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Melrose High School Year Book2005 PDF

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• J« IB Log 2005 \i Above left: Thanks to Megan Loughnane's hard work, all the advertisementswereplacedwithprecisionandlookedgreat! Above center: Yearbook isn't all about working hard! Megan Loughnane and Leah Gunnertake abreaktosurprise KatieO'Koniewskiwith acakeonher18thbirthday.Aboveright:Duringoneofthelatenight meetings, EmilyRowlands admiresaseniorportraitbeforeplacing it inthe book. Below left: YearbookAdvisor Ms. O'Gradyworked hardwithCo-Editors-in-ChiefKatieO'KonjewskiandLeahGunner tocreate a unique and successful the Log 2005. Bottom right: The staff members crowd around to get a piece of delicious Johnny's Foodmaster cake. Yummy! Anotherturingpointaforkstuckintheroad/Timegrabsyoubythewrist,directsyouwheretogo/Somakethebestof thistest,anddontaskwhy/Itsnotaquestion,butalessonlearnedintime/Itssomethingunpredjcable,butintheend itsright/1hopeyouhadthetimeofyourlife.-GoodRiddance(TimeOfYourLife).GreenDay DearLOG 2005 Staff: Creatingayearbookisatremen- dous responsibility that often goesunrecognizedbecauseofits "behind the scenes" work. Deadlines are strict, finances are tight, and the production hoursare long. Eachofyouhas surpassed any expectations that I had for this year's club. You meteverydeadline and created many original page layouts for LOG 2005. Your personalities shine through the pages of the book! You have all shown such spirit, commitment, and excel- Above left: Liza Montani and Margarita Kurlyanchik enjoyed lence, and this year's book is a creatingpagesfortheyearbook,andcheckingoutthepicturesofthe testament to that. I am so very soccer boys! Above center: "Wow that's an embarrassing picture! proudofallofyouandthework Let's put that one in!" Co-Editors Leah Gunner and Katie thatyou have done. It has truly O'Koniewski alwaysenjoyed thejobofpickingoutpicturesforthe beenapleasureworkingwithall yearbook.Aboveright:Johnny'sFoodmasterCake,onlythebestfor ofyou! the Log 2005 staff! Bottom left: After spending hoursworkingon pages, LeahGunnerand Bobby Farrenjoytakingaquickbreakto Best wishes, pose forthe camera. Bottom right: Makewish! KatieO'Koniewski Ms. O'Grady celebrates herbirthdaywith theyearbookstaff! iy^ LOG 2005 Ak *<<* 'There Someforever notfor better Some have gone and some remain All theseplaces have their moments With lovers andfriends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I've loved them all" My -In Life, The Beatles has been graduation. Along the way, we have takenwith us the friends we have made, the obstacles we have overcome, the lessonswe have learned, and the memories thatwe have shared. Through the tears, the laughter, the embarrassments, the decisions, and the accomplishments,we have blossomed into mature young adults. Our unique characteristics have shaped the Class of 2005 into a group of strong, passionate, and successful individuals. As we move on, we may choose to forget certain memories, but the GreatestHits of our young adulthood will always remain close to our hearts. We Over the years, we, the Class of2005 have had many great moments and times spent together. all can rememberthefirstdayofhigh school,whenwejumped into the midstofthecrowded hallways. Although Dr. Burke called us "minnows in a shark tank" during our freshman year, we have since We We grown up and become more thanjust the "sharks ofthe school." are academics. are leaders. We are athletes. We are artists. Most importantly though,we are friendswhowill end ourhigh school careerstogetherasthe Classof2005.Asaclass,wehave sharedmanygreatmomentsatdances, inthe classroom, at games, in the auditorium, and at all class events. We grew up listening to music andwe LOG have learned that for every great moment, there is a great song that accompanies it. The 2005 documents these great momentswithpictures, captions, and songs. Unlike anyclassbefore them, the Class of 2005 now has their own Greatest Hits, album and yearbook. These are the places we will remember. ThroughoutMs.Quinn's6yearsatMelroseHighSchool,shehascontributedgreatlytotheschool'scommunityandhas enrichedthelivesofalltheMHSstudents.AveteranguidancecounseloratMHS,theseniorscanalwaysrelyonMs.Quinn toeasetheircollegeworriesandworkhardtohelpthemsucceed.Shewilllistentoyou,laughwithyou,andofferyouadvice MHS pertainingto anysituation. Because ofhergracious and accepting personality, the students at have always trusted Ms. Quinn, as both a friend and counselor. Whether cheering her students on at championship basketball game or chaperoning the Winter Ball, Ms. Quinn's dedication to herstudents is evident through all her hardwork and support. AlthoughshebeganhercareeratMHSasaguidancecounselor,Ms.Quinnhastakenonmanymorerolessinceshefirst