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Media Manifestos: On the Technological Transmission of Cultural Forms PDF

186 Pages·1996·4.63 MB·English
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•• 1897-1997 100J ahre SpardBaa-nkK asseelG gestiftiD)e Jta br 1997 • • • • e la anI es os Ont hTee chnoloTgriacnaslm ission ofC ultuFroarlm s --�.�-- REGISD EBRAY Transtleadb y EriRca uth • VERSO LondonN ew York • Frisptu bldib syhV eers1o9 69 Thiesdi ti©o Vner s1o9 69 Transla©t EiroiRnca u t1h 996 Manfsietmeesd ialogiques Firpsutb ldia ssh e , © EditiGoanlsl im1a99r4d Alrlgih trse rsveed Therg ihotf E riRca utthob ei edntifaiset dht er anslator oft hwiosr hka bse nea srstdeeb yh imi na ccordwaintche thCeo pygrhitD,es ingsa ndP antteAsc t1 9 8 8 Veros UK:6 M earSdt ereLt,o ndWo1nV 3HR USA:1 80V ariSctkr eNeewt Y,o rkN Y 100 14-4606 Versios itmhper oifnN te wL eftB ooks ISB1N8- 594-89752 - ISB1N- 85894-70-86( pbk) BritLiishb raCrayt aloguiinPn ugb licaDtaitoan A catalroegcuofero dtr h ibso oiksa vailfarbotlmhee B ritLiisbhr ary LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation D ebraRye,ig s. [Mansitsfme eediailqeousgE.n glish] M edimaa neisft:oo snt htece hnoilcotagrla nsmission of cultfuorram/lRs e igsD ebra:yt randsb lyaE treiRca uth. p.c m. Texstub mitatsepd a rotf tvihveoa rd, i srsteatdifeonens e, confiinrtgmh cea ndi'dsaa uttehiottryod icrtre eesacrhP.r seneted att heS orbo(nPnraeiI s)o n J an8.,1 994 Icnlusdb eibliogrrafepeehrncisec.a l ISB1N- 5898-4972-5I.S B1N- 8590884-7-6( pbk.) 1 M.a smse diaP hiolpohsy2..S meioti3c.Psh .i los,o phy Frnech2 0tchne tur4y.M. asmse diaan dtc ehnoglyo.1 .T itle. P90D4.31 31 996 30223.0'1 dc20 95-15442 CIP Typ esteb yM Rulse Pridna tnedb ounidnG reaBtr itaiBidnd IbeLyst d, GuildafnodrK din g'Lsy nn Thibso ohka bsee np ubldi swhietthhfe i nanacsisails otfa nce thFer nechMi nisotfCr uyl ture • • • , • Behoalc da nvvaass t. Seutp oingt o ldaerna bess.q ue VictorH ugo Pub\ , . "7 .... "') ,r ," ,,- .� = ... ' • • ' d_ KASSEL I -Land;:}sbib1ivthek I_:nd l'1urhardsche Bibliotdheerk Stadt Kassel - I - � .. .. . ·10'· ' = 1 1 788 176 0 C o n t e n t s PARTO NE:F ORA MEDIOLOGY 3 I.I dentiCtya rd 1 .Re minder 3 2 .I detinCthye ck 6 3 .Pr imaDreyf initions 1 1 4 .B yI nvarainaVdna trsi ations 2 1 5 .W haitsa M ediars?ep he 2 6 IT. 4 1 A NewT urn? 1 .Va stM isunderstanding 4 1 2 .M ediloogGye neration 4 9 3 .Re trocstpiGevlea nce 52 4 .T heM agiocfI ntelligence 5 8 5 .O na F ewH andicaps 62 6 .I nterparnedOtr ignagn iTzoiE nagc:h hiVsoc ation 66 7." Mediuims Maeg"sesA: C riqtu'ies Critique 69 8 .Th eF orocfeF orms 74 • • • Vttt MEDIA MANIFESTOS 8 0 IllP.h liosoipchaTle rrain 1 ." WayIsn W hicWhe StiRlelv e"r e 8 1 2 .E mergaittn hgWe r onPgl a:Hc iestorical Materialism 8 8 3 .O