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We have been changing for the better every year, and the changes that these past four years have had on us will help us as we enter the real world. We have matured and learned from our experiences. After high school, we will find our place in the world and figure out our future. The big question is how are we going to change the future as the first class of the millennium? The answer is i your hands. -Kimberly Such sir # 3 f Senior Jenn Deitz holds the world within her hands, while sophomore Kristen Cheatle and junior Jeanne Ruell reach for it. Mrs. Costello helps Michael Wheeler Micky Dumais shows his patnotism for Comp to and Ryan Sullivan to achieve their full the world by dressing head to toe in school potential on an assignment in English spirit. class. Dedication Ms. Parzvch Lori Memini 2000 dedication to Ms. Lori Parzych, a member of the Chicopee Comprehensive faculty for the last five years. When a person has a yearbook dedicated to him or students laugh and feel comfortable. She is always ready her, it usually means they are a very special person. We andwilling to give herassistance and advice towhomever were looking for a teacherwho shows his or her pride in needs it. Ms. Parzych is always trying to modernize her Chicopee Comp, someone who goes above and beyond teaching and make her class enjoyable but educational. just being an exceptional educator and a person who She knows how to make her class interesting and even can relate to his or her pupils on a special level. This at heryoungage she earns the respectofallherstudents. year’s Memini 2000 dedication is awarded to Ms. Lori Ms. Parzych isbestnoted foralways keepingbusy: Parzych. you, don’t often see her relaxing throughout the day. Ms. Parzych graduated from Assumption College One factor to her keeping busy is herjob as advisor to in 1993 and started hercareeras a teacherat Leominster the National HonorSociety. Ms. Parzych isveiydedicated High Schoolwhere she taught for twoyears. She entered to the society and its members. She is constantly trying the Chicopee School System in September of 1995. She to get the group to succeed and to appreciate their own taught one class at Comp and a remaining four classes hard earned work. At the present time Ms. Parzych is in at Chicopee High. In September of 1996, she became the midst ofgetting her masters degree in teaching from full time atComp and forthe last fouryears has primarily Framingham State College. Even though Ms. Parzych is taught Spanish levels one through three. She also has very busy with her own schoolwork, her career, and the served as the advisor for the National Honor Society for National Honor Society she is still seen at cotillions, the past four years. Ms. Parzych was chosen for this proms, dances and all major sporting events. Ms. award because of her perseverance, persistence, and Parzych is a teacher who cares for her students and her dedication to the students at Chicopee knows how to have fun. Her personality and hard work Comprehensive. make her not only an inspirational teacher but also a Ms. Parzych starts her day entering the building teacher for the future. by 7:00 a.m., not exitinguntil all after school assistance -Richard Hurley is provided. She is the type ofteacherwho not onlyknows her students by name but also on a personal level. She is easy to talk to and knows how to make The three faculty members who tied for the honor offavorite teacher in the Memini 1999 yearbook. Mr. Czaporowski, Ms. Parzych, and Mr. Brown. At her college graduation from Assumption College. Ms. Parzych looked ready to take on the world ofForeign Language teaching. Whether in school or at a dance, Ms. Parzych is always ready and willing to support her students and to have a little fun. Ms. Parzych with Rick Hurley, Jen Deitz, Kim and Kris Catarino and Danielle Gazaille. As usual Ms. Parzych is sitting at her desk during lunch. Not seen in the photo is the group ofstudents that come to chat with her during lunch. 9TH: Jenn Clark and Chrysanthe Courniotes < having a freshman sleepover. 7'he tf-utu/ie tcJzei a at the PgaI looJz In the past four years we’ve all expected the end to come— the end of ajourney that will take us into the 10TH: Nicole Guilbert and unknown world. The past four years were filled with Katie Demers chilling in the tons ofmemories such as having to stand out in the bathtub on a hot summer cold for what seemed like ten-thousand fire drills in day. our freshman year. Sophomore year started off a shirt tradition that would carry through to our senior year. In ourjunior year we came only 82 points away from beating the seniors in Spirit Week and spent tons of money on Oodles of Noodles to do it. And finally senior year, the list is way to long. So all there is to say is The Class of 2000 is TOO GOOD FOR YOU! We are the spirited class of the Millennium. As we walked through the doors of Comp on the first day of school freshman 11TH: Gary Perreault acting year, we all came with the same feeling ofbeing goofy in Chem class, but then nobodies in a world of somebodies. Now when we go again isn’t he always! off into the world, whether it be college or the work force, we will all feel the same insecurity as the first day of freshman year. But there are a few differences! We’ve made some of the most special friendships that we will remember forever, we have achieved the base of an exceptional education at C.C.H.S., and last but not least, We Are The Future! So remember one thing on the first day ofyour future; with every end there is a beginning, but you will never forget the past. Memories don’t go awayjust because we do. By Richard Hurley 12TH: Rick Hurley and GIgAA, Jititosuf, Jackie Hoffman showing some senior lovin’ during the Sword game.