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by  K. Iida
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Preview Melting Pattern of Diquark Condensates in Quark Matter

Melting Pattern of Diquark Condensates in Quark Matter K. Iida,1 T. Matsuura,2 M. Tachibana,1 and T. Hatsuda2 1 The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 2 Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan Thermal color superconducting phase transitions in high density three-flavor quark matter are investigatedin theGinzburg-Landauapproach. Effectsofnonzerostrange quarkmass, electric and colorchargeneutrality,anddirectinstantonsareconsidered. Weakcouplingcalculations showthat aninterplaybetweenthemassandelectricneutralityeffectsnearthecriticaltemperaturegivesrise to three successive second-order phase transitions as the temperature increases: a modified color- flavor locked (mCFL) phase (ud, ds, and us pairings) → a “dSC” phase (ud and ds pairings) → an isoscalar pairing phase (ud pairing) → a normal phase (no pairing). The dSC phase is novel in thesensethatwhilealleight gluonsareMeissner screenedasin themCFL phase,threeoutof nine quarkquasiparticles are gapless. 4 0 PACSnumbers: 12.38.-t,12.38.Mh,26.60.+c 0 2 n Unraveling the phase structure at high baryon den- d,s quarks and u quarks differ. Through this chemi- a sity is one of the most challenging problems in quantum cal potential difference, the GL potential acquires an- J 1 chromodynamics(QCD). Among others,colorsupercon- other ms dependence, whichis the essentialoriginof the ductivity in cold dense quark matter has been discussed dSC phase. Thirdly, the instanton contribution gives an 2 fromvariousviewpoints[1,2]. Inrelationtorealsystems ms dependence totheGLpotentialthroughtheeffective 2 suchasnewlyborncompactstarsinstellarcollapse,itis four-fermion interaction proportional to m . We finally s v important to study the color superconductivity not only note that in weak coupling, color neutrality makes neg- 3 as a function of the quark chemical potential µ but also ligible difference in the GL potential near the transition 6 as a function of the temperature T. This is because the temperatures [4]. 3 2 possible presence of color superconducting quark matter We assume that diquark pairing takes place in the 1 in a star affects the star’s thermal evolution [3]. color-flavorantisymmetric channel with JP =0+, which 3 ThepurposeofthisLetteristoinvestigatephasetran- is predicted to be the most attractive channel in weak 0 sitionsincolorsuperconductingquarkmatterwith three coupling [9]. In this case, the pairing gap of a quark / h flavors (uds) and three colors (RGB) near the transi- of color b and flavor j with that of color c and fla- p tion temperatures. We consider a realistic situation in vor k has the form φbcjk = ǫabcǫijk(da)i [4]. Here p- whichnonzerostrangequark massms, electric andcolor the 3× 3 matrix (da)i transforms as a vector under e chargeneutrality,anddirectinstantonstakeeffect. Aswe G = SU(3)C SU(3)L+R U(1)B and belongs to the v:h nshoanlzlesreoeminwaenadkecloeuctprliicngne(umtrsa,ΛlitQyCaDre≪imµp),ortthaenetffiencttshaotf (3∗F,o3r∗)arephreosm×enotgaetnioenouosf SsUy×s(t3e)mC ×oSfUm(3a)sLs+leRs.s quarks s Xi they induce multiple phase transitions that change the (mu,d,s = 0), the GL potential is invariant under pattern of diquark pairing as T increases. In particular, SU(3)C SU(3)L+R and valid near the critical temper- r × a wefindanewphase,whichwecall“dSC,”asaninterface ature, Tc, common to all states belonging to the channel between a modified type of color-flavor locked (mCFL) considered here. This potential reads [4, 10] phase and an isoscalar two-flavor(2SC) phase. S =α¯ d 2+β ( d 2)2+β d ∗ d 2, (1) a 1 a 2 a b Throughout this Letter, we adopt the Ginzburg- Xa | | Xa | | Xab | · | Landau(GL)approachnearthetransitiontemperatures, which was previously used to study the massless three- where(da)i =(dua,dda,dsa)andtheinnerproductistaken flavorcase[4,5,6]andisamoreadvantageousframework for flavorindices. In the weak coupling regime, the coef- to weak coupling calculations than other mean-field ap- ficients are [4] proaches [7, 8]. In a realistic situation, the GL potential 