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PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com VolumeN umber 1 THEJ OURNALO F MIND TECHNOLOGY InT his Issue: Ed itoalr i ........................... ...................................................... ................................ ............ 2 Techno-ShamatnhDiees mmo:c ratiozafBt liiosns .................................................... ........ .3 The syPcho-techFnioePllrodegy s &e nFtu tubyrD er . JIulisans .a...cs.... ......................... ........ 8 SmartD rugasnd N utrieTnhteNs e:xtG enerabtyDi ro.sR no sPse ltanodnL eOev erho•.l••••s•.•e r1 4 TheP roblwiethm t hFeD Aa,c ommentbaySr cyo Ptrte s•t••.o.•••n.•• •.•••.•.•.••..•••••••••...•.•••••••••••.•• 22 PrdoucRte viwe:an "On-BoaCrudeG" e ner.a....t.....o.....r.... .......... ................................. 28 Flotatainodtnh eN atuorfCe h angbey D rW.al teJre ss•••e••..n.•• .•••...••.••.••.. •••••••••••••.•••.•••..••••• 30 Wh oleB odAyc uostFiice Gledn erabytT oerrPrsay t t...o....n... ............. ................ ............. .... 34 Lette....r....s..... ..... ................ ...................... ...................... .................... ...................... ...... 38 PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com REPORT EDIATLO RI Herew ea raega i!n HerweearaegaiSniln tchele a issts oufMe E GAB RAIRNE PORT, Let[trerto hmPeu blisher thmea gazihnaeus n dergsoonmec hangtehsam tay n obte i mme­ diatoeblvyi oiunis ts o veraaplple arabnuctwe i,lh la evp rofoundD eaRre ader, andb eneficeifafleo cntst hfer equeanncdry g ularwiittywh h ich Aso neo ft hien vesitnoM resg abrCaoimnm unicat1ih oanvse, MBRa ppears. assumtehdre e sponsibiolfCi EtOai nedps u blisher. Hitheasr tmoa,n ys ubscriabreaerw sa rMeB,R h asb eelna rgely Somei mmedigaoatlsef oMre gabrCaoimnm unications include: ao ne-moapne ratwiiotnmh,e n oto nlwyr itiasn ugb stapnatriatl • am ajocri rculeaxtpiaonns fiooMrnB Report oft hpeu blicabtuiatol nse,od itiitn,g oavnedr seaelitlnh gme y riad • developemnto fn ewta pes. videos. books detaoifll asy opurti,n gt,mi anilimnagi,n taingsi unbSCrilpitsitso,n • intdrucotino ora profesbsuilolnaelft oicniu n go n etcA.sw e'vdeic sovered,i th asb eetno om uch fomre t oa ccom­ clinaipcpalli cation pliwsiht ahn ys orotfr egulairfiwIta ynt,to c ontiwniutemh y o ther • ac omprehensdiirevceto ryofp rovidoefrp ss ycho­ writinpgr ojects. technolporgodyu ctsa nds erviceetsc,. Inth el asyte aarm,o nogt heprr ojeIch tsa,v ceo mpleatn eedw bookM,E GAB RAINP OWER,w hicwilhl b ep ublisihnee adr 1l9y 94, Ia min teers�eidnh earingy ouird eaPsl.e afseeef lr eteowri te. anda n ews erioesfp eapke rformaaundcieo tapMesE,G AB RAIN Untwiela dmdo rse taftofh andolurei ncreaspinhgon e activity, ZONES, whicahr neo wa vailaTbhlere es.u lhast beent hate,v en may nboeat b lteor eturnca lls as promypas tl Iw oulldi ke. whilIhe a dm anyo ft haer tifcoliress su5e6,sa nd7 alrewriatdtye n, Howeveri,y fo duo n eetod g et ohfous lqudi cklyp,l ease do call. inh anda,n dr eadtyop rintth,me a gazihnaedt ob ep uto nt hbea ck Nearallyml y l iIfh ea vbeee nk eenilnyert esteidnt hBeg iQ ues-I burnert,ot hdei smoafym anys ubscriFboeryr osu.pr a tienIc'em, Liocnosnc erniwnhgow ea re,a ndw hyw ea rhee rFeo. rth ep ast enormougsrlayt eFfouyrlo.ui rnconvenaisaer necseuo lftt h dee laysse veraylea rs, hIa veex plovraerido muodasl itiesf ocro nsciousness betwepeunb licamtyid Oense,p easpto logies. growtha ndh ealiPnrogfes.s ionalyl, 1h avoev e1r5 y ears 'e xperi­ HoweveMrE,G ABRAIRNE PORiTs n owo wned paunbdl isheedn cien ma rketr esearpcrho,d udcetevl ompenta ndm arketnig bya newc ompany, Megabrain CoImnmcuA.nm iocnagt imaonnasg,e menatn;dT m aintaanii nnt eresti nt hec onsultainr1dg thosjeo inmineig n t hinse we nterparriAesl ee Kxo chk(iwnh ose reseafirrmc whh ic1hc o-founASdKe*dM ,a rketainndResearg c h artipcrloep osaiM nign d-BoDdayt abaasen dI nformaSteirvoinc e Grop.u wasp ublisihneM dB R# 3)a,n dD enniCsa mpbealnle ,x peirnt conscioutsencehsnso laongdEy E G.A lewxh,o slee tttoer re aders AlexK ochhin appeaorns t hipsa gei,s u ndertakitnhger esponsifboirl ity pub1ishtihnemg a gazinfer,o mo verseetihnepg r intianngd P.TSo.o urs ubscrib-ears sp,e cthankia l you: mailitnomg a,k insgu rteh aeta cihs sguoee osu to ns cheduAlte . ,,:a;rWaeel vle ryg rtaefutlh aMtE GABRAINh ass trosnupgpo rters laswte,c ann ows tatwei trhe asoncaebrltea tihnatMtyB Rw ilble likyoeu I.n ap preciation for yeonudru ripnagti enwciet thh e publisrheegdu laFrolrty h!te i mbee intgh,am te antsh aittw ilble hiatinu spu blsihing thirse poratUc, u rresnutbsc riberswi ll aq uartewriltayhn , e wi sseuaec thh rmeoen ths. recea oinvee-i sesxutee nsitootn h esiurb scrip-tsioio yfno uh aev We havaen e xtraordvianrairoeyfta yr tilcilneuespd f ofru tures ubriscbedf oorn ey eary,o uw ilglea tfi ft�hue f reTeo.h e plc lean issuiensc,l udoiunrsg p ecisisauloe n t heex citbirnega kthrouguhpts hree cokreedp ing, with thnee xistsu e,y ouw ilgle ats tate­ inE EGb iofeednbeawcE kE,G r esearncehwE, E Gs ysteamnsd, mencto ncerninygo usrub scriptaicoocunn t. how EEGi sb einlgi nktedoo thebrr aimna chinseusc,h a s light/ssoyusntde Amlse.ax n dIw ilall sboee xplortihnpego ssi­ ' biliotfpy u blishasi mnagl lMeerg abrain pronfeewslseitolnearl, ,:,� ,, 'M eBgraiaRn e port® bringtihnelag t esitn formattoia oltnlh osteh erapainsdot tsh er ,T"h,Je ournoalMf i Tnedch ngy olo professiwohnoaa lruses inbgr aitne cihnt hepirra ctice. So here's# M5(B VRo 2lI,.s s1ue)I t. h inyko u'filnldi tti mealnyd wide-rangDirnJ.gu .l iIasana cbsri nguss u pt od atoen t hree cent Volu2meN, um berI developemnts int hefi eldD.r .W altJ essheans c ontribuat ed powerufla ndi nsighatrftuialcb loeufl to tatiaonndp ersocnhaaln ge. Publisher: Alex Kochkin Severaarlt icilnecsl,u dSicnogtP tr esteoxnp'osos feth eF DA,D r. RossP eltaonnd L eeO verholuspedra'otsne " SmaDrrtu gTsh:e EditoirnCh ieF.M ichaelH utchison SeconGde neratiaonndm, y"o wn pieceo n" Techno-Shamanism Producri& oDnesi gnWi:l liamB arren andt hDee mocratizoafBt liiosnas dr"de ssd irecotrtl oyu cphe riph­ eralulpyo nth ep roblpeoms ebdy t heF DA'fsi erocpep osittoi onM egaR�Pobnra i� is publisQfouerdtlm � a yearb y Megabraln CommPuleasen ications,lnc. cogniteinvhea ncinnugt rienctso,n scioustneecshsn olaongyd direct all �torialsucbimtiscsulloanst,l !ln Inqulrl�.n otci cesha anndgsu ebscrip­of addrtss ptreIelu vlrteighnneeatg nmti ad oavol leplt p etorrnostwea ehrmatd eiedia tdyevneioreg cus erir ren operue.rs pelrsyeei snevsta iagnCte oinnvdogeaftrs he es sOti,one n�r ye" eanrSe tuwa:Molsbscitp EG �I:tiA� :Bc.U .;RA ..m:.I '$ .S. 48/yR N.. eaPOr •R CaTn,a d.P ia.nMO ,saex.6fusaiB calQsniuXbscri' t :CA" o2 p9.t7io49 44nstj" . a.5re. S54/year, FDA,a ndt os uppotrhteH acth-Richardsboinl nlosw b eforeI nternational subscriplio$nsa6rt21yea �.