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MEDIUM /EVUM Edited by Elspeth Kennedy Helen Cooper Nigel Palmer VOLUME LXVIII Published for the Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature ‘999 CONTENTS OF VOL. LXVIII ARTICLES Apams, Tracy, ‘Pur vostre cor su jo em { subtext of Thomas’s 77ristan BEDINGFIELD, M. BrApForD, Reinventing the Gospel the liturgy Bouton, D’A. J. D.: see Cooke, W. G. Cooxe, W. G., and Boutton, D’A. J. D., Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: a poem for Henry of Grosmont? Dang, JosePH A., Page layout and textual autonomy in Harley | 2253: ‘Lenten ys come wib loue to toune’ ELDREDGE, L. M., KARr ANNE RAND ScumrpT, and M. B. Smit, Four medieval manuscripts with mathematical games ELey, PENNy, History and romance in the Chronique des ducs de Normandie Ga.Ltoway, ANDREW, Word-play and political satire: solving the riddle of the text of Jezebe/ HARDMAN, PHILLIPA, Gawain’s practice of piety in Str Gawain and the Green Knight Lewis, Lucy, The identity of Margaret in Thomas Usk’s Testament of CO ee A a 5 a a he ne ee Orme, Nicuo.as, Children and literature in medieval England SUMMERS, JOANNA, Gower’s Vox clamantis and Usk’s Testament of Tuomson, R. M., Serlo of Wilton and the schools of Oxford VINCENSINI, JEAN-JACQUES, Désordre de l’abjection et ordre de la courtoisie: le corps abject dans Paris et Vienne de Pierre de La Cépéde sate Warp, AENGus, Inventing a tradition: the Crénica d’Espayna de Garcia de Eugui and the beginnings of Navarrese historiography Wess, JUDITH, Two fragments from a newly discovered manuscript of Wace’s Brut REvIEW ARTICLE KLASSEN, NORMAN, Two Chaucers REVIEWS Acker, Paul, Revising Oral Theory: Formulaic Composition in Old English and Old Icelandic Verse (Carolyne Larrington) Altmann, Barbara K., The Love Debate Poems of Christine de Pizan (Angus J. Kennedy) Avril, Frangois: see Thomas, Marcel Badia. L.: see Ronca, I. Bahat, Avner, and Gérard Le Vot (eds.), L.’Guvre lyrique de Blondel de Nesle: mélodies (Elizabeth Aubrey) Baumgartner, Emmanuele (comm.), Poésies de Francois Villon (Roger Pensom) Baumgartner, Emmanuéle, and Laurence Harf-Lancner (eds.), Entre fiction et histoire: Trote et Rome au moyen age (Ruth Morse) Beadle, Richard: see Oguro, Shoichi Bécam, Susan E., Rhyme in Gace Brulé’s Lyric (Roger Pensom) Benson, C. David, and Lynne S. Blanchfield, Zhe Manuscripts of‘ Piers Plowman’ (A. V. C. Schmidt) Bestul, Thomas H., Texts of the Passion: Latin Devotional Literature and Medieval Society (Michael Sargent) Biggs, B. J. H. (ed.), The Imitation of Christ: The First English Translation of the ‘Imitatio Christ’ (John C. Hirsh) Blamires, Alcuin, Zhe Case for Women in Medieval Culture (Diane Purkiss) Blanchfield, Lynne S.: see Benson, C. David Blumenfield-Kosinski, Renate, Reading Myth: Classical Mythology and its Interpretations in Medieval French Literature (Sylvia Huot) Bochsler, Katharina, ‘/ch han da inne ungehorti ding gesehen’: Jenseitsvisionen Mechthilds von Magdeburg in der Tradition der mittelalterlichen Literatur (Elizabeth A. Andersen) Bordier, Jean-Pierre, Le Jeu de la Passion: le message chrétien et le théatre francais (Graham A. Runnalls) Brewer, Derek, A New Introduction to Chaucer (Matthew Woodcock) Burgwinkle, William E., Love for Sale: Materialist Readings of the Troubadour Razo Corpus (Ruth E. Harvey) Carpenter, Christine (ed.), Zhe Armburgh Papers: The Brokholes Inheritance in Warwickshire, Hertfordshire and Essex (A. S. G. Edwards) Carruthers, Mary, Zhe Craft of Thought: Meditation, Rhetoric, and