MEDICC Medical education cooperation with cuba oakland, ca hesperian Foundation berkeley, ca 2010 © 2010 Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC) and the Hesperian Foundation Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC) 1814 Franklin Street, Suite 500 Oakland, CA 94612, USA Hesperian Foundation 1919 Addison Street, suite 304 Berkeley, CA 94704, USA prologue FroM Medicc * Lisette Dolyres, Haitian, who drew on her vast medical experience in Canada, Haiti and Africa to revise the Creole. Necessity is the mother of invention, as the wise old saying goes. But to explain the genesis of this glossary, we would have to add that collaboration * Ginette Edouard Calonges, Haitian, who worked on the translation of the is the mother of success. In our case, this means first of all the inspiration first part of the glossary. derived from Cuba’s cooperation in the health field with Haiti, the Americas’ * Reynaldo Henquén, Cuban journalist in Radio Havana Cuba’s French poorest country, and from the over 1,000 young Haitians who decided to Department, who revised the French. study medicine in Cuba to put their knowledge and their skills at the service of their people. * Dr. Minerva Nogueira Sotolongo, professor of the National School of Public Health in Havana, who reviewed the Spanish terminology. This glossary was initiated by Dr. Hilda María Pérez Núñez and Xiomara Díaz Torres of the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Santiago de * Loida Oliva Urbay, resident in Haiti, who worked on the translation of Cuba, the result of their experience as teachers during a period of the the first part of the glossary. Cuban medical team’s collaboration in Haiti. Over time, the team’s health We are also grateful to Dr. Antonio López Gutiérrez, Rector of the Higher professionals have worked in all ten departments of Haiti, carrying out Institute of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba and the school’s professors 13,799,075 patient consults between 1998 and 2008. The nearly 400 Cubans dedicated to the Haitian students’ medical training; Dr. Yiliam Jiménez who serve in Haiti’s most remote regions confront the same linguistic Expósito, Viceminister of Foreign Relations of Cuba; Dr. Nestor Marimón problem that later face the Haitian graduates: they studied medicine in Torres, Director of International Relations, Ministry of Public Health of Spanish, but need to communicate with their patients in Creole and write Cuba (MINSAP); Dr. Juan J. Ceballos Arrieta, Viceministry for Teaching and their clinical histories in French, as is the practice in Haiti. Research, MINSAP; Sisleidys Lantigua Pomo; and graphic designer Aram The first 750 words were put to paper, thanks to the ideas and perseverance of Álvarez Bernal, MFA. these two professors. The glossary would finally grow to over 4,000 words as Like all works that come to light for the first time, this one can certainly a result of the dedication of a group of collaborators from Cuba, the United be improved. Thus, we invite you to join our collective, welcoming your States, Canada and Haiti. The second phase of the book was coordinated suggestions and corrections. It is our wish, above all, that this glossary be by Anna Kovac, trilingual Canadian journalist living in Cuba, under the useful to all those committed to Health for All. direction of Gail Reed, Executive Editor of the MEDICC Review journal. Editorial Committee For nearly two years, the following persons contributed their efforts to the April 2, 2009 project, and merit special recognition: * Alyana André, Canadian, who translated the lion’s share of the glossary into the three languages. * Dr. José Díaz Novas of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, whose work identified over 3,000 words, essential primary health care vocabulary. hesperian introduction copyright Hesperian is pleased to collaborate with Medical Education Cooperation This four-language edition of Health for All Medical Glossary is an open with Cuba (MEDICC) in adding a