$74airmaiL';', ' , Two year SubscripUti.o$snf,!, 4 1ytar., Cap;ad la&n Mexican subscriapreliS9 o21yllSea r, Congre(s5s. 7a8n4dH .R1.7 09I)n.a ddittiowo rni ticnaglt,lh :e ,International subscrijlt'ia$oreln oalYseac$,1 3ai2r mail. Capitsowli Lchbo2ar02d- 2i2s4 1-.3 12 Copyrigh tQ 1992-��;beg:iliraYin'CoMlcalmlomnsA\1Urigh ,tsn r1eserved. 0C.Conte n15 MichaHeult chis'omayn no tbe ,rerin� p.red,� O�T".,O�,th � ·.r.. « ..� :p,«:.tod)':s.:.·.·u:::C:ed;"� witho", ut premlss:lon . 2 ... 0. PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com REPORl TECHNSOH-MAANIASNMTD H DEE OMCRATTIIOOZFNBA uss The Laughing Buddha: byM ichaHeult chison WHO WANIS TOSIm --Excepltis oonmaaotrboi dcya waresnuecashss , (WHENT HERE'AsP ARtY GOING ON?) voluntaryo fbc loonpotrdre osolsr hu eraerr att e; Then euroscbireenthatrkiuogfihcso ft hlea st-- Nonordicnaorym municaatbiiolnsi utcasi hthes e, decahdaeve es tabbleisyhoedndod ut tb hgaitv tehne communioctfah toiuoagnnh dts msetanttesa;l preorpt yopsfet imu,lt ahoteri doinhnuamrya bnr ain-- Phenomevintoanlasai wlth yew,ne p erform hase xtraorodrei xncaerpytp ioownetarhlswa ,ht a t "superhfuemaatns"; wec a"lnlo rmaclo"n scioiusis nfn aeacss tso ortf --Extriaanoryrm dovemaebnitl siutcaihse s, sleep frwoem" awwhaikwcehhnew "ne e ntpeera k uncaantnhyl aegtiilci ty; orhe ighenteds tatAensda.,s t hnee uroscie--nItniefixcp laibcialtbioilt neifl eusee nvceaenat ts reeascrn hasm adcel ear,n otonhr edsieno arr y distasnucceah,ss pirhietaulailn g; "metanorpmoawlea"rr sne o mty sterbiuottuh se, -- Excpetniaoalb iltioat litpesea ria nnp dl easure, resuolfct l eaanrdq uanticfihaabnlgiene t sh e sucash d elitghphaettr sdeisstepts isi ckonre ss patteorfnn esu roloagcitcioavifltt yh eb rain.a dverSity; We'avlehl a d etxhpee rioefshn iftcieni gn tao --Extraorcdoignnaisrtuyic oahnsc sr,e ative heightoermn eetadn orsmtaat-le c ailtlluc idityi,n �shtsim,y sticaelx perietnhcweeo sr,okafsn d insimgahstt,wise dryo,m e,n lightgernambceleni,ts ,s ,g meusa;nd satcorrie,a tlieviatrnywi,an kgi,un pg-s ata tiewn hi ch --Lovteh tarta nspceernsdswo annaatsln nde eds wek nobwe yodnodut bhtoa utor r disntaaisrtayde e ep anmda nifae sftusn daumneiwintttayhol t hers. sleceopm pedat rot hriicsah w akeAnniwdn egk .n ow totoh,isis h oww es houblead Ut htei mAef.ta elsrll ,e epAl lo ufse xheaicbohitf th esaet tributesIn virtually evel)' is afi naen rde ssttaftubelu, wt h oa monugsw oulidan n o rdiwnaayBry.u w tec aalson mani­aspect of our lives, chootsose p eonuder n tliirveie nes v etnh meo stf ethseset a ttriibanun te esx traordoirn ary humans are capable comforbtaebdMl?oe s tu swo ofu llidtk obe e i nth ism etanormawla yI.nt h rei gphltaa cthtee , of perlonnlng exce� higeha-rhg,i gh-efsfitactaieseo nfctayesp n o ssirbilgetih.mt e( wheyonu crh iisl tdra pped Infc at,i hta bse cocmleet ahrha utm aanrsge nee t­undaec ra r, when eyxotur'ermteloe na ullyn -dIn ea pera k icaplrloyg ratmseome eokdu tth easlet earwaekndeed, pesrsurweh,e yno suu ddfeanilllnly o ve, state. staItbe elsi.ea vnrede, c eevnitd seunpcpemo ynb se liwehfe,yn o uta kea certpsyacihne delic thaatk etyoh umane voluttooi uosrnp ,e criaepsis'du bstanacnesod )o n. growitnbh r asiiznae n,td oo u urn iqcureea tciavcp­ea Wea lperlc eeixvtee rnal evexamenptsl,te to,fa othkree itihase bse,eo nui rn stidnrcittvoeiex v pee riteehnesc efirs ta ttribounMt uerp hyslis' t- wepe rcethievd eobel olr metanormaolre xceptrieoanloamfcls o nsciousrinnginegs,ws epe rcethievv oei ocafe frietalkinngd tuso. But anpde rformaFnrcoekim.ds who sthpeimsne livnetswo e 'alvlhae d th eexperi enceo pefr ceievxintgee rnalv ents dizzy altsetarteaesdn edu pohricarloldlyol wn h illst,o in an entirely dillerewanyt- wi thas uddcelneansin go f perforsmuerrgser,ocok nc sl,i mbcehrepssl,sa yoerr "st dhoeo orsfpe rceptasei eoinon,f"g" o rdinary" reality creaatritviswetsh ofi ndt hatth meo svitt aaln dw itehx traordinary nesewnse ofc laritsyi,g niafincandc e rewarpdainrogtstf h eliirov cecswu hre ni llumination. "The transcendental they'iranes taotf"e n owh,umans " natu­Wea lhla vmeo vemaebnitl biutmatin eyos uf,s h ave ralclrya tvheee xp erieonfbc eei negx perietnicme-eodslf e inns po-rwthse wne a re Impulse Is the most awake. suddepnllayyi" nigtn h zeo new,h"et nh bea seball vital and powerful Pschyirisatt StaniGsrloaMfv.,D .,s peedniga yto sue esom bsi agn sdl oywo cua cno unt force In human whoh ass pehnistc arseteurd tyhient geh s tchietsa nsde weh iwcahyt hesyp'irnen wihnegn, beIngs. .. It rese� effeocftsn onordisntaatryeo sf yoeufo frtldersitsvhlgeeyol f ba1501y arfdasr tthhaenr bles sexuality, but Is consciooubssneetrvshesas,t t r"atnhy­eoe uv hearvb ee fwohreeyn,o suu ddeexnelcywu itteh much more funda- scendiemnptuaisllt s hmeeo svitt aanl de asape e rfeacntsd e emingly biamcpkhoasnsdi.b le poweruflf oricnhe u man bTehiisn gsI.nvi" r tueavlelarysy p oefco tul ri vheusm,a anrse mental and humani mputlsoec onnwietchtt hec apaobfpl eer fOerxmcienpgt -iionanp aelaslktay t e. compelling. " spirdiotmuaaGilrn ohas,f f ounissd o, Theisr neo ws troenvigd entcheat th eesxep eri­ poewrfult ha"tI rte sembilnies ts, e ncaersee s senWtiitahloo.uum rlo menotsfb eing natusrxeuela,i btuyit,ms u cmho rfeu ndamaenndta awla kient ,hz eo nweeb, e cosmiecAs kS.t anislav Grof compe.l.l.i ng observ"ehsu,mb aeni nhgasva ep rofonuenefddo r MichMauerplh fyo,u nodfEe sra Ilnesnt iatnudtt rea,n speexrpseorniaaenlfnd oc re sis nwt haittcehhse y authofoT rhF eu tuorfte hB eo daym ,as sicvoem pitlraa­nsthceeiinrnd d ividuatlfo e itedhleep niltrai ctei es tioofenx almeposfe xcepthiuomnapanel r formainancl ea,rw gheortl heisa t ti meTlhesispss i.r cirtauvianlg has clafisesdei xceptoirpo enapakel r formiannatc oes eetmsbo e m orbea sainccdo mpetlhlatinhns ege xual dozen driefaflaemsmr,oe nngt awrhei:c h driv,ea nidif it ns o sta tiisctfia ernde siunsl etr ious --Extraorpdeirqacrye potifto hinsno gust sidep sychodliosgtiucra"bl a nces. oursesluvcaehsts r,a nscbeenadiuentony