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Melrose High School Year Book 2001 PDF

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\ete>rsoh rfnr\cd\s«. ^ ^ ^ W, vf *«- a - ^-^ e~v I • #,: /}vA JC^V, cJ,HhJ ft*. ^ \q J^ ^w ^ /- _ 1. '-T" a i ^ VprI^v^A€ k / .r<~ H Dr.7. ^"'' ;<J ^P, -/W, Gr all ** 'or uJU^v -q ** ^,4 (*r H£JX.*6 »«*r, <t#f 5"^^^ M^pi^"j w>Lp/jl£ 7- k^4 l,^ ^«^, ^ v^Ho ^<wW *"* *€> rWvJ ^ d*« fteb^dWCW cAU A r v, «U ^ ^c ,^Wr, T f,r,^%$,^i,;T S* fog*- M;ke J>^ff/I P-* <r)rf^T€^r TW-t^r J U-j-* >6i^T WJ1. T^Jf *&*T TD Cor* lk-ck o*mJ -^ tj y »x ,"kj ^ kj^r-P -,7k The up,>c4l^fM * J buck o. <^ceoJr a feel&fl <w&edM, qa&c«dl Vuwa^ te*^ , o^C u Cj-H-i^*"^- - ^ ~T' ah/1 ,1^°^-^ Vc. ^AC o.aq S-Nier^V^:, VrU* ^ 5^£M /b\ S^dCt*^ ^b to*****5 *-- +- l1 Pfi., IPs LOG 2001 VOLUME 76 MELROSE HIGH SCHOOL 360 LYNN FELLS PARKWAY 781-979-2200 WOO'D T>K. $. S. TOA HELLUVA SWELLUVA GUY iaL»- Dr. Wood has spent thirty year servingas a valuable memberofthe Melrose High School English Department staff. Heisretiringthisyearandhewillbemissed. Heplansarelaxedretirementwith morefreetime. Heisgoing to continue teaching part time at Middlesex Community College, but will leave more time to reading forleisure. Dr. Wood is also planningto spend sometimetravelling. Hewill visit with his son and two grandsons in Seattle. Washington, and his son in Florida. Some ofhis remaining newly freed time will be spent pursuing the onlim world. Dr.Wood,thankyouforallyouhavedoneforMelroseHighSchoolandgoodluckwithyourretirement. OPENING AfterthreeyearsattheMiddleSchool,theclassof2001 earnedagreatreputationandwasreadytomoveon. Nevertheless,aswecrossedtheinfamousbridge, maturingchildrenintoyoungadults, nooneknewwhattoex- pectfromthefirstclassofthemillennium. Itwouldbeaseriesoffirstimpressionsthatwouldestablish usasa classandwhatwouldbeginanunforgettablefouryears:thatnowthat itisover, it isdefinitelyworth reflecting upon. There have been many first impressionsoverthese past fouryears. Theobviousone beingthe first impres- sionseachoneofusmadeoneveryteacher,coach,administratorandfacultymember.Thoughsomeweregood, otherswerenot,yetourreputationasaclassgaveoffapositiveattitudeandthepossibilityofapromisingfuture. However,wewerenottheonlyonesmakingthefirstimpressions.Afteradifficultyearofteachercontractnego- tiations,MelroseHigh saidfarewellto manyteachersandwelcomedoverthirtynewteachersalongwithanew principal, Dr. Daniel Burke. Each oneofthose people made a first impressionon us as well as on each other. Opinionswerequicklyformulated, butoverall, theclassof2001 knew that changecan be positive and under- stoodthatthiswouldonlybenefittheschoolandcommunity. The title ofLog 2001 is First Impressions, Past Reflections because we felt that the impressions made are worthreflectingupon.Everyonehasmadeanimpressionofsomesortonsomeoneorsomethingandnowwecan reflectonwhatwehaveaccomplished overthepast foryears. This logwill showhowaclassonce divided can overcomeanyobstacleandcometogethertofinishhighschoolasoneunit,andonahighnote.Now,wecanuse thisbooktoreflectonpastclassevents,forexampleourfreshmanandsophomoresemis, sophomorefield day, andjuniorandseniorproms.WealsolearnedhowadisappointingseniorHalloweenDancedidnotstopusfrom havingamagicalseniorWinterBall,nottomentionthetreasuredathleticeventssuchasThanksgivingfootball gamesandchampionshipruns. Most importantly,wecanseehowwehavematured into intelligent, courteous, respectful,andresponsibleyoungadults.Nowweinviteyoutoreflectonthepastfouryearsandseetheimpres- sionswehavemadeandtheimprintwehaveleftbehind. Q ? ^ UJ -r^r^/ly 9j SENIOR CLASS ADVISORS ToMr.DisantoandMs.Losi: Youhave stuckwith us through all fouryears ofourhigh school experience. Through these times, we have gonethroughalotandyouhavebeenthereeverystepoftheway,fromhelpingplanimportantclasseventstobe- inggreatteachers.We'llneverforgethow muchyouhavedoneforusbecauseithasgivenusmemoriestocher- ishfortherestofourlives. Thankyouformakingourhighschoolyearsexactlywhatwehadhopedtheywould be. TotheClassof2001: Itallbeganfouryearsagowhenyoucameoverfromthemiddleschoolwith apprehension andexcitement in your eyes. Your 9th Grade experience began. Roaming through the halls you began to understand what high schoolwas.YouevenbegantolearnthesecretinsandoutsofMelroseHighSchool.Whatyouhadstartedtobe- comewasatruehigh school student. Then cameyoureventful sophomoreyear. YouheldaSophomore Semi- Formalwhichwasthefirstofitskind, andevenbroughtbacktheSophomoreFieldDaywhichwasalsoahuge success.Theseweresimplytwoofthemanyactivitiesandeventswhichbroughtyoutogetherasaclass.Thenju- nioryear,whocouldforgetthat?WhocouldforgettheHawaiinDance,theFootballTurkeyBowl,theGirlsBas- ketballteamintheStateChampionships,ortheLeagueChampionGymnasticsteam?Tofinishofftheyearyou heldtheJuniorPromatFerncroft and thatwasenjoyedbyall.Then camethisyear,yourSenioryear. Bynow youhaveallgrownintonewpeople.Whetheritisamusician,anathlete,aleader,oragreatfriend,youhaveall made an impact. You will take with you many memories from your final year, especially "Teenage Mutant NinjaTurtles" and foam fingers.. Most ofall youwillrememberyourfriendsand the great times you shared. Ourfouryearsasyouradvisorshavebeenchallengingandrewarding. Wehavewitnessedagreatdealofgrowth ineachandeveryoneofyouandhavebeenanactivepartofyourhighschoolyears.Thankyouforallyourhard work andpersistence. Wehopeyou have enjoyed thesefouryearatMelroseHigh School asmuchaswe have. Bestofluckbeyondhighschoolandwelookforwardtoseeingyouallagain.

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