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MEMORY EFFECTS IN NONLINEAR TRANSPORT: KINETIC EQUATIONS AND RATCHET DEVICES I. Santamar´ıa-Holek and J. M. Rub´ı Departament de F´ısica Fonamental-CER F´ısica de Sistemes Complexos, 3 Facultat de F´ısica Universitat de Barcelona Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain 0 0 Wepresentanewmethodtoderivekineticequationsforsystemsundergoingnonlineartransportin 2 thepresenceofmemoryeffects. Intheframeworkofmesoscopicnonequilibriumthermodynamics,we obtainageneralized Fokker-Planckequation incorporatingmemoryeffectsthroughtime-dependent n coefficients. Asapplications,wefirstdiscussthenon-Markoviandynamicsofanomalousdiffusionin a a potential, analyzing the validity of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. In a second application, J weproposeanewratchetmechanisminwhichtheperiodicdrivingactingontheparticleisinduced 5 bythe Onsager coupling of the diffusion current with an oscillating thermodynamic force. 1 ] h I. INTRODUCTION c e m Thecharacterizationofsystemsoutsideequilibriumrequiresanapriori identificationoftherelevanttimeandlength scale playing a major role in the dynamics. Once this task has been accomplished one then proceeds to establish the - t setofkineticequationsgoverningthebehaviouroftheprobabilitydensitiesandsubsequentlytoobtainthecorrelation a functions which can be contrastedwith experiments. These are the main steps nonequilibrium statistical mechanical t s theoriessetuptoanalyzethedynamicsofsystemsofverydifferentnatureevolvingunderout-of-equilibriumconditions . t [1]. a m Thepresent-day-tendencyinthestudyofsystemsworkingatmicro-andnano-scales,basedontheincreasingexper- imental possibilities, demands the implementation of simple theoretical frameworksable to cope with the complexity - d inherent to the analysis of systems with many competing time and length scales (usually referred to as complex n systems). Two are the main characteristics exhibited by those systems. The unavoidable presence of energetic and o entropic barriers makes the dynamics intrinsically nonlinear [2]-[5]. The drastic elimination of degrees of freedom c usually performed for the sake of simplification is accompanied by the appearance of memory effects [6]-[9]. These [ twocharacteristics,togetherwiththefactthatfrequentlythesystemevolvesunderthe influenceofexternalgradients 1 or fields creating an inhomogeneous environment, must be reflected in the formulation of the kinetic equations. To v implement that task, many efforts have been devoted in the framework of kinetic theory [10], projector operator 1 techniques [11]-[13] and in the theory of stochastic processes [14]-[19]. 6 Two types of Fokker-Planck equations incorporating memory effects are frequently presented. The first one intro- 2 duces the non-Markovianity in terms of retarded kernels, i.e., by incorporating time integrals in the equation [12], 1 0 [18]. In the second type, non-Markovianity is taken into account through a time dependence of the coefficients [10], 3 [13],[15],[16]. Adetaileddiscussionexplainingtheirdifferencestogetherwithexperimentalimplicationscanbefound 0 in [20]. / OurpurposeinthispaperistoproposeanewmethodtoderivekineticequationsoftheFokker-Plancktypeinwhich t a memory effects are incorporated through time-dependent coefficients. In recent works [21]-[25], we have shown that m the scheme of nonequilibrium thermodynamics also applies to the mesoscopic domain in which fluctuations strongly - influence the dynamics. The kinetic equations can be obtained from the probability density conservation law by d specifying the phase space diffusion current which follows from the corresponding entropy production. The theory, n called mesoscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics, has