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Melanotrichus whiteheadi, a new crucifer-feeding plant bug from the southeastern United States, with new records for the genus and a key to the species of eastern North America (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae) PDF

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Preview Melanotrichus whiteheadi, a new crucifer-feeding plant bug from the southeastern United States, with new records for the genus and a key to the species of eastern North America (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(2), 1991, pp. 449^56 MELANOTRICHUS WHITEHEADI, A NEW CRUCIFER-FEEDING PLANT BUG FROM THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, WITH NEW RECORDS FOR THE GENUS AND A KEY TO THE SPECIES OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA (HETEROPTERA: MIRIDAE: ORTHOTYLINAE) Thomas Henry J. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Plant Sciences Institute, ARS, USDA, % National Museum ofNatural History, Washington, D.C. 20560. Abstract.—Theneworthotyline mirid Melanotrichus whiteheadiisdescribedfrom spec- imenscollectedinFlorida, Georgia,andSouthCarolina. Thisspeciesisacruciferspeciahst apparently restricted to feeding on tansy mustard, Descuminia pinnata pinnata, a native to southern United StMates. An adult habitus, figures ofmale genitalia, and micrographs ofother structures of whiteheadi are provided, the first eastern record forM. brindleyi Knight and additional records ofM. leviculus Knight are reported, published records of the immigrant M. concolor (Kirschbaum) and M. virescens (Douglas and Scott) are clar- ified, and a key is given to help recognize the eight eastern North American species of Melanotrichus. Key Words: Insecta, Heteroptera, Miridae, eastern nearctic, Melanotrichus, key, new species Beforethisstudy,onlyfourofthe25North tion, convergent parempodia, dorsum with American species ofMelanotrichus Renter both simple and scalelike setae, a produced wererecordedfromtheeasternUnitedStates tylus that is broad and anteriorly flattened (Henry and Wheeler 1988). Knight (1923) inlateralaspect, theC-shapedleftparamere included M. catulus (Van Duzee), M. con- in dorsal aspect, and the pair of dorsally color (Kirschbaum), and M. flavosparsus directed processes on the ventral margin of (Sahlberg) in his key to the species of Or- the aperture of the male genital segment. thotylus Fieber of Connecticut. Knight The genus can be keyed in Kelton (1980), (1927) laterraised Renter's subgenusMela- Knight (1941), and Slater and Baranowski notrichus, with M. flavosparsus as the type (1978). In the latter two keys, an extra cou- species, togenericstatusbasedon two types plet is needed to accommodate Brooksetta, of dorsal pubescence and the form of the which now contains the species bearing left paramere, and described M. leviculus black, scalelike setae on the dorsum, from coastal New York. In his "Miridae of In this paper I describe the new species Illinois," Knight (1941) provided a key to M. whiteheadi from southeastern United identifyM. althaeaeHussey,M. catulus, and States, give the first eastern record for M. M. flavosparsus. Kelton (1979a, b), how- brindleyi Knight and additional records of ever, moved M. althaeae to his new genus M. leviculus Knight, and clarify confusion Brooksetta, leavingonlyfoureasternspecies between M. concolor (Kirschbaum) and M. in the genus. virescens (Douglas & Scott). Also provided Species of Melanotrichus can be recog- are an adult habitus, figures of male geni- nized by the dusky-brown to green colora- talia, and micrographs of other pertinent 450 PROCEEDINGS OFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON M Structures of whiteheadi, and an identi- tain, 22 April 1988, T. J. Henry and A. G. fication key to help distinguish the eight Wheeler, Jr., [adults and nymphs] taken on eastern North American species of