fourth language — English — to the access publication, jointly copyrighted by MEDICC and the Hesperian Health For All Medical Glossary, originally published by MEDICC Review Foundation, allowing readers to freely access, copy, use, distribute, transmit in Spanish, French and Kreyòl. Developed for the Haitian graduates of and display its contents, and to make and distribute derivative works, subject Cuba’s Latin American Medical School; the glossary assists these committed to proper attribution of authorship (including the original copyright notice), as young doctors on their return to Haiti — since they learned medicine in well as the right to make print copies for their use. The uses described above Spanish, speak with their patients in Kreyòl and compose clinical records in are limited exclusively to non-commercial purposes. French. On January 25, 2010 Hesperian received a call from MEDICC, requesting assistance in adding a fourth language — English — to the 4000+ word glossary. This urgent request was in response to the many English-speaking health care workers in or on their way to Haiti following the devastating earthquake The authoritative glossary contains terms and expressions commonly used by health care providers, contributing to better care and preventive medicine efforts by multinational teams. Hesperian thanks the staff and volunteers who immediately transformed MEDICC’s original into an editable “wiki” format, and sent an email alert to recruit volunteers — professional translators, doctors, and fluent English/ Spanish speakers. Twenty-eight volunteers from Berkeley to Germany worked around the clock to meet a 30-hour deadline. Their work was then reviewed by another team of medical translators and also by Haitian MDs and MEDICC’s editor to ensure the Kreyòl matched the English. More than 80 volunteers participated in this week-long intensive project of solidarity with the people of Haiti. english español kreyòl Français A Abacterial Abacteriano Ki pa gen mikwòb, ki pa gen bakteri Abactérien Abdomen Abdomen Vant Abdomen Abdominal Abdominal Ki gen pou wè ak vant Abdominal Abdominal muscle contraction Abdomen en tabla Vant di, misk yo rèd Contraction muscles abdominaux Abdominocentesis Abdominocentesis Fè yon ti tou nan vant Abdominocentèse Abdominogenital Abdominogénital Ki gen pou wè ak vant ak ògan seksyèl yo Abdominogénital Abduction Abducción Mouvman ki elwanye yon manm pi lwen Abduction sant kò a Aberrant Aberrante Ki pa gen sans Aberrant Aberration Aberración Erè nan jijman, lè bagay ou lide a pa gen sans Aberration Ablaction Ablactación Sispan bay tibebe lèt manman Ablactation Ablation Ablación Wete yon ògan nan kò a Ablation Able, to be (verb); Poder Pouvwa Pouvoir Abnormal Anormalía Ki pa nòmal Anormal Abnormal Anormal Ki pa nòmal Anormal Abnormality Anormalidad Ki pa nòmal Anormalité Aborted Abortado(a) Avòte Avorté(e) Abortifacient Abortivo(a) Ki fè moun fè avòtman Abortif (tive) Abortion; miscarriage Aborto Avòtman Avortement Abortion rate Tasa de aborto Pousantaj moun ki fè avòtman Taux d’avortement Abort; miscarry, to Abortar Fè avòtman Avorter Above Arriba Anwo En haut Abrasion Abrasión Rakle, fè yon kòchi Abrasion Abrupt Abrupto(a) Rèd Abrupt (e) Abscess Absceso Abse Abcès Absence Ausencia Absans, ki pa la Absence Absorption Absorción Bwè Absorption Abstemious Abstemio Ki pa bwè alkòl Abstème Abstinence Abstinencia Pa fè di tou Abstinence Abundant; plentiful Abundante Anpil Abondant Abuse Abuso Abi Abus Academic Académico(a) Ki gen pou wè ak akademi Académique 1 Health for All Medical Glossary english español kreyòl Français Access Acceso Aksè Accès Accident Accidente Aksidan Accident Accident; crash Accidentar Fè aksidan Accidenter Accident, to have an Sufrir un accidente Gen yon aksidan Avoir un accident Accidents at home Accidentes del hogar Aksidan nan kay Accident domestiques Accommodate, to; adjust, to Acomodar Aranje Accommoder Accommodation Acomodación Aranjman Accommodation Accomplishment Cumplimiento Akonplisman Accomplissement Accumulation