7ζ(3) acquires the following corrections. First of all, nonzero β1 =β2 = 8(πT )2N(µ)≡β, α¯ =4N(µ)t≡α0t, (2) c m affects the potential through the s quark propagator s [8] in such a way as to lower the temperature at which a whereN(µ)=µ2/2π2isthedensityofstatesattheFermi diquark condensate with s quarks dissolves. This is be- surface,andt=(T T )/T is the reducedtemperature. c c − cause the pairing interaction due to one-gluon exchange Withtheparameters (2),onefindsasecondorderphase is effectively diminished by m if the pair contains the s transition at T = T from the CFL phase (di δi) to s c a ∝ a quark. Secondly, when quark matter with nonzero m is the normal phase (di =0) in mean-field theory [4]. s a beta equilibrated and neutralized by electrons near the Let us now consider the effect of a nonzero m in s transitiontemperatures,thechemicalpotentialsbetween the quark propagator on the GL potential. We assume 2 m = 0 for simplicity and consider the high density pairinggapaffectonlythequartictermsintheGLpoten- u,d regime, m µ. Near T the leading effect of m is tial. By combining this estimate with the weak coupling s c s ≪ to modify the quadratic term in the GL potential (1). expression for η/µ given in Ref. [4], we obtain e The corrections to the quartic terms are subleading and m2 µ negligible. Since ms affects only us and ds pairings, the η ≃α08µs2 ln(cid:18)T (cid:19)∼α0σ. (7) correction to the quadratic term has the form c Since η >0, ds pairingis more favorablethan udand us ǫ (|dua|2+|dda|2)=ǫ (|da|2−|dsa|2). (3) pairings. Thisfeaturestemsfromthemodificationbyδµi Xa Xa to the exponential factor of Tc, exp[ 3π2/(√2g)], which − tends to increase (decrease) the critical temperature for Note that this correction induces an asymmetry in the ij pairing when δµ +δµ >0(<0). i j flavor structure of the CFL phase. We consider color neutrality of the system as well. In In weak coupling, ǫ can be calculated by including m s contrast to the case at T = 0, however, it affects only in the Nambu-Gor’kov quark propagator when evaluat- the quartic terms in the GL potential through possi- ing the thermodynamic potential. Following Ref. [4], we ble chemical potential differences between colors [4, 11], expand the thermodynamic potential not only in di but a and in weak coupling its magnitude is suppressed by also in ms up to O(m2s), and obtain ((Tc/gµ)2) compared to the leading quartic terms. O Thuscolorneutralityhasnoessentialconsequencetothe m2 µ ǫ α s ln 2α σ. (4) phase transitions considered in this Letter. A major dif- ≃ 04µ2 (cid:18)T (cid:19)∼ 0 c ference between corrections of the charge neutrality and the color neutrality is that the former shifts the quark Here the dimensionless parameter σ is given by chemical potentials even in the normal phase, while the 3π2 m2 latter works only when the pairing occurs. This is why σ = s , (5) the former is more important than the latter near T . (cid:18)8√2(cid:19)gµ2 c The direct instanton at nonzero m , which induces s an effective four-fermion interaction between u and d wheregistheQCDcouplingconstant. Aslongasσ 1, ≪ quarks [12], leads to a quadratic term in the GL poten- which is relevant at asymptotically high density, the fol- tial, ζ ds 2. An explicit weak coupling calculation lowing GL analysis near Tc is valid. In the latter es- a| a| timate in Eq. (4) we use the leading-order result in g, shows tPhat ζ α0(ms/µ)(ΛQCD/µ)9(1/g)14. The neg- ∼− ln(T /µ) 3π2/(√2g) [9]. This behavior of T orig- ative sign indicates that the instanton favors ud pairing c c ∼ − as does one-gluonexchange [see Eq. (3)], but the magni- inates from the long-range color magnetic interaction tudeofζ ishighlysuppressedathighdensities. Hereafter which prevails in the relativistic regime. As a result of we will thus ignore instanton effects. themodificationbym toln(T /µ),ǫhasapositivevalue s c Since the two effects of nonzero m , characterized by such that ud pairing is favored over us and ds pairings. s Eqs.(3)and(6), favorudpairingandds pairing,respec- Consequently,theCFLphasebecomesasymmetricinfla- tively, the finite temperature transition from the CFL vorspace and its criticaltemperature is lowered,leading totheappearanceofthe2SCphase(di δis)justbelow to the normal phase at ms = 0 is expected to be signifi- a ∝ cantlymodified. Infact,successivecolor-flavorunlocking T [8]. Note that Eq.