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PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com Number2 THE JOURNAL OF MIND TECHNOLOGY InT hiIss sue: Editorial 1 ................................................................................................................. BraiTnu nianngd S taCthea ngbeyM ichHauetlc hison 3 ................................................. ReceSnttu diienSs o unadn dL igbhytD rJ ulIisaana cs 9 ............................ .... ............... NewS ounadn dL igMhatc hinbeyTs e.rr Pya tten 13 ......................... ............................ TheB raiTne cAht hlebtyMe i chHauetlc hison 14 ............................. ........ ....................... ElectroholoFmioerlpbdhyDsi r J.co hnaDt.Ch oowna n 23 ........................ ....................... UltradRihaynt hamnsd M indM achinbeyMs i chHauetlc hison .31 ................................ PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com MEGA BRAIN POWER byM ichaHeult chison 450p agefsr omt hef orefroofmn itn d-technology! $14.r9e5t parili ce Partilll T II(bolt" "o,,f' s PART T1U,N INIGN Y OURO THER" 90PE RCENT" PeakP erformaBnrcaeiW na ves SPECIAL WorkinOgu ti nt heB raiGny m:T heN ewS cienocfBe r aiGnr owtahn dM indF itness PART2 ,A CCESTSO T OOLS TakinCgh argBei:o feedbaancdBk r aiPno wer TheT echnicoSlyonrp honOyr:c hestraYtoiunrBg r aiwni tLhi ghatn dS ound PRICEO:N LY ElectBrriaciP no werR:e chargtihneBg a tteries SupercharygoiunSrge nseAsc:c ousFtiiecl Gde nerators SoundosfS ilenVcies,i ofnrso mt heV oidR:e duceSdt imulation PART3 ,F ROMY OURB RAITNO M EGABRAITNH:E U SER'GSU IDET OM INDM ACHINES $7.4e9a ch DeepR elaxatoinoC no mmand DeepS elEfx:p loratainodTn r ansformalion Rescripting YourT oolfso Sru peIrn telligTence hSipse cOiffaeilrs Brain-PowSeerxe d PART4 ,B RAIN-POWEHREEADL INTGH:E RAPUllC USESO FB RAITNO OLS FulSlp eeRde coveErnyd:i nAgd dictiaonndS ubstaAnbceu sea vailfaobrl e YourH ighT echW eighLto sSsy stem SupeCrh argiYnogu rI mmunSe ystem Endintgh eR eigonfP ain RenewaanlNdse w PAR5T, B RAIN-POWENRU TRlENATNSDS MART PILLS UsinSgM arDtru gswi th MinMda chines SubscrOiNbLeYr!s AFTERWORD TheT echno-HumLaena pT:e chnoloEgvyo,l utainodnS piritual Transformation AutograpbhyeM di chaHeult chison 1994. AvailaMbalrec h PublisbhyeH dy periBoono ks PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com EDITORIAL TooflosEr v olution? byM ichaHeult chison Mindt echnolioseg vyo lvrianpgi dNleyw.t ooalnsd thtei mIetw. o ulbde d iffefrreonomtu rw orlndo jtu st techniqaureese merginwgi thd izzyinsgp eed.b ya m attoefrd egrebeust,q ualitaatinvdee lsys en­ Therea's se nsoefc onstiannnto vattihoafnte evlesr y tialldyi ffe-reann te wr ealiWtyh.a tw ea ree nvi­ muchl ikteh ee xcitemoeftn hte e arlyye arosft he sionionfcg o,u rsiesa, d ramateivco lutiolneaaarp y, developmoeftn htep e rsocnoamlp uter. radicnaelwla yn dd iffesroernottfl iofnethis planet. The Democratoiftz haMete itaonno rmalT?h erneo' s Thed evelopmoeftn hte seex traordcianpaaryc i­ doubwte 'rient hemi dsto fa nu nprecedeenxtpeldo ­tieisn,M urphyw'osr ds",h eraalnde volutionary sioonfm indt echnology exapnlddo ervaetiloonp mentrta.n scendeWnicteht. h ema,n ewl evoefle xistence Manys cientainsdct usl tuarnaall ynsotwbs e liseuvceh hasb egutno a ppeaorne artohn,e w hospea tterns mind-enhancdienvgi cmeasy represae nhtis toricc annobtea dequately sbpype hcyisfiiebcdis o,l ogy, breakthrionuh guhma n developmTehnitn.ok f t he orm ainstrseoacmis acli enJcues.at sl iofnec dee vel­ enormouism plicatitoonoslst: h awiltl allowl arge opefrdo mi norgaenliecm enatsn das humandse vel­ numberosfh umantso fu nctiocno nsistaetln etvleyl so pedf romo urp rimataen cestsoorn so,w a new ofm entale fficiecnrceya,ti vaintydi ntellitgheantc ee volutiodnoamrayi ins t entatirviseilnyig n t he havien t hpea sbte eant taionneldby y th egift ed fewI.t humanr ace." woulbde w haMti chaMeulr phcaylls "ade mocratiza- tiono ft hmee tanormal." Jusats l ifeo nce Ifsu cdhe vicreesa ldlowy o rkt,h ey ROOT ORH OGD IE developfroemd I nor-coulcdh angneo to nloyu rl ivebsu,t Ib elietvhee raen'e sv olutioenxaprlya naftoiro no ur ganlecl emenatnsd ourc onceopfwt h aitit s bteho u man. culturien'csr easfiansgc inawtiitohnt oolfso r ash umans SayMsi chaMeulr phy",t heroev'esr -increamseinntga plo werAs d.ri vinfgo rcoefe volu­ whelmienvgi detnhcaemt o sitnf o ta ll tionh asb eetnh ep roceosfas d aptattioeo nnv iron­ deve"...l....o..1. fro m our ofo urh umana ttribhuatveeexs t raorm-entaplr essures. thUepn rdeesrs uorfee n viron­ primataen cestors, dinaroyr seemingmliyr aculoumse ntal ch-anag celsi magtreo wingc oldeorr son owa newe volu- versioWnes c.a nn owr ecogntihzee wannerd,r yeorr w ett-ers pecieeist her oard apt tlonadl}'o maiIns patteornft heex traordiinhn uamrayn becomeex tincItt.a' p sr oceesvso lutiobniaorlyo gists tentatirivseilnIygn lifteoa d egrtehea pte opilnef ormer cal"le nvironmseenlteaclt ainodnw ,h"ao tt hehrasv e timecso ulndo tF.r omt hipsa ttewrne call"esdu rvivaolft hefi ttest." theh umanr ace. begitno d iscetrnh eo utlinoefas Evolutiisaoc ne aselpersosc eTshse.r ise n og uar­ possifbulteu ar-ef,u tuirnwe h icthh ee xtraordinaanrtyet eh ahtu manwilsl contintuobe e a p arotft hat coulbde comceo mmonplacMei.n"dt echnoliotg yp,r oceTsosd.a wye a reu ndethre pressoufre en or­ nowa ppears,b etm haemy e anbsy w hicthh eex tra­mousu,n precedeenntvierdo nmencthaaln gOeusr. ordinbaercyo mceosm