been successfully applied to different situations involving o c transport[26],[27]andrelaxationphenomena[28]-[29]. Itisourobjectiveinthispapertoshowitsvalidityinsystems : exhibiting memory effects by discussing examples pertaining to the domain of nonlinear transport. v The paper is distributed as follows. In Sec. 2, we present the derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation for i X non-Markovian systems or generalized Fokker-Planck equation. Section 3 is devoted to obtain the corresponding r generalizedLangevin equation. In Sec. 4, we apply previous results to the case of anomalous diffusion in an external a potential. A second application to the domain of nonlinear transport in ratchet devices is carried out in Sec. 5. Finally, in the discussion Section we summarize our main results and comment on new perspectives. II. THE GENERALIZED FOKKER-PLANCK EQUATION Considerasystemwhosedynamicsisdeterminedbythesetofvariablesα≡(α ,...,α );theirevolutionintimeα(t) 1 n defines a stationary non-Markovianprocess. Let α denote the initial values of the variables, corresponding to t=0. 0 2 The probability of finding the system in the state α at time t is then given by means of the conditional probability density defined as P(α ;α,t) P(α |α,t)≡ 0 , (1) 0 P(α ) 0 where P(α ;α,t) is the joint probability density and P(α ) the stationary probability of the state α , [30]. The 0 0 0 probability density satisfies the normalization condition P(α |α,t)dα=1, (2) Z 0 and is governedby the continuity equation ∂ ∂ P(α |α,t)=− ·J (α ,α;t), (3) ∂t 0 ∂α α 0 expressing probability conservation in α-space. Here J (α ,α;t) represents an unknown probability current. α 0 Inordertoderivetheexplicitexpressionofthiscurrent,wewillfollowthemethodproposedbymesoscopicnonequi- libriumthermodynamics(MNET)[25],[26]. Byassuminglocalequilibriuminα-space,weestablishtheGibbsequation 1 δS(t)=− µ(α ,α;t)δP(α |α,t)dα, (4) T Z 0 0 where S(t) represents the entropy of the system, µ(α ,α;t) a nonequilibrium chemical potential and T the tem- 0 perature, assumed constant. For the Markovian case, in which the joint probability factorizes in the form P(α ;α,t)=P(α )P(α,t), the Gibbs equation reduces to [26] 0 0 1 δS(t)=− µ(α,t)δP(α,t)dα, (5) T Z where the chemical potential µ(α,t) is related to the one of the non-Markoviancase through µ(α,t)= µ(α ,α;t)P(α )dα , (6) Z 0 0 0 and the probability P(α ) at the initial state is normalized to the unity. 0 To determine the value of the current J (α ,α;t) we will first calculate the entropy production σ(t). Taking the α 0 time derivative of Eq. (4), substituting Eq. (3) and integrating by parts with the condition that the flux vanishes at the boundaries of the system, we obtain 1 ∂ σ =− J (α ,α;t)· µ(α ,α;t)dα. (7) T Z α 0 ∂α 0 Now, following the rules of nonequilibrium thermodynamics we may establish a linear relationship between the flux and the thermodynamic force in the general form 1 ∂ J (α ,α;t)=− L(α,α′;t)· µ(α ,α′;t)dα′, (8) α 0 T Z ∂α 0 where the Onsager coefficients L (α,α′;t) are, in general, function of the state variables α and satisfy the Onsager ij reciprocal relations L(α,α′;t) = L†(α′,α;−t), where † means the transpose of a matrix [31]. These coefficients are related to relaxation functions giving the correlation of the state variables with their initial conditions [30]. In the Markovian case, correlations decay exponentially and the L’s become independent of time. In general, the L’s may also depend on time through the conditional averagesof the state variable defined by α(t)= αP(α |α,t)dα. (9) Z 0 To determine the expressionofthe chemicalpotential, we willuse the requirementthat the Gibbs equation(4) has to be compatible with the Gibbs entropy postulate [30] P(α |α,t) S(t)=−k P(α |α,t)ln 0 dα+S , (10) BZ 