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Memorizing 150 words a day (TOEFL) PDF

226 Pages·2015·2.6 MB·English
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:راتفگشیپ ٙبثُ بث تٕبٜٗ ٣بجسٍا ٚشٙايٛ ٙاُٞٗآ ٙبثُ ٝ ٙبیٞؼٚٛاى رلٌٚٗ ُا یٌی ٠ٚی٘١ ٍٗٝ بث بٗ بٗا يٜشٖ١ ٙاِیَُ ٍٓى ٚیا ُا ٠ٚی٘١ َ٥به ٚی٘١ ٠ث زٕا یٖیِٔٛا .ىاى ٖی١اٞه ٙبٚٛ ب٘ٙ ٠ث اٍ ٙبثُ ُا یَِیى َ١بظ َٜیيً يی ،ب٘ٙ فاَ٥ا َٕٕٞٗ ٤یلٗ بث ٙبُّاٝ یو٦ٜٗ ٣بجسٍا َث ٟٝلػ َٜیيً ٍٗٝ ٍى اٍ ّٟاٝ ب٘ٙ یشهٝ ٠ً رٍٞٝ ٚیا ٠ث ٖی١ى یٗ ٍاَه ب٘ٙ ٚ١ً ٍى ّٟاٝ ُا یٜ١ً َیٞٞس .ىٞٙ یٗ ٙبیب٘ٛ ّٟاٝ يً ب٘ٙ ٚ١ً ٍى يیٜیجیٗ ی٘ٔػ ق٦ٕ ٠ث ٠ػٞس بث يیٛاٞشیٗ ب٘ٙ .يٙبجیٗ ْكبس ربً٘ٔ یٗب٘س ْٗبٙ ٠ػٞ٘ؼٗ ٚیا ٚیا ٙىٞث یىَثٍبً ٠ث ٠ػٞس بث .يیٍبذٖث َ٥به ٠ث اٍ ربً٘ٔ ٚیا ُا یىايؼس ٍُٝ َ١ ىٞه زٌُٙ ُا ٔد ٝ يیًٜ ظلك اٍ زـٓ 150 ٍُٝ َ١ ٍى ٠ً ٖیٌٜیٗ ٠یٝٞس ب٘ٙ ٠ث بٗ ٍٗٝ !يیا ٠شكَُاَك اٍ ْكبس ربً٘ٔ ٕب٘س ٠ً يیى يی١اٞه ٠شل١ يی ٟىًَ یٍاىىٞه ٙآ ظلك یاَث يً ًًَ ُا ٠ػٞ٘ؼٗ ٚیا ربً٘ٔ ی٢ؼث یُىبٕ ْیٓى ٠ث .ٖیا ٠هلػ ٠ً ،ی٘ٔػ ق٦ٕ َ١ بث ٙبشٕٝى ٕب٘س یاَث زور رد هملک 150 یریگدای هعومجم ٟيٙ ٠كلً َٕٕٞٗ یب١ ٍٗٝ ُا ٟىبلشٕا ُا ٝ يٍٛاى یٖیِٔٛا ٙبثُ ٖ٢ٗ ربـٓ یَیُىبی ٠ث يیلٗ يٍٛاى ٔٔیا ٝ ْكبس ،يٍٙا یٕبٍٜٙبً ًٌٍٜٞ یب١ ُٙٞٗآ ٍى زًَٙ يٞه بی ٝ يٛا .زٕا EnglishPersian (ep) یُٙٞٗآ َُٟٝ ب٘ٙ يٜ٘ساٍا 2 abroad Phonetic Synonym Meaning [ə'brɔ:d] overseas, غیٕٝ ، ُا َٙٝیث ، عٍبه internationally !ىٍٝ + ةآ :يً !َٟیٗ عٍبه ٠ث ٙاَیا یب١ ىٍٝ ةآ Example: We always go abroad in the summer. abrupt Phonetic Synonym Meaning [ə'brʌpt] sudden يٜس ، یٛب٢ُبٛ !!زكَثآ :يً !يٛٞٚیٗ ىبؼیا َٟظشٜٗ َیؿ ٝ یٛب٢ُبٛ ٍٞ٥ ٠ث ب١ زكَثآ Example: Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room. 3 acceptable Phonetic Synonym Meaning [æk'septəbəl] permissible ،ٙىًَ ّٞجه ،ّٞجه ْثبه ٚشكَیٌد !ٙىًَ زٓٞجه ٚی٘١ َ٥به ٠ث .ىٞث ٞٔثبس زٌٖػ :يً Example: They are standards that provide a basis for consistent and acceptable minimal levels of quality, performance, safety, and reliability. acclaim Phonetic Synonym Meaning [ə'kleım] praise ٙىًَ ٚیٖلس !ٖیٔها = ٖیًٔا :يً .ىًَ ٚیٖلس يیبث اٍ ٚیُٗ ٙاَیا ،ٖیٔها زل١ ٙبیٗ ُا Example: The film, which will be released in the UK later this year, has already won considerable acclaim in the US. 4 actually Phonetic Synonym Meaning ['æktʃʋəlı] truly بؼهاٝ !؟یٔـً بؼهاٝ اِ :يً Example: Before you say something about somebody, make sure that you actually know the facts. adverse Phonetic Synonym Meaning [æd'vɜ:rs] unfavorable قٓبوٗ ، ٌٔػَث !یٍٕٝ ٠یٝىا !ٍٓٝ+ٝىا :يً !٠ٌٜیٗ ٚیَیٙ ٍٝ اٌؿ ! زٕب١ ٠یٝىا ٕب٘س ٌٔػَث یٍٕٝ ٠یٝىا Example: The most common adverse effects reported related to skin irritation and skin burning. 