rt d i­ nary things; 3 ..... PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com AIRNE PORT THLAEU GHIBUNDDGH CAO INTNDU E INS Wot OFT OOLFSOR W AKIUNGp fotrh meo spta rvitr,t utahloeln ylm yo nkwsh oc agnet A c ntrarlu ntnhtirhnergao dhu guhma nh istoriyn ttohd ee epsestatto efZ emne ditaqtuiiocankn ladyt habse enq utehfseoet rf feacntrdie vlei taebclhen iqwiulealsr teh owsheo h avmee ditaftoeordv e2r0y ears. foern teritnhgea swea kesntaetd-e "ss rptiiuatle ch­ So throughhouumatnhi stothrye,a wakeneds ta-te nologiHeumsa.n"sh avdee votaende normoulsu dtcliyi,l luminationse,re nimastytecse,tasyry ,, grace­ amonuto fi ngenauniedtf yf toofir ntd ignagt ewtaoy shas been( omarn y a tantalizingg oal thriesa olfml ucAinddii tnt yh.ec iorm pulpsuirvisetu Sometiimtee mse rgoeust, n oofw hesrpeo,n ta­ oft hetsrea nscenedxepnetraileh nucmeasnsh, a ve neousalnydf, oa rf emwo menwtse a rteh ee.Ar nd awlayuss etdh meo satd vantceecdho ngoaylv ailabtleheni ,ist g onaeg aAsi nd.e spitwee atlohtfeh spiri­ tot hefmr,o tmh eea rlticehesnto loogfcy r eaatnidn gt uatle chlongoiaevsa illema,ob sotfu sh avdei scov­ manuilaptign firea ndl igthott ,eh techgyn oolfo ereidt,n' ose asy thitnoge netrt hepseea pke orrf­ drumsa ndch ants,o nward thhurmaonuhg istho .r ymancdeo maiantwis l l. Techngoyal,tfo earl clo,m efsr otmh Ger eewkods r techannoldso gmoesa, ngi,in ne ssenc,ae no rganized TECHNO-SHAANMATDNO IOSFLMOST R R ANSCENDENCE wayo fu sirnegsa o,no rt hsey stematic oafp plication ab odoyf k nowleUdsgient.ge chnotlehongyhas,, Altlh ahtac sh angfeodr eavsae r re souflr te cent mucht od owi th whamte asin tto b eh uman. breakthirnnoe uugrhoss cainteden nccoheol gyF.i rst, Oneo fth em ost anscpiierintuttae lc hnoliso gisesc ienhtaisvbtees g utnod iscovwerh ahta ppiennos u r shamanTishmi.ps ra gmatisysct emo f brawihne wne e nttehro nsoeon rdinsatartyea sn,d Mind machines can mind-bodyt echniisq,inu these es tima­ thehayv ef outnhdta hte burnadriegno aesn umbeorf be seen as OUfown tioon fa nthropologist Michaaetl cHlaeamanerqdr u ,a nticfihaabnlgieen uscd,li cnhga nignes technological leastOO3O0to , 50,0y00ears ol-dprobablyb rainwaacvteia vintdpy a tteornfbs r aaicnt ivation. faro ld-earn sdu reemleyr oguesot ft ech- Whatm'osr iet,n' oswc letahria dtto senr'etq uire culture's spiritual niqudeesv elopethde coovuerros fe yeaorfst raionrim nygs termieoduist aptoiwveer s tools: techno- humaenv oluOtuiotof shamanisnm . and top roducteh eusneqi ue tptaeorfnb sar ianc tivity shamanism. paralleliinhtga veem egreadvas tn umber assotceiwdai tphe abkr asitna tIenfsc a.tt ,h sec ien­ ofo thesrp iritutaelc hnoliongcilesu,d itnigsh tsa vfeuo ndt hatth esen gcechsaa bne a citvely them ind-boedxye rcoisesfy ogaan,ad ri chv arieotfy andq uiyc iknlducuesdi negx ternmaelc hiacnal esotescrihco olmsy,s tecryu latsn dt echgnioclaols timulaotrdi eovnissc uecsah s fl ickelriignhgt s, rituailnsc,l uding gnosticism, Sumfisimn,ue tleKabate lrclisicmc,uar rle ,nfl totaitotna nsk,p recise trantricistma,o isma,l chemy meadnidt aItino nc.o mbinatoifop nulss atisnogu nwda veso,r explothrineseg spirittuealc hnolhumanso giesh,ae v rhymtihpch ysimcoavelm ent. poundoenddru ms, dancedc,ha ntefdast,ed ,tri ed Ouotft hedsisec ovehraiveeems eg readv arieotfy difefrewnatyo sbf r eathinsgt,oo odn th eihrea dss,pe nt high-gtizemcohts h ahtu ndroefdst housaonfds yearsi nd arcakv esp,ra yemdu,t temargeidpc hrases, peopalrneeo wu sirneggu latroel xypri eenaclet e,r ed eatwiledn h erabnspd la ntsgaz,e di nfitroes devised. odd enjoyaanbidl nme a ncya saewsa keonretransc d en­ sexual practiccoesn.t empsymlboaltse,d crsetiart­edde nstt atIenos t.hw eorr dssc,i ehasn cneo wr evealed ringr ituAanlsd.th ein genuaintdy epffaoirt0d [ . thamti nmda chicnaebnse s eeanso uorwn techno­ Humans haved evisae vda rieotfty e chnolfoogri loesg iccaulle t'sus rpirittuoaoltle sc:h no-shamanism. entepreaikns gt atthesar tea ldloyw orOkn.e e xample Iti'msp orttaonn ottt eh aat v arieotfys tudies is thev asatrra yo f meditaptraicvtieci esn,c luding tyepmese rgoivnegrr e ceynetah rasss u ggesttheadtt h e ofc hantindga,n cibnrge,a thisnigt,t sitilnlmg,o ving,m echanyii cnadluplceeadsk t asteeestm ob eas "re"a l maintainincgo ntroovlet rh mein d. They wao rikn. tBphusetyi crh obioelfofgeictcthaspel e asas kta tse prolebmi ths afto mro spte opthleey ownolriykm per­attaitnherdo uriggho romuesd ittaivper actice. fectly. unpredlyi.cI tatb'isn teresttinogn otfeo,r Becauosfce o,u rbseei,na gb lteop rocdeu pthhey ­s exam plteh,sa ttu dioesft hbera inwaovfmaney s peopel icbarla piant toefmrns e ditotinai ns omeoinisetn er­ whoc laimt ob e" experieonr"c leodtn"eg rm m"e dita­estibnugat,s w ea lkln owt,h eraeb 'isdifg f erence toharsv e reveaals eudbs ttahnnatiautlm boefrth ese betweseonm eownheo m'eshc anicparloldyu tchineg indiviadrauaecl tusa olnllinyy s ata toefl igahltp- haa patternos fa dancset eapn.d a ctudaaln cing. relaxingp,as isvseta tbeu.tq uitee redfrnifotfm th e Burtpe eeadtt esthasi nmga diet ctlhteaf,ao rtr h e distinbcrtaiivnepw aatvteoe ftrurns e ,d eempe ditativseu bjebecingts st uilma,t edtmheicsah nailsc timula­ states. tioonft hber acionu plrdo duscueb jecetxipveeri ­ Andp erphsat hmeo sfruts tratianngdd iscouern­ctehssa ete mqeudla aittiyvi edlenttiooc ria nld is­ agiansgp efcotmr a nayb outth vea risopuisri tutailn guishatbhlheee itfgerhdnos emta taetsat inbeyd techongoiliesst hatth eoyf treenq ueinroerm oust radittieocnhanli qFuoeres x.a mpil'ets,n ow amonutso fp ract-ihcaer,r d igordoiussc i-plianpep artehtnap te opwlheou sseu cbhr ain-ttooelcsh beofret herye alwloyr kp owerfaunldrl eyl iabalsyl .i gahntds onud( lS)d eviceflso,t attainokns , StudoifZe esmn o nksf.o erx amphlaevs.eh owthna t craneiallc etrostimu(lCaEtSoa)rc.so usfiteilcd 4 A. •• PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com AIRME POR1 syst(eom"rss oubnedd sa"n)md o rcea,un n dergoT hed evelnotpa mnede xpilvoeg rowotfh profobuennde fipceiraslo ntarlaintsyf ormatpirionntsfi,one grx, a mpmlaedi,ept o sstiopb alsaesl g o n experliiefnec-ea slptieriritinunsagila g nhmdtso ,r e.t oa ni nfinniutmeb oefpr o tenrteiaadelesse rnst ial informaabtoisupotrint ia ult echnolhoaghtia eds t previohuastdlob y el ab orioyhu asnlddeodw fnr om POWTEOTHR E P EOPLE teacthoep ru piflr,og mne eratitoogn e neration. Perhatphsem ositn trigaunidn gi mportaYnettt h ehra vael waby e nt hoisnae u tho-rity