(3) has no effect on the 2SC phase. c transitionstakeplaceinsteadofasimultaneousunlocking WealsonotethatT itselfismodifiedbym throughthe c s of all color-flavor combinations. To describe this hierar- modification of the normal medium as T (1+ (gσ)). c O chical thermal unlocking, it is convenient to introduce a We turn to discuss effects of charge neutrality which parameterization, alsodependonm asmentionedabove. Underbetaequi- s librium and charge neutrality, the electron chemical po- ∆ 0 0 1 tential µe and the shift δµi of the chemical potential of dia =0 ∆2 0 , (8) flwaitvhoreilefcrtormictchheaargveerqag.e(Wµ)easreeerferloamtedRbeyf.δ[µ4i]=th−atqitµhee, 0 0 ∆3  i where∆ areassumedwithoutlossofgeneralitytobe thermodynamic-potential correction due to δµ has the 1,2,3 i real. We also name the phases for later convenience as form ∆ =0 : mCFL, η (13 |da|2− |dua|2). (6) ∆11,2=,306, ∆2,3 6=0 : uSC, (9) Xa Xa ∆2 =0, ∆1,3 =0 : dSC, 6 ∆ =0, ∆ =0 : 2SC, 1,2 3 In weak coupling, where one may regard normal quark 6 matter and electrons as noninteracting Fermi gases, µ where dSC (uSC) stands for superconductivity in which e is related to m as µ = m2/4µ. This estimate is valid for d (u) quarks all three colors are involved in the pair- s e s in the vicinity of T where corrections to µ by a finite ing. c e 3 normal mCFL T T 1 3 c c TIII c dSC CFL 2SC 2SC 2 4 2SC TII 2 c 5 D3 TS c 3 dSC 4 mCFL TcI 3 D21 mCFL 2 D2 (a) (b) (c) I II III FIG. 1: Transition temperatures of the three-flavor color su- Tc Tc Tc T perconductor in weak coupling: (a) all quarks are massless; FIG. 2: A schematic illustration of the gaps squared as a (b) nonzero ms in the quark propagator is considered; (c) function of T. electric charge neutrality is further imposed. The numbers attached tothe arrows are in unitsof σTc. allowsthe2SCphasetoappearattemperaturesbetween Ts andT . Asonegoesfrom(b)to(c),chargeneutrality c c Intermsofthe parameterization(8),the GLpotential setsin,whichactstodecreasethechemicalpotentialofu with corrections of (m2) to the quadratic term, Eqs. quarksby(2/3)µ andincreasethatofdandsquarksby O s e (3) and (6), reads (1/3)µ . Since µ >0, the average chemical potential of e e quarksinvolvedinds pairingincreases,whilethoseinud S = α¯′(∆2+∆2+∆2) ǫ∆2 η∆2 1 2 3 − 3− 1 and us pairings decrease equally. Accordingly, the tran- + β1(∆21+∆22+∆23)2+β2(∆41+∆42+∆43),(10) sition temperatures further change from Tc to TcIII and from Ts to TI and TII. where α¯′ =α¯+ǫ+ η. c c c 3 Now we examine in more detail how the color-flavor We proceed to analyse the phase structure dictated unlocking in case (c) proceeds with increasing T from by Eq. (10) with the weak coupling parameters (2), (4), the region below TI. c and (7) up to leading order in g. In Figs. 1 and 2 the (i)JustbelowTI,wehaveaCFL-likephase,butthethree c results obtained by solving the coupled algebraic equa- gaps take different values, with an order ∆ > ∆ > 3 1 tions, ∂S/∂∆ = 0, are summarized. Figure 1(a) 1,2,3 ∆2 =0 (the mCFL phase). The reasonwhy this orderis shows the second-order phase transition, CFL nor- 6 realized can be understood from the GL potential (10). → mal for m = 0. Figures 1(b,c) represent how the phase s The ǫ-termandη-terminEq.(10) tendto destabilizeus transitions and their critical temperatures bifurcate as pairing (∆ ) relative to ud pairing (∆ ) and ds pairing 2 3 we introduce (b) effects of a nonzero m in the quark s (∆1). Since ǫ > η(> 0), ds pairing is destabilized more propagator and then (c) effects of charge neutrality. In effectively than ud pairing. The value of each gap in the case(b),twosecond-orderphasetransitionsarise,mCFL mCFL phase reads (with ∆ = ∆ ) 2SC at T = Ts (1 4σ)T , and 1 2 → c ≡ − c 2suScCce→ssivneorsmecaolnadt-oTrd=erTpch.aIsnectraasnes(icti)o,ntsh,emreCaFriLses thdrSeCe ∆23 = 8αβ0 (cid:18)TcT−T + 38σ(cid:19), (11) c → aatt TT ==TTcIc,IIdI.SCSh→ow2nSCinaFtiTg.