Mela- Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richards notrichus. (USNM). A new Canadian record is ON- The following abbreviations are used for TARIO: Parry Sound, 10 July 1915, H. S. AMNH institutions cited in this paper: Parish (USNM). (American Museum of Natural History, New York); CNC (Canadian National Col- Melanotrichus coagulatus (Uhler) DAR lection, Ottawa); (DavidA. Ridercol- Described from Colorado (Uhler 1877), lection);UCM(UniversityofColoradoMu- this species is now known from Alberta to seum, Boulder); FSCA (Florida State Manitoba and south to Texas, California, CollectionofArthropods,Gainesville); PDA and Mexico (Henry and Wheeler 1988). (Bureau of Plant Industry, Pennsylvania EarlyrecordsofM. coagulatusfromtheEast Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg); are misidentifications of M. JJavosparsus. TAM A&M (Texas University, CollegeSta- Kelton (1980) recorded lamb's quarters, tion); and USNM (U.S. National Museum Chenopodium album L. [Chenopodiaceae], ofNatural History, Washington, D.C.). as the host in the Prairie Provinces. Although not reported east ofthe Missis- Melanotrichus brindleyi Knight sippi River, I have included M. coagulatus This species was described from Idaho, in the key because ofits great similarity to Minnesota, and Wyoming (Knight 1968) M.flavosparsus and its occurrence in Iowa and later reported from Alberta, Manitoba, and central Canada. Both species have a and Saskatchewan on Antennaria campes- mottled-green appearance, bear clusters or tris Rydb. [Asteraceae] (Kelton 1980). It is patches of silvery scalelike setae on the best recognized by the long rostrum that hemelytra, and prefer species of Chenopo- extends well beyond the metacoxae. dium as hosts. NewrecordsareMAINE: AroostookCo., Melanotrichus coagulatus is best distin- American Realty Road, 2.5 mi. W. ofAsh- guishedbythedarktibialspines,duskycloud land, 5 July 1989, T. J. Henry and A. G. on the hemelytral membrane, and the in- Wheeler, taken on Anaphalis sp. [Astera- ward-curving arm of the left paramere as ceae] (USNM); Piscatquis Co., Millinocket illustrated by Kelton (1980). Road, near Baxter State Park, 4 July 1989, T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken Melanotrichus concolor (Kirschbaum) on Anaphalis sp. (USNM). This palearctic species was first reported in North America from Woods Hole, Mas- Melanotrichus catulus (Van Duzee) sachusetts (Knight 1922). I have studied Van Duzee (1916) described this species Knight's specimens from Woods Hole from New York. It is now known to range M(USNM)andhavefoundthattheyrepresent from Maine to Minnesota, south to Mis- virescens (Douglas and Scott); conse- souri and West Virginia (Henry and Whee- quently, the first North America record of ler 1988). Low cudweed, Gnaphalium uli- M. concolor\sfromBritishColumbia(Anon. ginosum L. [Asteraceae] (Knight 1941), and 1932). I have been unable to confirm Antennaria sp. [Asteraceae] (Wheeler et al. Moore's (1950) record from Quebec, but if 1983) have been cited as hosts. This species he used Knight's (1922, 1923) description is readily recognized by the dusky-brown and key (1923) to determine his specimens, dorsumandshortsecondantennalsegment. or if Knight identified this material, then A new state record is NORTH CARO- these Canadian specimens also should be LINA: Gaston Co., near Crowders Moun- referredtoM. virescens. Melanotrichuscon- VOLUME 93, NUMBER 2 451 coloralsohasbeen reportedfromCalifornia taken on S. linearis (PDA, USNM). An ad- (Waloff 1966) and Wisconsin (Akingbo- ditional record for Texas is Refugio Co., S. hungbe 1972), suggesting multiple intro- ofBayside, 20 April 1983, T. J. Henry and ductions with its host Scotch broom, Cyti- A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken on Suada linearis sus scoparius (L.) Link. [Fabaceae]. (PDA, USNM). InmykeyM. concolorrunstothecouplet with M. virescens, but is readily separated Melanotrichus