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J. Physiol. (1972), 220,pp. 363-381 363 With 14 text-figures Printed in Great Britain THE ANTAGONISTIC ACTIONS OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM ON THE SUPERFUSED VENTRICLE OF THE SNAIL HELIX POMATIA BY R. F. BURTON AND J. R. LOUDON From the Institute ofPhysiology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, W. 2 (Received 26 July 1971) SUMMARY 1. The isolated, superfused half-ventricle of the snail (Helix pomatia) maintains a degree of tonic activity even when not beating, since the membrane is depolarized beyond the tension threshold. Beating may be initiated by lateral stretch ofthe ventricle and by 5-hydroxytryptamine. 2. Ca and Mn each have a hyperpolarizing action, while K and to a lesser extent Na cause depolarization: the tonic activity of the ventricle is affected accordingly. 3. An increase in the extracellular concentration ofMg also causes the tension to fall, but without change in membrane potential. It can also initiate beating. 4. Contractures induced by 30 mm-K are steadily maintained, but start with a more-or-less distinct twitch-like contraction. A contracture induced by a concentration of K above about 50 mm is poorly sustained and is followed by a further brief contracture when the K concentration is reduced to normal. 5. Relations between contracture tension and the concentrations ofCa and Mg accord with the hypothesis that the two ions compete for attach- ment to a binding site on the cell surface and that tension is proportional to the amount ofbound Ca. On this hypothesis, the apparent dissociation constant of the Mg complex is 11x4 mm and that of the Ca complex 0x15 mm or less. 6. This effect ofMg is like that ofNa on frog ventricle and some ofthe differences in the behaviour of snail and frog ventricles are abolished by appropriate adjustment of the extracellular concentrations ofthese ions. INTRODUCTION Muscular contraction is affected by the ions in the extracellular fluid in two general ways, through their influence on electrical activity and through their influence on the mechanisms that link electrical activity to 364 R. F. BURTON AND J. R. LOUDON contraction. Inordertoeliminate the effects ofionsontheactionpotential of the snail heart and so to learn more of their influence on excitation- contraction coupling in that tissue, Burton & Mackay (1970) studied contractures induced by alternating current in the ventricle of Helix aspersa. Thecontracturetensionintheseexperimentswasfoundtorisetoa plateau level with increasing concentrations ofCabut to fall withthe con- centration ofMg. The results suggested a direct competition between the two ions for binding sites on the cell surface such as has been postulated for rat uterus (Edman & Schild, 1962) and it seemed desirable to explore this idea further in relation to KCl contractures in the ventricle of the larger snail, H.pomatia, andto attempt to assigndissociation constantsto the complexes between the hypothetical binding site and the two cations. The data on H. aspersa were unsuitable for the purpose since the non- beating ventricles had maintained a slight degree oftonus. Earlier work (Hogben, 1925; Bachrach, 1945; Paul, 1961) has shown the snailventricleto beinsomerespects like frogventricle initsresponses to ions and unlike it in others; the two tissues will be compared in this paper in the light ofthe new observations. METHODS Tostudychanges intension, ventricles ofaestivating specimens oftheRoman, or edible,snail,H.pomatiaL.,weredissectedoutandcutinhalf,longitudinally,insaline. Theauricularendofahalfventriclewaspinnedflattotheplatformofasuperfusion apparatus (Lamb & McGuigan, 1966) by means ofthree thin silver pins. The apex wasattachedbyafinethreadtoatensiontransducer,itselfcoupledtoapenrecorder. During superfusion, fluids poured onto the preparation, inner surface upwards, at 50-60ml./min. Contracturetensionsweremeasuredastheincreaseabovetheresting (baseline) tensions.Whentwoormoretensiontraceshavebeensuperimposedinthe preparation offigures and the instants offluid change have not coincided, only the firstchangeofagivenkindisshownbyanarrow,theremainderoccurringduringthe period indicated bythe accompanying bar. Membrane potentials were recorded with intracellular glass micro-electrodes and storage oscilloscope. Since superfusion was not then appropriate, the strip of ventricle was placed in abath instead. Before each series of measurements (eight totenimpalementsofsuperficial fibres in each solution) the pieceofventricle,after several washings, was allowed to soak 5min in the new solution. Two basic salines were used, designated K4-Mgl4 saline and K4-Mg56 saline to indicate themillimolar concentrations ofK andMg. Bothsolutionscontained: KC1, 4mM; NaCl, 80mm; Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane chloride, 8mm; glucose, 1-7mM; pH 7-9. In addition to these, K4-Mgl4 saline contained: MgCl1, 14mM; CaCl2, 8mM; sucrose, 105mm and K4-Mg56 saline contained: MgC12, 56mM; CaCl2, 1 mM; no sucrose. Other salines, representing modifications ofthese two, are speci- fied later. The sucrose in K4-Mgl4 saline raised the osmolarity towards the upper end ofthe natural range (Burton, 1965). Ca AND Mg ON SNAIL VENTRICLE3365 RESULTS The flat strip ofventricle did not beat spontaneously when superfused with K4-Mgl4 saline, but maintained a steady 'base line' tension. How- ever, when 5-hydroxytryptamine was added in concentrations greater than 10-8g/ml., the preparation first gave a strong contraction and then began to beat vigorously and with a regular rhythm. Spontaneous beating could also be elicited byplacing the three pins close together at the base of the strip ofventricle and so allowing lateral distension ofits walls by the pressure of the superfusion. The beat was then irregular and diastolic relaxation was often incomplete. a 140 1 g b 10sec t2Mn a Fig. 1. RelaxationofbaselinetensioninK4-Mgl4salineduetoremovalof Na or addition ofMn. (a) Superimposed tracings showing the influence of 140, 40and8mM-Na(sucroseassubstitute). ReductioninNaconcentration from the control of 80mm resulted in a drop in base line tension, while 140mm-Na produced a small rise. (b) Addition of 2mM-Mn to K4-Mgl4 saline produced a reversible drop in base line tension followed by a few weak beats. The effects on base line tension ofNa, Mn and Mg When the sucrose in the K4-Mgl4 saline was replaced by NaCl so that the concentration of Na was raised from 80 to 140 mm, a small rise in tension occurred (Fig. 1a) and when the concentration ofNa was lowered from 80 to 40 mm or to 8 mm, with the substitution of osmotically equi- valent amounts ofsucrose, theresultwas asmall dropinbaselinetension. This suggested that the ventricle was not at rest in K4-Mgl4 saline, but retained some degree oftonic activity. Asfurtherevidenceofthis,asmalldropintensionoccurred,followedbya few weak beats, when 2 mm-Mn was added (Fig. 1b). Another ion which produced a drop in base line tension was Mg. When its concentration was raised from 14 to 28 mm with the removal of the osmotically equivalent amount ofsucrose, theresult was afall in base line tension (Fig. 2b).Further increase to 56 mM-Mg, with Castill at 8 mm, not 366 R. F. BURTON AND J. R. LOUDON only caused further relaxation but also induced regular spontaneous beating (Fig. 2c); when K4-Mgl4 saline was re-introduced, the ventricle halted abruptly in what was clearly a contracture, though this was also in fact the original base line tension (Fig. 2d). In agreement with these results, the complete removal ofMg resulted in a rise in tension (Fig. 2a). This 'Mg-free contracture' was approximately equivalent in tension and shape to a contracture induced by raising the concentrationofKto30mM with the concentration ofMg remaining at 14 mM. a 14Mg t0Mg 1 t30K t b -IA 14Mg t28Mg 4 14Mg +56Mg d mu adAd _ 1|Jg 10sec t14Mg 56Mg +56Mg Fig. 2. The influence