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Preview Melagaram tirikutarasappa kavirayars a kuravanji in kutralam

A Tamil tale of love @nd fortunes told A Roravanyl in Kowalam ‘Melagaram Tirkutarasappa Kavirayar’s A Kuravanji in Kutralam translated fram Tamil with comments by David C. Buck General Editor G. John Samuel £2 INSTITUTE OF ASIAN STUDIES ‘Chemmancherry, Chennal, 2005 A Kuyavangi in Kutratam Teans‘ation by + Dayid C, Buck edition 2 July 2005, First Edition Pages a2 Price Ra 350/- US $25 Publication 2 ISBN 81-87892-21-8 © INSTITUTE OF ASIAN STUDIES CANNAL Copies ea he ba from ‘The Pulivations Division, Anstiture of Avian Stndies, Chenurwmsherry, Channa - 66 LIS, (ada, Bhone (Om 24562212, 24500831, 24501851 Res) 24964941 Comal: isaweb.com, irkivide Website: ans dweb,somyseritagetusian! (Cover design «Dai €, Buck Cover Photngragt « A'view of Katrina's Maia Falls thom tks axon Noor ‘etardeh of Lie Davy Te Hoe a Kura, Pamograph hy avid: Buck Temaths FEATHER TOUCH SCREENS Chouac- 6 Oo8 PEDO For my Parents Contents Acknowledgements..5 A Note on the Yext and on Transiiteration..t Introduction: Poeay ia Stone...M Photographs and Maps,..69 A Kuravangi in Kutralom: Tatnil Vere sel English Lrusation site Cormments,..09 Prefices.100 ‘The Drama of the Kusavangi in Kueralom..A4 Stories about Lord Si and Others. 875 Bibliography. 383 Inddex,, 25 Ackuowledgements AciononTedgements irs and fouentsr T wont like to acknowledge may parens, Hary M. ck ad ‘Recher C. Buck, shove impact paths Lou is Wide and deeper than wores ean ddeveribe, Of ditet relevance to tho proce, Amwever, is Mat Lar eh months 1965-4 thay nok my brother ante with Cem 6 Inia ile uur ate parsned st mujer Muy’ of te Ramayana. They ananged for iy fist Tail esas even ‘Sere we let ur Pemytveme bome, and hes weaved in Chena! they rvangod for my Tera sy to begin i earnest wath Lr. MF Gnananeagasm, then ‘of Legula Colepe, and forrmcsie lastans with N. Rajagopalan ‘My parents eagaged! M. Muragezan far thet period, Later, my wale ral Teagrged liu agai, for our stay in Madura. He sleyhozdod us tough ife toa nese rviroraent lnlieg vaisingaoeial stations, and gave me preste in spun amt, Sadly, be passed away’ in Mla. 2005, They algo avrangreé many uctivtes wih Joys Arunacheluma uow Diccetor or the \Werlona Women’s Forum in Channa. OF paticular rmpertanee tee is Unt se onginicel 4 ex tur through sourhern Tari! Nadu a 1966 tht opened a whoie nev: {Govld tous, One of aun best Towed stops ws Th oven 0? Kuralam. the seria ofthe ‘work preseured in anslutiv i: this hk. In 1970 Tectumed to hut Nad an a nes wed eth Pom Davadsur Buck, lived ip Mies fr 0 eves yea. nts projel as mall no's, Eke ceanones 3 eavourage sagper, queston am dallenge me. Our duuvhter Naom Bock rea tie unstinn and irwdction and proy:ded very telpful eoraments, rea 1976 o 4972 fell aps {i the Oberlin Shansi Memaviol Assuciuivn a6 the Thomes J. abun Fosndanen alowed me to focus on ‘olantive study of Tamil Tngunge, Uiersare, culls, and pileup with DK. Paraxasvoe, tsa ofthe “Amerion College, Mada, ad on cout india cbsseal music wits Keraikhds ‘Veena Lacghmuammol ofthe Kocuhiy vena wadtin, In carly 1972 Swami Senlarananda of Five Fal, Kerala, ouiatot re into aspects uf Citar yoRa practice, Athoush all Seve ul tase penple pissed away betore ts pues! vas fegum, bir adem and eve efthe Jt in lnyzunge and it mnisc, and dhe depths of Civar