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Melese farri (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Arctiinae) : A new species from Jamaica PDF

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Preview Melese farri (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Arctiinae) : A new species from Jamaica

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 109(4), 2007, pp. 914-919 MELESE FARRI (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE: ARCTIINAE): A NEW SPECIES FROM JAMAICA Catherine P. Murphy and Eric Garraway Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. An ongoing survey ofJamaica's invertebrate fauna uncovered a species of arctiine moth, Melesefarri Murphy and Garraway, n. sp. Members of the genus Melese Walker, occur throughout Central and South America; however, Trinidad is the only other Caribbean island from which a Melese species has been described. Melesefarri in Jamaica raises questions concerning the biogeography of the genus Melese throughout the Caribbean. Key Words: Melesefarri, Arctiinae, tymbal organs, genitalia, Jamaica, South and Central America In Jamaica, the clearing of lands to Based on museum collections, the facilitate bauxite mining and road and genus Melese appears to be a native of house construction has led to the de- Central and South America with 35 struction of many habitats and the flora species (Watson 1971), identified from and fauna associated with them. Ja- this region. In the Caribbean, Trinidad is maica, with its high level of endemism the only island with any record of this (Government ofJamaica 1987), urgently genus. Melese incertiis (Walker) {flavi- needs to catalogue the invertebrate fauna pimcta Rothschild) is reported from before further species loss occurs. A Trinidad (Watson and Goodger 1986) survey of Jamaica's Lepidoptera fauna but Trinidad is regarded as having was undertaken to determine its status a South American fauna because of its and generate checklists. proximity to Venezuela. The absence of Twenty locations across the island any record of Melese species from other were sampled between 1995 and 2000. Caribbean islands might be due to a lack Thirteen specimens of a previously un- of study in these areas; its occurrence in described species from the subfamily Jamaica however suggests that there may Arctiinae, tribe Arctiini, were collected be members of the genus in other from four sites, Windsor and Dromilly in Caribbean islands. the Cockpit Country, Trelawny Parish; A description of the new species from Accompong Maroon Village in St. Eli- Jamaica, including descriptions of male zabeth Parish and a single specimen from and female genitalia and tymbal organs, St. Toolis in southern Manchester Parish is given. in central Jamaica. This species is placed Materials and Methods in the genus Melese Walker based on general external morphology and the Moths were collected at hourly inter- structure of the female genitalia. vals between dusk and dawn using VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 915 1b Fig. 1. Melesefarri, adult, la. Female dorsal, lb, Female ventral. Ic, Male dorsal. a modification of Robinson's light trap with 125W mercury vapor lamps and plastic buckets. After dispatch with ethyl acetate, spread specimens of suspected arctiines were examined, their sex de- termined and the moths described with the aid ofa stereo-microscope with zoom objective. Dorsal and ventral surfaces of both sexes were photographed. The wings of males and females were mea- sured, from the apex to the point of attachment to the thorax, following which, they were prepared for venation studies according to the method outlined in Borror et al. (1992). Specimens were classified using general description keys (Borror et al. 1992; Heppner 1993) and this classification adjusted based on Lafontaine and Fibiger's revised classifi- cation of the Noctuoidea (2006). Identi- fication to species demanded comparison with specimens at the Institute of Ja- maica, the Carnegie Museum in Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, and The Natural PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 916 — — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 917 fHirsotmortyheMAumseeriucmaninMuLosneduomn.ofArNcattiuirnaels C24o-uinxt-r2y0,000,9-?v>i$i-9294;-215c-^i,x1-2?0,0004,-XW-i9n9d,s2o$r;, History which were loaned to the Carne- 1 S, Manchester Parish, St. Toolis, 04- gie Museum at that time were also 02-2000. Deposited with holotype. examined. 