of Mg on base line tension. (a) Mg-free saline pro- duced awell sustained riseintension, approximately equivalent to that of the 30mM-K contracture following it. (b) 28mm-Mg produced a small, reversible, drop in tension. (c) 56mM-Mg produced a drop in tension followed by regular spontaneous beating. (d) Re-introduction ofK4-Mgl4 saline resulted in an abrupt halt in a contracture which was the previous base line tension. The effect was reversible. The K contracture. When the external K concentration was raised to between 6 and 200 mm by the addition ofKC1 without compensation for the increased osmotic pressure, a contracture occurred (Fig. 3). The threshold for this effect was very low, a significant rise in tension being produced even at 6 mM-K. Lowering K to 2 mm had no effect, but K-free fluids produced a small contracture. The form ofthe contracture, as well as the rise in tension, depended on the concentration of K. Thus, at concentrations below 50 mm, the con- tracture tension rose rapidly to a well sustained 'plateau' tension. At higher concentrations, this plateau became increasingly poorly sustained and was followed by a further contraction when K4-MgL4 saline was re- introduced. Thereasonforthis 'reboundcontracture'isnot clear. Ca AND Mg ON SNAIL VENTRICLE 367 Membrane potential K. The membrane potential in K4-MgL4 saline averaged -59-8 +S.D. 2-7 mV in nineteen ventricles. The dependence ofmembrane potential on K concentration in the range 0-200 mm was examined with KCl being added as in the experiments on tension. The concentrations ofother ions +0K t4K +6K +4K ' 10sec +10 K 4K t4 +20K K 50K 4K t IF200 K 4K Fig. 3. The influence ofK on tension. At each arrow the K concentration in the K4-Mgl4 saline was changed as indicated. 6mM-K produced a significant rise in tension and the tension increased with furtherrise in K. Up to 50mM-K, contractures were well sustained, but at higher concen- trations became less so and were followed by 'rebound' contractures on re-introduction of K4-Mgl4 saline. K-free fluid also produced a small contracture. were as in the standard K4-Mgl4 saline. The results are shown in Fig. 4. Over much ofthe range, a tenfold increase in K concentration depolarized the membrane by about 38 mV. Lowering the concentration ofK hyper- polarized the membrane and the application of K-free saline produced a hyperpolarization of 9-0+S.D. 2-1 mV (P < 0-001). Ca. The influence of Ca on the membrane potential was studied by introducingsalinecontaining 0, 1or16 mm-Cainsteadofthe8 mmnormally 368 R. F. BURTON AND J. R. LOUDON presentintheK4-Mgl4saline. Theaveragechangesinmembranepotential withreferencetothoseinK4-Mgl4saline areshowninTable 1;removalof Ca leads to depolarization and addition to hyperpolarization. When the concentration ofK was 30 mm, changes in Ca over the range 1-9 mm had no significant effect on membrane potential. 0 > -25 - 0 01 -oa EZ-50 _i ~~~~~~~~~/ ///T (0) 1 2 4 10 20 30 50 70100 200 Concentration ofpotassium (mm) Fig. 4. The influence ofK on membrane potential. Mean values are each for 3 or 4 ventricles, except that for 4mM-K which is based on 19. Bars indicate S.D. The interruptedlineis ofgradient 38mY pertenfold change in K. The influence ofK-free saline is shown to theleft. TABiE 1. Dependence of membrane potential on [Ca]. Negative sign indicates depolarization with respect to potential in the presence of8mm-Ca. Other ions are as in K4-Mgl4 saline Change±S.D. m-Ca (mY) Number 0 -8-1+2-3 3 1 _4-9+0-8 5 8 0 16 +3-5±2-1 6 Mg. Complete removal of Mg from K4-Mgl4 saline produced no signi- ficant change in membrane potential in five experiments. Although higher concentrations ofMg (28, 42 and 56 mM) in what was otherwise K4-Mgl4 saline caused slow spontaneous beating and made measurement more 369 Ca AND Mg ON SNAIL VENTRICLE difficult, sufficient impalements were made during diastole to suggest that the membrane potential was unaltered, atleastthroughmuch of diastole. Thus the