monplace. survivailsu ncertaint.h peOa vsfeter w m illiyoena rs, Imagianw eo rlidnw hicphe apke rformance shtuamtaenshs a vree spontdoee dn vironmepnrteasls ures havbee comceo mmonplaicnwe h,i cmho shtu mans byd evelopnienwtg o otlhsa gta vteh eamn a dvantage use and mucho f oveort hesrp ec-iefisr efl,i nstt ongesa,t herbianggs , weapons. Petrohdaatpysh eh umans" fittetsot " surviavreen ott hes trongoersb te shtu ntebrust, thosmeo sti maginataidvaep,t iavned,c apabolfe developsitrnagt egtioie nssu re stuhrvei voaftl h em­ selves, oftfshperiria nngd (niontc identtahlel y) species. Theu nprecedepnrtoebdl etmhse w orlfda ces todadye manmde ntaslo lutinoenwsi ,d eaHsu.m an survimvaayld epenodn o ura biltioti yn creoausre mentaplo werasn dd evelnoepw s tratefgoiorev se r­ cominogu rp resecnriste sT.h aits t os aye,v olution mayi nvoldveev elopinmge nntaeplwo werPse.r haps weh avree achoeudrs pecicehsil'd"h ooedn'ds"S .e en inthis lighmti,n dm achines, tdehvaeitnc heasn ce ourm entaplo wermsa,y b es eeans e volutionary instrume-nttoso floshr u mans urvival. WAKINFRGO THME DREAM Onew ayt hemya ys ervaese volutiotnoaorilyssb y simpliyn creasoiunrgi ntelligence-usm aking smartaebrl,te o c reaetvee bne ttteoro lsa ndd evise THEJ OURNOAFML INTDE CHNOLOGY PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com this this bettsetrr atefgosirUe Isv iivna lw orlidn, solar taneocuhsa ngietssu ,n predicmteatbalmeo rphoses, this systeimn, galaxiynt ,h iusn iverse. randovmi oleanrcceh,e tsypeaxil;ts c onstant cascade Butt hemya ys eravset ooolsf e volutiinao nno thero fs uperchairmgaegde ryi;tst hreatesneinnsgoe f way b-yp roviduisna gc cetsose xtraordsitnaatreysm ultimpelaen inFgo.raq uartoefar m illiyoenat rhse ofc onscioustnheaastsr t eh emselgvaetse wianytsao n dreamscsauprer ounudseo dn liyn o urs leeopri, n entirdeilffeyr esnotro tfr ealiintw yh,i cqhu estioonfs artesx perienbcyet dh vee rfye wo,ri nv ercya refully evolutainodsn u rvitvaakolen e ntirelmyenaenwingso.r chestratedri turaellNsio.gw i,iO nUo Su re lectronic Ast hsec ientiinsvtse stigating choanvsec ieonuvsinreosnsm tehnedt r,e amworglrde eutss w henw e discovetrheoed r,d incaoryn cewpeth avoef h uman opeonu re ye.s.W .h atd istingutihs2eh0 etcshe ntury consciousansse osmse thicnogn taiinnesdi tdhee is thaeta chi ndividluiafli esa dailpyr ogression humans kuslilm pdloye nso ta pplwyh enw em ove throuagc ho ncrbeuttfle u ctuatlianngd scoafpt eh e intnoo nordinary osftc aotnessc ious-nsetsast es psychper'osj ectTihoens su.r realsiismmu,l taneity, sucahsm ayb ee xperieunscienmdgi nmda chinoers , sexuaalnidti yn stantacnheaonugtseh aotc cuirno ur reached thhryopungohs is, meodrit thauets ieoo fn ,d reamasl sooc cuarla lr ounuds S.o t hec onditoifo n psychedderluigcsI .ns ucsht atreesp,o rtbeyad n ours ubconscisi noouwsa lso ctohned itoifothis n immensneu mbeorfp eopolvee trh aeg eisbt,e comes physiecnavli ronmween'tvb eu iflotor u rsel.v.We.es cleatrh ahtu manc onsciousinsne ostbs o undb y reeble twederne aamn dd rea-mb etwetehnde r eams eithtehrce o nceopftst hree aliotfsi peasca en dt ime. ofo urs leetph astp eatkou sa lonaen dt hed ream­ StanisGlraovf M,. D.,o bserves "tMhoadte,rn scapoeft� hiwsa kinwgo rlidnw hicwhe m akeo urw ay conscioursenseesasrr ecvhe tahlasot u rp sychheasv e through onso fd reafrma gmenttsh acto llide nor eaaln da bsolbuotuen daroinet sh;ce o ntrawrey ,a rounuds. .. arep arotf a ni nfinifiteel odf c onsciousntehsast eoncompaaslstleh se ries- beyonsdp ace-tainmde THDfMEOCRA TIZA110NO fT HAEB NORMAL introe aliwteih easv yee tto e xplore." Exploraotfhi eoing htesnteadto efcs o nsciousneMsisc haeMlu rphyt alkeodfa "newe volutionary usinmgi ndt echnolcoognyfi rmfsom ra nyt haotu r domaini"n whicht hee xtraordibneacroym es consensus "isr oenalloyin teay s"p eocfte xistencceo.m monpl-aacd ee mocratizaotifto hnme e tanormal. Form ostt,h ee xperienocfethis real"itbye yondB utd,e nieadc cetsost het ranscendoeunrths,a s space-tisi omneeo" f t ranscendence. becomweo rlidnw hicahn othmeorr es inisstoerortf extraordhiansbae rcyo mceo mmonpl-acade e moc­ ratizaotfit ohnea bnormBault.t hew ayo uto ft he THMEY STIRCAMLLATIO NSOF O PRAH:OR TH EMA ss dreamo,fc oursiest, ow akeu p.S ays G"rEoxfp,e ri­ PSYOtOOLFOGE YS CAPISM entisaell f-expliosar nai tmipoonr ttaonotfl o ar spir­ Theh umans piritcuraalv ionrg tr anscendentailt uaanld p hilosopqhuiecsaItlt.c anm ediatthee impulssaey,Gs r oifs " thmeo stv itaanld p owerfulc onnectwiitho nt het ransperdsoomnaailon fo ne's forinc eh umanb eisn.gB"u ti its af ortchea hast been own beinagn do fe xistencMea.n"yh avfeo untdh at systematirceaplrleys asneddd eniebdy western mindt echnolporgoyv iadnee sf fecttoiovfleo e rx pe­ cultudreer,i daessd up erstiwtiisohnft,uh li nkainndg rientsieallf -exploration. evepna tholodgeilcuasli Wohne.n s ucah p owerful Tos omei tm ays eemo dda ndp aradoxthiacta l humanf orisc er epresistee mde,r gines other formsm.a chin-etsh es ynthehtiacr,dm ,a terdieavli coefs this Whenp eopclaen ntroatn scetnhde iinrdi vidiudaeln ­ electrtoenmipco rraela l-imtya ys erveas gate­ titiaesn df eetlh emselavp easrto fa l argteirm,e leswsa ytso t hsep irtioto,ol fst ranscendBeuntic nfae c.t wholteh,e wilyl abandtohne iinrd iviiddueanltiint iesthis fusioonf s pirituoartl hitye", i nnqeure sta,n"d othewra ysa,n ds eetko f eepla rotfa l argeenrt iItyt. scientchee", e xternalq uesti,st" h ec entraflo rcoef doesnta'ktea g enituosl ooakr ounadn ds eeac ivi­theem