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Compliance TODAY November 2012 a publication of the health care compliance association . - . wwwhcca infoorg Meet Urton Anderson Clark W. Thompson Jr. Professor in Accounting Education McCombs School of Business The University of Texas at Austin 16 See page 24 30 34 38 Using comparative Bake Medicaid Developing data to support compliance deficiencies engaging compliance efforts into the as conditions and impactful business of payment? compliance training Kimberly Hrehor, for stakeholders Marianne Lundgren Josh Axelrod Susan E. Nance and Dan McCullough Laura Wenzel Announcing the new It’s never been easier to take HCCA Compliance Today with you, share an article, or fi nd what you’re looking for. Magazine Now you can enjoy reading Compliance Today on your favorite handheld device. The new HCCA Magazine App puts the entire App magazine in the palm of your hand, and soon, even past issues going back to January 2012. It’s easier than ever to read the articles, email them to a colleague, or search the magazine for that important piece of text you were looking for. Best of all, there’s no charge to HCCA members. Just download the app and use your existing HCCA login information. So, start taking advantage of this new membership benefi t today. Download the new HCCA Magazine app. Simply visit the app store for your favorite device and use the search term “Compliance Magazine.” www.hcca-info.org HCCAMagazineApp_1pageCTad.indd 1 10/5/12 1:53 PM Letter from the Ceo Announcing the new by Roy Snell, CHC, CCEP-F Are we advisory It’s never been easier to take HCCA Compliance Today with you, share or are we the solution? an article, or fi nd what you’re looking for. Magazine Please don’t hesitate to call me about anything any time. department or leader who knew about the Now you can enjoy reading 612 709-6012 Cell • 952 933-8009 Direct problem felt it was their job to fix it. Compliance Today on your favorite roy.snell @ corporatecompliance.org That is why the press, the public, politi- handheld device. The new HCCA cians, and prosecutors have decided that there Magazine App puts the entire Many people think their job is done must be someone assigned to actually do some- App magazine in the palm of your when they advise people to do thing more than advise. They want someone hand, and soon, even past issues the right thing. Many corporate to actually fix the problem. They want a com- going back to January 2012. departments consider themselves “advisory.” pliance officer. And they want the compliance They feel it is their duty to inform someone It’s easier than ever to read the of an ethical or legal infraction, and that is My message to you is simple. articles, email them to a colleague, the extent of their responsibility. I have often referred to these people If you are a compliance officer, or search the magazine for that as the pointer sisters. They point important piece of text you were do not fall into the trap all of to where a problem might be. They looking for. Best of all, there’s no the other departments have. point to where a problem is. But then charge to HCCA members. Just they smugly declare their job done, Our profession is at great risk download the app and use your and occasionally the problem goes if you just advise people existing HCCA login information. Snell unresolved. They like the “advisory” title because they don’t have to clean to fix a problem. So, start taking advantage of up difficult problems. Enron, HealthSouth, this new membership benefi t and Penn State University all had several people who knew of a problem but did noth- officer to be independent of those who are con- today. Download the new HCCA ing except advise someone else that there flicted and to have access to the board (much Magazine app. Simply visit was a problem. They were more concerned like audit). Society wants the compliance officer the app store for your favorite about themselves than the organization. They to have an avenue to pursue if everyone they device and use the search term wanted to keep their pristine political noses advise to fix the problem refuses to do so. “Compliance Magazine.” clean. This is why the compliance profession So my message to you is simple. If you are was created. a compliance officer, do not fall into the trap all For years Congress has been interview- of the other departments have. Our profession ing the pointer sisters during congressional is at great risk if you just advise people to fix a 2 1 0 hearings. The pointer sisters at Tyco, Enron, problem. If you don’t fix the problem, our pro- er 2 b PSU, and more would say, “Yes, I knew about fession will become a cost center. And unlike m e v o the problem, and I told somebody about the legal, audit, and risk, we will not have another N problem.” When asked why they didn’t do job to fall back on if we become merely advi- y a d something about the problem, they would