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Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives PDF

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nationwide!bestseller 107WEEKSONTHENEWYORKTIMES BESTSELLER LIST! MegaliBnas WARNERBOOKS329223$495USA (329231$650CAN| CD CD I j: jr IT" UIJ V ru V Jm] uv m I Ln JohnNaisbitt "is one of the shrewdest observers ofthe changes sweeping Americatoday." — AlvinToffler, authorofFutureShock andTheThirdWave "has come up with some fascinating insights. Not only as to who's inandwho'sout, butanunorthodoxexplanationforthe recession, areasontheeconomy is in bettershapethanecono- mists tell us." — PeopleMagazine John Naisbitt is a social forecaster, speaker, and adviser to many of America's leading corpora- tions. As publisher ofJohn Naisbitt's TrendLet- ter, he has become the country's top authority on ournation'sdeeplyrootedsocial, economic, polit- ical, and technological movements. He has coun- seled and advised AT&T, United Technologies, Control Data, Atlantic Richfield, IBM, General Electric, and many other companies and institu- tions. He is chairman ofthe Naisbitt Group, a Washing- ton, D.C.-based research and consulting firm. An entrepreneur since 1968, he previously had worked for IBM, Eastman Kodak, and the White House. He is a director of the CRS Group of Houston and the public director of the American InstituteofArchitects. MEGATRENDS "is an insightful analysis of the political, societal, and eco- nomiccurrentsthat will shape—ourfuture. It will—be welcomed by all whocareabout today's and—tomorrow's society." SenatorGary Hart is "full ofinsights on the shapeofthe future . . . thatwill be ofvaluetobusinessleadersseekingtounderstandandtakead- vantageofthefundamentalrestructuringthat istakingplacein o—ursociety." HarryJ. Gray,ChairmanandChiefExecutiveOfficer, UnitedTechnologies "could start you thinking notonlyaboutyourfuture, but also about yourpresent. And thatcould be its most importantcon- tribution." — PhiladelphiaDailyNews "Books like MEGATRENDS come along all too infrequent- ly, but when they do, the poweroftheir ideas often provides the vocabulary and agenda for public discussion for quite some time." — AmericanLibraryAssn. Booklist "Amongthemorethan 100booksNationalCatholicNewsre- viewers appraised during the year, at least 10 stood out . . . One ofthe better books telling Americans where they are go- ing from here is MEGATRENDS—." SanFranciscoMonitor "With the expertiseofapilot who has logged inthousandsof hours practicing his craft, Naisbitt provides guidance on how to handle the bumpy ride as well as what to expect once a landing is made in new, unfamiliarterrito—ry." MiamiNews "ThepersuasiveevidenceNaisbittcites suggeststhathereally has managed to put his finger on some important develop- ments." —Savvy "Naisbitt has developed a helpful and enlightening synthesis of several ofthe major directions our nation is taking ... a heavilyresearched, readable workofsocial,economicandpo- litical analysis and forecasting.—" Dubuque, Iowa Witness "Almost everyone can find within the covers of MEGA- TRENDS something, in Bacon's words, to 'chew and di- " gest.' — Tampa Tribune-Times "This is a book to stimulate your imagination. It may even convinceyou tochangeyour—goals in theworldofbusiness." SanAntonio, TexasLight "Enlighte—ning, heartening ... apeach!" Ben Bova, The WashingtonPost "Exh—ilarates, frightens, teaches." Here, There & Everywherenewsletter "Trueoriginality . .—. greatstrength." LondonNewScientist "Supe—r-researched . . . standson solidground." EuropeanRegionalAffairsmagazine "In such turbulent times, we prize those among us who see clearly. John Naisbitt offers a dramatic, convincing view on the changes already under way. This is a book for everyone who wants asense—ofthe nearfuture." Marilyn Ferguson, authorofTheAquarianConspiracy — "Insightful andincitejulV KirkO. Hanson Stanford University Graduate School ofBusiness — "A tourde force. I am amazed at the amount ofinformation andthesweep." — RobertB. McKersie Massachusetts InstituteofTechnology Sloan School ofManagement "1 hope, andbelieve, that weasacompanyare alreadyout in front in responding to these changes ... A good piece of work." — Edson W. Spencer Chairman andCEO, Honeywell "Should becomemustreading foranyone who mustknow what isbeneaththe tipofthe iceberg." —Alfred Balk Editorand Publisher, WorldPressReview "MEGATRENDS is fascinating, stimulating, persuasive easyreading,hardtoputdown,yetfi—lledwithawealthofdata." John M. Stalnaker President Emeritus, The MeritGroup "Extremelyinteresting, and provides insights intothe future thatarechallenging, helpful—, and sensible." Edwin L. Heminger Editorand Publisher, TheFindlay, OhioCourier "A provocative, informative, quotablebook. It is fiin toread, stimulatingt—ocomprehend." Carlton E. Spitzer, Manning, Selvage & Lee "An importantcontribution tounderstandingourcurrent situation andourlikel—y future. Itrings with authority." Merrell M. Clark President InstitutesofReligionand Health "Stimulating, enjoyable and fun. I believe that the book will prove tobe very beneficial tothoughtful leaders in the United States." — TimJ. Rouse Union Pacific Raih"oadCompany "I have ordered 20 copies to distribute among our top man- agement." —Richard A. Voell PresidentandCEO, RockefellerCenter, Inc. "A refreshing change from thedetailed quantitative forecasts which currently dominate business planning. It pulls together unrelatedinformation inawaythatmakeschangesinoursoci- ety mucheasierto unders—tand." RobertA. Beck ChairmanandCEO, The Prudential Life Insurance CompanyofAmerica "I read it completely through at one sitting. In a word, su- perb!" — R. SidneyCrim Executive Vice President andGeneral Manager, The Columbia, South CarolinaRecord "Firstrate." —Hugh Sidey "Abooktogivetothedoomsterswhoforeseethedeclineand fall of America. Its commonsense and optimism are badly needed now." — Caroline Bird, AuthorofTheTwo-PaycheckMarriage and What Women Want "[Taps] theessenceofanumberofvery importantunderlying trends in U.S. society. Interestingly, many confirm percep- tions we have developed over the years using quite different approaches." — Roy Amara President Institute forthe Future "Conclusionsare simpleanddirect, notembroidered withthe stylistic arcanaofmostsocio-economic—treatises." ^JulesTewlow LeeEnterprises "A fine book . . . also a rarity: A book that hasdepth, but is crisply written." — Elwood M. Wardlow Associate Director, AmericanPress Institute "A dynamic analysis ofthe pastand the shape ofthe future. MEGATRENDShasalreadybecomean importantpartofmy resource library—." Emily H. Womack Chairpersonofthe Boardand President The Women's National Bank "MEGATRENDS is a fine contribution to the futures litera- ture." — ^JimO'Toole CenterforFuturesResearch, UniversityofSouthernCalifornia andauthorofWorkinAmerica "MEGATRENDS is especially timely for me and my asso- ciatesas we research newproductsandservicesoftheemerg- ing information society." — ^ThomasJ. Holbein Executive Vice President Belden Associates

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