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Medfield High School Yearbook PDF

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MEDFIELD HIGH SCHOOL 0en Adams Brad Cosma Taylor Lipsy Teetdy Elizabeth Harrity Patrick Martin Ella Shrove pofrfcfe *,‘’Yer M'g„ r0\,ne Bonde Oscar Diaz uv,„ u c*IOr>Q t /dr , c» ,U *•"■"• ft <v ^ *"”» £j?"y .*<>* t*c*aela Anton Mary Cro„/« Saplu**n^ - *> •* py Johnson Macey Musto Qrgf)* * sn* A ^ K-$f> SchHlir,3 ■ .<,v ^ - ^ " *% %* \SS .S* @* V ^ .<+* \Sb44SJ '****<.. d&ju Vi, »/er ** G> <\*0^.. ^ad’v*0r',.riTlrtlhn Jock fteitfy f SVi^a! ^vaJrThris Hogan co- Ao«*>‘ A'* CO'*' A ** *% ^ Mrs!-* Ro9eri<> Are SPa<*h '*& lJ***l*r!SL <*tori *nan Dugan Reilly i ^ \Co^'er vc**0* low fe •c 1C c & % % ^vO^a O’ - ^\*e _ *5 *£ dvy* ^ ** "’- 8m * " <iZ *™' 5 2 <.v ^ • <$> ^v»'rV ^tOO»n «* ^ ;«c« vs0* XV . 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M C — •*- w C M Rachel Cohen Bryan Chu % t3 CO *- «->-1 n S* i « o 3 H ja -Z ° Gabrielle Falvey ° 5" 3 U) Kyle Infantino Steven Sabia ^ ST Maggie McCarthy Sam Evans — . 2 & Paulina Colivas Mike Foley Anton Kobrin Renee Perry Kate Taylor Ryjian Zhang Sean Tyer Opening Seniors Student Life Underclassmen I S * ;• Faculty & Academics Medfield High School Clubs & Organizations Advertisements 88R South Street Medfield, MA 02052 Closing "We're Going to Party Dedicated to the year the seniors were born... 1999 The year of 1999 to 2000 involved many sporting events. The Yankees won the World Series in both 1999 and 2000. The US Women’s World Cup team had a victory over China in a 5-4 win in penalty kicks with 90,185 people in attendance...the largest number of fans to ever attend a women’s sporting event. Lance Armstrong fought a three-year battle with cancer and then won the Tour de France. This year marked the beginning of the era of early 2000s music. Britney Spears was highly popular, as her "Baby One More Time" album was just released and became an instant hit. NSYNC was also growing in popularity, as their "No Strings Attached" album was released in March of 2000. Many TV shows and movies back then became classics. Popular TV shows included Gilmore Girls, Survivor, CSI, Spongebob, Family Guy, and Dora the Explorer. Popular movies included GastAway, Bring It On, Toy Story 2, and Final Destination. Like It's 1999!" p«»e, A glimpse into the year of the millennial babies... The transition into the new millennium brought the craze of the Y2K shutdown. People believed that computers would completely shut down, causing chaos and panic. Technology was definitely on people's minds back then, though, as Apple began designing its first iPod. This year also introduced many trends that have stayed relevant ever since. While many people were devastated by the announcement of the end of Beanie Babies, they still remain a popular collector's item today. The Harry Potter books were also a hit back then and have continued to be popular. Bill Clinton was the president of the U.S. during this time; although his impeachment trials began on January 7,1999, he remained in office. Three months later, the Columbine Shootings occurred and became a catalyst for the debate over hand-gun control. Can you imagine Ben Adams being an only child? Can you imagine Ben Alford with a filter? Can you imagine Emma Anderson not twirling her hair? Can you imagine Kayla Anderson looking like a senior? Can you imagine Michaela Anton telling a short story? Can you imagine Caroline Arcari winning a cross country race? Can you imagine Amelia Ashton running without Kate Doherty? Can you imagine Caroline Augustini with sisters? Can you imagine Maggie Baker eating meat? Can you imagine Jack Barrett not looking rattled? Can you imagine Haley Bigelow without makeup? Can you imagine Mark Bissell and Devan Venkataraman without a fire soundcloud? Can you imagine Grace Bond without curly hair? Can you imagine Caroline Bonde not dancing? Can you imagine Jenny Bragg being the nice twin? Can you imagine Sarah Bragg not working at Donut Express? Can you imagine Becca Brown without Cape Cod? Can you imagine Kelsey