confltihcrto ughhuomuathn i sthoarybs e etnh e frotmhh ieraorftc hmheey d via Cla thCohluircc h, continsturggiulenb ge twtehefeno rocfae ust horittoyd ictartuolrglis an rpgoep ulatoif"po enaassn "ts- antdh oisdni viuadlsse ekfirnege tdfooo ml tlhoewi rwh oh avfee atrehes dp roefaldi teanrdaa ctyt,e mpted ownex prltaoory impuelsT .h ef orocfae ust horittoky e,e bpo okosu to ft hhea ndosft hmea sses. awatrahett hepiorw eorv eort herresso tsnm ain­ taintihnsegt aqtuuosh, a vteh rougthhoaeug te s attemtport eesdts roicccihtaa lnb gyce o ntroolrl inHgI GPHR IOEfSS CTISANE DNT CHNEEUC L£AR MVSnRV suppretshflseoi wno gfi nformaTthiseoe ne.ko efr s Thdee veloopmfmo ednetsm c iewnactseao l arge soccihaaln agneid n divfirdeueadolon tm h,oe t herd egerea na ttetmorp etv teoha ulm aunn derstanding hanhda,v ael waaytst emtpost perde naedwi nfor-­tahti st ot huen derstoafan ndyionwnhgeo w as matioasn w idealspy o ssCiobmlpea.fr oeerx, a mplien,t erneosjttu etsdoat, n i nnceirr ocfl e thjee algouuasr odifinnfgo rmbyaa tnicoirunel netr st,h oispneo w-etrh ceo hermeynstt,i cal emperaonrds chauurtchhowi ritthti heceso mmando rdoerro rganizpirnign coiftp hlee "Academic ofjetsohu idssi sctiop" lgoeous it n tthowe o ralndd univeHroswee.ve evrei,nnsc ientchee psychoalnodgy spretahGdeo speIlnt. ha"er eoafs pirwiistduoaml conflbiecttw teheonws heod estior ep sychidaimtsirys s ands piritteucahln oltohgihisae sms e,a ntth atm aintaauitnh oarndpi otwyte hrr ough spiritausa lai ty throughhiosutttoh royis nepo istsioo fns piritsueaclr aencdty h,o wsheos eetkh free e prodoufcs tu perstI­ authotrhiotisynce, o ntorftoe hls pirtietcuhanlolfloo­wo fi nformahast icoonn,t inued. gieasn,dw hos eetko m aintpaoiwne hra,v eS ciehnacasel wahyasdi ts" mystertyi opnr,i mitive attemtpokt eeedtp hs ep irtietcuhanlo sleocgrieestsc. h ooolsft" h owsheo h avteri etdo magictahlii nnkg, Thutsh ehya vpee rpettuhtaert aeddoi tfsip oinr itkueaeilpm portant sicnifeonrtmiafitcia onndo u tright "mystekrineoswno, n"l yas mtaocl ilro cfil nei tiasteecsro,eu ottf,th eh anodsf t howsheo pathol"o gy. passeddo wnt os eleicntdeidv iwdhuowa iplleslrp te­ miguhstie tt o u pstehtpe o westrru c­ Condemnmiinngd uatthete ra diatnimdoa ni tanitnh see creacntydh -e turCeo.ns idfeoerrx, a mpthleee x,t rao­ autho-roitfth syep irtietcuhanlo logies.d inasrye cumrietays utarkeebsny t he machibneceasu se Ont hoet her thhsaeen edk,oe fchars n gew,a nting U.sg.o vernmteokn etet phs ee carnedtt hedyon oatu tomat- tos preiandf ormaatswii doenl asy p ossihabvlee ,m aintatihne" m yster"y ofm akingI camlalkyye o au alwasyosu gthott e aarw atyh vee oifl nuclweeaarp ofnrsot,mh M ea nhattabentt erp ersoInsl ike Onec entIrmaplu lssee crthaetcy has hiddtehnse p irituParlo juenctttih pler esOennt tho.et her condemning mysteTrihesu.os n,e c entirmaplu lseha ndt,h see ekecrhsa ntoghfese ,c ien­ throughhoiustt oryt rohughotuh istohasry be ent ofin dw aystis ts whobe lieivnte h fer efleo wo f airplbaenceasu se habese nt ofin d osyfs tematziinga nsdi mpnlgsi ipfyiriutal informatthiiaotstnh ,de e mocrattihzedeyor 'nsat,u tomati­ waytso p rovide tecnholotgoima esk eth emm oreeas ilyh avfeom ra nyye abresl itehvatethd e c altluymy ouI ntao accestsot hceo reta ug,ha tntdop O rvidaec cteothss e c roe bewsatty ko e enpu clweeaarp fornosm saint. mysticeaxlpe rienmcyes teixcpaelr tioae smn acnepy e opasl eb eiunsgea dts o oolsf cobynv tarrioolus possAsi balnee xa.m plfoerm: i llennpioaw,ec rl iqourae ust horpiotawreira n toa sm anpeyo plaes thmey steorifhes o wt oa ttasitant oefs structuisr teoss p,r etaeh·din formatitoona ll. possible. spirietcusataswlyas k epste cprasesetd, Howevdeesrp,ii tetss tategdo oaufln derstaannddi ng down inm onasterainesd m ysteryr evealitnoalg l t hesese ntialm ysttheerc yo,h eorrdeenrt schoforlsom ma stteopru pil. oft huen ivemrseod,e ma cademiacn dm aterialist Buthte nas ,Dr H. erbeBerntso no bservesi TInl e Relax­ scienwicthe i,t emsp hasiosn a limi ted definiotifo n atioRespno nsbeyth, et welcfethn t..u.iwasry t realized realhasi tyg,e nedrneaiedll ayn rde espserdth etransc en­ tha tthis ecstasyc oubel idn duicthne eod rdinmana ryi n dentimaplu lseAs. Gronfo t"esW,i thinth ep resent ar elastihvoertl ybti yrm heythmi c exercinisesv,o lvicnegn taucadrye,m piscy chaonlpsydoc ghyia trydis missed postucroen,tro obflr eathc,o ordinated movaenmde spniritst,ual ias tyap rodousufcpe trs titiopnri,m imtiavgieca l orarle petitions. thinking ,an do utripagthhto lBougytht.esp " iri tual drive Inm anwya ytsh e wersatteironmn aatleisrita,l isiso spotw erfuthla otr thodoscixe cen has beenu nabtloe scienttriafidcoi tfti hloean fis vthe u ndyreeadcrs a n supespsir LIn to wse emsc leathart this transcendental bes eaesna n a ttetmosp yts temaanmtdaiz keae c cesim­pulsiser ooilnoe udgr e naesnins, tin ctiavneesd se n­ sibtloae 1 1t-hisa,tt od emocr-atthizemesy es tictiala clo mpoonfe notu rna htuurmaen. experiPeonwcteeorts h.pe e ople. 5 .A. •• PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com N REPORT AREY ouA B UDDHA CHEAnR? AbrahMaams lopwo intoeudt tvhiartt uaallll y humanrse pohratv inag p rofound osfe nsTeh poses iilibtyo fte chongoilcainldluyced peakperf or­ "unitciovnes ciouastns eosmsep" o initnt heirrnan ce statises b reathtakin gi ni tsim plicati.Bo unsitt 's livEevse.in n t himso sste cualnadmr a terialiesssenttiali ct om phasize twhhailtie t cl'ears tha tt hmined eraar ,e cesnutr voefAy m ericfaonusnt dh ante arlyma chinesa lluseorsw toexperi ence these heightened 90p ercento ft hedme scrtihbeemdse lasv sest ronglsyta ltheyes, d onguaran'tete it "erligi"oo ru" sspiritual." A receanrtt iacbloeum ti ndm achinienYs o ga Morea stonishisi tnhgse u bstanntuimableo rf Joumcoanld emtnheedm c,l aimtihna"gtP lugging Americwahnosr epohratv ing cwahnoa ntl by yoursienltafo m achiinsne o ta uto- Evoluthiasogi nv en callmeyds tiexcpaerilen ce.sA 198s9u rvefyo und maticgaolilntygom akyeo ua d eeper thaftu lalt yh iorftd h me answearr eeds ounydeisn go r fipneerrs oTnh.e" writael ro,nt gi me usa c hemical tot hset atem"eYnoftue alstt huoghy ouw erveery meditatsoarih,de f eartehdat tou se rewasrdy stfoerm clotsoae r owersfpuilr iftourthacalets eemteold ti f thewmo ulmde atnh ahteh atdo " write behavitohrsa t youo u0t yousre lAf.n"d a f ul1l2p erccelnati meodf f th2e0 y leaasrotsf[ meditatievneh)a nocuseru rvival: thatth ehya de xperientcheitsdr anscefnedeelnitnp gr actaisac wea