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Medical Device Design: Innovation from Concept to Market PDF

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Medical Device Design Innovation from Concept to Market Second Edition Peter Ogrodnik AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 125LondonWall,LondonEC2Y5AS,UnitedKingdom 525BStreet,Suite1650,SanDiego,CA92101,UnitedStates 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,UnitedStates TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UnitedKingdom Copyright©2020ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyany means,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformation storageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher.Detailson howtoseekpermission,furtherinformationaboutthePublisher’spermissionspolicies andourarrangementswithorganizationssuchastheCopyrightClearanceCenterandthe CopyrightLicensingAgency,canbefoundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions. Thisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyright bythePublisher(otherthanasmaybenotedherein). Notices Knowledgeandbestpracticeinthisfieldareconstantlychanging.Asnewresearchand experiencebroadenourunderstanding,changesinresearchmethods,professional practices,ormedicaltreatmentmaybecomenecessary. Practitionersandresearchersmustalwaysrelyontheirownexperienceandknowledgein evaluatingandusinganyinformation,methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribed herein.Inusingsuchinformationormethodstheyshouldbemindfuloftheirownsafety andthesafetyofothers,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessional responsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,or editors,assumeanyliabilityforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasa matterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperationofany methods,products,instructions,orideascontainedinthematerialherein. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-0-12-814962-1 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublicationsvisitour websiteathttps://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher:MaraConner AcquisitionEditor:FionaGeraghty EditorialProjectManager:FernandaA.Oliveira ProductionProjectManager:R.VijayBharath CoverDesigner:ChristianJ.Bilbow TypesetbyTNQTechnologies Iwouldliketodedicatethisbooktothethreemostimportantpeoplein my life e my wife Lynda and my two daughters Natasha and Zoe. I would like to thank them for helping me to get me through a couple of tough years. Whatever happens always happens for the best. Preface Iamsorryifthisseemsfamiliar,butthestoryforthisbookhasnotreallychanged. ThefirsteditionofthisbookfulfilledanambitionIheldformanyyears.WhenIfirst startedonthemedicalengineeringpathwayIwassodisappointedthattherewereno textstohelpmetodesignadeviceethebookshelveswereempty.Therewereloads ofbooksavailabletotellmehowtomeasuretheangleofananklejoint,orevenhow touseanX-raymachine.butcouldIfindonetellingmehowtodesignone?No. Luckilymybackgroundisinmechanicalengineeringandgooddesignpracticewas forced into me so adhering to medical devices regulations was relatively easy. HoweverIwasdismayedwhenIlookedbackandsawhowmuchtimeIhadwasted trying tomake the basic design principles fitinto the regulatoryframework. When I started Edition 1 I first visited the bookshelves again (only now MrsHubbard’scupboardwaselectronicandwebbased).OnceagainIwasdismayed that little progress had been made. The regulatory bodies themselveshad come up with some guidelines, but all of the biomedical engineering books had followed thesameoldpath.ItwasatthispointthatmyambitionwasrekindledandIdecided to contact the publisher of my first book to see if they were interested in having a medicaldevicesdesignhandbookintheirportfolio.Unfortunatelyitwasoutoftheir scope but they gave me a name of someone they knew who may be interested. I therefore, with some trepidation, sent a brief proposal to this person. Little known to me was that he was, at that very moment, in a meeting in the USA discussing the need for a medical devices design handbook with his colleagues, and they were trying to think who could write it e his email went ping and their was my proposal. Serendipity does throw up some unlikely coincidences e and this was one ofthe best. Backtothestory.AfterafranticemailexchangeIsetaboutdesigningTHEmedical devicesdesignhandbook;onlytorealizethatIwasprobablydoingthesameasothers beforemeeignoringthefactthatthisisaboutdesigninamedicaldevicesenviron- ment,notjustbiomedicalengineering.Isooncametorealizethatthebestapproach wouldbetostartfromthebeginning(indesignterms)andassumeallreaders(nomat- ter what background) have a poor design education and to take things step by step. OnceI had identified thissimple seedofanidea, the book fellintoplace.Infact, I had actually designed the book not just written it. I decided that the format for the text must be informal; it must have the feel of a conversation rather than the usual, dry e sometimes pompous e nature of textbooks. I hope I have achieved this (not the pompous bit!). The main layout of the book is bite-sized, self contained, chaptersthatyoucanreadornotreadasyouchoose.So,forexample,ifyouarehappy withyourknowledgeoflabelingthereislittleneedforyoutospendhoursreadingthat