0 P0(α) 0 3 wherek isBoltzmann’sconstant,P (α)istheprobabilitydensityandS theentropyofthereferencestate,considered B 0 0 at local equilibrium. By taking variations of this equation and integrating by parts, we can compare the resulting equation with Eq. (4), obtaining the following expression for µ(α ,α;t) 0 P(α |α,t) µ(α ,α;t)=k T ln 0 +µ (α). (11) 0 B P (α) 0 0 Here µ (α) is the chemical potential at local equilibrium. If we now substitute Eq. (11) into (8), we obtain the 0 constitutive relation for the diffusion current in α-space ∂ J (α ,α;t)=− β˜(α,α′;t)·[k T P(α |α′,t). α 0 Z B ∂α′ 0 +P(α |α′,t)X(α′)]dα′, (12) 0 where we have introduced the thermodynamic force ∂ X(α)≡− [k T lnP (α)−µ (α)], (13) ∂α B 0 0 and defined the matrix 1 L(α,α′;t) β˜(α,α′;t)≡ . (14) T P(α |α,t) 0 IntheMarkovianlimit,thesecoefficientsmustreducetothefrictioncoefficientsinordertorecoverthecorresponding Fokker-Planck equation from Eqs. (3) and (12). As the L’s, the β˜’s are invariant under time reversal symmetry [31] and may alsobe expressedin terms of relaxationfunctions [30]. Since the entropy productionmay in generalcontain contributions from different irreversibleprocessescross effects among currents and forces of identical tensorialnature might arise. Thus, for the sake of simplicity, the scalarproduct in Eq. (12) will implicitly indicate a sum over all the correspondingcontributionsand,consequently,β˜(α,α′;t)isamatrixofmatricescontainingthecoefficientsaccounting for the possible cross effects. Now, by substituting Eq. (12) into (3) we finally obtain the generalized Fokker-Planck equation ∂ ∂ ∂ P(α |α,t)= · [k Tβ˜(α,α′;t)· P(α |α′,t) ∂t 0 ∂α Z B ∂α 0 +β˜(α,α′;t)·X(α′)P(α |α′,t)]dα′. (15) 0 This equation accounts for the evolution in time of the conditional probability density for systems exhibiting non- Markovian dynamics when non-local effects are considered. Eq. (15) incorporates the memory effects through the time dependence of the coefficients, [13],[20]. Moreover, it generalizes the non-Markovian Fokker-Planck equation obtained in Refs. [15], [16] by including nonlinear contributions. A. The slow variable approximation When the characteristic relaxation time scale of the disturbances produced by thermodynamic forces is short enoughwhen comparedwith the correspondingone in the evolutionof α, the process becomes local, i.e. β˜(α,α′;t)= β˜(α;t)δ(α′−α). Under that condition, Eq. (15) reduces to ∂ ∂ ∂ P(α |α,t)= · b(α;t)P(α |α,t)+k T ·β˜(α;t)P(α |α,t) , (16) ∂t 0 ∂α (cid:20) 0 B ∂α 0 (cid:21) whichconstitutesthegeneralizednon-MarkovianFokker-Planckequationintheslowvariableapproximation[1]. Here we have defined the general thermodynamic force b(α) by ∂ b(α;t)=β˜(α;t)·X(α)−k T ·β˜(α;t). (17) B ∂α 4 The Fokker-Planckequationwaspreviouslyderivedfromthe nonlinearBoltzmannequation[10] andfromthe master equationsin[32],respectively. ItsMarkovianversionfollowsbyconsideringβ˜(α;t)independentoftime. Theresulting nonlinear equation agrees with the corresponding one obtained in [1] from projector operators. In the case when the force is linear, X(α)=α, and the coefficients only functions of time, Eq. (16) reduces to ∂ ∂ ∂ P(α,t)= ·β˜(t)· αP(α,t)+k T P(α,t) , (18) B ∂t ∂α (cid:20) ∂α (cid:21) wherewe haveusedthe factthatβ˜(t)=β˜†(t). Inparticular,for the caseofBrownianmotionαis simply the velocity of the particle. When β˜ (α;t)=β˜(t)δ , Eq. (18) agrees with the generalized Fokker-Planckequation found in [15]. ij ij B. Determination of the coefficients β˜ ij The matrix elements β˜ can be determined from the coupled set of constitutive equations (12) and the evolution ij equations for the relaxation functions χ (α (t)) defined by ij i χ (α (t))= α α ρ(α |α ,t)dα , (19) ij i Z i 0j 0 i i where ρ(α |α ,t) is the reduced probability 0 i ρ(α |α ,t)≡ P(α |α,t)dα ...dα dα ...dα . (20) 0 i Z 0 1 i−1 i+1 n The evolution equations for the χ are then derived by multiplying Eq. (16) by α and integrating over it. One ij i obtains the regressionlaws d χ =−β˜ (t)X (α(t))α , (21) dt ij ij i 0j For arbitrary forces, Eq. (21) may be approximated by expanding X(α) in α. The coefficients are then given in termsofacumulantexpansionofP(α |α ,t). Inthecaseofseveralvariables,theremainingconditionsfortheβ˜ (t)’s 0 i ij are obtained by comparison of the different terms entering the hierarchy of evolution equations for the moments of P(α |α,t), which have been previously approximated, for times t ≫ β˜−1(t), by the corresponding terms obtained 0 ij from Eqs. (12) (see Refs. [27] and [33]). The simplest example concerns the case of a Brownian particle in which α = ~u. When β˜(t) = β˜(t)1, with 1 the 1 unit matrix, Eq. (21) may be written as d β˜ (t)=−χ−1(t) χ (t), (22) u~u~ u~u~ dt u~u~ where we have defined χ (t) by using Eq. (19). This formula was used in [15] to derive the linear non-Markovian u~u~ Fokker-Planckequation. Notice that for Markovianprocesses χ(α(t)) decays exponentially. Then, by using Eq. (21), one may verify that β˜ reduces to the friction coefficient β. III. THE GENERALIZED LANGEVIN EQUATION OurpurposeinthissectionistopresentanewderivationofthegeneralizedLangevinequationbasedonourprevious formulation. We first start from the interpretation of the probability density P(α |α,t) as an ensemble average of 0 the density ρ˜(α |α,t) in the α-space,i.e., P(α |α,t)=hρ˜(α |α,t)i. The actual value of that density differs then from 0 0 0 P(α |α,t) in the presence of fluctuations 0 δρ˜(α |α,t)=ρ˜(α |α,t)−hρ˜(α |α,t)i. (23) 0 0 0 Consistently with this interpretation, used in the derivation of the Boltzmann-Langevin equation [34], Eq. (3) results after averaging the equation 5 ∂ ∂ ρ˜(α |α,t)=− ·Φ (α ,α;t), (24) ∂t 0 ∂α α 0 with J (α ,α;t) = Φ (α ,α;t) . The current Φ (α ,α;t) splits up into systematic and random contributions in α 0 α 0 α 0 D E the form Φ (α ,α;t)= Φ (α ,α;t) +ΦR(α ,α;t). (25) α 0 α 0 α 0 D E The random part has zero mean and satisfies the fluctuation-dissipation relation ΦR(α ,α;t)ΦR(α ,α′;t+τ) =2k Tβ˜(α,α′;τ)P(α |α,t)δ(τ). (26) α 0 α 0 B 0 D E with the bracketdenoting a stationary averageand where we have taken into accountEq. (14). By substituting (12) into (25) and the result into (24), we obtain the fluctuating Fokker-Planck equation ∂ ∂ ∂ ρ˜(α |α,t)= · [k Tβ˜(α,α′;t)· ρ˜(α |α′,t)+ ∂t 0 ∂α Z B ∂α 0 ∂ +β˜(α(t))X(α(t))ρ˜(α |α′,t)]dα′− ·ΦR(α ,α;t), (27) 0 ∂α α 0 whose average coincides with the generalized Fokker-Planck equation (15). In the Markovian case, Eq. (27) reduces to the Fokker-Planck-Langevinequation derived in [22]. The generalizedLangevinequationcannow be derivedfromthe evolutionequationof α(t), obtainedfromEq. (9), byusinginEq. (27)theslowvariableapproximation,andchoosingtheconditionalprobabilityρ˜(α |α,t)=δ(α(t)−α). 0 After integrating by parts one obtains d α(t)=−B(α(t))+FR(t), (28) dt where we have defined the nonlinear force term by ∂ B(α(t))=β˜(α(t))X(α(t))−k T ·β˜(α(t)), (29) B ∂α(t) andtherandomforcebyFR(t)= ΦR(α,t)dα. Eq. (28)generalizestheLangevinequationusedinRefs. [15]and[16] α sinceitincorporatesthegeneralfoRrceterm(29). IftheprocessisMarkovian,itreproducesthecorrespondingLangevin equation since β˜(α,t)=β(α) and, by using ρ˜(α |α,t)=δ(α(t)−α), one obtains β(α(t))= β(α)δ(α(t)−α)dα, [1]. 