virescens by the pale-green dorsum, with sparsely in- (Douglas and Scott) termixed, dark setae, and the pale femoral Asdiscussed underM. concolor. Knight's setae and tibial spines. (1922) Woods Hole, Massachusetts, speci- mens represent the firstMNorth American Melanotrichusflavosparsus (Sahlberg) record for the palearctic virescenMs. It is Reuter(1875)gavethe firstcorrectNorth likelythat Moore's(1950) reportof con- American report ofthis species, but Kelton color from Quebec also refers to M. vires- (1968) documented an earlier record (Pro- cens. This immigrant mirid is also known vancher 1872)givenasLygusunicolor. This fromBritishColumbia(Scudder 1960),Cal- immigrant palearctic species is now wide- ifornia (Waloff 1966), and Oregon (Anon. spread over much ofNorth America and is 1968), indicating that probably there have very common in the East; it is found most been several introductions into North commonly on Chenopodium album L. America. Waloff(1966) studied this Scotch Melanotrichusflavosparsus could be con- broom, Cytisus scoparius (L.) Wimm., spe- fused with the western M. coagulatus be- cialist in the Pacific Northwest. cause ofthe similar mottled-green dorsum Thisspeciesisdistinguished fromalloth- and clustered, silvery, scalelike setae on the er eastern species ofMelanotrichus by the hemelytra. However, it is best separated short rostrum, black tibial spines and fem- from that species by the pale tibial spines, oral setae, and the dark-green dorsum, uniformly colored hemelytral membrane, thickly set with long, dark, bristlelike setae. and distinctive left paramere having the slender process curving away from the seg- Melanotrichus whiteheadi Henry, New Species ment as illustrated by Kelton (1980). Figs. 1-13 Melanotrichus leviculus Knight Diagnosis.—Separated from all other This species was first described from Sea easternspeciesofMelanotrichusbytheshort Cliff, New York, on Suaeda maritima (L.) 2nd antennal segment that is shorter than Dum. [Chenopodiaceae] (Knight 1927),and the basal width of the pronotum, the uni- later reported from Texas (McGarr 1933) formlygreendorsum,andshortrostrumthat and Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, extends only to the posterior margin ofthe on Suaeda depressa (Pursh) Wats, and Sal- mesostemum. — icornia rubra A. Nels [Chenopodiaceae] Description. Orthotylinae: Orthotylini. (Kelton 1980). Thisspeciesisrecognizedby Male(n = 10): Length 3.24-3.76 mm,width its small size (3.00 mm or less) and uni- 1.28-1.44mm.Head:Width0.76-0.80mm, formly pale dorsal pubescence. vertex 0.38-0.40 mm. Rostrum: Length New state records are FLORIDA: Mon- 0.88-0.96 mm, extending to posterior mar- roe Co., Plantation Key, 8 April 1981, T. gin of mesostemum. Antenna: Segment I, J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken on length 0.26-0.30 mm; II, 0.84-0.94 mm; Suaeda linearis (Ell.) Moq. (PDA, USNM); III, 0.72-0.84 mm; IV, 0.26-0.32 mm. Pro- Monroe Co., Upper Key Largo, 9-18 April notum: Length 0.54-0.60 mm, basal width 1981, T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., 1.14-1.20 mm. PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON 452 > >^J \\ \ 1 \' ^ Fig. L Melanotrichus whiteheadi: male habitus. VOLUME 93, NUMBER 2 453 membrane translucent brown with veins pale green. Ventral surface ofbody yellow- ishgreen. Legsgreentogreenishyellow, tib- ial spines pale, claws (Fig. 1 1) brown. Ves- titure: Head and pronotum thickly set with erect and suberect, pale, simple setae; hemelytron with erect and suberect, dark, rather stout, simple setae; dorsum inter- mixed with silvery, somewhat slender, scalelike setae(Figs. 12-13); apical '/2ofcla- vus and middle of corium with sparsely scattered, dark-brown, scalelike setae. Malegenitalia: Left paramere (Figs. 2-4), Figs. 2-7. MalegenitaliaofM. whiteheadi: 2. Left broad, tapering basally in caudal or poste- paramere(posterioraspect). 3. Leftparamere(anterior aspect). 