sory. If no one is willing to fix a problem, we o T e say it was not their job. They were advi- must escalate the issue up through the organi- c n a sory. Congress was dumbfounded that no zation until it is fixed. pli m o www.hcca-info.org C 888-580-8373 www.hcca-info.org 3 HCCAMagazineApp_1pageCTad.indd 1 10/5/12 1:53 PM Contents November 2012 features CoLumns 16 Meet Urton Anderson 3 Letter from the CEO an interview by John falcetano roy sneLL 24 [Ceu] Using comparative data 23 Exhale to support compliance efforts shaWn DeGroot by Kimberly hrehor, marianne Lundgren, and Dan mcCullough 43 Social networking PEPPER, a billing statistics report, can help identify vulnerabilities for improper Medicare payments before it’s too late. John faLCetano 30 Bake compliance into the business by Josh axelrod All the stakeholders should know the what/why/how of Departments compliance and how it applies to them in particular. 34 Medicaid deficiencies 6 News as conditions of payment? by susan e. nance 12 People on the move States that fail to meet Medicaid payment rules and regulations may find themselves reimbursing the federal government for 68 HCCA congratulates overpayments. newly certified designees 38 Developing engaging and impactful 70 HCCA welcomes new members compliance training for stakeholders by Laura Wenzel 73 Takeaways Tips for designing attention-grabbing compliance training meant specifically for the board and senior management that will help 74 Events calendar engage them in the partnership. 2 1 0 2 er b m e v o N Compliance Today is printed with 100% soy-based, water-soluable inks on recycled paper. Interior pages are double-coated y sheets made from 80% recycled content, which includes 60% post-consumer waste. The remaining 20% is virgin fiber that a od comes from responsibly managed forests and is FSC certified. Cover stock is made from 10% post-consumer waste and is T e produced near the printing facility in Minnesota. The energy used to produce the paper is 100% renewable. Certifications for c an the paper include The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), and Green-e.org. pli m o C 4 www.hcca-info.org 888-580-8373 Compliance Recent studies in the area of Internal Audit have found a number TODAY “ ” of benefits to certification from the Editorial Board organizational perspective. Gabriel Imperato, Esq., CHC, CT Contributing Editor, Managing Partner, Broad and Cassel See page 18 Ofer Amit, MSEM, CHRC, Research Compliance Administrator, Baptist Health South Florida Janice A. Anderson, JD, BSN, Shareholder, Polsinelli Shughart, PC Christine Bachrach CHC, Chief Compliance Officer, University of Maryland Dorothy DeAngelis, Managing Director, FTI Consulting artiCLes Gary W. Herschman, Chair, Health and Hospital Law Practice Group, Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. David Hoffman, JD, President, David Hoffman & Associates Richard P. Kusserow, President & CEO, Strategic Management 44 [Ceu] What do you do when a ZPIC F. Lisa Murtha, JD, CHC, CHRC, SNR Denton US LLP comes knocking? Robert H. Ossoff, DMD, MD, CHC, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Compliance and Corporate Integrity, Vanderbilt Medical Center by Kristen p. mcDonald Jacki Pemrick, Privacy Officer, Mayo Clinic When faced with a ZPIC pre-payment or post-payment review, it is imperative Deborah Randall, JD, Law Office of Deborah Randall to prepare a defense and meet the appeal deadlines. Emily Rayman, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, Community Memorial Health System 48 Do we really lie that easily? Rita A. Scichilone, MSHA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, Director of Practice Leadership, American Health Information Management Association a book review by adam turteltaub James G. Sheehan, JD, Chief Integrity Officer, New York City Human Resources Administration A new book by Dan Ariely provides insights into human behavior and how Lisa Silveria, RN, BSN, Home Care Compliance, we make economic decisions. Catholic Healthcare West Jeffrey Sinaiko, President, Sinaiko Healthcare Consulting, Inc. 51 Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) audits: Debbie Troklus, CHC-F, CCEP-F, CHRC, CHPC, Are plan sponsors ready? Managing Director, Aegis Compliance and Ethics Center Cheryl Wagonhurst, JD, CCEP, Partner, by susan W. Berson and roy m. albert Law Office of Cheryl Wagonhurst CMS has expanded its payment audits to include Medicare Advantage (Part C) Linda Wolverton, CHC, CPHQ, CPMSM, CPCS, CHCQM, LHRM, RHIT, Vice President Compliance, Team Health, Inc. and Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) sponsors, but the appeals process has ExEcutivE Editor: Roy Snell, CHC, CCEP-F, CEO, HCCA, been streamlined. roy.snell @ hcca-info.org 58 Compliance 101: Seven elements NEws aNd story Editor/advErtisiNg: Margaret R. Dragon, 781-593-4924, margaret.dragon @ hcca-info.org of an effective compliance program copy Editor: Patricia Mees, CHC, CCEP, 888-580-8373, by eugene y.C. ngai patricia.mees @ hcca-info.org copy Editor: Brook Matthiesen, 888-580-8373, Compliance programs are not yet mandatory for all types of providers, brook.matthiesen @ hcca-info.org but proactively using the seven elements is still a good idea. dEsigN & layout: John Goodman, 888-580-8373, john.goodman @ hcca-info.org 61 [Ceu] Paying for intangible assets: compliance today (ct) (ISSN 1523-8466) is published by the Developing a defensible acquisition policy Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA), 6500 Barrie Road, Suite 250, Minneapolis, MN 55435. Subscription rate is $295 a by alex Kajan and Curtis Bernstein year for nonmembers. Periodicals postage-paid at Minneapolis, MN 55435. Postmaster: Send address changes to Compliance Today, Current valuation theory and health care regulations can help establish the 6500 Barrie Road, Suite 250, Minneapolis, MN 55435. Copyright 12 value of goodwill and other intangibles when a physician practice is sold © 2012 Health Care Compliance Association. All rights reserved. 20 Printed in the USA. Except where specifically encouraged, no part er or acquired. b of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means m e without prior written consent of the HCCA. For Advertising rates, ov N call Margaret Dragon at 781-593-4924. Send press releases to M. Dragon, 41 Valley Rd, Nahant, MA 01908. Opinions expressed are y not those of this publication or the HCCA. Mention of products and a d services does not constitute endorsement. Neither the HCCA nor CT o T is engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. If such e c assistance is needed, readers should consult professional counsel n a or other professional advisors for specific legal or ethical questions. pli m VOLUME 14, ISSUE 11 o C 888-580-8373 www.hcca-info.org 5 neWs Investigation suggests costs from upcoding, other abuses likely top $11 billion The Center for Public Integrity reported on more complex and time-consuming, both due September 15, 2012 that “thousands of doctors to new technology and declining health status. and other medical professionals have steadily The rise in fees may also be a reaction, they say, billed higher rates for treating elderly patients on to years of under-charging, and reflect more Medicare over the last decade—adding $11 billion accurate billing. The fees are based on a system or more to their fees and signaling a possible rise of billing codes that is structured to make in medical billing abuse, an investigation by the higher payments for treatments that take more Center for Public Integrity has found. time and effort.” For more: www.publicintegrity.org/ “Medical groups argue that the fee hikes 2012/09/15/10810/how-doctors-and-hospitals-have-collected- are justified because treating seniors has grown billions-questionable-medicare-fees Study finds corporate directors pursue change, drive to accelerate progress; challenges persist A September 12, 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers The press release revealed that “In the press release noted that “Significant changes in summer of 2012, 860 public company directors corporate governance are impacting boardroom responded to the survey. Of those, 70 percent dynamics, compelling directors to spend more serve on the boards of companies with more time on board work and prompting them to than $1 billion in annual revenue. PwC struc- reconsider their oversight approach, according tured this year’s survey to provide actionable to the 2012 Annual Corporate Director Survey feedback directors can use as benchmarks issued by PwC US. Directors acknowledge that to help evaluate their performance in core challenges remain and expect to increase their areas that are ‘top of mind’ to today’s boards.” focus on critical areas including board composi- www.pwc.com/us/en/press-releases/2012/pwc-study-finds- tion, risk management and IT oversight.” corporate-directors-pursue-change.jhtml Report reveals 80 percent of employees plan to stay with current employer A September 2012 press release from Deloitte significant increase from 2011, when nearly 65% reported that “As high unemployment persists were planning to leave. Forty-six percent of the 2 and the global economic recovery remains halt- survey respondents indicate they are less inclined 1 0 er 2 ing and uneven, the ‘resume tsunami’ appears to move because, in the last 12 months, they have b m to have been reduced to a ‘resume riptide.’” changed jobs (9%), were promoted (22%), or have e v No According to Deloitte’s new global talent survey, taken new positions (15%) with their current y Talent 2020, four out of five employees plan to employers.” www.deloitte.com/view/en_US/us/press/Press-Rel a d o stay with their organizations over the next year, a eases/0b6decf9c69b9310VgnVCM2000001b56f00aRCRD.htm T e c n a pli m read the latest news online · www.hcca-info.org/news o C 6 www.hcca-info.org 