stoeft imeI.n"h is thIisn cluedating,e s "oftoeron n"n umerooucsc asions. opinitohne,dy i dn ota utomatically produacs et attheaw ta si denttioc asle axn hda ving new meditatiaonnd, t herefwoerree Ideas. NEUROASS CASI PERNCITUEAL QuEST attempttso " chetahte B uddha." SayAsrn olSdc heipbreolf,e osfsm oerd icaitn e Isfu cchr annkoyn sewnseer neo sto d angeriotu s UCLA,s peakoifnh gi msealnfdh iwisf eM,a rian woulbed h umoroCuosn.d emnmiinngmd a chines Diamonnedu,r oanaattUo CmB iesrtk e"lWeeyl ,ik eb ecatuhseedy on oatu tomatmiackayelo luayb etter tot hintkh asto mehotwh eb raiinna sensewil l persisoL ni ckoen demnaiinrgp lbaenceasfiu yisneig n becotmhere e liogfit ohfunet u.r..e I "nm anwya yist ondeo enso atu tomattiucmya oliul nyta so a iLnitk.e makemso sste ntsose e e theR eBvroaliuantsa is opni r­airpalne,sm inmda chianresesi mptloyo mlosd:e m ituqaule sast u:d dbelno ssoomfsi cnige ndtriivsetsn tehcnoglyoa ppltioee xdp andhiunmgap no wearnsd bya c ompultsoiu onnd ersttahnmedy steoryft he capabiHluimtainshes a.v ael wawyasn tteogd e ftr om univebryus ned erstantdhwieon rgk ionftg hs"e l asto nep latcoea nothTehret. e chnoolfmo ogvye ment fTonttihemero ,s"ct o mplseyxs tientm h uen ivershase .e volvferdow ma lking trihdrionaugng ihma ls, Spiritsueaelk uesrsi naglt lh esiorp histitceacthe­dr idinignc arstsh,i sptse,a msthriapaisnn,sds o o nS.o nolotgouy n covwehrah ta ppeinsnt hism ysterioutso dayt,h earreae l ootfw aytsog eftr oNme wY ortko humabnr awihne inti sg ointhgr ougthhe i neffablLeo Asn gelYeosuc. a wna lrki,da he o rsbei,c ydcrilvee, experikennocwasen i lluminoartt riaonns cendeanca cree,.t cI.fy o uw alyko,u d'elfiln istpeelnmyda ny As neurosciheanvlteearnis etsd i nr eceyneta trhse,s ew eekmse,ea tl ootfp eopalleo tnhgwe a ya nhda vae experieonfca ewsa kenairnlegi nkteocd e rtacilne arw holbeu ncohfi nteresatnidln igf e-aelxtpeerriin­g physiolcohgiacnaglies nt heb rain,inaclltuedirne­gn ceOsry. o uc aflny B.u wth ethyeorwu alfko thrr ee atioinnths ec hemisotrfty h ber aainnd, montohrsfl yf osri hxo uryso,ur eache xtahsceat m e Thseh inwianyg aI sc hangients h eel ectriacaclti voiftt yhe placLeo:sA ngelYeosu.w ildle finitaerrilvyea patthh acta nb e brain. differpeenrstoi nyf o uwa ltkh aifny oufi y, ybouut' re hikedas J wuesllot n Ihast beenes tablisbehyeodn ddo ubt staitthl els ampel aWhcaet.y oud ot heisru ept oy ou: thatm ind machcianpnesr ,od utcheve e ry youc asne eGko dg,o s urfigneght,i gohrb, u yag un a7 47a so nt he samed ramatica lterainti bornsac ihne m­andg os houopta f ast-foouotdlM eitn.td e chnology, Intershtiagthew ays istry anind pattoefrnsb rainwaacvtievi tyl iakier -placnaegnse y,to up laces qvueiryc kalnyd, ofA merica. that arfeo unidni ndividsupoalsn ta­ veryr elyij.a ubslt bemcaanuoysf ue sc hootsofie y neousluyn dergOitransceng ndent,d oesmne'atwn e d onc'hto otsowe a lsokm etimoers , metanormalo rtra nspersonale xperiencIestm. a kes condetmhno wsheo c hootsowe a laklt lh tiem ej.u st senset oas sumetha tb yr eproindgtu hcsaem epa tterns beca]ug seenercahlolotyso fle yb etweeLnoA sn geles orfl uctuatioinns brain chemistry ande lectrithcei ttyoN, e wY ordko esmne'atnas , t hYeo gajouwmrailt er mintodo lsc aanc tuianldluthycese e e xtraordinaryexpew­oulsdu ggestth,a" tIh avteow riotffe2 0y earosf riences. walkiansag w asotfet imeI.nt" h ree alomfh uman Theisr aew ealtho fe videinntc hefe,o rmo fsc ientific spriituaglro wth, nothiinsge vewra steAdn.d researchc,li niecavild enacnerd e pobrytts h ousanodfs choosnigfl yingi nstoefwa adl kiinnn gow ay" cheats individtuhaatthl esm ,i ntdo onlosot n lcayn b udto thBeud dha".As thBeu ddshaai d, "Evaerryitsheisn g produscpei riteuxaple rifeonmarcn esy o fth eiurs ers.a ndp assaewsya. .. Wheyno us eet hiyso,u a re above sTohrsiri otswh s.eh inwianygI. b" e litehvee shinwianyg ai sp atthhac ta bne hikeadsw ejluls t ona 7 4a7s o nt hIen terHsitgahtweao fyA sm erica. 6 ..... PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com THLAEU HGINGB UDDHnlAE:E VOONW nOHARVYAW EOS F SEX,F UNI,N FORMAAnNMODIN N MDA CHINES seaxn dh avinnegwi deaWsi.s do(mi llumination, wakiunpg)a ndm inmda chianrebeso tahl sfou. n Succhr itiacsit shmoossft e h Yeo gajouwronualld Botcha nm akues b havienu npredicwtaabylse. bec omiclailks,eo moel cdo dgienr1 92y0e llaitn gT heB uddwhaaas La ughiBnugd dhwah,ota ughtth at peopwlhei zzbiyin ngc artso" geaht o rsEex!c"e ipnt wisdoemm erguendp dri ctably. thicsas e, such cialgnen aodrt ahtnsecou e p pression ofi mporttaencth nolaongdty h,es uppresosfi on WHYA UTHORISTYASTRHEIAMATWSNEH ATEVERN'ESW informtahtaictoaln ne atdoc rucial social change and evolutiownr.i toTefthrheae r tiacfltfuees,rtc laimingAs Ip ointoeudta tt hbe eginnoifthisn ga rticle, minmda chicnaensb' eot f a nvya lbueec autshee y'rteh roughhisotuotary u thoritasriayns teomsrpo wer toeoa sayn tdo mou cfhu (n" Trmueed ita.t.ii.so nn' ts tructuharveebs y n ecessaittyt empttore eds ttrihcet blissoiuintng a c hailsoen gbuuebt,a rl ys urviving frefleo wo fi nformatWihoyn?Be. c ausien formation, inah ousoen firteh"ep)na, r adoxicatlhleyy 'crloearni omsv eblytc yr,e autnipnrge dictthabrielatithtyee,ni sr tood angertoobu esm adea vailtaotb hlgeee neraslt abtiyal niadu thority. publ(tihecy e's rop owertfhueley x popseeo ptloe Authoriarinst ysatedmesp eonndp eopalcet iinng dangertohuisnh iddwietnh itnh esiurb coonuss,c) i predicwtaaybFslo.ser i mirlaeras osnsu cpho wesrtruc­ gs ands uggesttsh atth FeD Am ays oomno vteo r egu­turaesl ssou pprfuenssA. n dse xt:h roughhisotuotary U latoerc ontarcocle tsoms i ndt echnolSougcayh . authoritariasnys tems, rferloimg tioao rmnises h,a ve movweo ulidne, s senmcaek,me i nmda chianveasi la­ttempttoce odn troanld s upprheussm ans exual abloenly b yp rescrioprit liloenag,na hdl a,va ed isase­nergiinoe nswe a yo ra nother. troeufsefc to nt hse eriosucsi enrteisfieca irnctho Therneo'd so ubtth amti ntde chnoclaonbgy e a braitne chnoltohgayit s n ow underwaayn d powersfouulr ocfne e wi nformaitnti howeno rld. advancaitan nga ccelerpaatcieTn.hg eF DAh as Andw himlien mda chinaests hY,eo gajouwrnrailt er alreasdhyo wints wi llginenssa nde agernteos so bservemda,yn ota utomatmiackaely loyui ntao suppres"dsan gerosu"p erfonncaenb-oostign tech­finepre rswohna,tt h hee -lnleitdhoeerss e xB.uI t' m nolgyo int hfeo romf c ogniteinhoann c"isnmga rtn otg ointgog ivietu po nt haatc couSnitm.p blyy drugdse,s"p ainte