chapter.butyoumayspendmoretimeonspecificationdevelopment.Oh,whilewe are on that subject DO NOT ignore the specification chapter, this is the core of all gooddesignpractice. Missout this chapter and I (or yourpatients) may comeback xvii xviii Preface andhauntyou!AlsoDONOTmisstheRISKchaptereithereIamoftenamazedhow fewpeoplecanperformthissosimpletask. Thegoodnewsisthatmysuspicionsthatgavemetheideathattherewasaneedfor this book was justified. Edition 1 was highly successful. Hence there is a distinct need for updatingitand improvingit (based onsomeof yourcomments) tocreate Edition 2. Sinceedition1therehavebeenmanyregulatorychanges.Ihavetriedtotakethese intoaccountinthetext.IdohopeIhavemanagedtodoso.Inessencethemainmes- sagehasnotchanged;butwhathaschangedisthewayinwhichyouareexpectedto present your work and some essential steps you must not miss out. I hope I have shown these changes due regard, and done them justice. Also I have included morecasestudies,andmuchmorecontentonelectronics/software.Ihopetheseel- ements are useful. So, if you are an established design engineer, an entrepreneur, or a surgeon with a brainwavethebookwillhelpyoutotakeyourideatothenextlevel.Itmaysimply enableyoutocommunicatewithadesignerwithabetteroutcome,oritmayhelpyou to takeyour product to FDA clearance to market; it may evenreduce your time to market. Whilst I would love to claim that use of this book would mean that all of yourdesigns would meet every regulatory requirementI cannot. What I can say is that it will give you the ability to make sure that you know which ones you have to meet; and gives you the toolkit and the basic design principles to be able to meet them. Of course I would love to hear of your successes. I am sure emails to the publishers,via their website, willget to me. Toclosethispreface,Iwishtoreiteratemyaim.Thisbookistargetedatthosewho wish to design a medical device for sale within the global medical devices community. Be that a simple scalpel, or an MRI scanner. It is intended to be a reference text that will be onyour desk, right next to your IPad and cellphone. Ah, that reminds me; I must apologize to those in the UK. The publishers of this book are USA based and hence spellings are USA based, so if you see a ‘z’ were there shouldbean‘s’,orifa ‘u’ismissing,orI say cellphone instead ofmobile‘phone, thenIamsorrybutthatisthewayofthetextbookmarketnowadays.Equally,forthose ofyouintheUSAifyoudonotfollowsomemyfootnotesthentreatthemasBritish idiosyncrasiesandlaughoutloud(asmyeditordid!).However,whereverpossibleI have tried tocross the pond e asthey say e byincluding USEnglish, UKEnglish andEUcross-references(whereverpossible).Ihopetheywork. Goodluckwithyourdesigns;maytheymakepatientsfeelalotbetterandmakeyour bankbalances a lothealthier. PJO England. January2019 p.s.Aswithmosthandbooksthetextisonlyaguide.Followingitscontentsdoesnot guaranteeanydegreeof success, performance orsafety eonly YOUcan do that. Acknowledgements Iwouldliketothankthefollowingfortheirkindassistanceintheproductionofthis book by allowing me to use photographs, case studies and general information: MetaphysisLLP;RiverwayMedicalPackagingLtd;DeSoutter,Stratasys,andKeele University. Furthermore, the US Food and Drugs Administration (USA) and the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK),BSI, TU¨V (and other Notified Bodies) require acknowledgement as their respective online repositories wereamineofinformation.Ialsothankallthosewhohavegivenmeadvicealong the way especially Prof Peter Thomas, Mrs Susan Hartman, and (of course) my editorialteamat Elsevier; if Ihaveforgotten anyonepleaseforgiveme. xix CHAPTER 1 Introduction Plusc¸achange,plusc’estmeˆmechose1 JeanBaptisteKerr(1849). 1.1 The medical devices world since 2012 Before we get into the book its is worth noting that since the first edition was published in late 2012 the medical devices world has changed. Let us explore sometoof the changes. Justasawordofwarning,somethingshavechangedfordefinite(e.g.ISO13485), somethingsarecomingintoforceatamuchlaterdate(e.g.thenewMedicalDevices Regulations),andsomethingswehavenoideaaboutbutwillhaveanimpact(e.g. Brexit).Iwill try tobe as clear as possiblethroughout so thatyou, the reader, still have a basison which tooperate. 1.1.1 What has changed since Edition 1 Therehavebeenthreemajorchangesin“medicaldevicesland”sinceedition1was published. ThefirstisthenewISO149712(theriskmanagementstandardformedicaldevices) which was publishedin 2012. This is theversion everyoneshouldbe using now. In2016thenewISO13485(thequalitymanagementstandardformedicaldevices) waspublishedandeveryonemusthavetransitionedbySpring(2018).Hence,bythe timeyouarereadingthis,everyoneshouldbeusingit.Thisoneisagoodchangeasit harmonises acrossboundaries, sothe FDAacceptISO13485:2016 asdo the EU. FinallytheEuropeanUnions’snewMedicalDevicesRegulations2017/245havejust beenpublishedandeveryonemusthavetransferredoverby26thMay2020fromthe oldMedical DevicesDirectivetobe compliant. 1 Themorethingschange,themoretheystaythesame. 2 Sincepublicationthe2019versionhasbeenpublished.PleaserefertoIso14971:2019. 