Acumulación Fè pil sou pil Accumulation Accustomed Acostumbrado(a) Abitye Habitué(e) Acetabulum; hip socket Acetábulo Asetabilòm, tou nan anch ki resevwa zo Acétabule kwis la Acetone Acetona Asetonn, pwodwi chimik Acétone Acetonuria Acetonuria Asetonn nan pipi Acétonurie Acetylcholine Acetilcolina Asetilkolin, medyatè chimik Acetylcholine Acid Ácido Asid Acide Acidemia Acidemia Anpil asid nan san Acidose Acidity; heartburn; Acidez Asid, lestomak brile Acidité sour stomach Acidosis Acidosis Asidoz Acidose Acinus Acino Mas won kèk selil ki bay likid nan bout Acinus kanal yon glann Acne Acné Tach nan figi Acné Acrocyanosis Acrocianosis Lè pye ak men vin tou ble Acrocyanose Acromegaly Acromegalia Akromegali (fèt ak gwo tèt, men e pye) Acromégalie Acromion Acromion Akomyon (pwen zepòl) Acromion Act, to Actuar Aji Agir ACTH ACTH Aseteach (òmonn) ACTH Activator Activador Aktivè Activeur Active Activo(a) Aktif Actif(ve) Activity Actividad Aktivite Activité Actuation Actuación Zak, wòl Conduite, façon d’agir Acuity Agudeza Pi pwononse Acuité Acupuncture Acupuntura Akiponkti (tretman ak zegwi) Acupuncture 2 Health for All Medical Glossary english español kreyòl Français Acute Agudo(a) Grav Grave Acute hepatitis Hepatitis aguda Epatit egi (fò) Hépatite aiguë Acyclovir Antiviral antivírico(a) Kont viris Antiviral Adaptation Adaptación Adaptasyon Adaptation Addiction Adicción Adiksyon, depandans Dépendance Adduction Aducción Mouvman ki rapwoche yon manm Adduction pre sant kò a Adductor Aductor Adiktè Adducteur Adenitis; inflamed gland Adenitis Enflamasyon glann lenfatik Adénite Adenocarcinoma Adenocarcinoma Timè maleng Adénocarcinome Adenoid Adenoide Ki gen pou wè ak tisi glann yo Adénoïde Adenoid Adenoideo Adenoyid Adénoïdien Adenoidectomy Adenoidectomía Retire tisi glann yo ki gen timè Adénoïdectomie Adenoiditis Adenoiditis Enflamasyon tisi adenoyid Adénoïdite Adenoma Adenoma Timè nan yon glann Adénome Adenopathy Adenopatía Glann anfle Adénopathie Adequate Adecuado(a) Ki bon, ki korèk Adéquat(e) Adhesion Adherencia Ki kole Adhérence Adjacent organ Anejo(a)s Ògann ajoute Organe ajouté (e, es) Adjust, to; tighten, to Ajustar Ajiste Ajuster Administration Administración Administrasyon Administration Admission Admisión Admisyon Admission Admission of patients Admisión de pacientes Aksèpte moun ki malad Admission de patients Adnexa Anejo(a)s Ògann ajoute Organe ajouté (e, es) Adolescence Adolescencia Adolesans Adolescence Adolescent Adolescente Adolesan Adolescent Adrenal Adrenal Ki gen pou wè ak adrenalin Adrénergique Adrenaline Adrenalina Adrenalin Adrénaline Adrenocorticotropin Adrenocorticotropina Òmonn ki fè lòt òmonn mache Adrénocorticotropine Adult Adulto(a) Gran moun Adulte Adulterated Adulterado(a) Falsifye, fo Falsifié(e) Adulteration Adulteración Fose, falsifikasyon Falsification Advance Adelanto Ale mye, ap vanse pi devan Avance, progrès Adverse Adverso(a) Kontrè Adverse, contraire 3 Health for All Medical Glossary english español kreyòl Français Adverse drug reaction, ADR Reacción adversa a un Move reyaksyon ak medikaman; RAM Réaction adverse à un médicament, medicamento; RAM RAM Adverse effect Efecto adverso Efè kontre Effet adverse Adverse effects Efectos nocivos Move efè Effets nocifs Advice Consejo Konsèy Conseil Advisable Aconsejable Ki pran konsèy Conseillé(e) Adynamia Adinamia Gwo feblès nan tout misk Asthénie, adynamie Aerobe Aerobio Ayewobi, òganis ki pa ka devlope si pa gen lè Aérobie Aerogastria Aerogastria Gaz nan vant Aérogastrie Aerophagia Aerofagia Vale lè Aérophagie Aerosol Aerosol Patikil ki nan gaz la Aérosol Afebrile Afebril Ki pa gen lafyèv Sans fièvre Affected by a heart condition Afectado del corazón Soufri kè Affecté au cœur Affected by AIDS Afectados por el SIDA Ki gen SIDA Affectés par le SIDA Affection Afección Afeksyon Affection Afferent Aferente Ki vin pou li Afférent Affinity Afinidad Afinite, ki gen relasyon ak lòt Affinité Affliction; grief Aflicción Gwo lapenn Affliction Afternoon; early evening Tarde Ta, apre midi Tard, après midi Against Contra Kont Contre