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Emil KraeQelin MEMOIRS Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Edited by Professor Dr. H. HIPPIUS Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik der Ludwig-Maximillians-Universitat NuBbaumstraBe 7, 8000 MUnchen 2 Professor Dr. G. PETERS Max-Planck-Gesellschaft fUr Psychiatrie, Professor Dr. D. PLOOG Max-Planck-Institut fur Psychiatrie KraepelinstraBe 2 u. 10, 8000 Munchen 40 in collaboration with Dr. P.HOFF Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, NuBbaumstraBe 7, 8000 Munchen 2 Frau A. KREUTER HaydnstraBe 2, 8000 Munchen 2 Translated by CHERYL WOODING-DEANE Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, NuBbaumstraBe 7, 8000 Munchen 2 With 23 Documentary Illustrations ISBN-13:978-3-642-71926-4 e-ISBN-13:978-3-642-71924-0 DOl: 10.10071978-3-642-71924-0 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Kraepelin, Emil, 1856-1926. Memoirs Translation of: Lebenserinnerungen. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Kraepelin, Emil, 1856-1926. 2. Psychiatrists-Germany-Biography. I. Hippius, Hanns. II. Peters, G. (Gerd), 1906- III. Ploog, Detlev, 1920- IV. Title. RC438.6.K73A313 1987 616.89'0092'4 [B) 87-4694 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustra tions, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its version of June 24, 1985, and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1987 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1987 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this pUblication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: Fotosatz & Design, Berchtesgaden 2125/31301543210 FOR THE READER The text of Emil Kraepelin's "Memoirs" is based on a typewritten manuscript, which Kraepelin corrected by hand. The spelling differed in some parts of the German text and had to be standardized (Duden). About 500 names are mentioned in the text. For approximately 320 of the persons mentioned brief details of the respective lives and works are summarized in an appendix. With regard to the persons not men tioned in the appendix we were either not able to find any reliable bi ographical details or the names were so well-known, that an explana tion was not necessary. A list of the latter names appears after the biographical details. In spite of all efforts some of the brief biographies are incomplete. The uncertain or possibly incorrect data are indicated by questions marks. We would be grateful if any readers could help us to complete or correct our information. Alma Kreuter and Dr. P. Hoff supported us considerably in our ed itorial and research work. A. Kreuter worked at the Psychiatric Clinic of the Munich Univer sity during Kraepelin's lifetime and was personal secretary to Kraepe lin's successors until 1970. Since her retirement in 1970 she has contin ued to take care of the archive material in the clinic. Dr. Hoff is a scientific assistant at the Psychiatric Clinic of the Mu nich University. We would like to thank A. Kreuter and Dr. Hoff and many other co workers of the Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry and the Psychiatric Clinic of the Munich University, who have helped us with our work. We would like to express our special gratitude to Emil Kraepelin's descendants for agreeing to publish the "Memoirs". We regret that Kraepelin's last daughter, Eva Duerr nee Kraepelin, did not live to see the publication, which she kindly consented to. She died on the 16th of February, 1983, in Sonthofen. The Editors FOREWORD TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION TO EMIL KRAEPELIN'S "MEMOIRS" Kraepelin has bequeathed a legacy to the fields of clinical psychia try, clinical and experimental psychology, and psychiatric genetics and epidemiology, that anticipated some future developments in these fields by merely a century. Despite the temporary set-back dealt to the Kraepelinian's influence in the USA and elsewhere during the middle of the current century by the psychoanalytic movement, the last quarter of this century has seen a return to Kraepelin. His introduction of psy chological experimentation into the clinic influenced by his Wundtian training, his introduction of drug research into psychopathology, his early epidemiological efforts, and his laying down of a classification system which is still the reigning system in psychopathology, makes him one of the outstanding psychopathologists of the century. For these rea sons, it is most fortunate that the story of his life can be made available to the English speaking world, where his influence is so greatly felt. It is of special interest that he combines the best traditions in both psychiatry and psychology and welded the two into a powerful thrust in his investi gations. Both clinical psychiatry and experimental psychopathology and, to some extent, clinical psychology can claim him as their grandfa ther. The fact that he was equally acceptable in these fields, and that his choice of psychiatry was dictated more by the happenstance of love and economics than by scientific interests, indicates the great similarities that exist between these fields. This fact should foster a better under standing between these disciplines than is sometimes the case. It is for these reasons that the editors felt the need for an English translation and are grateful to Springer Verlag for making it possible. J.ZUBIN FOREWORD When Emil Kraepelin died (15.02.1856-07.10.1926), he left behind his memoirs, which were not published until today. Co-workers and col leagues from the last years of Kraepelin's life and his family knew that such an autobiography existed, but they were not sure whether these memoirs should be made public, so they remained unpublished. At a commemoration 50 years after Emil Kraepelin's death in Mu nich (1976) the descendants, who attended the festivities, agreed to the editors' suggestion to publish the "Memoirs". Through this publication we have been able to learn more about the life of a man, whose work has had a decisive and lasting effect on the entire psychiatry since the end of the last century. When one reads the memoirs, one has to admit that on ly very little is known about this great psychiatrist's personality and path through life and that this gap has by no means been filled by the publica tion of his memoirs. Perhaps this publication will encourage work on a biography, which will give us more information on Kraepelin's person ality, life and scientific work. The focal-point of Kraepelin's work lies in the classification ofp sy chiatric clinical syndromes, which was developed from clinical observa tions, was constantly tested empirically and was altered taking new findings and knowledge into