the Making of Images, 400-1200 (Jeffrey Hamburger) Cartlidge, Neil, Medieval Marriage: Literary Approaches, 1100-1300 (M. Teresa Tavormina) Cazal, Yvonne, Les Voix du peuple—Verbum Dei: le bilinguisme latin— langue vulgaire au moyen age (Roger Wright) Clemoes, Peter (ed.), 4/fric’s Catholic Homilies: The First Series: Text (M. Bradford Bedingfield) Clopper, Lawrence M., ‘Songs of Rechelesnesse’: Langland and the Francascans (Anne Hudson) Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome, and Bonnie Wheeler (eds.), Becoming Male in the Middle Ages (Corinne Saunders) Craun, Edwin D., Lies, Slander and Obscenity in Medieval English Literature: Pastoral Rhetoric and the Deviant Speaker (David Lawton) Crécy, Marie-Claude de (ed.), Le Roman de Ponthus et Sidoine (Jane H. M. Taylor) Cunningham, I. C.: see Lucas, P. J. Diekstra, F. N. M. (ed.), Book for a Simple and Devout Woman: A Late Middle English Adaptation of Peraldus’s Summa de vitiis et virtutibus and Friar Laurent’s Somme le roi (Hugh White ag Dillon, Janette, Language and Stag val and Renai (Edwin D. Craun ; Doane, A. N.: see Lucas, P. J. Dronke, Ursula (ed.), The Poetic Edda, thological DRURY cs hd es oe ioc odd asp eeucaca eee eb Ns A de Ehlen, Thomas, Hystoria ducis ‘Herzog Ernst’ C (John L. Elam, Caroline: see Gordon, Dillian Garnier, Annette (ed. and trans. Gautier d Théophile ou comment Théophile Gaullier-Bougassas, Catherine, Les Romans d’Alexand de lépique et du romanesque (Ruth Morse Goodman, Jennifer R., Chivalry and Expl Moore) Gordon, Dillian, Lisa Monnas, and Caroline Elam Image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych (Helen Gosman, Martin, La Légende d’Alexandre le grand dans Ja littér. 2e siecle: une réécriture permanente (Ruth Morse Griffith, Mark (ed.), Judith (R. F. S. Hamer Grubmiller, Klaus (ed.), \ (Sebastian Coxon) Harf-Lancner, Laurence: see Baumgartner, Emmanuéle Hastings, George (ed.), The AB Dialect: A Computer Conc rdance (Richard Dance) Havely, Nick: see Phillips, Helen Hebron, Malcolm, Zhe Medieva: Romance (Rosalind Field) Hen, Yitzak, Culture and Religion (Paul Antony Hayward) Holladay, Joan A., Laminating the Epi Hotchkiss, Valerie R., Clothes Make the . Medieval Europe (Corinne Saunders Howe, John, Church Reform and Social Change i Dominic of Sora and his Patrons (H. E. J. Howes, Laura L., Chaucer’s Gardens and NG RIN sicennesonstinocnshen siiansiimcassaotiaabsanthaunsitoeclicaanaiie l Kennedy, Angus J. (ed.), Christine de Pizan; Le Livre du cot (Jane H. M. Taylor) ...... oo Krantz, M. Diane F., The Life and Text of Ju of Enclosure (Vincent Gillespie) Lapidge, Michael (ed.), Columbanus: Studies on the (Rohini Jayatilaka) Largier, Niklas, Diogenes der Kyniker: Exempel, Erzahlung, Geschichte in Mittelalter und Friiber Neuzeit (Jens Haustein) Lerer, Seth, Courtly Letters in the Age of Henry VIII: Literary Culture and the Arts of Deceit (James Simpson) Le Vot, Gérard: see Bahat, Avner Levy, Kenneth, Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians (Sam Barrett)... Liu, Xinru, St/k and Religion: An Exploration ofM aterial Life and the Thought of People, AD 600-1200 (Haidee Lorrey) Looze, Laurence de, Pseudo-autobiography in the Fourteenth Century (Philip E. Bennett) Lucas, P. J., A. N. Doane, and I. C. Cunningham (eds.), Latin Manuscripts with Anglo-Saxon Glosses (Rohini Jayatilaka) McGerr, Rosemarie P., Chaucer's Open Books: Resistance to Closure in Medieval Discourse (Charlotte C. Morse) Mehtonen, Paivi, O/d Concepts and New Poetics: ‘Historia’, ‘Argumentum’, and ‘Fabula’ in