4. Leftparamere(dorsalaspect). 5. Right par- rior aspect (Fig. 2), somewhat C-shaped in amere. 6. Spicules ofvesica. 7. Ventral processes of dorsal aspect (Fig. 4) with a slender, inward aperture. curving arm; right paramere (Fig. 5) rela- tively simple, somewhat L-shaped, tapering Female {n = 10): Length 3.44-3.92 mm, apically; vesica with 2 spicules (Fig. 6) and width 1.42-1.62 mm. Head: Width 0.72- a distinct secondary gonopore; phallotheca 0.84 mm, vertex 0.42-0.50 mm. Rostrum: membranous, forming a simple, transpar- Length 1.02-1.04 mm, extending to poste- ent sheath around vesica; aperture round, rior margin ofmesostemum. Antenna: Seg- basal margin with 2 stout processes (Fig. 7) ment I, length 0.26-0.30 mm; II, 0.84-0.96 projecting dorsally, visible only after the mm;III, 0.70-0.74mm; IV,0.30-0.32 mm. parameres are removed. Pronotum: Length 0.52-0.62 mm, basal Type material.—Holotype: $, South Car- width 1.16-1.32 mm. olina, Bamberg Co., Bamberg, Rt. 78, 24 Generally green to greenish yellow. Head April 1988, T. J. Henryand A. G. Wheeler, subtriangular; tylus produced and acute in Jr., taken on Descurainia pinnata pinnata dorsal aspect (Fig. 9), wide and flattened (USNM). Paratypes: FLORIDA.-7 9, Ala- anteriorlyinlateralaspect(Fig. 8);basewid- chuaCo., Gainesville, Rt. 24, 23 April 1984, erthananteriorpronotalmarginandthickly T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken carinate; eyes prominent, more so in males; on D. p. pinnata (FSCA, USNM); 9 5, 8 9, vertex equal to combined widths ofeyes in DuvalCo.,Jacksonville, Rt. 1, 5 April 1981, males, about 1.5 times combined widths of T. J. Henry, A. G. Wheeler, Jr., and D. R. eyes in females. Antennal segment I green Whitehead, taken onD.p.pinnata(USNM); to greenish yellow, about 2 times as thick 1 <3, 6 9, Gilchrist Co., Rt. 129, 5 mi. N. of as segment II; segment II green at base, be- Trenton, 30 April 1984, T. J. Henry and A. coming dusky distally, slightly more thick- G. Wheeler, Jr., taken on D. p. pinnata ened in males; segments III and IV dusky. (USNM); 2 3, 7 9, Jefferson Co., Rt. 98, 1 Pronotum trapeziform, calli weakly swol- mi. W. ofTaylor Co. line, 30 April 1984, len, yellow; posterior Vigreen. Mesoscutum T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, taken on yellow; scutellum yellow, especially atbase, D. p. pinnata (USNM); 12 9, Lafayette Co., togreen. Hemelytrontranslucentgreen, with Rt. 27, 2 mi. W. of Mayo, 30 April 1984, claval and emboliar margins often darker T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken bluish green; subparallel in males, more on D. p. pinnata (USNM); 1 9, Lake Co., broadly oval in females; cuneus very pale, Rt. 27, nr. Clermont, 24 April 1984, T. J. translucent green to nearly transparent; Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken on D. 454 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Figs. 8-13. Scanning electron micrographs ofM. whiteheadi: 8. Lateral aspect ofhead (122x). 9. Dorsal aspect ofhead {116x). 10. Ostiole (253x). 11. Claw (661x). 12. Scalelike setae on scutellum (1090x). 13. Scalelike setae on hemelytron (635x). p. pinnata (USNM); 6 5, 21 9, Levy Co., Rt. on D. p. pinnata (USNM); 1 9, Putnam Co., 27, 4.5 mi. S. ofJet. 24, 29 April 1984, T. Welaka Res. Sta., blacklight, 8-IV 1983, D. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken on A. Rider (DAR); 10 9, Suwannee Co., Rt. D. p. pinnata (FSCA, USNM); 2 9, Nassau 129atJet. 27,E. ofBranford, 30April 1984, Co., at Jet. 1-95 & Rt. 17, 22 April 1984, T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken on D. p. pinnata (USNM). GEORGIA.