yoga ave vey wach aivssn ay eurssioumness; | fel “ai presence ss. | write tm 1971 Tete: 8. Arulsamy, who lived sore section of rice elds ora ovr uss, fon what was thn the edie of Madu ity. Brom zarn 1 fovea soe ofthe Gninvacice ofthe ne-prowingepele He and I warked cogelbe ploughing with prullgcs, harvesongesc sth sien, and aesing cn bresing Naor at cre Acknomicdgements ge ofthe vag, Pir pte an aya fe pot ter, Ary ded Insists nace Be ¥-Ayyan now Brlesr in be Stout 0) Cae eroroing Bre of Matai amaa Chery. On several ecarane a 2UGe Dr, yma mst ‘thm seston wh hea son poss cso ae eno 45 2002 | partpamd nthe wetting four dah Rachel Rk th Rajat 8 Pracen sence (as ymca ant Sa Stk ia Stem, Tora Nae, Tatty eoconnageneny and coment of Rach av lanai cute ly have been invlucle Race sary $e Sunstasty Guage say nt fe ok ea an's Feilyjnuodced meus 8, Marichans, Tamil Teac at SL. John's Metvaulliou Uigher Secondery School in Salva, waa explamed many hack ant ipeuss we ieprebnens ‘A Rasa, a vor fr Raja’ buy, aawered sndlss yoestios cboucthe Hives af acumen people n Tami Nau and she sued fa emily» ge and Innézon Yorcand Mevatin, >. Shonhagawlly, wee of Ie Pores Tigh. eontiors eal se asa von, Noe suplsined aoe al ackgsoce ate iligons ovine and rhe wey msaningso° word ae tot Hoel Her aon Meenaksisturaa Paerasizam su pevvadee impose suupestions eumanda sellvad Lanier thes ws ough P, Shbugavatly and hrs dcugztes 1 ML Kemgstagan Tet nated with KK. Muthish, Reed Wlock Develmpnstt Offer who hives a Magarin, the mometoi: af ee auth 4 Kurran am Kate. Aly ced ively lesay o sevielUieuseon, hs ramered hes ets a4 conte questa, Te ek me fe emptes in Kurita am Feakan, snd ea the aise nt Pane Saar Me oroduow me to R. Valiayazom and C. Mulakurarasamy,difce enccideals o Ue past Revieayat ad 2) mpc prcas x. alma. Tle lnk ln to earmeae ‘Rid, the len this Kavinyer eee cers apa ns: Sven the Rng Un sor 1s. Mriga, hushand ee. Ba. Kanagerongen ook mn up Runs mousse te Loney Poem see near tenons alot wl Lina ‘You will se° KL Minha snare repeately the pes hat flow TC Munhiah isuduced we ty. Macinmthu, mseian und bys mater whe Sve uotont the sect the Sntaman seer nf Melagonans sede ‘nce? Gaal. The Gal disinsed mens vane wpects of Mecntas Reewva ie va re Marisuth woe me with Fim ta sepa were ant his brtheoae ee ‘he txt dh ommer Peoshiznats. pended the mute tor Ut enple'eeretng Acknowledgements festival celebration, Hs molher Kerappai read iy’ signs and demsonsrated some of ‘what it means ta be» Kurewn]i fortne-eller, Ths wife Balarama disessee ‘women's Srvedons mr coasoae snus, K. K, Mulhiah aay intoduced me to reid aml Teaoher K. Balance Molagaram whe solved a mursher of tonal riddle, and ta. Posehimrcta in Ktralara who discussed aspects us the Dravidian Movermen! with me 2nd gave 1 periaent manogranbs and boks Pr. K. 8. Subramanian, an of ny lute vaene tcher Karaikkuuly Veena Lakshiaiagors| and ated son of KazetPeudy Samasiva Wer, ha eonumued bis ‘Reculship ss me since we fist met in 1970, He s Disctor of Prbadthwani [Research Gantre for Musio of tho Ward in Chennei, Hs musical knowledge ad Wit support ser mnant an immense arnt rp Tee aver the decades, In Ons pea] hope that some srall purtion of bus waestaed mg thei ate any oso Tian susie wll make ce ft othe reaesr RojerwariPadnwnathan, sister of Pr. Suibrevansen; gave mo sore of my sue ferooos tt 1970-72, and made me weleumne éur-ag suleeqbent ips to Tia, isting the 2004 trp, in let, their esis family bas been sxamensels pportve tind helpfal over the yeas, Their vie decades of eset partciation in Kalsksselra ‘acoame ¥ory iaprrant 2 tis projec! 