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(cid:1)ABC-ARTICLE Mediastinal goiter diagnosed by functional imaging Guido Michels1*, Markus Dietlein2, Carsten Kobe2 and Roman Pfister1 1Department IIIofInternal Medicine, UniversityofCologne, Cologne, Germany;2Department of Nuclear Medicine,University ofCologne, Cologne, Germany A 63-year-old asymptomatic woman with cured Hodgkin diseases presented for restaging. The chest computed tomography showed a mass at the right side of the upper mediastinum. The benignity and the originofthetissuewereunknown.First,weperformedabronchoscopy-guidedbiopsybutwithoutsuccess.In thenextstep,weinitiatedradionuclideimagingwithtechnetium-99mpertechnetate(Tc-99m)andradioiodine (I-123).LowuptakeofTc-99mandintense accumulationofI-123after2and24htothemediastinalmass suggestedthatthemasswasamediastinalgoiter.Basedoniodineuptakeandthefactthatourpatienthadno symptomsof tracheal compression, wedecidetogoforaradioiodine therapy. Keywords: mediastinalgoiter;mediastinaltumor;scintigraphy;iodine-123;technetium-99mpertechnetate;radioiodineI-131therapy Received:9 December 2011; Revised:21 December 2011; Accepted:28 December 2011;Published:19January2012 A 63-year-old asymptomatic woman with cured 24 h shows organification of iodine, which is specific for Hodgkin diseases presented in our hospital for thyroid tissue. Tc-99m uptake stands for trapping of an restaging. iodine analog in the early phase, but Tc-99m is not used Thephysicalexaminationandthelaboratorytestswere for the synthesis of thyroid hormone. Thyroid nodules, withoutpathologicalfindings.Thechestcomputedtomo- which accumulate Tc-99m, but the late I-123 scans are graphy(CT)showeda54(cid:1)44(cid:1)75mmmassattheright iodinenegative,arecalled‘trappingonlynodules.’Insuch side of the upper mediastinum (Fig. 1A). The benignity a constellation, the dignityof the tissue remains unclear, andtheoriginofthetissuewerestillunknown.Therefore, and patients are not qualified for radioiodine therapy. Based on I-123 uptake and the fact that our patient had after the CT, we performed abronchoscopy with biopsy no symptoms of tracheal stenosis such as stridor, we becauseitwasverydifficultradiologicallytodifferentiate, decide for a radioiodine therapy. The post-therapeutic for example, lymphoma (relapse) from other mediastinal I-131 scans 5 days after I-131 application show the tumorssuchasgoiter.Thehistopathologicalresultswere organification of I-131 (E). One year later, magnetic unfortunately without success. Fine-needle biopsies are resonance imaging presented goiter shrinkage without oftendifficultbecauseoftheinaccessibilityofthemassor narrowingofthetrachea(F). oftheunreliabilityoftheresults.Inourcase,abroncho- scopy-guidedrebiopsyaswellafine-needleaspirationwas Learning points refused by the patient. In the next diagnostic step, we initiated radionuclide imaging with technetium-99m per- 1) Mediastinal goiters arethe most frequent masses in technetate (Tc-99m; Fig. 1B) and radioiodine (I-123; the superior mediastinum (1(cid:2)3). Fig.1C,D).LowuptakeofTc-99mandintenseaccumu- 2) The CT and radionuclide imaging can suggest or lationofI-123after2h(Fig.1C)and24h(Fig.1D)tothe make the diagnosis in most cases. mediastinal mass suggested that the paratracheal mass 3) Intreatment,theradioactiveI-131therapyhasbeen wasamediastinalgoiter.TherelativelyexpensivetracerI- effectively used to reduce the size of intrathoracic 123 offers the following advantages compared with Tc- goiters. 99m: I-123 has the higher gamma energy of 159 keV insteadof141keVandhashigheruptakeintothethyroid, Conflict of interest and funding which is relevant for the penetration of the gamma The authors have not received any funding or benefits emitters through the chest wall. The I-123 scan after from industryor elsewhere to conduct this study. LibyanJMed2012.#2012GuidoMichelsetal.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution- 1 Noncommercial3.0UnportedLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/),permittingallnon-commercialuse,distribution,andreproduction inanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Citation:LibyanJMed2012,7:15693-DOI:10.3402/ljm.v7i0.15693 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) GuidoMichelsetal. AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FF Fig.1. (A)Contrast-enhancedCTdemonstratesahomogeneousmassattherightsideofthemediastinum(arrow).(B)Thyroid scintigraphywith75MBqTc-99mpertechnetate.Thescanningshowedonlymarginalactivitythroughoutthemediastinalmass (arrow).(C)Scintigraphywith10MBqI-1232hpost-injection.(D)Image24hlater.ThelateaccumulationofI-123attheright thyroid lobe and the mediastinal mass are the direct evidence that both areas are composed of athyroid hormone-producing tissue. (E) Image5 daysafter I-131therapy.(F) Magnetic ResonanceImaging(MRI)1 yearafterradioiodine therapy. References *GuidoMichels DepartmentIIIofInternalMedicine 1. Hardy RG, Bliss RD, Lennard TW, Balasubramanian SP, UniversityofCologne Harrison BJ. Management of retrosternal goitres. Ann R Coll KerpenerStr.-62,DE-50937Cologne,Germany Surg.2009;91:8(cid:2)11. Tel:(cid:3)49(221)47832379 2. Madjar S, Weissberg D. Retrosternal goiter. Chest. 1995; 108: Fax:(cid:3)49(221)47832355 78(cid:2)82. Email:[email protected] 3. Rives JD. Mediastinal aberrant goiter. Ann Surg. 1947; 126: 797(cid:2)810. 2 Citation:LibyanJMed2012,7:15693-DOI:10.3402/ljm.v7i0.15693 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose)

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