................................................1£>5 The Lawyer in "Ponte D e ll’ Angelo, Venice" 1B6 Sebald, Ju les, Luigi, and Monsignor in "Pippa P a s s e s " .............................. 1$3 David in " S a u l " .......................................................................193 Rabbi Ben Ezra in "Rabbi Ben Ezra" . . . . 194 CONCLUSION . ..........................' ........................................................................197 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 199

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