35 the 2004 visit progressed. ‘reough br, Subramanian I met $.Sarade ard G. Sundhvi, sto ployed viel resin ‘iy Is atisticand doe adzrinistatve dor of Keialshewra They descussed peslonuane cones “ror the H84Us 0 Ibe prosere, editions of the tet, resicut evelopment alse eower's, and uch more. You will so their names repenmly mee pages tt fol Dr M, Suulakston, Reader Taal at Sr. Paosakthi Cole: fe Wa-ctin ‘Kutralam, clewred up amy sues eouoexning the aructure oF La ext sis wenn teaming, She aang exquisitely, feaurnig weve Hone text presented sere, She tisensted the ery College Thy preveataians of vignetes from the work that she Drganiess ining bes ina ciceussion ofthe wcial slevanoe ef this aud amulet ttre thee members afte Tans, Deparmueal a the Coilege. Tn ake nages dat fellow you will en fad! le oes af Dr. Subbulds a:d Tenmot Seekala ‘vo parucrpte it thet dlaoissivn, College Piucpal Dt. A. Picea ‘indy arranged orame to mee! these remhers of faculty. aha, Chomubnemans Swamy, a aon with te VoeScsmube Avtnars ar Fe Fall, Kuta‘any tock me nner ai wing ard showed ze Revi ths eng Aeknowhedyements tram as ell ay de Cnted Lill nearby. Swincy Alor anda, howd of the ‘Vivekananda Asivan, helped in lowing reference hooks. 1a Cheansi De, . Jolm Sannuel, Founder und Drrector afte Instuute of Asin Sues, sale parson intrest ie the projet. He discussec questions that I pow, ‘ised ur, olggeste mate tu read und averaes tn pre, and yee valuable commeats athe cntire nck. Aral ie never filed Zo provide Tn featem, Prelessor RC, Naik ofthe Study Cente fre Indian Literature fa an ranloaon (SCTLET) ef the Acacsioan College nil [renewed eur 35-year IWiendship 23 we Uiseosed Wisarythoory ad vicious enteserocated Mil the Sowia!bttoriensoting oT me tes, Fle encomaged ene whe T edly needed il Dr P Kuma iony 0 nology Depsrimencat the Ans ivi College, Magura, the oldot con of Dr. K.Pasemasiown,contibsted in several nays, Web the help of his bngomcer Send M. Toves=uoriny of the Butany Depetmoed 2 3. VN Cillege a Kovipati developed Fugish ranslaio fur lb memes a ed sseles hat ply Such ah import tle ihe een Alas projes vanced very slowly until Se strumtr a 2°04, won I hegan a yout Jong Sskhatical leave tien Bizabethoser: Corny ad Feekniad Colope, Lbrahetha., Kensusky. LSA. Rober, Lanrphere, shen Chai. Ssienoee Division, aed Tun Wal. euwent Divisine Chas, pov aad muppu, he Pyicad ded continueus help Sr Themeiaths Bilan exctangel views ith me over the insrmet ol epee Avot my thoes ta crucial wary tage. Sae als fund tle wah eckcor ote fest AK. Rausing ofthe Tamil Nida Tal ad Deasa Weilse Sostety susie ifomvanon about zdern Sas-k-Kuzsva peonte Professay Mar P, Whiter of ‘ie Antepulegy Depurtoent at fie Cniveeiey of Seu'k Catolinn. Anson, as invatved in develapina the ujece rine fy stages, and wo reeing the entxe ho an? commealing on Ai ay on Coitep, Tsuald Ls to exten ay unk wo vas sf, au to Sarah Jones amd Leurs Maile fn Cote he Tioarians an the ar dees a Lr Mal el, cot wae a well we Vansse Burt, Soe Spats ssl fein tere ‘ems Hail von helped me though soxapter nsiey and Patan la el an ‘sircodinars job we ea patting phowgtap,

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