Twelfth- and Early Thirteenth-Century Latin Poetics of Fiction (Monika Otter) Millward, Celia (ed.), La Estorie del Evangelie:_A Parallel-Text Edition (John C. Hirsh) Monnas, Lisa: see Gordon, Dillian Morenzoni, F. (ed.), Thomas de Chobham; Summa de commendatione virtutum et extirpatione vitiorum (H. L. Spencer) Miiller, Jan-Dirk, Spie/rege/n fiir den Untergang: die Welt des ‘Nibelungenliedes’ (Sebastian Coxon) Murdoch, Brian, Zhe Germanic Hero: Politics and Pragmatism in Early Medieval Poetry (E. G. Stanley) Nagy, Joseph Falaky, Conversing with Angels and Ancients: Literary Myths of Medieval Ireland (Kaarina Hollo) Nilson, Ben, Cathedral Shrines of Medieval England (Sethina Watson) Norri, Juhani, Names of Body Parts in English, 1go0-1ss0 (Linne R. Mooney) North, Richard, Heathen Gods in Old English Literature (Heather O’Donoghue) Oguro, Shoichi, Richard Beadle, and Michael G. Sargent, Nicholas Love at Waseda (E. A. Jones) O’Keeffe, Katherine O’Brien (ed.), Reading Old English (Carolyne Larrington) Pensom, Roger, Aucassin et Nicolete: The Poetry of Gender and Growing up in the French Middle Ages (Leslie C. Brook) Phillips, Helen, and Nick Havely (eds.), Chaucer's Dream Poetry (A. S. G. Edwards) Poli, Andrea (ed.), Aimeric de Belenoi: Le poesie (Peter T. Ricketts) ... Pujol, J.: see Ronca, I. Reil, Cornelia, Liebe und Herrschaft: Studien zum altfranzosischen und mittelbochdeutschen Prosa-Lancelot (Almut Suerbaum) Ricketts, Peter T. (ed.), Le Breviari d’amor de Matfre Ermengaud (Matthew Bardell) Ridder, Klaus, Mittelhochdeutsche Minne- und lventiure romane: Fiktion, Geschichte und literarische Tradition im spathofischen Roman (D. Green) Robinson, P. R., and Rivkah Zim (eds.), Medieval Manuscripts, their Scribes and Readers (Ralj Ronca, I., L. Badia, and J. Pujol (eds.), Guillelmi pe Conchis; Dragmaticon philosophiae; Summa de philosophia in vulgari (Lodi Nauta Rouquier, Magali (ed.), Les Ei nfances Vivien (Marianne Ailes Russom, Geoffrey, ‘Beowulf and Old Germanic Metre (M: ark Griff Sandler, Lucy Freeman, Omne bonum: A Fourteenth-Ce of Universal Knowledge (A. S. G. Edwards Sargent, Michael G.: see Oguro, Shoichi Scully, Terence, ‘The Vivendier’: A Manuscript (Ann Rycraft Servet, Pierre (ed.), Le Mystér Runnalls) Sharpe, Richard, A Handlist Ireland before 154 (N.F. Sherman, Claire Richter, ~ 01 Representation in Fourteenth-Ceni oi rance Signori, Gabriela, Maria crise Kathed hagiographische und historiographische Anne alterliche Wunderpredigt (Nine Mi edema) Small, Graeme, George Chastellain and th (M. H. Keen) Spiegel, Gabrielle M., The Past as Text: Medieval Historiography (Paul Strohm Stolz, Michael, ‘Tum’-Studien: zur dichterischen Heinrichs von Miigeln (Christian Kiening Sullens, Idelle (ed.), Robert Mannyng Turville-Petre) Thomas, Marcel, and Francois Avril (introd.), Gaston Phébus (H.C. Thomson, John J., Zhe ‘Cursor mund?’: Hanna) Valette, Jean-René, La Poétique du merveilleux dans (E.K.) Veenstra, Jan R., Magic and Divination at the France: Text and Context of Laurens Pignon’s ‘Contre (1411) (Philippe Walter) Volfing, Annette, Heinrich von Miigeln; ‘Der meide kranz’: A Commentary SUSE UTES 71) AA ere Renee peor nr cP Reha Me Sree Ses Watson, Andrew G., A Descriptive Catalogue of the of All Souls College Oxford (Ralph Hanna) Wheeler, Bonnie: see Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome Wollin, C., Petri Blesensis carmina (Carolinne Whi WoodhouseJo,hn (ed.), Dante and Governance John C. Zim, Rivkah: see Robinson, P. R.

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