1 MedicalDeviceDesign.https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-814962-1.00001-6 Copyright©2020ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 2 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Throughout this text I will try to point out what has changed and what has not. EquallytheFDAhavebeentweakingrulesandregulationstoo,butnothingasmajor asatotallybrandnewsetorrules.Keepinguptodatehasneverbeensoimportant! One major important imminent change is Brexit. No one really knows what the implications are for the medical devices industry in the UK or even the market place. But we do know that if we are to sell devices into the EU and the USA we must still follow the EU and FDA rules. What actually happens in the UK will, hopefully, become clearer but importance of design control will, inevitably, remain the same as ISO14971 and ISO13485 are international standards so they have to be followed e no questions. 1.1.2 The internet of things and big data Therecanbelittledoubtinanyone’smindthattechnologyhasmovedonapaceinthe lastfewyears.WhatwasonlyadreaminStarTrek3inthe60’sisnowareality(i.e talkingtoacomputer).Theuseofinternettechnologytoenabledevicestocommu- nicate with each other, and share data is a reality. Satellite communications has enabled whole countries to become “internet ready”. And, finally, 5G mobile net- workswillrevolutionisethewayweuseourmobile(sorrycell)phoneseonceagain. Embedding software, IoT technology, and big data in medical devices is already starting.CertainlybythetimeyoureadthisbookmorethanoneInternetofMedicine device will be in the market place. To some extent the USA and the FDA have embraced this challenge. The EU, in respect, have still to grasp the nettle rather than regulateagainst itseventualexistence. 1.1.3 The medical devices “police” BeforewegotoofaritisimportanttointroduceyoutothePoliceForces4ofmedical devices. It is worth thinking of them as police because theyhave the power of life anddeathover your device and yourcompany. In Europe each country has their own government body called the Competent Au- thority.Eventhoughtheyareseparatebodiestheyactasonesothatanapplication foraCEmark(thelicensetosellwiththeEuropeanUnion)inonecountrycountsin alloftheothermemberstates.Theprocessissomewhatconfusedbythenextlevel calledtheNotifiedBody;thesearelegalentitieswhoarelicensedbytheCompetent Authority to do the CE marking process. These are the people that an applicant 3 Everyone must remember that famous scenewhere Scotty tries to talk to a 1980’s computer by speakingintothemouse!StarTrekeTheVoyageHome(1986). 4 IntheUSAtheyareactualUSmarshals,withthebadgesandgunstoproveit! 1.1 The medical devices world since 2012 3 wouldspeaktooandwouldbeauditedby.ThisiscompletelydifferentintheUSA; herethebodyistheUSFoodandDrugsAdministration(FDA)andtherelevantsub- setistheCenterforDevicesandRadiologicalHealth(CDRH).Theapplicanttalks directtotheFDA(viaCDRH)andobtainsaClearanceToMarket(DONOTuseany otherwords). Itisimportanttoknowthattheapplicant/holderoftheCEmarkorFDAclearance tomarketisuniversallyknownastheManufacturer5andtheyarethetopofthereg- ulatory foodchain and are ultimatelyresponsible for the Safety ofsaiddevice (the designer, the subcontractor the packager etc are subservient to them). However all areapartoftheregulatoryprocess(aswewillseelater).Withmanufacturerstatus comes further levels of responsibility, and is not just about insurance. It brings in reporting, vigilance, post market surveillance, gathering clinical evidence and much more. Some are beyond the scope of this book, but they will be referred to as necessary. Canada has her own level of complexity (with CAMDCAS), and Japan’s is even more complex. However, the main thing to learn here is that the application processes are as different as they could possibly be - but at the end of the day the application is about how you present your design to the authorities; how you do your design is always the same, whereveryou are! Atthisstageitisworthdiscussingliability.Ultimatelyitisthemanufacturerwhohas theultimateresponsibilityforliability.However,aswithanyotherdiscipline,theirin- surers will try and pass liability down the food chain. Hence it is important, when actingasa sub-contractor, thatyou have relevant insurance inplace e and thatyou never exceed your own level of experience. But, as the designer, one is the hub of the activity. Without the designer nothing happens, no device exists and there is nothing to present for sale. Hence the product lives and dies at your hands,so your knowledgeofthemedicaldevicesregimeisfundamental.Youradherencetothestruc- tured design processes is essential, and your communication with others is of para- mount importance. That is why Fig. 1.1 has the graphics of a new baby, this is just how the medical device designer must picture their device. It must be treated with thecareanddiligenceonewouldapplytoanew-bornbaby;itis,afterall,yourbaby. 1.1.4 Essential definitions and how they have changed As discussed earlier it is important to be embedded in the discipline in which you practice design. Hence acar designer is embedded within the automotiveindustry, 5 IntheUSAtherearetwotypesofmanufacturereacompanythatphysicallymakesitsowndevices andaspecificationdevelopereacompanythatbasicallysubcontractsallofthe“metalbashing”and doesnothaveanyphysicalmanufacturingfacility.

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