=2TiscIIt,haendT-2dSeCpe→ndennocremoafl ∆21 = 8αβ0 (cid:18)TcT−T − 34σ(cid:19), (12) c the gaps ∆ for case (c). All the gaps are continuous 1,2,3 α T T 16 functions of T, but their slopes are discontinuous at the ∆2 = 0 c− σ . (13) 2 8β (cid:18) T − 3 (cid:19) critical points, which reflects the second order nature of c the transitions in the mean-field treatment of Eq. (10). The mCFL phase has only a global symmetry We may understand the bifurcation of the transition U(1) U(1) in contrastto the globalsym- C+L+R C+L+R temperatures in weak coupling as follows. In the mass- × metry SU(3) in the CFL phase with m = 0. C+L+R u,d,s less case (a), T is degenerate betweenthe CFL and 2SC c TherearenogaplessquarkexcitationsinbothmCFLand phases,thechemicalpotentialiscommontoallthreefla- CFL phases. As T increases, the first unlocking transi- vors and colors, and the CFL phase is more favorable tion, the unlocking of ∆ (the pairing between Bu and 2 than the 2SC phase below T . As one goes from (a) c Rs quarks), takes place at the critical temperature, to (b), nonzero m sets in, which tends to suppress the s pairing interactions including the s quark. The critical 16 TI = 1 σ T . (14) temperature for the CFL phase is then lowered, which c (cid:18) − 3 (cid:19) c 4 (ii) For TI <T <TII, ∆ =0 and So far, we have studied the phase transitions in the c c 2 mean-field level. In weak coupling, as shown in Ref. [6] ∆2 = α0 Tc−T + 2σ , (15) in the massless limit, thermally fluctuating gauge fields 3 6β (cid:18) Tc 3 (cid:19) could change the order of the transitions described in α T T 7 Figs. 1 and 2. A detailed account on this effect will be ∆2 = 0 c− σ . (16) 1 6β (cid:18) T − 3 (cid:19) reported elsewhere [14]; here we recapitulate the impor- c tant results. First, the second order transition, mCFL In this phase, we have only ud and ds pairings (the dSC dSC,remainssecondordereveninthepresenceofthe → phase), andthere is a manifest symmetry,U(1) thermalgluonfluctuations. This is because alleightglu- C+L+R × U(1) U(1) U(1) . Bydiagonaliz- ons are Meissner screened at T = TI and thus cannot C+L+R× C+V+B× C+V+B c ing the inverse quark propagator in the Nambu-Gor’kov induce a cubic term with respect to the order parameter representation,wefindthreegaplessquarkexcitationsin in the GL potential. On the other hand, the transitions, thecolor-flavorcombinations: Bu,Rs,andalinearcom- dSC 2SC and 2SC normal, become weak first or- → → binationofRuandBs. AtT =TII,thesecondunlocking der since some gluons, which are massless in the high c transition, the unlocking of ∆ (the pairing between Gs temperaturephase,become Meissnerscreenedinthe low 1 and Bd quarks), takes place at the critical temperature, temperature phase (Table I). In summary, we have investigated color-flavor un- 7 TII = 1 σ T . (17) lockings at finite temperatures taking into account the c (cid:18) − 3 (cid:19) c strange quark mass and charge neutrality in the GL ap- proach. We find three successive unlocking transitions, (iii) For TII <T <TIII, one finds the 2SC phase, which c c mCFL dSC 2SC normal, occurring in weak cou- has only ud pairing with → → → pling. Mostremarkably,the dSC phase appearsbetween themCFLand2SCphases. Inthisphasealleightgluons α T T 1 ∆2 = 0 c− σ . (18) areMeissnerscreenedandthethreequarkexcitationsare 3 4β (cid:18) T − 3 (cid:19) c gapless. The questionofhowthe phasestructureofneu- tral quark matter obtained near T is connected to that The 2SC phase has a symmetry SU(2) SU(2) c C L+R × × at T = 0, which approaches the CFL phase in the limit U(1) U(1) [6]. In this phase the s quark C+B L+R+B × of high density, is an interesting open problem. andB quarkexcitationsaregapless. The finalunlocking We are grateful to G. Baym and H. Abuki for helpful transition where ∆ (the pairing between Rd and Gu 3 discussions. Thisworkwassupportedinpartby RIKEN quarks) vanishes occurs at Special Postdoctoral Researchers Grant No. A11-52040 1 and No. A12-52010, and by the Grants-in-Aid of the TIII = 1 σ T . (19) c (cid:18) − 3 (cid:19) c Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sci- ence, and Technology (No. 15540254). Above TIII, the system is in the normal phase. c InTableI,wesummarizethesymmetryandthegapless quark modes in each phase discussed above. The num- ber of gluons having nonzero Meissner masses, which is [1] D. 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