JournalofPhysiology (1990), 424, pp. 57-71 57 With8figures PrintedinGreatBritain EFFECT OF MEMBRANE POTENTIAL ON ACETYLCHOLINE-INDUCED INWARD CURRENT IN GUINEA-PIG ILEUM ByR. INOUE* AND G. ISENBERG From the Department ofPhysiology, University ofCologne, Robert-Koch-Strasse 39, D-5000K6ln41,FRG (Received 7June 1989) SUMMARY 1. The whole-cell patch clamp technique with caesium aspartate internal solution was used with single isolated cells from the longitudinal muscle layer ofguinea-pig ileum, toinvestigate the voltage-dependentgatingofACh-induced inwardcurrent. 2. In voltage clamp experiments, at holding potentials ranging from -80 to -30 mV, ACh (300,tM) produced a slow sustained inward current in physiological saltbathsolution (PSS). Themeasurements ofthereversalpotentialsonsubstituting Na+ by other monovalent and divalent cations showed that this current is through non-selective cation channels (Ins,ACh)- 3. During hyperpolarizations, Ins,ACh instantaneously increased in amplitude and then relaxed to a new steady-state level. The I-Vrelationship ofthe instantaneous peakwas linear with a reversal potential of0 mV, while that ofthe steady state was bell-shaped. The time course ofrelaxation appeared to be monoexponential and its time constants were reduced by stronger hyperpolarizations. 4. These results were not affected by the organic Ca2+ antagonists D600 or nitrendipine (10,tM). Under this condition, maximal chord conductance ofIns Ach which was observed at 0 mV was about 1-5 nS. The steady-state activation relationship waswell fittedby Boltzmann's equationwith a half-maximal activation (Vh) of -50 mV and a slope factor (k) of -15 mV at membrane potentials negative to 0 mV, but over 0 mV the degree of activation was again decreased. The time constantsforrelaxationalso appeared tofollow asigmoid curve. 5. In current clamp experiments, superfusion of ACh (300gM) depolarized the membrane up to -10 to 0 mV. Inward current injection resulting in the moderate hyperpolarization of the membrane (-70 to -80 mV) attenuated ACh-induced depolarization and strongerhyperpolarization (<-80 mV) abolished it. 6. These results show that ACh-induced depolarization is controlled by the membrane potential, whichisexplainedbythevoltage-dependent gating ofIns,Ache INTRODUCTION Acetylcholine is a major excitatory neurotransmitter not only in visceral smooth muscle, but also in secretary cells, and causes contraction or secretion by its ability * Present address: Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, OxfordOXI 3QT. MS7734 58 R. INOUE AND G. ISENBERG to raise the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. In the process of increasing the intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, a number ofionic mechanisms have been proposed and studied (Bolton, 1979; Petersen & Findlay, 1987). Recently in the intestine, it hasbeenreportedthatnon-selectivecationchannels (Ins,ACh)differentfromtheCa2+_ dependent ones (Yellen, 1982; Ehara, Noma & Ono, 1988) are activated by muscarinic receptors and the sustained depolarization can induce Ca2+ influx via voltage-operated Ca2+ channels (Benham, Bolton & Lang, 1985; Inoue, Kitamura & Kuriyama, 1987). The channels discriminate poorly between Na+ and K+, have a single-channel conductance of 20-30pS, and fluctuate between open and closed states under the influence of the membrane potential (Inoue et al. 1987). Voltage- dependent gating of these channels has been suggested from the time-dependent decay of the ACh-induced inward current (Benham et al. 1985). However, since previous experiments were all carried out with long-lasting holding potentials and under conditions which would also activate K+, Cl-, and Ca2+ currents, the detailed featuresoftheACh-inducedcurrentsuchasthesteady-stateactivationvariablesand the time constants of voltage-dependent relaxation are still unknown. The