na F ewH iddePnr ecursors 9 7 4 .O neP atLhi kAen yO ther 1 02 IV. 1 0 8 Towaradn E coloogfCy u ltures 1 .Ma king UDpe lfaoyrs 1 0 8 2 .F oarM ed-iEathics 1 41 3 .Re habilTiecthantoiyln ogg 1 1 8 4 .E thiUcnsd er Pressure 124 IN PART TWO: DEFENSEO F THE IMAGE 1 3 3 ImageNso,tS igns I.D iscipNleiingahrbayon rdCs r editor1s3 3 IlF.r oEms setnocE feif cacy 1 3 8 IlTlh.e I magieNs otaL anguage 1 45 IV.A ReligMiaotuesr ialism 1 5 7 APPENDICES MedioloTgabilceasl 1 71 Coudresm edilooggieen erale Excefrorpmt 1 71 A Hitsoyr tohfWe es tneE rye Excefrrpotm 1 72 � L'Esteadtu cteur Excefrorpmt 1 73 Wordv sL.e tter 1 47 Glorsys a 1 75 SelBeicbtl aipohgyr 1 78 i " PART ONE F OR AM E D I OL O G Y • , A N o t ea bo u tC o nt etx Thitse xwta ss ubmiatspt aerdot ft hvei voard istsaetrdieofne nse cofnirmtihncega ndisda autteh'otroid tiyr recets eaIrtwc ahs. preseanttt ehdSe o robnn(eP raiso nIJ )a nua8r,1y 99 4t,o a committceomep oseodfM essrDsa.in eBlo ungouxB,e rnard Bourg(erpoeidssii n)Rg,o geCrh ar,tF irearn<;Doagiosg n(emitn ­ uetsJ)a,c qLueeG sof fa ndMi chSeelr res. I I d etnit y C ar d " Mediol"om gayys eeamn a mbiguaonudes v ednu bitoeurs.m Itmse aninnege tdosb ed ist.iB lelfeoddroei snogIw anbtr ileyf tor etrtahcseet etphsah ta ve tlote hddi iss cairppylr ieoncjt. 1. R e m idner Thehya vtea kseonm tew isatntsdu rbnesg,i nwniitnthgh c eo n­ tempormaerdyio arrt epresebnytt ehdem oderFnr ench (eTaecrhsWr,i teCresl,e britiTehseS, c ribe, intellectual 1 799; mediation 1 98 0a)s,c entdoi ng pesrei n aigtesll eosgsin ceacle s­ (rCitioqfPu oielt liR ceaaosn, sity 1 938)o,n ltyoa rrfiivnea altl y media (oCusres the ort hceo ntempporroacreydo ufir nefsl uence inG enerMaeld iologyA, H istyoo rft hWee setrEny e, 1 9 9 1 ; ThSee duSctteaer, 1 992; 1 99 3),* Att hoeu tsIew ta,sc oncewrintephdr obtihntego foa miliar ideology. term Iht aadp pearmeedd, e tsopt ihtMeea rxliescgty a, tha"dti eogly"ow oulodn lbye cocmlee awrheerrn e movferdo m episteme parxis; thsee amntfieiclo dft he to that tohfme i esald­ thaeni tthsoe fss iciteiinfck nwoleged inngo tioofin d eoyla osg leatdoso uru nderstiantad sii lnlgu osri omnre ferlcee tioan , 'ChaprtV eIIoIfA Histoofr ytW ehset eErynea p peaars"s T hTeh reAege so f Crilt iIcna2qu1i ry1 959),5 295-5 . Lookiinng " (pSring pp. ChaprIt eIis p ubldi she CommoKnn owledge, 2 1995) in vol4.,n o.( Fall undret htei t"lTeh Iem gaev . LanggueaT:r ansmiStytmibn.ogl"[ sT .rs] 3

This volume launches a new sub-discipline of the human science, "mediology". It includes: a new way in which to analyze and think about the media from the city state to the Internet; a debate on the transition, from quill to print, to video and the effects of these changes on society; and an examina
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