-3 . VOLUME 93, NUMBER 2 455 9, Brantley Co., Rt. 84, nr. Nahunta, 4 May Florida and Texas (Gleason and Cronquist 1984, T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., 1963). taken on D. p. pinnata (USNM); 10 3, 21 9, Glynn Co., Jekyll Island, Rt. 17, 22 April Key to the Eastern North American 1984, T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, Jr., Species of Melanotrichus taken on D. p. pinnata (AMNH, FSCA, 1 Length ofsecond antennal segment less than USNM); 1 3, 1 9, Mcintosh Co., Rt. 251, at basal width ofpronotum 2 Darien, 4 May 1984, T. J. Henry and A. G. - Length ofsecond antennal segment distinctly Wheeler, taken on D. p. pinnata (USNM). greaterthan basal width ofpronotum 4 SOUTH CAROLINA.-33 <5, 36 9, same 2. cRooxsaterum long, extending well beybroinnddlemyeitaK-night data as for holotype (AMNH, FSCA, - Rostrum shorter, never extending beyond USNM); 3 <5, Berkeley Co., Jamestown, 25 metacoxae 3 April 1988, T. J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler, 3. Dorsumduskybrown,withpaleryellowareas; Jr., taken on D. p. pinnata (USNM); 21 3, rostrum extending to metacoxacaetulus(Van Duzee) 25 9, Dorchester Co., Rt. 78 at Jet. 178, S. - Dorsum uniformly green, never brown; ros- of Harleyville, 25 April 1988, T. J. Henry trum extending to posterior margin ofmeso- and A. G. Wheeler, taken on D. p. pinnata stemum, rarely to mesocoxae (USNM); 6 3, 11 2, Georgetown Co., whiteheadi, new species Georgetown, 25April 1988,T.J. Henryand 4. Silveryscalelike setae on dorsum occurringin thick patches; hemelytral coloration mottled A. G. Wheeler, Jr., taken on D. p. pinnata green (i.e. green with pale areas or pale green (USNM). with darkergreen blotches) 5 Etymology.—I dedicate the name ofthis - Silvery scalelike setae on dorsum evenly scat- mirid in remembrance of my very good tered,neveroccurringinthickpatches;dorsum uniformlygreen 6 friend Donald R. Whitehead, who helped 5. Tibial spines brown to fuscous; membrane collect the first specimens of it during a translucent with a small, dusky-brown cloud memorable fieldtrip to Florida in 1981. His justbeyondveins;slenderarmofleftparamere thought-provokingconversationsandcom- curved inward coagulatus(Uhler) - Tibialspinespale;membraneuniformlytrans- panionship will be missed. lucent;slenderarmofleftparamerecurvedaway Host.—Adults andnymphsweretaken in from segment flavosparsus(Sahlberg) abundance on the southern subspecies of 6. Length 3.00 mm or less; simple setae on dor- tansymustard,Descuminiapinnatapinnata sum always pale leviculusKnight - Length4.00mm orgreater; dorsumwithboth (Walt.)Britt. (Brassicaceae). Thisisonlythe pale and fuscous or black simple setae 7 second North American mirid known to 7. Dorsum darkgreen, thickly setwith long, fus- specialize on crucifers. coustoblack,bristlelikesetae;setaeonfemora Melanotrichus albocostatus Knight, dark; tibial spines black known from Alberta and Saskatchewan, virescens(Douglas & Scott) - Dorsumpalegreen,pubescencepredominately south to Arizona and Colorado (Henry and pale, intermixedwith somedarkersetae;setae Wheeler 1988), has been recorded from on femora and tibial spines pale Descurainiasophia(L.)Webb(Kelton 1980). concolor(Kirschbaum) I also have studied specimens ofM. albo- costatus from Descurainia sp. and Cardaria Acknowledgments sp. in Colorado (UCM) and from London I thank R. C. Froeschner (Department of rocket. Sisymbrium irio L., in Arizona Entomology, USNM); R. W. Hodges (Sys- (USNM). tematicEntomology Laboratory, PSI, ARS, Distribution.—Known only from Flori- USDA, % USNM), R. V. Peterson (SEL, da, Georgia, and South Carolina, but prob- PSI, ARS, USDA, % USNM), and A. G. ably will be found wherever its host D. pin- Wheeler, Jr. (PDA) forkindlyreviewingthe nata pinnata occurs—Virginia, south to manuscript, D. A. Rider (Department of 456 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Entomology, Louisiana State University, ingInsectsofConnecticut.ConnecticutGeological Baton Rouge) and M. Weissman (UCM) —and Natural History Survey Bulletin 34. J. forlendingspecimens, W. Mountain (PDA) . 1927. Descriptions ofnine new species of Melanotrichus Reuter from North America (He- for identifying certain plant materials, and miptera, Miridae). Canadian Entomologist 59: S.Grubb(Washington,D.C.)forthehabitus —142-147. drawing. . 