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Medical Biochemistry at a Glance BEN GREENSTEIN uigetums iv ADAM GREENSTEIN piiiiew AiR lane OS erty 4 8m 196) Contents brststion 1 ‘The ukarot ss 2 Memonines 1 + Mesias 6 Membranes & ier cecporsand esse anon 10 Mosues 12 Motels tH 14 NA weplewion 15 DN repr 18 evorbiaton 20 Transition 24 Praca syttess 130, Protea yates 32 Prtin sym 34 ceatagen Como of gene expression in potargtes 42 Cons of gene expessicn i aks Mechanisms of tansrpiona om 46 Geste naaipaaon tS pH and burs 55 pian bates St ‘Chemical enaions 160 [Chemie reson 42 Earsimes 64 Bynes 68 ston: basi weil and ell: ypo igen of pond embodies 7 eston and absorption of ips 76 ‘he practioner in elo ser cain 78 Tae site vei ysl mtosbonaal cars §2 Clycogen mutation 88 Lip rebbosinn 1 ‘ethdbun of stoi 92 Calabi ound ede 98 ‘yates of amino ass 8 Ingato of metabolism 160 Glossary 110 Soues 113 Index 15 Introduction Masia! Biscemsr a @ Glance a8 emssap. design ad ‘erie asa earsng i fe used ade Thebenk ont “free tga oi pas, psi ss becom the diagrams, wth supple Gx, td nepthsbespdete epi digransas simple sie ie ‘edizprans capil onl cosoraly serbia hate wl sve Although he hci Bence Mee Ruabon aru lance, Suse of Boop. eclaing mrs. il he Be We vera oxtail There te branes NSU} whi rea covered er Pat Biotest ‘xaplevavery aera and pal wing het Biochemistry which deste gist Uetail wih be biehemisy ‘nieve dese ad wth the meer of tinal te ante is haan dese, ope vet ht sae ‘nie to pci ia hse as ail Fi his Book wo wl “rmocictoa Bachan, Blthenby ava sj who knowing bse py a ad, nt which wl heron oes ga suo ea ‘ore susie took to he hag of sean ers othe (Gearwe Besta ar mre cata ‘We hve mide every rp tans the ay aces a spy tise st hive oes eb a eee ‘acca fe dag nat oth bok ae ey esa heer Rows Rehan iggy, Gar Wallace and Ms Caso ‘serene Wisi pi, a, Ben Bromilow ao Bs Gavin Broek. Has Ets and tel Tomes for eine tvers the shame goes iho iin. bowser ia any mae es wore we ope ae the esos of he sath a he eer ‘pot ay we stout oko teens only thank the obi sf of Bask See, snd parila Star yo sa Jotan Re. thet pens bd plane nig he pat t afl cals Ted 195 Adam Grestin 1 The eukaryotic cell The eukaryotic cell Ragheen Seta spose tote ceating cen eres hich ay sont atl etree teat te mates a DNA-protin comples called chromatin, ‘ict paid suo crt clamped aes bit 25 hick fallcluotesomes The DNA catasthe co's ett ifoatn, lose the cleus nthe mele, rch 9 boruelele aid RNA? Within thnclestnare ons or more chomosomes mes "hemucteolarorganie, where isc RNA (NA) ferme he nonce of he nse he auceop, witha ‘eich ss sl amy of hos tins ee ins, ich appear to ind DNA tothe muear eatwane Interna membrane sens of the spl cakes cll Rowgh Uk estes wah ribo, wl moo ‘Smooth BR isthe se of sabes and metals of phos: therfore more ea excl. Thin my caplin why 3606 Rough FR ic pesnt in hohe i coll tha race peptide hormowes. e.tnsuli. and proteins. ep amhodien Rsoees tous lo rouzh ER prose ras toming 2h ‘alla orgvelemerrranes. TH RNA-mevsenger RNA (RAY Somplss stashed the ER, aol sully pases the closing Peptide hough po ino he celle othe FR, whe the ai agareaes pt rampeiioncoewher inthe clones the exracelsarspce "The Gell apparats ays of Matened vesicle and mth rmenivanes which taf ipe scunor an erly te prensa tom pcm and soe resp. Tater roses culled ery, sree or prea ass the pas mete. Te Goh lo pods ache cella