1 S, Windsor; 24-ix-2000, 1 ?, Tre- Genitalia studies required the removal lawny Parish, Dromilly, Cockpit Coun- of the posterior halves of abdomens, try, 27-iv-2001. Deposited in the Insect maceration in potassium hydroxide solu- Collection at the Institute ofJamaica, 12 tion (10% for males, 5% for females) East Street, Kingston, Jamaica. — overnight, then dissection of the genitalia Diagnosis. The species is similar in followed by repeated washing in distilled appearance to Melese columbiana Roths- water and storing in 50% iso-propanol. child from Santa Fe de Bogota. Male Male genitalia were further treated by specimens of M. columbiana have three removing aedeagi and eversion ofvesicae; white lines along the basal 2/3 of the valvaewerealso spread to showtheirinner costal margin with a white spot between surfaces. Male and female genitalia were the second cubital vein and the second described, photographed or otherwise anal vein. Jamaican specimens have no illustrated and measured following which white spot and there is a black spot at they were dehydrated and stored separate- each forewing base between the second ly in vials ofabsolute iso-propanol. anal vein and the inner margin of the Hindlegs of specimens were removed wing. Females of M. columbiana possess to facilitate tymbal organ studies. Scales several white spots as well as white lines on the meta-thoracic episternite were on each forewing. described then removed by abrasion with Description adults (Fig. 1). Head: insect pins to reveal tymbal organs. Vertex gray brown, rough scaled; frons These organs were described and photo- darker. Antenna bipectinate, tapering; graphed. rami lined with cilia; scape pink on outer lateral surfaces, brown on inner surface; Results antennal shaft brown with scales on a few Melesefarri Murphy and Garraway, basal segments, pink color decreasing new species distally. Female antenna less feathery. (Figs. 1-5) Compound eye prominent, ringed with Material examined. Holotype: S Ja- brown scales; proboscis developed; ocel- , maica: St. Elizabeth Parish, Accompong lus in shallow groove behind antennal Maroon Village, C. P. Murphy and E. scape; labial palpus three-segmented, Garraway in light trap, 02-03-viii-1997. upturned, reaching up to brown vertex. Deposited in the Entomology Museum, Thorax: Patagium and tegula covered University of the West Indies, Mona, with various shades of dark brown Kingston, Jamaica. scales. Forewing, mixture of brown and 97,Par1a?type0s2:-vi1ii$-9,70,2-v\ii$i,-97,03-10$4-v0i3i-iv-i9i7i,- dbaasrekabnrdowanb,rowiwtnhdaiscballacskpotspooftinrreeagruliatrs Jamaica: same data as holotype; 1 S, shape. Hindwing bright orange pink; 1 ?, Trelawny Parish, Windsor, Cockpit overlap region of fore- and hindwings Figs. 3-5. Melesefarri. 3,Tymbalorgans,male(a), female(b). 4, Malegenitalia,dorsal (a), lateral(b), aedeagus with everted vesica (c). 5, Female genitalia, ventral (a), lateral (b). 918 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON pale, almost golden in color. First anal a thin rod, expands ventrally forming vein (lA) weak in hindwing (Fig. 2), a well-developed saccus. completely absent in forewing. Ventral Well-developed valvae attach to tegu- wing surfaces like dorsal, except black men laterally. Base of each valva large; spots absent. setose sacculi meet at their bases. Each Forewing length (male) 13.0-16.0 mm, valva bears a short ridge on its inner mean 14.6 mm, n = 10. surface, a valvula and a setose cucullus, Forewing length (female) 15.0- a small triangular projection from costa. 16.0 mm, mean 15.7 mm, n = 4. Distal valva covered thickly with hairs on Metepisternites lightly covered with inner and outer surfaces. Aedeagus with small, circular scales which when re- distinct rounded coecum penis, ductus moved, reveal tymbal organs comprising ejaculatorius bulges where it meets phal- translucent blisters each bearing a striat- lus giving aedeagus a bilobed appearance. ed band of 20 to 22 raised bars with Everted vesica covered with spines. rounded ends in female (Fig. 3) and 16 to Female genitalia (Fig. 5): Papillae ana- 20 bars in male (Fig. 3); bands taper at les triangular, sclerotized, setose lobes, both ends. Each bar bears several striae. with two pairs of short apodemes and Coxa of foreleg bright orange pink with a pair of triangular dorsal pheromone dark brown scales on basal half of outer glands which arise posteriorly. Ostium surface; coxae of mid- and hindlegs bursae's position marked by a notch in similarly but less brightly colored. Fore- narrow genital plate. Ostium bursae leg femur brown on outer, orange pink opens into antrum of ductus bursae on inner surface; foretibia dark brown which continues as a curved tube and along outer edges, orange pink near connects with corpus bursae via a short, base; rings of light brown scales at unsclerotized neck. Corpus bursae, large, tibial-tarsal joints and at base of tarsal spherical with regularly spaced crenula- segments. Tibiae of other legs similarly tions running longitudinally along its colored. Coloring on female legs less outer surface and covered with small intense than that of male. Foreleg bears regularly spaced pimples. Ventrally, cor- epiphysis, mid- and hindlegs one and two pus bursae