erginnegwp aradigAmg.a iInq uotSet anislav lizatiionwn h icmho spte opwillline glayb andtohne irG ro(fw hosweo rka ndw ritingsi,n cludAidnvge n­ his indiviiddueanlti ttiole oss teh emselviesnt elevisiotnu riensS elDfi scovaenryd receTnhteH olotropic fantaisniw ehsi;cmas hs entertaisnumbesntitt fuotre sM inda,r aeto ncvies ionaarnyds upremperlayc tical): transpersexopnearli enicnwe h;i cdhr ugviso,l ence," Ther apidplryo cesscinogn vergebnectew etehne soaopp erMai,c haJealc ksonO,p raahn dt heS uper news cienacnedt hmey stictarla ditiooftn hspe e ren­ nial Bowla reth e mains ociaalplpyr ovpeadt htson on­ philosoopffheyra sn e xcitpienrgs pecotfai ve ordinary statoefcs o nsciousness. futurceo mprehenswiovrel dvitehwawi tl lh eatlh e Denieddi retrcatns,c endeenxtp erie"nbceey ondg apb etweesnc ientifirce seaarncdhs piriqtuueaslt . space-timwee, a"t temtpott ransce(nodre scape)S ucahn e ncompasnseiwnp ga radicgomu lbde come materiraela lbiymty a kinogu rw orlidt sseolmfe thinga ni mportcaantta liynts htee v olutoifco onn scious­ beyonsdp ace-t-iamd er eamAs. writMeirc haeln esst haste eemtsob ea critical cfoonrtd hiet ion this Ventuorab serve"sW,e i nt hel at2e0 tche nturyl ive survivoafll i ofne plane..t...". inth eti me-spoacfte h dree am. Thed reami'nsst an- 2 THEI NSIEDDEG OEN P EAPKE RFORMANCE PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com CHANGCIHNAGN NELS BraTiunn ainnSdgt aCthea nge byM ichaHeult chison Ourre seianrvcohl nvoinnogr dsitnaaotryfe s shouitn p animco,s to fu ss ettlbeadc ki nttoh at consciotuhsusnsue pspsto hrceto sn coepfCtG s. commonN ewY orCki tys tatyeo uc oulcda lOlr dinary lunwgh,os uggesttheaidnto udrr eaamnsd EmergenocrNy o thiSnpge ciPaaln ic. visiwoecn asexpn e riemnycteth hsaa rtne o t Iw asi nt hemi dsotfw ritianb go oka boutth eu se froomu orw nc ultaunrtdeh swa etr per eviousloyft hef lotatitoanna kn dh adb eenfl oating several unknotwoun sf roomu rre adivnigeswo,if n g timeas w eekT.h et hougahptp eartehda mta ybeI arotrc, o nverswaittoihto hneTsrh sii.sts h e coultdr etahti ssi tuatliiokbnee inigna floatatn k. worolftd h 'ec olluencctoinvseac nii onufisn,i't eAf tearll li,k teh et ankt,h iwsa sa p lacoeft otdaalr k­ oceoafkn n owledgweh ifwcreho mce aanc h nesSso.I t ooakb realtehit,ot u stl owalnyd,p retended draIwnt. h aigsoe fa dvantceecdh nowleo gy, thaitn steoafbd e incgru shebde tweaenng rfyr ight­ migchotm ptahrceeo lleucntciovnest coai ouse neds weatibnogd ieIs w,a sfl oating transmsittatttiihnocagnot n stbarnotaldyc astpse acefuilnal fl yo tattainoknI. r emem- Byc hangimngy evebryio tfp rogrmaamt earinaidln formatiobne retdh hee avlyi ghttnheasfistl lmeyd mind/bodsyt atIe , evetrr ansmbyi rtatdeaidnot d e levAitas niyo n.l imbwsh ilient het ankt,h ef eeloifn g wasa blteoc hange timweec a'ns wicthcahn ncehlasnn:ggf irom releatshees, e nsatoifflo ona tifrnege, mybe havioarn dat t� thceh anonfee vle rydlaiftyeow hiwceh ofg raviitynb, l acikn,fi nistpea cAen.d normasltlatyyu nteoad ,ni nfinniutmeb er ofi th appen-ewdi thai fne ws econId s tud•eIn.s a.v eryr eal othcehra nnels,t hbceor uonsdsaoifrtn iigem se ,f ethltef eaarn dt ensifloonwo uto fm y sensIew ,a sa blet o spaacneed,v esnp ecIiiteVs si .r tually imbopdoyIs.ths aidbb eleehna rtdo b reatbhuet, altemry r eality. toi mgainteh waeta rael wasyusr roubyn ded nowm y chesrte laxaenddI b reathed thiinsJ ormaanttdih owaneta raeb lteot aipn to deepalnyd e asiTlhyet. e nsioonnm yf acfel owiendt o iwth enewvewe irs Bhu.ot u arn alooftgy h e as milIew .a sf loat.i.An.fg t ear m omenotf p eaceful radwiaov Sievses u sa na pproximoaftt hieu orne sItr ,e memberwehde rIew asa ndb egalna ughing. immenosJii ntfyo rmawteci aoannc ctehsrso ugThh ew holsec enhea da macabcroem icaailrI .w as thceo lleucntciovnes cious." relaxewda.so kIaty . StanislGarovf M,.D . Thiwsa so neo fm y firspto werfuelx perieonfc es ThHeo lotMrionpdii cn tentisotnacathlea ngBey.c hangimnyg m ind/body statIwe a,s a blteoc hangmey b ehavainodr attitudes: inav errye asle nsIwe ,a sa blteoa lrtm eyr ealIiwtta ys., you'nlolt iacd ei,r ercets uolfmt y e xperieonfmc ien d THPEO WOEFCR H ANYGOIUNSRGT An technol-otghyfe l otaantk .T hisIb, e lieivsaek ,e yt o Iwta s cal asssuibcw aryi denri'gsh tmarruesh:ho uirn thel ife-changing ofpm oitnedtn otoi-lastl hse ayr e Manhattoanna sweltering summer aftsetarntoeo-nc.h taonTogholeefs e normous power. downtownI RT puilnl- eadl ready jwaimtmthei dr ed ands urly passIew nagsse wrse.pa tb oawridt ahm ass ofo ther people,a npdgu rsohainnigan ngd,a st he EMPOWERINAGN IDN HISBTITAInN G doorcsl osweedw erseq ueezed tsoogt eitghhentrol yA lolf u sk noww hats tataerses ,i ncwee 'riens tates onew asa blteom ovea na rmT.h et rain departeevde rmthyoe m enotf o url iveSso.m eo ft hes tatweesg et stataiot4n 2 nd Street and wast oa3 b4otuht i nhtaaorl evfw earyny i cJeo:y p,l easucroen,fi denbceel,i ef, Strewehte ns uddeniltsy t oppAefdt.ea rni nstatnhte lovceo,n centration,e neecrsgltyua,cs iyd,ci ltayr,i ty, hum oft hem otorsst oppeendt irTehleyt .r aihnad couradgeet,e rminaatnidso oon n,T. h esaer eem pow­ shudto wnA. c ollecgtriovaen wuepn.At n dt hetnh e erisntga tseisn,wc hee nw ea rien t hesset atweehs a ve lighwtesn otu tT.h eg roabne camleo udearn,di nt he thpeo wetroa cpto sitivteogl eytt,h indgosn et,oe njoy midsotft hge roawnesr sec attered Tshcerreweae m so.u rl iveTsh.e sset atsesu staoiunrm oste lemental werep,a cketdo getlhieksrea rdiinnte ost balla