Imembrat the fom of ex, a which anaes ponies Ud se emyres re phage and capo fom the cll They tbe produce membrane for organelles sah ar prussomes ane Txsonomes ae orzaacles wih a single menace, soloing acid Eysolne enzymes in an ace (tt 5) eavironment THe hoses deste polymers suchas DNA. RNA and psi inte ‘Meirmoromerie uni. Te ysoomel membrane i impermeable to ath age and sll meses. which te teanspors ows It by specie metiours, Genetic tack of » Istana eye, P.vtousamae whch smptent thet famenbrae protein. Gesu in Tay-Sachs disease i which ha: pein cml developing bee els an eu a death By ae Peronotaes se sll gues contig eneyes tha ese saygen (0,) co oxidize uric acid, oamino acids aed some 2hydeoyacics, th he podacton of hyegen peroxide (ALO) 1,0, te converted in the pronsome to water (10) and G, By ‘tale The eresisome th prac thecel om #0, a ower ‘oxida PeeaTsomes lun vontain enzymes important lipid reteboismFecaomal ens 3 fm el cel, and Wi ‘hung in eslllar condition Absence of proxvomes in bri ‘seas Zellweger syndrome, which cases death within wom iochndri are csr powers of heel Ty ara, pt» 25% of the cytoplasm. Taey possess both inner and outer ‘bea hs yng or ern, wh prod ibe ‘f adeonsie ipsa (AT) tom adenosine diphote (ADP) ‘hd nerguic pho), The ati nied wt be ees martin acelscnename A (CHA; teat oxi 10) én Susans, sch ATE: ADE. cits ad aospat, which aed 0 ‘ove noun ou of he schodn er paspsiely ema {he ects ed ae bampaed ky pce ks SHIA Rm ‘has etm Tbe mats a sever copies of all DNA mule ta eden ‘eesevertcy toch eran ti, Moet mites rons. once ae produey etl oss ng RNA feigning he ot aes anne cellar wrphology, anatase ad el ‘tose, ‘Te extorl, where many reactions oooh. contins soluble consttunts (Note he ribosome fs dealt wih are Tally om meats 2 Membranes | Membrane structure ‘tana S uerbans estat Thelin pris ots ees with p sand asceting toterbnesie mac epider vera ame pans MON oun he plane of he Blas The membrabe pois sere sens fection, They ay: i venspor eels trvgh the mabe at 3 ea We hema mesengs shanoe i ake poste el cel Inractias tows ter Panctine cits a, wl io mmke pose tecgon a anizens a ie) St x erm Prins ny beige beng nny bound we ene, ‘soca, loreal hel osreb ae Tote read ty mtd einen nr] poi be chor ena cvaey oe saat yak heen he aon [Smears nil sb ‘oe ptr ead Gh apts inate pine cs Mest inl poise ger a ave pl MESIBKANE CHEMISTRY slotpi and satin lve” impes ase 9) “The tce win ipa in sukargcciaban ts hkl sphingotpiss and phospeglycerdes. wpholyesies me the jor memrie lip oneal We ue meson higteeies ae heldia (ao ced phosphaisstin) ad eal (ako eiledphowpstetanclani). Sinaia a tnpfspthic molecules consti a ong chain Fit ace it tide ngs wt ovate pole Sach congenial {taranide Geophingatips vs stein harass sales acta eri, Cosrni ee rp go “ph Galtier nd ‘Chester fa ige mec th teats aman hep 2tolpsn ti mertnine is furmenbord opts ea ing. sas the ya chno membre pbb NHC, fr evlarsctiso, boesrol isthe fay ofthe mrs, 1 io reveals he tsa from hen lee Mad at lowe ermpertires hy prevent the cue fom bing ea oe. Menta Midi Aone at only he cholestrol cote, bo sho onemertre ape ed apie. i yey Sart saturate fly acids There 5 evidence that sty ‘em oferta ellsmay be uc dt PE ERYTHROCYTE MEMBRANE: he eyes pas eran tively sy ear om ie Csiaens. Te pcomponersareasjnetialy sab) eros he metre, emf isn bain sn nl. Reena cephain csi resonate sr Hd sf piephaligiluaocs te ember