present study was designed to clarify these points using short pulse protocols and caesium aspartate pipette solution to isolate Ins,ACh. As a result ofthis work, we found that the membrane potential is an effective regulator ofACh-induced depolarization and its mechanism is similar to that described for other types of receptor-operated currents (del Castillo & Katz, 1957; Trautwein, Osterreider & Noma, 1981). METHODS Cell isolation. Guinea-pigs weighing between 500 and 1000g were anaesthetized by intra- peritoneal injection of pentobarbitone (50-100mgkg-'). They were exsanguinated by surgical bleeding. Within 5cm from the ileocaecal valve, the terminal part ofthe ileum was resected and thentransferredintoadissectingchamberfilledwith PSS (physiologicalsaltsolution). Themucosa was removed under a binocular microscope and small pieces (2-5mm) ofthe longitudinal muscle layer ofileum were prepared. These were transferred into nominal Ca2l-free solution containing 0-5-1-0mgml-' collagenase (Boehringer, Mannheim) and 0-5-1-0mgml-' pronase (Serva, Heidel- berg) and incubated at 36TC stirred at a rate of 2-5 Hz for 15-20min. The supernatant was discarded and softened chunks were gently agitated for several minutes until spindle-shaped cells were obtained. After diluting the cell suspending medium 1:1 with Kraft Briihe (KB) medium (Isenberg& Kl6ckner, 1982) theisolated cellswerestoredat7'C. Theexperimentswereperformed at room temperature (20-22 °C), usually within 6h ofcell isolation. Solutions. The composition ofthe solutions isgiven in mmol 1-1. PSS: NaCl, 130; KCI, 5; CaCl2, 2; MgCI2, 2; glucose, 10; HEPES/Tris, 10 (pH 7.4). Calcium-free solution forcell isolation: NaCl, 120; KCl, 12; MgCl2, 1-2; glucose, 20;taurine, 20; HEPES, 10;pyruvicacid, 5. KBmedium; KCI, 85; K2HPO4, 30; Na2ATP, 2; MgCl2, 5; pyruvic acid, 5; creatine, 5; taurine, 20; glucose, 10; succinic acid, 5; EGTA, 1; fatty acid-freealbumin, 1 g-. KCIinternal solution for current clamp experiments: KCl, 130; MgCl2, 2; creatine, 5; succinic acid, 5; oxalacetic acid, 5; EGTA, 20,am; HEPES/KOH,5 (pH 7-2).Caesiumaspartateinternalsolutionforvoltageclampexperiments;Cs+, 130;Cl-, 24; asparticacid, 110; Mg2+2; EGTA, 10uM;HEPES/Tris5(pH7 2). Experimental set-up. After the cells had settled on the bottom of the experimental chamber (0-1 ml in volume), they were continuously superfused with PSS at a constant flow rate of 0-05-0-1 ml s-i. The time needed to complete a solution change was 5s-1, and thiswasestimated fromtheeffectsofinorganicCa2+antagonists (La3+, Ni2+,etc.) ontheleakcurrent.Therecordings were performed in the whole-cell configuration. The electrodes used had a series resistance of 2-3MQinPSS.Aftertheintracellulardialysiswiththeinternalsolutions,thecellsshowedaninput resistance of 2-10GQ1 before and > 0-25GQ during the application ofACh. Assuming that the series resistance ofelectrode would not increase more than 2 or 3 times after the rupture ofthe VOLTAGE-DEPENDENCE OF ACH-INDUCED CURRENT 59 membrane, the voltage error introduced by the series resistance would be less than 5%, and was notcompensated. Data recording and evaluation. Theelectrodes were connected to the head stageofahome-made patch clamp amplifier with the facility ofcurrent clamp. For monitoring the membrane currents or the membrane potentials in real time, a Brush pen-recorder (50Hz frequency response) was Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~I A li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11111IiW == I ~~~~~IIl ACh, 300 mM Vh -30 mV = B Fig.1.Netmembranecurrentsinresponseto300/LM-AChrecordedfromacaesiumaspartate (10,sM-EGTA)-loaded smooth muscle cell. On-linerecording byapen recorder. Fromthe holding potential of -30mV, 450ms long hyperpolarizations to -40, -50, -60, -70, -80, -90, -120, -140, -160 and -180mV were applied at a frequency of04Hz. Thereafter, 300,gM-ACh was superfused