0 The fluctuation-dissipation theorem associated to Eq. (28) has been derived in the linear noRn-Markoviancase [13]: d FR(t)FR(t+τ) =− β˜(τ) hα(t)α(t+τ)i, (30) (cid:18)dτ (cid:19) (cid:10) (cid:11) whereas in the nonlinear Markoviancase one has [35] FR(t)FR(t+τ) =hαB(α)+B(α)αiδ(τ), (31) (cid:10) (cid:11) The last equation has been obtained for an arbitrary dependency of the stochastic force on α. The case analyzed in [15], i.e. X(α(t)) = α(t), follows easily from our formalism. From Eqs. (28) and (29) one obtains d α(t)=−β˜(t)·α(t)+FR(t), (32) dt or equivalently to the generalized Langevin equation [1], [11] d t α(t)=− β(t−s)·α(s)ds+FR(t), (33) dt Z 0 whereβ(t)isthe memoryfunction. Toprovethatequivalence,andfollowing[15]wewillfirsttakethe averageofEqs. (32) and (33). By using Laplace transforms, the solution of Eq. (33) is given by α(t)=χ(t)α , where the relaxation 0 functionisχ(t)=L−1 [s+β(t)]−1 . Takingnowthetimederivativeofα(t),eliminatingα andusingthedefinition 0 n o (22), we finally arrive at Eq. (32). 6 IV. BROWNIAN MOTION IN AN ANHARMONIC HEAT BATH In this section, we will analyze the nonlinear dynamics of a Brownian degree of freedom in an anharmonic bath. The state variable will be in this case α≡(~r,~u), where~r is a coordinate and ~u its conjugate velocity. Let us consider a reference local equilibrium state characterizedby the stationary probability density P0(~u,~r)=ekBmT[µ0−12u2−φ], (34) where µ is a reference chemical potential per unit mass and φ(~r) the potential per unit mass imposed on the system 0 by the heat bath. For this system, the corresponding Gibbs equation is 1 1 1 δs= δe+ pδρ−1− µδc d~u. (35) T T T Z u~ Here s ande arethe entropyandthe internalenergyper unitmass,respectively,p the hydrostaticpressure,c = mP u~ ρ the Brownian mass fraction and ρ ≡ ρ(~u ,~r |~r,t) is defined through Eq. (20). By taking the total time derivative, 0 0 D = ∂ +~v·∇, of Eq. (35) and using Eqs. (34) and (35), we arrive at the entropy production Dt ∂t m ∂µ σ =− J~ · +J~·∇(µ−φ)+J~ ·∇φ d~u. (36) T Z (cid:20) u~ ∂~u φ (cid:21) The averagevelocity~v is defined through the first moment of the probability density ρ~v(~r,t)=m ~uP(~u ,~r |~u,~r,t)d~u. (37) 0 0 Z Theentropyproductionσ adoptstheusualformintermsofflux-forcepairs. Thetwofirstcontributionsresultfrom the diffusion current in ~u-space J~ and the current J~ ≡ (~u−~v)P coming up when inertial effects are relevant. The u~ average contributions arising from the pair J~ and ∇φ(~r) vanish by virtue of Eq. (37), [30]. The third contribution is genuine of the effect of the potential and introduces the current J~ ≡ ~uP. In the Markovian case, when external φ forcesvanish, the secondtermonthe right-hand-sideof (36)contributes to the entropyflux, reproducinginthis form the resultsof Ref. [23]. The constitutive laws givingthe currentsJ~ , J~andJ~ in terms ofthe forcesare,respectively u~ φ k T ∂P k T J~ =−β˜ (t) ~uP + B −β˜ (t) B ∇P −β˜ (t)P∇φ, (38) u~ u~~u (cid:26) m ∂~u(cid:27) u~~r m u~φ k T ∂P k T J~=−β˜ (t) ~uP + B −β˜ (t) B ∇P −β˜ (t)P∇φ, (39) ~ru~ (cid:26) m ∂~u(cid:27) ~r~r m ~rφ and k T ∂P k T J~ =−β˜ (t) ~uP + B −β˜ (t) B ∇P −β˜ (t)P∇φ, (40) φ φu~ (cid:26) m ∂~u(cid:27) φ~r m φφ where the Onsager coefficients have been defined consistently with Eq. (14). By substituting Eq. (38) into the correspondingcontinuityequation,oneobtainsthe generalizedFokker-Planckequationdescribingthenon-Markovian dynamics of the Brownian degree of freedom in the presence of arbitrary bounding forces ∂P ∂ k T ∂P +∇·~uP = · β˜ (t) ~uP + B − ∂t ∂~u (cid:26) u~u~ (cid:20) m ∂~u(cid:21) k T −β˜ (t)X~(~r)P + B β˜ (t)∇P , (41) u~φ m u~~r (cid:27) where X~(~r) = −∇φ. In the linear case, it reduces to the corresponding one obtained through the conditional probability associated to the Langevin equation used in [15]. As a consequence of the existence of local equilibrium in ~u-space, β˜ (t) multiplies both the drift and the diffusion terms entering (41). The presence of forces adds two u~u~ terms that make the fluctuation-dissipation theorem not longer valid. For Markovian processes in which β˜ (t) = β u~u~ 7 , β˜ (t) =1 and β˜ (t)= 0, Eq. (41) reproduces