eed by ens ph of ming ane pope soronte wamtane is dow The crthlocte meorane cenins an ier lycopntsin slscopotin which cai 31 amin asd pans the era Sedananerlel hand 3 sone tte mbt belie later ebecropoeesis Bad 3900s ac pater, my hn fol oe Frise cision of tydgen cartons (HCO a {C:acom the membrane It ads the esol perigee ‘nigra whichis he npc, Spestn sd any ements of te cyte oeeon 3 Membranes I! brane transport peenrey = xo on ° : a ar ee ni a aye ape etapa (eesanl pak “ y et is ‘ere cad a og olor is ‘ha Caesamet Ate caane pt | et Seon n wekeaomare | Pave tranport i the mover a eile aan en aattatd ein isthe rapid nee mcs arse rembraae wih the help af specific membrane pois called permease. The pes i seis aver han wo he expted orm iiinsome and ere ranimem of nsport eve traneport isthe mnvemcnt ols neces aos the sora gt cmt a ches ey aceton tans the NK aes sghsptase ATS) opie wimps Ne" owt a Kf i ee enum os a) ump (also elle Ca°™-ATPase mp), whch dves Ca ot the ello fom he el int the stoi ec nd i) the etn (7pm. lon aren ener by tive anspor can be pled we active anspor of molecles sch as etn ain ais Sad sess econ” a>, (Ctrampart the ano an oe oe miele coup 0 2 anspor on Symprt se silanes movernet of Fah inte sie deco, while amir ssmulseous mavens in {ivan or dring sei usp Gace car be weno 39 ‘ype aclisteddiasion while Ch and HCO, sce tanspered coos strnte membrane by an amp cited dion ppl onl ubehppC ard HCO, mopeds he dntion pening nthe revaing eoacraton get, ‘cthetsportegesenery genera ATPhyosisto ADP ouple w the pup of sn asi te concenatonsadent stron bine a can eine Anvanpe he ea ce tang NWTK'ATPase pnp Tiss anor svyme ‘stm which gues Na, Kad mags fs (ME) ae rventn vinta slaninalces withewevally gh concemtarm Imex thos suchas nerve an most, an els ately mote Nx eemcractosthepa emlans xapL ne dey cre and atary gas The Pas ayes nln sompreeo 40 msn 119}Daal wo gpomeaten aise 3 vende Daeg AT? hyn the eesbanit i paphonlated and dpc ed tn pei spre rsd wo or « P-aparany phosphite Phorporltionreques No and Mbt mot Khe Sep tones belt lo Mg Te retin rnp ha teen desl ine conformations fle energy el the NTPs is tins eer an E-Etype transporter. The ATPase yur sine y te carota gin at ‘ouabain Osi, dco is Hah FLO sok, hs en etensely Gos tangy paves an xsl of th ais ifxng nt sctvetanspos. terme zig unport necansman he ter "symport mechan Garo ean tipi ery by feline diason. The Mitac conn K,)for passe wpe ino ertheless about 1 Smal eat ns conenation 3 laos, sou SU fhe wae yermese molecules wie bons ty gluse molecule), Since he coon of phcese fn Raa owl saroun4-6 mm, home ype ino erytoeyen i csr Meinl maximum ies, Th pomsame nope se te -one of gluons nt sigriRcaly tanpored ito the seehocye {resid olf srt he apr etm. Once ie th el. “nme isphorphorytdand con ao ngr ae te cal Tepemeate for slocore ako termed a -hexoee permene. Ii a integra ‘embran poco lecular weigh 48 He foundin pls menraes otis tli the ide wise ard instil pice One cle of laos ove ais ts ‘oncerton jratient and one fon of Nav eve dma is ‘Sonceatation grat by failed siason. Bt he stem is ‘imal dency he NoK-AP Pas pun, Thesympet teeter 1 secondry ctv respon syle, Amico acis ate salty ramped ‘The C3™ pump san fy ype sive apt pnp ian eg nea pen, phen ana rete ng Ca hydro I ekaryonc cell C3 hinds taco binding rie ‘ile calmedaln nthe copes nds the Cup Orbea

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