for 10s which induced a net inward current. When the inward current was steady, a series ofthe hyperpolarizing clamp steps were applied again. Note: the large current deflections result mostly from the capacitive current. A, current trace; B, voltage trace. used. Step andramp command signalsweregenerated by a PDP23 minicomputerwhich was also used to digitize the currents (1024 points of 12-bit resolution). The time course ofrelaxation was fitted byaleast-squares routine. Forthe measurement ofthe reversal potentials, ramppulses (1-9 or 2-0V sol, 100ms, in duration) were applied both before and during the application of ACh (usually 300/SM) and corresponding ramp currents were recorded in the presence oforganic Ca2+ antagonists (nitrendipine orD600, 10 eM). TheACh-sensitive currentwasobtainedbysubtracting the control ramp current (before) from the test one (on the application ofACh) and the reversal potential was defined as the potential at which the ACh-sensitive current becomes zero (see Fig. 2B). RESULTS Ins,AChmeasured incaesiumaspartate-loaded cellbathed innormalPSS In order to analyseIns,ACh, the other superimposed ionic currents, e.g. K+ and C1- currents were suppressed by loading the cells via the patch electrode with high caesium aspartate solution (substitution of intracellular K+ and Cl-, respectively). When the membrane potential was clamped to negative potentials (-80 to 30 mV), superfusion of ACh induced net inward currents. Figure 1 shows, an example at a holding potential of -30 mV, where the inward current peaked within 10 s to about -100 pA, and then slowly decayed. This decay most likely results from at least two effects, i.e. simple wash-out of ACh and desensitization. Desensitization was indicated bythefactthattheresponse to asecondapplication ofACh 1 minlaterwas almost absent, and the responses recovered gradually as the interval between applications became longer. Complete recovery from desensitization was usually observed after 5 min, but in some cases, was not obtained, probably because some |~~~~A 60 R. INOUE AND G. ISENBERG kind of 'run-down' decreases the response to ACh time dependently with a suction electrode (Horn & Marty, 1988). Thus, the period ofstable whole-cell recording was normally limited to within 30 min. In order to analyse the current sensitive to ACh, InsACh was defined as the A 1.0 0 / 0~~~~~~ 0. *0 z-o -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 0.5~~~~~~~log~[~AC~hJ(~M)~ B 50 -1 00 -50 0~~~~~10 i' ~~~-50m iig. 2. Concentration response curve and instantaneous I-V relationship of 'nsACh* A, concentrationresponse curve; normalized Ins ACh is plotted versus the log[ACh]. Data from three different cells are shown by different symbols. The curve is drawn using the Michaelis-Menten equationIn~ACh = 1/{1+Km/[ACh]8}, wherethedissociation constant (Kin) is 10/SM and the Hill coefficient (n) is 10. B, I-V curve of the instantaneous ACh (300,SM)-sensitive currentsevaluated with quick ramppulses (100 ins, +80to-120 mV, see inset) from a holding potential of-30 mV in the presence of nitrendipine (10O4UM). Note that I-V curve shows rectification at potentials~positive to the reversal potential (+6mV). difference current obtained by the subtraction method (see Methods and Figs 2B and 3). 'ns,ACh recorded with caesium aspartate electrodes showed a similar ACh concentration-response relationship to that described previously (KCl electrodes; Inoue et al. 1987). The curve was ofthe Michaelis-Menten type with a Hill coefficient of 0 8-1 0. The half-maximal activation required about 101sM-ACh (Fig. 2A, these values are similar to those evaluated by binding studies using radioisotopes; Birdsall et al. 1979). Atropine (1 /tM) completely blocked Ins,ACh' thus suggesting that the receptor is ofthe muscarinic type. In ACh was reduced in amplitude in parallel with a reduction ofthe extracellular Na+ concentration and was almost zero when NaCl VOLTAGE-DEPENDENCE OF ACH-INDUCED CURRENT 61 was isosmotically replaced by Tris-Cl in PSS. The reversal potential shifted from +1P6+ 4-2 mV (Fig. 2B) to -32-6+ 3-7 mV by reducing the extracellular Na+ from 130 to 30 mm (n = 3). The reversal potential of Ins,ACh did not however change significantly whentheextracellularNa+wassubstituted byequimolarLi+, K+orCs+ (±+1-5+ 23 mV, -1.75+2-4 mV, -1-4± 2-6 mV, respectively, n = 2-4). Therefore, it is concluded that Na+, LiW, Cs+ and K+ are almost equally permeable to this channel. Substitution of 130 mM-NaCl by 110 mM-CaCl2 (10 mM-EGTA in the pipette) still produced an inward current in response to ACh (0-57±0-16nS: a steady-state chord conductance at -60 mV, n = 4) but the reversal potential was shifted to +199+95 mV (n = 3). This finding strongly suggests that Ca2+ can permeate the ACh-activated non-selective cation channel comparably or more potently than Na+. Nearly identical values and the same conclusion were obtained when 110 mM-Ba2+ was present in bath instead of Ca2+ (0-44±0-28 nS at -60 mV, 22-7+2-6 mV, n = 3). These properties indicate thatIns,ACh measured in the present contextwith caesium aspartate electrodes isthe same astheIns,ACh currentrecorded with KCl internal solution (Inoue etal. 1987). Influence ofmembranepotentialonIns,ACh Hyperpolarization to more negative potentials caused a relaxation ofIns ACh (Fig. 3). Forexample, at -140 mV,In~s ACh jumped to an instantaneous peak of -250 pA and then rapidly decayed (Fig. 3D). The time course of this relaxation followed a single-exponential curve. The rate and degree of relaxation changed voltage dependently, i.e. at -140 mV, Ins ACh fell quickly (short r) to almost zero, while at -80 mV, it fell more slowly to a more negative current level. The rate ofrelaxation is more clearly seen in Fig. 4A. The time course of relaxation during hyper- polarization waswell fitted byanequation: I(Vm,t) = a+bexp(-t/r), where I(Vm,t), (a+b), a and r denote the current amplitudes at a time t, of the instantaneouspeakandthesteady state, andatimeconstantofrelaxationatagiven membrane potential (Vm) for Ins ACh respectively. Obviously, the time constant r decreased as the membrane washyperpolarized (Fig. 4B). Upon repolarization to the holding potential of -30 mV, tail currents were observed (Fig. 3D). The tail currents started from an initial peak with little delay and converged to almost the same amplitude regardless ofthe size ofthe preceding hyperpolarization. The amplitude ofthe initial peak ofthe tail current depended on the preceding testpulses, i.e. at -140 mVitwas almostzero, butincreased to about -20 pA at -60 mV. Nevertheless, the time constants forthetail currentswere very similar (in this case, 150-200 ms). These results suggest that the voltage-dependent gatingoftheACh-activated channels inthispreparation can be describedasasimple two-state model (open-closed). I-Vcurvesandsteady-stateactivationcurveofIns,ACh Figure 5A shows the voltage dependence ofthe I-Vrelationships evaluated from the experiment shown in Fig. 3. The instantaneous I-V relationship (0) is nearly linear. This curve extrapolates to a reversal potential of +4 mV and gives a chord 62 R. INOUE AND G. ISENBERG conductance of 1P7 nS at the holding potential ofthis experiment (-30 mV). In five cells, the extrapolated reversal potential was -02+3-9 mV. These results are in good agreement to that obtained by ramp pulses (see above). The I-V relationship ofthe steady state is indicated by the filled circles and the dashed line in Fig. 5A. As A Vt Vh=-30 mV 450 ms -140 -60 450ms -140 mV B It 200 ms a 0 im . i P i R -250 pA C 0 --250 pA DI mv -140 mV -8o -4 ...1 0 -80 mV -60 mv -40 mV -40 mV I -100 -60 mV -200 -140 mV II pA Fig. 3. Evaluation of the ACh-sensitive current InsACh Computer print-outs of the experimentdescribedinFig. 