bears a large, leaf-shaped, pairs of tibial spurs respectively. highly sclerotized signum; a smaller Abdomen: Dorsal surface with orange signum occurs on dorsal surface. Appen- pink hairs on first three segments, short dix bursae, a small spherical sac, arises smooth scales on remaining segments; from anterior corpus bursae adjacent to ventral abdomen with orange pink ductus bursae. A short tube arising from scales; lateral abdomen brown. Abdo- posterior appendix bursae, ductus semi- men offemale larger than male and more nalis, bears an ovoid sac, or spermatheca rounded. which in turn leads to an oblong-shaped Male genitalia (Fig. 4): Lightly sclero- bulla seminalis—before joining vagina. tized with doubly indented anterior Etymology. The species is named for margin. A rectangular hood projecting the late Dr. Thomas Farr, entomologist from caudal margin gives rise to bi- at the Institute of Jamaica, the island's furcate, setose, rodlike uncus. Arising national museum. Dr. Farr, the only from caudal tegumen and ventrolateral resident insect taxonomist on the island of uncus, a pair of thin plates bearing for four decades, died in 1996. His work several large spines at their distal mar- encouraged us to undertake the present gins curve towards each other. Lightly survey. — sclerotized diaphragma forms wide tu- Discussion. The external morpho- bular anellus; juxta small. Vinculum, logical similarities (body and wing color VOLUME NUMBER 109, 4 919 and size) between M. farri and other questions concerning its origin and bio- Melese species from Central and South geography throughout the Americas. America is immediately apparent. Place- Acknowledgments ment among the Arctiinae is supported by studies of wing venation, quadrifid Thanks to Dr. John Rawlins and the forewing, and trifme hindwing (Fig. 2). staff at the Carnegie Museum in Pitts- Comparison of the female genitalia with burgh, Pennsylvania, for their advice and those of Melese rubricata Dognin and assistance during this study. Thanks to Melese flavimaculata Dognin from Mr. David T. Goodger and Mr. David French Guiana and Ecuador, respective- Carter at The Natural History Museum ly, supports inclusion in the genus. in London who gave assistance with the Melese farri appears to be somewhat identification of the Jamaican species. restricted in its Jamaican distribution. Of Literature Cited the thirteen specimens collected, all except one was found in the Cockpit Borror, D. J., C. A. Triplehorn, and N. F. Johnson. 1992. An Introduction to the study of Insects, Country, a moist to wet limestone forest 6thedition.SaundersCollegePublishing,664pp. known for its large number of endemic Government ofJamaica. 1987. Wildlife Resources, vascular plants (Proctor 1986). The pp. 133-159. In Jamaica: Country Environ- single specimen collected outside of the mental Profile, Kingston, Jamaica: prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Re- Cockpit Country occurred in St. Toolis sources Conservation Division and Ralph M. which comprises a series of rocky lime- Field and Assoc. Inc. stone hills with a secondary dry lime- Heppner, J. B. 1993. Keys to families ofLepidop- stone forest. The specimen from St. tera. Tropical Lepidoptera 4, Supplement 3: Toolis was collected in February in one 1-28. ofthe dry seasons in Jamaica while those Lafonhtiagihneer,clJ.assDi.ficaantidonMo.fFtihbeigNeor.ct2u0o0i6d.eaRe(vLiespeid- from Cockpit Country sites were collect- doptera). CanadianEntomologist 138: 610-635. ed between July and September, another Proctor, G. R. 1986. Cockpit country and its dry season. Monthly collections in both Vegetation, pp. 43^7. InThompson, D. A., P. K. Bretting, and M. Humphreys, eds. Forests the Cockpit Country and St. Toolis ofJamaica: Papers on the Caribbean Regional would identify the breeding season for Seminar on Forests of Jamaica held in King- this species and would clarify whether it ston, Jamaica 1983. The Jamaican Society of favors wet forest conditions or cool, dry Scientists and Technologists. conditions. Although M.farri appears to Watson, A. 1971. An illustrated catalog of the Neotropic Arctiinae types in the United States favor the Cockpit Country, it might not National Museum (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) be endemic to this region. part 1. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology The genus Melese appears to be 50: 6, 13, 16, 21, 23, 31, 35, 46, 61, 70, 77, 78, Neotropical and its occurrence in Trini- 82, 83, 86, 87, 147-149, 254-258, 345. Watson,A. andD. T. Goodger. 1986. Catalogueof dad is not surprising. Its absence so far the Neoptropical tiger-moths. Occasional Pa- from other Caribbean islands is surpris- pers on Systematic Entomology, British Mu- ing and its occurrence in Jamaica raises seum (Natural History) No. 1, 71 pp., 4 pis.

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