Agalorrhea Agalorrea Manke lèt ou pa gen lèt ou lèt la fini nan tete Agalactie Age Edad Laj Age Age, to Envejecer Vyeyi Vieillir Agenesis Agenesia Ògan ki sispan devlope Agénésie Agent Agente Ajan Agent Agglutination Aglutinación Kaye Agglutination Agglutinogen Aglutinógeno Aglitinojèn Agglutinogène Aggressive Agresivo(a) Agresif Agressif (ve) Agitate, to; shake, to Agitar Ajite Agiter Agranulocytosis Agranulocitosis Disparisyon globil blan Agranulocytose Agree, to Acordar Vin dakò Accorder Agreement Acuerdo Akò Accord Ahead Adelante Annavan, devan En avant, progresser AIDS SIDA SIDA SIDA 4 Health for All Medical Glossary english español kreyòl Français Air Aire Lè Air Alarm Alarma Alam Alarme Alarming Alarmante Ki mete nou sou lekiviv Alarmant, inquiétant Albino Albino Albinòs Albinos Albumin Albúmina Albimin, sistans òganik Albumine Albuminuria Albuminuria Pwoteyin nan pipi Albuminurie Alcohol Alcohol Alkòl Alcool Alcoholic Alcohólico Tafyatè Alcoolique Alcoholism Alcoholismo Abitid bwè tafya Alcoolisme Aldosterone Aldosterona Aldosteronn, òmonn ki aji nan ren Aldostérone Alert Alerta Sou lekiviv Alerte Algia Algia Doulè Algie Algorhithm Algoritmo Algorit, operasyon matematik Algorithme Alive Vivo(a) Vivan Vivant (e) Alkaloid Alcaloide Alkaloyid, yon konpoze òganik Alcaloïde Alkalosis Alcalosis Alkaloz Alcalose All Todo Tout Tout Allantois Alantoides Alanntoyd Allantoïdes Allergen Alérgeno Alèjèn, ki bay alèji Allergène Allergic Alérgico Alèjik, fè alèji Allergique Allergist Alergista Espesyalis nan alèji Allergologiste Allergy Alergia Alèji Allergie Alleviate Aliviar Soulaje Soulager Alleviate pain Aliviar el dolor Soulajman doulè Soulagement de la douleur Alone; only Solo(a) Sèl Seul (e) Alopecia Alopecia Pèdi cheve Alopécie Alpha fetoprotein Alfafetoproteina Yon pwoteyin ki nan yon ti bebe nan vant Alpha fœto- protéine manman li men ki ka parèt nan moun ki gen sèten maladi tou Alter; modify Alterar Modifye, chanje Altérer, modifier, changer,troubler Alternative Alternativa Chwa, altènatif Alternative Alveolar Alveolar Alveyolè Alvéolaire Alveolitis Alveolitis Enflamasyon alveyòl Alvéolite Alveolus Alvéolo Alveyòl, kavite nan zòn pomon Alvéole 5 Health for All Medical Glossary english español kreyòl Français Always Siempre Toujou Toujours Amalgam Amalgama Amalgam, plombe Amalgame Amaurosis Amaurosis Pèdi vizyon sanzatann Amaurose Amblyopia Amblyopia Anbliyopi, bès vizyon Amblyopie Ambulance Ambulancia Anbilans Ambulance Ambulatory Ambulatorio Ki kapab deplace, ki ka mache Ambulatoire, dispensaire Ambulatory care Cuidado ambulatorio Swen san entennen lopital Soin ambulatoire Ameba Ameba Amib, vè, parazit Amibe Amebiasis Amebiasis Amebyaz, maladi vè Amibiase Amenorreha Amenorrea Pa gen règ Aménorrhée Ametropia Ametropía Ametwopi Amétropie Amino acids Aminoácidos Aminoasid, sistans chimik Aminoacides Amino acids, essential Aminoácidos esenciales Aminoasid esansyèl Aminoacides essentiels Amnesia Amnesia Pèt memwa Amnésie Amnesiac Amnésico Ki pèdi memwa Amnésique Amniocentesis Amniocentesis Egzamen likid ki nan vant fi ansent Amniocentèse Amnios Amnios Kouch ki pi pre ki kouvri ti bebe nan vant Amnios (Amnios) Amniotic Amniótico(a) Amniotik, likid ki nan amnios Amniotique Amniotic fluid Líquido amniótico Likid nan vant fi ansent Liquide amniotique Amoebic dysentery Disentería amebiana Dyare ak san akoz amib yo Dysenterie amibienne Amphetamine Anfetamina Anfètamin, medikaman Amphétamine Ampicilin Ampicilina Anpisilin, antibiotik Ampicilline Amputate Amputar Koupe yon pati nan kò Amputer Amputation Amputación Lè yo koupe yon pati nan kò a Amputation Amylase Amilasa Amilaz, eleman chimik nan san Amylase Anabolic Anabólizante Anabolizan Anabolisant Anaerobic Anaerobio Anayewobi, ki pa gen lè Anaérobie Anaerobiosis Anaerobiosis Anayerobyoz Anaérobiose Anal Anal Nan tou deyè (bounda) Anal Analgesia Analgesia Ki fè doulè pase Analgésie Analgesic Analgésicos Analjezik Analgésique Analogic Análogo(a) Ki sanble Analogue Analysis Análisis Analiz, tès Analyse 6 Health for All Medical Glossary