1. Theschematicofthepulseprotocol (A) isshown together withthenetcurrentsbefore(B)andinthepresenceofACh(C).Note:thetransientinward andoutwarddeflectionsaremostlyduetothecapacitiveartifacts. InthepresenceofACh the current is more inward and tracings cross each other. D, In,, ACh' defined as the differencecurrent (C-B). Notetheenlargedcalibrationofthesetracings. expected from the voltage-dependent relaxation ofIns,ACh, the curve is bell-shaped with a maximum at -30 mV declining toward the voltage axis at very negative potentials. This strong voltage dependence is more clearly observed when the ratio ofthevalueatthesteadystate tothatoftheinstantaneous current isplotted against the membrane potential (0 in Fig. 5B). The steady-state activation curve rises as the membrane is depolarized and shows an e-fold change for about 35 mV at the membrane potentials between -80 and -30 mV. The curve is also calculated from the amplitude ofthe initial peak ofthe tail currents upon repolarization (O in Fig. 5B). Using adequate calibration (right ordinate), both curves superimpose. VOLTAGE-DEPENDENCE OF ACH-INDUCED CURRENT 63 Voltagedependence of1ns,ACh inthepresence ofCa2+ antagonists The concentrations ofACh used in the present experiments (041-1000/tM) affected othermembraneconductanceaswellasIns,ACh i.e. thevoltage-operatedCa2+ current diminishedduringtheapplication ofACh. Furthermore,Ins, ACh can bemodulated by A B 0 irn 0 E 1= I 0 is-- -180 -140 -100 -60 Membrane potential (mV) Fig. 4. Time course and voltage dependence of relaxation of I.,ACh during hyper- polarization from the experiment ofFig. 3D. A, normalized time course ofrelaxation of InsACh at -140, -90, -70 mV. For better comparison, peak amplitude of InsACh is normalizedto 10foreachmembranepotential. Smoothcurvesaredrawnbyleast-squares fitting using anequationI(Vm,t) = a+bexp(-tIT) (seetext). Thevaluesaand T are 0X02 and 28ms, 013 and 78 ms, 0-23 and 95 ms at -140, -90 and -70mV, respectively. B, time constants (-r) are plotted against the membrane potential. the intracellular Ca2+ concentration via Ca2+ influx through voltage-operated Ca2+ channels. (For both observations, see Inoue & Isenberg, 1990). Such effects could introduce an error when obtaining the purely voltage-dependent properties of Ins,ACh. A similarproblem is discussed in the case ofatrial cells (Noma & Trautwein, 1978). Therefore, the experiments were repeated in the presence of organic Ca2+ antagonists (10,tM-nitrendipine or D600) over a wide range of the membrane potential (- 160 to +40 mV), and the results obtained were compared with those in the absence ofCa2+ antagonists. Figure 6A shows an example of records of Ins ACh during jumps to various potentials. At potentials negative to the holding potential, the rate and degree of 64 R. INOUE AND G. ISENBERG relaxation are very similar to those in the absence ofCa2+ antagonist (compare with Fig. 3D). The most prominent thing is that at potentials positive to the holding potential currents increased in amplitude time dependently and their corresponding tail currents showed relaxation instead of reactivation. The maximal activation is A mv -300 pA B 100 0. 75 ' as 1.0 0. 50 X -5101 n.- l0L0i- 25 m E 0 < -160 -120 -80 -40 0 Membrane potential (mV) Fig. 5. I-Vcurves ofIs,,AChevaluated fromexperiment ofFig. 