effect ofMg on base line tension andthe initiation ofbeating by high concentrations seem not to be mediated by changes in resting mem- brane potential. Mg also appeared to be without effect on membrane potential in the presence of 30 mM-K. All alterations in Mg were accom- panied by appropriate changes in the contribution of sucrose to osmotic pressure. Mn. The application of 2 mM-Mn, already mentioned as causing a fall in base line tension, produced, in four experiments, an average hyper- polarization of 1.8 mV (P < 0.01). Na. Reducing the concentration of Na in K4-Mgl4 saline from 80 to 8 mm, with replacement by sucrose, produced, in five experiments, an average hyperpolarization of 7-4 mV (P < 0 01). An intermediate hyper- polarization (5 mV) resulted from reduction in the concentration of Na from 80to 40 mMinthreeexperiments, butanincreasefrom 80to 140 mM, in five experiments, produced no significant change (an average hyper- polarization of1 0 mV). Inthepresenceof30 mM-K, Nahadnosignificant effect on membrane potential over a range of 8-80 mm. Influence ofcations on the contracture induced by 30 mM-K A K concentration of 30 mm was chosentoelicit contractures, because the plateau tension is then well sustained (Fig. 3) and so provides a con- venient measure of contractility. Between contractures, the ventricles were superfused withK4-Mg56 saline, the high concentration ofMgbeing intended to minimize the contribution of tonic activity to the base line tension. In addition the Ca level was loweredfrom 8 to 1 mm to make the preparations more responsive to change in Mg. When superfused with this saline, the ventricles initially beat spon- taneously, as in salines containing high Mg and normal Ca, but stopped doing so after 10-15 min. An increase in the concentration ofK to 30 mm (with Ca remaining at 1 mm and Mg at 56 mm) resulted in a contracture that started with a phasic contraction not unlike a large slow twitch, the relaxationofwhichwasinterruptedbyasecond, 'plateau',phase(Fig. 5a). When the concentration of Ca was raised from 1 to 8 mm at the same time as that of K was raised to 30 mm, the distinction between the two components was no longer evident. The plateau tension was also greatly increased despite the short time the raised Ca concentration had in which to act. The influence ofMg on the contracture induced by 30 mM-Kwas tested over the range 0-56 mm, LiCl being used as a substitute to maintain the osmolarity. Reduction in the concentration ofMg had the same effect on 370 R. F. BURTON AND J. R. LOUDON the contracture form as an increase in the concentration ofCa, namely a rise in tension with a merging ofthe two phases of contraction (Fig. 5b). The contracture in Mg-free 30 mM-K saline was approximately equi- valent to a contracture in the presence of 8 mM-Ca, 56 mM-Mg and 30 mM-K. These effects of Mg occurred whichever substitution agent was used; those tested (quoting concentrations used in substitution for 56 mM-MgCl2) were LiCL (80 mM), NaCL (80 mM), choline chloride (80 mm), Tris-(hydroxymethyl)aminomethanechloride (85mM)andsucrose(145mM). 430K 130K ]1g 4 4 ICa 8Ca 10sec 0 14 28 561Mg 30K4 3I0CKa t3056KMg + ICa Mg asshown 8Ca c 4~~t30 L30KL 430K 4 K 56Mg 56 Mg0M~g-Li 0Mg-Choline -- Na -- Tris Sucrose Fig. 5. The influence of Ca and Mg on the 30mM-K contracture. Super- fusion before and after contracture was always with K4-Mg56 saline. (a) Two traces ofcontractures, each in the presence of56mM-Mg. During the firstcontracture Ca remained at 1 mM; the second contracture fluid (30mm-K) contained 8mM-Ca. (b) TheinfluenceofMg,withCaconstantat 1 mm. The third trace shows,forcomparison, acontractureinthepresence of 8mm-Ca and 56mM-Mg. (c) The effect ofreplacing MgCl2 with LiCl or NaCl (second trace) orwithcholinechloride, Tris chloride orsucrose (third trace). Complete replacement of Mg by any of these invariably caused an increase in the tension of the K contracture, although the size of the effect