888-580-8373 neWs News from CMS 2012 annual report: works in conjunction with the responsibly and to comply rate review saves estimated 80/20 rule, which requires with confidentiality laws and $2.1 billion for consumers insurance companies to gen- regulations among provid- According to a report issue erally spend 80 percent of ers using electronic health on September 11, 2012 by premiums on health care or records (EHRs). The dem- U.S. Department of Health provide rebates to their cus- onstration also showed how and Human Services, the tomers. Insurance companies sensitive information can Affordable Care Act has that did not meet the 80/20 be tagged so that when it is saved consumers an esti- rule will provide nearly 13 sent to another provider with mated $1 billion on health million Americans with more the patient’s permission, the insurance premiums and pro- than $1.1 billion in rebates receiving provider will know vided $1.1 billion in rebates. this year. Americans who that they need to obtain the Beginning Sept. 1, 2011, receive the rebates will benefit patient’s authorization to fur- the health care law imple- from an average rebate of $151 ther disclose the information mented federal rate review per household. with others. standards. These rules ensure The rate review report The demonstration was that, in every state, insurance is available at: developed as part of the Data companies are required to www.healthcare.gov/law/resources/ Segmentation for Privacy publicly submit their rates reports/rate-review09112012a.html (DS4P) Initiative created for review and justify their Information on how states in response to the work of actions if they want to raise are using their rate review the President’s Council of rates by 10 percent or more, grant funds is available at: Advisors on Science and according to the government www.healthcare.gov/law/resources/ Technology and supported by press release. reports/rate-review09202011a.pdf HHS’s Office of the National To assist states in this General information about Coordinator. Using stan- effort, the Affordable Care Act rate review is available at: dards identified in the DS4P provides states with Health www.healthcare.gov/law/features/ Initiative, HHS’s Substance Insurance Rate Review Grants costs/rate-review Abuse and Mental Health to enhance their rate review Services Administration programs and bring greater hhs, Va demonstrate (SAMHSA) and the VA safely transparency to the process. secure sharing of and securely transmitted So far, 42 states have used sensitive health information a mock patient’s substance their rate review grant funds The Department of Health abuse treatment records to make the rate review and Human Services (HHS) tagged with privacy metadata process stronger and more and the Department of from one EHR to a different 2 1 0 transparent. Veterans Affairs (VA) in EHR system after electroni- er 2 b This initiative is one of September announced a dem- cally verifying that the mock m e v many in the health care law onstration of the standards patient had consented to the No aimed at saving money for to allow sensitive health transmission. www.hhs.gov/news/ y a d consumers and specifically information to be shared press/2012pres/09/20120917c.html o T e c n a pli m read the latest news online · www.hcca-info.org/news o C 888-580-8373 www.hcca-info.org 7 17th Annual HCCA’s COMPLIANCE INSTITUTE 7 April 21–24, 2013 Gaylord National National Harbor, MD (DC Metro Area) BROCHURE NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE Download it from the Compliance Institute website at www.compliance-institute.org SAVE UP TO $575 when you register by January 7 Register now at www.compliance-institute.org 2013CI_BrochureAvailable_NovCT1pagead_4c.indd 1 10/4/12 9:40 AM hCCa neWs 17th Annual HCCA’s COMPLIANCE hCCa conference news INSTITUTE Compliance institute managed Care Compliance Conference april 21–24, 2013 february 24–26, 2013 Register by January 6 to save $575 The conference provides essential information The preliminary CI brochure and information for individuals involved with the management about the Gaylord National Hotel and National of compliance at health plans. Plan to attend if 7 April 21–24, 2013 Gaylord National Harbor can be found on www.compliance-institute.org. you are a compliance professional at a health plan (all levels, from officers to consultants); National Harbor, MD (DC Metro Area) audit & Compliance Committee Conference in-house counsel, external counsel, or internal february 25–26, 2013 auditor for a health plan; regulatory compliance This conference is designed for board members personnel; or managed care lawyer. and members of a board-level Audit and/or BROCHURE Compliance Committee of not-for-profit health regional Conferences schedule care organizations. Compliance officers and november 2012–april 2013 other senior leaders in the organization are · Mid Central NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE welcome to accompany board members. Louisville • November 9 · Desert Southwest Download it from the Compliance Institute Compliance academies schedule Phoenix • November 16 november 2012–april 2013 · South Central website at www.compliance-institute.org · Basic Compliance Academy Nashville • November 30 Orlando • November 12-15 · Upper West Coast · Basic Compliance Academy San Francisco • December 7 San Diego • December 10-13 · Gulf Coast · Basic Compliance Academy Houston • December 13 New York City • January 21–24 · Southeast · Basic Compliance Academy Atlanta • January 25 San Francisco • February 4–7 · South Atlantic · Basic Compliance Academy Orlando • February 8 SAVE New Orleans • March 11–14 · Southwest · Health Care Privacy Dallas • February 22 Basic Compliance Academy · Alaska UP TO Las Vegas • March 25–28 Anchorage • February 28–March 1 $575 · Research Basic Compliance Academy Las Vegas • March 25–28 · Basic Compliance Academy 2 when you register 1 0 Chicago • April 8–11 er 2 by January 7 mb e v o N y a d o T e Register now at nc a pli m find the latest conference information online · www.hcca-info.org/events o www.compliance-institute.org C 888-580-8373 www.hcca-info.org 9 2013CI_BrochureAvailable_NovCT1pagead_4c.indd 1 10/4/12 9:40 AM hCCa neWs hCCa website news Contact Tracey Page at 952-405-7936 or email her at tracey.page @ hcca-info.org with any questions about HCCA’s website. most popular content in one place easily find and sort events The HCCA Highlights box on HCCA’s homepage Check out HCCA’s user-friendly Events pages. contains the most-viewed articles, resources, You can filter the event by the type (academy, products, and events. If you only have a few web conference, national) and you can sort minutes to peruse the website, this is a great the events alphabetically by clicking on the place to start. www.hcca-info.org column you want to sort. For example, if you want to sort by state, click on State and all the filter resources by type conferences will reorganize. www.hcca-info.org/events If you are looking for health care compliance resources, you have many options on the peer-to-peer interaction on hCCanet HCCA website. Just look on the Resources page, HCCAnet,® our social network, is free to anyone which lists the most recent resources added. who has an HCCA login. HCCAnet has addi- If you are looking for something specific, tional resources you won’t find in the website such as our press releases, Y-Comply articles, Resources section, because these discussion groups This Week in Corporate Compliance (TWCC), or a and libraries are updated by members. It’s a specific survey, you can filter the resources by great place to join discussions, pose a question, those categories as well. www.hcca-info.org/resources or receive insights and feedback from your peers. Use the libraries to find examples of forms and policies, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Click on any of the HCCAnet logos throughout authors earn Ceus: the HCCA website to get to the social network. CCB awards 2 Ceus to authors of articles published in Compliance Today Compliance Today needs you! Every month Compliance Today offers health care Articles are generally between Compliance compliance professionals information on a wide variety 1,000–2,500 words (not a limit). TODAYNovember 2012 A PUBLICATION OF THE HEALTH CARE COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION WWW.HCCA-INFO.ORG of enforcement, regulatory, legal, and compliance Submit your article as a Word program development and management issues. .doc with limited formatting. Meet Urton Anderson Clark W. Thompson Jr. Professor in Accounting Education McCombs School of Business 2 The article title and author’s TSehee p aUgne i1v6ersity of Texas at Austin 01 We are particularly interested in articles covering ovember 2 cseormvipcleiasn, cbee hcaovniocrearln hse ianlvtho,lv rienhga hbo, spphiytasilcsi,a onu ptpraactiteicnets , cinocnlutadcetd i ninfo trhmea atirotinc lme.ust be UcosdamMinanKdapti rgmaDila aibcnt2aneono rneMl my s4cL cuHeupCrnp ueaedlhplrfgooarfuore,ogt rnihrt vt es coJbiomnus3Bhtsp oaiAln0k xiteaeehlrns eoscd e ao dsSfMe u cpsfioa 3eacnndyi dEei4m.cni Ntaceiaioinndecnt se?s cofmoarnpD Ledsleiatn auvai3grnmkeaac leWpo8gehepa itonncirzlntagedflig uen rlis ng N y long-term care/homecare/hospice, ambulatory surgery email margaret.dragon @ hcca-info.org a d o centers, and more. with your topic ideas, format questions, and more. T e c n a pli m find the latest hCCa website updates online · www.hcca-info.org o C 10 www.hcca-info.org 888-580-8373

Ofer Amit, MSEM, CHRC, Research Compliance Administrator,. Baptist Health South . Harbor can be found on www.compliance-institute.org. background. ua: As an undergraduate in the early. 1970s, I majored in Philosophy and Greek with the intent to continue on to a PhD and teach philosophy
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