3D. A, instantaneous (0) and steady-state current (@) plotted versus the potential ofthe hyperpolarizing clamp step. Connecting lines were drawn by eye. B, steady-state activation curve ofIng,ACh' Duringthepotentialclampstep,theratioofthesteady-statecurrenttotheinstantaneous current is marked by filled circles and calibrated on the left. Repolarization back to -30mV evoked a tail current. The amplitude of the instantaneous tail current (the amplitude at its initial peak measured from the zero current level) follows the same activationcurve. Itismarkedbyopencirclesandcalibratedontherightordinate. seen near 0 mV where InS,ACh reverses the polarity, and the amplitude of the tail current increased to about 3-5-fold of that at -60 mV. Interestingly, at more positive potentials than 0 mV, the initial peak of tail current decreased again, to about 80% ofthat at 0 mV in this case. The maximal chord conductance ofIns,ACh appearing at 0 mV is calculated to be 1-54+0-59 nS (n = 5) in the presence ofCa2+ antagonist. The filled circles in Fig. 6B show the steady-state activation curve in the presence of nitrendipine or D600, which was obtained from the ratio of the steady-state VOLTAGE-DEPENDENCE OF ACH-INDUCED CURRENT 65 A t= -140, -80, -60, 0, 40 mV Vh=-0 mV - - ,z~~~/0' -80 \ 4° ~40-_w -140 0 j 40 pA 100 Ms B 1.0 -0- .~05 E Z 0 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 Membrane potential (mV) C 200 E o100 E 0 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 Membrane potential (mV) Fig. 6. Voltage dependence of I.,ACh in the presence of organic Ca2+ antagonists. A, currenttraces ofIn.ACh recorded during steppulses tovariouspotentials in thepresence ofCa2 antagonists (either 10/tM-D600 or 10ItM-nitrendipine). B, steady-state activation curves in the absence (0) and in the presence (@) ofCa2+ antagonists. In the potential range between -160 and 0mV data were fitted by a Boltzmann curve t/{1+exp[(V-Vh)/k]}, wherethepotential ofhalf-maximal activation Vhis -50 mVand slope factor k is -15 mv. C, voltage dependence ofrelaxation time constants in various conditions; in the absence (at two different holding potentials of -30 mV (0) and -80mV (A)), and in the presence ofCa2+ antagonist (A). The asterisk means that the time constant was evaluated by an envelope oftail currents which is normally used to studythetimeconstantsforactivationofvoltage-operatedCa2+currents (seeforexample Fig. 7DinInoue& Isenberg, 1990).BandCshowthemean+s.E.M. (n = 4-12). 3 PHY424 66 R. INOUE AND G. ISENBERG current to the instantaneous current or from the tail currents (mean+S.E.M., n = 6-10). Forbetter comparison, each valuewasnormalized tomake the maximal value (i.e. at 0 mV) I 0. Negative to -30 mV, the values compare to those obtained in the absence ofCa2+ antagonists (O), i.e. these drugs are virtually ineffective on Ins,ACh A -[-- 0 y a-50 mVy ACh, 300 mM 10s b 50 mV ACh, 300 mM 10 S B a b 25 m 25 mV --------- --- -70 mV 5s 5s Fig. 7. Effect ofmembrane hyperpolarization on ACh-induced depolarizations recorded with a current clamp mode. The pipette contained KCl internal solution (20,/M-EGTA). A, ACh (300liM) was added between filled circles to the PSS. a, inward currents of -10pA (4s) were injected at the bars. b, inward currents of -10pA was constantly injected to hold the membrane potential near -70 mV but cancelled by short injections of outward currents (+10pA, 4s) at the bars which allowed the production of spontaneous action potentials. Ba and b, the expanded records from Aa and b, respectively. *,theonsetofapplicationofACh. at this concentration (100gM-D600, however, depressed InsACh severely). Up to 0 mV, the steady-state activation relationship is sigmoid-shaped and adequately expressed byaBoltzmann distribution: normalized us,ACh = 1I0/{1 +exp[(V-Vh)/k} setting the potential for half-maximal activation Vhto -50 mV and slopefactor kto -15 mV. This suggests thatnearlythehalfofIns,ACh channelsareinactivated atthe resting membrane potential (-55 to -60 mV, Suzuki & Kuriyama, 1975) and small changesinmembranepotential cangreatlyaffecttheactionofAChonthemembrane conductance. At positive potentials, the curve falls again, thus indicating that activation ofIns,ACh at +40 mVis only 35% ofthe maximum. Someexplanation for this fall are presented in the Discussion. Figure 6C compares the time constants of relaxation process in three different conditions. When a preceding holding potential was changed (-30 mV (0) versus