cknespso.w etrh,ee x istepnotwieatrlob eT.h ese empowering Thet emperaitnut rhece a mru shta vbee eanb ov1e1 0, stataersee ssenttioaa lc hieveixncge llepnecaek, andw ew erael plo urisnwge at. performaanncdpe e,a ekx periences. Froms omewhedroew nt hec arc ames creaomfs Othesrta tewseg eitn taor neo ston icfee:a arn,x iety, terrSoorm.e oneel sseh otue d",H eys,o mgeu yh'asv ingd epressisoand,n efrsuss,t rathieolnp,l essannegsesr,, ah eaartt tachke reV!o"i csehso utteopd u ncohu tth e confusiwoena,k ness, fultoinleiltyi,n geusisl,t , windowasn,d s omeoncer ieodu tt hathte yc ouldnb'otr edoemx,h austiTohne.s aer ei nhibitistantge s, breat"hIne e.e adi rIn, e eadi rV.o"i coefsp aniccr ieds incteh ehya vteh ee ffeocfht i nderionbgs,tru cting, out a,n dIf emlyto wnc hestco nstrimcytb irnega,t hirnegs trainsiunpgp,r essirnegp,r essitnhgw,a rting, becomitinggh ta,n dI b egatnow ondeirfI w asg oingb lockingu sfr om achieveixncge llepnecaepk,e rfor­ toh avaen a ttacokf c laustropThhoebc ioan.d uctomra'nsc ea,n dp eake xperienActet si.m etsh eyc an voiccea meo vetrh el oudspeaskyesrt etmot eluls threatteonu ndermionred estroouyrp owetro b e. someohnae da pparejnutlmyp eodn ttoh ter acakstt he 34tSht resetatti oann dw ew oulhda vteow aiutn titlh e situawtiaosnc learuepd.S owhil,e somec ontinuteod 3 THEJ OURNOAFLM INDT ECHNOLOGY PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com BRATIUNN IANNGSD T ACTHEA NCGOENT INUED STADnE PENMDEMEONTR Y denbte haviTooar n.e xtraorddiengarryeo eu,rs tates Scienthiasvteds i scovetrheadmt e moryi s" state controoulrb ehaviTohri.n okf b einigno nes ta-te dependeTnhta.it"s m,e moritehsa atr el aiddo wn fea-ra nd entaer roionmfug l olf p eoploerh, a vitnog whilweea rien ap articsutlaaatrrebe e srte memberedd eliavl eerc ttuora es trange auWdhiaetwn ocuel.d whenw er etutront hat parsttiactutelh:ai rny gosu youbre havbieo?rN ow, thoifbn eki nigna d ifferent learnw heny ou'hraep pyyo ur emembbeers wth en sta-teh appsye lf-confi-daenndce en teritnhga t you'hraep pyw;h aty oul earnw heny ou'sraed i s samer oomfu llo fp eoploerd, e livearl iencgt utroe rememberbeesdwt h eny ou'sraedA .c cordtionD gr . thats amea udienYcoeu.br e haviwooru lbde q uite GordoBno wero,fS tanfUonridv ersointyeo, f t he differfernotmy ourf ear-state Tboe htahvaito r. pioneer exopfsl toardteeerp se ndmeenmto rys,t atesd egreyeo,ub re haviisso tra dteep endent. arlei k"ed iffelriebnrtai rinetwsoh icahp erspolna ces Thinokf o thebre havioWrhse.n w ea rien c alm, memoryr ecorAd sg.i vemne moryr ecorcda nb e centerreedl,a xaenddh appsyt atoeusrt, e ndentcoy retrieovneldyb y returniinngt toh alti br.a.r". y engagien c ertabienh avi-orssu chas smoking, We'vael hla dt hee xperieonftryic neg tofi ndo ur drinkinega,t inegx cesSively,d rutga-sk iisn g misplaccaekrde ys. Aap fetreiroo ffd r ansteiacr chinmga rkeddliyf fefrroemno tu rt endentcoey n gagien "alolv etrh ep lacwee,t "h eant a c ertapioni nstt op thoseb ehaviwohresnw ea rien s tatseusc ahs a nger, andt hintkoo ursel"vNeosw,w, h adt idId ot hel ast depressoiro ann xietTyo. t hatd egreteh,e se timIec amei na ndp utt hoskee ydso wn?"I fw e're unwantbeedh avioarrsse t adteep endeWnhta.tt hat succesisn"f ruell nigvt"ih lea stti mwee h adt hkee ys, meanissth ati fw ec oulcdh angoeu rs tatweec, o uld will we generally s"urdedmeenmrlby"we herteh ey changoeu rb ehaviors. keyasr e.o tIhnew ro rdwse,' rtery ing tog ebta cikn ttoh es tawteew erien Stateasre like EXCEPTIOSNTAALl lS thel astti mwee h adth e keysw:e 're "differenlti braries accessisntga tdee pendemnetm ory. Andj usatsu nwantbeedh aviaorrsest adteep endent, Intwoh icahpe rson Tol ooaktt hisi na nothweary t,h e soa rteh osmeu ch-wantoehd-,s o-Iofnogerex dc ep­ placemse mory presesntta twee 'rien a ctsl ikae tionbaelh aviTohrisn.ok f t hel astti myeo uh itth at records.A given magnettom emoritehsaa tr lei nkteod perfect tdharfltie vwoe ff t heh eaodf y ougro lcfl ub that state. Whienan s aymdoo uo'dr,e ands ho3t0 0y ards straitghheft a idro.ww.anO.y r memoryr ecocrda n yout endto a ttrascatdm emories,t het imyeo uh adt habtr eakthrcoruegaht iinvsei ght be retrievedo nlbyy recollecatinodna ss sociatFioorn sw.h eny ous uddensloyl vaep dr obltehma hta db een retumlnIgn ttoh at examplteh,e re satrree eotfNs e w botheryionufg o arg e.s.O .rt hatti mweh en yaonud libr.a.ry." . YorCki tyt haatr feorevlienrk ienmd y yourp artnheard a sexuaelx perietnhcaewt a s mind wiath f ormelro vea,n dt he sizzlsiunbgl,i amned p erfect .e.cW.sh taatss tya te evenotsfo urr elationWshheinIp a .m weryeo ui nI?f y ouc ould recsatlalit neti thfsau tl l­ melanchaonldIy w altkh routghho sset reeetsv,e ry nesasn dt otalaintydr, e -enttheart stthnaeet xett i me placIle o oIks eteh intghsa stt iurpm elanchaonldy youa ddrestshegedo lbfa lwla,n tetdol eaornr u nder­ sadm emorieYse.tw ,h enI am happayn dI w alk stansdo methinnegw ,o rh ads ext,h eyno uc ould throutghho ssea mes treethtes t,h inIgs se ere mind make another drpievrhefa,ev ceat n othberre ak­ meo fh appdya ygso nbey m,o mentosfj oayn dl ove thoughi nsighhatv,e a nothpeera ke xperience. this -altlh aIts emea kemse g laIdt.a ldle penodnst he Athlektneosw intuitiavnedgl oyt ,h rough staIt'emi n".Ij usdtr oppiendt os eweh acto nditiownh atw oulodt herwbiesb ei zarrriet uianlt sh eir myc onditwiaosin n ." attemtpotr se -enttheerpi era skt atWea.t cthh hei gh his jumpearsh ep ulls shorutpsj u sstoa ,n dth ens pits his his jussto p,u ts