1941. Theplantbugs,orMiridae,ofIllinois. —lUinoisNaturalHistorySurveyBulletin22: 1-234. Literature Cited 1968. Taxonomicreview: MiridaeoftheNe- . vadaTestSiteandthewesternUnitedStates.Brig- Akingbohungbe,A.E.,J.L.Libby,andR.D.Shenefelt. ham Young University Science Bulletin 9(3): 1- 1972. Miridae ofWisconsin (Hemiptera: Heter- 282. optera). University ofWisconsin Research Divi- McGarr, R. L. 1933. Damage to the cotton plant sion Publication R 2396. 24 pp. causedbyMegalopsallusathplicisKngt.andother Anonymous. 1932. Themoreimportantentomolog- species of Miridae. Journal of Economic Ento- icalfeaturesinCanadaforAugustandSeptember, mology 26: 953-956. 1932. United States Department of Agriculture Moore, G. A. 1950. Cataloguedes Hemipteresde la Insect Pest Survey Bulletin 12: 344-345. ProvincedeQuebec.NaturahsteCanadien77:233- Anonymous. 1968. UnitedStatesDepartmentofAg- 271. riculture Cooperative Economic Insect Report Provancher, L. 1872. Description de plusieurs He- 18(35): 847. mipteresnouveauz. Heteropteres. NaturalisteCa- Gleason, H. A. and A. Cronquist. 1962. Manual of nadien 4: 103-108. VascularPlantsofNortheasternUnitedStatesand Reuter,O. M. 1875. GeneraCimicadarumEuropae. Adjacent Canada. Willard Grant Press, Boston. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akade- 810 pp. miens Handlingar 3(1):1-66. Henry, T. J. and A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988. Family Scudder, G. G. E. 1960. DictyonotafuliginosaCosta Miridae Hahn, 1833 (= Capsidae Burmeister, (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in the Nearctic. Proceed- 1835), pp. 251-507. In Henry, T. J. and R. C. ings ofthe Entomological Society ofBritish Co- Froeschner, eds., Catalog ofthe Heteroptera, or lumbia 57: 22. TrueBugs,ofCanadaandtheContinentalUnited Slater, J. A. and R. M. Baranowski. 1978. How to States.E.J.BrillPublisher,LeidenandNewYork. Know the True Bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Kelton, L. A. 1968. On the Heteroptera in the Pro- Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, vancherCollection(Hemiptera). NaturalisteCan- Iowa. 256 pp. adien 95: 1065-1080. Uhler,P. R. 1877. Reportontheinsectscollectedby . 1979a. Anev/genusBrooksella,nearIlnacora P. R. Uhler during the explorations of 1875, in- Reuter, with new synonymy and new combina- cludingmonographsofthefamiliesCydnidaeand tionsfor 15 speciescurrentlyplacedinMelanotri- Saldae,andtheHemipteracollectedbyA.S.Pack- chusReuter(Heteroptera:Miridae).CanadianEn- ard, Jr., M.D. Bulletin ofthe United States Geo- tomologist 111: 949-954. logical and Geographic Survey ofthe Territories . 1979b. Replacement name for Bwoksella 3: 355-475, 765-801. Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae). Canadian Ento- Van Duzee, E. P. 1916. Monograph of the North mologist 111: 1423. AmericanspeciesofOrthotylus(Hemiptera). Pro- 1980. TheplantbugsofthePrairieProvinces ceedings ofthe California Academy ofSciences, ofCanada. Heteroptera: Miridae.The insectsand Fourth Series 6: 87-128. arachnidsofCanada. Part 8. Agriculture Canada Waloff, N. 1966. Scotch broom {Sarcothamnussco- Research Publication No. 1703. Ottawa. 408 pp. parius (L.) Wimmer) and its insect fauna intro- Knight, H. H. 1922. Nearctic records for species of ducedintothePacificNorthwestofAmerica.Jour- Miridae knownheretoforeonlyfrom the Palearc- nal ofApplied Ecology 3: 293-311. ticRegion(Heterop.).CanadianEntomologist53: Wheeler, A. G., Jr., T. J. Henry, and T. L. Mason, Jr. 281-288(1921). 1983. An annotated list ofthe Miridae ofWest . 1923. Family Miridae (Capsidae), pp. 422- Virginia (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Transactions 658. In Britton, W. E., ed.. Guide to the Insects oftheAmericanEntomologicalSociety 109: 127- ofConnecticut. Part IV. The HemipteraorSuck- 159.

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