Cahill without camp? Can you imagine Christina Camillo without her laugh? Can you imagine Catherine Caputo without horses? Can you imagine Allison Carlin not losing her phone? Can you imagine Abby Carlson not being called Gail? Can you imagine Michael Catanese without his orange sweatshirt? Can you imagine James Cawley without a mustache? Can you imagine Jasmin Chan whispering? Can you imagine Bryan Chu being tall? Can you imagine Jane Clifford without Angela Salisbury? Can you imagine Alii Clower without sarcasm? Can you imagine Rachel Cohen not wearing pajamas? Can you imagine Paulina Colivas not working with little kids? Can you imagine Lizzy Coflotta without her camera? Can you imagine Liam Conran without Skyrim? Can you imagine Alanna Cooney without blond hair? Can you imagine David Corrigan talking? Can you imagine Katharine Corzilius without softball? Can you imagine Brad Cosma without “The Hair"? Can you imagine Jess Coulombe without JSA? Can you imagine Abby Crofts ever being on time? Can you imagine Brigitte Cronin wearing anything but black? Can you imagine Mary Cronin being a ited Sox fan? Can you imagine Christian Daniele without coffee in his hands? Can you imagine Caroline Davenport not wearing Crocs? Can you imagine Brooke Deady not being tired? Can you imagine Kaley DeMarzo without the gym? Can you imagine Sarah DeMilfe with her natural hair color? Can you imagine Rachel Denney with a small water bottle? Can you imagine Alexa Desjourdy being on time? Can you imagine Anthony Devlin without his headphones? pm a <•] wS :-. aiKil|l|iP|^ Can you imagine Oscar Diaz being called Luis? Can you imagine Kate Doherty running without Amelia Ashton? Can you imagine Nolan Driscoll without golf? Can you imagine Aaron Dron without Santa Baby? Can you imagine Jake Dubbs without Senora Rodenhi? Can you imagine Isabella Dudley still playing soccer? Can you imagine Charlotte Duffy with good luck? Can you imagine Amanda Dumais not being a cheerleader? Can you imagine Graham Duprey not distracting others? Can you imagine Sadie Durham without Kristen Reardon? Can you imagine Jenevieve Erickson without her violin "hickey"? Can you imagine Sam Evans without his "snow days and music" videos? Can you imagine Liam Farrell without his Land Rover? Can you imagine Diana Fedak not laughing at everything? Can you imagine Teddy Feglej' not talking about his dog? Can you imagine Max Ficcardi without his caddy? Can you imagine Gina Fitzpatrick without candy? Can you imagine Skylar Flynn without Disney? Can you imagine Mike Foley without Chatham? Can you imagine Veronica Frazier without blond hair? Can you imagine Xiaofan Gao without her nickname? Can you imagine Noah Garfield without Track? Can you imagine Liam Gately with a tan? Can you imagine Chris Gauch without skiing? Can you imagine Mason Giunta without ketchup? Can you imagine Julia Graham without a nanny? Can you imagine Will Graziano without his sneakers? Can you imagine Sophie Griffin with short hair? Can you imagine Samira Hajj without a NASA t-shirt? Can you imagine Morgen Hall without her hair up? Can you imagine Danny Hanrahan without Skip? I Can you imagine Maddie Harding being tall? Can you imagine Elizabeth Harrity without block walks? Can you imagine Connor Haskell without soccer? Can you imagine Megan Hawley not eating carrots? Can you imagine Kyle Heaney without gym shorts? Can you imagine Abby Heidke without her creative ideas? Can you imagine Emma Hilvert without the Red Nun? Can you imagine Chris Hogan without diabetes? Can you imagine Maggie Hurley with short hair? Can you imagine Matt Ibla not being Colombian? Can you imagine Kyle Infantino without plain colored shirts? Can you imagine Isabel Johnson without horses? Can you imagine Jean Johnson without red hair? Can you imagine Joe Johnson without skiing? Can you imagine Py Johnson being called Ryan? Can you imagine William Johnson without a wheelchair? Can you imagine Genna Katsikaris without an incredibly hard last name to spell? Can you imagine Krystalbel Kizito as short?

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