headdo wns,w ings armsa,n d STADnE PENBDEEHNTA VIOR his placesf oofto rwatrhde,bn a ckwatrhde,fn o rward, Manyo fu s- perhaepvse mno sotf u s- livwei tthh e thenb ackwatrhde,pn a uses bheebf eogriehn isrs u n attittuhdateth esset ataersse o methtihnaght a ppen towartdh eb ar..W.a tcthh eb aseball ahsih tet er, tou sT.h atth eayr lei kwee athferro nttsh apta sosv er poundhsi bsa ttwic e ont hep latsew,i nigtsa round us,b ringisnugn ndya ysr,a instoormsr,p ressuret hretei messp,i ttsu,g osn hiss hirattt her ight his inversialoblne sy,o nodu rc ontr"oHle.yI ,'l di kteog o shouldtuegrso, n shiarttt h lee sfhto ul,dr eera ches his his tot heb eactho dabyu,ti tr'asi ny".Y"e aIhs ,h ould downt oa djustc upp,u thsi hsa ndo nt opo f probagbolp yl awiyt hm yc hild,rb euntI' tmo oa ngry helmestwi,n gst heb ata rountwdi cem orep,o unds righnto w.'"' Il'idkt eo b es exyl,o vinagn da ffec­thpel aotnec es,p iotsn cmeo rea,n dt hednr awbsa ck tionwiatthem ys pousbeu,tr ignhotw I 'mt iraendd theb aatn ds tanrdesa dtyota ket he p.i.Ut.nc cho n­ depressMeady.bel a tIe'rfl ele mlo rel ikiet. .". W e sciouosrcl oyn sciously, aatlhwlaetryiytnseg s t oa re behaivnec ertwaaiynbs e cauwsee' irnec ertsatiant esr.e membtehre mselavste hse wye raet t herierm em­ What we'rtael kianbgo uhte rteh,e in,ss omethingb eremdo menotf p erfecttryiinogn t,o r e-enthtee r morteh asnt adteep endmeenmto r-yi ts'tast dee pen-statthee wye rien t hel astti mteh emya dea p erfect 4 THE INSIEDDEG OEN P EAPKE RFORMANCE PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com high jutmhpel, a stti mteh emya dea p erfescwti ng usA.n dt huwse s eet hpeh ilosopuhnidcearlp innings andh itth bea lolu to ft hepa rkB.e cautshee uyn der­ofth eg reTa-ts hainrdtb umpesrt icmkoetrt oofo ur standt haitft hecyo ulodn caeg aitnr uelnyt etrh at era," ShHiatp pensT.o"w hichw ea rmee anttoa ddth e statteh ewye rei nd urintgh apta st unstated imbpulti e"dA, ndI 'mN otR esponsible." peakp erformantchee,nt heyc an ..l.f wec ould delivaenro thpeera kp erformance. somehopwu t DISFUNS<TITOANTAELS Tot hdee grtehea bte haviisos rta te ourselvIenst toh e dependetnhtei,nwf e c oulsdo mehow Theb elitehfaw te a ren't resfpooornu srbi ebhlaev ior sames tateesx ce� puto urselivnetsto h es ames tatesh asl eidn r eceyneta trosa p eculciualrt uprhaeln om­ tlonpaelrf ormearsr e exceptipoenraflo rmaerreis n w hen enonb,l amiunngw antbeedh avioonra sd diction. thep erfotrhme eixrt raordaicntasr,yA ddictiitoi nsa, r gueidsa, d iseaJsuesa.ts w ed on't Inw hent hep erform thewne shoulbde a blteo p erformb lame somfeooirnn ec urable dliiskdeeia asbeest es their extraordinary exceptioonuarlsleyl "vHeosw.d ow e ors ickcleela ln emiwah,i ccha ndis rupt andd estroy actst,h ewne s hould accewshsa wte k nowb,u td on't knolwi vsesow, e c anb'lta mien dividfuoaarld sd icttioo ns bea blteo p erform any morweo?n"d eSrh ieOlsat randedrr ugosra lcohoorcl i garewthtiecsah,l sdoi sruapntd exceptionally andL ynnS chroedientr h eibro ok destrloiyv eTsh.eb eswta yt ot retahte d iseasoef Supermem"oWryh,yd ow eo nluys ea addictiitio sbn e,l ievise bdyg, o intgh routghhe1 2- ourselves. smidgeonfw hati sa djudgiendn ateS tePpr ocepsiso,n eebryeA dl coholAincosn ymous. humana biliPteyr?h apwse don't Thefi rsstt eapn dm osets sensttieaiplnt hipsr ocess enjotyh ee xceptifuonncatli onoifnt gh es uperme­isf otrh e adtdoai dcmti atn da ccept comtphlaett ely morys taro,ft heO lympich igjhu mpetrh,be r illiahneto rs hei s" powerloevsesar"l cohoordl r ugIsti. s businsetsrsa teegviesthnte ,m iraculsoeulsf -healaelrse,os senftoitrah lea dditcota ccetphta hti osr h er becauwsee d on'ktn owh owt og eti nttoh es tated iseaissie n curaAbfltee.t rh ea dmissiooftn o tal wherteh esaeb ililtiiveIesfw. e s houlgde tt herbey powerlessannedts hsae,c ceptatnhcateth dei seaisse accidewnetd ,o n'ktn owh owt or ecatlhlo sset atesi ncuratbhleea ,d diccatl ulpso nG odo ra Higher agaiwnh enn eeded." Powetro c hangteh eu nwantbeedh aviTohri.1s 2 SteoprAA progrsaeme metdow orka,tl eafsotmr a ny alcohoolrid crsu agd dicAtnsd.f oro ve4r0 y ears, liFHEA PPENS thesper ograwmesr set rilcitlmyi tteodd e aliwnigt h Statceosn trboelh aviBourta. sI p ointoeudte arliera,l cohoordl r uagd diction. manyo fusf eetlh attoa g reeaxtt eonutrs tatheasp pen Theni nt he1 980csa met hee xplosgirvoew tohf tou sW.e arien a s adm oods,o w ewil lb es adu ntilt hei detah awte c oulbde comaed dictneodtj ustto we stboepi nsga dA.n ds inwceea rsea dno ww,e w ill thec lassaiddci ctsiuvbes tan-cdersu gasl,c ohol, behavienc ertawiany st haatr ed ifferfernotmt he cigaretbtutteo sav - arioefbty e havpiaotrt eSrnsi.n ce waywse w oulbde haviwfee w erhea ppSyo.s inocuer the" disemaosdee l" tahned1 2 S tep methhaodd statecso ntrooulrb ehavitohre,sn o a sl onags w e seemehde lpfiuntl r eatailncgo hol and belieovuers tatheasp petnou s,l ikwee athert,oa druagd dictimoannsyp, e opbleeg atno Tosa y ourbe havior greadte grweeem ustb elieovuerb ehavihoarp pensb elietvheat th edis easem odealn dth e happens tous Is tou s. 12S tepm ethosdh oulbde equally Thatt'hsew ayi tfe eall so otft htei mHe.e yW ally,h elpfiunltr eatinogt hetryp es of another way of whyd idy oui nsutlhteb oslsi kteh at? WgeeleIl, , "addictiTohnises.x "p ansiporno cess saying we 're not don'ktn owI,w asj usatn grayn dh ek eptta lkionn g begawni tthh osweh oslei vheasdb een responsible for our ando na ndI k epgte ttimnogre and amnogrraeyn d influenbcye da lcohoolr drugs: behavior, any more ..i.tj ushta ppenHeedy.K areInth ,o ughyto us aid husbandwsi,v esa,n dc hildroefn than we're teSIJC» youw ergeo intgoq uistm okinYge.sw ,e ltlh,pe h one addic-tsm emberosfw hacta met ob e ranagn di tw asa ni mportsaanlIteh adt om akea nd knowna st he" dysfunctifoanmaill y.s"i blefor the weather. suddentlhyce,i garweatstj eu stth einr em yh anadn d In1 2S teapn dS upport GlriokuAlep­ s Iw ast akiand gr agI.tj ushta ppened. Anona ndA dulCth ildroefAn i coholCiAcCsO A), Tos ay boeuhra vhiaoprp etnsous isa nothwearyo f husbanwdsi,v easn dc hildorfea nd dicatnsda lco­ saying wneo'rtres ep onsifboolrue br e haviaonrym, o re holiucsse tdh e1 2S teppr ogrtaoma dmitth eoiwrn thawne 'rree sponsfiobtrlh eew eatherW.e llIkn, o w powerlesosvneearsd sd ictbievhea viaonrdt, oa dmit I'ema tintgo om uch/smokitnogom uch/drinking too theiorw n "addictitoon t"h eiard dicmta tes. muchb,u It' sma adn dd epresrsiegdnh otw b ecausmey Ands uddenwliyt,h jiuns atf ewy eartsh,e rhaed relationhass hibpr okeunp .T heim plicatiiso thant emergaenda stOnisvhairnigoe ftyS tePpr ograamnsd soonoerrl attheerw eathwilelrc hangthee,s adnesasn d Support Grouposnt hbeAAa smeodd elf,op re ople depesrsionwil l lifta,n dt hep roblewmi th eating,w how antetdoo vercotmhee "iard dicttioosn esx", smokinogr drinkin g willdis appeaSrt.u hffa ppetnos foodd,i etinmgo,n eys,h oppianngg,e rro,m ance, usA.n dth en things change and othteor smteunff,w ohraklp,pa eznsi neexsesr,c ilsyei,nf go,o bdi nging 5 THJEO URONF AMILN DT ECHNOLOGY PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com BRATIUNN IANNGSD T ACTHEA NCGOENTI NUED andv omititnegl,e vissaivionngc,so uponasn,dm uch keeepx perientchieenm go tioflnso wintgh roumgeh moreA.n d fromt heseem ergeodt heSru pporti fId idnw'atn tto W.h atI w asl earninin gm,y own Groupfso rp eoplfer omt hed ysfunctfiaomnially p loddiwnagyw ,a st hper oceosfss t acthaen geW.h at memberosf p eoplweh o werea ddictteofd o od, Iw asl earniinsgth att ot hed egrtehea bte havioris moneya,n geran,d s oo n.T oday, viratnuya lsltya dteep endebneth,a vdiooers nh'atp petnou s- we behavtihoarmt i ghlte atdo unwacnotnesde quenccesh ooosuer b ehavior. hasn owb eecnl assiafisae nad d dictainodsn p awned Onew ayw ec hoosoeu rb ehaviisob ryc hoosing a netwoorfkS tePpr ograamnsdS upport Grouopusrs. t atIefth. e rea rcee rtabienh aviwoerw sa ntto Thea ddictmioodnei les n ormously seFdourc tcihvaen.g teh,e tno c hangteh emw em ustc hangoeu r itfh eusnew antbeedh aviaorraesd dictiothnesnt, h ey statAen.ds tacthea ngen oitos n lpyo ssiibitls ee ,a sy areb yth ea ccepdteefidn itdiiosne,a asnedws e,' nroet tol earnJ.u slti kceh angitnhgce h annoenlt hTeV ,w e responsfioborlu erd iseasoert sh,ed iseaosfeo su r canl eatrn os witfcrho imn hibisttianttgeso e mpow­ parenotrss p ousoerls o veArnsd.o fc ourtsheefi rst erinsgta tecsh:a ngicnhga nneolns step toward ovtheersceao dmdiincgt iaoscns o,u n­ theL ifTVe. Juslti kceh anging selbeydt h1e2 S tegpr oupiss t,oa ccepta damnidtt h at Learnintgo c hangset atise,s I the channoenlt he wea rpeo werloevsesor u ra ddictIiwfoe na .r peo wer­belieav kee,y t ob ecomian fgu nc­ TV, wec anl earnt o leswse,a rneo tr esponsIinbf laecw.te ,a rvei ctiomfs tionhaela ltahdyu lAt c.e ntrdarli ving ourd iseaAsnedt. h osweh oa rmee mbersd yosff unc­forocfeh urnane volutainodank eyt o switcfrho m tionfaalm il"iaedsu,cl hti ldroefan d"d icatrdseo, u bly humahni sthoarbsye etnh see arfcohr inhibitsitnagt teos victimsb,e cautshee ayr e" trappiendu "n wanteda nde xploraotfit oenc hniqfuoers empowerings tates: behavinoortos ft heoiwrn m akinbgu,ti mposoend changing states. bHeuemna ns have changicnhga nnels themb yt heaidrd ictpiavree notrths e ir dysfuncttoinraella ensds d eterminiend t heir on theU fe TV. famiAllytl.h eshea rmfbuelh aviaorrthes e r esuolft attemtpotd se virseel iatbelceh niques addictwihoinci,hsa d iseawshiec,hm eanthse y'nroet focrh angisntga tTeh.em ethods they ourf aulWte.' rneo tr esponsiObulreb .e haviorh aveex ploraenddi nventaerdec ountlreasnsg,i ng "happetnosu "s I.t i st hree suolfot u rm entsatla tesfr,o ms elf-flagteoml alasttiuornb aftrioowmna ,g ing ando urs tateasr et her esuolfto urd ysfunctiownaartl o t akidnrugg sf,r osmt icknienegd liesna cupun­ familliyfO eu.rd ysfunctiboenhaalv iisto hrre e suolft turpeo inttoss ky-divainndig n,c luvdaer iotuysp es ourd ysfunctibornaaislnt a ttheasta rteh pe roduocft ofb reathdianngc,i cnhga,n tifnags,t irnigt,um aeld,i ­ ourd ysfunctfiaomniallliy fo ero urd ysfunctionatla tion, prayer, readhiypnngo,s ivssit,so ur­y-telling, childhoWoed m.u sta ccewpeta rpeo werlSeshsi.t alizatsieoxUn.s, i ntge chnoltoohg eylp pr odusctea te happens. changiesns o thinnegw H.u manhsa vael wauysse d thlea test techonrso clioegnidtceiavfilec l opmteon ts The neuroscientiflc assitshte mi nt heiqure sfto rre liasbtlaect hea nge evidenceIs CHANCGHIANNGON NTHEE lLSi TVF E toolWsh.e nt hbei bgr eakthrino tuegchh nolwoagsy absolutelcyle ar:w e Buta c entfirnadli nogft hBer aiRne vo­ graspais ntgi ocrks tonient hhea nadn da pplyiitn g canc hangseta tes lutiiso tnh aotu rb raisnta te(sa ntdh us tos ometheilnsgye o,uc anb es urteh aotn eo ft hfier st ourb ehavioarr)en otb eyonodu r usetso w hicthh itse chnolwoagspy u tw asr hyth­ Intentionally, contrWoel a.r en otp owerlweesa sr,e micaplo undionrgd ,ru mming- stilalh ighelfyf ec­ quicklaty w,i ll. notv ictiomfos u rp asotro ure nviron-tivset ate-ctheacnhgnei