en ormoubso doyf e videtnhcaet pluggiunsig -n t oo usre lvanedts o o the-trhse cya n sucshm adrrtu agrsbe o tsha faen edff ectIiitvns eo .w proviudswe i tahni nfinaimtoeu notfi nformation. attemptthisena gm seo rotfs uppresosfvi iotna minSso unldiskf eut no m e.So o bvioumsilnmyda, chines anndu trie(nste"seT. h Per oblwietmht hFeD Ae"l se­(lifkuean n sde xc)o nstiatt hurteteaos t o mienp osi­ wherient hiisssu eT)h.o swehos coafttfh peo ssibiltiitooynf ps o wer,wh ow oulldi kpee optlobe e haivne oft heFD Am akinmgi nmda chinielsl esghaolu ldp redcitbalew ayasn,wd h ow ouldl iekt om ainttahien remembtehrfe a toefW ilheRlemi ch,s tatquusoT .h eayl saora et hretaoit n diviwdhuoa ls Authorifarlan psychedderulgisca ndo thesru ch havien vestmeudc ho ft hemselavnedts h eliirv iens sytsemsd epenodn dangetrost heA mericpaeno ple. folloawuitnhgo ridtaorcitarnid noegsmo,ar peopleac tinIgn Ib elitehvaett h fleo wo fi nfor- ideologSiuecshas. fudnamentali.s­ts predictable matiosnh oulbde u nimpeded. ChristMiuasnl,iM ma,r xiSsutc.ah s t hose ways lnfonnatloInn,f onnabtyio onne,s cientific whom ustf ollao wP olitiCcoarlrleyc t ... definitiisio nnv,e rrseellaytt oe d agentdhaaa tu tomatciocnadlelmytn hse orn oveblyty , predictia.baein.ly ithtiytn:hg a t's unexpectthueend p,r edictthanebo lvee,l creating 100p ercpernetd icctoanbtalien s andt heu nprecedesnitnecbdyet, h eir unpredictabinloiity n,f ormatAinoont.h weary of veryn atutrheec ya nnot comet hbee aring threattheenisr s ayi thiisst haitn formaist ion stamopfP olitCiocrarle ctAnnedss usca.hs ng relattoen do velatnydu npre­ "enlighNteewnA egde" foltkhswe ri ltiekre stabilitayn d dictability. atY ogajouwrnhaol'a vpep aresnptel2ny0t aut"yo.rl t And informamtaikoens yearosf m editaptriavcet liecaern ing peoplbee havien u npre­ onlwyha tt hehya vbee etna ugthot dictawbalyesI .n formaitsai lsoofn u -n learn, fteoea xrpienrige finrcsheta nd neurosciheanvtdeio sctusm enhtoewd thleua ghinBgu ddhuan'psr edictable thel earncienngt aenrdst hpel easure shinpianthg. centoefrt sh ber aianrv ei rtuoanlel y antdh sea me: haan veiwin dgec aa uses ar usohfe uphoria-prnoeduurcoi­ng chemicaslusc,ha sd opamianned endorphEivnosl.u thiaosgn i ven usa c hemirceawla sryds tfeomr behavitohraset n hanocuer survitvhailis:n cluedaetsi ng, 7 ..... PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com INRP EORT Psychote-chnoogly:Is tP ersnet Furteu & byJ ualnIi sa,Pa hcD..s Oneo ft he ymp aontsiifvaeet eusor fM egabraian" magitceachln loogy"w hichho ws gprreoamt,is e Repoirtsth iaettn coaugreu st ot hignlko baabluolty buitnw hicthhte chnloogayn ad pplicaartei ofnasr pscyhoteocghyan soa lg ronwigc ienfiteilfidc aonudtts rippig nthfenu damenrteasle atrhcawhto uld technoHlero.egy1 w. a ntto asfcreotnmhd se pe cicfi odriarniyll eatdot hdee vleopmoeftn httee hc nology. tot hgee netroac los.ni doeurfir e ld tfhrleoon mge r I'tasm agitceaclh ongyob lecaewu esd ony'etrte l aly persciptv aen dfr om ptoihnoetf viieswtd eovlfe­ knohwo w wiotr kse,v etnh oguhi ste emtsow ork opmean ts ac nitecid fiisCiinp1esl. h adloal b iotf and sol fou tsu siet I.nt hh sitooryf crystgaailzn tgo ot.oty rt op rediistfc uttu erd evle­ humand evemleonptl,ie k nucleaNro to nltyh Ibuts , opmetnW.h aptl awcielp ls yhc-etchh avieno ur poweorf.ti etnc' ise nficr.set t hetne ch­ mosotft hfoeu nidng culetb uytr hyee a2r0 2?0 nogliocaappll iocnasBt.uit ths pi attenr isn outni vea.rlA swi tht hien nvteiont echnIqhuaevse fROTMHS ET EEAMGN ITNOE MATGEICOCAHLLNO GY oTfO tshtee am eanngdmi anney otahlereryad beedenv el­ PARASDHIIGFT?M useftcuehln oogliheasv ihngihgv aule,o ped beyx isntgci lin­ thmea rketphlaasspc uerer d prsch­ Ical specIalities or Fisrti.sp syctheonc ohloigtsye al sfuf ficienttleyci hno tr apaiddv a,na cheea0 dt he havbeee np ractised unfiiefide lodfe ndeavtoosr u rvivea sa "naturkailn odf s oilds lorwe seatrhcaisht kin.ad n"a reoafs tyuw dhich bceoc uoslnodila dtedn edeetdol enfdlus lc iteincfirce idliy.ib t form ilelnnbIya sufifietCnltyo g eneartfeut uruenv iertsydi epartT­hihsaa sf eawd vnatageIs'te.sx tcniig, mystaIcnmsda gi­ menbtse ariitnnsag m eIs? t robnegllviyei e cto u.l1 d thfiee lidso petno a nyotnoem ake cians. thinkad tvnhetoef p syhcot echongyob learss etehdse u suelfd iscvoericerse,at tyhi avsni ot ofa ni mporptaarnatd sihigtfma. n i mpordteavlne­t beens tillbeyid n stitutioorn,a lisation opmeonftt hwea yw ea sh umanvise wo usrelvesfo.er x amptlhdeee, i fitciaon iannflidao ctnh aracter­ whicwho ulundi yf the afinedgl idvi et b rao adliys toifmc e diciinnAe m eriBcuatt. h eea rre �ny basetdh etoircefauoln datainodna coheenrt dangeWres .m ipguhrts cuhmeie r,af sooolu rlsvees. approtaoac php ltiicso1a.nd evetlhotiphs e bmeel ow.o rj sutc reaad te avinmta,r gisnucabull etd uervoted Thean swteotr h qeu estwihoent phsyecrh otecthok­ ookmiaec hiannefdsra -oeuxtp erieenvecnetsu.­ nologya cwitlulsa urvlilvyae n gdr oawsa s eparaatlleyt og et konuurc krlaepspb eytd h FeD A anadl l sicentdiifislcci iinpnseo stoc leTahre.ar rese om any outro ytsa kaewna fyr oums b yt hbei bgo ys who competcilnagi mpss ytctohe oc hgyn'osla oreoafs knohwo wt oru nt heriers pelcemt egaa-bcpoorra­ styuf droomt hsecri endtisicfiicp linteisso..nT he" Bass-AckGwraorwdstP ha radigm Wh ilweea sp syhct-ecehn tshiuacsatns Psyctheoc hongoyil"bs o tash c ieannctdee chgnyo:l o Whawte h avneo w seoeu fire lsdo mehaoshw a nvgiaepsa­ sceincien soafsa raw reee x oprlitnhgpe r oerptioefs Ise ssteinaal ly rtaien gtreeaxli staespn acoretfa pplietdh ien etrfabceet weceonn scioupseronfrmeasncse, Umaglcal pscyholoogyra ppilendeu roisecncea.n sd taitned uctteicohnn iiqnlucuedsgi,m n achine techno"lw ohgyIcht heexs itisnpegca lisims- bieoefdbacktc.eh noogl-ya nwde n edet ou nderstatnihdas r eaas showgsr eat psyocthehrapyh,u manisatnidc deepalspy o ssei;tbe lchgnyoi lnosoafsta hrae i ism transperpssoyhncolaolg yp.a rapsya­lwatyoes xe tnhdu maenx periaenndac bei littoi es, promIbsueIt,n chloogym,e dciinea,nth ropologyp,u sthh een veloofpp ereof rmanc,et od evelop useful which the socisacli enecdeu,c a.te itocen.a ch appclaitsiw ohnicahd dt ot hseu mo fh uman capa­ techongyo alnd standp oisetdo c laitmh apta rotf biyl ia-tnwde n eepdr oceasnsmdea sc hinheesl pt o applicataIrfaoern sp syctheoc hgnyo lwohicohv erlaupssd ot hiAsss. u cihst e eslm ikteahltiyt f h erraeel ly outtsripptihneg thetierrr i.tT ohryeayr ael reoardgya n­araep plictahtaidtoos