account. However, the basis of this system has remained unchanged and valid until today. At the beginning of Kraepelin's work, a 100 years ago, the little "Compendium der Psychia trie" was published in 1883 in Leipzig. This slim book later became the large text-book "Psychiatrie", whose last complete (8th) edition ap peared in the years 1909-1915 in four volumes. Two volumes of the 9th edition, which Kraepelin had planned together with Johannes Lange, but was never completed, did not appear until 1927 after Kraepelin's death. Although the foundations of psychiatric diagnostics and classifica tion are a part of Kraepelin's scientific work and one of the reasons that x his name is quoted in psychiatry all over the world, one should not for get that he influenced psychiatry even more extensively. Some areas Kraepelin was interested in - based on experiences dur ing his first four years as assistant doctor (1878-1882) under B. von Gudden in Munich - and then later especially working together with scientists such as A. Alzheimer, K. Brodmann, F. Nissl and W. Spielmey er, effectively influenced the development of neuropathology. Through his investigations in the laboratory of the psychologist W. Wundt during his work as assistant to Flechsig and Erb in Leipzig (1882-1885), Krae pelin became a pioneer of experimental psychological and psycho-physio logical fundamental research in psychiatry. From these origins scientific ideas and the beginning of research developed. Kraepelin lived for the materialization of his ideas, which finally came to be with the founda tion of the "Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fUr Psychiatrie" in Munich in 1917. Forensic psychiatry was given important impulses by some of Krae pelin's earliest studies. Some other investigations became the starting point for the development of pharmacopsychology and pharmacopsychi atry - for areas of research, which are nowadays particularly important not only for fundamental research, but also for practical therapy. Krae pelin's research journey to Java (1904) is the root of a research area, which he himself termed as "comparative psychiatry" and which has spread all over the world today as "transcultural psychiatry". Kraepelin and his co-workers are also responsible for the basis of the psychiatric epidemiology and the psychiatric genetics. Furthermore, Kraepelin espe cially promoted and encouraged all those branches of research, which are nowadays known as "biological psychiatry". In many of these research directions founded or decisively influ enced by Kraepelin one often tends to forget the important part he had played in their development. In this context one can understand the in scription on his gravestone in Heidelberg: "Your name may vanish, only your work will continue". During the last few years in many parts of the world there has been an inclination to reconsider Kraepelin's work - in the USA there is al ready a "Kraepelinism" movement and "Kraepelinians". These reflec tions were and are mainly based on the work in the various editions of his text-book on psychiatric nosography and classification. However, one should not forget that Kraepelin's probably greatest and longest lasting influence lies in the impetus he gave to psychiatric research. XI We wrote his "Memoirs" at a time when all his energy was devoted to establishing the "Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fUr Psychiatrie". All his scientific ideas and plans flowed from 1912 into the one main inten tion to found a research institute for psychiatry. In spite of the adverse circumstances during the First World War he succeeded in carrying out his plan in 1917. At this time it was not possible to consider building a new institute to serve for these purposes, so the work of the "For schungsanstalt" began in the rooms of Kraepelin's university clinic, which he ran until 1922, and in some nearby buildings. In 1924, during Kraepelin's lifetime the "Forschungsanstalt" became a member of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Kraepelin did not live to see the opening of the new research institute building in Munich-Schwabing (1928), which had been built with financial support from the Rockefeller Foun dation. The "Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fUr Psychiatrie" still exists nowadays as Max-Planck-Institut fUr Psychiatrie and has become a model for many of the important psychiatric research establishments in the whole world. The "Forschungsanstalt" and Kraepelin's entire scientific work - the text-books, the monographies and the original publications - record in an unique manner how psychiatric research systematically pro gressed closely linked to clinical daily experiences as it still should now adays! Kraepelin's "Memoirs" finish about 7 years before his death, thus covering the time until 1919. They reflect on a period, in which Krae pelin made guiding and still valid basic statements on psychiatric re search in publications on "Ziele und Wege der psychiatrischen For schung" (1918) and "Die Erforschung psychischer Krankheitsformen" (1919). During the course of his life Kraepelin met many people. He be came acquainted with many of them coincidence; he went especially to visit many others, people he found interesting, so he could speak to them. Once he had got to know teachers, friends and colleagues, he maintained the contact. During his many travels he often went out of his way to meet friends or colleagues. Therefore, there are many names in his accounts, many of which are unkown to us nowadays or in some cases we are unable to imagine exactly who he meant. For this reason we thought that it would useful to collect the mentioned names in an ap pendix and to add brief biographical facts to each name. These brief biographies should give the reader additional information about Krae- XII pelin's relationship to these people. In some cases, we are even able to gain insight into contemporary history and a contribution to the history of psychiatry, the psychiatry of the times, in which Kraepelin lived. Munich, 1983 H. HIPPIUS, G. PETERS, D. PLOOG CONTENTS For the Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V Foreword to the English Translation of Emil Kraepelin's "Me- moirs" ............ . VII Foreword ........... . IX Curriculum Vitae E. Kraepelin . XIV The Memoirs . 1 Appendix ........... . 191 Short Biographies of Persons Mentioned in the Text (in alpha- beticalorder) ............................ 191 List of Names of Persons Mentioned in the Text but not In- cluded in the Short Biographies. 230 Bibliography of E. Kraepelin 236 Name Index . . . . . . . . 239 Documentary Illustrations 243

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