5 advice Phonetic Synonym Meaning [æd'vaıs] suggestion ، ٙىًَ زلیٞٛ ٙىًَ ٍٟٝبٚٗ ٔیاٝ +یىبػ :يً !ًٖٜ زشلیٞٛ بس ٔیاٝ یىبػ ٠ِیٗ ز٢ث ٍٟٝبٚٗ یَیٗ Example: The salon also offers hairdressers advice on how to run their businesses better. attractive Phonetic Synonym Meaning [ə'træktıv] appealing ةاٌػ (act) زًا +َ٦ػ :يً ؟٠یؿ َ٦ػ ٍبً ؟؟٠یؿ َ٦ػ ْ٘ػ بی (act) زًا (ive) ٟيٙ ٟىبلشٕا زلٝ ٙاٜٞػ ٠ث بؼٜیا ٍى ٠ً !ٙىًَ ةاٌػ Example: The shop was full of attractive men buying Valentine's cards for their gorgeous women. 6 autonomous Phonetic Synonym Meaning [ɔ:'tɒnəməs] independent ٙاىَُىٞه ، ْوشٖٗ !يٜشٖ١ autonomous ٙٞٚ٘١ ٙاَیا یب١ ٓٞثٞسا :يً Example: The establishment of the University as an autonomous statutory body independent of Government is supported by many provisions in the University Act. disapproval Phonetic Synonym Meaning [,dısə'pru:vəl] objection ىٍ ، تیٞٞس ٕيػ !ّٝ + ب١َثا + ٔیى :يً !!يٜٓٝ تیٞٞس ٕيػ َ٥به ٠ث ب١َثا ٚیا Example: Daniel pulled a face at Arthur, making clear his disapproval and dislike of Alicia's suitor. 7 disruptive Phonetic Synonym Meaning [dıs'rʌptıv] disturbing ، ٟيًٜٜ ْشوٗ ٠شویُٖ ٖ١ٍى !ٞیشًا + َٕى :يً !٠ٌٜیٗ ْشوٗ ٝ ٠ِٛیٗ ٖ١ ٠ث ٍٝ ٙيث یب١ زیٓبؼك یٓٝ ٠ٌٜیٗ ٞیشًا ٞٗىآ اٌؿ بث َٕى Example: At an early age he began to show signs of stubborn and disruptive behavior. haphazardly Phonetic Synonym Meaning [hæp'hæzərdli] arbitrarily, یكىبٞس ، یهبلسا carelessly )!ٍلى( یٓى ٍاِ١ زل١ :يً !!یٌٜیٗ ايید َٙٝیث ُا یكىبٞس ٍٞ٥ ٠ث )ٍلى( یٓى ٍاِ١ زل١ Example: The locations are all thoroughly, if rather haphazardly marked. 8 ideal Phonetic Synonym Meaning [aı'dıəl] perfect ٟاٞوٓى ، ّآ ٟيیا Example: The pavement managing system to identify pavement conditions is an index of 10, with 10 representing an ideal road surface. persistent Phonetic Synonym Meaning [pər'sıstənt] constant عٞؼٓ ، ٕٝبوٗ ، ٕاٝىبث !ٙبشٖیٕ +َد :يً !٠ٗاٝى بث ٕيیَه ٙبشٖیٕ ُا ٠ً یَد Example: The processes used affect the environment and generate persistent wastes, and the products themselves may have undesirable emissions and toxic effects. 9 wide Phonetic Synonym Meaning [waıd] broad غیٕٝ ، ٠یَػ ، ٚ٢د !يیبس :يً !ٖیٍٞٚیٗ يیبس بث ٖیٌٜیٗ ٚ٢د ٕٞبجٓ Example: The big Canadian cut inside and, with a typically scrappy attempt, sent a deflected shot spinning wide of the left-hand post. advanced Phonetic Synonym Meaning [əd'vænst] progressive ٠شكَٚید Example: The company says talks on its new development at an advanced stage. 10

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