the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation [1]. By integrating Eqs. u~φ u~~r (39) and (40) over ~u and combining the resulting equations, we obtain the diffusion current J~ (~r,t)≡ρ~v(~r,t) D k T J~ =−η˜(t) B ∇ρ−ρX~(~r) , (42) D (cid:20) m (cid:21) where the existence of local equilibrium imposes η˜(t)≡β˜−1[β˜ (t)−β˜ (t)β˜−1(t)]=β˜−1[β˜ (t)−β˜ (t)β˜−1(t)]. By u~φ φφ ~rφ ~ru~ u~φ φ~r ~r~r ~ru~ averaging Eq. (41) over ~u-space and substituting Eq. (42) into the resulting equation, we obtain the non-Markovian Smoluchowski equation for the density field ρ ∂ρ =D(t)∇2ρ−η˜(t)∇· ρX~(~r) , (43) ∂t (cid:16) (cid:17) where we have defined the diffusion coefficient D(t) in terms of the generalized Einstein relation k T D(t)= B η˜(t), (44) m fromwhichitfollowsthattheslowmodesofnon-Markoviansystemssatisfyamodifiedfluctuation-dissipationrelation. For the particular case of a harmonic potential, φ(~r)= 1ω2r2, where ω is the characteristic frequency, Eqs. (41) and 2 (43)reproducethegeneralizedFokker-PlanckandSmoluchowskiequationsderivedin[15]and[14],respectively. Now, multiplying Eq. (41) by ~u and integrating over it, we obtain the evolution equation of the average velocity~v D~v ρ =−β˜ (t) ρ~v−η˜(t)ρX~(~r)+D(t)∇ρ , (45) Dt u~u~ h i wherewehaveassumedthatthepressuretensoroftheidealBrowniangasisgivenbyP~~ = kBTρ~~1. Fortimessatisfying m τ ≫ β˜ , we have imposed that Eq. (45) must coincide with Eq. (42), obtaining the conditions β˜ (t) = β˜ (t)η˜(t) ij u~φ u~u~ and β˜ (t) = β˜ (t)−1, consistent with the corresponding ones for the Markovian case. β˜ (t) and η˜(t) may be u~~r u~φ u~u~ obtained by using the regressionlaw (21) and Eqs. (41) and (43). When local equilibrium in ~r-space is not fulfilled, the coefficients appearing in the diffusion and drift terms of Eqs. (39), (40) and (42) must be found independently. Then, even in the absence of external forces, the fluctuation- dissipation theorem (44) is no longer valid. This fact occurs in systems exhibiting anomalous diffusion, which are described by non-MarkovianFokker-Planck and Langevin equations, [7] and [8]. V. RATCHET EFFECT INDUCED BY ONSAGER COUPLINGS Inthis section,we willapply ourformalismto showa new manifestationofthe ratcheteffectwhichoriginatesfrom the Onsager coupling of the probability current and a periodic thermodynamic force, when fluctuations are rectified by an external asymmetric potential. We will show that in the scale considered the non-Markoviandynamics makes the ratchet effect more pronounced. The continuity equation in the presence of external forces takes the form ∂P ∂P ∂ +∇·~uP +F~ · =− ·J~ , (46) ∂t ∂~u ∂~u u~ wheretheexternalforceperunitmassisF~(~r)=−∇V(~r),whereV(~r)representstheratchetpotential. Inthepresent case, we will consider that the probability density of the reference state is given by Eq. (34) with φ(~r)=0. Inhomogeneities in the temperature of the bath induce a heat flux J~ whose appearance modifies the entropy q production of the system. In this case, the Gibbs entropy postulate (10) and the Gibbs equation (35) must be complemented with the balance equation for the internal energy e De =−∇·J~ , (47) q Dt whereviscouseffects havebeenneglected. By consideringthe Gibbs-Duhemrelation[30], the entropyproductioncan be written in the form 1 m ∂µ σ =−J~∗· ∇T − J~ · d~u, (48) q T2 T Z u~ ∂~u 8 where the modified heat flow J~∗ is given by q 1 J~∗ =J~ − m u2J~d~u. (49) q q 2 Z The second term on the right-hand-side of Eq. (49) represents a local flow of kinetic energy. The diffusion current J~ is, according with Onsager theory coupled to the temperature gradient and is given by u~ k T ∂P ∇T J~ =−β˜ (t) ~uP + B −β˜ (t)P . (50) u~ u~u~ (cid:26) m ∂~u(cid:27) u~T T Similarly, the heat current can be formulated as J~∗ =−β˜ (t)∇T −β˜ (t)ρ~v, (51) q TT Tu~ whereβ˜ (t)≡ LTT(t) ,andthecouplingcoefficientβ˜ hasbeendefinedaccordinglywithEq. (17). Bysubstituting TT T2 Tu~ Eq. (50) into the corresponding continuity equation for the probability density, we obtain the generalized Fokker- Planck equation ∂P ∂P +∇·~uP +F~ · ∂t ∂~u ∂ k T ∂P ∇T = · β˜ (t) ~uP + B +β˜ (t)P , (52) ∂~u (cid:26) u~u~ (cid:20) m ∂~u(cid:21) u~T T (cid:27) which describes the transport of a Brownian particle in an thermally inhomogeneous environment. By multiplying Eq. (52) by ~u and integrating over it, we obtain the corresponding evolution equation for the momentum D~v ρ =−β˜ (t)[ρ~v+D(t)∇ρ +D (t)ρ∇T]+ρF~(~r), (53) Dt u~u~ T where β˜ (t) has been given in Eq. (22) and we have defined the diffusion coefficient D(t) = kBTβ˜−1(t) and the u~u~ m u~u~ thermal diffusion coefficient D (t) = D(t) 1+ m β˜ (t) . For convenience, we will assume that D(t) and D (t) T T (cid:16) kBT u~T (cid:17) T will be only functions of time. The diffusion current J~ is obtained from Eq. (53) at times t≫β˜−1(t). By following D u~u~ the steps indicated in Sec. 4, we arrive at the generalized Smoluchowski equation ∂ρ =D(t)∇2ρ+D (t)∇·(ρ∇T)−β˜−1(t)∇· ρF~(~r) , (54) ∂t T u~u~ h i wherememoryeffectsentertheequationthroughthetimedependenceofD(t),D (t)andβ˜ (t). Sinceinpracticethe T u~u~ temperature inhomogeneities originatedby density gradientsare negligible [30], by substituting the diffusion current, implicit in Eq. (54), and Eqs. (49) and (51) into (47), we arrive at the heat conduction equation ∂T c =λ˜ (t)∇2T, (55) v eff ∂t wherec isthe heatcapacity. We haveusedtherelation,e=c T anddefinedtheeffectiveheatconductioncoefficient v v λ˜ (t) = β˜ (t) 1+ρD (t)β˜u~T(t) . To obtain Eq. (55), we have also neglected contributions arising from the eff TT h T β˜TT(t)i kinetic energy flow [27], and assumed temperature gradients such that l0∇T 2 ≪ 1, where l is a characteristic T 0 length of the bath. For β˜ (0) large enough (∼ 104gr cm s−3K−1) an(cid:0)d D (cid:1)(0),β˜ (0) ≪ 1, λ˜ is practically TT T u~T eff constant in first approximation. To illustrate the ratchet effect, we consider the case of a Brownian particle moving in a bath, filling the space x>0, in which a periodic temperature gradient is established when T(0,t)=T [1+cos(ωt)]. This situation may be 0 accomplished when the distance of the particle to the wall is smaller than the wave length of the thermal waves. In such a case the spatial dependence in the propagating wave T(x,t)=T 1+e−kxcos(kx−ωt) , (56) 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) solution of Eq. (55), can be neglected. Here ω is a frequency and k = ( ωcv )21 a wave number. The temperature 2λeff gradient is then given by ∇T = kT [sin(ωt)−cos(ωt)]. This approximation is valid for values of the parameters 0 9 indicated in the figure captions, all of them accessible in experiments. The particle in turn is under the influence of 1 the asymmetric potential (see Fig. 1). We will assume that it undergoes anomaluos diffusion with D(t) ∼ t2 and β˜u~u~(t)∼t−21. This particular dependence has recently been observedfor the Brownianmotion of a particle inside an eukaryotic cell [9]. The diffusion coefficient D(t) has been obtained through the time derivative of the mean square displacementmeasuredin[9],andβ˜ (t)byusingEq. (21). ThethermaldiffusioncoefficientD (t)isthendetermined u~u~ T by assuming that the Soret coefficient S ≡ DT(t) is constant in first approximation. According with experimental T D(t) results [36], we will consider that D(0)∼10−7cm2s−1 and that S ∼10−1K−1. Then, by using ρ(x,t)=δ(x(t)−x) T in Eq. (53), after integratingoverthe systemvolume we obtainthe evolutionequationfor the positionofthe particle d2x(t) dx(t) ∂T +β˜ (t) =F(x(t))−β˜ (t)D (t) +FR(t). (57) dt2 u~u~ dt u~u~ T (cid:20)∂x(cid:21) x=x(t) The inertia term is maintained since non-Markovianeffects arise at short time scales. Positions and velocities of the Brownian particle have been determined from this equation by using a fourth order Runge-Kuttamethod. InFig. 