n ussb tanatliliym protvhee fundamentali setdoe nugltfh aer eoafps s yhct-echh umalno tth,et nht ee ncohlogywill survive.B uwitl l whicahr e"e rsptaebclee"n ougfho r ibti rats he pasrcaiteen dtisiCfiicpo lfpi synceht oe ch­ reseatrhcawhto uld thetmo fi ndd esbilreYa.e tt heirse noglyoH?e rwee c oullodo aktt hues uwaaly tsh at ordinlaeraitdlot y h em ucha bouctur renpts yhc-etcht hatn ews cientdiifscipilci ndeesvl eopT.yp ically, developomfte hnet r epseulcsah t ake-.lo ivetke hroef tenr eseairntc hha er eoaf t hefut ursep ecialisation techlnoogy. exagrgtaeeodra sy eitl olun-dfecdal ism devpesli ons epariasnttei otnsu atnidt heann ofm anauctfuerrtsh,ae bs enocfes oal idi nforcmoamlmn utiyo fi nvesattioggrrso wEsv.e ntu­ fuondatoifro ens eadrecmho nstraatlilfnyuog,n dicnogn feraernceco enesvn eadn ,a mies efefctievsoesfn m uch porfen stpe scyh-tienci hts generaftoetrdh fiee ladn da cdaemijco urnals are applicaatnidio tsnh sih,g- etch" kookiimea".g ecrea,tt eetdxbooakrswe r ittsetneu,nd tsr euctired Therree maianlsso p rjeadu i,cb eordeornir negl ia­nd iuynetryds eiaprtemntso penteodi nstint­utio giofuesr vnooartb,li ynt hbei eoefdbcaocmkum nyi,t alithsese t uodfty h fiee lEdv.neu talalpyip lcatairoen s againasntyf ormo fs ttae-alg tteernciohnlogy develaonpaden de wt encohloigybs o r.Gn ivetnh is fuondeodns impdlryi vtihnsegt aotfte h pee rsonm odewlhe,r aer wee "?B ass-ackdweavroedspl"m ent rathtehrap nor vidfienegd bsaoct kah tc lassicchaalr riascetoseu rfi edl.W e havteh et echgnyo lo learncianongc cruW.h awte ha ven owi ess senyt ibaeloflrteh dee voeplmeonfatc omumnyio tfc ommu- 8 .G PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com nicatisncgi enitnisvtse stitghafeto iunngd atoino ncso ncepptsy cohtfoe chnowlhoigycis ho fc rucial signif­ whicthhet ehcnoglyoi bsa seNdo.t otnhlisby,u mto sti canhceerT eh.is c oncenpolt o ngleirm ciots nscious­ oft hfeo undtienchgnq iuehsa vael rebaedeydn e veln­esst echnotlooo ngaeyp plicoaret vieotnnoo nefi eld opebdy e xitsign cliniscpaelc iaolriha tviebe ese no fa pplicwahtiicothnh s,ep ecialhaivtedi oensse o f ar, practfiosmrei deln fnibaym ystaincdms a giciFaonrs b.u etm bratchegesl obviaelw t,h viee wo fc onscious­ exampblieo,f eedpbiaoecnerekd t hien vegsattiioonf nessa ndb ehavio(ra nhde ncaels op erformaans ce) various oftm ypaecshe i-asnissted deerpe alxtaion compleixn terpenetriantitnegr acsysttievmse techniaqnudet sh inductoifao lnt esrteadtb eys a menatbolc eo ntroflolremsod fi nfleuncfer om many brainwmaavnei pulaCtliionnip.cs aylc holhoagys sourciensc,ln ughd iigh-stoeucrhc aeplspi,de toa ny utilainsddee dv eldoh py pnottriacnt ceec hnifqoureh su manne ewdh ich cboemu eltbd y su ch resources. morteh aa nc ent.uT rhyeu soef i magewrayis n itiaThist eisdt hpea radigm shiifnot u trrh eiqnukitirone gd, bym ystihcesa,l ainndgm agicparla ctitlioonnge sreste,h uen iervsatyla indg eneroaflt ihtisoy ri entation. befoprsey cho-dteevlc ohp eSdu.b tle-ebanseedr gByu t bseufcoahsr h ei cfatbn e c omprehesnodctaeildyel , conscioumsondeuslsa tdieovni ciefos n,ei ncludiehasts to fbrea msoe ad s mtaok teh isv ieawc cpetabel theamsp arotfp syhc-teacrhper, o bayab llmoassot l d andc oherMeincth aHeutlc his"oMne'agsb rawiansa" aso urh istaosrya speci(wehesn didm agigce ts eminwaolri kn m anywa ysa,n dc ommunictahtee d inven)t.eS don? oneo ft hiissr ealnleyw i,s i t? overvailslib ountht,i nse eds follOuwipnwi gt ha m ore HowevaesIrh ,o pteoe laboirnaas teep arwarittei nagc adeamniscdch olacrolrypo ufls i tertaoet sutarbelis h atm uchg realteenrg wtehma ,y beo nt hvee rogfea thaer gumIea nmtf ramhiengr e. paradsihgiwmfh ti cwihl eln abulste os eteh weo rl(di n thiasr eaas)n evebre fotroes ,e eo ld PSCY-HTEACpHPA LTOIINCASN D HTEIHREA ROCFH Y behaovirwitnhe we yewist,hn ewu nder­ NEEDS Thi1s5t hpaera digm standTihnegc .o roefs ucahp aradigm anIdlt e ads sthoiis f thte r ealizthaatt hiuomann kind Inc onsidetrhiefn ugt uorfep sychotechnology, shift anIn creausnedde rhas­ useds taatlet esrioncgiar li tuaanlds c leairtspl ryo grwielslts oa g reeaxtt ednetp eunpdo n behavisoirnssc teo net-iamgeaesn d,s tilwlh ethiectra n sarteisnafelye dsG.i vetnhg ee nerality stainndogf doessou ,b iiqtouisnal lsylo, c ieAtloilfe so.ft hnee wvi ewpoIia nmto utlihneirnoegn, pe e rforce ourselasv etsh e thisis p sych-etveeicnnfh o vis ibltee chh­atso t himnokr gel obaalbloyiu ttsp oetntilaa pplica­ speciewsh ich noloisgy usebde,c auistae li ln volvteiso nAsp.p licactainob neus s feuyll oragnizedb y expendsos m uch needs atisfacbtyi aolnt eraotfi ocno nsidwehrianntge etdsh esye rveu.s eAffr ualm hee re energym odulaticnogn sciou.sB nuetts hsbei sge criestht a t ist hhei rearcohfny e edsi detinfiebdy M asl.oAs w 1 this featoufhr uem alni isfu es uailnlvisy­ havseta teadb ovwee,fi nda lreaedxiys tisntagt e­ Itcso nscisotuast e ibtlote h pea rtinctsib,pe acatuhsseeo ciaall terriitnugpa rlso,c esssubesst,a anncdte esc hniques Ins ervitcoIe t esv er fomsr arseot akfeongrr a nteasdis i, gn es­satisfyiinmgp oritnadnitvi danusdao lc nieaelbd yst he chaginnga ctivittiieoosnf. s tatael tersiunbgs tatnhcaetss ,cr oed,is guised obfet chaevuiesrryfe a miliaanridt y nonoefu sr ealhiozwme u cohf o ulri veesm beddedwintehsitsnh seo cfiaablori fco ulri vaensd isb ounudp i nttoh meo dulatioofno ur byt hoeb viofuesa ttuhraaets y eth,i gh dteevicche s conscisotuast e wuevin etwit lh ibse haviforro tmh eh avneo bte einn corporianttteohd e fiorrms .B utt he vanta-gpeoinatff ordebdy conisderatoifo nn eeadsr teh earnemd a noyf t hemma yb ea ddressable psychotechnAonlthorgoyp.o loagnyd sociauls itnhgne e wt echnoliowfge ci oeusol ndl cyr eatively psychohlaovgseyt udiedr istuuacanhlds s o cifoarlm se nvisitohnea spep lic.a tions fodre cadbeuwistt, h otuhtne e cesaswaaryr enoefth ses state-alptreoripnegro tfsi uecsfh o rmss,ot hatth eir SRUVIVAL linkwiatghed ruguse andm oroev esrtatt mea nipula­ tion techhasn onloObteg eianesp preciated. Takitnhgle o welsetv el finres-setud rvi va-blusi­ What's naebwo upts ychotechansao fi leolisgd y nesasn odt hsekri nlelesd ientd h hei ghcloym petitive thaiettn couruastg oe st ahbiontukht ce o mmonaliwtoirelosfdt h9e0 'csabn e neffirtot mh seu peripoerr for­ betweeanls lt ate-aplrtoecriendgsu urbess,ta ncesm aanncdse e eminpgrloym ibsyep ds ychotechInto logy. devices, aulstl ooc wilnathgse sm a ltlo getuhnedre ro ffiemrpsr ocvreeatdvii ty,p roductainviddty e