cametoMelrose High.Afteradvisingthe Classof2003, Ms. Quinndecidedtotakeon anevenmore timeconsumingand demandingjob, asStudent CouncilAdvisor. Overthe lasttwoyears, Ms. Quinn revived the Student Council. Due to her innovation and hardwork, Ms. Quinn helped launch numerous Student Council projectsoverthe past twoyears that all the studentsat MHShavetakenpartin andenjoyed.Thisyearalone, the StudentCouncil hasaccomplishedagreatdeal, thanksto Ms. Quinn. Inthe beginningoftheyear, Student Council organized the firstsuccessful Homecoming Dance in three years. During the holiday season, Student Council raised over $500 for a Battered Women's Shelter. After the devastatingTsunami, the school raised $1500, largely due to Ms. Quinn's and the Student Council's hardwork. Without Ms. Quinn's energy and dedication, the student body would not have as many events to enjoy and opportunities to contribute to society. Thankyou Ms. Quinn forallyourhardwork andcommitment toyourstudents. We appreciate all the timeyou spend helpingimprove ourschool communityandourlives. We thankyou for helping usget thisfar, andwewill sincerelymiss yourenergyandcharacter. Forall the time thatyouhavededicatedtous,we,theClassof2005,dedicate thisbooktoyou. Thefuture studentbodyat Melrose High School isfortunate tohavesomeone likeyou toadvise them and support them in all that theydo. Thankyou! "Andthenaherocomesalongwiththestrengthtocarryon/Andyoucast yourfearsasideandyouknowyoucansurvive/Sowhenyoufeellikehope isgone, lookinsideyouandbestrong!Andyou'11finallyseethetruth, that Senior Class Advisors a hero liesinyou."- Hero, Mariah Carey Ms. Pascarell Ms Gilmartin TotheClassof2005: Allofusareinthegutter, butsomeofusarelookingatthestars OscarWilde Oneofthereasonsthisisafavoritequotationisbecause itshowshowallofusstartoutin thesameplace,butsomeofusdaretoimagineanddream. Everyone iscapable ofdreams,andeveryone iscapable ofreachingforthose shiningdreamsand making them a reality. What dreamsdoyou have for yourselves? Workingwithyouforthepasttwoyearshasbeenaninspiringandfun-filledexperience.WhenwetookoverasClassAdvisorsyourjunioryear,neither ofuswassurewhattoexpect.Soon,youimpresseduswithyourwitandcompassion,andwithyourdedicationandintelligence.Yousetanexcellentexample forthe restoftheschool.Through theyearsand eventsfrom the Sophomore Field Day, theJunior Prom atthe Crowne Plaza (aresoundingsuccess!), JuniorDayofService, the Halloween Dance, Spirit Week tothe PowderPuffFootballgames,you have shown integrityandstyle in all thatyoudo. This yearyou made your mark with various accomplishments. Athletics alone has persevered to new heights with exceptional seasons. From your individualsuccessesand tournament birthsto LeagueTitle;youexpected thebest fromyourselevesandaccepted nothingless. Yourgenerositywill not be forgottenasyoudonated timeand moneytocauseshelddeepinyourhearts, from theTsunami Relief, BatteredWomen'sShelter,Operation Smile, ourcitybeautificationefforts,andSADDpaintingourbathrooms.Youhaveearnedourrespectaswellastherespectofthefacultyandadministration. Asyouspendthese lastdaysasahighschoolsenior,beforeyoudonyourredcapsandgownsandsitoutonthat footballfieldalltogetherasoneclass forthelasttime,thinkaboutwhatreallymatterstoyouasyoushapeyourdreams.Valueallthemomentsofyourlives,boththesmallandthemomentous. Rememberthe tough timesyou faced, howyou faced thosechallenge andcameouton theotherside,stronger,smarterandbraver. Youcan learn and growfrom allofit. Don't forgetanyofit. Apopquiz: Ready? Name5 Noble Prizewinners. Name5 PulitzerPrizewinners. Name 5winnersofthe AcademyAwards. Name5 U.S. Presidents. How'dyoudo?Now,name5peoplewhohavereallybeenthereforyou.Name5peoplewhocanalwaysmakeyoulaugh.Name5teachersovertheyears who have letyou knowthatcount,you matter, tothem. Name5 peoplewhomyou love,whowill alwaysloveyouback. Sayinggoodbyeisbittersweet.Asyougooutintotheworld,whetheritistocollege,tradeschool,militaryserviceorintotheworkforce,rememberwhat reallymatters.Whileyoumaynotrealizeyourambitionsinafewmonthsorevennextyear, itwillhappen. Itwillprobablytakehardwork,somefailure andsuccess,butwiththose20peopleyoucouldnameabout(andnotthepresidentsandPulitzerprizewinners),supportingyou,standingbehindyou,lifting you upand encouragingyou,youcan achieve it. So,gooutintotheworldknowingthatyouarenotalone.Whatdreamsdoyouhaveforyourselves?Wehopeyourdreamsincludechallengingyourselves, physically,mentallyandemotionally.Wehopetheyincludeyoustrivingtobethebestyoucanbe,andatbeingthemostdecent,honorablepersonyoucan be.Don'tbeafraidtotry.Don'tbeafraidtofall.Don'tbeafraidtoaskforhelp.Don'tbeafraidtosucceed.Don'tbeafraidtoreachforyourdreams;don't forget tolookathe stars. Congratulations! Ms. Gilmartin and Ms. Pascarell Advisorstothe Classof2005

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