que. mentT.h en euroscieenvtiidfiecni cse Theg retaetc hnolobgriecaaklt hroofpu rgihn ting absoluctleelawyre :c anc hangseta teisn tentionalqluyi,c kslpyr etahdr oughtohuweto rlodn eo fth em ost will. quickalty , powerfualn df arre achsitnagct hea ntgeec hnioqfu es Ita'd si scovmearnyyp eopmlaek en aturianltl hye humanh ist-orreya ding. courosfge r owiunpgI. t a'd sis covetrhyam to sotf u s Ino urc entuarv ya,r ioeftt ye chnolOdgeivceallo p­ musmta keo vearn do vearn do veirn,di ffersetnatt esm entwse rceo mbinteodc reaats et acthea ngtee ch­ andd iffecroenntte xutnst,ii tbl e comneosl ongae r nologoyfr emarkarbilceh n-ethses c inemeap,i to­ surpribsuete, v ideanntd d ependabIl eb.e liemviez ebdy t hHeo llywoMoodv iYeo.u w alikn o fft he makingth atd iscovise rayn essentpiaarlto f streiento nes tat(ef atibgouree,d olmo,n eliness, beconmgi hae altahdyu lt. curioseittyc,.a )n,dr e-emeorngt eh es treeitn a Oneo ft hefi rstti meIsm adet hed iscovwearsy, diffesrteansttee v ehroaulr lsa tehra,vi nbge ecna ta­ bacikn t heea r7l0ys w,h enIw ormemdy w ayi ntao pulttehdr ouagv ha rieotfiy n tensstea cthea ng-es biofeedrbeasceka prrcohj aetcNYU t andd iscoverefdr ofme aarn dh orrotrol, o vaen dj oya,n georrg rief. Ic oulmda ket hea lphcal icgkoeb ry d oincge rtainS ometimtehsse t acthea ngper oduciesld o ng-lasting thigbysnw itmhy b raiann,dt habtym akintgh celi cker- Ic ans tirlelm ember vievnitdelryti hnegm ovie go- increamsyia nlgp haac tiv-iItc yo ulcdh ange theaatsej ru sotn eo fh undreodsf kiindt- s s hiarntsd my mooIdf .o unthda tm elanchwooluyl dids SipateK eds,a nde mergitnwgoh ourlsa taesar s washbuck­ andb er eplabcyej do yI.f ountdh aItd idnh'atv teo linpgir atcea ptaruinnn,i nwgi lthdr ougthh ec ity 6 THEI NSIEDDEG E POENA PKE RFORMANCE PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com streeltesa,p ionvge rg arbagcea nswi th cutlassc hangyeo usrt atAen.dt hereby, perhaps, change slashianngds, e ekibnugr iterde aswuirtemh y ship­youbre havior. Thraets'pso nysobuirl ity. mates thrtohuegb ha cka lleyosf Pittsburgh.T or etutrnot hmee taphoofwr e athmearn:y o fu s usetdo t hinoku rs tatweesr lei kwee athWheern. a storms wepotv eurs w,e j ushta dt ow aiitto utT.h e SnMUlATSITNACGnH ANGE brigahntds unndya ywso ulodf tceonm ea tt hwer ong A centdriaslc ovoeftr hyBe r aiRne voluthiaosbn e en tim-ej uswth enw e hadt os penadl dla yi ndoors thaatls lt ataersle i nkteoda ndd etermibnyep dh ys­ workionnga r usphr ojeNcotw.a ndt heanh urricane icaclo nditiinot nhseb raiUns.i negl ectrpircoable s,o rfl ooodr e arthquwaokuelt do tadlilsyr uoputrl ives scientdiisstcso vefroered x,a mplvee,r sym alblu t foarf ewd ayNso. ww ek nowt hawte c anc hangoeu r disti"npclte ascuernet eirnst "h eb raians,w elals statTehse.m indt echnolfoogrsy t atceh angies nearcbeyn tearsss ociwiatthes du ch satsaf teeasr anwdi dealvya ilaSbonl oew.w eh avaen ewq uestiaonnd, ragTeh.e yd iscovetrheacdte rtanienu rochemicaaln se,wr esponsiwbhialstit taydt:oe w ew antto b ei n? sucha st hee ndorphicnosu,lp dr oducpel easureI fw eh avteh ec apactiots ye leocutrs tates,w et hen statwehsi,lo et hesrusc,ah s o xytoccionu,lp dr oduceh avteh er esponsitbois leiltyet chtes tattehsaw ti ll statveesrm yu chl ikleo vTeh.e dyi scovetrheahdti gh helups t or eacohu rg oals. leveolfas c tiviintty h er ighftr ontraelg ioonfts h e Ands oa notheqru estiaorins ewsh:a ta reo ur cortweexr aes sociwaittedhde pressainodnn e gativgeo alDso?w ew anwte altLho?v eC?r eativPiotwye?r ? emotiosntaalt wehsi,lh ei glhe veolfas c tiviintt hye HappinePsesa?c oen EarthW?e now havet he leffrto nctoarlt weexr aes sociwaittehhda ppinaensds capactiots yw itocuhr selovuetos f i nhibisttiantge s positeimvoet iosntaalt es. inteom powersitnagt oeusto, fd estrucbteihvaev iors Evenm orei mportatnhtes, c ientoifts htseB rain intoc onstrucbteihvaev i-osrtsa taensdb ehaviors Revoluthiaovned iscovetrheadbt y c hangitnhge thawti lhle lpu sa ccompltihseht hintghs aatr e physiccoanld itoifot nhsbe r aitnh,ec ya nc hangteh e importtaonu tsB .u tw haits i mportant? statWeist.ha m iledl ectrical isnoti nmeau rleuoasf Mindt echnoloopgye nusp n ewp ossibiflori ties theb raitnh,e cyo ulpdr oduscuec hp leasurea thhautm ana chievemeTnhte.s es tate- subjewcotu ldd o virtuaalnlyyt hi-ngi ncludincgh angteo olcasn b e" labsoarv erbsy" goinwgi thoufto ods,l eeoprs ex- toc ontintuoe helpiunsqg u ickgleyot u to fi nhibiting The mind experieintBc.ye m ovintgh ee lectricsatli multuoas stataensd i nteom powerisntga t-es technolofogyr s tate nearbayr eoaf t heb raitnh,e cyo ulpdr oduuctet er andt oc hangfer oum nwantbeedh av­ changIesw idely terroSrc.i entfiosutnstd h abty a ctivienldyu cingi ortsod esirbeedh avi-osrosm ething releaosfbe est a-endortphheciyon u,l d profdeuecle­t hamti ghhta vtea keunsh ourosrd ays availaSob lneo.w ingosf e uphorTihae.y a lsfoo untdh abty u sing orm onth-s andf orm anyp eople weh avea new simplsetim ulis ucha sfl ickerliinggh otsr p recise wouldh aveb eeni nconceiv-ablqeu estiaonnd,a new combinatioofsn osu ndtsh,ec yo ulcda usseu bjetcot s befotrheed evelopmoefmn itn dt ech­ responsibilwityh:a t changteh ea mounotfb rainwaacvtei voifaty c ertainn ology( MT). statdeo w ew antt o frequeanncdpy r odutcrea ncesltiaktaeen sdf eelings BecauMseT seemtso o ffers uch ofo nenewsist thh uen iverTsheai.ts s,c ientfiosutnsd rapiadn dp owerfuelf fecstso,m eh ave be In? thatth ecyo ulpdr odurcaep iadn dd ramatsitca tea ccustehde mo fb ein"gt