did varywiththe substitute (Fig. 5c). Thus replacement ofMg with LiCl or NaCl caused an increase in tension ofabout 100%, while replace- ment with sucrose or with choline or 'Tris' chloride caused an increase of about 130 %. Ca AND Mg ON SNAIL VENTRICLE 371 The dependence of contracture tension on the nature of the substance replacing Mg suggests that Na and Li each have a negative inotropic effect, though small compared with that of Mg. Other experiments in- volving contractures produced by 30 mM-K in the presence of 56 mM-Mg also suggested this. Thus the contracture tensions were increased by 20-30% whenthe concentration ofNawaslowered from 140to 8 mmwith the substitution of sucrose, choline chloride or 'Tris' chloride, while no suchincrease occurredwhenthe osmotic pressure was maintained with Li. At most, the effect ofNa on contracture tension would seem to be small. 02, 4K 4K 30 K 30 K 4 K I Ca OCa OCa Caasshown 1 Ca a b c d e Fig. 6. This Figure illustrates the sequence of five steps, as described in the text, involved in studying the influence of Ca on the 30mM-K con- tracture. This influence is itself illustrated by the superimposed traces to the right. The antagonism between Ca and Mg The quantitative relationships between contracture tension and the concentrations of Ca and Mg were investigated in experiments in which the ventricles were exposed to varying concentrations ofthese ions after first being depolarized by 30 mM-K in the absence of Ca. The procedure consisted ofthefive steps illustrated in Fig. 6. (a) The ventricle was super- fused with K4-Mg56 saline containing 1 mM-Ca. (b) Superfusion with a similar saline, but lacking Ca, then resulted in an immediate drop in tension. It was from this base line that measurements of contracture were subsequently made. (c) After 1 to 2 min of superfusion with this Ca-free K4-Mg56 saline, the latter was replaced by a Ca-free saline containing 30 mM-K and 56 mM-Mg. Usually no tension resulted (as in Fig. 6), and this was taken to indicate that the ventricle then retained too little Ca to contract. If any tension did develop, the ventricle was superfused again inCa-freeK4-Mg56salineforafurther 1-2 min,before the re-introduction ofthe Ca-free saline containing 30 mm-K. The ventricle was then in a Ca- free, depolarizedstate, atzero contractile tension. (d) The next stepwasto 372 R. F. BURTON AND J. R. LOUDON introduce Ca (often with a change in Mg concentration too, as in Fig. 8) while the concentration of K remained at 30 mm. Contractures then de- veloped. (e) Finally, there-introductionofK4-Mg56saline causedareturn to the original tension ofa. lor 0 0 0 a 0 a aS A 0 0 0 0 a A 0VI 501- co ._ 0 2 0 A Ioa a . o UI I 0 4 8 Calcium (mM) Fig. 7. The relation between plateau tension during 30mM-K contracture and the concentration ofCa. Tensions are plotted as percentages ofthose inthe presence of8mM-Ca. The Mgconcentration is 56mm. Each symbol represents one ventricle. '--" 14 -.1 56 t t 4K 30K 30K 30K OCa OCa ICa 0-3Ca Mgas shown Fig. 8. The influence ofMg on the 30mm contracture. A control contrac- ture is shown in the centre, following depolarization in the Ca-free saline. The superimposed traces to the right show the influence ofMg (0-56mm) on contractures induced by 30mn-K in the presence of0-3mm-Ca. The influence ofadded Ca on the Ca-free depolarized heart muscle was tested in four experiments. As before, the form and tension of the con- tracturedependedontheamountofCainthe 30 mM-Ksaline. Thus, atlow concentrations (0 1-1 0 mM-Ca) the contracture was made up ofaninitial phasic tension followed by a plateau. Both ofthese componentsincreased with the concentration ofCa until they merged at about 8 mM-Ca. TheplateautensionsatthedifferentconcentrationsofCaweremeasured

larger snail, H. pomatia, and to attempt to assign dissociation constants to Recherches sur la structuredu cceur chez les mollusques. Arch8 Anat.
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