cision­ thceo mmornu broif"c s taatlet eriants ieorvnit coe makinMgo.sc tru Ciaflorol uyir n creasingly informa­ nee.dT sh"iisst hpea radsihgimaf ntdi tl eatdosa n tion-bcausletdu irtme a,y S ignificeannhatnlcye increuansdeedr staonfod uirnsge alsvt ehsse p ecileesa rning, mienmtouryi tainodn . whicehx pensdosm uche nermgyo dulatiitsn g Butth meo sfutn damentsaulrv ivaaplp licoaft ion conscisotuaistns e e rvitcoie ts e vecrh angaicntgi vpis­ych-wtheiccahhl, sr oi gnhotws eltlhsme aj oritoyf ties. produtcotsd aiysd, r ivbeyon u rne efdo rre lfiremo f Thiisst hpea radsihgimwf hti ccho uludn iofyu r theh ugset resismepso sbeydo url ifesItthy alse . visoiofpn s yctheoc hnoalnoldgy e atdot hfiee ledm'esr ­becocmlee tahra tm atjhrode i raencdt indirect source genacsaen ewc ognietnitviIeistyt t . h gee neroaftl hiet oyfi leslsna nmdo rtailnti htseyo -cadlelveedl woopreldd 9 ••• PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com NR PED PSYCOHT-CEHNOOGLY. P SE ITsR ENT& FURTEUCO TNINUED isst reisnts h,Ue S u suaclaluys beytd h weo rski tuas­raotfme sid n( asa nE ngishlmani wtasi nertestingf orm e tioAsn e.vi denbcyea dr ecepnots ittiovnereledyv iewt oo be rve thle ocaln atiivnCe alsi nfoirgeat itgnr eary­ inF orbMeasg azin"eFYI'"s s uppmle ntp,s ych-teecyhde uridn� t hCelio nnpt ried enitaniualug artiaocnt iv­ relaxatioisnr eanleleyd ientd h ceo rpo­iti,Te sh)Imepr ovemento fem pathya ndr eleasofei ner­t ratweo rladn,dt hpeer ceptiiso tnh aitt pesronali nhiobniwsot uilaldso b ele gitimatea ndo spibsle .If.ps .Y C...r tehcc a n hass omethtioon ffegr. S oi pfs ych-teapcphicl atoinso fp sych-tec.h realldeyli vetrh e carnea 1y 1d e lvier t heg odso 10.r deu cm'g stresasn dr elieovuirnb go diaensd goodsI nred ucing mindso ft htee nsioofons u r caogens,i s- SElf-SESXIPORNE stressa nredli evingt entrleiyIbay, l,a nodv etrhl eo ntgem r,i t Thearts haveal wayshad a majpsyochro technloogical oubodri esa nmdi ndswi ll hmaavde am asspiovsei tive ccomonpotrine­nti ntha t they arineetn ded to evoke emotion, oft he tenosfoi uornb ust itooon u ri ndividaunadcl o llectpirodvuece absorptionan dtran ce, faci.Lita tee mpathic identi­ wellbeAsi snugci.hwit l ble h erteos tay,fi catinoa ndca tharscoimmsun,i catedirectl y tothe u ncon­ agec,o nsitsltye,n asl onasg we maintaoiunr p resentsci ousArtis.ts can be expec tedt oepx loitth en ew resources reliayb,la nd ovetrh e lifesty(loaerr ael lowbeysd h rinkinmga davailabel e toth emb yth ed evelpmoento fp sych-tech. lontge rmI,tw il l resourtcoie nsud glei ns ucahl iflese.t) y Foexamr pleaft, ethre re cnetoneday confer- havmea de a Medicusaelso fp sych-ftoeprca hi n ences ponsored byS yncticsS ysreimsn Theworld of massivpoesi tivec ontroimlm,u nsey steenhamn cementS eattlet hewasr ea l ighatn dso undpe rfor- sports. .dem.a nds contributtiooo nu r anda ccelehreaatleaidrn aegl reiand yman ce crearedfo rat heatfulrleo fspecta to.rs ever lheivgheo lfs developamnewdne ct a enxp ecttose ei t Inre rtospect these beginningswil lpr obya bl Indivaindcduo alle�l inwi ded eploymaetsn otm tei mient he seemprim itivet oo ur2 02h0is toriacanhsi.e vemaennsdto tlvweell being. futuTrhee.u se ofl igahntd s ound Ins portspsy,c hotechnology hasa b rightI s rifoperI nvasbiyo n devicfeoscr o ntrooflc hronpiaciis n futurTeh.ew orldo fs portsw,hic hc ovrtley psych-teascshi sts. .a lreiandp yrc oess,a ndt hien creasingce lebrthaerp hesys ical slcilnlse edfedor use ofr elaxatiaondn imagetrye chnifqoures surviival no uro rigiprnalim,al ,p reec-htnologwiocalr ld psychoneuroimmucnoonltroogolif c baold ilya ndn owpr vodies arenas forself exprsesiodne, maevenrds procewilslses s ureolffeyfur r ther psyacphp-ltiecchiah­gh l eevlso fa cievhementa nds oi sr ipfeor invbasyi on tionisnm edicine. psych-teaschsis tsA. r eceanrtitc blyeM i chaeHlur chins o in Muscel& Fitnessmagazin e pointst hwaey forthis aplip­ cation. SEXUALITY Nexttos urvirveaplr,o duisc tthimeoo nsf tu nda­ Sm-ACTUAUZATION mentarle quirefmoaernn sytp ecTiheeasp .p lication ofp syctheoc hnolhoagysb eenu sefdor sexual Psychoetchnology has manya pplications in purposperso,b asbilnyhc uem anse volvTeadk.ia n g psychotherapy inr ehbailitoaftp ieorpnct eiocno,g ni­ gooAdm ericsatne reo-wthypaeist t hceh ampaeg ntioann ds killsa,n dha vse rpyro misinagpp licationisn dinrnf eollobwyse odfm tu siacn dl owl ighbtuitn gc orrectigna ttteinodne ficdiiotsr d(eArDD )a nhdy per­ ani nductteicohnn iaqiumeea dtp roducsipenicgcfi activSiotym.3e 0%of t hUeS s chopoolp ulaitesisr oin­ staetso fb ody/mainndbd e haviSoirm?i lfaorrt lhye maredt os ueffrf orms ome egdreeo fA DD.B oiefde­ Playbcohya nnaenldi tsg ritctoiuesrii nsnv ideob ack ah earyvs s uccesrsrfuarcleck or dw ithA DD,b ut pornographHye.i ghtesneixnugra els pvoensniesslig hta nsdo nudm ayp rovidea c heaperaI t ernative. The ands ensatairocenl ealrelgyi tipmsaytceh otechednucoa­tnailoa pplications ofp sych-tech havbea rely logicaaplp lic.a Tthieor nesceanrtt iacbloeu tb een rappeda sy eatn dt hien recasing psycthehocn ologyi nt hem agazinFeu ture Sreqexu eimretnsfo r etrrianinogf t hweo rk Perhapst hsee cond cleahrelrya thlisdd se velopment. forcaen dim provemento ft hAem erican mostc ommouns e of schososytelm shouldp rovide a hueg field forp sych-tcehe nhacneda ccelerps­ychotechnology SooABUYlY atedl earnaipnplgica tion.s today IsI np ursuoift Conscoiusnessa tlering substanancde spr ocedures Perhapthse s ecomnods cto mmuosne Individuals e-lf havalew aybse euns efdo hr uman lseuietr-imseoc ialiosfpas ­ychot echnotloodgyia insy pursutio f Impvroement. tio(nda ncign,s niging, drinlcnig er.c" )Acihdo use"i dinviduals el-fimrpovement. A huge partained"s Ra vesin"E nglanda ndS anF rancisaclor eadvyi deaon da udicasos ettrea piend ustry incroporatep sych-rechd eviancdes thdeev elopmento f thrivoensthi s applicationa ndps ycoht echnloogy int he large scale technoolgies fori nducing a1rersetda tiens formo fa udoirapes,li ghta nds ounbdrai,n wavebi ofeed­ dance-parryc onteixslits ekl y top roceemdu ch furtherb.a ckganzf, eld devsi acnedc ranei1ecalrt ostiumliaonr Socirali ruealvesn, if n otre ligiousi nin etnt,ar ea lwaysd eviciescse rtaind etvlooep much furthteofulr fil lt his intentdope orddu cesp ecicfip sycholeoffegciticalnsth eir need. participantsi nt hathtey induces pecifice motiaonnds 10 ..... PDF Version Provided by MindPlace www.mindplace.com

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