oeoas y.B"u t changeuss ing simplaen d safet echnologitehsii.ssl ikaec cuscianrgos ra irplaonfe s Then exstt ewpa st ot akteh esSei mplaen ds afe bein"gt oeoa syY.e"sj ,u slti kcea rasn dp langeesut s laboratteocryh niqfuoesrst acthea ngaen dp ackagep lacfeasfr a sttehraw ne c oulgde tth erbeyw alking, themi na wayt hamta det hema ccesstiobl laer ge MT canp roducset atceh angeasn,d g etu si nto numbeorfsp eoplTeh.e smein dt echnoloagrnieoe ws producteimvpeo werisntagt efsa rf asttehra nw e widealvya ilable. coulgde tth erbeyy earosfd isciplwionrekad t" self Letm e summariWzee .k now thats toautre sc ontroorl" "w iplolw er." largdeeltye rmoiunrbe e haviaonrdas t tituIdfwe es . ButM T,l ikcea rasn dp laneasr,ne e ithbeardn or wantto c hangoerh, a vceo ntroovleo ru rb ehaviorgso oidn t hemselTvheesay.r sei mptloyo tlosh elups anda ttituwdeem su,s tl earnh owt oc hangoeu r dot hinmgosr er apidtlhyaw ne c oulodt herwidsoe statoens d emandw,i tht hes amee asteh awte them; heluspg ientpg l aces ftahsawnt eer c ould changteh eT V channeWle. k nowt hawte can throuagnhc ietnetc hniqBuuetst .h efa ctr emains: change swthaitcehm, e answ e canc hoosoeu r whethweerw alokr fl yb yj ewth,e thweerm editate behaviWohri.c hm eantsh awte a rer esponsfiobrl eo ru seam indm achinwees, t ihlalvt eo d eciodneo ur ourb ehavioTrh.ek eyt os tacthea ngiesc hangingd estination. thea ctivoiftt hyeb raiTnh.e raer en own umerous Mindm achineexsi stthpe;o ssiboifrl aiptisydt ate­ toolasn dt echniqounet sh em arketth acta nh elp changeex isTthse.d ifficquulets tisotnsi mluls tb e changteh ea ctivoifty yo urb raiann,d t herebya nswerebdye acohfu sw:h astt atdeows e s eewkh,a t behaviodrows e d esiwrhea,at r teh geo aolfso url ives, 7 THEJ OURNOAFML I NTDE CHNOLOGY PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com BRATIUNN IANNGSD T ACTHEA NCGOEN TINUED andh owc anw eu set hesset ate-chdaenvgiect eos canl earnh owt og eti ntthoo ses tattehse mselves, helups r eacthh osgeo als? withotuhtea ssistaonfcM eT .T heyh avlee arnetdo Ify oud ow antto a nswethre sqeu estioInb se,l iever ide witthhoetu rta ininwgh eelAst.th atp ointth e thamti ndt oolthse mselvoeffse sro meo ft hem ost lessoonfss t acthea ngcan e bea ppliiened v erya spect has effecttievceh niqyueetds e visfeodrt hek indo f ofo nel'isfB eyth. a tt imteh,dise c overy beemna de: contemplaatnidos ne lf-explotrhaatti owni lls tabteec hangise p ossibSltea.tc eh angcea nl eatdo requirteod a nswetrh esqeu estionbse.h avior chanagrreee. s Wpeo nsfioobrul rbe e havior. Whethweer Ofc ourtshee rneo'r se aswohna tsoeverI fs hihta ppenistb,'e sc auwseem akei hta pp.e..n.. . meditateo ru se thatu sinmgi ndt oolhass t oi nvoltvhee am inmda chines,li ghbtieotsfi t n trospeMcatniypo eno.p le arien tereisnut seidnm gi ndt ooflosvr e ry wes thialiv teo straightfoarnwdas redl f-evisdtaetnet­ dec/ond oeu r chanpguer posteors e:d uscter etsors e;l ax; destinatitooln o.w ebrl oopdr essutroie n;c resaesxeu al pleasutroae l,l eviinastoem ntioia n;c rease memorya,n ds oo nA.n di tg oewsi thosuaty ithnagt COMITNHSGIP SR INGI MT canb eu sesdi mpfloyfr u n- puti to n,s witicth on, asnedwe h ahta ppens. Cyhoaunsrgt ea tteh:a t's ther easwoenu sed rugsw,a tctvh, h avsee xa,n ds o Thfeio rfss etor fi es onW.e doi atn ywawyh,y n odt oi mto rse afemloyr,e a quickalnydm oreh ealthfulMlTy? with BICYTaERA INWIHNEGEE FLFSE CT MEGABRAIN Somec ritiacnsds kepthiacvsre a istehdoe b jecttioo n MT that, iwthi'imslp eo rttaoln eta rnh owt oc hange statmesi,n mda chinaersse i mptloy"o e asya,n"dl ,i ke WORKSHOPS drugcsa,bn e comace r utkcehe,p iunsfg r olme arning howt oc hangsteea stb yo uro wn powerTsh.ea nswer ist haitnm ye xperitehnecsmeae c hinseese tmo h ave quitteh eo pposite -esftfiemcutl aatnidhn egl ping peoptloel earn. It'wsh atI 'vcea lltehdeb icyctlrea inwihnege ls featusroiutnnagdb lfelso,t a­ effeScotm.e c hildurseent rainwihnege ltsoh elp theml earnho wt or idthee ibri cycBluetos n.c teh ey titoann aknsi ,n credible havlee arnehdo wt or idteh,e qyu ickdliys cathred whee-lsw hon eedtsr ainwihnege lwsh eny ouc an EEG, arroafy souanndld i ght whizz aloonntw go wheels? Ina s imiwlaayrM, T helpmsa nyp eopgleeit n to mentsatla ttheesyc oulndo eta siolrwy o,u lndo otr di­ anodt hmeirnt de chnology narileyn,t ebry t hemselMvTe sg.e ttsh emt here quicklayn dr eliaTbhleyyl. earn whattha ts tafteee ls like.T helyearn thatth ecya nf,o erx amplgeof, r oam statoefn ormcaolns ciousonrue nscso mforsttaesrbsl,e Plus: AG ROUOPF intaod eeprleyl axtehde sttaa atned,d os oin am atter ofm inute-sa ndt henr eturnb ackt on ormal PHENOMEPNRAELS ENTAATNIDO NS consciousnaegsasiB ny.r epeategdloyi nthgr ough sucrha pisdt acthea ngweisth t hea ssistaonfMc Te , thelye athrna ts ucsht acthea ngaersne o otnl yp ossible FACIUTATORS bute asialcyc omplisBhye rde.p eateednltye ring heightesnteadtt ehsec,ya nl eawrnh athto sset atfeesel likea,n dl earnto as socitahteewim t hp hysisceanls a­ tions (sucahs f eelionfgl si ghtnoersh se aviness, CaolrWl r iftomero rien fo! tingliintn hgfie n gertioprsi )m age(ryvi sioonsfd eep blacknoersb se,i nfigl lweidth l ighHatvin)g. learned whatth oses tatfeesel li kaen,dh avinggo nther ough thterans itionb etweenno rmal stataesn dh eightened statneusm erotiumse wsi tthh aes sistaonfcMeT t,h ey 8 THEI NSIEDDEG EO NP EAPKE RFORMANCE PDF Version provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com

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