2,weshowthedisplacementasafunctionoftimeforagiveninitialconditionandatime periodic force. After a transient regime determined by β˜ (t), in the non-Markovian case the current, proportional u~u~ to the slope of the curve, becomes preactically constant. The average motion has the same frequency as the time periodic force. InFig. 3,werepresentaveragedisplacementsfordifferentvaluesoftheparameters. Incurvesa)andb)thestrength of the potential and the frequency of temperature gradient have been used to control the magnitude of the current. We have verified that no net current appears when the potential is symmetric. As a consequence of the fact that the damping coefficient decreases with time, we may conclude that, under similar conditions, the non-Markoviansystem is more efficacious in rectifying the motion than the Markovianone. VI. DISCUSSION In this paper, we have proposed a new method to derive the generalized Fokker-Planck equation describing the dynamics of systems when memory effects are relevant. Our formalism is able to derive kinetic equations from the probability density conservation law by providing expressions for the probability current obtained from the entropy production in phase space. It permits to incorporate in a simple way basic ingredients proper of systems outside equilibrium as the presence of external forces and of inhomogeneities in the bath. We have presented two applications. In the first one, we have discussed the non-MarkovianBrownian motion in a bath exerting a force on the Brownian particle [14], [15]. The Fokker-Planck and Smoluchowski equations have been derived for an unspecified force by avoiding the difficulties inherent to the habitual method, obtaining them from the corresponding Langevin equation. Our method relates the validity of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to the existence of local equilibrium in the space of the mesoscopic variables. An example in which this feature becomes manifest is the case of anomalous diffusion [7],[8]. In the second example, we have analyzed the role played by the presence of inhomogeneities in the bath, due to an imposed temperature gradient, in nonlinear transport. We have foundanewratcheteffectwhichoriginatesfromthecooperationofathermodynamicperiodicforcewiththenonlinear potential. The positiveness of the entropy production imposes restrictions on the values of the parameters entering mathematical models. Theseresultsconfirmtheusefulnessofourmethodwhichoffersaverypromisingframeworkinthestudyofsystems operating at the mesoscalefor which the presence of nonlinearities,the participationof many degrees of freedomand the influence of inhomogeneities in the environment become a common feature of the dynamics. VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We want to acknowledge Victor Romero-Roch´ın, D. Reguera, A. P´erez-Madrid, J. M. Vilar, I. Sokolov and M. Bogunyafor fruitful discussions. I.S.H. acknowledgesUNAM-DGAPA for economic support. This work waspartially supported by DGICYT of the Spanish Government under Grant No. PB2002-01267. [1] R.Zwanzig, Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, (University Press, Oxford, 2001). [2] K.Ibukiand M. Ueno, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 10113 (1997). 10 [3] P.Hanggi, Rev.Mod. Phys. 62, 251 (1990). [4] D.Reguera and J. M. Rub´ı, Phys.Rev.E 64, 061106 (2001). [5] P.Reimann, Phys. Rep. 361, 57 (2002). [6] L. Ibarra-Bracamontes and V.Romero-Roch´ın, Phys. Rev.E 56, 4048 (1997). [7] K.G. 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